Kim Ji-hoon up for October army enlistment

Nooo, not another one! Actor Kim Ji-hoon is the next up for his mandatory military service, and announced that he will begin his four weeks of training on October 4, followed by active duty.

Kim is currently appearing in a cable drama, the fabulous Joseon X-Files, playing a level-headed government officer who gets recruited into a secret organization investigating strange and unexplainable cases. Thankfully, his army status has no bearing on the drama, which is just about to wrap filming on September 28. (It has currently aired six episodes of twelve, with one new episode broadcasting weekly.)

Bummer — Kim has always been one of those actors for whom I think charisma/appeal has been stronger than sheer acting talent, but he was just starting to pick things up with X-Files. He has played a lot of romantic-comedy heroes in the past (cute, but unchallenging roles), and this current drama is finally giving him the opportunity to stretch a little. I’ll admit he’s still got a way to go before being a really strong actor, but he makes up for that with his personal charm and dryly humorous air.

After debuting in 2002’s drama Loving You, Kim went on to act in The Great Inheritance, Golden Age of the Daughter-in-Law, Flowers For My Life, Love & Marriage, and Wish Upon a Star.

Via E Daily


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boooooooooooooooo! I love him! But he will come out buffer and hotter! LOL.


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NOES!! down with mandatory service! lol but I agree with @YM come back Buffer and Hotter and he can Smoulder and Smirk all.he.friggen.wants!


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NOOOO!!!!!! why him dururuuuuu!!!! :S


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you mean two years before we can see Joseon X-Files season two?


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Oh man, this is depressing. :( Maybe he'll get involved in some of those army theatre groups and hone his skills that way, though. :D


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ande...... maldo ande uroyo :(


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OPPAAAAA *sniff sniff*
After Kim Nam Gil is him :( Gosh im so sad,2 years without you on my TV screen TT.TT
Pls eat well too!!!
PS : Totally fanatic girl but gosh I lost 2 guys in the same year :(


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currently watching love & marriage and i so totally adore him in it...the lead actress has such a beautiful face even though she is stick thin...
planning on watching x files after my papers...he is wonderful i hope to see him in good roles after his 2 year return TT_TT


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we are gonna miss anither hottie. will be waiting:-)


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Knew this was coming but it's still sad. Didn't particularly like him in Love & Marriage, but he was cute in Wish Upon a Star so I'll definitely miss him.


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you shld see him in How Much Love or So In Love, this i think is even much nicer than Love & Marriage! Such a sweet love story and he & Jo yeo jung really were so convincing as husband & wife in this drama! I highly recommend this drama if you like Kim ji hoon! I know he's my no. 1 Kor. actor, so I'll be waiting & counting the days till he returns!


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He's so flat in Love & Marriage (I'm kinda sucker for a quirky lead role character), but he became the only reason I continued watching Love & Marriage. Hee..Hope he's casted with better role and sure I want to watch Wish Upon A Star & Joseon X file just for him...


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he was good in why did you come to my house....i really think he's versatile coz he can make you laugh & cry with him as well. i liked that scene in Stars Falling where he just nags & nags at Pal kang incessantly....i'm sure you'll enjoy him in Stars...and again in Joseon x files.
he's loaded with potential! i liked him also in So In Love with Jo yeo jung they're both charismatic in that drama!


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who else is about to get discharged from the Military this year? Kim Jae Won? LEE DONG WOOK?! (I'll be hosting a post army party for him!)

I think next year it will Jo In Sung's turn to be discharged.. I want to see him in a drama!! It has been so long sine What Happened in Bali..

Kim Rae Won - I miss this guy.. still got a long way to go..
Joo Ji Hoon - I really hope he has been reformed from his old ways and netizens will forgive him.. I still love this guy.

and the next question is.. who would be enlisting next??


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lee dong wook and Kim Jae Won dont return until June and Feb respectively


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I have always liked Kim Ji-hoon but never his projects until Wish Upon a Star and Joseon X-Files came along......


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I've been preparing myself for this day for weeks now and yet my reaction still was, "noooooooo *sad panda face*"

Guess I did a good thing in not watching Joseon X-files as it aired. This way I can still see KJH for a few more weeks.


