Dramabeans Giveaway: Tell us your drama addiction stories!

It’s been a while, but it’s time for another Dramabeans giveaway.

Up for grabs this time: the limited edition You’re Beautiful director’s cut DVD box set! Yup, it’s the very same DVD set that was announced previously, and comes with an A.N.JELL poster. (Note: the DVDs are Region 3.)

To enter: Tell us what you’ve done in the name of your k-drama addiction.

How far have you gone to satisfy your drama craving? What wackiness have you perpetrated because a character or a story got under your skin? It could be anything, like flying to Korea to visit a famous filming location, or making up a story to skip class so you could watch the latest episode, or setting up a half-dozen alarm clocks to make absolutely sure you wake up in time to live-stream a finale. We know you’ve done it, and we want to hear about it!

(True story: I once called in sick to catch a finale episode. No, the episode wasn’t actually airing DURING work hours, but I knew I’d be too wound up all day to wait and just HAD to watch it right away! And I’m willing to bet real money that I’m not the only one who’s done this.)

Post your stories anytime over the following week. Be sure to enter a real, valid email address when you post so we can get in touch with the winner. We’ll close entries on Thursday, July 1 at 9 pm PST (that’s midnight East Coast time, or you can check out when that is for you via the World Clock).

Girlfriday and I will read over all the entries and select a winner. We understand that “best” is subjective, but we’re thinking there are some truly entertaining, outrageous, funny stories out there. We’ll let ya know who wins soon after the contest ends. But really, when we’re sharing and commiserating (and, I suspect, laughing our heads off maniacally) about our drama addictions, I’m gonna say we ALL win.



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Japan discovered Korean dramas in 2004 when "WInter Sonata" was broadcast on national TV dubbed in Japanese. The whole country went nuts and I was curious as to what the fuss was all about so started watching even though my Japanese was not that great. Man, did I get HOOKED! However my Japanese just wasn't good enough to follow everything and it made me crazy not knowing exactly what was going on. So, one day I discovered that because of the Korean language boom in Japan triggered by this drama, the complete script of the drama was available in book form in Japanese and Korean - the Korean script was on the left of each page, and the Japanese was on the right. I hunted that book down (that's a whole other story and goodness, was that book HUGE) then I carefully translated all the bits I REALLY wanted to understand from Japanese into English with the help of a dictionary and my ever patient husband (who thought I had gone completely batty but was sweet enough not to give me hard time although he would hum the soundtrack under his breath from time to time just to tease me!). Anyway, translating mean first finding the relevant section on the video and then finding the matching section in the book then painstakingly translating the Japanese - what a lot of work! Makes me laugh now but I hadn't even discovered YouTube at that point and knew absolutely nothing about Kdrama sites, fansubs or even computer translation. Soon after I discovered YouTube, then VEOH, then bittorrents, then Dramabeans... Ah, feeling nostalgic!!


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Well this is my 9th year watching korean dramas my first was "Autumn tale" i watched it at 2001 i wasnot very fond with korean drama but actually while watching it i cried without even knowing or wanting to cry and at some point i couldnot stop and since this drama i found myself like take in korean drama it is like my own Heroin , actually at home and with my friends i talk with korean most of the time so they get mad at me because they really cannot understand me but i find myself more confidence talking in korean so even without they understanding me i am happy talking in korean i think now you say her life is about korean drama but no i have a life but i really love romance stories and i can only find it in korean dramas i think i watched over 100 korean drama and movie at those 9 years and now i am waiting for the new korean dramas to watch.
actually right now i am sooo glad that i can tell my story with korean dramas ithink i watched over 100 korean drama and movie at those 9 years because i really wanted to share it with other people .
so for people who think that watching korean drama is a silly thing just try watching it with a clear mind then you will find yourself taking in it without even knowing .


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I already own the set, so I don't want the prize. Just wanna join in on the storytelling cause it looks so damn fun.

Well, I've seen quite a load of dramas in my short life (Korean, Thai, Taiwanese, Japanese), and on some occasions there were those very, VERY few dramas that had that very rare "spark" to them. Kdramas were my least favorite (what with the chronic diseases, all the crying, and terminal illnesses and overwhelming love-triangles/squares/pentagons, etyc) but I must say that You're Beautiful was my biggest (and most tiring) drama addiction of all. The moment I saw Lee Hongki's adorakable face accompanied by a head full of blond hair in episode 1, waving adorably to a stunned nun-to-be Park Shin Hye, I knew I was in trouble. It was love I tell you. LOVE. lol... And to top things off, they sing!

Right after episode 1, I did what I do best, I GOOGLED anything and everything to do with the drama. That would be how I found this site. Little did I know that what had started as a crush on the little blond one would eventually lead to a world wind of crazy drama addiction.

Every week, I would RACE home from work to watch the raw version the moment it's available on streaming sites. As soon as I finish, I would go back and watch my favorite parts. Soon afterwords the downloads would be available and I'd go download them to rewatch my favorite parts, yet again to the point where I'm convince I know what they're saying. LOL. Sometimes I'd be so caught up in the drama, I forget about eating. Then, before I go to bed I would repeatedly check your site for the recaps (using my iPod)-which eventually was updated, which also lead to me sleeping much, much later than I anticipated. Pretty much, I had about 2-4 hours a sleep per night and I had to wake up for work at 4 in the morning. Think of your recaps as a "bedtime story" for me. If I didn't read them, I'd refuse to fall asleep. haha..

Things got a little worst when I got a little TOO desperate for future episode summaries. I ended up on the Soompi thread for You're Beautiful. That thread grew about 100 pages per day, and needless to say, I lived on that thread. My life depended on it. I fed off all the pictures, summaries, fanart, fantales, whatever.

So basically, in addition to the racing home and watching episodes over and over, then downloading raw files, I would also be religiously reading the Soompi thread, going back to watch my favorite scenes again (because I now know what the heck they're saying), then I'd download the subbed files from the previous week and go back to watch those (also repeatedly) as I wait for the next ones to air.

When it was announced that the directors cut was to be on pre-order, I immediately put my name on that list, knowing full well it could have been a scam because of the way things were set up for the foreigner fans. Normally, I don't buy things that are fan-handled, but You're Beautiful was an exception. I spent a whopping $170 total for the set alone with the poster. That's the most I've ever paid for any drama, EVER. And I had to wait 4 months for it! In addition to that, I spent another $50 on the pig rabbit, and about another $100 on the set of cellphone charms+Taekyung license plate. I also own both soundtracks.

I guess that's my kdrama addiction. hehe... totally Minam Shineyo-fied.


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My very first k-drama was Winter Sonata. Obviously it got me hooked. It was so good that it was then when my possession over k-dramas became evident. I can't stand it when my younger sister tries to watch k-dramas over my shoulder. The computer has to shared unfortunately. I have to shoo her away in order for me to be able to way h the dramas peacefully. Or else I won't be able to watch them comfortably. Anyways on a Thursday I got up at 7am and found Winter Sonata. I began watching it and was hooked in the first few minutes. It was spring break I believe so there was no school. I watched the episodes back to back. I was MADE to go to sleep just as u was about to begin the the last epsiode. Was I ever more unlucky than then. I couldn't sleep. I woke up the next morning intending to watch the last episode after the awful sleep I managed to get. But then, I find out we have to attend a party so that meant TORTURE. I was like "who I the world has a party so early in the morning?" people don't watch kdramas apparently. Once we got home, I rushed to the computer to turn it on only to be told to tun it off. Why? Out of no where my parents decide to visit louisiana. Why don't you just kill me now? The angst I felt was unbearable. I don't have a laptop so how was I going to watch the last episode?!!!! I didn't know what to do. Thankfully we went to barnes and noble. You know who goes to barnes and noble? Unfurtunately not people who watch kdramas. But people with laptops do!!!!!!!! Oh yes I was about to do the unimaginable. No not steal a laptop but just BORROW. I was a vulture when I got to the Starbucks cafe section. When I saw this lady go away from her laptop I swooped in. I was only going to skim through the episode since the lady was bound to come back. But NO I COULDN'T I was hooked on the episode and list track of time. IT WAS TOO GOOD TO LEAVE. And so I ended up watching ALL if it. AND GUESS WHAT? The laptop lady was standing behind me crying her eyes out. Apparently she got back around 10 minutes into the episode. She at first wondered what a COMPLETE stranger was doing at her laptop. But she got hooked on the episode TOO!!!! She let me continue because she also wanted to see how it ended. Man was I embarrassed that she caught me. In the end she ended up book marking the page. I got up and left quietly but once was out of sight I couldn't stop lauhing. But man was it worth it in order to watch the last Winter Sonata episode.

Oh and by the way I now have my own laptop. That means no more watching kdramas from the laptops of strangers. ;)


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I just have to say...these are soooo entertaining. It makes me warm and fuzzy to know that I'm not the only one irrationally obsessive about these soaps. :P Some of these are...wow. Hahaha, but I'll just share my k-drama history because procrastinating is sweet. :3

So I guess my first drama was Dae Jang Geum, you know, the insanely long but addicting sageuk cooking romance? I guess I was around 10 then- a friend lent the DVD set (quite possibly pirated) to my family. It had Chinese subtitles, which I guess would have been useful for someone Chinese...but I caught on to those ancient expressions that no one in their right mind uses in everyday language. And, I still don't know what they mean. Anyhow, I watched those 50-odd episodes over the summer, about two a day as allotted by my parental unit. So that was a pretty anticlimatic start UNTIL the summer of 2009.

The summer of going to Korea for 5 weeks. And not being permitted to watch TV. One night, I was coming home to my grandparents' house after a day with my cousins. Their widescreen, smooth television was emitting light! Sound! The latter of which was partially masked by the steady snores of my grandma. I was intrigued...the girl had orange hair?! So that's how I got hooked on Brilliant Legacy/Shining Inheritance, while chewing on Squash Yut (호박엿(yes, I did have to spellcheck that)) and listening to the melodic tones of snoredom.

However, that was episode 17. For the next weeks, I spent weekdays watching previous episodes, and weekends watching the live episodes. After watching an episode on TV, I would shut the door and go rush to my ancient IBM to stalk Soompi. After around 2 hours, a Torrent would be posted and I would download it impatiently to watch that same episode again. And again. By that time I would be bleary-eyed at 3 in the the morning, looking down at the fluorescent lights of city life from my window, staying alert for any footsteps near my door, and masterfully leaping upon my bed at the slightest noise. I was a pro. An obsessed pro. I wrote journal entries pondering on the possible plot twists, and wrote up a gargantuan Google Doc detailing every single event in every single episode while spazzing about each character.

[Example event: Eventually ES opens the door and Hwan falls on top of her. She lifts him up and views with a shocked expression his creepily non-sober face. I think this is why it's rated PG 15. DUNDUNDUN the episode ends there. you know, it changes the color saturation of the screen as it freezes, little credits come, and we watch the PREVIEW for EPISODE TWENTY ONE UH HUH!!!] Er. Yeah..

