Episode 6 of Mary Stayed Out All Night postponed

Two major events have taken television programming priority in Korea, resulting in the pre-emption of a number of regularly scheduled shows this week. Included in the bunch is Mary Stayed Out All Night — so, no recap today.

First off, the recent North Korean bombardment on a South Korean island has sparked international outrage and concern, and has been the subject of special news reports on all three broadcasters. On top of that, there’s also the 2010 Asia Games in Guangzhou, China, which will continue through the end of this week, closing on Saturday, November 27.

Thus we’ll have to wait another week for Episode 6 of Mary Stayed Out All Night, originally scheduled to air today, November 23. SBS pre-empted variety show Strong Heart, although it did air a new episode of Giant (which was on at a later hour), while MBC pre-empted episodes of daily sitcom All My Love and daily drama Stormy Lovers.

As for the attack: On the 23rd, North Korea fired onto Yeonpyeong Island, located just south of the maritime border with a civilian population of about 1,600 and a military presence of 1,000. Two South Korean marines were killed, while 16 soldiers and 3 civilians were injured. This act of aggression comes eight months after the sinking of the South Korean Cheonan ship that killed 46 sailors. Read more in the following articles (in English) from Joongang Daily, Reuters, and New York Times.

Via Arts News




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I was stunned this morning when I was told about this... My korean teacher says that North Korea is almost finished lol.. I hope so ^^
Way for reunification !! :D but I guess it will take time...


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while i understand what you're saying, maybe try to revise that "NK will be finished lol". remember, there are innocent north korean citizens who have been struggling with poverty, hunger, etc. north korea isnt just about kim jong-il and his government, but also innocent citizens! i'm a wee bit offended with the "lol" and "i hope so", altho i'm betting you meant those for the NK government, right?


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okay I was totally misanderstood ^^'...sorry. I'm even shocked by the interpretation of my words.
I was just saying, finished as Korea being divided. Beside you don't chose if you were born in South or North korea.
I'm not saying capitalism is the solution, but I think democratie has its good points if appliable.. ^^'
I do believe that democratie could be hard if not imposible for countries as populated as China, but for North Korea? Totally possible.
Also lots of koreans I've been talking to believe that the north gvt is at its end, (as I was saying, and that explains my "way!" and "hope so") even if reunification would have its draws back as it did for Germany.
So plz don't be offended if I do hope of the end of Ki Jong Il government, which IS after all a dictature, but in no way was I talking about war against its citizens (which is just a very wrong and very weird idea, that you seemed to imply I was having)
So I would like to apologize if anyone understood the same, I don't believe war will be needed for the end of north korea gvt. I really think it will crumble on its own.
Also plz be kind on people posting, after all we don't all master English as we would like to, and so it can result in misunderstanding.. ^^'


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thats why we have to be careful of words [the usage of LOL in your 1st post] we use, even if english isnt our 1st. like i said, i knew what you were trying to say. i wasnt implying that you wanted war to wipe out NK... and to be honest, i dont know how Korea can reunite without some sort of force being applied.

i mean, how can NK throw out its government when Kim Jong-Il is the very definition of North Korea right now? and it's a sad thought that NK might need to go through what Iraq went for a reunification. [i pray that will never be the case because innocent lives will pay that price.]

anyway, misunderstanding has been cleared. i think most of us are on the same page, hoping nothing escalates into a [world] war. let the trending #prayforkorea conntinue.


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*nods nods* peace.


I really understand what you mean on your first comment.. prob is that some people might've misunderstood. :/ But anyway, well said for your explanation.


Please don't say that... let's just pray that by some kind of miracle, NK officials will have a change of heart and will never engage to anything violent so both north and south can live harmoniously.


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OMG! i thought everything was fine between north and south.. this is kind of shocking..


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It was just spurring and boiling underneath... I think, god forbids, an outburst will occur and the world will finish by 2012... I just hope Mary Stayed out all night will finish by that time....


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lol really? something this big happens and you're hoping that a drama will finish airing?


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Well .. it's a really good drama. It would be a shame to miss it.


