I Am Legend: Episode 8

BEST. EPISODE. EVAAA. We’ve officially reached the midpoint of the series. OK – ’nuff said. On to the recap!

Seol Hee meets Jin Bae near the entrance and he hands off the CD. Ji Wook and Seung Hye discuss why Seol Hee could possibly want a recess (are they that dense?) and they only realize what’s going on when told that she requested a media room. Ruh-roh.

Ji Wook dashes to catch up to Seol Hee and asks her what she’s holding. Stupid question. He tries to stop her from using the evidence, because it might be fraudulent, but Seol Hee says she’s only going to check it. Getting desperate, Ji Wook says, “Now that I consider it, there’s no reason things have to be this way. How much do you want? Tell me what you want. I’ll give it to you.”

Her curiosity piqued, Seol Hee muses what could possibly be on the CD if he’s acting this desperate. She wants to talk later, but Ji Wook demands to know her price. Seol Hee replies, “Not once have you ever listened to my words. This time, you will have no choice but to listen.” And she goes in the room.

BOO YA! Nothing tickles my funny bone more than seeing two desperate lovers caught in the act. It’s OK Ji Wook – you’re not the first wannabe politician to have an affair; don’t worry, you’ll fit right in and you’ll get elected.

In the room, Seol Hee hesitates for a moment on whether or not she should play the CD. But she plays it – and sees her husband and Seung Hye making love.

Back to the courtroom we go – Seol Hee announces that she has a piece of evidence to submit, and it will “show the reason for the failure of the marriage between the defendant” and her. Seung Hye tries to stop it from being played, saying that Seol Hee never submitted a list of evidences before trial, but the judge lets Seol Hee get by. He seems to want to side with Seol Hee, but doesn’t have unbiased proof to base it on.

The CD is played…. and it’s a collection of clips from Seol Hee and Ji Wook’s wedding and honeymoon. Everyone, get ready for your bug-eyed close up shot please!

The Ji Wook of five years ago is very loving, and considerate of his pregnant wife during their wedding. And he’s smiling. They switch to their honeymoon, where Seol Hee greets their unborn baby with a video camera and calling him “Kkong”, which used to be Ji Wook’s nickname too. Though Ji Wook is concentrating on his work, he takes the time to greet their baby and wave at the camera. He even does a “heart” sign – WHERE IS THIS JI WOOK NOW?!

Ji Wook is clearly affected by a glimpse of his past. Even Seung Hye is tight-lipped – I doubt she’s ever seen this side of him. There isn’t a dry eye left in the room (except MoaE’s) and Seung Hye stands up for an objection – Seol Hee just showed the court irrelevant evidence.

Seol Hee requests to make her final statement, which the judge agrees to.

“While forgetting all of our past memories together, I found this CD. Of course, you calling me a relentless, money hungry snake, this evidence may not flip that argument around. Though I hate you so much I could die, and I want revenge on you, it seems I just couldn’t throw it away. Whether you admit it or not, you and I – a long time ago in that one moment – I think we truly loved each other. Even today, sitting here, I thought for a long time, ‘Why on earth am I fighting this fight?’ ‘What is it that I want from you?’ Thinking over all the things that happened in the past, what I wanted from you was one word of apology. ‘For a short while, I loved you. I can’t do that any longer. I’m sorry. I couldn’t let you go as you were. For starting this horrendous war, I’m sorry.’

“Your Honor, when I first thought of divorcing, it all started because of my rage towards my husband and my in-laws for not allowing me to do the bone marrow transplant for my dying sister. I dont’ deny it. However, during the trial I was accused of being a woman who entered a fraudulent marriage for money, a shameless woman who trampled over a blameless man’s life. I felt wronged and couldn’t help but feel angry. All the evidence that the other side brought in…how solid and tight they fit…I even wondered if I was that sort of person. I was so mortified and vexed that I couldn’t sleep or eat. No matter what I had to do, I had to clear my name of this wrongful accusation. I would reveal Cha Ji Wook’s hypocrisy for all to see. But…as I found more evidence to destroy that person, I had a strange thought. The things that made me so angry…the behavior of my in-laws… I realized I was doing it too. I was so ashamed of myself. From now on I won’t lead a cowardly life. I won’t lie to myself any longer. Mother – always hearing you calling me ‘worthless’ and ‘a thing like you’, whatever you call me, the fact that I am ‘Jun Seol Hee’, I am proud of that. From now on I will show you this. That is the exact reason I came into court.”