SO. My journey really began there. Unfortunately, fate made me depart from Korea before the airing of episodes 25-28 of Brilliant Legacy. I watched the last episode live streaming till 9am, and purposefully slept in the basement to watch it unguarded ("because it has cooler air" /lame excuse). But I've been trekking for only a year, really. But I've watched quite a lot (behind closed doors, earphones, with small, easily minimizable windows..), and I use German class to sleep off the extreme penalties. I can stay up till 2am doing homework, but only for my dramas will I ever extend my day to 5-6am (with school at 7). During my My Girl and Choonhyang phases, I often had to watch split episodes via my tiny phone screen on Youtube in bed. I have an overpriced Pig-Rabbit sitting at home to commemorate my love for 미남이시네요, even though Jang Geun Suk is kinda scary looking. O..O

I just returned from my latest trip to Korea, during which I watched the last episode of Cinderella Unni live (I wanted to watch episode 19 live too, but I fell asleep..), and several episodes of Coffee House. Korean was my first language, but as soon as I began grade school, I completely lost it. It's a little late, but I've regained a lot of my interest in Korea and its [pop] culture through my addiction to K-Dramas. I LOVE Lee Seung Gi due to Brilliant Legacy, Taecyeon and 2PM due to Cinderella Unni. I painstakingly learned how to type in Korean, though my 8-year old brother is still faster than me, and I know a whole lotta Korean cursewords from the villains. Now, I can go to Korea without only being excited for the food, but the TV as well. Ahaha. Oh, and I love reading this website because...the writing quality is superior on all counts, about the things I adore. Jae Hee and Gong Yoo are back? *steals from press conference* And this post is getting uber long, so I hope you all have a splendid day full of bubbling surprises of goodness. :)


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i was first exposed to kmovies through "my sassy girl" around 2006/2007 because of a friend, and then i discovered kmovies and kdramas through streaming. before i'm not really an internet person but because it was really hard to watch online where one episode or a part of an episode is missing, i then discovered downloading within a month or so. direct downloads, torrents, soft subtitles, players, codecs - i learned all these because of my kdrama addiction. even though there are dubbed episodes of kdramas airing in my country, i still prefer korean audio with english fan subtitles. i'm not entirely sure of the logic behind that preference but i just like it that way. and although i don't know hangul, i can pretty much navigate the korean official sites for photos and wallpapers, and i can also search for the posters and stuff. i made an account to join forums and communities related to kdramas and kmovies, read blogs for summaries while waiting for the subtitles, etc. also, through kdramas and kmovies, i also discovered kpop because of idols starring in kdramas and kmovies (snsd's yoona, super junior's siwon, etc.) and idols singing the official soundtracks (snsd in hong gildong, etc) but perhaps that's another addiction in itself (kpop addcition on top of kdrama/kmovie addiction ftw).

"princess hours" was the first kdrama i have ever watched and until this day, it remains my favorite. when it was shown in my country dubbed, i was not really interested but when i watched one episode with english subtitles, i was caught hook, line and sinker. it's hard for me to start watching a complete kdrama because i can't really make myself stop - once i start watching one episode, i would keep watching until the end. i can finish a 16 episode drama in one day if i don't have school/don't have to go out, and in 2-3 days if i have school (which i don't think is weird because that's how i am also with books - i remember finishing one hundred years of solitude by gabriela garcia marquez in less than a day). i also have this habit of watching multiple airing kdramas while watching one or two completed kdramas with a couple of kmovies thrown in - other people think it's weird because they think i'd get the stories mixed up or forget what happened in prior episodes or something but it's normal to me. i also have a weird kdrama thing of choosing what to watch next:
1. i watch a certain kdrama or kmovie and if i liked the actor or actress, then i would look up his/her filmography and choose from there.
2. i would read summaries from dramawiki, and even if i don't know any of the cast but find it interesting, i'll add it to my list.
so that means i pretty much watch whatever piques my interest, and i'm really ignorant about scriptwriters and directors... or rather, they aren't really a deciding factor for me. however, reading discussions about it is logically convincing me of its importance. wow, growing and evolving in kdrama land - who would have thought? =)

i remember skipping one day in school because of watching kdramas, but i only did it once then i promised myself that i wouldn't miss school anymore because of kdramas since i felt so guilty and i never did. however, my favorite time frame in school was during exam week because we don't have any regular classes, just an hour or so per subject for the exam (so if i have five subjects, that's only five hours or so of school the whole week!) - for that one whole week my routine would be watch kdramas before going to school, then go to school and take the exam, watch kdramas when i get home. LOL not sure how i am surviving school with my kdrama addiction but i don't think it affects me too much, i was once the top student in my whole level and pretty much maintained my spot in the first section (yes, the school ranks us by grade... every semester *rolls eyes*).

anyways, i get a little disoriented when friends ask me about certain series currently airing dubbed in our country or local releases of kpop. for me, it feels like they're talking about last season instead of this season since i'm pretty much up-to-date with what's happening in korea regarding kdramas, kmovies, & kpop. like i'm watching "personal taste / personal preference," and they're asking about "brilliant legacy / shining inheritance;" or when they're asking about to snsd's gee when snsd's already done promoting run devil run. it's like we're in different time periods. but i think the weirdest thing i've ever done because of my kdrama addiction involves my mother. my mom is also interested in kdramas but her preference involves a different genre - usually sageuk kdramas that are 100 episodes or so. my mom would ask me to download series for her or would ask me where she can watch it online - but i'd tell her i don't know where to find that series or i can't find it anymore or something. she has to settle watching it dubbed on tv or buying bootleg dvd copies. i love my mom, i really do... but her streaming / downloading 100 episodes or so would seriously affect the downloading time for my kdramas. i don't mind downloading series for her if i'm also interested in watching it like "brilliant legacy / shining inheritance" though. see, i'm not really a bad daughter after all.

off-topic, i can't believe how cnblue's jung yonghwa's character in you're beautiful is so different from his 'real' character shown in we got married with snsd's seohyun! but not gonna lie, my fave character in you're beautiful is ft islands' lee hongki and after school's uee.


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Hi, my name is avidYABfan.

I have been clean (free of YAB thoughts) for almost 6 month now. I was so glad that I check-in for rehab on YAB chatroll …it took a lot of guts. After attending YAB 12 Step meeting, glad to know I’m not so hardcore yet and think there might still a chance for me to redeem myself, starting with this confession session.

One fine day, as I browse through mysoju and saw a drama called YAB hit no 1 spot in with only 2 episodes loaded then. I was merely curious because the storyline seemingly sounds like a cross between 'Hana Kimi' and 'She’s the Man' (both I like). Never did I expect to be so hooked on YAB. To my dismayed (after much goggling on YAB), YAB was still broadcasting in Korea then. I have to wait for few days for 3rd episode and was so glad that I stay online late that faithful Wednesday (for 3rd episode) because I was able to watch it on Youtube an hour it was broadcasted in Korea. From then on, I was addicted. I stay up late every Wed and Thurs. Watch live despite all the lagging, then follow up with raw on Youtube an hour later even I don’t have any clue what are they talking about. Frequently searching for previews, I lost weight because of the crappy dinners I cooked on those two days. I get my fixes from dramabeans, viikii forum, soompi, watch all Youtube MV/OST and whatever related fanvids on YAB and you could said almost everywhere I could get leads on YAB & its cast members. I want the same Corby handphone despite having a fairly decent HTC. It became so bad that I start seeing my sons as TK and SW. Even after it concluded on Nov 26th, I’m still in denial.

p/s: Please refrain from informing any positive news of YAB2. Afraid that I might relapse faster than my own speed of thought.


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Just reading the comments are prize enough for me, they are soooo all funny (^-^)

How do i love thee (Kdramas), let me count the ways:

In 2004, My friend lend me Endless Love: Autumn Story. I got hooked, specially to Won Bin. The she told me that it's a series, Winter Sonata, Summer Scent. So i ask her where can i get? A friend of a friend told me where she's buying them, good copies with perfect english subtitles. I called the person and found out that he doesn't deliver. we need to meet face to face. Gosh, i don't know him and yet he wants us to meet in some place that i've never been too. But what can i do? I need a fix for my addiction. So i did. I think i've spent thousands of money before i learned about Dramabeans in 2006. It was in your blog that i learned where i can download or stream. But the next problem is i can't very well do that in the office, so bought a laptop (which i paid for a year), then got connected. I'm connected 24 hours downloading Kdramas. So that i can watch them when i get home from the office. But i then i need to transfer house, where my service provider is not as strong. would you believe me when i say i've tried all? I have 2 USB broadband and 2 cable connection. Bought faster laptop and then again bought another which is faster than the other. And with so kdramas i've downloaded, all my CDs and DVDs, they can be placed in one 4feet x 5 feet cabinet. Then i realized, pretty soon my kdramas will put me out of my room. what to do, what to do? I bought external hard disk. I have 2-Terrabites, 1-500 giga, and still i haven't stop downloading. Of all the money i spent for KDramas to fix my addiction, i could buy a new car.

But no, that is not the craziest thing i did -- It was when i was watching Coffee Prince. We have a major presentation during that time. I was the one doing the powerpoint presentation deck. It's been a crazy week that i barely able to watch it. I'm getting my fix from your blog. Still i'm getting crazy not being able to watch Coffee Prince. So at 2 o'clock am, (on the day we will present to the Regional bosses of our client), i finished the prez deck. I need to go home to sleep a bit at least and be ready for the 9am presentation. But i told to myself, i'll watch 1 episode first before i go home, 3 hours sleep is still good enough for me. Before i knew it, i've watched several episodes and the sun has risen. Oh no, what to do, what to do?!!! So what did i ended up doing? I presented with the same clothes that i'm wearing the day before. Gosh, everytime i remember it, i just laugh at myself, coz everyone thought i'm quite dedicated to my work. Yeah, right! It's more like i'm quite dedicated and addicted to KDrama =). By the way. i got promoted after that, hahahaha

some might wonder, why i'm downloading and saving my KDramas when i can just watch it throught the web. I'm saving them coz i want to watch them again when i'm 64 and already retired from work =).


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I vote for # 6 chacha9891 -

Perhaps we aren't supposed to be voting for the best story, but really, the tale of a young gal with a big brother spending all that vacation time to help her with her new love (Kdramas) is a sweet story. Even though I don't support the idea of bootleg anything, the innocence of the addiction and the absolute inability to solve her addiction in any other form at that time comes clearly through in her tale.


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I'm not the best storyteller but I do know that I have a kdrama addiction - and at first I didn't want to admit it!!! So - the Hallyu wave took TW by storm a long time ago and my mom actually picked it up from her friends first. I have been watching different asian dramas for a long time (since the 80s as a kid) but kdramas was a first. My mom loaned me my first set of kdrama DVDs - none other than JDG's All About Eve. Well, that was in 2002, and I let it sit in my apt for 2 years. In 2004, I hit a rut in life and watched all my TW dramas DVDs - every single idol drama pretty much that came out since MG. Day and night (when I wasn't at work). I ran out -- one night, I just picked up ABE, put it into the DVD player -- and instantly was sucked in. I watched it at least 4 times straight and many more of my favorite scenes. Well, as it goes from there, I just HAD to watch more kdramas - and of course there were 100 and 100s of them to choose from. Marathons.

I have a little more control now but when I first started out - I think I bought some 50 series. Needless to say, I had no money for anything else and I ended up having to change my habit. I haven't called in sick yet for a episode, but I have certainly spent the entire day - surfing the web just to see if there was any new news on it.

Even now my DH threatens to cut internet access for me cause of my kdrama addiction. I try not to watch after midnight. LOL


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Hi!!! Im from the Philippines and im proud to admit that im a Kdrama, Kmovie and etc Addict!!LOL
I've had this drama addiction since 4th yr High School and now that im working im still loving it. My mom always scolds me for watching whole day and till late night. There were times I skip meals due to too much watching. Whenever my mom caught me watching she would tell me, why do you always watch that?? Aren’t you confused watching and reading the subtitles at the same time?? Maybe you’ll get married with a Korean. I would just smile at her. Deep inside wishing it would come true, with my crush Korean actor of course.

When I started living alone for my studies - not really alone I should say, just far from my parents- every night we would have visitors in our apartment. Our friends would arrive to watch a drama together, the cool thing about that is that most of them are guys. And they are not shy to admit that they love watching Kdramas as well. Sometimes we would pretend were in a classroom then the eldest would check the attendance and when someone is late he/she needs to explain, then we would laugh.