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i think she was partially kidding.


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there was never a treaty signed in between the two. they've only been on a very long ceasefire. technically, there's still war between the north and the south.


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that's true they are still at war technically but the nk have been trying to stir things up for awhile now


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this is horrible...i wish speedy recoveries for those who are injured...


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1 more week for MSOAN...oh no!....I'm gonna die :'(
btw I wish korea-peace...


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This is so upsetting and outrageous... Till when North Korean will show abhorrence towards their blood relatives in the South. I don't buy the borderline segregations. How can political ideologies separate blood and heritage ties... Unconceivable.

As for Mary Stayed out all night!!! ..... Bummer... but cannot blame the channels it is disconcerting and loathsome to hear such news.. I wsh they find a solution besides war... Economic Crunch is getting on everyone's nerves...


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Actually, KBS was only airing coverage of the Asian Games... while I shook my fist at the tv...


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"How can political ideologies separate blood and heritage ties… Unconceivable."

true. this has often led people to question whose politics is really at work and why the populace have to suffer for the decisions of a few. well, that's how power plays. more often than not, ordinary citizens are only caught up in a conflict and separated forcefully from the ones they love. I can't imagine the agony the separated families go through, especially when they get the chance to meet up at the border (or when they don't when they're supposed to). we really have to pray that the power be held by righteous ones. and for reason to enter the minds of those who are not. let's pray and hope for the best for the people of Korea.


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And now I understand why Korea is still part of the few countries where community service is obligatory!
It's because of North Korea that so much of our dear actors are taken away every year!! >(


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yea and none of the other innocent citizens have to do anything, right? /sarcasm

what's upsetting to me is having to read comments like these where your oppas are priority during a time like this. there's more to these two countries than celebrities and Kim Jongil.


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I appreciate your comment a lot!


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i really hope you are trolling with these comments. if not... i have no words to waste on you.


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I hope you'd learn to extend your sympathies and compassion to ordinary people as well. War is horrible and nobody wants to be in it - except for a deranged few.

As for the kdrama actors, let them serve their country the way they're supposed to - just like any other Korean. What we should do is to pray that the hostilities end peacefully so no more lives would be wasted or threatened - North or South Korean, actor or no actor.


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Well said. I totally agree !!


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Agree on you on this wholeheartedly, izzie.

Been to South Korea and I know first hand how much they pray for their brothers in North Korea and only wish their unification. South Korea is how it is today, vibrant and dynamic, because of this long-term threat of North Korea. The strengthening of their men in the military is one of the ways they keep on their toes, not to be complacent nor comfortable despite the wealth they are experiencing and so keep the fire alive in their hearts, for their love for their country and for their long-lost brothers in the North. What we love to see in their cinema today, the depth and courage in their stories are in part the product of this national fervor. In a way, this is what is lacking in western cinema now. Suffering makes us more in touch with our soul and teaches us to value human dignity more.

We pray for God's mighty hand upon North and South Korea.


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I so agree. If you speak to them (SKoreans) about their brothers in the north, you could see the pain in their faces (and voices). So yes, it is a moral/emotional tragedy that if things turn to the worst, they would have to point guns at these brothers whom they ache to be reunited with. How nice would it be if the only repercussion of this strife is the world missing a few actors for a couple of years? But no, this matter poses problems from the macro to the micro. If the world feels pain out of this conflict of the north and the south, think about the internal turbulence it is causing the Koreans.


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I do was being sarcastic... about the fact that around the fuss of who is going into the army, and who is trying not to, we often forget what for the army is needed...


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I'm worried that other countries (ehem ehem, such as USA) will have to get in between this chaos now.. I'm praying this won't be another world war.. That would just be scary to witness one in this lifetime.. Praying for all the safety of Koreans.. Korea holds a special place in my heart, from the country to the people to the language to the culture to the music to the dramas and movies..

- Filipina fan.


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i think US has already condemned what NK had done. for sure, if the worst were to happen (hopefully not!), US will definitely be on SK's side.


