Park Chan-wook’s Hollywood debut

Master of the psychologically disturbed dark thriller, director Park Chan-wook (Old Boy, Thirst) is poised to direct his first film in Hollywood, starring…Jodie Foster? I’m trying to wrap my head around Park Chan-wook directing Jodie Foster…hm…does anyone else think that if they remake Old Boy, they should make HER the star? And have him direct? Now THAT’s a thing I’d like to see.

The thriller stars Carey Mulligan (An Education, Pride and Prejudice) alongside Foster, as a young woman whose uncle reappears in her life in the wake of her father’s death. Nothing in the premise to suggest anything otherworldly, but there is reportedly a supernatural element in the story.

That might help to explain the title, Stoker, which if it isn’t a reference to Bram Stoker or something like that, is a ridiculous title. Also, it’s an added layer of funny because in Korean, the transliteration is [스토커], which is the same word as “stalker.” You see why I thought the movie was one thing, then discovered it was another.

The screenplay is written by Prison Break star Wentworth Miller (Huh. That’s interesting.) and is planning for a 2012 release. I don’t know that I enjoy the fact that Korea’s star director might end up a cog in the Hollywood machine (Wow, that sounded unintentionally bitter), but I guess we’ll have to wait and see if he manages to retain his stylistic flair…the thing that makes Park Chan-wook… Park Chan-wook.

Via Star News


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Wait wait....Wentworth is writing?! I must have missed something...


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Wentworth Miller ............................. as a writer ... exactly my thoughts !


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Out of this whole post, the Wentworth Miller thing is what stuck out to me lol.


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Me too. I mean I like Wentworth I think he's a good actor (plus he's soooo fine) but I never took him for a writer. I guess I'm just gonna have to wait until it comes out.

Atleast Jodie Foster thought the script was good, enough to take the job.


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lol the fact that wentworth wrote the screenplay is the most surprising bit of news in this post. i hope he can write as hot as he looks. i keep thinking about his stint in daytime soap opera where his character was a male cheerleader? haha but carey mulligan is a doll. i'm looking forward to this


A cheerleader?? OMG please tell me he actually cheered, and that you have a youtube clip.

*dies from the mockery potential*


Warning: Amount of bad early 2000s fashion and may make you gag, but there are some great one liners.... "It's over cherry. You're Jamba Juice. I know all about your history."



Warning: Amount of bad early 2000s fashion and cheesy acting may make you gag, but there are some great one liners.... "It's over cherry. You're Jamba Juice. I know all about your history."



He graduated from Princeton University completing his bachelor's degree in English Literature. His father is a lawyer and teacher that study at Oxford. He not just a pretty face by no means, Jodie Foster is a brainy as while. This is a good look for him, but it differently not surprising given his background....


Same here..lol
I'm sorry but sexy Wentworth is a writer? DAMN I think he might just be my dream guy. I love a sexy hot good looking guy that has a sensitive down to earth kinda a side & writing goes in that category.

Imagine him writing love poems....awww..*melt*..lol


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Hmm, he does have a degree in English Lit from Princeton. And worked for a while in production... so I sort of can wrap my head around it.


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Wentworth does have degree in English from Princeton I believe so it's not a stretch.


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dude Jodie foster in an 'Old boy' remake/reimagining would be epic! thats the only way it could possibly work!

anywhos I ll definitely look forward to the Stoker :) though theres no mention of what Foster's role in the film will be.


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exactly! good one GF! that's a great idea! THAT, and wentworth miller writing, are d 2 things that caught me in this post. Both, are interesting *smizing*

unless they do interesting twists like a woman as star in Oldboy, then there really is no need for a remake.


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I am kinda nervous about this, but I don't know why. Anyone else?


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this sounds...awesome. park as the writer, foster AND mulligan (omg i love her so much), and miller as the writer. don't know how miller would be as a writer though. interesting combination haha. looking forward to it.


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i meant park as the director WHOOPS.


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so let me tell you this : no matter how talented a korean director is, if he will make a movie with americans actors speaking english language,the movie will be average,if not bad. No matter how talented and how 'korean' he is, he can't change the fact that the movie will be an AMERICAN one! You simply can't change that fact.