During semester break me and my friends watch Coffee Prince at home just like the old days. We keep on saying lets just finish one episode then let’s resume tomorrow, until we finished watching all the episodes. We didn’t sleep because we were so attached to the story; it was like after every episode the story keeps getting better and intriguing. The following day I was walking like a zombie in our living room when my aunt arrives. She asked me dear are ok?? Are you sick?? You look pale lets go to a clinic. My mom interrupted and explained what happened. Then I got major scolding from them. But its ok with me, I had a great time with my friends while watching so it’s worth it. Even when we grow old we would have memories to go back to and laugh at our selves for all the carzy stuff that we did.

There was a time I stopped watching, I’ve been busy with work. Then I few months ago I saw some latest Kdramas that caught my attention. Now during my rest days/day off I would spend time watching an episode or two. And I discovered this site which is really awesome. I really love the recaps. It makes my day complete!! Anyways, my colleagues are now addicted as well (spreading Kdrama virus.LOL). We are now planning on having a trip to Korea.



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I can't remember which drama I was watching then, I only remember it was captivating and the episode was a crucial one. I was at work but my head was not. As the time of the emission was getting closer,I felt I would simply die if I didn't see it' I was nervous and could hardly breathe. Suddenly, I took a bold decision and told my boss I had to rush home urgently. He was not happy since there was a planned meeting I had to attend, so he asked me what was so important.. Without hesitating, I told him a neighbor called to tell me that smoke was billing out of my apartment. It was a stroke of genius!
Two hours later I was back at work with a satisfied smile telling everybody how lucky I was to get home on time!!!


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Hello! Nyob Zoo! Ahnyonghaseyo!

About two years ago I accidentally stumbled upon this site due to a Kdrama by the name of "Gourmet", and since then the Drambeans website has made a home on my favourites list. Of course I have been watching Kdrama's waaaay before "Gourmet". My first Korean drama ever was the cliched but lovable "Tomato" starring Kim Hee Sun. From there on, I became a prisoner to Korean dramas.

I love this site because though I don't always agree with what is written, it gives me a different perspective and I love that.

Anyhow, I actually have more than one crazy story pertaining to my addiction to Kdramas.

1. After watching "Winter Sonata" I cut my hair so it would look like Choi Ji Woo's. Then I convinced my then boyfriend now ex-boyfriend to grow out, cut and dye his hair to resemble Bae young Jun's, lol. Yes, I was obsessed.

2. About seven years back I finally ordered my own copy of "Autumn in My Heart." The day that it arrived on my doorstep I was on my way out to school and work. As I opened the box and saw that it was "Autumn in My Heart" I ran right back into my house, took out my phone, and called into work. Needless to say I never made it to my classes that day either. I spent the entire day watching all 16 episodes and crying my eyes out. Afterwards I took two advils and went to bed exhausted from the rollercoaster of emotions that "Autumn in My Heart" made me feel that day.

3. I was so addicted to watching "You Are Beautiful" that I would watch it while at work. I would watch it hidden behind different screens and only left enough room so that the subtitles were possible to read.

4. I bring my mini-laptop to work everyday so that on my 15min breaks and 1hr lunches I can steal WiFi from Caribou Coffee to watch my kdramas.

5. I am currently at war with my 'lil bro. He loves soccer and is thrilled about the World Cup, but due to the World Cup, I have not been able to watch "Coffee House". This disrupts my carefully planned, daily dose of Korean dramas. Lately my Mondays and Tuesdays have been feeling empty T-T

Kdramas will always be an addiction of mine. Sometimes my husband gets jealous of my Kdramas because I pay more attention to them than to him. I mean I love him and all but c'mon, who could ignore the eyecandy we get from watching Kdramas, lol. Suffice to say, it's not only the eyecandy that I am addicted to, it's also the fantasy and reality that comes from Kdramas. Sometimes they're waaay over the top, sometimes they hit you where it hurts, and sometimes they get it just right.

I hope my entry wins!



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The one & only drama that brought out the crazy girl-fan in me is You're Beautiful. I found out about the drama when it had just finished airing episode 6. I had a drama marathon then to catch up episode 1-6.

I was a university student then, and for that 2 month plus (for episode 7 onwards, all the way up till even after the drama finished airing), I HAD NO LIFE. I practically stop doing all my assignments and i failed my mid-term exams because i could not "breathe" about something other than YB. (Note: this is a supremely NEGATIVE EFFECT which I hope do not happen to someone else!). All I could do is dig around the internet for anything YB-related. For that period, I disappeared - I did not attend any lectures and every single friend couldn't find "physically" me as I was locked in my own room. It was so bad that they had to call me up frequently just to make sure I am still alive.

After the drama ended, withdrawal symptoms arrived. No amount of Soompi posts, dramabeans, official YB website, BTS, etc could get me back into my old self. Until the d-cut. For the first time, I bought something so expensive, something online (I never dare shop online before) something worth my 1-month's expenses, something I had to own no matter what.

So yes, I do own a YB D-cut DVD boxset. The very same boxset that is the prize for this competition. Although I already own a copy, I hope to win a copy so I can give it as a present to my sister whom loves YB ALMOST as much as me =P


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I was reading #6 - chacha9891 -- i'm from the Philippines. And yes, i've bought lots of bootleg DVDs too. But the subs are crazy. Said bootleg DVDs came from China. Sometimes only the first 4 episodes has the perfect english subs. Then the rest of the episodes will have crazy translation, coz even the names are being translated to english, hahahah - there's one Kim Ha Neul Kdrama, wherein here name means Beautiful, so i kept reading "beautiful something", together with the translations of the dialogues. It took me two episodes more before i realized it was her name. And then, some has Gold, hot bun, peaceful, honor - imagine disciphering them together with what the characters are really saying. But still, i became an expert =). The last bootleg DVD i watch is Goong or Princess Hours.

So i want to take this opportunity to thank the sub teams of Viikii, withs2, and all the sites where we can download them =) God bless you all guys for giving us happiness =) May you all live to 100 and still subbing (^-^).


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So I'm sure there are tons of stories better than mine (I've already read a few but I figured I'd give it a shot!

Of course, I've done the whole skip-school-in-the-name-of-drama plenty of times and I've also even asked to leave work early so I could make it home before the office at my apartment complex closed in order to retrieve my Tamra, DVD box set...but probably my greatest adventure involved a trip up to Seattle to see Se7en.

It was totally a spur-of-the-moment thing. My best friend and I found out that Se7en was going to be up in Seattle (or, Federal Way, to be more exact) for a fan-signing only two or so weeks before the actual event. It was to promote his English single but that wasn't what caught my attention....

A REAL LIFE KOREAN DRAMA PERSON was going to be LESS than SIX hours away (I live in Eastern Oregon)! ZOMG!

And, okay, so Se7en was in that horror of a drama Goong S...but it didn't even matter that I suffered through watching ever episode, or that I didn't even like his English single...I could meet him!

Oh, and did I mention that this was all taking place in December?

As in: the middle of winter!

But that didn't stop us! We packed our bags, loaded into my Chevy Aveo and took off towards Federal Way....

Only to get caught in one of the worst snow storms since....well, since I can remember...

It didn't really start until we were getting close to Snoqualmie Pass and then BAM! So much snow! I could hardly see the road and had to drive, like, 25mph! On the freeway! Lanes were so backed up people were even getting out of their cars (I don't know whhhy though, it was snowing outside!!) and we even got this really awesome glimpse of a guy doing his thing right on the side of the road =_=

By the time I made it safe and sound to my friend's relative's house I was ready to never drive north again (which of course I did anyway the next spring when we went to Sakura Con...not because we watch anime anymore but because we found out there was going to be a booth there giving out free Korean drama posters)!!!!!

Anyway, the next day we went to Verizon (where the signing was) a little over three hours early, just in case there was a huge line.

Which there wasn't. It was pretty small.

So we had to wait three hours in horribly freezing weather. I mean, it was so freakin cold--and I'm from Oregon! Finally, after nearly getting frostbite in my toes, Se7en came and we all funneled inside where we were given posters we could get signed. Oh, and I'll tell you now: nothing bad happened. I didn't trip and horribly embarrass myself. I didn't knock Se7ens inconspicuous tower of Red Bulls on to him or anything. I just wanted to tell you up front and save you the suspense of waiting for the Epic Moment of DoOm to happen that never did.

But it was still amazing! After he signed our posters we got to shake his hand! Can I say: softest hand EVER! Se7en you diva!

It was a totally awesome experience! My inner fangirl has never been so happy! Even when we had to stay an extra day because it was still snowing and the freeway shut down (yeah, this was during the worst winter the North West has seen in a loooooooooong time), I was *still* happy!

Would I do it again? Heck yeah!

But I would buy some battery-operated heater socks, just in case ^_~

Here's some pics:

The snow (this is at the beginning before it got reeeally bad): http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b76/bakabaka16/Se7en/DSC01423.jpg

Me shaking Se7en's hand: http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b76/bakabaka16/Se7en/seattle2008036.jpg


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Well, this is an embarrassing story, but I would tell you everything to win that prize because I'm so addicted to "You're beautiful". (By telling you everything, it's already counted as an action, right? LOL!)

I'm currently addicted with "You're Beautiful".
My friend recommended that korean-drama to me because she thought that "You're Beautiful" is my type of drama - it has comedy and also romance in it. I watched the first episode at my friend's house, since I haven't buy the DVD yet. I wanted to borrow the DVD from her, but she wouldn't let me because she thinks that I'm careless and reckless.. she's afraid that I might brake the DVD. I couldn't believe she's being so heartless by not lending me her DVD! It's just a DVD for heaven sake.. I can buy her a new one if I broke it, right? So, we fought for a bit but then we made peace.. and when i thought she would lend me her DVD, after we made peace, she still wouldn't give it to me. I can't believe her! So I decided to watch the second episode on YouTube..

Watching a K-drama on your personal laptop is not satisfying because the screen is not as big as the television screen. I tried to pursue my mom to accompany me to the DVD store that night, but she didn't want to because she was busy with the computer.. (By busy, she meant she was playing solitaire).

So, I decided to go to the nearest DVD store on the next day. Since I don't have any car or motorcycle, I asked my other friend to give me a ride to the DVD store. When I arrived, I quickly grabbed the DVD and took out my wallet.. but then I realized that I forgot to bring money! My wallet was empty and my friend didn't have any money either. So, I didn't buy the DVD and my friend gave me a ride back home.

When I arrived at home, it was 2PM and the weather was super hot, but, since I really really need to watch the continuation of the drama, I asked for money from my mom and went back to the DVD store by using stinky public transportation. When I got to the DVD store I quickly took the DVD and paid it. FINALLY I HAD THE DVD!! So I went home and continue watching..

I didn't stop watching from afternoon until midnight.
It was 1 AM in the morning and my parents are asleep, and so as my dogs. I was alone at the living room and I was being paranoid. My house is a big house and it's scary if you're the only person who's awake during that time of the day. I was still watching because I fell for Tae Kyung's coldness and hotness.. I can't get my eyes off him and I really really need to continue the episode.

I was on episode 8 and I nearly cried when I saw Tae Kyung pretended to kiss UEE. I knew it was a fake kiss, but still.. their lips almost touched! When I went to the diner table to grab a box of tissue, I heard a noise from my backyard. My backyard looked scary and dark since I don't have any lighting being placed on that area.. I listened closely and I heard a loud hammering sound - as if there was a man fixing his roof - but it was 1AM in the morning! I tried to be calm and continue watching, but then I heard a whispering sound coming from my backyard again.. this time, the sound came from around my mango tree. It was scary as hell. I wanted to go to my room, but I couldn't because I can't take my eyes away from the television. I need to keep watching "You're Beautiful" because I can't get enough of Hwang tae Kyung. it's like, when I see Tae Kyung, I can feel his existence beside me that made me feel save and no longer feel terrified at night. So, I managed to survive through the night and finished the drama.

