Is Bad Guy in danger of an early cut-off?

Poor Bad Guy. That’s becoming a recurring refrain, but what can you do? The drama is currently working extreme overtime, pulling multiple all-nighters as it films, because its star Kim Nam-gil has been called to report for military service on July 15.

The drama had been a few weeks ahead of airing schedule and is filming all of Kim Nam-gil’s scenes up front in preparation for the worst-case scenario (i.e, Kim leaving production early). But even so, there is some speculation that the drama may have to cut its run short, down from the planned 20 episodes.

With the enlistment date so close, it’s doubtful that he’ll get the requested extension (and it’s been noted that he already requested and received an extension earlier this year). As of the 9th, Kim’s management stated that they were still awaiting reply. (Ironically — or not? — the initial extension came because Kim was about to begin filming for Bad Guy, which had been given a tentative spring air date. SBS then knocked it around the schedule, left it off, moved I Am Legend in its place, and then finally granted it its slot after Kim Sun-ah backed out of that drama.)

One source from the Bad Guy production team said, “With Kim Nam-gil heading to army duty on the 15th, we are hurrying to fit everything into his schedule. Kim’s scenes are being shot first, and as a result the other actors are standing by on set in case of emergency. The writers aren’t sleeping in order to put out the scripts, and on set the two shooting teams, A and B, are both filming without rest. We’re using all of our efforts to do as much as we can, but at this rate we may have to cut down the number of episodes.”

Currently 9 episodes have aired. As of July 9 (when the two source articles were published), they were filming episode 13. The script for 14 had come out. Even if they manage to film one episode’s worth of material as fast as possible (i.e. taking one to two days for each), it would take them a week to film the remaining seven episodes. And they don’t have a week.

Another possibility is to write the script in a different direction, and turn the focus of the story away from Kim Nam-gil to the other characters. A bit difficult when he plays the “bad guy” of the drama’s own title, but they’re running out of options. Also, this messes with the story that had been planned — and in a revenge thriller, that planning is pretty key — and could very well ruin the production quality of the drama, which is one of the shining assets thus far. The script is already the weak point in a brilliantly shot and produced show, so weakening it further with last-minute twists could derail it.

As a result, the producers have held some talks about reducing the episode count to 16 or 17.

On the other hand, they have also stated, “We won’t give up through the end.” Kim’s management stated that they have received no word of a reduction, and Kim is only focusing on his filming.

SIGHHHH. Girlfriday notes that this doesn’t have to be a bad thing, and may get the producers to speed up development. I’m not against a cut run in theory, but I do worry that the producers will work themselves into the ground, and THEN realize that they can’t manage and then scramble to make sense of things after Kim has already left.

With so many setbacks befalling this drama, I suppose it might make someone think, “There’s no point in watching this now. Next!” What kills me, though, is that it’s actually good. Not perfect, not brilliant, but solidly good and compelling and intriguing. Garghhhhhhh, curses.

(Also: If you discuss the spoiler I gave out in the previous post about this topic, could you please add a SPOILER NOTICE in your comments? I kept the spoiler purposely hidden so those who wished to avoid it could do so; I’m sure other readers would appreciate the warning.)

Via OSEN, IS Plus


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too bad.. this is a shame.. and Kim Nam Gil has high hopes on this drama to solidify his star status before going incognito for 2 years.. I hope when he comes back he is still a hot commodity actor..


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I hope they can salvage what they can and still make a good show. I don't see no harm in extending KNG's army enlistment till he finishes the show but I guess they don't want to show special treatment considering he already had an extension. Cest le vie~

SBS really dropped the bomb with this one.


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still mystifies me that kdramas are written and made while the show is being aired. i don't like when they seem to change shows (extensions and such) in response to fans.

anyway, this is the only kdrama i'm enjoying this season, so i hope they are able to finish up as well as they started.


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poor bad guy indeed....first it was world cup which makes the ratings drop, then KNG's enlistment, and now a cut off? so many things obstructing the production....i just hope that he can gain another extension....it would be a pity for such a good drama to be wasted because of unfortunate things happening


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I don't get it! They been filming bad guys since March or April and they are still not done? They are taking their time..............................


