Open Thread #141



Deluka – “Cascade” [ Download ]

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@supah: Continuing from last OT....Yes I knew that was SM in the video. The Mi-Joo scene I question was when she was at home she said she wouldn't accept leaving the house for college (which was proposed to her) because she wouldn't be able to do the monthly waiting for KM thing. Which begs the question, when and how did she go to highschool? I guess the nuns. Hm, we'll see. Maybe it'll be answered sometime.

Oh and I don't necessarily hate the fact over the name-thing going on. It just seems really interesting to me that well, it's possible there but not in America/Canada/most other countries. Even if your name was Generic like "John Smith". But if this story were to really happen, SMs face wouldn't really change that much and KM would be able to point him out from across the room. Well, hopefully. I mean he still has the picture (and it is in pretty good shape too)


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Just want to say how much I'm enjoying the Kdrama addiction confessional! I do have a Japanese colleague who is almost as obsessed as I am - spent our free time at the last Open Campus chattering away about the dramas we were watching - but basically I'm completely alone in this. Always a joy to visit here and feel "normal!!"


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@ immakiddo!
Hey again, you! xD
That was an interesting story you relayed there. ''I don't take fives!''? Tch tch!

Aaah, so you're up to episode 8? 9?
The casting here is perfect, it's been a long time since I've been able to watch a drama where everyone can ACT and it feels wonderful! Now that the childhood portions are over, I'll say safely all the adult actors were able to do justice to their younger counterparts.
I may have been whinging about Park Jin-hee's character recently but definitely can't fault her on her acting, plus she has Nam Ji Hyun's clipped speech and all her mannerisms down to a T.

The best however has to be Park Sang-min, OMG! Where was he buried all these years!? (OK, don't answer that, after Kim Doo Han in the 90s he went on to play third wheels in rom-coms.) It's great he's been given this kind of platform to boast his skill as an actor (who can really act) and a skilled fighter, again.

Granted, it took me a while to warm up to him, come episode 9 I was really cynical and having a hard time letting go of Kim Soo-hyun before him, but come episode 10 and BAM! And so my love and appreciation of him begins.


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Aaah yes, that scene when she's speaking with Pres. Hong? I recall the conversation after you mentioned it, don't know why I didn't pick up on the college bit.
So the nuns sent her to school.

Janna, it's totally fine if your disgruntled about anything, there's all sorts of things to feel WTF about, I love that your honest.
With me, I'm going with whichever which way the writer's going, solely because the writing is so tight, all the details matter in such a way that they have a domino effect, if there's anything I feel confused about it gets addressed pretty much straight away. So I'm just going to trust the writer on this one. He's been great so far hopefully he won't let us down.
Besides, as you've said, not like it's real life or a documentary anyway.


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oh noes, I realized that my comment above was incomplete! I must've deleted part of it.

Actually, my mom took away my computer, and will not allow me to watch dramas anymore :( but, fortunately, I have my handy dandy iPod! It allows me to watch dramas on dailymotion, veoh, and youtube

There isn't any videos (that I know of) of giant in dailymotion, but there's episode 1 subbed on youtube and episodes 1-4 subbed on veoh

so, basically, im doomed *cries*

I'm actually still on episode 4 :( but I managed to find a raw episode of episode 12 on veoh ;) I didnt understand a lot of it, but I understood enough to get the hang of who was who x)

I watched the part where the guy went, "Kangmo, hyung is here!" and then I was like 'wait....hyung... So this is? NOoOoO!!'

Being the shallow girl I was, i must admit that the first thing that came to my mind was ,"why couldn't they pick somebody better looking? Why??" but then I got over it ;) but as soon as i got over it , another thing started bothering me. Kim Soo Hyun's portrayal of SM made him seem fierce and sexy but a softie at the same time. The older version on SM just looks like a push over :(

I'm really really sad about not being able to watch further into the drama (at the moment anyway) but I'll look forward to ur little recaps on the drama

If the person kindly continues to upload videos of giant, I'll watch all of them ;)

I VOTE GIANT as the bestest drama ever!!! X)


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oh yeah, I vote for a janna and supah recapping team for giant! X)

You guys can be called "supahjanna!" teehee

Maybe if you guys recapped it on dramabeans, more people would get into the drama. :)

I would be the first to comment ! :D


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@supah, (adding on to my other comment)
Ooh maybe I'll warm up to him too. LOL, because I've agreed to everything you've mentioned in your past comments xD

I think it's because I'm not understanding the dialogue & I'm basing my opinions on the way the characters look


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just came in here to hyperventilate about the new athena pics to those who would understand. and belated congrats to Girl Friday for officially becoming Javabean's blog consort (haha!).

ok, is this really choi siwon on twitter?


because he sounds a bit like a baptist fundie . . .

just checking because i'm currently crushing on him in oh! my lady (ep 11, to be exact).