My mom watched a couple of episodes with me and she said that she liked Hwang Tae Kyung. I was mad at my mom for liking Tae Kyung because I'm the only one who can like him. Because of my rebelion, my mom was pissed and she refused to cook me dinner for almost a week, causing me to eat instant noodle for dinner for a week (I still can eat delicious meal for breakfast and lunch at my school's canteen). Noodle can't beat me and I still won't lose to my mom, so I keep on eating noodle for one more week for dinner. She finally gave up and said that I could have Tae Kyung and she picked Shinwoo instead. HA! I WIN! >:D

Okay, this is the most embarrassing part.. I broke up with my boyfriend because of "You're Beautiful". I finally find my ideal type of guy, which is Hwang Tae Kyung, and my boyfriend didn't qualified the criteria. I broke up with him because I want to find a guy who is 100% similar to Hwang Tae Kyung. I know that Hwang Tae Kyung is just a fictional character, but I believe that there is a person in this world who is like him. I'm not gonna stop looking for my Ice-hearted Prince and I would search every where. I will not give up until I find him :D

I was kind of sad when I broke up with my boyfriend because he was so kind to me. So, to ease away the pain I watched "You're Beautiful" for the second time. I know the heartache will slowly disappear and my sadness will turn to happiness when I see Tae Kyung again. Not to mention, Jeremy the joker and Shinwoo the kind-hearted one can also make me smile and laugh when ever they do silly actions :D

This is my story and I hope I will win this contest!
The price is so mouth-watering and I will be very very very happy if I can put up the poster on my ceiling, so that when I wake up every morning, I can see Tae Kyung's sweet smile. My life will be overwhelmingly complete if I can do that every morning! Thank you for reading my story :D


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I’m so addicted to the k-drama Cinderella’s sister recently. I bought the first 2 CDs (ep 1-8) of the drama, and because I just can’t wait too long to watch the next episodes, I checked out the shop almost once per 2 days, and I think the owner was getting sick of seeing my face. I did that for almost 3 weeks. I always come to the same shop because I didn’t want to lose my money, because if I buy from the other shops, means I have to buy all 4 CDs of ‘em. Finally, the owner said that I don’t have to come there every 2 days, instead, he’ll text me if it already there.
… but he never did. Guess he only said that to get rid of me, LOL.

One day, I accompanied my mom to another DVDs shop, aaaand they already have the complete episodes. Even though I know my mom really hate seeing me watching K-drama allll the time, I finally encouraged myself to tell my my mother to buy it for me. HELL WITH MONEY, PEOPLE, I FINALLY GOT TO WATCH THE DAMN EPISODES 9-20!! And apparently, just watch it on dvd didn’t satisfy me too much, I still re-watch it again on KBS, and also, I still read the recaps from dramabeans for COUNTLESS times! Plus, I watched almost all the making clip of cinderella’s sister on youtube(NO SUBS), their interviews (some of them don’t have subs either), and even the fans made MV! But for god sakes, I CRIED MORE THAN 20 TIMES DURING 20 EPISODES. That’s my record after Stairways To Heaven.

I do really love the EJ & KH couple, so I searched everything about them in google and youtube. My mom who usually yells at me, telling to stop browsing things like that, now seems to accept it and just does a little nagging: D YEAY ME!

I hope I can get the prize, because I’m really like YAB too, thankyou javabeans and girlfriday, I always love you recaps  GBU!


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Kdrama is.......

My first Korean drama was the classic winter sonata (WLS).
Share it with my best friend and she's also fell in love with it.
Through this series, I found another friend ~ through the internet. We already fell in love with each other before we met, and when we did met it was like dejavu and she became another close friend.

Three of us watch the whole WLS more than 20times (was it 30? can't count).
Scene by scene? countless time. At night time, each time we found out something interesting, little tiny bit details on the expression, gesture, BGM, we call one another and discuss it in details. Many times, connected by phone (we have not discover skype at that time) we watch it together. Hah...imagine our phone bills during that crazy year ~ well, it lasted about 1,5 years. We cried an smile together watching the same story (felt a lil stupid now, the story never change no matter how many times you watch).

We search and collect all songs in the series. Including the BGM. When I wrote all, it ment ALL song, even if it was only used for a second. Collect the song book (we can play piano).

Always thank WLS for starting my Kdrama addiction (was only a Jdrama freak before that). Plus the precious bonus of founding another best friend (you have many close friend, but only a few will became your true best friend and if you're lucky you'll have a soul mate).

The smile, the laughter, the friendship I found through them, is a gift of love. That's what Kdrama ment for me......

~ and You're Beautiful is on my top 3 list!


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My drama addiction started only when I was 14 (currently 18). Sure, the 4 years may seem short compared to the lifetime obsession that others have, but these 4 years have been brimming full of fervor and passion for Kdramas for me.

My first ever drama was Goong. That drama changed me from an anti-korean drama person, to a complete aficionado. I started calling my mum "Hwang Tae Hu Mama" since she is like the empress at home. Hahaha! Lately, I changed it to simply "omma" cause the former was too much of a mouthful. My obsession with korean dramas caught on with the rest of my family, and now even my grandmother (who doesnt know how to operate the dvd player; we take turns to help her) is completely hooked!

I went on to watch all the older dramas like Full House, Choon Hyang (omg, totally fell in love with Jae Hee and his million expressions), etc. By now, I have completely lost count of the number of dramas that I have watched. The numerous dramas had helped me build-up my Korean vocabulary, but I was hungry for more. So I headed to the bookstore and bought 2 Korean Language books. Immediately after my 'O' levels two years back, I signed on for proper lessons. Next year I would be taking the Korean Language Proficiency Test and I'm crazily excited about it! Who in the right mind actually gets excited about a test? Hahaha.

Along the way, I joined WITHS2 as a Chinese translator. Boy, it is a lot harder to translate a 60-70 minute episode than I expected. Hahaha, but I had tons of fun doing it! Dramabeans, Seoulbeats, Popseoul, k-popped, Jazzholic, Soompi and many more are all on my Favourites Bar! :D

Craziest thing I have done in the name of korean dramas (and I speak every word of truth), was to fly to Korea on the last day of my exams for a short but insanely enjoyable 6 days trip - ON IMPULSE. It was a mad rush packing our luggage! Hahaha, my family (whom I have converted to fellow kdrama fans) joined me on this crazy trip too. During that six days, I lived like I was in a drama.

1. I went to Hangang, screamed my lungs out and released fireworks with my unni. Then we went to 반포대교 to watch the beautiful fountain, as seen on Boys Over Flowers.

2. Went to Hongdae and scoured high and low for the Coffee Prince cafe. Thankfully, I managed to find it and had a refreshing ice latte there. Omma and I went crazy taking photographs of every single thing, from the chair to the cups.

3. Shopped like crazyyyy in MyeongDong (where Chaegyung and Shin shared heart-melting kiss in Goong!) and Dongdaemun (where Choon Hyang, Dal Ja Spring, Cinderella Man and many more filmed!).

4. Went to a pojangmacha and had Korean BBQ with a little soju and the quintessential "kkkkkk~" after you down a shot. It was my first time trying alcohol! Appa bought makgulli and podoju back! Hahah.

5. Bought the flat, metal Korean chopsticks and metal bowl home! I use them for more normal meals all the time now! I bought the microwave-able rice that I saw in Worlds Within too! :D Hahah, we even got the gold pot which they always cook ramyun with. Unni and I fight for the lid all the time!

Gosh, how I miss Korea! I can MIGRATE there for real. Hahah, alright this has gotten much longer than I expected! I hope you're still reading! Thank you soooo much Javabeans and Girlfriday for doing this! :DD


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I'm just 15 years old and I'm a super duper kdrama fanatic. When I was in school I always check the time every now and then ( I think I check my watch every 30 minutes xD) because I want to know if it is our dismissal already. haha When I check the clock and it's 4 30pm I always rush and excited in going home I didn't even say goodbye to my friends that's why they're asking me to inform them whenever I go home. When I'm in my class I can't focus beacuse I'm thinking about the next episode of the kdrama I'm watching. And I really want to go to Korea someday that's why I search some information about the transportation, hotel, itinerary and i searched for the price of the plane ticket LOL! I spent 14 hrs in computer just to watch a kdrama. If I can only pull the morning when I sleep at night I would do it just to watch a kdrama. hahaha. I think the word addict is not right for me obsessed is the right term. :))


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I hate coffee. There, I said it. Even though such an admission may cost me the contest, I have to be up front about it... because it's definitely NOT from lack of trying. Despite my aversion to the taste, and the nauseated feeling I get whenever I try to drink some... none of that mattered when I discovered Coffee Prince.

I fell in love with that drama to an unnatural (and on hindsight, rather unhealthy) degree. I would live, breathe, and dream Han Gyul, and even imagine I was there, working in a coffee shop much like the one featured in the drama. Even knowing nothing about coffee, I was a pro, and surrounded by handsome, sexy baristas. So of course, no one could blame me when I decided to take my addiction to the next level.

I started small, really... bought myself some coffee grounds at the supermarket, and began my not-so-small-task of loving the stuff. Attempt number 1 was a failure. As were the next five or six. I learned that not only was I naturally taste-resistant to the stuff, but my stomach wasn't a huge fan either. But I was a trooper. Naturally, I assumed I just wasn't making it right. So I decided to indulge my fantasy even further. Obviously, I was an amateur. What I needed to do was to go to a real coffee house, and drink the brews made by professionals! In a way, it was like fate had been subtly nudging me in that direction all along!!

So, my plan was set: I'd go to every little nook-and-cranny coffee shop in town I could find, and taste their wares. After I was done, I'd finally understand what all the fuss was about, and jump on the coffee-loving bandwagon! This, in turn, would give me a greater appreciation for Coffee Prince, as well as dull the pain of waiting for new episodes to air. Win-Win!

From this point on though, I think my imagination started getting the better of me. I had delusions of grandeur. I could envision the perfect scenario: I'd find a popular coffee joint, fall in love with the subtle blend of beans (and whatever else they tried to slip in there), and quickly become a regular. I'd quietly observe their art, read lots of books on the subject, and practice secretly at home until I'd perfected it. Then, once I was finally ready to wow the world with my talent, I'd casually inquire about job opportunities at the shop of my choosing, and begin my apprenticeship with a flourish. The rest, as they say, would be history.

Honestly, it sounded deceptively easy.

So, gearing up with a friend in tow, I skipped work (who needs a job, when I was going to be a barista?) and went trolling around the town, in search of that allusive thing called great coffee. Seven shops proved to be my limit. But in those moments, I felt just like Eun Chan... thrust into unfamiliar territory, but loving every minute of it. I only enjoyed maybe 2 of the 7 cups I ordered; which was a miracle in itself. But even those started to lose their appeal rather quickly when my friend had to keep pulling over so I could throw up on the side of the road. My stomach REALLY hated me that day.

In the end it was fun, but I was forced to admit that building my life around coffee wasn't that great of an idea. Not only did all that coffee-drinking make me nutty (not to mention incredibly sick) but to this day, my friend still teases me mercilessly, and refuses to accompany me on anymore drama-inspired road trips. Even my loving boyfriend is frustratingly unsupportive. When I got home that day, rather than be sympathetic of my coffee-induced-hangover, he told me to stop watching tv if it was going to make me insane.

Seriously... the things we addicts have to go through! ;)

At least with Coffee House, I can focus more on the zaniness of the writing techniques, and not so much on the coffee. Come to think of it, I wonder if my friend will let me shove her into a suitcase... she's pretty small, so she might just fit.


