Open Thread #136



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@ lb_tmi: How awful. Thinking of you and wishing I had some "random TOP goodness" to send your way.

Can I ask-- what happened to Down With Love? Anybody know? I thought it was supposed to be 25 episodes and suddenly it ended at 16. Awkwardly. Took me totally by surprise.

And can I ask, as a novice in the TW drama arena... is Jerry Yan really as empty-headed as he appears in all the interview/NG bits? Very very pretty head, but not overburdened with deep thoughts on the plight of humanity... ? Not something I usually worry too much about, when the head is as pretty as that one, but the vacuousness was a bit striking whenever he was 'out of character'. I mean, it's not like I was planning to call up and grill him on non-capitalist alternatives to globalization and means by which to achieve an end to world poverty by 2015 or anything. In fact, I guess it's rather hypocritical of me even to comment on this b/c I get very annoyed with celebrities who think that just b/c they're celebrities we all need to be privy to their every passing thought... OK. I should just let this whole thing go. I can still spend minutes on end gazing on those cheekbones quite happily.

What I liked in Down with Love was: (and I guess these are SPOILERS)

The hero was not taken in by weak clingy 2nd female at all. From the moment he realized he loved female lead (thankfully quite early on) he was steadfast. No dithering and indecision. I like that.
2nd male was the evil plotter, not the stoic stand-by-sidelines-and-pine-while-girl-he-loves-falls-in-love-with-undeserving-lead.
Male lead was completely deserving and played self-sacrificing-while-supporting-girl-he-loves-dates-his-best-friend role instead.
The sister was a great character--strong, vibrant, not remotely skinny. Not clear who she ends up with and I hope it's the loyal and devoted guy.

I didn't like or didn't get how the male and female leads, both of whom had had long-term relationships before, acted like 14 year olds in this new relationship, like a kiss on the forehead was practically sex. (It doesn't help that I find the kiss on the forehead thing particularly patronizing (unless it's being bestowed by a parent or elderly relative)... and the hair ruffling and pats on the head are also unappealing.) Also, I am not a big fan of Ella, whom I found over-acted distractingly.

Overall, though, good fun. I could watch Jerry Yan fold socks and find it mesmerizing (he'll never replace my K!R!W! mind you, but still). Just wish it had been wrapped up a little better.


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I just finish watching the first 4 episodes of "My Country Calls". All I can say this Drama totally Kicks some serious BUTT!!! Lee Soo Kyung is awesome, the drama is way to funny to be miss, I highly recommended!!!!!


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@ Amg1

I started watching it a few days ago and am up to date on it watching RAW first and catching up with Eng. sub....now in episode 6.

I love it totally! Oh HaNa is delightful....even pretty ditzy and really, an officers worse nightmare. I couldn't stop laughing at her love of money.....and TM Go is definitely "eye candy"!!!! Every episode just leaves the feeling of.....oh gosh...what next?

One thing for sure.....no mental strain on this drama and I'm having a blast! The only drama I didn't care for that Lee Soo-kyung was in was LYATT....where I just didn't like her character. Otherwise I loved her in Soulmate and Lawyers of Korea.

I'm cruising right now....this evening will watch local station of OML.....

Be well Amg1....keep the creative juices flowing!


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Here's the OST for Bad Guy


Love it!!!!


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@eiko, I am very Happy right now! my Daughter just call me to letting me know that she just went into labor so if all goes well my Granddaughter will be born int the next few hours, her first labor was only 6 hours so we are hoping for an expedient labor the second time around!!
Well Ill keep you posted!!!!


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@ Amg1

CONGRATULATIONS grandpa!!!! I am truly happy for you and I know that feeling of welcoming a grandbaby!!!!

Spoil your grandkids rotten.....I did and I'd do it again!!!! :-)

Big hugs atcha!


