Open Thread #141



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sorry to interupt the WC broadcasting to say:

COFFEE HOUSE TODAY!!!!! *BOUNCEBOUNCEBOUNCE* ^_______^ Anyone as excited as I am? I did a marathon of the first 8 episodes in anticipation of today. :)

.....back to your currently scheduled OT


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D: Can I get a Will Smith inspired "Aw, hell no" to the Giant episode today? So many things to say, show. So little time.


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@ janna:
LOL at your last comment x)

rant about your frustrations please x)


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Aaaw man! Giant, giant!
Does JY really have to be in this show? All the scenes with her in it were... %&$*^ asinine. I can't blame the writer, writer knows exactly what he's doing, the spoilers or 'synopsis' I accidentally read a while back kind of told me what'll happen to the KM-JY-MW triangle sometime in the far, far future so I know all this is leading to that... but watching it is agonising and honestly, I'm not even interested anymore.

I'm just wondering when *that* KM will return to us, how long will I watch him ticking away ready to explode, next timeleap? Say another 10 episodes? Yarrgh!!
We need more LSM, there wasn't enough LSM OR MJ in this episode.


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*spoilers/Giant* JY is.. expendable.

There were fights a plenty (which is now normal for Giant) But tossing a woman out of her wheelchair? ........Really? We're going to go there show? I mean, thugs know better than that. Well, hats off to KM for staying slap free for an episode. I'll see your face tomorrow. Hopefully we can go two-for-two KM, but I'm sure your face-future won't be so rosy. Especially if you go picking fights. KMs urge to kill Min-woo is almost to a boiling point as seen in his rage-filled circle-lensed eyes.

Oh Min-woo. You had me played good sir. I thought you were genuinely a smidge giddy over JY, that the blood was pumping a beat in that semi-functional heart of yours. I was mistaken. It was nothing more than a greasy gear turning. My fault. You still are a tin man, and are not in the business of looking for a heart anytime soon. Do we need to see you topless again? Whatever pleases the ladies, I suppose. But I was more concerned over this: Where is he taking a shower? Is that really his home? Is _his_ bathroom mirror that bedazzled? This cannot be. This is no Cho-approved decoration. These men don't say they're sorry; and as rugged men shouldn't have any fancy mirror-mirrors on their walls. Min-woo already knows who the fairest one of all: Himself.


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@ supah:
oh noes! Is it that bad? :O
should I stop watching the show after the kids' portion? Ohh, darn I had high hopes for Giant :/

It can't be that bad, can it? It's not like CS bad right? (excessive tears &parallel episodes/ frequent cuss battles with the computer screen)


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Oh & @ yenchan:
yupp, I'm excited for today's episode of Coffee House too ^^


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**********Giant SPOILERS!********
Dude, did the director really have to go that low? Y'know... Teleporting the slu... um, floozie from Bad Guy and her wearing that 80s tin-foil crap to remind us he's still the same MW, as in schmuck teen MW who said: ''immoral girl, the whole bus just saw your knickers''. Sorry, that just cheapened the show, and women. I mean, prior to this even gisaengs and the bar singers were portrayed a little less obviously and sensitively.

PJH's not able to play out the nuances required of JY as well as NJH did. NJH would make it real clear she really hated MW but then would spring surprises by the blushing and getting all flustered around him in a teen crush way. But she never really looked dumb or lost, thoughtful, yes. In fact she was a real bee-atch -- the kind to poke fun at an orphan that his mother died. PJH started out promising enough, now she's lost me. I hope her acting improves, cos she'll need it when her role gets *really* demanding.

JSW, aside from those cringey shirtless scenes (stop trying to appeal to the ahjummas, show! They're NOT interested, they have spoken and they want Ji Jin-hee!) is actually doing a decent job overall, plus, he's exactly like his teen version. He can cover a range -- from the skeezie to the pitiful, like when his dad wipes the floor with him when he gets home.

JC does as he does, he shows no mercy, I saw it coming from a mile away. What got me was Mrs Grouchface's bad acting, I'm honestly not one to laugh, but that scene made me. It could've been acted out better by her. All I'm gonna say.