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ever since that one (or was it two) week hiatus due to freakin' world cup I've pretty much given up on this drama because my enthusiasm died off pretty quickly. And then reading about his untimely enlistment notice, there really isn't any reason to catch up on Bad Guy anymore.
Which is a pity. The cast is solid and well-rounded. But I can't bring myself to watch it anymore....not if it's gonna turn out messy and scrambled together. *sighs* This really sucks.


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yeah, i kinda like this drama..... i just hope the story wont get all boring and confusing....


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Ugghh!!! HOW UNFORTUNATE!!! (frowns)

I really really LOVE this awesome drama because of Kim Nam Gil, who are such as great at his acting like that! Of course, it's same thing as other casts, too!

That suck, I really miss him that he will able to leave for going to military service about 2 years, oh aigoo. =( (Especially, I really felt so bad for these people who are working as production and too hard working for this drama -- but CUT OFF, ouch.)

Honestly, This awesome drama "Bad Guy" reallllly made me so exciting. =)


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OH GEEEEEEEZ! (scowls)

This drama is really fascinating and awesome to me EVER! Oooh, yea....I HOOPPPEEEE that this drama won't make us to become losing our sight to their changing story that they try --- but don't confusing, hopefully so!

Fighting! I am sure that they will do their best, yupz.


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I really like this drama...I've watched the first five episodes and I'm excited to see how Gun Wok's plan will unfold...it almost reminds me of Resurrection-which was so brilliant in its execution! I agree, cutting down doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing, it could be a good thing for plot development. fighting!


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I'm giving even money that he fails his intake physical. Dude has an active hernia going that is scheduled for surgery, and if memory serves he said in an interview for QSD that he'd nearly destroyed a knee that required 6 months of rehab (um, fangirling much momo?). I know not of the Korean military, but those will flush you right out of boot camp in the US. Normally I'd be thinking that he'd be pulling up a desk next to K!R!W! in competition for Korea's sexiest civil servant for two year. But making him drop out of Bad Guy if he's going to fail the physical is pointless.


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cannot understand why they could not delayed his enlistment of the army until
He has finishing filming his series. What is the big deal. There are so many
setbacks to this series that it is very dissappointing.


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That is SUCH a pity. I like this shot and yes, the script may be its weakest point, but it's still good. Why oh why can't they delay the enlistment of a few weeks?

I can't imagine the levels of stress the actors, the crew and everyone might be under. I mean, filming a drama is already stressful enough, but with so many setbacks? It must be almost unbearable. Poor KNG.


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This is one drama I am totally hooked on since the first episode.. And KNG has seriously grown on me! T.T ..I wish they could finish the drama off because it has a good storyline!!! T.T ..Aww, this is sad news for me! T.T


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That's an unfortunate situtation for the drama, I really like this drama to, it's the only one that is keeping me entertained at the moment.
I really wonder how the production team will handle this; if they cut the episodes then that means we're more than half-way done with show (and I still don't completely understand Gun Wook's motive for hurting the Hong siblings...the parents I get but why go after the kids?) but if they keep it at 20 episodes then they'll probably end up altering the storyline and make it more Tae Sung-based I think (which isn't so terrible because Tae Sung seems like just as bad of a guy as Gun Wook).


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i drop out after one episode


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I'm saddened by this. Although I have some issues with the plot ie. the cops and their coincidences that make it way too easy to figure out about gunwook, and especially in 9 telling 8itch Shin about GunWook/TaeSung's connection to the murder, I am really enjoying it. The tension between Gunwook and TaeRa makes me giggle. You rarely see grown up lust in kdramas and the chemistry is perfect.


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Uggghhh. The one drama I was following... I'm on a 4 weeks break away from all dramas due to my schedule. This is the one I was going to jump on once I'll be back home with a bowl of ice cream and marathon through.

Suppose all I can do is to pray for the best... Sigh.