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Yep, just saw articles that US have condemned NK for their actions. And I'm also sure US will be on SK's side. It's just sad that something like taking sides would have to occur at this time. NK is really threatening not only SK but the whole world. I live in US now, but as a Filipino, I'm also scared for Philippines and neighboring Asian countries to NK. They pose a great threat.


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wow they are threatening the whole world now. hope they still think it hard and may it occur to them that they are really wasting time, energy, money, and resources for nothing. the world should be united then.


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I don't think they (they as in the NK regime) will ever let go, because they know that if they ever did, they'll be condemned and never be let into (via voting I guess, for democracy) politics again. Or worse. They might be jailed for the acts of war they did.


The is a US Army unit whose motto is

"we stand alone"

Their duty is to blow the bridge at the joint operational area and die in place slowing down the NK. I don't think you have to worry about the US


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That's awful and quite disheartening. Sure, those US soldiers would be fighting to protect people, including me, but for them to do something that they know may kill them is terrible. Actually, now that I think of it, all soldiers do that. I understand that they do what they are told to do, but what about what they aren't told to do? Some go out of their way to protect others when they don't have to, while some do wrong things. It's rather complicated when you get down to it.


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I know :( i just can't imagine there to be world war 3 in this day and age even though i k now there's a lot of pollitical turmoil everywhere. the thought of it is so scary.


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HATE the war!!! Hope everyone stays safe ):


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just read the news...oh boy this is scary....hope it doesnt lead to anything now


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this news is sad, but not nearly as awful as the news about the north and south korean tension and violence.

my thoughts are with the korean people.


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btw, Gloria didn't air this weekend at all, because of the Asian games and previous weekend they aired only 1 ep. ...(from what I heard next ep. is on Sunday - ep. 32)
...I'm just saying, because you have the information on the right side of the page...


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North Korea is run by a mad man who has yet to take his medicine for a long long time. So many people have suffered under his ruling, he is no Mao Ze Dong. And he has to harm the lives of the innocents when he's going to kick the bucket any time. I'm worried for those inside the army. That mad man may just deny everything and once again warn countries that they would take military actions if they are blamed O.o


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"He is no Mao Ze Dong"???? What is that supposed to mean?? That Mao wasn't evil, or cruel or didn't kill millions of his people???? Because he was. And he did.

I don't know where you're getting your recent history of China, but unless you're getting the version given out in China, you would know that Mao was a wicked, terrible man who disregarded the lives of his countrymen much like Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot, the other 'greats' of that type (and by "other 'greats' of that type I mean horrid rulers who destroy their own people by the millions).


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But can you deny that Mao did kick-start China's road to development? In a way, there's some difference. I don't see any sight of progress under Kim's rule. Of course, I'm not saying that Mao's acts of destruction etc were the best ways to achieve that progress. But you can't deny that he did something for the country, which was in ruins after the Western parties oppressed and removed the monarchy.


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yea. Because of Mao, Chinese women are more empowered. "women hold up half the sky" In China, women are expected to do their part for the economy, they have more opportunities to succeed then other women in other parts of the world. Plus, I find that the extremely regulated environment of China now is good. At lest they are trying to find a balance between government intervention and letting the market run free. In America, government intervention is unheard of and look what the market does - goes haywire.

China's new economic policies are quite unconventional and even genius at times. (Don't say that Chinese are trapped by the gov cus the gov is actually sensitive to the remarks of Chinese netizens) Although much tweeking has to be done, I would say that Mao was evil but not completely useless.


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Government intervention is not unheard of in America.


wow..sorry to say this but this sounds a lot like brainwashed propaganda.

no dictator/tyrant is a good dictator/tyrant.


Actually, Mao's policies (aside from killing tens of millions of Chinese) halted Chinese progress for about 2 decades.

As for “women hold up half the sky”, it was more rhetoric than actuality.


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NK has renewed her efforts in nuclear energy, sank the sub and now the attack on the island. All these come about when the new successor was about to be announced and now confirmed. Its now not about the old man anymore, it is his son. He is not even 30 (if I remembered correctly), and if he started off this way, there might be a lot more to come from him. Please be no war!