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*palipali go dl 8 days* *GLEEE* it's TEN eps!! so doable a length for me and Thundie is an angel. So momosan, in your opinion, is this ok for casual watching or I should probably hide myself in my cave and savor it?!

hehe I watched yankeekun5 ending, pointing at my screen, at yankeekun then Hana and grinning ear to ear, going 'AWWW how cute ar you babies now?!'

@ twin.
wow! I'm nodding to everything u r saying (nth new) and DARN, pair wuxia routines GET ME EVERY SINGLE TIME! I'm beyond harsh w/ XLN, but that is some terrific wuxia that blockhead marble statue possessed. I guess my fascinationg w/ everything wuxia is also the same as babies @ Pokemon. No matter how dumb or deformed u r, there's ALWAYS a wuxia u can master and have ur own niche if fate agrees w/ u and u r one determined hardworking lad/lass. And my fanaticism extend to boyboy pair wuxia (a scene I <3 in LOCH08 w/ GJ and YK at the funeral)

I do think I need an ff quickie fix on LOCH08, dangermousie's lj is just pimping LOCH and this vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66ALJUKLSTk is waving at me like KH is doing at EJ and I CANT RESIST my tragic OTPs!

Man, that ep6 Damo scene was also reminding me as well of the Linghu Chong and Yue Lingsha cutest wuxia oppa dongseng scene EVER. And it's already making me sobbing inside w/ how both pairs ended up.... *SIGH*

I'm very sure it's a good old story that will always keep me hooked, I can also perfectly understand y top notch visuals and directing are artistry in their own rights but they can not replace that adage at its core I still need to find time to give CitC its deserved unabated attention! in 2 wks! Post CU!!!! I'll have my life and sanity sorta back! :)

I'm ordering my Tamra DC, I'm just this convinced 3 eps in this is sth so quirky, precious, cute and creative w/o veering too far fr satisfying all my kinks and tropes I love. Of coz haha I think Yesasia and YA ent/ MBC should give you a good commission! ;)

I cant wait to finally meet you and Cingdoc unni! I'll have to get this hellish work wk over and done w/!!!

I dropped DwL couple eps in, it's cute and fun and I have a taste of its goodness and that's good enough for me!

Congrats on your new edition to your family! :)

how r you?


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This is a witty! :) *CU spoilers*

The original Chinese post was by jundeepblue @baidu and @krdrama (thanks for the great read!) http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=779500335, compiling the 9 various 'declarations of love' by KH to EJ:

According to jundeepblue: KH must be a first in Kdrama hero... he's fallen for the heroine so early on, spilled his guts as promptly...yet turned down the most times... even up till the last couple eps, our EJ hasn't 'returned the favor', yet he's steadfast in his feelings towards her, relentless in his confessions and rewarded w/ the least romantic shippery 'welfare' , even in the devastating Chuno, DG got some happy very early on before his hell broke loose (I agree on strictly the KH part...since I've also compiled my list of EJ's brand of love declarations)

