Open Thread #145



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First.....Coffee House please come soon


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Oh my god! You read my mind. I was really wondering what happened to coffee house recaps:(
since internet's down and i'm using my phone. Dramabeans is my drama source updates.


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hello all!

just enjoying a chill work-free friday! going to watch the lovely bones, the new alice in wonderland, and finish up season three of veronica mars.

i'm just itching for my girlfriend is a gumiho to start. argh. too excited and perhaps my crazy side is starting to come out.

question. how many of you watch korean dramas during school and if so. . .how do you prevent yourself from going overboard and not falling behind in class? it's so hard for me--like a serious addiction. i usually never watch completed dramas because i go through 6-7 in one go depriving myself of sleep. you always say you'll stop after just one more episode and then you end up seeing the whole thing. >.<;;

this is why i only watch dramas that air only twice a week. there is no way for me to watch more. fool-proof! haha. =P


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he he me too...waiting desperately for monday! ^^


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Just starts watching 'Pasta' , at ep3 and love it.
Got Coffee House OST, awesome music arrangements. Listening to the songs keeps me thinking of KJH sprinting.....every time.

Let me say this, KJHHHHHHHHHH , you are BRILLIANT in CH, awesome, awesome acting. No matter how the ratings are, KJH is definitely great actor. Love Lee Jin Soo because of him. KJH Rules!

Have a nice weekend everyone. ^__^


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in korean dramas & movies, they kept drinking colored water, what is that exactly?


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@3 J-yang

Answer: You are not alone. I finish the drama no matter what and endure the consequences. O_O!


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@ 6 kangel

What color is it? I know a lot of Koreans drink Aloe Juice. It's green and very healthy for your skin. Pretty sweet drink.

@ 7 Dara

I did that all throughout high school. If I do it in college, it's like asking for a death wish. Hopefully since it's only September the workload will be light. =D


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@ j-yan [i]this is why i only watch dramas that air only twice a week. there is no way for me to watch more. fool-proof! haha. =P[/i]

Ha! That was my naiive thought too. But then there came those episodes that ended with crazy cliffhangers and since I had no episode to watch - I'd spend my time venting/discussing @ the forums and squealing with the other folks....then I'd scour the interwebz for any teasers/spoilers/rumors...and eventually just anything of (usually) the OTP to wait out the time. So yeeeaa.....I quickly realized...I needed a new plan. lol

Btw - out of curiousity - other then the students...what do the other folks in OT do? It sounds like we have a couple of world travelers and lawyers in here. Maybe it's just me, but I've always been curious as to the kind of people behind all these interesting handles (...or is that too cyberstalky of me?)


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Happy Friday everyone!!! Hope everyone will stay cool and have a good time this weekend... I will be stuck in the hospital all weekend so no fun for me.

Waiting for CH to finish tso I can watch it marathon style. Same with Bad Guy- Kim Nam Gil continues to tempt me with his bedroom eyes to go ahead and start, but so far I have been resisting the temptation well.

Cannot wait for Athena to come out!!!

In the meantime, let me occupy myself with watching City Hall again...


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i'm in korea...where can i find ko soo?????????


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@ 9 yenchan

Yeah. . . .lucky for me I don't get obsessive over every drama that comes out. Just a couple grab my interest like My Girlfriend Is Gumiho.

I've been stalking the drama's thread on soompi and watched the trailer on youtube. >.<;;


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Happy Friday and OT everyone!

I am excited and waiting eagerly (and patiently) for My Girlfriend is a Gumiho and Athena.

Just finished re-watching MNIKSS and fell in love with it all over again! Serendipity on Thundie's Prattle has inspired me to re-watch DGCH which I am planning to marathon this weekend.

@10 Gigi - I hope that when you said "stuck in the hospital all weekend so no fun for me" you meant for work and not because you are sick.

It is raining like crazy!! Flooded public transit made for a hectic morning commute.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!


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#11, you can try going to his agency HB entertainment's area.

HB entertainment is at 627-17 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam. Maybe you like to google for the map or something.

Also there is a noodle place nearby that he goes to. call Ta Rae Myeon.

I got this infor becos I just went Seoul too and noted the address but I didnt have time to check out those places.

Suggest you visit his thread on Soompi, and asked the fans there because they will know his schedule better. Not sure if he has finish filming his movie.


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Coffee House is killing me!

Aghhh I'm too emotionally invested at this point!