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Omo, Sere and Kender on one post. And in tribute for Kim Ji Hoon. How fitting. Before there was samsooki, there was Sere and Kender. :-D

I'll miss him, and when I feel a craving, it's gotta be rewatching Flowers For My Life, all the way. Even Love and Marriage, which was my 2nd fave KJH drama, doesn't showcase his charisma nearly as much.

As for who's number is next......I think it's Binnie (after Secret Garden) and Rain (after Runaway).

And I'm in semi-mourning until my Junki gets released.


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:O You remember me? :D It's been so long since I've participated in any of the OT discussions, I'd thought people had forgotten me. *happy tears* You like me, you really like me!

I know Kang Dong-won is coming up really soon, too.. That will be a personal day of mourning for me. ㅠ____ㅠ

I'm upset that all of my lovely ajusshis are going to be in the military at the same time, though.. It's hard to find such manliness in the younger generation. (I don't care if they're closer to my age, I like my men to be MEN!)


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LOL, who can forget you and/or Sere. And the second batch of OT-ers like the aforementioned missing one, langdon, hjkomo, et. al. I'm rarely on OT either.

Can I lure you to tweet-spazz with us? :-D

As for KDW, omo, you are right, he's also up next. I guess this means watching Duelist and Jeonwoochi in repeat mode. Actually, KDW is such a prolific film actor he's got so many gems to tide you over.

Binnie, OTOH, picks the most difficult to re-watch projects. I still haven't finished FOL, SQ just makes me depressed and want a new wardrobe, I only allow myself to rewatch MNIKSS 3 times a year, and Ireland and I are no longer talking. Plus, his movie selections are also highly not my thing.

I'm banking on SG to be his present to me for the next two years.

I agree on the younger generation not being particularly manly, except for Yoo Ah In, who is plenty manly enough. The rest are all verra verra pretteh.

I though the 2009 enlistments were bad, 2010 is turning out to be my nadir. Junki AND Binnie the same year.


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I miss the OT ridiculousness so much.. Life got too crazy for a while, and by the time I had free time, I didn't recognize anyone on the OT. :( Maybe we should go reclaim our territory. :P

Tweet-spazzing? Ysplz. :D I'm klutzow. I assume you're still ockoala?

KDW does have a lot of gems, but I wish he would do more dramas, or at least more romcoms. I can only watch his movies so many times (I think I watched JWC four or five times in a row, and SB/SR three or four) without wanting something fluffy, and he doesn't do many of those.. My husband needs to make more romcoms! I don't care if it means he has to kiss someone other than me, I need something to make me smiley and happy and giddy! :(

And I know how you feel about Binnie. As much as I love and adore him, I'm not a big fan of the projects he picks.. I loved SQ while I was watching it (plus, Im Joo-hwan is in it! :D), but I can't bring myself to watch it again because I know I'm going to cry my eyes out, and I can only handle MNIKSS so many times a year. I don't really care for his movies or any of his other dramas, either, so my love of him is mostly based on how good I know he can be.

Mmmm, Yoo Ah-in. I'd like to do naughty things to him. <3 I do like my pretty boys, but they're more for admiring and less for fantasizing about. :P


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Ah! As if we would forget you!

But Kang Dong Won as well...geez. At least PIE and Gong Yoo are back...


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:D I missed you guys. ㅠ_____ㅠ <3

True, thank god for small favours. But still, my husband and so many of his colleagues are enlisting this year, it makes me depressed. ㅠ__ㅠ


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So your husband will be playing around in the army with mookiehyun's husband (hope the last name tips you off on who he is), and my beloved Junki, with both Kim Wons plus a Lee Dong Wook?

If the S. Korea army accepted women AND foreigners, I may just enlist.


@ockoala... It wouldn't let me reply to you, so I have to reply to me. :P

I'd enlist right alongside you, hun. I bet they're all going to have a ball away from the eyes of their adoring fans and future overseas spouses. ㅠ___ㅠ Meanies.


LOL I'm still here, still reading and commenting. Thing is, I usually comment when everybody else already has ^^' But yeah, I've gone missing from the Open threads; there are too many people I don't know anymore and I'm kinda...shy? Heh

Oh speaking of Samsooki, does anyone know if he's doing alright? Cos I sent him a couple of emails and DMs through Twitter, but I didn't get any reply. I'm starting to get worried.


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Yeah, I'm shy, too. :-P

I know everyone is still around, its just been so long since we've had a rollicking discussion on same random post, or OT. Sigh.