I really think PJH could do something better with those scenes if only her acting was better.
The directing is hit and miss, overall hit but a couple of slip-ups lately, but I'll let them slide as long as they don't crop up in every episode.

Anyway, enough of that...
Poor Pres. Hong! :( I really couldn't watch that scene. Major Cho is definitely back, no more warm and skinshippy Cho.
SM's plan backfired that badly, huh?


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There are about a dozen story arcs in each episode at the moment, the rest are fine, I have a problem with just one of them, which may hopefully only be a temporary glitch. I'm definitely still on board.
It's nowhere near CS, don't even compare. Stuff *happens* in Giant, there's no time for lay about angsting. It's a complete different animal.


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ok then :) YAY!


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I was home today. Waiting for next weeks Giant will be agonizing to say the least. Don't watch the previews. Just don't. Haha.


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As I wait for Giant 14 to d/load, I just want to finish venting about 13.
The sole two problems were with one story arc and it throwing in:
1) 2 x cheap thrills.
2) PJH's bad acting.

But the episode wasn't a failure, simply because the other story arc was strong. Poor Lim Jung-yoon. Was so thinking he'd be the next badass on the block and D'OH! D'OH! I know now why I never recognised him as KM's old schoolteacher - the 70s hairdo. But yeah, poor guy. And buttoning up the dude's shirt in a ''yes, yes, sort out your composure, good man'' and then driving off as the poor man collapses in the street, vomiting up blood. Classic Cho moment, that. Kind of like how he terrorised a younger SM back at the military base, too. But Pres. Hong, no ways, that was too much baaad...
It's ok Cho, you're not above everyone. And KCIA Leader, Lee Ki Young is wow, he doesn't even break a sweat, does he?

Seeing younger KM and how brilliantly YJG played him I had full belief that LBS could ace this role (and I still believe he can). His story hasn't really begun yet, If he's meant to come off as unlikely-a-kingpin-as-possible in the interim - I'm sorta buying it (doesn't mean I'm enjoying watching him so lowly). But this is where I'm glad we had that flashforward, as terrible it seemed then, I'm glad, and LBS was perfect in it. I understand that this is only one long journey to that.

And damn, those spoilers, they're everywhere and seem so innocent. Thankfully I only read a tiny amount, but they still did the damage. :(
It was akin to being interested in watching say... Edward Scissorhands and picking up the dvd in the rental store and reading the back cover film desc: and it reading: ''Edward cuts some guy's face by accident, townspeople call him menace, drive him out with a pitchfork, he ends up living rest of his life cut off from civilisation, Winona cries for the rest of her life.''
Like WTF!?

@janna and immakiddo! Avoid any other drama desc. other than the one on Dramawiki. Unless I've warned you too late.
...And now that I've said it you guys will go hunting them down in curiosity, won't ya?


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Goshdarnit Janna!
Why do you keep on beating me by posting comments first? Heh!


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@supah: Time travel abilities?

Well I haven't read anything, but the preview today SPOILS next week, unless it's some sort of wonky dream sequence. I've been keeping away from spoilers. So far, so good. Except for whatever was thrown out for character bios at the beginning I know not that much. But, I know we'll be miserable after watching this, that is how it has to be. Now off to go watch the preview 8 more times.


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OK, didn't watch the preview, but I know what it is, I think... since it was hinted at in this episode, plus it's part the small portion I read in the spoiler (weeks and weeks before). Can't stomach it though, any Cho and Hwang get-together is puke.

Awesomesauce episode, more Lee siblings, less of the Hwangs.
I guess PJH can do fiesty pretty well, she just looks retarded when she's anything but. (Sorry!)
Comparatively the actresses playing MJ and KO are the two women here who are comfortable in their roles and can pull their own weight quite nicely amongst all the veterans. *proud*

Speaking of veterans, I've finally found out who's playing Pres. Hong: http://www.hancinema.net/korean_Son_Byeong-ho.php --- fan4lye, yo!

Oh and Hong-Mo is the new Sung-Cho pairing, and I would've been really proud of him this episode had it not been for those last few moments. Ooh! With all that exposure to the Major, I guess it kind of rubbed off on the laundry boy, that was classic Cho school of thought: 'If anything dare get in your way, kill it.'