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@6 kangel,

the colored water that sits in pitcher on the kitchen table is usually barley tea (bori cha) or some other kind of tea. Other times it's water but if it's not clear, it's tea.


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Bad Guy is tugging the strings of my heart!


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i just finished watching prosecutor princess and can't express how much i fell in love with that drama. in the end, every character ended up with a place in my heart! im forever a park shihoo fan<3


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Happy Friday!

Man this week has totally dragged - work has been really slow so it makes the time go at snails pace. Boo. And I started off my day super late to work because I was essentially parked on the freeway for 20 min. Double boo. But other than that, excited for the weekend. Gots a beach birthday shindig tomorrow in Santa Monica, so hopefully i'll come out of that with a nice tan (and not a lobster burn!)

@ ockoala

I believe you were the one who rec'd Tatta Hitotsu no Koi, correct? I watched the first ep last nite and TOTALLY HOOKED! it's so cute. I am really adoring Kame lately and Ayase is really cute (I haven't seen her in anything before, but her dramawiki profile looks impressively long). Looking forward to marathoning as much as I can tonight... so thanks for the rec! Very much appreciated :P


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I am obsessed with Coffee House! I go crazy over a little bit of news about it. So I made an account on Soompi, I lurk there whenever I get a chance. I skim through the posts and read the ones about JS and EY. I'm surprised to find out that there are a bunch of cool people over there, too. I thought they were kpop zealots trained like attack dogs, that's why I've never really created an account until CH came.


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Oh boy.

Javabeans, you take your time writing those Coffee House recaps. Post the next recap today, post it next week, or don't post any ever again if you don't want to. Do what you need to do on your own time, and thank you so much for everything you do for us already.

@ 3 j-yang

K-dramas are the lucifer! I'm clinically OCD (diagnosed) with a personality that tends toward addiction and endless repetition, so I know that of which you speak. I'm not in school per se, but I work, take language and project management classes at my community college, and have other responsibilities. Here's what changed my life. Years ago I started making myself a very detailed weekly calendar, both digital and printed out. I put down recurring things like work, mandatory dinner and couple time with the hubby, sleep, after-hours and ad-hoc work projects, language classes and homework, exercise, grocery shopping, chores, scheduled hobbies (weekly knitting group, volunteer work etc). Everything -- and I mean everything -- goes onto the calendar as it comes up, including out-of-town trips, Girls' Night Out, or a quick coffee with a friend.

Now the Important Part: I allot myself Lahlita Time, which is where I can do whatever I want as long as it's entertaining, relaxing and just for me. Absolutely no work, studying, or chores allowed! This is where TV, films, bubble-baths, chic lit, and K-dramas (and by extension Dramabeans) come in. Lahlita Time is non-negotiable, no excuses.

I've found, and I think research has shown, that taking the time to visually organize your day/week keeps you on track. And allotting mandatory time for hobbies and guilty pleasures helps with segmentation and control. Having a part of your day where you are "forced" to do stuff you want to do alleviates the obsessive factor. For me, K-dramas and other fun entertainments are no longer addictive trifles that gets in the way of "important" stuff. They are now important, worthy pursuits in their own right, because I enjoy them and they make me happy. As such, I find it easy to turn off the computer, because I'm secure in the knowledge that I have more time coming up. You don't need to go as overboard as I have calendar-wise (I'm a little intense because of the OCD), but I a variation will help you.

And now, I needs must get! My morning break is over, work beckons. Happy Friday, everyone!


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Can't wait for new Coffee House recaps +1!

I was never a shipper for either one of the couplings, not because I don't want Jin-soo to end up with neither, but because I was really enjoying the possibilities the writing was showing us with each pair. It was a breath of fresh air really, because there wasn't "destiny" involved, which is so heavyhanded. But boy did ep.16 make a huge impact on me. I shouldn't say more, but I don't think I can contain myself, so I'll try to avoid saying anything spoilery... After watching that episode I felt that if the writer didn't give us something extraordinary and very convincing, I may condemn the whole show to hell (but will still hold it in a special place in my heart, LOL). Like it could either be completely genius or completely contrived. I'm crossing my fingers really hard.

And I became a Jin-soo/Seung-yeon shipper. Rewatching their scenes in ep.16 did me in. I think I'm in love. I've never anticipated new episodes so much before, and I try to avoid being spoiled about what happens next at all costs. And the 2 year skip makes total sense to me now. Teehee.