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I was first introduced to Kdrama when my friend convinced me to watch Fullhouse in 2004. When I started screaming at Han Ji Eun and Young Jae for the nth time to quit waiting around by the door with their brooding faces on, I should have realized then that this will be the start of an unkickable addiction. That friend has since moved on with other things in life while I, on the other hand, still have my browser set on viikii, dramabeans and popseoul. I’ve done a lot of things for my obsession so I’m just listing the top 3 in chronological order.

1. I once missed an exam because I was watching My Name is Kim Sam Soon. I started it the night before the exam thinking that I’ll just watch the first episode to unwind and then start studying after that. With every episode I finished, I kept thinking that I’ll stop at the next one. Eventually the sun rose, I still had not done any studying and I realized that my exam was in an hour. Being that I stayed up all night watching MNIKSS, I looked like hell. I immediately went to my dad (the more gullible of the two parental units) and told him that I was sick. Just to be sure that I looked the part, I put my shoes on wrong (this makes you look like you’re walking with a limp) and mussed up my hair into a just-beaten-up look. Even now, I consider that as one of my finest work. My dad called in sick for me, wrote me an excuse letter to give to the teachers, and told me that I should spend the day just resting. I spent that day finishing the entire series while my lunch and dinner was brought to me a la room service.

2. I spent the summer of 2007 inside a coffee house. At that time, the internet at our house had been disconnected so I had no way to watch Coffee Prince. Being the obsessive junkie that I am, I quickly found the solution in the form of starbucks’ free wifi. I told my mom to just drop me off in the morning and then pick me up when she gets out of work. I spent the time downloading from veoh and torrents… just watching the percentage of download completed slowly increasing excited me. I made sure that I got enough Kdrama juice to tide me over until the next day. After a while, the barista caught on that I wasn’t really buying anything so he gave me the option to order or leave. I’ve never drunk so much hot chocolate in my life. Since I was broke, I made sure that I ordered the cheapest thing on the menu. I also made one small cup last me for at least 3 hours. Mass quantities of room temperature chocolate= not good. I did this almost every day the entire summer. This was how I was able to watch Coffee Prince, Biscuit Teacher, Bad Couple and Que Sera Sera.

3. I prefer doing weekend Kdrama marathons over going out to parties with friends. This is the most recent manifestation of my addiction. I would decline invitations from friends to go to the clubs or the movies just so that I could stay home and watch a whole series from start to end. My closest friends have learned to recognize the signs. They would call me up and I would tell them that I had already showered, gotten into my PJs and was really not in the partying mood. They would then immediately realize that I was on a Kdrama snorting session and ask me which show I was watching.

I fear that someday, I would wake up and realize that I’ve watched all the good kdramas out there. I won’t have any friends because I kept refusing to hang out and I’d be at a dead-end job because I kept missing exams to watch shows. I’d be alone and penniless with no friends, money or KDRAMA. That is just my biggest fear in life. Hopefully, it won’t come to that..

P.S. I haven't done this yet but it will soon be added to my obsessive behavior. I've recently bought a ticket to Seoul for September. I've set aside a whole day of just stalking actors that I absolutely love. On my list: Gong Yoo, Jang Geun Seok and Lee Min Ho. I'm coming from Texas and I am not Korean by descent, only by obsession.


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Let me just start off by saying this is THE BEST blog entry you have ever posted up javabeans! Don't get me wrong, I am an avid follower of your drama recaps (reading them is probably as important as watching the dramas themselves) and I love everything about your blog, but getting a chance to read all these stories has made me feel, well, normal XD Of course I knew before that I wasn't the only kdrama addict out there, but it's great getting to empathise with some of these situations... and sometimes coming across an entry and thinking 'I'm glad I'm not that far gone' (although who knows, I'm still young. Hahaa...)

Anyway, I feel compelled to leave my mark, so here goes the story of my kdrama journey...

My first ever korean drama was My Girl, which I was introduced to by my grandmas when I visited the Philippines for a family holiday about three years ago. That summer literally turned my life upside down. To cut the long story short, I watch kdramas nonstop during that holiday and now I'm not only interested in kdramas but also korean variety shows, kpop, the culture and food etc. Heck, like many others I suspect, I've even started trying to learn Korean XD Let's just say my dad is still mad at my crazy grandmas (who have like their own mini kdrama dvd store in their living room, I swear) for creating a korean loving monster out of his used-to-be-social daughter =)

I actually found this site last year during the Boys Before Flowers craze. Yes, I know haven't been such a long time follower javabeans, but it might please you to know that I can't stay away from this site for too long (my limit's a day, give or take) or otherwise I get like withdrawal symptoms...

So yeah, I'm a sad teenager whose sad life involves marathon-ing and rewatching a lot of korean shows and dramas. I haven't actually had many crazy moments due to my kdrama obsession, just the usual: the late nights (and early mornings), the arguing with my parents to let me watch more (and to not switch the internet connection off), the getting caught crying or hyperventilating or screaming "kiss her already!" or "nooo, not the river/sea/cancer" by my sisters who just back away slowly with freaked out expressions on their faces.

I have like a Korean piano teacher who is amazed at my knowledge about everything korean and the fact that I'm as much in love with Bae Yong Joon as she is XD Heck, she's amazed that I even know Bae Yong Joon (though who doesn't in the world of kdrama addicts/my grandmas)

Right, I'm now gonna read the rest of these stories and empathise and giggle a little more! I know this is kinda like a pointless post from me and it doesn't even comply with your competition conditions, but I had fun writing about my obsession and hopefully haven't bored too many people with my worthless banter. Have fun choosing the winners girlfriday and dramabeans =)


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Omfg I love these stories!
also not contesting for the DVDs, I've already got a set..hehe

Just like most of you here, I too suffer from insomnia Lmao, I'm the vampire of the household - I don't sleep, and when I do its totally an inappropriate time.. *sigh*

Thankfully in this technologically advanced era, most if not all of my lectures are recorded and posted online, so er - Homeschool ensues.. lol but a lecture for an episode? no thanks..haha. sometimes, I'd email my assignments to my friends who I know are at uni, to submit them for me saying I'm too tired to come hand it in.. well true, but its so I can treat myself with a drama or three..haha..

its kinda weird coz i don't even know my student id number but my friends do.. good friends are golden.


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Wow!This is amazing! I do love to share how this addiction change myself^_^
This might be long, because im too excited!LOL!
Boys Over/Before Flower, how could i denied this drama are remarkable to me, which make me who i am now..An Addiction! to K-Drama.
I used to watch several K-Drama before, but none of them make me seriously want more n more K-Drama.

Actually i accidentally tuning to a channel which i dun know there is Korean channel in my country. Watching GJP desperately jealous while seeing GJD dancing with YJH, with EJ n WB beside him, it's too eye candy to me, n i cant take my eyes off them!^_^. I'm only watch 2 episode on TV, n i couln't help my self n Google immediately about this drama.

And I was late, it was all over internet.It's a FEVER! So i started watch all the episode online, i dun watch it on TV anymore, since KBS2 airing 4 episode late than current episode at KBS Korea. I will not sleep on Wed n Thurs night. Since it's airing at 9pm at Korea, i have to waited at least until 1 a.m to watch Episode with Eng subbed. The video also have divide to at least 7-8 part, it will be 7-8 hour to finish 1 episode..i just can't waited for tomorrow, its addiction![Since im working with family business, its OK to be late 2 days in a week!hehehe]. The translator, n d team, they are GEMS![i watch at You tube, and that time license issue is not too tight] I always wonder, even now how could i sleep at 8 am or 9 am in the morning, every Thurs n Friday!=_= It's ROUTINE for more than 3 months! The addiction make me own My 1st K-Drama Box DVD which cost me hundred bugs ++++, The Making Of BOF DVD, All Ost 1, 2 n 2.5 , also i have the posters,stickers n most treasure The Star Moon Necklace!! Kinda too much, rite?LOL!
And now i can manage my self to feel more calm..After BOF wrap up, i cant help myself but to explore more about K_Entertainment..And because of BOF, even my ring tone is Korean song, and now while im typing, there is OST from Personal Taste is in the air!^^..I'm also interested on Korean Variety TV, they were too funny! To be honest if someone ask me currently news about K-Entertainment, im proudly share with them, but if they ask about my country Entertainment, i barely can answer!
2 years after BOF i've already watch over 100 K-Dramas n movies..i'm now collect DVD which i found worth to be watching more then once. So kinda like hobby: collecting K-Dramas DVD!^___^.I also download the drama, but afraid of the HDD might be corrupt by the time pass, i think buying DVD is much better. Dun ask about how much it cost me until now, because it worth for me!^__^shhhh..
I currently watch Bad Boys/Guys and Coffee House now, Much anticipating for Running/Fugitive n My Girlfriend is Gumiho, i'm so excited!
N Dramabeans, its all thanks to you, i always be updated about K-Entertaiment! You're my GEMS too!Be Healthy always oke?!^___^


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Hi Hi! My story may not be much different from any folks here, but it's just interesting to share something that we all love, the d.r.a.m.a *wink2*... I've been into K-pop culture ever since I know H.O.T when I was in the US and I learned Korean (though not that much) for my H.O.T obsession, but I didn't know about K-drama land until my mom (YES, my mom) introduced me to All About Eve. My mom have them fedex-ed to me from Jakarta along with other VCDs - Friends (Wong Bin and Kyoko Fukuda), Meteor Garden (limited knowledge and not much choices back then) because she wanted to share her Jang Dong Gun with me and I watched it again and again those VCDs, which are subtitled in Indonesian but from Chinese translation (kinda weird if I look back now). Alas, after that it's the season of tragedy dramas *cough* Endless Love *cough* and watching people dying on drama from stage 3 4 5 cancer was and is still not my forte. So, the obsession died a bit. But I did watched Winter Sonata even though I categorized it on the tragedy drama side, and even bought that star necklace bid for it on e-bay. I wore it proudly when I was in the US, but later on, realized that in Asia, everybody had the same necklace too LOL.

Then, moving on with my life, I experienced the very part of K-drama that I don't like the most, the death your loved ones. In my case, I lost the person who introduce K-drama to me due to the very similar disease in Endless Love. K-dramaland suddenly become part of my life again as those were the only times when I was not crying or depressed, though on the back of my mind, I'd wonder what my mom would think of Bae Yong Jun's role in Hotelier (one of the rare case where 2nd guy gets the girl or the other way of seeing it is that I really thought BYJ was the main lead in Hotelier). Hotelier was not the only dramas that I marathon during that period of time. I also hovered over Jang Nara's dramas, one of them is Successful Story of a Bright Girl (Jang Hyuk was so young in here). To keep the story short, in one way, K-drama kept me sane, passed through my darkest time in life and eventually moved on with my life. By this time I've developed a bad habit that whenever I do drama marathon, I tend to watch everything first then rewind and rewind the scenes that I like and rewind it again until I can play the scene in my head. Thus, the hour spend for marathon in total gets dragged and longer. My brother did laughed at me when I keep rewinding Hotelier's scenes (oh so corny yet so addictive).

After that, drama obsession was on and off for me, I did marathon for All In, Full House, but the rest was not so memorable, until Jang Geun Suk, Lee Jun Ki and Goong Yoo appeared on my laptop screen. And from there, endless nights of drama marathon started LOL. Waking up late for work, making excuses to take 1 day leave coz you just couldn't wake up after watching drama till 6am, become a behavior pattern of this self-confessed drama junkie.