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^ Oh, I hate how I can't edit...
That above was directed @ janna and is pure SPOILERAGE (for GIANT)!

(Ugh! Feel like such a hypocrite!)

Doesn't look like this OT has been v. popular anyway... hopefully no one'll notice anyway....


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@ supah

You are losing it girl! LOL LOL....naaahhhhh I don't know what's going on....see nothing....hear nothing....notice nothing.....

It's like Siwon telling Yura after she asked him what are you saying no to? And he says....I don't think nothing's going on between us (him and KH). :-)

Happy Wednesday!!!


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Heys, it's been a while! *hug* How're you keeping?

Yeah, I've pretty much lost it. It's just I'm a high horse about how anti-spoilers I am but then kinda break my own rules. D'oh! The comment I followed up with was even worse than the initial one. Less said the better.

MCC aired its finale yesterday, right? You got any more dramas lined up?
Aside from the two currently-running dramas I'm watching, I've also been watching Count of Myeongdong and Buzzer Beat on weekends... almost halfway on CoMD and almost finished BB... yeah, I'm quite bipolar.

Man, seriously... where's everybody gone? Hahah!


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Hey Supah!

Yeah....MCC is all done....kinda sad to see it finished but had a great time with it and laughed and enjoyed the acting! There were many very sweet moments between the 2 main leads....but NO KISS!!! What is that?!!!! Gosh, darn it all!!!! The only person I didn't care for was Horan....talk about need more experience. Everyone else was great......I loved Hyun Woo who was in Pasta...pony tail hair guy. Gotta hand it to Rye Jin.....what a guy! And Lee Soo-kyung and Kim Sang-kyung had great chemistry! LSK just matches in with her leading men....she's great in any role.

I'm now checking in with Summer's Desire and Definitely Neighbors. I think the chef in DN was in Thank You....Bomi's real father. He's wearing glasses in DN but the voice is what I recognize. And, of course, I'm still following Dong Yi which is getting very good now with her being taken into the inner court of the Palace. Also....local tv still airing Queen Seon Deok and Bidam is sure turning out to be a real @%&*$# just evil to the core that guy! His hair is different so he really looks like Bad Guy! :-( I'm still flying low on some other dramas....not really hooked into any one particularly.....after Oh My Lady....I've had to take couple deep breaths to re-wire! Sheeshh.....I must have been mesmerized by SiWon....even printing out his photo showing bare chest and posting it on my refrig!!!! How crazy is that? My grand daughter couldn't stop laughing and she's the one who posted it for me!

I'm doing fine here....got cardiology check on Friday....everything feels good.

My grand daughter showed me her Japan photos and I loved it. So sweet because she brought back lots of incense for me and some goodies. Nothing like goodies from Japan. The incense? I love them....different scent from what is burned in east indian ashrams. She said she loved visiting the Shinto shrines. She still couldn't talk about the museum in Hiroshima....I'll ask her about it later on again. The only word my daughter in law could use was POWERFUL.

Happy end of June......keep your energy powered up....always good to see you in OT.....


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@eiko: Good to hear you're doing well~ Shiwon on your fridge, eh? Sounds cute~

What is with the inability to edit comments now? I've guess other people can't do it either. Hm, I'll be sure to double check my thoughts now. (previous posts of mine on the OT have spelling mistakes/sound utterly stupid at times)

@supah: If you're all thinking nuptials, this is not the case at all. Also, saw that a mile away. Keep away from those spoilers for next week! (I know, it's hard)
Sidebar: I want to request Kyung-Ok to sing "Bang Bang" by Nancy Sinatra. It's lounge-ish enough, right?


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Go ON, eiko, with your Siwon fangirling! Are you looking forward to him in Athena at all?

Aw, Bidam. All I'm gunna say. If he was going to go out like that anyway, it was only right he gave something mean, nasty back to the mean and nasty world (in the short time that he had -- sob).