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lol, you´re right. I have never been so glad with the time-skip, never. I liked the SY 2 years ago, but now, I love her. And I´m doing the opposite of you. I´m craving after spoilers and I´m lurking in every SH-forum, I can find....


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I just can't relate to SY. Yes, she has lots of positive but the $ thing in the beginning and dunping DW on his birthday without feeling guilty or say sorry...just made me not rooting for her.


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Hi guys, OT time again!! :D

Been lurking here for a few minutes, and lurved the new posts about Playful Kiss (w/c I'd tacked up a long comment), Lee Yeong-ae's pregnancy (congrats, new mommy...I liked her Whoo CF's...), & My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (or GG; short for "Girlfriend('s a) Gumiho"/"Gumiho Girlfriend"...)

Let's enjoy ourselves!!!!

(I hope everything goes successful tomorrow, I've got a surgery to watch...)


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Good morning, JBeaners,
Happy Friday!
After Personal Taste, I took a break from Kdramas, 'cause I was not very happy with the later part of the show.
I just got back from my summer trip and have been marathoning Bad Guy and Coffee House. Love them both!!!
Now, I can't wait for next week. The cliffhanger is killing me! Aiya, why did I do that to myself again?!


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@21 do i spy a fellow SHINee fan in the house? lol

Just finished my summer class!!! it was tons of fun. Now I can sit down and allot some time every day to K-dramas! I think I'll start with My Lovely Sam Soon, since it's a classic, but I also want to watch all the Coffee House episodes since I've been reading the recaps and falling in love with it. I think I'll like My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho too - so many options!!! Not enough time!!! I want to wait till the shows are over and watch them marathon-style because i watched Personal Taste as it was airing, and the suspense plus the fandom took a lot of time out of my schedule, lol. But then again, the suspense and fandom are what keep me hooked on these things in the first place, so bring it on!


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@ lovenyc52

I'm so happy you are enjoyed Tatta Hitotsu no Koi (THnK). I'm almost done with it myself. Its just such a lovely straight romance story, and done very well, too! Of course, it won't work unless Kame and Ayase have chemistry, and they do, lots to boot!

I <3 Ayase Haruka, she is one of my favorite Japanese actresses, if not my ultimate fave. (hee, I put her down as an obsession of mine in My Obsessions post at wordpress).

Get this, Ayase can do ANY role, and she's so gorgeous to look act. I currently have a weekly date with Ayase - she and I share a beer every Thurs morning when I watch the latest episode of Hotaru no Hikari Season 2, which is as good, if not better than Season 1 (so far).

After THnK, I highly recommend you check out the original HnH, it's the perfect summer drama, and so funny and adorable you'll be grinning from cheek to cheek. Ayase can also do dark and twisty, like in Byakuyako, or period, like in JIN.

I got side-tracked from finishing THnK when I started Flowers for My Life, but I shall endeavor to finish both this weekend. :-D


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Happy happy Friday! Can't believe another week has gone by... I've been so busy with work and school that the only way to keep up with my kdrama is through here. So thanks again JB and GF for doing such an awesome job on recapping :).
So I just wanted to share my near death experience with you guys. Last Sunday, I was driving on the highway going 70mph on the left lane. A car on the middle lane decided to cut right in front of me, I then moved my wheel to the left, and there I lost control of the wheel and my tires. I went in circles and circles, i don't know how many times, but tires were screeching, and all I could see was people looking at me in horrors, and clouds, and at that moment I knew that was it for me and I kept waiting for a car to hit me, and be over with it. At one point of spinning my car was facing south on a northbound lane. So finally after spinning in circles from one lane to another I finally stopped. No one hit me, and I didn't hit anyone. Thanks for the Lord for that. Afterward, my hands were shaking, and I almost burst out to tears because of shock!. So everyone... please please.. becareful while you're on the road. I'm just really really happy to be alive!.