However, stock soon ran out as I got distracted to J-drama, but I did manage to watch some K-drama here and there, just not by release date order. I was out of touch with the current drama trend (those that we watch under 24 hours fansub) because I was rewatching those old dramas, until You're beautiful started airing. By the time YAB was on air and with the hype, I had CPA exam on the exact day of Episode 14 - Jeremy's bus scene *gasp*. I was watching that exact scene when I realized it's just 1 hour before the exam and quickly took taxi to the exam place, took it *endure 3 hours of brain crunching*, came back home and continue to gaga over Tae Kyung and Shinwoo. I was even amazed myself that I passed. The very same episodes happened again last month on the other CPA exam and this time it's Dong Yi. Instead of preparing for the exam, I was busy watching the little Dong Yi on the run before she finally hid in the palace as a slave and I was in a wreck by the time I reached the exam place and let's just say at least I was lucky I was not late.

Well, that's how K-drama evolves around my life and circling around my life until now and I don't regret every single hours spend on watching and obsessing over it.


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Lets start at the very beginning. It was a Monday night in 9/07, I'm on vacation from work, and had nothing lined up except to chill out. While endlessly channel surfing looking for amusement, I happened upon an Asian drama with English subs, I was hooked! I had no idea of it's title but it had something to do with coffee princes!
So here I was addicted and needing my next fix, what's a girl to do? Next morning out comes the computer and I google "Coffee Princes", what pops up but Dramabeans blog! This led me to a site which had all 17 episodes ready for my viewing pleasure! So I started from the beginning Tuesday am and marathoned till about 3am Wed am with breaks only for refreshments and the bathroom.
I spent the rest of my vacation watching Kdramas!
It seems quite normal now but at the time everyone thought I'd finally become unhinged. Why would a conservative, 50-something, English lady spend her vacation watching Korean TV soaps? Well, I say the jokes on them as they don't know what they're missing!!!!


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Wow!This is amazing! I do love to share how this addiction change my view of K-drama..^_^
This might be long, because im too excited !LOL!
Boys Over/Before Flower, how could i denied this drama are remarkable to me, which make me who i am now..An Addiction! to K-Drama.
I used to watch several K-Drama before, but none of them make me seriously want more n more K-Drama.

Actually i accidentally tuning to a channel which i dun know there is Korean channel in my country. Watching GJP desperately jealous while seeing GJD dancing with YJH, with EJ n WB beside him, it's too eye candy to me, n i cant take my eyes off them!^_^. I'm only watch 2 episode on TV, n i couln't help my self n google immediately about this drama.

And I was late, it was all over internet.It's a FEVER! So i started watch all the episode at online, i dun watch it on TV anymore, since KBS2 airing 4 episode late than current episode at KBS Korea. I will not sleep on Wed n Thurs night. Since it's airing at 9pm at Korea, i have to waited at least until 1 a.m to watch Episode with Eng subbed. The video also have divide to at least 7-8 part, it will be 7-8 hour to finish 1 episode..i just can't waited for tomorrow, its addiction![Since im working with family business, its OK to be late 2 days in a week!hehehe]. The translator, n d team, they are GEMS![i watch at You tube, and that time license issue is not too tight, and since i cant see viikii video at my country] I always wonder how could i sleep at 8 am in the morning, every thur n friday!=_= It's routine fOr more than 3 month! The addiction make me own 1st Box DVD which cost me hundred bugs ++++, The Making Of BOF DVD, All Ost 1, 2 n 2.5 , also i have the posters,stickers n most treasure The Star Moon Necklace!! Kinda too much, rite?LOL!
And now i can manage my self to feel more calm..After BOF wrap up, i cant help myself but to explore more about K_Entertainment..And because of BOF, even my ring tone is Korean song, and now while im typing, there is OST from Personal Taste is in the air!^^..I’m also interested on Korean Variety TV, they were too funny! To be honest if someone ask me currently news about K-Entertainment, im proudly share with them, but if they ask about my country Entertainment, i barely can answer!
2 years after BOF i've already watch over 100 K-Dramas n movies..i'm now collect DVD which i found worth to be watching more then once. So kinda like hobby: collecting K-Dramas DVD!^___^.I also download the drama, but afraid of the HDD might be corrupt by the time pass, i think buying DVD is much better. Dun ask about how much it cost me until now, because it worth for me!^__^shhhh..
I currently watch Bad Boys/Guys and Coffee House now, Much anticipating for Running/Fugitive n My Girlfriend is Gumiho, i'm so excited!
N Dramabeans, its all thanks to you, i always be updated about K-Entertaiment! You're my GEMS too!Be Healthy always oke?!^___^..And also to Girlfriday, to both of you, Fighting!!


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Hello to everybody....

After read all those stories from you guys, now I can't say that I'm that Kdrama addict, just the ordinary one,ha, ha, ha...

I do watch Kdrama marathonously like everyone here, those sleepless night, and those sleepy day, do go to DVD vendor frequently to buy the latest kdrama dvd or the old ones (to choose which one to buy I rely on JB reference).
I start to study hangeul (now I can read hangeul) and interested in Korean culture in general.
I'm very known among my dorm friends for the one sing korean song in the middle of the night (and they said because of that they are not scared to go to toilet in the middle of the night and can stay awake during exam week, more effective than coffee).
My office friends call me a Otaku too and they laugh on my obsession in Kdrama (they said Kdrama is intended for Ahjumma, ha, ha, ha they have not known your site JB, there are Ahjumma, Ahjusssi, Oppa, Onni, Halamoni, Halaboji, Dongsaeng who love, addict, obsess with Kdrama).
I do support South Korea Team in World Cup or in Uber&Thomas Cup (it's a badminton championship in which my country also join).
And even not quite understand Korea language but after while (no after watch serieS of Kdramas) to watch Kdrama without english subtitles is OK (and after that make comment "who did the subtitles?it is not what the actor says.", ha, ha, ha).
I try to remade hanbok which mix with my own traditional cloths (I'm Indonesian by the way, now other Indonesian Javabeaners can guess what it is look like??he, he, he).
The time which I spend with my sister watching kdrama (MNIKSS, Coffe Prince, sweet 18) is one of my precious memory ( I love you Sis).
Like everyone, I also dream to go to Korea, too...

And the last this site makes me more addict to Kdrama just like everyone (Don't you know there's a kdrama planet that inhibited by creatures named Javabeaner outside your planet??)


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this is the greatest thing ever, since, well... it's the story of my life :D
A friend of mine got me HOOKED to say the least. The first one I ever watched was Full House with Rain and let me tell you, I didn't move until I was done. ;)
My friend and i have determined that while watching Kdramas: nothing else matters. Literally, we don't eat, sleep, or move until it's over because, quite honestly, their lives become more important than yours ;P
I'll be honest and say You're Beautiful is my FAVORITE, it was the only i watched while it was airing (which is probably a good thing since i couldn't solely sit in front of the computer and watch the next episode... it forced me to be a functioning member of society) and let's just say fictional men are not healthy for me. I've avoided a guy because of this mental process: "well... he's not Jang Geun Suk." ...haha.
On another note, Shining Inheritance/Brilliant Legacy? I definately faked an illness more than once on that account. I "skipped" school with a "bad cold" and spent the whole day (and night) watching it. and when I wasn't? I was attempting to describe it to other people, character charts and all. So I went out and bought it (along with the hundreds of other dollars I've spent on Kdramas) and forced my friend (who started me on this road of no return) and she stayed up two nights in a row with it :)
Since then, I've tried to keep my school skipping to a minimum (though I can neither confirm nor deny other various occurances) and I've made a list of all the dramas I've seen, put them in order from favorite to least favorite, and forced my friend to take me to the flea market nearby to blow all my cash on the DVDs. :)


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OMG, what have javabeans and girlfriday started with this contest??
I think a social psychologist should come in and analyse this social phenomenon!

I used to think that I am too much of an addict, since no one around me is as crazy about kdrama as I am. But now I know I am not after reading all the stories here, thank goodness, I am sane! hahaha.

Even though, I have started learning korean, I know all the alphabets now and I know some vocab. I got a korean - English dictionary and 3 books on How to Learn Korean. It amaze even myself, how far my addiction has taken me because one fine day, while watching Will it Snow for Christmas live over SBS, I realised I didnt needed subtitles because I understand some of the dialogue!

I have been to Seoul 3 times over 10 years, the most recent one was last week. I even went to Jeju in 2008 just to see THE teddy bear museum featured in Goong.

I have watched Kdrama for a long time, since autumn in my heart era and Jewel in the palace blah blah. I watched all the big shows and the quirky ones that tug at my heart.

I was crazy enough to buy the original DVD of BOF at a ridiculous price in my home country and last week in Seoul - I actually bought the korean Chuno DVD at 120,000won even though I have already watched the show. I must be mad I thought, but well I guess, how many times do I get a chance to buy an authentic Korean dvd since I dun live in Korea?

I think if I can vote, I will go with the addict who works in the prime minister's office or Bleu who met her husband thru k-drama to win.

Thanks to you guys, I know I am sane! Now I am having the last laugh. hahahahahaha


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Lol, reading everyone stories, I feel relief that I'm not the only crazy people around here. My bf keep complaining on my addiction on everything korean. He should read this and know that his gf is not alone in facing this craziness :P

BTW, the craziest thing I've done is bringing along my laptop during holiday so I can finish up watching Snow Queen. Seriously, I couldn't wait for 1 second to know what happen next even though I've the whole episodes saved in my hard disk. The result = blotchy face during my holiday because I was crying like a baby. If I known that it has a sad ending, I would never watch it all. Even now after a whole freaking year and I would still cry when watching it (and its only the 1st episode) T_T

Now, I just read ur blog 1st while waiting for subs to come out.

p/s: I'm crazy in love with bad guy and my bf cannot do anything about it. >.<


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there's this time, around a month ago? It was not a finale, but just a normal ep of Cinderella's Sister, yes you read it right lol So ok, i was supposed to come to college for my lessons, which are all in the afternoon. That was a Friday, and the subs for the ep aired on Thursday only comes out on Friday for me, i mean not very early, but around 4pm =)) That's because viikii doesn't work for mac, so i have to wait for another team to work on it. Well to be honest it's not just one time ...... yeah who am i kidding, i bet i missed more than 4 classes =)) oh god i really feel terrible :( But well, after watching all those emotional drama, how could you stay focused and come to class??? Yes, I cannot do that !!!! So I called in sick.
But the thing is ...... i live with my sister. And there's this Friday when I forgot to tell her I got home early (what i told her 3 weeks earlier), and I was not about to because i want to eat out, and that will only happen if I go home with her, and on the way home we'll stop at Chinatown. In order to do that, I had to run to the station, which is around 1 hour away from home, I had to take a train, then change to tube, but not just one line, two tube lines. So yes it takes me 45 minute to get to the station where i was supposed to meet her. The one thing is that there are only 2 exits from the tube station, and they are connected :( My sister used to wait at one of the 2 exits, and once i walk out of the tube station she'll see me right away. That's why i came up with a plan. 30 minutes before the time i was supposed to meet her, I went on the train. When i arrived, I called her and said my classes finished but my teacher wanted to see me, thus i'd have to stay late. So i told her to wait at the shop across the tube station, which she said she would. But then i thought what if she forgot and waited for me at the station. So i had to take the long way, by bus. So on the bus, I was trying to be patient, but it was 5pm and the traffic was so heavy. In the end, I only took the bus to the next tube station, then i went to the underground instead. On the way I thought of how to tell her if i happened to see her right at the stations, then I thought i should say i was walking with a friend and forgot that she was waiting, so i went down the elevator, but then remembered, so i went back up. Luckily she waited for me in the shop, so well in the end, i used up all of my brain cells to think of excuses for my watching the drama and skip school :">

I know this story doesn't make you laugh your brain off but that scared the heck outta meeee!!!! Imagine my sister as your parents =)) oh god =)) :">


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My first crush is All About Eve. And sadly, it doesn’t end until now. I watched it every time I got bored. It’s truly a classic.