Countdown of Our Little Prince of Love Confessions, KH's list:
1. (ep2) The romantic sparks were flying during the tutoring sessions leading to buying that hairpin. and nth says 'ownership stamp' more. But it was lost in some forgotten sandy abyss, locked in writer's forgotten plotland.
2. (ep3) A meal, the comfort of a hold/hug..he gave her a 20 year old keepsake. Putting into words to think of HIM (and thus his love gesture) when using the pen. at that point in drama, EJ has not yet learned to speak human and thorny...thus no feedback.
3. (ep4) Love Letter Declaration in its finest (SPANISH!) form: ' MY DEAREST EJ' 'If you come and stop me... I can stay behind for you, my love.' Alas, instead of letting a professional postman to handle an urgent piece of mail, he put it in the hands of the Yama/Hades of romance, cursing any prospects for 8 long yrs.
4. (ep5) 'Dear' 'You have nth to day to me?' ...I only have eyes on you for these 8 yrs...but the curse was not lifted. Dear Prince, u have hoarsened your voice over your 'EJ-ah's, but u are still nth more than your MMM's nutcase/scumbag...
5. (ep6) The Love Stamping Car Chase: I'm worried, that's why I'm not chasing and meddling you, also, I wont ask you to grab onto me (so our Prince Hung is so into chasing, meddling and grabbing... mmm) That's what he's saying but he's not stopping himself chiming up a silent drinking contest w/ her, and following her to the wine cellar to sigh (though wished for a tiny bit of touchy feely)
6. (ep9) If it's not love, what guy would ask for a good b8tchslap right after a good scolding of his woman by all clingy and begging, waiting for her and air the ultimatum out? ' You didnt stop me fr leaving even w/ my letter? My letter begging for your love? yup, again he's 'greeted' by EJ's word napalm
7. (ep11) You have never imagined not being w/ your MMM, by your brickwall of LOVE, you've to devastatingly lie to yourself 'it's wrong, we aren't meant to be...' but it feels so right...
8. (ep14) 'I JUST NEED YOU!' Love confession of the purist kind, this love is sth u can sacriface everything else for... yet your MMM reminded you of that curse of your love Yama.. and ask u to consider HER instead... damn.
9. (ep16) The most potent of ALL Prince Hung's love confessions :' EVEN if I'm dragged through hell by Hades, I need to have you! MMM!'
AND... he's dumped by the deserted dirt rd by his MMM, he even has to listen to that little bad kiddo's orders at work the next day

haha I didnt write this, but thought it's very cute! :) the source: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=779500335

HOW can we not go full force KH/EJ OTP shipping!!?!?!


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@ reluctantbutaddicted

As you may know, DWL has the Chinese leaked version and the TW version. They are essentially the same, except the episode length of the C version is shorter (40-45 min) whereas the TW version is longer (1.5 hr). Thus, there are 28 episodes in the C version and 16, in the TW version.

I do enjoy DWL a lot for all the reasons you stated. The male lead is for once steadfastly committed once he knows where his heart is and never falters, to the extent of sacrificing and doing everything he can to make the female lead happy even in the arms of another guy. The red dress/heel scene is my favorite, so tender and adorable but yet so sad too! Another thing I like DWL is the strong supporting cast (apart from the two second leads). I love the sister too, a woman of her own and so independant that I don't mind who she will end up with. In fact, both men should work hard to get her.

Had a great laugh when reading your comment about Jerry Yan's empty head!! I had the same question too. Is he really that out of this world?!

@ Amg1 and eiko

Congratulations, Amg1! I've also had a good time with My Country Calls. Ep 5 lifts the game as the faint romance slowly comes in - will watch Ep 6 soon. I am a bit disappointed that Ryu Jin is playing a completely bad guy which is quite different from my expectation.

I am holding off to begin Coffee House and Bad Guy until 4-6 episodes have aired. Let's just see if I can resist the temptation.


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@v & janna

::::Giant Ep 6-7 SPOILERS::::
Sorry, this is going to be SO long!

Anyway; awesome. Truly bloody awesome. All of the developments in 6 and 7 were so, so good.

Of course I'm overjoyed about Sungcho. Crazy Kid proved intelligent enough to know that being taken under Cho's wing was relatively safer than playing mute spy for the Americans. I can't believe he did it, he stoles the precious - document! I suppose his decision-making has its logic and nuances -- of yearning for; his father thus revenge and a father-figure. Of course now that he's living in the Cho household as family, he can't get too cosy. I like how he flicked their family portrait down on its face. If I've learned anything from WISFC and now Giant -- family portrait = bad luck.
He looked so hot in that suit, up until the point where he's lying all bloodied and bruised in it, on the brink between life and death. *sob* What did they do him!?!? What did they do to my precious Sung Mo? And whatever happened to Cho being his safe haven? Let's see how far the major's influence can stretch, let's see how he gets his new 'son' back. (The previews show Cho smacking his rival, en route to finding SM.)