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This really brings home what the sacrifice can be for the all the K-lads who join the army for two years...
This scares me and I'm on the other side of the world
I wish all those injured and frightened well.


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I've read it in the news and it was really depressing. There are innocent lives who suffered which really is heartbreaking. I hope they'll be fine and they'll recover soon.

As for the brave souls which were lost, we will be forever praying for your souls.

This is really an alarming news. I hope it would just end there. Let's pray for no war. War won't do anyone good anyway.


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I was expecting this kind of change in SK's broadcasting. I'm against any kind of war or conflict, hope borh cpountries get through this without more victims.
About MSOAN, i'll enjoy it better knowing there's no more tension with their neighbours.


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NOOooo was dying to see the new episode..
Unfortunate the news

I dont get it why on earth are they fighting?.. north or south it's same country.. is just like Turkey.. I had it when people kill there brothers TT... Hope there will be peace for both sides..
Thanks for letting us know ;)


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Why are they fighting?

There are huge ideological divisions sedimented by more than half a century of dynastic authoritarian rule on the one side and of powerful semi-capitalist interests on the other, all set against very delicate balanced yet complex global geopolitical interests.

Sigh. I think we all must be very careful discussing anything raised by this latest turn of events.


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like Turkey???? since when is Turkey a divided country???

it's more appropriate to say like Germany...when it was divided into West and East Germany! I can only hope for Korea that it will reunite peacefully just as Germany did more than 20 years ago!


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My Prayers to the families who lost love ones, may war never touch the life's of Koreans again, and may providence bring a proper resolution to this generational feud that is due for reconciliation!!!!!!!
: O {


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yikes.. let's hope it will blow over quietly like the previous incident.

Anyone knows what happens next week? do they show 3 epis next week or is the whole schedule pushed back by one episode?


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I guess the Korean war never really ended.

God bless the north and south.


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as far as i'm concern, there is no peace agreement signed by both countries since the end of Korean War in 1950's..so technically both of them are still in war at any time - so this is how they end up with...abrupt attack..


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I hope all civilians will be safe. It's not right to attack unarmed and defenseless people!


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I hope SK will stay calm and resolve this matter wisely. Somebody has to be the grown up in the relationship right?


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I was naively hoping that the food shipment to North Korea from South Korea last month spelled a sort of change in the tide of relations between the two countries. Link to NYTimes Article:( http://tinyurl.com/2d2hee5 ) I'm hoping against hopes that this situation will be quickly and bloodlessly resolved. My thoughts are with the South Koreans facing such an alarming act of aggression and with the North Korean civilians who have been struggling with famine and economic upheaval.
NYTimes article on currency revaluation: (http://tinyurl.com/36tsmcv)

I"m curious to hear other insights on the situation, as my perspective and information is based on what I hav gotten from English?American news outlets (NYTimes, The Economist and the BBC)


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Basically, a younger, more militant guard has taken the reigns over the NK military hierarchy.

Add to that Kim Jung-un wanting to show his power/consolidate his relationship w/ the NK military - these types of skirmishes precipitated by the North are bound to happen (the same thing occurred when Kim Jong il took power from his father).


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What cans the NKs possibly be thinking?! What are they hoping to achieve by this aggressive act?! Thank goodness China have reacted negatively towards this. Probably due to their plans to do more business in the West.

I have some good friends in Korea. I hope they're ok :(

I feel really strongly about this. I'm sure it's due to Kdramas, opening my eyes to the Koreans and their wonderful culture.


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Before I started watching kdramas I honestly didn't follow news about Korea. Somehow it was just a place on the map. Now, Korea is very real to me and I am very concerned for the safety of its citizens. S. Korea will certainly be in my prayers.
May the One who makes peace in the Heavens bring peace to S. Korea and to all the world.


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houstontwin, i'm sure SK and NK welcomes your prayers for peace.


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I pray for the safety of both Koreas .. I hate wars and I hope that one day they unify again


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OMG. North Korea please just get over yourselves.
Do they realized that they've killed two of their blood relatives? Just thinking of it makes me want to gag.