No one I've spoken with know where he is. :-( I'm assuming he's fine and just too busy to play with us.

And with most posts having comments spiraling out of control within hours, I can't find anyone anymore. Which was why it was such a treat to see you two right here.

Let's all miss Kim Ji Hoon together. I'll add another fare thee well on behalf of hjkomo.


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IKR! I miss our convos soooo much! The best thing was how we'd start talking kdramas and ended up talking about...well, everything. I loved that. *g*

That's the thing. I would like to think everything is fine and he is just busy, but I can't help but worry, you know? It'd be enough if he dropped a line somewhere...

Weeee, I didn't know you were on twitter as well. \o/ Are there old timers there as well? I'll probably go on a friending spree, if there are *g*

I will miss him sooo much. Thank God Gong Yoo is back so there's that. But gah, too many actors of my generations are going away, it's sooo sad.


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We're all there, Sere. I think I found you, or else I just asked to friend some random person. Please god let it be the former. Most of us have the exact same handles.

Oh god, the tangents we used to go on. The most random one has to be samsooki bringing up men peeing while sitting down, and that becoming a cultural discussion. Or Dahee's review of Iljimae which turned into belleza reviewing EoE with you. Har, I still remember her calling out Park Shi Hoo's manboobs in a sageuk.


alsdkjalskdjasldj That was me! I couldn't get the same handle because, well, it was taken ^^ Anyhow, I'll go through your twitter's friendslist and add you alllllllllllllllllll. Muahahah

Omg I remember all the discussions you mentioned. My god, we really used to talk about anything!


ockoala - shy??? o_O Buahahahaha :lol:

Fare thee well, Kim Ji Hoon!
At least, we've six eps of awesome Joseon X-Files yet to be watched...


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I have not read any of samsooki's posts in over a year now if that is right. I was following his Chuno recaps but then it stopped. Maybe Javabeans has the answer to that.

If that day comes that I read here that Binnie is enlisting in the army.. I probably will rewatch again MNIKSS nonstop because I couldn't let go..


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I think the last I heard of him was April/May?


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if im feeling all sad and hopeless now...i will be crying a river when Binnie leaves in Nov!!


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I feel like I'm the only who watched "Why Did You Come to My House?" which is when I first learned of Kim Ji-Hoon. I didn't quite like the atrocious combat boots he wore, but he was charming to say the least.


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You're not the only one.. I actually started watching it a few days ago because I knew he would be leaving soon.. It's pretty awful, actually, and my favourite part so far (I'm almost done with it) is mocking it. Still, he's plenty charming, even if the writing was less than sub par and some of the acting was a bit questionable (that child should never have been cast.. I wanted to smack him).


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Nope, I watched it, too. And I actually liked it *facepalm x infinity* It had all kdramas clichés ever known to mankind and yet, I didn't hate it even though I should have had. IDEK. FYI, I LOOOOOVED him in that drama, I liked the character and I loved the way he looked. So hot, OMG! *fans self*


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i liked/loved him in this drama as well....when i saw flowers for my life i didn't know him of course at that time but after seeing him in Stars Falling i had to re watch that drama just so to joggle my memory & woah he was cute then & more cuter now! luv him to the max!! I miss him already! If i can just drag the year 2012 I'd do that in a heartbeat! :)))


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i've seen that too & luv'd him there too...u guys must see him in How Much Love coz this i think is one of the best dramas i've seen --- really got hooked on it to the extent that even w/o subs i bought the dvd :))) yeah that's how crazy i am with Kim ji hoon! I got quite a bit of dvd collection of him plus tons of his photos collected & my room is now full of his photos etc. :))) i guess u can say i'm really crazy about him though i never felt like this in any other K actors before! I must admit i do have a long list of K actors i like but Kim ji is no. 1 for sure! I'll surely miss him!


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Oh sheessh! =/

I can't believe that Kim Ji Hoon will be going to military service about 2 years when he will be back in 2012!!!!

Oh loorrdd.........oohh, it's same thing as other Korean actors (for my bestie favorite) are still there in the military service, too. Yupz yupz.


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I liked his acting in "Why Did You Come To My House"

I wish him all the best. I will be looking forward to his new projects in two years. Until then, I will just have to content myself by rewatching all his older dramas :D

Stars Falling From The Sky is a favorite at our house. Him and the little boy (sleep walker :P) were the real couple in that drama.