What does Seung Hye have to say in return for her closing statement? Nothing more than just reiterating that Seol Hee made Ji Wook’s entire marriage become a sham. But Ji Wook no longer believes that – he doesn’t look like he does. And Seol Hee just smiles.

They all leave the courtroom, and Ah Reum breaks down in tears. The four girls support each other, and everyone cheers Seol Hee on, knowing that she is the winner no matter the outcome. Seung Hye and MoaE on the other hand, think that they’ve got it in the bag. After all, they have the evidence; Seol Hee just brought the emotion. But Ji Wook is still stunned. He tells Seung Hye that Seol Hee really did have the incriminating CD. She just didn’t use it.

Tae Hyun is also anxious about the outcome for the case, and he waits until Jin Bae comes back. Tae Hyun is convinced that Seol Hee lost, but Jin Bae says he takes back his comment about Seol Hee being too kind-hearted. He gave her the most solid piece of evidence, and she didn’t use it. It took a lot of guts to show her wedding video instead, and in the end, she’ll come out as the winner.

That night – Ji Wook drinks himself to a stupor, trying to erase memories of Seol Hee’s speech. And Seol Hee sings a ballad that evokes her loneliness. Tae Hyun passes by the studio, and listens, without ever announcing his presence.

But life moves on! The Comeback Madonna Band have a hard time booking gigs because all people want is Ran Hee. That, and Seol Hee hasn’t shown up to practice in over a week. When Hwa Ja goes on a sales call to a manager at a supermart, she overhears that they’re in need of singers at the last minute. Hwa Ja, using her fluttery language, convinces the manager to hire the band. Now if only the Madonnas would agree…

Seol Hee shows up, but mainly because they have a gig down and scheduled. No one is pleased to find out that they’re performing in a local supermart, even less so when they find out that Hwa Ja sold the band by misleading the manager into thinking that Ran Hee would be present. Since they have no choice but to let the band perform, the girls take the stage. A bunch of ahjummas and their daughters all gather around the makeshift stage, and the Comeback Madonna Band start getting really into the performance. Even some of the ahjummas recognize the girls as the band that was in the documentary.

Too bad that the supermart also decides to broadcast their meat sale at the same exact moment, and the Comeback Madonna Band’s audience disappears.

Hwa Ja throws a fit with the manager, who fires back that she lied to him. Seol Hee takes control of the situation and apologizes, but the manager throws the last insult: he won’t be needing ladies like them who sing only old songs.

The girls get into a freight elevator, where “Genie” is playing in the background. They ask Ah Reum if SNSD is considered modern enough, and the dance can’t be too hard right? Cue four girls dancing to “Genie” in the elevator! (Seol Hee even does the “leg move” backwards. LOL)

Kwang Yul tells Soo In that practicing will make no difference if they don’t have a gig. Soo In suggests that he train them, give them some direction, but Kwang Yul offers Tae Hyun as a director. After all, it can’t hurt to ask him. Soo In doesn’t think he would, but Kwang Yul disagrees – after all, Tae Hyun was the one who got them the gig at the Live Cafe. Kwang Yul also dishes that Tae Hyun may like Soo In.

Soo In gets all flustered, even though Kwang Yul immediately voices his disapproval. She laughs off his comment and runs away. But as she sits alone in the attic, her face becomes serious and thoughtful. And the hints were not for nothing!

Since Soo In also asked Seol Hee to see if Tae Hyun would be interested in helping out, Seol Hee reaches out to him first. She thanks him for snagging that second performance for them. Tae Hyun asks if she’s really planning on being a musician full time – after all, she may not get anything from the divorce case, and he teases that no one is going to want to hire someone as old as she. Seol Hee huffs, and then hands him a cake – for Noori. She awkwardly apologizes for being short and insensitive towards him when he admitted his connection to Seung Hye. Tae Hyun only smiles, and, getting a little flustered herself, Seol Hee runs off.

Finally the outcome of the trial is out: Seol Hee and Ji Wook will divorce, and Seol Hee will not get a penny.