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They also killed 46 of their brothers earlier this year.


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The whole entire North Korea (including its citizens) didnt order the attack. one man did. so please watch the way you phrase your words. this is a very sensitive topic


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this is so stupid. why do they have to be so bent on destroying south korea? why cant people just run their countries and take of their own people rather than bothering other countries. War does not make any freakin sense. why dont people get that!? they think its some kind of game to go and hurt other people. People take the weight of life so lightly. The life of a person is not like the life of a computer or a toy, which can be damaged and replaced. Its something that once gone, can never come back. No matter how much history people learn and have the chance to get lessons from, some people just dont give a d*mn. Its just sick. Disgusting.


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My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Korea. I pray that this does not escalate any further. May God watch over them and keep them safe. Ameen.


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And I'm in Incheon!!! Mind you, none of the Koreans I spend time with on a daily basis seem to be very scared. It's surreal - I know if I was back in England my friends would be milking it for all it was worth.


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some SKoreans have pointed out that they are more concerned about their issue over Dokdo with Japan, than their longtime conflict with the North. maybe they have been used to the idea of the aggravation of the conflict with the North looming over their heads on a daily basis. at any rate, the attack is a very serious thing and I hope the conflict does not escalate.


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I'm sure that the people of N. Korea don't like war either. They're pretty much forced into it by their so-called "leader".

There was an article in "The Economist" that reported how some reporter journeyed to the border between China and N. Korea and, from faraway through the use of binoculars, photographed N. Korean citizens plowing their rural plot of land. Going into N. Korea is like traveling back to the early American 1900's, but worse. You tediously work all day and don't even earn enough to eat. Moreover, there is no possibility in the mere attempt of trying to escape from that devilish place; they shoot escapees.

I'm thoroughly appalled at how the N. Korean dictator is such a tyrant towards his own people, and then does a 180 to become a sycophant, kneeling at China's feet. If he were to change now, forgiveness could be an option, but I highly doubt that he would. I wonder what will be going through his mind as he stands at the gate of hell.


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Surrounded by our own modernism it is probably pretty shocking to see images like that. The thing is that they are cut off from the rest of the world, aren't they? The citizens probably have no clue of anything outside their borders, and what they do know is controlled completely through propaganda and what the government tells them (not to mention harsh repercussions for not thinking and doing what they tell you to). And I imagine for South Koreans, it must be pretty surreal too, thinking of their relatives up in the north leading such a different life from them.

This really bothers me, too; I'm Korean and during the Korean War a lot of family on all my grandparents' sides got separated, meaning I have cousins and aunts and uncles in North Korea who I don't even know about. My grandmother's sister and immediate family? They were left behind in the north before the border closed.

I think this whole issue is disgusting, and the KIJ regime sounds like dictatorship at its worst. It's one thing for a country to be a dictatorship in the mid-20th century when half the continent was the same, but NK is so backwards it's ridiculous.

It's terrible and I hope it doesn't get worse than the situation already is. Korea has needed to confront its issues for decades now and though it's high time they came to some sort of resolution, it's definitely worth hoping that they manage it without violence (considering general human history though, that's probably really unlikely).


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I couldn't believe the news, its so frustrating and crazy. NK is really about fire first ask question latter, and all their talk about the nuclear thing, just so..couldn't even find the word, here in my country we’re fighting against the govt’s plan to build the first NPP. I agree with you, being a NK people probably is the most unfortunate thing in this world even with all the hunger and disaster happens everyday in other countries, still it made me sad every time I think about the people of NK, living in a box with such a nutcase as their dear leader. Its hard not to think that some major violence would have to be involve to solve things between the two Korea but lets hope not. But to be frankly, as a Kdrama fan, the second thing that crossed my mind was..Omo, I hope Joo-ji Hoon is okay *sorry*


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It's such a surreal situation to look in on (I'm very much an outsider down here in New Zealand), there must be so many in Korea in a similar situation, with families divided and cut off. It's really horrible to think about, like something out of a dystopian novel or something. I hope that one day you get to meet your family and that the citizens of the two countries are at least allowed more open communication.