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Aigoo, porque??

Yes, I just meshed Korean and Spanish... I am that sad.

It just makes me wonder. With all these amazing men going into the army this year alone... we're gonna get nice returns in two years...

awesome return projects await!


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Another one?! I'd rather hear about more actors coming BACK from military service. Boo.


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aw, i knew this was coming! imma start watching x-files after he leaves, so i wont feel like he actually left xD

and WTH, he was in eugene's drama loving you?! haha.


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He's so gorgeous! Missing him already!


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hey javabeans...
i was just wondering whether or not you've ever seen the family drama "How much love" which stars Kim Ji Hoon as well.
He plays a not so comedic character in that one, so you may want to try that one out (although it is REALLY long... but i believe that it's definitely worth it.)

"How much love" is one of my favourite dramas (cliches as all). So if you have the time, try it out and maybe write a wonderful blurb about it as well? XP

PS. He's scuffy looking in that one too!


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Oh i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks about How Much Love...Yeah JB if you haven't seen him in this drama pls try this one out, it may be lengthy but wow i don't mind seeing him in every scene as he leads this drama with 2 thumbs up plus the storyline is really nice! Matter of fact, in his Arirang interview he mentioned that this drama was one of his favorites among the projects he did coz he said he worked hard in this drama since he's the lead character! You guys should try & see this, there's a site showing it but only with Chinese subs. I really wished it was available online for everyone to see how fantastic he was in this drama!
I agree with you he's scuffy looking & suits him well. I liked that part where he pretended to be a doctor so that he can be allowed inside her room to see her as her dad was so cruel in their relationship! Very nice love story indeed! I'm still watching it & now on epi 84 & can hardly wait to continue! It's a must-see drama altho it was released in 2006 but it sure is a great one!


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"Kim has always been one of those actors for whom I think charisma/appeal has been stronger than sheer acting talent"

See I would never have known that. I would know if someone sucks at acting if they sucked THAT BAD *cough*KristenStewart*cough*, but I would have just thought Kim Ji-hoon was ok. I guess that's why jb is the blogger and I'm the viewer. X/


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I agree with you I think he's not just...as JB says so about his charisma/appeal...stronger than acting I disagree with this coz he's not just a pretty face if you will....Kim Ji can surely rock the boat so to speak, he's natural, he can make you cry & laugh as well just like we saw him in Stars! I think you're right i would have noticed it too if someone sucked that bad but nope he isn't one --- he sure can act! I hope when he gets out fr his milit. service that a good role would be awaiting him! For now, I would have to resort in all the Kim Ji dvd collection i have. I still have to see him in Golden Era of Dtrs in Law; Golden Apple, Something happens in brother's house, Love Hymn coz I've seen him in the other ones like How Much Love which I believe has been under promoted at that time hence not very many ppl have seen this one.


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Thank you javabeans, for posting such a gorgeous photo of "Mr. Sexy Hot Bedroom Eyes". Your moniker for Kim Ji-hoon suits him perfectly ,and he'll forever be Eun Tak from Flowers For My Life in my drama universe!


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I've always loved Kim Ji-Hoon. Ever since I first saw him act like an adorable little tough guy who just didnt fit in on the variety show X-man, I've hooked my tv watching hawk eyes on him lol.

Wish Upon a Star and everything following it recently was a blessing; I guess he was trying to put it all out there before his service?

Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this, but military service isnt all bad. Sure, some of our favorites are MIA (teehee) for a couple of years, but there's always other "treats" that come out after their service :D

So another year and another slew of actors/idols entering but a whole another (yummy) batch coming out. Alls well.


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oh no....this is too early for him to go, i thought he was leaving not until the end of the year like in Dec.?? I miss him already! How come nobody seems to have seen or JB included on her list the drama I just started to watch called So In Love or How Much Love with the cute Jo yeo jung? They were soooo good together in this drama & the story is adorable! I just happen to get a hold of this dvd over the w/end coz i love to see all the previous projects of gorgeous Kim ji hoon and this drama didn't seem to be well known in spite of how beautiful it is! Anyway, going back to his army service, I wished Korea won't send celebrities anymore than they should especially when these guys are bringing happiness to fans like us!