On a side note, my friends and coworkers have declared that I'm borderline obsessive with Kim Nam Gil. LOL. Let just say that I have never felt this way about any actor before... maybe he have the same birthday as me.. or the fact that his character in Bad Guy is just too hot!. Anyways, have awesome weekend everyone!! Be safe :)


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Just finished watching coffee prince again for the nth time and fell in love again over and over... While waiting for coffee house to finish so I can watch it marathon style. Oohh am I addicted to coffee that much? Lolz


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I have a question for those who have been to Korea or are currently living in Korea. Is the wealth disparity so great btw the middle class and rich? Unless you very rich they always make the middle class look so poor/desperate. Take Bad Guy....Jae in is a freelance art consultant working for one of the biggest?? Corporations in Korea. As someone who works in the arts, I know she should be paid really well. Yet she has trouble paying rent?? Also Coffee House, SY spends half her paycheck (a months worth of pay) on one outfit?? Can you not buy nice work clothes in Korea that aren't from high end designers and still look nice?? This is just always so exaggerated in dramas and a constant theme that i was just wondering if there was a ring of truth to it?


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Happy Friday [email protected] that sux...not having too much fun here either...stuck in a convention with 3000 ppl i dont know...tomorrow will be worse when i celebrate a landmark year again with the same ppl...on a sadder note CH gets over in 2 days :(...i shall miss mischeivious Jin Soo, cute Seung Yeon and sassy EunYoung!!...lol...and guys stop nagging JB for recaps...it will get here in time...cnt wait to get hone on monday so I can marathon Tamna like I promised [email protected] actually have a lot of restraint...for the most part I set a schedule for myself oncw I know what I will be watching every week andwaiting to watch in the weekend once evertthing is subbed helps too...and then I wait till rigtr before I go to sleep after Im done studyin...this way I compromise on my sleep bt not so much on the studying...of course there are times when all restraints fail when a truly addicting drama comes along...ala BOF, YAB etc...thankfully they aired when I had no xams...lol... so in short there are no real way except control which fails all kdrama addicts regardless wen a good drama comes along
anyways cant wait for August!!..everyone anticipating My Girlfriend is a Gumihosay YAY!!


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@29 Stinkerbelle
haha, you are not the only one. it seems like many girls are falling for the "bad guy", KMG.
@lovenyc52 and ockoala
where do you watch tatta hitotsu? do you have the title in chinese?


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Happy Friday [email protected] that sux...not having too much fun here either...stuck in a convention with 3000 ppl i dont know...tomorrow will be worse when i celebrate a landmark year again with the same ppl...on a sadder note CH gets over in 2 days :(...i shall miss mischeivious Jin Soo, cute Seung Yeon and sassy EunYoung!!...lol...and guys stop nagging JB for recaps...it will get here in time...cnt wait to get hone on monday so I can marathon Tamna like I promised [email protected] actually have a lot of restraint...for the most part I set a schedule for myself oncw I know what I will be watching every week andwaiting to watch in the weekend once evertthing is subbed helps too...and then I wait till rigtr before I go to sleep after Im done studyin...this way I compromise on my sleep bt not so much on the studying...of course there are times when all restraints fail when a truly addicting drama comes along...ala BOF, YAB etc...thankfully they aired when I had no xams...lol... so in short there are no real way except control which fails all kdrama addicts regardless wen a good drama comes along..anyways..cnt wait for aug...everyone anticipating My Girfriend is a Gumiho say YAY!!


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ok i didnt think the first post got sent...sorry for that repeat post


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Kudos for the organizing tip. Def the best advice! Since I got out of school I've become so much more lax in my schedule that I can't seem to get anything done!
In school when I first discovered kdramas I definitely screwed up in school. I'm not proud of it but I did let things get out of control. After a step back, I started to get back on track again.
I think someone asked how you curb the addiction right? I actually realized that if I came home after classes I would get zilch done. All my kdrama watching sites and blogs are on my desktop and need the computer on all the time to get any work done. So? I started to stay behind in the library for long hours just to make sure my work would be done. Library = Study time. Leave the laptop at home or don't save any dramas on it. When you have nothing BUT work with you, it'll get done.

I've been avoiding watching this week's CH episodes. I hope I can last till Sunday because if not I'm not going to get anything done.

Have a good weekend everyone :)


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@Gigi, yes, also on a City Hall re-watch. Sigh. Episode 18, 19, 20 to go, rip my heart out and make me melt all over again!

Today is my deadline, but ...... ta-da! I e-mailed my 'mess' in the night, when I finished. So ....

today I'm going to clean my office (HA HA HA HA), watch City Hall, possibly make raspberry jam, check kid's schoolwork and get ready for next week. I might even rip up this carpet that is annoying me a day early ...