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it was a breaking news.. i hope there wont be any war..

but suddenly i remember i heard somewhere that kim jong il is a fan of lee young ae. hmm, mybe if lya try to calm him down, both n & s. korea could reunite? ok2, just kidding.

but seriously, i hope everything will be fine in both N & S. korea. we should put an end to any war.. any kind of war, anywhere. yes, including gaza.


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what ever the reasons, I hate wars. Everybody should do more for peace. wars only bring tears, I hope North and South will live in peace, they are brother after all. And the first victims of wars is the people.....Hello people on the top of political chair ! listen more to your people.....! STOP WAR!


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Someone needs to tell Kim Jong Il that no one cares anymore about the Cold War. It's getting old.


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Long as China keeps NK as a pet [if a rabid one] anything the rest of the world says is really of no importance, they just venting.


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*scratches head in frustration* Gah! I hate all this fighting and dying. I hate how people who once shared the same culture and language (okay, pretty much still do on a lot of parts right?) have to fight like this. I hate how people, innocent people, have to get hurt because of the stubbornness of a few. How many more have to die huh?! HUH?!

*sigh... and breathe* Man, I just hope that things work out peacefully... But if it doesn't, than freak. If another World War is the solution than bring it on. I'm being sarcastic of course, but there is a belief that after flames comes a new beginning (you know, burn the forest and replant; the phoenix; etc). I don't like the idea, but if that's the case, I don't want to be around when it happens. World Peace! And prayers for both sides of the border.


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Wow when I first read the story online it was listed as 2 casualties and that was bad enough. I'm sorry to hear that there were actually more and I hope things won't escalate further.


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It is sad that it actually happened. Human world is so cruel. Is a peaceful world that difficult to achive? To me, the civilian in both N and S Korea are the same. How could they fight against each other. The leader in NK should get over it and stop buidling a wall within the same country. I do not want to see WWIII in my life time or in the future period. That's why I love the belief in Socialism or Democracy but DO NOT want to live with it - cos' if the leader take it to the wrong way, it could brain wash you. I guess I just have to wait till Mon to see my beloved JKS.


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A peaceful world would be a utopia. And that is something we, as humans, will never be able to achieve. Man's greed has brought us to where we stand today and I'm afraid that greed is not so easily gotten rid of.


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all for peace.

guess MSOAN will have to wait. sigh.


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So sad to hear about the recent attack on S.Korea.

I will be praying for the safety of both Korean sides'

people as well as those in the neighboring countries.


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Thank you for the news on this. I'm praying not only for South Korea, but especially for the world at this point. We're close to the tipping point for WW3, and I hope this doesn't get used as an excuse for everyone else to join in...


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I agree with comment #24. To be honest, if this had happened 3 months ago, I probably wouldn't have given it much thought. It wasn't until 3 months ago that started watching dramas and just yesterday I downloaded my first K-pop albums. It used to be just a place on a map and now I feel, strangely, connected to it. I've fallen in love with the culture and its people. And I hope for nothing more than Korean peace at the moment.


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girlatsea, that's what studying other cultures should teach us...respect and love for other people and races.


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Yes, I know what you mean! With all the awful things that go on around the world it's hard to feel true concern for what is to you just a spot on a map. Even though Korean culture is #1 for me, I try to learn a little about every place that is having conflict, learn about their culture and not just memorize some newspaper blurb about them. Not just respecting but LIKING other peoples makes us sensitive to their suffering.


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@brookeve: i agree with you, that has been my fear as well. there is so much tension nowadays with the struggle for power.

Actually, i don't really know much about the South Korea and NOrth Korea conflict. From what i know, they have been fighting back and forth for years... I really think that they don't even remember WHY they were fighting in the first place, it's so silly to kill innocent lives for a dispute between governments.

PLUS, it is not very smart to engage in war because these leaders should be fluent in history, and history tells us that war has no happy endings, especially for the power-hungry.