Anyway, not to worry gorgeous Kim ji hoon we'll be waiting here for you & be safe! God bless! Bogoshipo! Aja aja! I'll miss you terribly! :(


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I'm so sad with this news, my no. ONE Korean actor leaving us at the time that I'm just getting to know him after Stars Falling drama series! Wae wae??? Btw, this photo of Kim ji is really gorgeous, thnx JB!!

I wish him well & you'll always be in my prayers for your good health & safety but for sure we'll be waiting for your return! I hope these months that he'll be away will go faster so he can come back to do another drama! You'll be missed tremendously & those beautiful lips and gorgeous eyes....you're truly an eye candy :) Sarang hae yo!!


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that photo sure is fantastic - his eyes & lips are his great assets! i dunno but i love him dearly since Stars Falling! Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz come back soon......i miss you already! We'll be here waiting for you!


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"And another one bites the dust"..., stupid song keeps ringing in my head.
Sigh the army seems more and more like paradise.


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OMG!! We're losing another eye-candy to the army!!!

I thought I've already watched ALL of KJH's projects but have now realized that I haven't watched "How Much Love?" yet!!!
Can anyone please recommend as to where we KJH fans can watch this drama online?

Kim Ji Hoon...we'll miss your bloody gorgeous bedroom-eyes & kissable lips!!! See you in 2 years!!!


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it's not avail. online with Eng subs but only in Chinese subs. If you go to star.koreandrama.org there's a link to that site. OST of this drama is also good & free d/load too! I think this is one of my favorite dramas of Kim ji hoon, it's like a Romeo & Juliet type of love story altho it's lengthy but you wouldn't mind at all looking at his gorgeous gorgeous eyes & curvy kissable lips. He mentioned in his Arirang interview that he thinks his great asset is his lips, he said it's kissable! :))) Indeed!


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here's the link to How Much Love but with Chin. subs only but in case you guys are interested to see it even tho not subbed here it is:



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the chinese site seems didn`t have it anymore.. :'(


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i tried it the other day & it just indicated that in our area it's being blocked but i saw the episodes on their page site! maybe try it again! if i have the capability to upload it i would have shared my dvd for you guys, tho this one is dubbed in Chin. & no Eng sub. sigh sigh but I just bought it coz of KJH & somehow you can follow through the story the biggest frustration is when you think there's this scene where you should know or hear what they're talking about in a certain parts & you just wanna go bananas! hahaha look in your local dvd stores where they sell Korean dvds, i got this from a local store i think just from sheer luck! It's a really nice story, just to give u guys an idea, KJH comes fr a poor family, the lead actress Jo yeo jung is a rich girl, her father wants her to marry his right hand man from his (father) company so she ran away went to a small town without knowing anybody there; as she was desperate to find lodging she was abducted by two men so here comes the hero KJH who rescued her only to find out moments later that she was mistaken for another girl. Anyway that's how they met & second time they met he saved her life again when she fell from the bridge. Knowing that she didn't have anyone in that town he accommodated her into his nice family; she helped his grandmother by working at seaweed farm until her father sent some men to look for her but they didn't succeed till her father's right hand guy came looking for her & unlucky for her he found her & took her back to Seoul.

There's a really good twist in the story & you should really see this drama for me it's one of my KJH drama favorites! He's very very charming here & good acting I must say! (to be continued) :))


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you can try this site - this is where i watched the series. It's in Chinese subs tho... if you don't mind. But... you can just watch it for Jihoon's sexiness. :)


hopefully it works!


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oh it's on tudou grt so some of you haven't seen it would be able to....he's very charming in this drama & i loved the chem with Jo yeo jung. He's a great guy & sweet husband & she was so nice too in spite of her coming from a rich family! i highly highly recommend this drama! it's just sad it wasn't subbed but i didn't mind coz seeing KJH was a big treat already!


yes it works...i just tried now...that's good it's avail. on tuduo! thnx again!

btw what's your favorite scene? one of my faves wld be when he disguised as a doctor & another one was when they got married! i'll let you guys see it & don't wanna spoil it for you! :))

i didn't really mind if it was in Chinese altho i don't u/stand a thing but like u said i watched it just for KJH & somehow u can figure out what's going on. the only thing i wanted to know was why Sun joo (Jo yeo jung) got upset & broke up with KJH at one time after that attempted escape from her home to be with him & her father said something that really made an impact on her & thereafter she refused to go with KJH in that failed attempt! If you u/stand Chinese pls share it with us what really happened. Thnx


@singletear....hv u seen the whole series of this nice drama? i was gonna ask you about epis 93 & 94 why KJH got upset with his wife based from what her father told him while he went to his office? i don't u/stand Chinese & i was hoping you did? I'd apprec. it if you can shed some light on this pls? or anyone here who hv seen this drama? that's where it gets to be frustrating when there's an impt. scene that you don't even know what they're talking about! :(

thnx in adv.