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Re Coffee House, I have no idea how things will end up, but the emotional weight is all on the JS/ EY pairing. Watch his eyes whenever EY is in the room. It's all there. And JW is just too sleazy for EY. I think the character of SY is meant to be sort of a satire of all the recent bumbling, cutesy Kdrama heroines. She is comic relief, and for her the most important story arc is not romance but personal/ career growth. JS teaches her about being a "pro", and she teaches him how to be more genuine and open. One thing I really like about this drama is that both female leads are very sympathetic, hence the shipper wars.

My other CH thought is that I loved Jin Soo's geek chic in the early part of the series, and I don't find him nearly as attractive post-makeover. He was so adorable with the glasses and the Segway.


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In 2006 I downloaded a beauthiful haunting instrumental piece of drama music. I'd love to know what drama it comes from. Is there anyone who can tell me how to upload it somewhere and have someone identify it?


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Love THnK absolutely.........


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@ JB and GF, I love the indie music you guys post here. I just wanted to recommend to you one band I discovered called 10cm. They only have one album out, but it's really good. Here's one of my favorite songs from them so far:

10cm - 오늘밤은 어둠이 무서워요 from RECANDPLAY.NET on Vimeo.


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Happy Friday!

I finished My Country Calls this past week. I enjoyed the drama very much, but I felt like it lost some steam at the end. I thought the two leads had more chemistry in the beginning...and then ryu jin's character came and overshadowed them all...by the end the rest of the characters ended up just going through the motions.

My driving learner's permit expires in a few days...now I have to study and take the test again to renew it. =( i don't remember any of the rules!

@3 j-yang
During the school year, I mostly hit up dramas that are currently airing. So let's day i hit up 2 dramas at any one time and each one is aired once or twice a week...I watch them once without subs and then with subs...so really I only spend abt 8 hrs a week on dramas AT MOST. I try not to start any of the completed dramas or else I'll end up going through a drama binge. I save completed dramas for vacations.


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That is so wise. I wish I followed that philosophy. Sadly I was binging during my law exams revision heh...so will know the effect of this when the results come out next week!

Happy Friday one and all!


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you know i dont know how to go to your fully capped dramas anymore
cause you dont have the link under completed recaps?
Can someone help me out?


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@ 44 theebby01

go to the top of the page and under the banner you'll see a linky named recaps. JB has them alphabetized and separate links for each eppie. hope this helps!

@ 33 CPW

i just searched the title and "english" and found a bunch of english subbed eps. I'm not sure if it's totally complete though since I've only just started. But I believe asianrice.tv has full eps as well.

@ ockoala

you're making me want to watch HnH now. thanks.


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@ 33 CPW

i forgot to mention i searched on YT :)


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To Coffee House

Had we but world enough, and time,
This coyness, Show, were now crime....
A hundred year should go to praise
Each episode and in delight marvel
Whether Jin Soo will choose EY or SY
An age at least devoted to each pair...

But at my back I always fear
the finale's day hurrying near
and I really want to know
who ends up with Jin Soo!

(*penitently* Forgive me Andrew marvell)

Dear show;
You have become a coy tease, cruel with the knowledge of the power you have over me. You know I love you, and will watch you no matter what- and secure in that knowledge, you hold my love as a blade against my heart. I am sick with curiosity, and only you, the instrument of my torment can end it. Please Show don't let me down.


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@ 41 mellowyel

niiiiiice. love the feel of the video. nothing better than DIY.

thanks for sharing!


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TGIF peeps!

Aaahahahahhh! I'm happy I have my laptop fixed and back in my hands.

Today's SotD is making my heart and soul flutter a bit. "Hearts" to JB for sharing an extension of her heart and soul onboard.

I have a lot of catching up to do. PS Man reached its finale and all I can hope for is a happy ending. I feel ep.15 and up have been fillers like Cinderella's Sister, while I'm chasing up to ep.19 it makes me fall asleep being that boring. Although I read recaps to Coffee House but a part of me keeps clueless to the acting and chemistry between the cast for I am way behind on keeping up with my current favorite shows. No time to express it any further... I'm off to go enjoying these shows.


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I did not realize this before.. but My Girlfriend is Gumiho will be playing against Playful Kiss when both start their broadcasts this coming August and September on the Wed-Thur slot..

what do you guys think of this one?? which one will prevail ratings wise? (i know it is pointless because we can agree ratings does not really reflect a drama's quality or popularity but humor me and let's have a guessing game... just for fun!)


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