Oooh... Summer's Desire... I do like to watch a nice TW drama every so often but this one's not on my radar right now. The last one I enjoyed before it kinda lost me was Easy Fortune, Happy Life (Qiao En is a doll). Autumn Concerto was v. pretty to look at but... 'meh'.

Good to see you here too hun. Lemme know how you get on with the checkup on Fri. xox


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KO was lovverly in Ep13. I hope they put these lounge songs on the OST disc, I'll so buy it.
Bang Bang is so the Royal Club (or Casino, whatever it is) but just not retro Korean pop, I guess.
Btw, the singer in Ep12, was she a singer making a cameo appearance? 'Cos they honed in on her face in the way they don't do with the rest of the singers. Don't recognise her.

Oh isshh! Really? So glad I didn't watch that preview then!


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OK, now I gerrit. Bang, bang, Ha Ha!
And to think I thought you had a soft spot for TS.


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@ supah

Okay....His name is Shin Sung-rok and he IS in Definitely Neighbors and was the father of Bomi in Thank You! He sure looks different in DN!

I only checked on SD because several people said it was good.....I've been fast forwarding...I kinda get the gist of the plot....just not into heavy romance stuff with stupid doings.

I did skip through Don't Hesitate....Lee Sang-woo is such a hunk!!!! he's also in Life is Beautiful in a different role. I skipped through Birth of the Rich?....besides, part way it was not available in my territory or something. My grand daughter has better taste than I do because I mentioned that I wasn't impressed with LSW because he hardly ever smiles and she looked at me strangely and said....what?!!! then I said another time....Rain is cute and she said....he's a hunk!!! LOL LOL.....

Yeah....I'll check out Athena....something should hit my fancy with both SiWon and SeungWon in it! hehehehe....aigooooo.....

And Janna....I can hardly wait for my friend to come by and look at the photos of my family on the refrig and sees SiWon!!! Maybe I should look for a really sexy one of him with NO SHIRT! Aaaahhhhh fun, fun!!!!


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@ supah

Hey.....the next drama coming on local station is GIANT!!!! WoooHoooo!!!!! I'm glad I didn't get started on it seriously!!!!! Starts on July 7th replacing 2 Wives.

I've noticed that all the dramas on this KBFD station are SBS dramas.

Aaahhhh yes.....looking forward to watching Giant on my big screen! :-)

Happy July 1st girlfriend!!!!!


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Aaah Dude, was never the biggest fan of his character Seuk-ho in TY. Nothign to do with the actor himself but will avoid this project of his by a mile.

Yeah, Athena will def. be pleasing to the eye, looking forward to it too. Although Su Ae's character poster was more off-putting than Lee Jiah's. But then I'm watching it for the men anyway so it's aight. ;)

About Giant, I've pretty given up recommending this drama to people a v. long time ago. Sadly, I don't think it's meant to appease everyone's tastes. If you're ok with excessive amounts of violence (I have a tomboyish affixation with martial arts and gangster flicks so it's right up my alley) then you'll enjoy it, otherwise it'll kind of lose you, and then there's its number of twists and tension. It's not really one for a casual watch. Do check it foh' sho - but just can't guarantee it'll be something you'll like.


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Yeah, Giant is definitely something I.... wouldn't recommend. But it's okay, if there's nothing to watch, just wait a few weeks. Then it will be an entire new season of J-Dramas. In my humble belief some of them might be promising (maybe I shouldn't speak too soon).

I said I was watching that Yamato Nadeshiko and Fated to Love you before, and.... I never finished them. I don't know. I mean, I know how they'll end and all. Lately I've had trouble finishing shows. I did watch the end of Prosecutor Princess, but it wasn't like eyes glued to the TV watch. I really want to like Baker King because it's apparently so popular, but it's in the same epic sense of Giant so it's most likely going to be shelved for a later watch. I have been watching episodes of Rinjo2 and will continue watching Mother, as it has kept my attention pretty well.

@supah: How is Buzzer Beat for you? It wasn't the greatest to me, but it was way better than most of the shows in that timeslot lately...