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Oh, too bad... STILL on episode 4? Oooh! You've a long way to go yet...

But that's seriously great for your studies!!

I don't know about you but I HATE spoilers and avoid them like crazy (unless I have no intention of watching the show, or it's an adaptation.)
I'll avoid being spoilerriffic so I don't spoil things for ya in future!

Ooooh! That's exactly what I thought at first!
Just wait till you catch up, he definitely grows on you and I honestly find him attractive. His circumstances mean he's more 'refined' about his emotions but he can definitely do fierce and definitely not a pushover (ok, so maybe be pretends to be one). ;)

Urgh! I sobbed so embarrassingly at: ''hyung yi wattaguh Kang-mo-yah!''


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Aaargh! Recaps? Hahaha!
I'm such a procrastinator, far too lazy (and underskilled) to take on recaps nvm a 50ep length series -- plus, there's no guarantee I'll even watch the entire thing, sure I'm passionate about it now and everything seems promising, but you just never know.


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@ supah,
LOL its definitely not good for my studies. XD I check my iPod about every 30 minutes for an upload and I've become really grouchy due to my Giant deprivation

nonono, its okay, you can keep talking about the show! I'll just try not to look at the comments ;) it makes me happy to know that there's actually other peole who watch Giant

OMG, I teared up too, even though I hardly understood what was going on. The tears shot out when the sad/dramatic BGM started playing xD

I really really like Giant's OST for some reason! I'm not sure why


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I watched the first episode of Road No 1 ,and they showed the name of the dead soldier.That totally spoiled the whole show for me. Usually the suspense of who died in this kind of drama is kept to the end otherwise how do you keep the audience watching. Sorry for the rant.


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@supah& Immakiddo!: I've actually thought of a doing a mini blog for Giant, but then again I would nosedive into a cold heartless jerk by episode 30.

I mean really, money makes the world go round, but these tycoons are bidding on construction of a major transit system without even the slightest amount of design proposal? To me it was like they were only concerned about crunching numbers... dang. Cheapness doesn't mean lacking quality, but they shouldn't be going "how low can you go" with that sort of thing.

As far as female role models go, I guess they're varied. At least they're not typical plucky heroine and mega-b(word). Mi-Joo is pure to a point, so I still wonder what will happen with her proposed storyline, like will she really go sour or will she keep her head high? What was the lounge-singers name again? She is intriguing. Definitely the Queen on a chessboard.


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If you do decide to make a blog, don't forget to give us the link! x))))

Why does today's thread feel so empty ? I feel like half of the comments are mine!


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I have to agree w/@notoriousnoona
it's a blast reading all those "stories' about (other's) kdrama addiction....I'm actually glad that 1) I'm not as crazy as i thought,hehe( I mean, WOW, to some of those stories) 2)I'm actually one of the more "tame" one and 3) I'm glad that I'm part of a "family" who enjoy kdrama sooooo wholeheartedly,passionately....
One thing that I notice: a lot more "new" faces/posters/delurkers who posted their stores (YAH)....


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Happy Friday..ups Saturday already

I have just finished Cinderella's sister, and realized there's reason why drama called drama. Because it is dramatic, because they put dramatic scene into storyline to make it more dramatic. Sometime these dramatic scenes make the dramatic storyline more beautiful, sometime they make the funny storyline funnier, but sometime they make it just..meeh...
CS is not bad, it's not bad at all (How can I say it's bad when it has Moon Geun young in it!!), but they really find a way to make those meeh dramatic scene. Just all the pouring tears, the act "touch-not-touch", or "let-me-go-let-me-go", and the awkward positions, whoa...sometime I know they tried to make sad dramatic scene but cause by those meeh I found my self laughing on it instead of crying. And I think if they keep Eun jo mother bad till the end, she has the chance to become one of my favorite villain character, beside Misil in Queen of Seon Deok and that girl in All About Eve, but they didn't, sthhh....what a failure..
Now, I just watched PP first episode, I think it isn't the one that catch my attention at the first look but I expect more from next few episode.
BTW, I have Return of Iljimae and Que Sera Sera DVDs lay around, I stopped to watch Return of Iljimae after four episode, is there someone can give me reason why I have to continue or start watch this series??