Ji Wook has no reaction, although he’s a bit bothered by the verdict. Seung Hye notices it, but he brushes it off. She’s losing her footing now, because she had completely expected him to be happy and rejoice in her arms…and Ji Wook is having none of that.

Instead – Ji Wook calls to meet Seol Hee. This time, Seol Hee is reluctant to meet because they technically have nothing to do with each other. Ji Wook hands her an envelope of money. He doesn’t want her to misunderstand though – he merely wants to help her until she can get back on her feet and earn money. Of course, it can’t hurt if she keeps a low profile as well, but this time that is not a condition to accepting the money.

Seol Hee rejects the money. She isn’t going to be offended, but she just doesn’t want to rely on him. She’s afraid that because of this “gift,” she might be somehow connected to him and will never really be able to let go of him. And then, she leaves – hopefully to never see him again. I highly doubt that, but OK.

It’s a noble act to reject the money, but also a little dumb because Seol Hee finds herself hit with a bunch of bills and very little left in her savings. She starts job hunting, but every position is either already filled, or she does not qualify. As she slurps up some ramen, Seol Hee gets a bright idea.

She goes over to Jin Bae’s office, bearing cake and a sweet disposition…but no one is there. As she sits down to wait for Jin Bae to return, a beaten woman suddenly rushes in and hides behind Seol Hee, asking for help. In comes the woman’s abusive husband.

The husband wants Seol Hee to get out of the way so that he can properly beat his wife. Seol Hee immediately takes control of the situation (I love how she always takes control and people just listen to her), and she looks at the bruises on the wife’s face.

Seol Hee: From the extent of her injury, it looks like you hit her with more than just your hand. This is not just regular assault, but one with weapons, and trespassing on another’s property…we will sue you… If you are going to keep acting this way I will call the police!

The very-pissed-off husband lunges at Seol Hee, ready to hit her, when Jin Bae reenters the office. He reprimands the husband – just what exactly is he doing to his office clerk?

Office clerk!?

Jin Bae orders Seol Hee to get the necessary paperwork. Seol Hee is stunned, but she plays along, and Jin Bae gives her a sly wink.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS EPISODE! I don’t know why, I just do. I think it’s because it pulled at all my emotions at the right pace at the right time. I had tears in my eyes when Seol Hee showed her wedding video instead, and I felt vindicated in seeing Ji Wook suffer from intense guilt. I felt anticipation rising in my chest in hopes that they could perform successfully at the supermart, deflated when they didn’t, and giddy when they danced to “Genie.” And then I felt total angst when Soo In wondered why she was overreacting so much to the news that Tae Hyun may like her.

By the way, that is SO going to be a twist! Woo! I think that would be VERY interesting to see – especially since Soo In and Seol Hee are such best friends. I want to see how either is going to deal with their affections for Tae Hyun, and I hope Soo In’s emotions get explored more. To have all those hints dropped from about four episodes ago is a credit to the writing and the actors for showing just enough to keep us wondering.

I don’t know about some, but I am definitely happy that Seol Hee did not show the incriminating CD in the end. Her method worked better for her character, and in the end, everyone who should know, knows about the CD. Kim Seung Soo’s nuanced acting really killed me – he was so confused and so startled and so heartbroken at knowing that in the end, it was his fault. And partially MoaE’s because she probably brainwashed him.

The post-trial scene killed me: I’ve said this before, but, I like that each of the four women in the band are at different stages in their lives. Hwa Ja is happily married, with a husband who loves her more than life itself. She has plenty of scenes with her husband – but it’s mostly them being lovey-dovey and swearing not to turn out like Seol Hee and Ji Wook. Soo In is single and living it up, but now starting to wonder about what love is like. Ah Reum has everything but an actual ring on her finger, and she is also young, so her desires don’t really go well with her present life. Her breakdown after seeing what could possibly go wrong in a relationship shows her youth and her fear that something like that could happen to her and Min Kyu. And Seol Hee is just getting out of marriage, having experienced a very bad relationship, and is ready to stand on her own two feet. If anything, the series may not really end with Seol Hee and Tae Hyun together, but hint that she will keep her heart open for him in the future.

Or he can just go to Soo In.


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The one that really hook me from IAL is the song " We will come back" each time the episode ended. Just love it^^.

I don't know why people still thinking of SI and TH, they even barely share the scene.