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Honestly, I don't think that N. and S. Korea share equal blame for this ongoing conflict. It seems to me that S. Korea's conciliatory gestures, like the shipments of food, were repaid with hostility. Please correct me if I misunderstand the situation.


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yes, you are right, houstonwin. this brings us to the nature of wars and conflicts and why these stuff need to happen sometimes. no one wants it but human nature when confronted with issues dealing with pride and ego can resort to even the most senseless killings. but we believe in a merciful and just God who is sovereign and is over and above human failings. we hope for peace always, and ultimately.


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giving my sympathy 2 south korean for the tragedy.why north korea do such a thing.huh


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Sorry for 2 soldiers's family and injured people.
I don't understand about North Korean leader.
South Korean try hard to develop your country.


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Nobody wants to go to war:

US does not want to interfere because if it does it has to do so in a "Full Scale"
China does not want war because if North Korea looses then China will lose the influence in the region.
South Korea will not fight because of the economical damage it will cost.
And there's Russia, dear God they are unpredictable.

Hopefully the inside political turmoil in N. Korea is advantageous for its suppressed people and collapses in itself. I think that would be the best case scenario for N. Koreans to be free and join the rest of the world.

Or we could hope that the power hungry N.K politicians have a change of heart and opens its borders to the world. Least likely though :(


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Japan once locked its borders to keep the outside world, well, outside. Different cases though, but hey, it could happen. Keep the faith? Maybe? X/


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"I hope SK will stay calm and resolve this matter wisely. Somebody has to be the grown up in the relationship right?"

There's a limit to patience. First they sank a South Korean vessel, killing 30 or 40 South Korean sailors. Now an artillery barrage into a civilian area.

If someone was lobbing artillery shells into my city, I'd want them destroyed.


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still, let's hope for a peaceful resolution for them. after all, destruction couldn't tell the innocent from those who are not. let no more lives be ended on both sides of the border because of war.


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and u might be American, for instance? coz ur speaking from a position of supreme power, no questions asked.

But the power balance is pretty even here. These 2 halves of a nation have been at war for a long time. Ppl (if not gvts, and i really know little abt the political going-ons between NK and SK) have come to the understanding that agression only brings more agession, and retaliation resolves nothing.


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wow, i take offense to that as an american. not all of us have the same mentality. there's no need for pigeon-holing here. though, in a discussion about war and politics, it does tend to come up bc people get too aggitated and careless about their words.


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I do share everyone's concern and hope that all the families that were affected please be strong no matter what.

But honestly reading peoples comments bothered me alittle. someone said "North Korea get over yourself"
saying North Korea is basically like blaming the whole entire country (including its citizens)
The citizens didn't order this attack, the government did.
I'm trying to say people should really watch how they phrase their sentences. This is a very sensitive topic and we can't just go around blaming an entire nation because of what one man did.
I really do hope this feud gets resolved and one day people wouldn't have to lie about being North Korean (and say their South Korean) just because of the bad name on their country which is isn't even their fault.


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I was confused at the korean president's confident suggestion of merger. Clearly, Kim Jong il does not want to give up his family's throne.
Honestly, how did NK gov last so long, starving so many people?


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I think we cannot take this situation lightly, not because no one necessarily wants to go to war but because war is like - to use Mary's example - a car accident.

Take the start of World War I, for example. The very reason why the war began was a complex and extensive set of peace alliances that kicked in once Austria-Hungary responded to Serbian nationalist's assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. Irony of all ironies.

That's my fear - a chain reaction sparked by a much more localized conflict both globally and politically.


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War, like love, is about people. And much as we would want to avoid war and conflict, our human emotions gets in the way most of the time.

So I completely agree that we should not take these things lightly, anais. Even in this simple post about a delayed showing of a kdrama...

History shows us that in even the simplest or most trivial things, war ensues. We've seen major conflict resulting from even the faintest shout-out from a Facebook wall post. We see lives destroyed, marriages broken, families torn apart. Words are too powerful and can be used to destroy instead of build up people.

We can only pray for the peaceful resolution in the conflict between North and South Korea.


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I still feel shocked about what happened!


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