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Hmm.. can someone help me..
I'm looking for a drama that i just found in a screen shot of the drama.
[ Tumblr! hehe ]

Anyways, It's a girl her whole body is faced forward but her head is turned back and she says, "I'm sorry I love you." And she is holding like a teddy bear or some white stuff animal.

Please and Thank-yous!


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To all those disappointed in Sunao ni Narenakute.....I told you so. Don't get me wrong. I am not a hater of Eita, Juri, or Eriko Kitagawa. Sometimes they can be really, really good. But this time, everything fell flat. I started to feel sour from the get go. Twitter? Really? Now if you watch the show, this ragtag group of well off urban kids could have met up in a number of ways. Goukon; College friends; all just happen to drink at that one bar, etc. The twitter aspect has nothing to do with anything. Sending a short txt email to all your friends = twittering. None of these characters was "followed" by a mass number of people or anything. I feel compelled to ask someone to challenge me in saying this is a worthwhile watch. Also, the people who complained about gay character portrayal probably don't know that Tamayama Tetsuji played a gay character before in a drama and that character turned out just fine thankyouverymuch. Ok rant over.


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I know this site does a year end best and worst. I have a feeling Dong Yi will get picked as one of the worst. Junior-High school plays have better acting and direction. The costumes are good, but most historical k-drama's have that.


between 16-20 is hard. I have some 24 recommendations though...

The Legend (the Four Gods) - 24 episodes
Hwang Jin Yi - 24 episodes.

Really really like The Legend, but then again Bae can make most girls stupid so what do I know.


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out of worldcup, athena releases promo pics already. chek it out..
i miss coffee house.. too much delay.. when it will resume??


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oh no. terrible goal for uruguay. c'mon south korea. defence!!


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S Korea played so well they can hold their heads high even though they lost. Now to root for Japan!


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@ pollamolla : "- Sometimes I sleep with my clothes on just like in most dramas, why wear pajamas? lol" HA!!! That cracks me up too... I think I first really noticed it in Wonderful Life where they SUITED UP to go to bed. I don't know, it doesn't look at that comfortable to me, but it's one of the little Korean-Culture facts or possibly pseudo-facts I have stored away from my kdrama watching: Koreans don't waste money on nighties and pajamas. I guess they use that money to buy humidifiers.


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First time posting on dramabeans - i've been checking it daily /pbsessed with it since discovering this site along with becoming a kdrama/kpop addict. I'm a newbie here just discovering kdrama and the world of kpop/culture about 2 months ago. Just finish watching Uruguay v. S. Korea - tough loss but they played their heart out. I'm excited to see We Got Married episode this week. Anyone else loving Seohyun and Yonghwa? They are so adorable. Also cannot wait to see Siwon (hopefully shirtless) in Athena - so hott!


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@ immakiddo!
This is PSM aged only 19: http://www.hancinema.net/voir_une_photo.php?table=films&id_objet=350&id=11493&typephoto=&episode=&copyright=
He's twice the age now but he doesn't seem to have aged that much at all, lucky him. But... you see those eyes there? That's the look he shoots at CPY: ''you shot my papa?''

@janna & immakiddo!
Dude, heheh, the tycoon meetups and the construction-related stuff-- whoosh! flies over my head.
Ooh.. a Giant blog sounds interesting, given there is so much worthy of discussion in this show.
Lounge singer is Kyung-ok, yeah she's interesting, foh' def.

Okie dokie, some random cast info:
Jung-shik formerly mistaken as Jin-suk and Sam-shik and aka. CWIDTDODT2:
for ages I was wondering where I'd seen him before, but d'oh! He was in QSD. Yeah, another QSDer! Ew! Couldn't recognise him under his 80s 'Clark Kent' getup - hah!

But forget him -- I've found out who the new guy is, the JDG-lookalike, who'll be introduced in Ep13.
He's a hallyu actor I've seen before, Lim Jung-yoon, making his first drama appearance - exciting!