I hope i got this right the link to Youtube of Kim's interview with Arirang where he mentioned about his drama How Much Love or So In Love. If this link doesnt work guys just let me know coz i saved this in my favorites!



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one way of releasing my sadness of his leaving is of course rewatching his kdramas while he's away & hopefully 2 yrs will go by just like when Jo hyun jae & jae hee left & now they're back, it didn't seem that long so I hope it wld feel that way. Kim ji is my no 1 for sure, i remember liking kwon sang woo, so ji sub when i first got hooked in kdramas but i'm not able to explain my deep admiration for Kim ji hoon, it's quite different, he's such a gorgeous actor that it will melt you :))) just look at those beautiful eyes, lips i think he's perfect at least in my view! He's not just full of charisma but i also disagree with JB Kim ji can really act, i liked him in Stars where he blubbers to PK about this & that with his continuous nagging oh that was cute. He's adorable what can I say. I never felt like this with any other actors till i saw him in Stars Falling & that followed my eagerness to see his other previous projects like WDYCTMH, L&M, Golden Apple, How Much Love, Flowers for Life, Loving You & there's a few more which I need to see like Golden Era of Dtrs in Law.
Come back soon Kim ji hoon, I miss you already! May I say sarang hae yo? God bless you in all you do & we'll be waiting for you that's something you need not worry about.



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I hope he gets to see his other friends he worked with like Shin dong wook & Kim Jae won! I'll miss you terribly there's this sadness that i cannot bear when ur gone! sigh sigh You're da best of da best! Take care my idol!


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oh god! 1 Jihoon down... 1 more Jihoon to go! *sniff sniff*


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i wonder if they're allowed to receive mails from fans while in service? i really wld love to know & write to KJH while he's in service to cheer him up :)

does anybody also know if he's got an official fan club & how to join in? thnx if you can reply!


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sad sad sigh sigh, he's my idol....luv him to da max! i can just imagine him even with his cropped hair you know the usual photo we usually see them leaving for military & i can picture him sooooo cute even with short short crewcut hair! such a lovely/handsome dead gorgeous kim ji hoon! you'll be missed no doubt & we'll be waiting for you! i hope to be back in Korea at that time to welcome you back! take care & fighting! be blessed!

luvya ji hoon ssi :(


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i can't seem to get away fr this site :)) anyway just wanna share again something about How Much Love which I'm still watching & now on epi 92/93 & JB & all here, just watch these two episodes where I can prove to you guys that his acting esp in these two episodes were really an Oscar moment for him! I really think he gave his all in this drama & if I may reiterate, he said in his Arirang interview he really worked hard in it & this is THE drama that he says is his favorite (if i'm not mistaken maybe not exactly the word) or something to the effect that made an impact in his career amongst the other ones he was in!
Pls if you guys have the time singletear shares the link on this site & page. You'll love him more in this drama as I have! It's just too bad it wasn't subbed in Eng.


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Finally finished How Much Love & omo omo....if you'd ask me this drama for me is Kim's best of the best - he cried many times in this drama & i highly recommend this! It's also a happy ending....I thought when i watched him in Stars Falling I was v impressed with him & the storyline but I'd put that now as my no. 2 on my list & this drama HML wld now be my no. 1 amongst his list of dramas! Grt performance & it's sad that this drama didn't seem to be popular or was it but we just didn't know? Any clue JB?

Also, he's truly an eye candy in this drama too, very very handsome looking even in scuffy look, matter of fact he looks good in anything let's put it that way!

Thanks again for your site, this is just as addictive as the kdramas!

I loo f/ward to seeing his photos Oct 4th as he goes to serve in the military but definitely not looking f/ward to his leaving us! Take care Kim ji hoon and we shall be waiting for you! Kidarilke!


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