@eiko: And for the record, Lee Sang-woo was best as the deaf brother in 18 vs 29. I watched a little of Don't Hesitate, but he wore like speedos in the first episode and I almost literally died of second hand embarassment. Also, wasn't that like a daily show? That's a lot of watching. Now in Life is Beautiful his scenes with Song Chang Ui are voyeuristic as heck and saucier than what I'm used to for even heterosexual couples in a weekend drama? So I haven't kept much on that either. Yes, I sound like I'm laying down the law. No one in this family drama is getting within two inches of anyone else. immaculate conceptions for all. Just stare him or her down with your love. Haha...


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@ supah and janna

Got what you're saying! The only martial arts that really grabbed me is when I was watching Bruce Lee. If Giant doesn't touch me.....I'll let it be. I watched the beginning and then got caught up with MCC.

In Life Is Beautiful I've been swinging in and out.....because I'm not too keen about that bitchy wife who has only one way to communicate and that is to scream. Beats me how she got pregnant!??? The only 2 people that caught my attention is the one guy who is like a butler to that spoiled brat woman who might be Japanese. She's a good actress who knows how to play her role and stays as cool as a cucumber while being demanding. He looks like he eats lemons every morning or all day long.

And as for Athena....I'm like Supah....gonna check in because of the male view! I think SiWon will have a different role which will definitely launch him as an actor. I believe he is talented and just needs to mature. Oi.....have mercy!!!!! hahahahaha

The other strange drama is Wife Is Back......oi vey....not sure where that one is going. I try to check in with some of the american shows but for some reason I get turned off by the stories.....sighhhhh...... and I used to be solid with CSI and the Mentalist.

Okay....I have to get some coffee....I'm gonna be rambling soon and it's only 6:30 in the morning!


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BB: It’s really fun, charming. Was halfway through CoMD, and suddenly I couldn't take the gloom anymore (even though it's still v. engaging and I'll watch it to the end) so opted for something 'light'. Now, usually I'm not too fond of 'light' and kdrama 'light' generally means something bleached out soulless like PT, so I thought ah-ha! Jdorama. And from out the pick of doramas I went straight for BB. It's great, love the basketball court with the billboard reading: 'love makes you stronger', loves Keiko in this, she be adorbs, loves Yamapi - unconditionally, second lead -- blah! Second female lead -- wow, really she haz issuez! But yeah, it exudes heaps of charm, warmth and character. (And the sheer amount of affection between the OTP and the kiss is the best, ever.)

OMG! ''he wore like speedos in the first episode and I almost literally died of second hand embarassment.''
Dude, YOU are the voyeuristic one! *applause*
I was compiling a list of all the kdramas I've seen over the 4.5 yrs I've been watchign them, I'm surprised there were only about 32. That's lower than I thought, but I realise it's because I'm v. picky. If I don't like something I avoid it like the plague. I can't do the 'let's check this out for curiosity's sake', I have tried that but I've turned green at the gills.
Not that my standards are high (not at all), I just feel they should fulfill my whims of that particular moment when I watched it, that's what entertainment's about, it shouldn't feel laborious really.

OK, I need to rant about PJH's acting in G, while it's still fresh in my head.
Am I the only one bothered by her acting? I never expected her to be the sole letdown in this ensemble cast, especially since she's such an important character. I'm not just criticising her because I want to, I've been forgiving for a while.
My problem lies with the fact that she never reacts! And there's no sincerity, I just cannot connect with her and I've tried. She's been so busy trying to mimic NJH (and she does) that she's lost the grasp of her grown-up character.