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Amazing that so many people are showing their affection to this drama by comment to your recap. Just watch the ep 9, super. Can't wait for ep 10 :)


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Forgot to add that I really like how the catalyst for the husband's change isn't another guy. Instead, he gets slapped by the reality of what happened to the two of them. (I'm ignoring the very long video clip that Seung Hye would have interrupted with an objection.)

THANK YOU for a place to read and discuss!


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Though the video Seol-hee chose was quite out of place irrelevant (and thanks to Kdrama licence it was allowed to be shown in court) ...... it was an ingenious move (to me, at least) that Seol-hee chose this alternative instead.

She did NOT use the convenient evidence (stuff she was spoon-fed. not independently sourced herself) but instead did PROVE that she wasn't in the marriage as a gold-digger. The DVD did serve to show that they did share a forgotten past of good memories (not just forced marriage bec of pregnancy).

1) it struck a target chord at her Ex
2) such an act of (alien) humanity left Seung-hye speechless
3) Seol-hee *self-reliant* own resourceful means of illustrating what their marriage meant to her (and to Ji-wook too. since he had long conveniently forgotten).

Enjoyed both ep 9 and 10.
Looking forward to more Tae-hyun moments with Seol-hee. These warm souls deserve each other. While I think Ji-wook is interesting to watch ... I cannot support her ending up with him. He does NOT deserve a second chance, after all the cruelty and lying he exhibited. (and sorry but I don't see Soo-in in the picture at all. except now she's barking up the wrong tree herself, thanks to her dad misleading her).

MUCH THANKS for recaps and this discussion comments spot!


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First of all, lovely episode and recap.

I know Soo In is awesome, but Tae Hyun and Seol Hee have matching baggage! And they are so damn cute! I know it's fully possible that Seol Hee will stand alone and strong at the end, but I really want her to end up with Tae Hyun. I think they match so well, both having the charisma and desire to perform while getting over heartless ex-spouses, that it would be great to see them together. That said, I'm still glad there's some real suspense in that department.


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ok...I know he is "the villain" of the piece, but Damn! if Ji Wook...(Kim Seung-Soo) isnt giving me fangirl moments! Hot in a word....now to look up other works of his..
what is with me and men with the name Seung/Sung...sigh


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OH EMMM GEEEE!!!! Just watched Episode 9 and now I am officially, most definitely and very truly... Head-over- heels-IN.LOVE. with this Drama!!!! (don't worry, no spoilers here)

I so feel for all the characters in this show, they all have substance; and are not mere caricatures. Even Hwa Ja's husband, Seung Hye, Tae Hyun, Ji Wook, and of course, the four band members. Most of all, I love Seol Hee.

Some commenters in this blog have considered her weak, stupid or lame; but I think she is so courageous. She knows how to take risks and she trusts her heart and the purity of her intentions.

Someone said the drama feels mature. I agree. I am just a baby in the kdrama world (barely a year old), but this is probably the first time I have been engaged with a drama to this level, to a point that I replayed the whole episode 9 immediately after watching it!

Or perhaps... I am just projecting, lol!


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Thank you so much, kaedejun, for the recap!

I feel really bad for past-Seol-hee and past-Ji Wook- who would have thought their marriage would end up like this after being so affectionate with each other. Ji Wook seems so cold now that I wonder how Seung-hye can go out with him! A part of me still wishes that Seol Hee had played the incriminating video. Seung-hye annoys me so much taht I want to see her face crumble when it gets played. Seol Hee must be a really good person. If it were me, I'd upload it on the internet.

and daaang are Seol Hee's legs long and nice!


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I hated this episode. There is no excuse for her not showing the video. She has now left that evil lawyer lady free to go on and destroy others unchallenged. Thanks loads.


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Yeah, I was extremely pissed when SH played the wedding video instead of the cheating video. However, I started to feel slightly better about it after watching a bit further. SH took the 'high road' as others have commented and you could tell that JW felt some guilt and remorse. However, I'm still pissed at the fact that evil mother in law and cold hearted bitch Seung Hye weren't punished.


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^That being said, I'm still pissed that SH chose not to show the video. Although you could say that SH took the moral high ground by showing compassion, she still had every justification to reveal the truth especially after all the humiliations that JW and evil bitch Seung Hye put her through during the trial.


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