And my second is Full House. Yes, I remembered correctly that time. It’s when I was expecting my first son, I share my happiness with Lee Young Jae and Han Ji Eun. I hummed Byul’s “I Think I” for his lullaby; I learn breastfeeding while sitting in front of the TV because I don't want to miss the episode. Yes, Full House gave me a lot than just an excitement.

In fact, my son grew with Korean drama. Since I watched the drama on television that everyone can see (including my son), thus sometime he watched too. But of course, not everybody happy with this. Even my mom blames my addiction for my son’s speech delay. Yes, he can’t speak fluently until he is 2 years 4 month. And all I can say is every child has a different growing level. Being 5 years old now, he can speak like every other kid does.

Even, he learns English now! Being second language, its kind difficult to teach reading in English. Fortunately our local television broadcast a series of English education program. His favorites are SuperWHY! and Talk-Talk My Angel. When he watched the latter for the first time, he called me, and said: “Mom, this is for you. They speak Korean!” And he gave me his patent greeting by waving his hand and said: “nyong, nyong.” Oh, God.

Learning my experience, I promise to myself that I won’t watch K drama excessively after my second born. I will stop at Brilliant Legacy. I calculated that BL would end before my second’s due. So, I feel a little bit worry but also happy, when they announced to expand the series by 2 episodes. Nooo.. that’s my due! What to do? What to do? I wanted to see Hwan and Eun So happy at the time. I’m kind of person who flip the end of the book to know who end up with who, now you want me to delay for some days? Please, don’t! Just please..

Thank you, son, you were listening to me.

But, why is it hard to keep a promise? Well, because after that a lot of good drama aired. And everything getting faster; my internet connection and viikii too. But, don’t worry, at least it’s not at television.

Until, I find Thank You is airing from Monday to Friday. Wow.. temptation.. temptation, how I can I resist you?

Sold! You’ve got me. So here I am, watching the best drama in 2007 (not my word, but almost everyone said it) with my ten months old son.

But maybe, a little maybe, my baby heard my promise. Because he is a little bit annoyed when I watched Thank You. The disadvantage being broadcasted in TV is I can’t watch it at night or in my spare time. And I’m too lazy to download it too. So every day I stuck in my couch with my baby, learning to walk, touch and trying something new.

And then, he found one button. The one which can switch off my TV.

Oh, joy.


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Hi Java Beans and Girlfriday!

Well, I dont have any crazy stories to share because I live too far away from Korea (I am from Brazzil) to try anything crazy for an actor, I woould probably do what I did during a Megadeth Concert, which was to be thrown by the crowd (yeah, a mush) to try to get near the vocalist, and the result was pretty catastrophic, I fell of a height of 2 meters and brusied my legs and head…. = D !!
Anyway, my K-Drama addiction started in 2007 after having my intern contract terminated and I was pretty much broke without any perspectives of amusement so my only relief was to see videos on YOUTUBE and there it was, my first K-Drama was Taste Sweet Love and I pretty overhealmed after watching I havent stopped ever since..
Some of my habbits have changed after experienced about 50 dramas:

- when I’m happy I say Aja instead of Hey or Viva!
- I started enjoying spicy food;
- Sometimes I sleep with my clothes on just like in most dramas, why wear pajamas? lol
- I read all the time the discussion forums on ViiKii and tweet about addiction, although Im pretty alone on this subject, since in Brazil dramas has a very illed connoctive sense (it is for old ladies who are dumb and have nothing better to do… cant blame them, Soap Operas / Dramas in Brazil have been decreasing their level each day it passes);
- It even changed my taste in men, my eyes sparkle whenever I see Korean or Asian guys;
- I even have skipped outings with my friends or studying hours to finish watching dramas (the last time I did that was to finish Glass Slippers and Boys Over Flowers);
- There’s a neightboorhood in São Paulo, Brazil, called Bom Retiro where are there many Korean people there and there’s a video store filled with Korean Movies and Dramas and I wanted to rent Be Strong Geum Soon so I tried to talk to the owner but she couldnt understand me, so I tried to speak the little Korean I know and she started to look at me like I was retarded… (I was pretty nervous and I was stammering a lot );
- On the same day I met two Korean boys in a Greek pub and I could understand parts of what their were saying and they noticed so they started to speak in Portuguese;
- I try to control myself, but, sometimes all the examples I try to use to explain anything (and I mean anything) its related to a scene or a story I read about a Korean Drama or Actor…

I guess that’s it…. I am pretty sure that Im far away from getting this box, but I thought I should give it a try since I love Jang Geum Suk and Park Shin Hye is so cute and the drama is all so cute!!



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I've been watching kdramas for so many years I can't even remember when it was I first started. I think my My Girl obsession was one of the most memorable. It was a one of my first mad marathons, like what the other kdrama addicts would all have gone through :D My mum and I would wake up at 7.30am in the morning till the wee hours of the next morning, watching the episodes, forgoing food, water and toilet unless we really need to. x) Such a nice bonding session, laughing and crying with my mother and we had so much fun! I'd be thinking about the show even during the rare moments I had my eyes off the screen. It was as if the show was a person and I had just fallen in love with him XD

The other one was the YAB craze. Boy did I fall in love with it. I even influenced my classmates into watching the show by playing it in class after school :D It was funny how the number of people increased as the time passed and it was fun laughing and discussing with all of them. We'll all go even "awwww" in unison at certain parts and go silent at serious moments. Then we'd be very reluctant to end the sessions and people would be yelling, "Continue! Just ONE more episode!!!" and there we go, off for another hour of fun. And for the next few days all of us stayed back in class watching it (and even though it was my 4th time watching) and we would be praying that no teachers would catch us in our act. We'll all go very still whenever we thought someone's coming..then we'll laugh at our foolishness when the tension's over. Even during classes we will debate about the merits of Taekyung, Shinwoo and Jeremy :)

I'm sure there were more moments throughout the length of the many dramas I watched, but those were the most unforgettable ones (:


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My kdrama obsession manifested itself at an early age. I would stay up late to watch random family korean dramas with my mother and aunt , in which they would grudgingly translate korean into english for me upon my barking mad pestering. But my infatuation increased tenfold when my aunt brought home a rented VCR recording of My Girl! I was IN LOVE with all the characters, and never ceased to imitate Lee Da Hae when saying, You'll be blessed! (which charmed my mom's and aunt's friends - what can I say? I love to spurt out random korean phrases) Although my mom thought Lee Jun Ki looked like a volatile alien from Mars, I thought differently of him and thought, he's kiiiiiinda good looking. It was also from that drama I learned of what plastic surgery koreans are keen on like, getting the eyelid creases and the jaw shaving. I would bug my mom and aunt to take me to korean school to learn korean because I could not stand the lagged responses whenever I would poke my mom for a translation (Me: MOM! OMG WHAT JUST HAPPENED??!?! Mom: Kamanisubahh~ I'm trying to listen! Me: puffs of smoke issue from my red hot ears)
So it was then that I took to the internet, and I depended on loyal subbers and eventually came upon dramabeans for hilarious episode recaps! It was so splendid. But nooooo, I had to watch more!!! I would watch kdrama after kdrama after kdrama, and then I noticed it was taking to my health and my school studies. I was coming to school tired every morning from staying up at ungodly hours to watch to my heart's content without being bugged by my mom to go to sleep, and when I DID stop, I would just lay in bed thinking how wonderful it would be if Jang Geun Suk or Gong Yoo was my boyfriend (Girlfriday! Don't eat me! He's yours!) I even started imitating kdrama antics, like in Delightful Girl Chun Hyang, in the first episode, Chun Hyang wins a cooking competition by cooking green tea in her ramyun (I TRIED IT!). Also, I tried to tailor my room according to certain dramas that had appelaing bedrooms. Sadly, I even tried to emulate certain actress' eyebrows and realized that the beauty aspect had gone too far.
But the most embarrassing story I have to tell is this:
It was actually during the time of watching You're Beautiful. I fell in love with the Pig-Rabbit stuffed animal doll and realized that I could possibly get it when my aunt goes to Korea, for she was leaving in a week. So I asked her: Imoooo, could get you get me a stuffed animal? Aunt: but you have so many! Me: I know....kunde, i saw this one that I think you can get for a cheaper price in korea, it's called tuegi-toki Aunt: O.o Me: it's really cute!
then comes my mom: what? you've been watching dramas again! kohmbu hae agi!!!! Me: I know!!! but i really want the tuegi-toki!
And so, I showed her a picture of it online, but the picture had Jang-Geun Suk in it too. My mom then said: you stay up all night to watch this?! my goodness! omonah, yah unni, irijeom wabah, kehgah, EYELINER makeup haesuh! I can't believe you like this? he's so gross!
Me: T.T (my Jang-Geun Suk........he's not gross, he's BEAUTIFUL and SO CUTE)


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these stories are endlessly entertaining! thank you for the awesome stories, and thanks to jb for giving all us kdrama addicts a place to share it!
im not nearly as addicted as i could be, what with busy schoolwork and internships/part-time jobs. but i have stayed up ridiculously late on numerous occasions to get my asian drama fix. i didn't do the whole watching-a-drama-while-it's-stilling-airing-in-korea thing until boys over flowers, and despite it being a hot mess as everyone will agree, i was completely addicted and would wish for the weekend to quickly come to an end so i could watch BOF on mondays and tuesdays. luckily for me, i could read chinese and the chinese subs come out at the speed of lightning, so right afterschool, i would rush home to open my computer.

and i also figured out the whole downloading torrents and subs business solely for the sake of enjoying high quality kdrama videos and subs, even though im not very tech-savvy.

oh and i've opened up jb's blog on my laptop while listening to lectures on quite a few occasions as well xppp


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For the past two nights I've stayed up until 4AM watching Prosecutor Princess. Since i couldn't watch them during the day, I've spent the nights up watching it. I would do anything to watch a kdrama. During the past semester, i've spent all my allowed absences as a senior and pretended to be sick in order to watch some kdrama. After i used up all my absences, i stayed up late until 1 just to finish that last episode. i was so desperate that i even secretly used my computer class time to sneek a peek for any updates on airing dramas. i Believe it was twice a day i checked to see if the drama was up and running yet. whenever there's a episode without no subs i would watch the raw episode then go back and watch it again with the subs. Even before school, i woke up a half hour early to check for any updates. i've once been so daring as to call in work to finish the last episode of Smile.

My sister would always tell me to not watch any new episodes without her but i've always watched the drama without her since i can't wait , then watch it again when she comes back, so i pretty much watched some dramas two or three times. I'm so obsessed with kdrama that i'm pretty much out of my mind. My family made fun of me because since i watch kdrama so much i incorporated some korean phrases from dramas i've watched when i'm speaking to them. it just comes out of the blue as if i'm recapping that drama in my head. After every Kdrama i pretty much do a background check. if the actor/actress is good then i look them up and watch their other works.

Because of kdrama i've sat in borders for 5 hours reading how to learn korean. My family thought i was such a crazy for watching so much kdrama and made fun of me but so far i got two of them hooked too! just 7 more people to bring on to my side!!!


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i feel like adding a little more hehehe
i will admit that kdramas got me interested in all things korean, including the bizarre world of kpop hahaha. there was a point in my addiction when i would get ridiculously excited whenever i overheard someone speak korean while walking down the street or sitting on the subway, etc.
at times, i also would speak to myself in the few korean phrases i've picked up from watching kdramas.
i routinely call my mother "omma" (sp?) even though we're not korean (she also had a phase of addiction when she'd make a trip to the bootleg dvd store once a week and stay up late finishing a drama XD).
i also had a phase when i would be elated if people mistook me as a korean, esp when i walk into a korean restaurant and they greet me in korean. yep pretty embarassing stuff!


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@ 32 shirubanger

OH MY GOD!!!! That story is freakin' hilarious!! I cannot believe you did that!!!