About her lack of reaction: We all know by now MW is a lunatic and truly his father's son when it comes to bullying others (JSW is doing a surprisingly good job playing him). Now in the scenes where she's alone with him (even if it is a professional environment), she just fails to react. There are scenes he's meant to make you jump out of your skin in fright, yet she just doesn't look afraid enough, there are times when he invades her personal space yet she doesn't step back, but neither does she step forward to challenge him. She's written as a bit of a budding villianess at this stage, so she's not meant to be so gullible as to fall for his tricks, but she's not on his level of fierce either. Still she says the right words, but her facial expression just doesn't convey her conflicting emotions, nor confidence or desire to combat him, nor 'I dare you, just try it' fire in her eyes, nor looking intimidated or vulnerable, no anger - nothing. She tries, but the effect makes her seem vaguely disgruntled…? It's too… casual. But the biggest letdown is that after something major has happened between them, the next time it's as though she's forgotten already and does the opposite of giving him a wide berth, the tension is all on his part. You'd expect her to look a bit more on edge, or portray a girl who is on edge yet trying to be brave and cover up the fact that he's beginning to really bother her or even show little signs of being attracted to him, which would put a lot of things into context… but no, flat! flat! flat!
The childhood JY-MW their exchanges were catty, they were equals = intriguing to watch, in adulthood he's upped his game whereas she's lost her wit = cringy to watch. Gf, next time you're anywhere alone with him and he starts, here's how you do it:
a) put up a fight.
b) act like any other decent girl would and get the HELL outta there, one time!
c) if you're going to do neither (thanks, writer) at least convince us, the audience that you're too stubborn to flee or fight but are inwardly struggling and that he makes you a tad uncomfortable (at least LOOK like you're sick of him), we can totally relate to that.
d) if you fancy him, but are in denial or something, don't be such a cold fish, throw some romantic tension in there. Right now I'm getting no vibes from you, him yes.
(Since this is MW and he can be a bit like his daddy, I'd pick b!)

Ep14 was an improvement, granted. But it's just not enough, even in the scene where she's 'bargaining with the devil' I was rooting for the devil, check that.
(I mean, were we supposed to feel awed, like 'wow, look at her, she's not afraid in the least'? --We established a long time ago that she's a lot like KM, she's written to be fearless and gutsy, like him. -- I'd say super-proud too but both JY and KM seem to have left that behind in the past.)
The rain scene was good, I was gagging, trying not to scream out loud but thankfully she handled it well and allayed my fears (of it being a big, fat, embarrassing cliché mostly). But y'know maybe she won't be that awful afterall. Nevertheless I've heard good things about her as an actress, and she still has a lot of scope to improve and prove us wrong, I just hope it's soon. Make it happen, don't make me wanna FF your scenes, Park! I've never felt like FFing any of the show so far, I mean, even Jung-shik is fun.

OK. Now I feel muuch better.


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@supah: I did not partake in any voyeurism, unfortunately. The show literally had one of those long panning shots, usually reserved for the ladies - this, a dude version. Equal or perhaps worse to my distaste for shower scenes, I recall pausing the video, saying outloud "What just happened here, I don't even" then coughing out some laughs and decided to just let it go.

I agree PJH is getting on my nerves. She's supposed to be a little charmed by Min-woo, but not completely overrun by him. She should be a strong character, but she's coming off as someone who is bratty and entitled to her position (she should be clawing her way to the top, but it doesn't seem that way really) Min-woo just lets her hang out to laugh at her, not with her. She doesn't show enough of anything, happiness, anger, sadness. I don't get it. Show needs more MJ.


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Ditto, show needs more MJ!
Hwang Jung-eum is luminous... not giving undue credit, she really is doing a sound job. She has the toughest job I'd say, as her character's a very distinct one. Plus, it was instant love in her first scene when her first sentence was a sarcastic one.
Ricecake vendor old lady: Are you waiting for your boyfriend?
MJ: Yeah, I'm waiting for my boyfriendS.

Funnily enough, I caught myself at work today, humming along to the Lee Mija song she sang often ''shy 19yr old girl''.


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*Epi 7*
The scene between Gun-wook and Tae-ra in the elevator is a beautiful piece of "Erotic Art" the way they wrestle the piece of cloth like two wild best in the wild fighting for the same piece of "Sacrificial Lamb" only to end up in a forceful and beautiful carnal embrace, I can say that Tae-ra was move to her innermost core!!!!!
that scene alone deserves a 10!!!!!


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eiko, it's great to hear you are keeping your good health.

I've decided to give myself a break from watching live' drama. With MCC over, Bad Guy would be the last one. I miss the all-consummated sensation when watching a good completed drama non-stop. It is that marathon 'high' that hooks me into kdrama. I am now waiting for Coffee House to finish before pursuing it.


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