Park Chan Wook is a genious and one of the best directors ever, but if the movie he'll make will be american, he will have no choice but to adapt to holywood style in movie making, he'll have to adapt to american culture, and the most important thing : he'll also have to adapt to another one's script!
Having said that, i'm sure this movie will be...
J U S T ~ A N O T H ER ~ A M E R I C A N ~ M O V I E
end of story


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I think they like his style. If they're going to up and change it and give him a specific set of directions, they might as well not choose to hire him. With Mulligan in it, I don't think this will be another 'American' film as you put it, each project Carey chooses is different and in no way is it mainstream. I think it's going to be cool. Not just because filmmaking is becoming really international but because it will be fun to see how the story plays out. And Carey is good. Of course, I'm excited that Jodie Foster's in this too.


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Yea. These actresses aren't the type that just churn out crappy movie after crappy movie... I think they can make it good. I think it will be an American movie... doesn't mean it can't be good, especially with a great director at the helm.


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I can see where you are coming from but with Foster and Mulligan on board I highly doubt this will be just another american movie. Both Mulligan and Foster are extremely talented actresses whom have a tendency to do darker or more indie type films (with some exceptions in Foster's case). Mulligan doesn't just do any role if you look at her resume so the fact that she signed on to do this film gives the screenplay some clout to me. Also even though we know him as a TV actor, Wentworth Miller got his Bachelor's in English Literature from Princeton, so I have a little more faith in his ability to write than if some other TV actor wrote the screenplay. Also they chose Park Chan Wook to do this movie because they like his style of directing so it would be kind of pointless to bring him on board and not let him do what he does best.

As for the Hollywood remake of Oldboy, it would of been epic if not only they had Park Chan Wook direct it but had Mulligan in it. A lot of people here say Foster would do great, and she would, but if they had Foster play the girl, they would have to have someone really old play "old boy" because Foster quite old herself.


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That was exactly my thought - Mulligan as Mi-do.


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thanks for the info re Wentworth Miller being an Eng Lit grad from Princeton. I didn't know that about him. I love only 3 men in this world (and in this lifetime) - my hubby, WENTWORTH MILLER AND JO HYUN JAE.....


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No, I was thinking more like Foster in Choi Min-shik's role, as in a reimagining, rather than a remake.

'Cause that would be badass.


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right! right on!!!


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What do you mean by "just another American movie"? I don't quite understand what you're implying, probably because I don't go to the movies that often.


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i happen to love many American movies, so i suppose that's a compliment...


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wentwroth miller apparently attended princeton...


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Park Chan Wook is in negotiations, peeps, his role as director hasn't been finalised yet but I wouldn't count it as his Hollywood debut since most of the LA bigwigs and critics have been raving about Oldboy for quite some time.

Technically, if he gets the deal, then this would be his debut. See, that's the thing that is so frustrating about the press. Some newspapers talk about it like it's a done deal, signed and confirmed, some say he's 'in talks'..


My guesses.
If it bears no reference to Bram Stoker, his life or his famous novel, then perhaps it is a reference to the relationship between the young woman (Mulligan) and her uncle? A stoker tends the furnace and adds fuel, right? So, her uncle basically helps her with the grief.


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I meant, if he gets the deal, this film would be his Hollywood debut officially.

And if Bram Stoker's novel, is mentioned in some way, well, or if there are vampires, I say if, then it would be especially interesting to note that Park Chan Wook's previous project was Thirst which as you all know has vampires.


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i think the question would arise from this, "does he speak english?"
he is going to have a hard time directing if he can't communicate with his actors..


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Wentworth Miller as a writer? Let's hope he's better at writing than acting.


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Considering he got his Bachelors in English Literature at Princeton, I am pretty sure he can write well.


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Oh, I know. Doesn't mean he's a good writer because he studied good writing.


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What the?! a Bachelor in English Literature!?! at Princeton no less!?!
Damn this guy really is a dream guy.
A hot sexy good looking guy with brains & a sensitive side to him. OMG...Wentworth please be single..lol


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The used-to-be-hot-guy from Prison Break writing a screenplay for Park Chan-wook is definitely... totally random lol. On the other hand, the two actresses are kind of big names (Carry Mulligan's definitely a rising star, she's doing the movie of Never Let Me Go too!), so it has potential to be a good American movie.
But that's just the thing, isn't it? It'll be an AMERICAN movie. So ultimately I don't care all that much.