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@6....same here....but even though i've stopped watching...i stll hope the best for the actors and production team who've worked really hard...and it is a beautiful drama...like JB said...not brilliant bt very beautiful....this has to be the drama with the most troubles i've ever witnessed...still hoping for the best


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i turely love bad guy,hope it will be finish befor he leaves for service i like every thing gil plays in,soooooooooooo please let him finish bad guy ,an i will wait for his return for his next movie, ilove you gil and more power toyouuuuuuuuuuu. ethel.


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omg why!!? this is such b.s. right now. tbh i think sbs is at fault for everything. they really messed up the production and the ratings. and what i've seen the ratings of the world cup was in the teens. just give nam gil 3 more weeks of extension it's not like he's going to runaway and not do service. is it really going to affect the army or something? lol


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Hmm I think I'm with girlfriday. 16 episodes sound much more manageable...


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I really am enjoying this drama and the direction it is going in. I wanted something with a sleek and dark side and so far this is fulfilling that desire. I was already weary when hearing that he was called once again to enlist after requesting an extension. The script was not great but everything else made up for the loopholes in my book. I really hope that the crew can finish the drama as planned because I would hate to see a drama with potential go straight to the dump because of unfortunate events that they couldn't control. Where is the person who placed a curse on this drama, so that I can hunt them down. -_- Now time to go cry and plead with the K-Drama gods to please let everything go as planned.


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16episodes will do just fine.I find 20episodes a tad too long..they love dragging the story and film quite a number of unnecessary scenes.And if it was to cut down does it means My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox which is up next will begin airingearlier?That will be a blessing in disguise.I'm so waiting for it


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I am really pulling for Bad Guy! It's not perfect but it does have a lot going for it. Interestingly enough, it's the only drama currently airing that I'm even watching, so I really want it to finish properly.

Poor Kim Nam-gil, too. Not in good health, struggling mightily to fulfill his obligation to the drama and then to his country...dude needs about a month off (at least) after the first one ends and before the latter begins. :-(


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i agree. 16 episodes do sound more appealing. though now probably they will have to cut away those unrelated scenes. but i'm afraid of the storyline will alter to something i'm not satisfied.


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FAIL. Why must this drama face so many difficulties? It's solid in many ways other dramas aren't and hearing this just....makes me so sad! I hope the drama can pull off the best but considering how writers are FRANTICALLY spitting out the scripts really makes me worried if I will end up losing interest in this drama. Definitely agree that 16 episodes will capture things better.
Anyways, let's keep our fingers crossed for the best and fighting for KNG and the crew!


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Awhh. Feel so bad for this show!!!!! :(


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Makes me sad to hear of even more difficulties surrounding Bad Guy. :-(

Since so many people have been really taken with Kim Jae Wook's character and performance (and not at the expense of Kim Nam Gil, either - more like we have two great leading male characters in the drama - though I am personally shipping Tae Song like mad), the drama really could use this unfortunate situation and pull a humdinger on us.

They continue with the story as written and then transfer the story to TS in the latter few episodes. Unlike dramas with wet noodle second male leads, this drama can potentially remain viable without KNG. Look, KNG's Bidam (a 4th string lead when introduced) stole the show and everyone else was short-shrifted in the end of QSD for the Bidam-storyline to get more airtime. They can give Tae Song the chance the carry the show once KNG leaves.


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well, now that sucks! to be honest...after watching ep. 6 i was wondering where the story is heading. even kim nam gil's acting couldn't save this production it practically became unbearable to watch now.


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The main plot is SGW and HTS is just a side line plot to make the drama, if the important figure dissapear then it will be a lopsided drama. Will it be a bad drama for 2010 ?.


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Guh this is exactly what happened to Wolf when Eric and Han Ji Min got into an accident, setback after setback led to them just dropping the drama altogether b/c the actors had other obligations to attend to and couldn't finish filming.

I hope all turns out well b/c I am seriously enjoying this.


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Poor Bidam!

(always wanted to say that but haven't watch QSD or BG so never had an opportunity. Glad I got that off my chest.)