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oooh! Is he the guy with the hat? X)
he's cuuuuute! I guess I was mistaken when I said he was unattractive :)
LOL, he's cuuute!! Oh my, just one picture and my entire view of him has changed completely! Supah, if I become obsessed with Park Sang Min, then I have you to blame xD

& what does CWIDTDOT2 stand for ?

This is random, but I feel ridiculously sad over that kiss scene in Kimchi Cheese Smile !


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Korea lost to Uruguay. I wished the Korean team packed more heat in them but it wasn't enough to move on. I guess they didn't want it that much. 0 , o*

Now, I can highly anticipate for Coffee House returning for good. Yes, give me uplifting momentum since all I give Team Korea now is a nice farewell shipped back to Seoul.

I stumbled upon We Got Married, gagoong and lagoong couple is the best. They are hilarious. WGM wasn't ever the same after the Lettuce couple left the program. I like the Sweet Potato couple, however I'm intrigued about Nichkhun and Victoria (predict: Samgyupsal couple) collaboration.

Almost ID4. So quick. One more reason to play w/ those morning glory sticks.


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@ 77 carrine!

Wheeeee!!! X)
KhunToria! They look so pretty together! Like a prince and a princess. A royal couple xD
Ooh you should watch the Ansol couple! (Solbi+Andy) they were the best imo
& yeah the Lettuce couple were adorable too!

Hubby: *kills bugs*
wife: what are you doing?
Hubby: I'm protecting my family!

^ I fell in love with that couple with that


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The USA lacks media coverage and caring in the sport of soccer(football).

I posted something similar on OT a few weeks ago. But today proves my point. I was watching CNN, blissfully unaware that the US was even in a match at the time. When the news caster was obviously cued to talk to another reporter in new york. The reporter was stationed under a makeshift fan viewing site under a bridge. A place where random pedestrians could gather to watch the game. About a hundred people were hanging out below the overpass. The US was tied and they could go into penalty kicks, wow. Feel that half faked excitement from the CNN announcer. The reporter focused on the crowd and I don't even think any player names were mentioned in the report. "My how exciting...in other news today" less than 5 minutes of coverage. I figured ok, no biggie. I will get the score later in a few minutes after it is all over.


So I channel surfed to ESPN the biggest carrier of sports news, nascar was on. ESPN2, baseball was on. Local sports station...College Ladies Softball. OK finally ESPN flashed the final score. 2-1 at the bottom of the screen.

30 minutes after I found the score on ESPN, CNN casually went back to their overpass and showed the fans dispersing with the briefest of commentaries on how we don't really have a team. However I was most disturbed by the egotistical statement, "Isn't the world cup great. It gives a small country like Ghana the chance to beat the US." Cut to some guy using his almost broken mobile phone to TRY to report from Ghana. And with a chuckle from CNN staffers this 5 minute segment ends. No one is phased, hurt or cares enough about any of it. Compare this to American Football coverage....totally laughable.

As this rather sad reporting puts it, the USA ego will never allow for soccer to have meaning or depth.


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Why are the WGM couples all food related names now? Haha. ForeignCouple seemed awkward. It was adorable. Eun-jung was on it for two seconds. I miss Coffee House! Ready for Monday since America lost too.

@supah: Only Jun-Shik is really reminding me that it's the 80s. I mean we get a crazy tie now and again, but aside from that no one is really suffering for their art.
Maybe I should watch Fashion 70s. It's like.. from the time period of the 60s to now in Korea goes through crazy drastic changes. I mean look what some people are getting away with wearing today.
Also: shouldn't these well to do brothas be sporting obnoxious beepers by now or anything? Too soon? I hope soon. Lets get some old style mishaps going on. "Oh she beeped me... and my beeper was dead noooooo" (Every 90s Japanese show everrrrrrrrrr)


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Yes, that's him in the hat.
See!?! You see what I mean now? Heh. ;)

I luuurve that OST, has a nice retro, sassy and atmospheric feel to it, shame they've only released two songs yet. But I love both. There's an MV out for Edelweiss but since it's a montage of scenes from 5-6 onwards I'd rather not link it here -- it's spoilage massive!
They've just released a third song, a totally out of place romantic ballad - 0_o but it sounds nice anyway, since it's Kim Bum-soo (who also sang main song: Edelweiss).