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Last time I checked....some pretty amazing movies have come of America. I'm a lover of films period. Regardless of where they come from US, Canada, England, France, Germany, Korea, Japan, India, ect ect. Every country can make amazing movies and crappy ones. I think it's terrible everyone is assuming it's going to be bad b/c it's going to be made in the states. How about a "Yea!!!" for more diverse views and visions in Hollywood. If they hired PCW to direct a movie i'm sure they are familiar with his style and tone of directing and chose him for that reason.


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I'm kind interested in how this will turn out.


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that was enlightening - now i'll definitely be keeping my eyes out for this movie. it'll be interesting to see what Park Chan-wook does with the script, seeing as the blogger thinks that it's a "vehicle for actors as opposed to directors". I can't see how Park Chan-wook could make a movie and you wouldn't know it was a Park Chan-wook movie.

at least someone has read the script and thinks it's decent, so we can say that Wentworth Miller is a decent screenwriter.


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I don't think there's anything wrong with Hollywood, really. I mean, yeah, obviously there are horrible things going on there, but just because a movie is being directed in Hollywood doesn't mean that it's going to suck. It seems a lot of times whenever news comes out about a Hollywood remake of something, people immediately start shrieking, "NO! THEY'LL RUIN IT! IT'S HOLLYWOOD! [insert dig at American movies]!" And yeah, sometimes it's best to leave classics alone -- like I'm kind-of against the Old Boy remake, I think it's pretty much impossible to top the original and it's perhaps best that no one tries to -- but at the same time, just because it's Hollywood, doesn't mean that it's bad.


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Yeah, but come on, the Hollywood process does tend to destroy our favourite things. ie (most recently) Avatar the Last Airbender =[

I'm not saying all American Cinema is bad, because it isn't and Hollywood has produced some fantastic movies. But Hollywood has a bad rep for creating unnecessary remakes (or adaptations like Airbender etc) that play on the idea that audiences won't like something if it doesn't have an American accent (maybe I should say Hollywood-American accent). In doing so, they lose certain aspects about the original work that made it so great. For me, its the equivalent of someone scribbling penises all over your favourite painting.

Or painting over the Mona Lisa to make her look happier, and therefore easier to look at, or something.


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Why not an hollywood debut with an Afro-American actress as second lead character at least ?


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I didn't know Wentworth is a writer too. Sorta surprised, as much as when he came out (of the closet). Good to know. :)

If Jodie Foster does play the lead role on something like Old Boy, then it would be a little bit like her role on The Brave One.


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I LOVE Carey Mulligan. This will be interesting.


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Love her too :). She deserves those Oscar / Golden Globe nod last year. Too bad she didnt win but to be nominated in the best actress leading role says a lot about her acting.


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Auteurs doing Hollywood movies is a mixed bag. In some respects, it's better if Hollywood hires you based on your music video portfolio, because they kinda presume you will shoot your movies somewhat like that style and thus you have more leverage.

I think the main thing is that Park Chan Wook probably won't be writing the adaptation Personally, I think as a director he's as overrated as Steven Sodenberg, but as a writer-for-his-movies, he's brilliant. It's where his black humor comes through.

Your first Hollywood movie is just a calling card. You don't get to make the movie you want, but if they like you, well then the conversation starts.

Unless if you're Wong Kar Wai.


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Wentworth writing screenplays!? What's next, Ben Affleck a great up and coming director?

Oh wait.


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Ben Affleck's new movie "The Town" currently has 94% positive reviews from 182 out of 194 film critics. He's not only the director but the main actor and writer.

Now if the unknown Havard drop out like Ben Affleck and Matt Damon can write and won an Oscar for Goodwill Hunting than Wentworth has a chance.


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Yeah, way to go, Kiara!


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it could also be because Wentworth Miller is a huge fan of Park Changwook's "Old Boy" and he had repeatedly mentioned about having an opportunity to work with him. jodie foster is a hollywood legend, so kudos for casting her. and carey mulligan is one of the rising british actresses out there who has extensively worked in both tv dramas and now movies.


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Aren't they too fast to assume that Park Chan Wook is the director? The thing is this could be fake as hell. Last time I heard, Bong Joon Ho had a talk with JJ Abrams, but then the news faded away. It seems like this news is fake. I hope he could have his style and control as a director, but I heard from other interviews that American directors don't have any control, so directing American film in America is not good option.


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