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word, if there ever was a cursed/jinxed drama, it's this one. unbelievable amount of setbacks

i likeeeee this drama. fingers crossed!!


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This has been best drama this year, hope they don't rush it and stuff it up. Good luck to all the actors love them all and they are doing a great job.


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"I suppose it might make someone think, 'There’s no point in watching this now. Next!'"
Yeah, I'm one of those people. I downloaded the first ep the other day, but I haven't watched it because I'm afraid this show will become a mess in the latter episodes.


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I feel soo bad for KNG and Bad Guy! With all the all nighters, I hope he doesn't get sick, which commonly happens when actors over-exhaust themselves. And it's sad to think they'll he'll be leaving in four days and gone for two years. :(


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Bad Guy surely had the toughest bad luck. Poor Kim Nam Gil, he must be exhausted. Episode 9 was so good. Praying for a miracle! Keep on fighting Bad Guy!


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I kept thinking about what to say here. The fact that I'm speechless (wordless? words-to-type-in-less?) kind of says it all. I guess it just wasn't meant to be yo.


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I just read an article that stated that KNG did not get an extension and BG will be cut down to 17 eps.......*sighs*


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Yes, it looks like a definite no go. @pancake...I just read the same thing.

Jeepers! This drama is a drama! anything they do now is going to alter the entire
premise of the show. A little too late to shift the focus, or even get a resolution without it being a wham bam thank you ma'am kinda thing.

This is just terrible. I had waited for this drama to air and it just got hit from all over.

I feel bad for actors.


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Its the first time I ever decide to go against cut off. Bad Guy is such a promising, compelling and intriguing. It is not perfect & brilliant as JB said it is extremely great for me.

Please, make things works.


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just when i started to know this brillant actor.. he's off the the army!!!
see u in 2 yrs time!! good luck!!


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Why ? Why ? WHy ? Why do Korean dramas always PROCRASTINATING ?


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Wow this is an incredible drama, its complex, brilliant, intriguing.. jeez.. love the story. The acting is delicious! haha love it! I hope that they do the best they can ~ Its a shame that Kim Nam Gil has to go away for a few years.. -_-


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too bad. :(

i ca't believe this, BG is such a good drama, i hope KNG gets an extension, altough i think it's IMPOSSIBLE, the 15th is just around the corner...

well, what if they change the actor? like what the director did in MATRIX when the actress playing the oracle died of heart attack, they changed the actress, right? can the BG director do that instead...?

yes, yes, i know- NOBODY can replace KNG in this drama, his acting is beyond superb and he fits the role perfectly.

i am wishing against fate that the BG team will be able to pull something up real fast.

BTW, i love the guy playing as Hong Tae-sung, he's so cute when he's with Moon Jae-in :DD like a schoolboy teasing his crush :DD

thanks dramabeans.com for the recaps and news! :D ♥


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no wonder the actors looks so exhausted in the recent episodes..
kim jae wook looks really tired.. his lips is all dry & cracked in the middle in episodes 7 and 8..


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Sigh. I'm actually more worried about KNG's health more than the drama. Seems like he is overworking without proper rest. Does he even get to sleep and eat his meals? :(

That aside, I really hope compressing it to 16-17 episode will only make the story better. But I doubt it would be since the writers are rushing things. And I'm afraid the quality of the whole production will reduce due to this rush. Argh.

I will miss him so so much with him inactive for 2 years! 2 freaking years.


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Too bad cuz I just started watching it and liking it. Maybe they can have his character played by someone else because "he" got discovered of his revenge plot and so he went to get plastic surgery and now he appears to be someone different and can better get revenge.....???


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This is heartbreaking. For KNG's health, the production; him going away for 2 years... Bad Guy is really great in my book, I'm enjoying it a lot. It'd be sad if the quality went down now, or the plot would be ruined. Fingers crossed that things will still go as well as possible - the writers making it work, everyone succeeding to shoot it all in such a short while, the actors holding up to the pressure and exhaustion...
What a bummer for this drama. :(


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