Jung-yun's stepbrother, Jung-shik is CWIDTOTDODT2 (Creep-who-is-destined-to-die-of-diabetes-type-2) in his childhood, but became CWIDTDOSTD in his adulthood. Is that too cruel? Not till you see him when gets more screen time in episodes 6 upwards. Poor KM! :(

True that, not much dodgy 80s eyesores happening... did I tell you I effin' love Jung-shik's hair? I really effin' love it! (Shame. on. me!)
Although you're forgetting -- his mama is also rocking some serious Diana Ross ish, and then MW's worn some ridiculous check suit. There are also things like the 80s-esque parasols on the street, some clunky equipment in SM's office, like the typewriter, the style of the filing cabinets, JY's neon tracksuit that she wore to look 'unsexy', and there's a jacket that KM wore which reminded me of one my big brother used to wear in the 80s. (I'm an 82er.)
The deets aren't too glaringly obvious but they are there, o/wise it may as well be the 50s judging by SM's pomade hair, everything about the Royal Club/Casino and the bland monochrome suits everyone wears.


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My dear Eiko, thank you for the information on the Heike clan from Japan.

After doing a bit of research on the subject I come across a Japanese film name “Kwaidan”, “ is a 1964 Japanese portmanteau film directed by Masaki Kobayashi; the title means 'ghost story'. It is based on stories from Lafcadio Hearn's collections of Japanese folk tales, (Wikipedia)”.

It futures the story of “Hōichi the Earless”, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoichi_the_Earless).

It is base on “The Tale of the Heike” which brings us back to the reference that you gave me about your family linage
I found “Hōichi the Earless” as portray in this film to be ones of Japans most beautiful pieces of cinematography ever made even till this day, I do not have proper words to describe other than for me to give you the links and see for yourself, the most breath taking scene is when the Priest write the Holy Text on Hōichi's body, is visually outstanding and along with the music mesmerizing and captivating,
This film is a must for all Japanese movie-philes. Here are 2 links the first one is the scene that I was talking about.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atV25FRK3vA&feature=youtube_gdata)


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This second one is for the whole“Hōichi the Earless”, movie part since the film contains 4 different stories.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!!!!!!!


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@eiko, for some reason i am not able to post the other link, Sorry!!!


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@eiko, I guess I was wrong it did post the second link sorry for the re-post, I am watching the "Anime Classic, Serial Experiments Lain", one of my all time favorites!!!!!


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oh my! Does CWIDTDOSTD stand for "creep-who-is-destined-to-die-of-STD"?
Oh my, I'm terribly sorry if it isn't!! That's the only thing that I can think of right now *blushes*


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just saw this on you tube and want to share with all the immigrants here in OT: specially pp from vn: please watch:

: (
: )


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@immakiddo!: I laughed, but yes, that is what Supah calls Jung-Shik now. He is a dapper ladies man. Er.. they like him for his money.

@supah: JY's T-shirt while at the hotel didn't seem so 80s to me. Well, T-shirts with designs on them can't really tell a time period that well.

Naka Riisa dyed her hair blonde for her next role!
http://ameblo.jp/ri---sa-bi-kaku/image-10574663051-10611399285.html I'm not loving that hairband though. :o


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@ Amg1

KAMSAMNIDA! I will certainly forward those links.

My grand daughter will be happy to see it.....she returned from a student tour of Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hiroshima. Great photos and stories. She wants to go back.

I always appreciate your sharing information....tells me you are good at searching for information.

Big hugs!!!!


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Busy busy with the World Cup....


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World Cup:
Poor England, just watched them get thrashed, but then Germany were beautiful, if anything they kind of revived the excitement associated with the WC as we once knew it i.e. what's been lacking in this tournament.
Then again it's the only the third match I've seen of this tournament. The other two were France and I cringed through both of them and even as a France fan I'll say I'm relieved they didn't progress, it was only fair they were ousted since it was all farcical to begin with. They have Euro 2012 and WC 2014 by which to have learned their lesson (and ditch Domenech).
Here's hoping for more quality, world-effin-standard foosball. Onwards to the Arg v Mex match. Rarrr!