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Damn, I've called in sick before to watch dramas but I don't have anything wackier than that. Oh well. Maybe better luck next contest.


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WOW I absolutely love this <)

My drama story really goes back a while, though it didn't all start with kdramas. I'm from India, and therefore, since I wasn't extremely white (I love my heritage) I was somehow just attracted to becoming friends with asians. In this way, I was introduced to manga in middle school. And I became and addict. My laptop's history was dominated with pages from Onemanga, and me dreaming about the love I will have just like those manga heroines. I think my friends knew from then that I was a goner. When I reached 8th grade, my manga addiction had gotten so intense that I had pretty much finished all the appropriate shojo manga on onemanga. So, what does a girl do from there? Looks up dramas on the mangas ^^ I watched so many jdramas and tdramas that year, it's a miracle I got straight a's. I heard my friends talking about kdramas and kpop, but I think I was satisfied drooling over Oguri Shun in Hana Kimi and Hana Yori Dango (I have a major Rui bias, as I will describe).

One of my best friends knew of my addiction, and decided it was time for me to get into kdramas. And so, I am proud to say, Coffee Prince was my first kdrama. 17 hours of pure love, coffee, sweetness, and hotness. With new jdramas coming out that summer though, I wasn't ready to relinquish my hold on the 'culture' I knew so well.

Then BOF aired, and I was ambivilent. Having watched Hana Yori Dango and Meteor Garden, there was no way I was going to spoil it with some luxurious drama. But, I tried it, and can I just say it, risking the wrath of javabeans and most probably girlfriday as well, I fell in love with Ji Hoo. My Rui bias present, and my obvious love for anyone who plays the violin, made him the IDEAL man for me. Marathoning BOF during my Spring Break brought the approval of many of my friends, knowing I was finally in the clutches of kdramas :D

This addiction of mine has been extremely detrimental to many of my study habits! I have just finished my sophomore year in high school, and though it would have been a stressful year with just two AP classes, I made it even more stressful by marathoning kdramas to make up for the years I have missed. Plus! last summer I was on a SS501 high after finding Kim Hyun Joong, and I have fallen in love with each and every one of them, not to mention many other kpop groups, which has made my friends incredulous that I can be so obsessed. Shining Inheritance would definitely be my favorite drama, having watched it in just a week, with an internship all day, and my family making me spend time with them while I studied for the upcoming year. Then followed by You're Beautiful, which should go down in history for the wittiest and sweetest drama ever written. (How much do I love that Lee Seung Gi AND the Hong Sisters are going to be together? It's like the best parts of my life put into one!)

That was mostly history right? haha I end up writing a lot for just a small thing like this (and so my blog is extremely text heavy).

But I guess my story isn't just one occurance, it's many things put together. Last summer, I had fallen sick, so sick that I couldn't really do anything. Just checking my facebook or email for a few minutes gave me a splitting headache. But, the week before, I had started MNIKSS, and I absolutely had to finish it. I know I'm just a high schooler, but for some reason, I felt like my life was going to be like hers, lonely, and growing old without a bf. So, despite my headache, I would get up in the middle of the night to watch the next episodes on youtube. Poof! Headache was gone! As I got more and more into the newer dramas thanks to javabeans, I would curse myself for starting a series when it premiered so I would have to go through the torture of waiting for a week for the next two episodes. When You're Beautiful aired? OMG MY LIFE WAS GONE! Looking up news, browsing soompi for the latest preview. I watched so many clips of all the actors on youtube and I would sit in class laughing to myself when I remembered a scene that was hilarious. It got to the point where I would watch raws, raws mind you, on the laptops at school during class and then try and summarize it to my friends after I watched it. I was caught... a few times... maybe more... but never punished! So I've had kdramas permeate into every aspect of my life, from food, to friends, to what I do on the weekends.

Unfortunately, my parents don't know ANYTHING about this drama addiction, and I have sucessfully kept my love for all things asian a secret from them since 6th grade. I know it's wrong, but they wouldn't approve, and I don't know whether they would understand that it is a substittion for Hindi movies (which have totally gone down the drain).

I am proud to say, though, that my drama addiction has helped me gain many friends over the years (I am still in touch with all of my middle school friends though they have gone to different high schools). This year was a hard one for me, with none of my friends in any of my classes, but I would like to thank kdramas for helping my find my absolute best friend this year, who I first talked to when I found out she had watched BOF. We have gotten extremely close, and she knows me so well, with my addiction and all, that she unconsciously talks to me in korean sometimes (and I sometimes answer back ^^).

All in all, through this long essay, I guess I just want to say that kdramas has brought me many things which I am grateful for. I have friends who I know don't just care for me because of my addiction, and my life's outlook has become more open and happy after watching dramas. (I was slightly depressed through freshman year because my social life was seriously sad with my friends in different high schools and all the stupid cliques with their drama, which seems silly compared to kdrama drama) I have gained knowledge of a new culture and have started to learn a new language. I have found my ideal type and have gotten many friends hooked on dramas as well.

I know that my entry won't be picked, much less read for its enormous length, but I have great feelings towards dramas, especially You're Beautiful, and I seriously want to thank Javabeans and Girlfriday for giving me such entertainment this past year. Thank you, for having me spend half an hour at my intership writing about my love for dramas :D


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My first Korean drama was Autumn in my Heart. And from then on, I swore to only watch comedies.

I have done things like ignoring desperate pleas of homework help from classmates, stuff myself with fish-cake skewers (after watching Boys Over Flowers), ignoring upcoming test dates and sitting through Pimsleur Korean sessions that teach you simple phrases by repeating it syllable by syllable (and sometimes even part of a syllable).

But all was fine and dandy until one day, I was watching the first episode of You’re Beautiful. My mom took a strange look at Park Shin Hye on the screen and asked me why I was watching drama about a nun. I told her that it was about a very special nun and so she decided to join me.

That was where the nightmare began…

(Note: My mother is an Chinese woman around the age of 60.)

Mom: Do you have the next episode?
Me: No…
Mom: Can’t you just get it right now?
Me: Well, the episode does have to air before I can get it.
Mom: Well when’s the next episode going to air?
Me: Next week.
Mom: WHAT? How could they TORTURE viewers like this? Don’t people complain??? (she’s used to watching Chinese dramas that air 5 times a week)
Me: Mom, that’s how the schedules usually are for Korean dramas. You have to learn to be patient, you know?

Mom: Is it airing today?!??!
Me: Yes, but mom, I’m late for school…
Mom: I know, I know, I just wanted to make sure…Have a great day!

Mom: Oh good, you’re home! WHERE’S THE EPISODE?
Me: Mom, just because it has aired, it doesn’t mean it’s out yet. I have to go check.

Me: It’s out but it’s not subbed.
Mom: What do you mean it’s NOT SUBBED?!?
Me: Mom, dramas in Korea don’t air with Chinese subs…
Mom: …right. Well remember to check every 5 minutes for it, okay?
Me: Mom, I have homework…
Mom: Well, I’m sure you can do your homework while you check, right?
Me: …

Me: Okay, I have the episode, we can watch it later.
Mom: LATER? Why later?
Me: ‘Cause…I still need to finish my homework
Mom: Then go do your homework. I need this NOW.
Me: …you’re not waiting for me…?
Mom: No.
Me: !!!

^ The conversations above were repeated every Thursday during the airing of the drama, as well as for other dramas that were watched thereafter.

My mom is now even more addicted to Korean dramas that I am.
For the record, she has already re-watched You’re Beautiful 5 times and she was also able to pick out Hong Ki’s voice when I was listening to an F.T. Island CD. Moreover, I now constantly find that my You’re Beautiful Soundtracks are not where I last placed them.

And that was the story of how I made an avid fangirl out of my mother.

(Sorry for the super long comment ^^;)


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my heading's disappeared...that's weird...
sorry about that...

1st : Thursday night
2nd : Morning of next Wednesday
3rd : After school
4th : 5 minutes later
5th : Later that night

Hope this doesn't make it too confusing to read.


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I know I just wrote like a 1000 word essay for a comment, but I felt that I had to add that even though the internet at my internship isn't allowing me to look at the first page's comments and has the internet quit everytime I try, I'm still manically trying so I can read these and see if I share any stories with other people (though since I don't work and I don't have an addicted mom who understands why I wake up with eyebags even though I supposedly went to sleep at 11 it's hard to relate^^)


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Well.It started off when my brother got Goong from his Gf.
and we were watching it but I only saw some parts here and there, and I got all confused, so I sat under the tv and stardted from disc 1and whenever I was going out to the store or cook I would pause it and tell everyone not to play or touchit or they well be in big trouble and m y gram got so piss at me-itwasnt even funny.LMAO!
But I spent one whole week like that and FINALLLY finish Goong,
after trhat I was so addicted to it I watch 3 reruns of it.Yp and got sick afther that since I didnt sleep.


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OK so here goes....My laptop broke around the beginning of this summer which is about three weeks ago, and I have been complaining, yelling, screaming, threatening suicide and anything and everything to get my Dad to get to get it fixed bt he refuses to budge...the reason....you may ask...well according to HIM (not me) I'm addicted to Korean dramas and he figures that watching them will be the only thing I will be doing when I'm home this summer...So basically I haven't been able to watch as much during the daytime fr these past few weeks and since we have restrictions when it comes to watching stuff on my home computer...I cant be on it whenever I want...But obviously this wont make me stop...so I have devised this genius plan which will let me feed my addiction nevertheless (oops! did i say addiction?)....So for the past two weeks I have been sneaking my brothers laptop at around midnight frm his room without his noticing and then taking it back at around four in the morning ...I know it doesn't sound like much , but even the slightest mistake in my secret operation could mean serious trouble...first i have to drag the Ethernet cord into my room on my way to the bathroom, without my parents noticing...and then once my brother is asleep (i usually give it around an hour and a half after he's gone to bed)...I sneak into his room...grab his laptop and charger and dash to my room...and then watch them under the covers all night...I have also devised all these extra measures and stories to cover up if they accidentally walked in on me or bump into me while im sneaking in or out...I have also created this mental checklist to make sure I have set everything back in order once I'm done so that nothing gives away my plan.....to keep up normal appearances I have to wake up at around my usual time in the morning....which means i've been getting only about five hours of sleep everyday for the past three weeks...I have finally taken on a job since last week so I can get my laptop fixed sooner than when my Dad would be willing to do....that is if I dont get fired for working so lethargically after stying up watching dramas all night (I guess sacrifice isnt a word in my dictionary....especially when it comes to dramas).....ok now I dont want to win this...cus then I may have some serious explaining to do as to how when my parents ask me...lol


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I think i started watching dramas the summer of 2006 before my Junior year of high school. (Worst time to become an addict. AP exams, SAT's, ACT's etc.) I started my summer off with J-dramas and towards the end of my vacation i decided to give K-dramas a shot. Big mistake. The last few days before school started i started watching Goong and i literally stayed up for 48 hours straight in order to finish it. The computer in my house was in the dining room so i would watch until i knew my parents were about to wake up, pretend to be asleep, and then get right back up and continue watching. (which my parents thought was weird since i sleep in till at least 11 during the summer.) The thing was i didn't even LIKE Goong that much.....i was so addicted i just had to know what happened next.

My parents were pretty annoyed with the drama obsession until we had a storm one summer in which we had no satellite reception. Alas my parents could not watch their Pakistani dramas....and so we popped in a random drama. And so it began. Now i'm in college and can't download dramas with the school's internet service so i usually have to watch through streaming or wait to go home on the weekends. When i call my dad now, the conversation usually goes like this :
DAD: can't talk right now, i'm watching (____insert name of drama___)
ME: .....but i wanted to watch that too!
DAD: You shouldn't be watching dramas! Go study!! *hangs up the phone*

Thanks to javabeans and girlfriday!


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