Blonde hair, circle lenses and false eyelashes on us Asians, not kawaii, it's repulsive. *runs and hides from circle lens fans*

Yeah, I figure JY's doing the Julia Goulier (Drew Barrymore) look from the 80s based film The Wedding Singer -- where all the men were either emulating Michael Jackson's Thriller or David Bowie and the women were all big-haired harpies. Yet she was totally plain and as un-80s as can be, that's the kind of look JY's doing -- except I hate how much pink she wears.

Yeah. You guessed right. ;)

I knew KSH had played a small role in a daily drama in his debut and then done a KBS 1hr special (which I need to see!) before he did his breakthrough (ish) role in WISFC.
I checked out that Kimchi Cheese Smile scene you mentioned and can't believe how different he looks with the pama hair, it would've been interesting if he'd been paired opposite Seo Woo though. The girl he's interested in is rather annoying. How can she shirk off KSH like that? Even if it was pre-Kang-jin and with THAT hair. The kiss was quite awkward but sweet on his part.

His portrayal of LSM has to be possibly the best kind of role he'll ever land, and he was stupendously good in it. (KSH for the Baeksangs! Or at least JBS! No? Dammit ratings bias!)


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@janna and supah:
Oh thank goodness! *wipes brow* x)

& LOL! His hairdo was adorable! And he was a total player in KCS! He liked at least 3 people in there! xD & none of them liked him back! Seo Woo was prettier than the main lead imo. I had no idea that the voice she used in Cinderella's Sister was her real voice!
&& yes!! KSH for the Baeksangs!!! Oh, I'm longing for the day when KSH snags his leading role. That would mean 16-20 hours of swooning for me! ;)


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I've been wondering about the acting on this show and that the actors and their efforts deserve some real recognition, especially the child actors -- but sadly, I don't think they'll get it.
I'm sure the SBS awards will make a note of their efforts but not the Baeksangs since they seem to go for the big, fat ratings monsters (as in none of the SBS shows). Sad but true.


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*K-Drama Parody on USA TV*
For all who miss this parody done by Bobby Lee of MadTV, it is hell of funny, sorry but I cannot find the link for the first episode, so here is link to episode 2, just follow the links after that!!!!!


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Not sure whether this is the correct place to post this but I am finally getting to travel to Japan (a huge dream since I can remember). Going at the end of August and was wondering do they sell Korean DVD's widely there or not (would need something with English subtitles- not caring much about the region as can bypass this easily) ..


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if anyone can let me know perhaps where you can find them that would be great.


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@supah: don't worry! They'll get recognition for their talents someday! X) Well, Nam Ji Hyun is already recognized for her acting!

I really hope KSH and the cutie who plays Mijoo will become really famous one day!

KSH: He can act, model, sing, & (big bonus here) HE LOVES HIS MOMMY!! x)<33333 Is there anymore that we can ask for? *swoons*

Park Ha Young/Mijoo: can act! She's still very young, but I'm amazed by her acting skills. & through time, she'll only get better. & she's adorable & can sing too <333 I wanna pinch those cheeks!

Haha and of course, there's Yeo Jin Goo, who's already practically famous for his past roles! x) His interactions with Nam Ji Hyun were totally adorable! :)


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@immakiddo!: KSH: "He loves his mommy" Me: (Slowly backing away)

Ok, I had some time this weekend for movie watching. Sorry they're all Japanese, I usually watch those immediately when I can get them so I haven't had anything new to snipe:

The Shonen Merikensack : Not Kankuro Kudos best work, but still good for a laugh or two if you're so inclined (and are okay with his brass and sometimes perverse humor). There's a few interesting jabs at Japanese music, but there's only one name drop of an actual real singer (and it's a favorable comment, not a joke). If you want to see music humor done better, then go for Detroit Metal City.

Kafoo, Waiting for Happiness : Does this movie involve a small island as its backdrop? Yes. Is that dog the same dog from the Sweet Rain movie? I had to double check and I think the answer is no. I went in thinking I'd hate this movie because the main girl is a model and hasn't really acted in anything before, but I was pleasantly surprised. Lots of normal small island stuff. (For all the richness of preserving history, they're treated like yokels. etc) You'll be able the read the entire movie, but since it's summer it's a season-appropriate movie you can kick back and enjoy without being too invested in.

@Amg1: I remember seeing those clips years back. It's funny cause it's true. haha


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@90 Dara
Me too!!

@ 91 supah

Poor, poor England, They were robbed of a critical 2nd goal. There will not be any more World Cup drama for England, just drama.


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