Cho Min-woo:
We finally see Cho's son, Min-woo introduced, and whoa! Such a smarmy little *beep*, and how dare he have blanked out THE Lee Sung Mo, does he even know who Lee Sung Mo is? He is ''Hyung'', repeat after me, ''Hyung'', and everytime you see him, you salute him, because never in your entire rotten life will you, Cho Min-woo, be able to match up to the sheer, epic level of awesomeness that is LSM.

I really, really adore these two together, and I love how the feel of it is like WISFC in its early days, albeit with sassier undertones. The first school bus scene was pretty interesting, but it obviously indicates the inpending conflict between KM, JY and MW. And I was totally expecting at least one more fight as a result of this, but instead of fighting man-to-man - Min-woo was instead sitting pretty, reading a book and having giddy teenage girls admire his looks while he sent his boys to do his dirty work and beat up KM for him. He would easily have overpowered all of them, he was able to survive on the mean ole' streets of Seoul and take on big gangs but then oh! The power of true love!
I'm sure Jung Yun would've thanked him for beating up her rottenass stepbrother (the bitchslap, omo!) but no, he instead chose to get beaten nasty on the railroad tracks than lay a finger on JY's family. And then, the second bus scene, oh heartache. Kang-mo's sad kitten eyes, so haunting.
Aww, my KM had barely constructed this little paradise for himself with his blood, sweat and tears and MW has already walked in and stomped all over it. Bastard.

Anyway, I suppose Tae-sub really isn't as bad as I thought he was, he's quite funny, in a random sorta way. He just isn't as principaled as Cho though. One of the (MANY) reasons I love Cho is that he's one of those villians that follows a code of ethic and you can trust his word. I liked that they substantiated that when they showed him in episode 7 at the Gisaeng house, his sheer discomfort at their presence in the room during the meet. And that he snatches the cup away from her hands. He's a loyal married man and acts like one. I was expecting Min-woo to be more like his father but let's see.

So glad she's in a church orphanage, all safe and warm and not in any kind of trouble. I bawled at both her scenes, the one where she refused to be adopted as she clutches on to the red boots Kang Mo brought her, saying her oppa is going to come for her. And then the canteen scene, those Lee children honestly, where do they get all that heart from?
I was happy to ship Min-woo and Mi Joo together in the future (Min-joo! Sorry, I'm on a roll) but if he's going to be an obnoxious bastard then maybe not. She's just too precious to deserve someone like him, however hot the actor playing him will be. And I hope Mi Joo's character won't be too much of a hardened vixen as an adult, she is just too devastastingly endearing as a little girl and I really want to continue to root for her character. Is this picture meant to symbolise their relationship dynamic? If so, I don't like it, but then, the hands..! http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/javabeans122/drama/2010/other/giant13.jpg

Aside from the guy playing Min-woo, who I've seen as Wol Ya in QSD, I haven't really seen the other four in any projects, I know Park Jin-hee but never seen her act, nor Lee Bum-soo, hence I'm keeping a completely open mind.
We have only one more episode left with the child actors. I think 8 episodes for the childhood portion was generous, but I want moar! Kim Soo-hyun, Yeo Jin-gu and Nam Ji-hyun have really elevated the quality of this show, setting the bar super-high for the adults.

As it stands, it's due to be a love square; Mi Joo will be in an unrequited love relationship with Cho's son, who will be fixated with Jung Yun, Jung Yun and Kang Mo will be in love-hate with one another. I'm already feeling the heartbreak.

And the first part to the Giant OST: http://www.mediafire.com/?kmmgxz0omgz
Can't wait for the rest of it, including the background score.


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@ lovenyc52 and lb_tmi -The BB boys are super endearing because even while they project cocky and supremely confident personas while performing on stage they seem to be dorky, slightly shy and down to earth guys in their interviews.And they are definitely not afraid to make fun of themselves which makes them even more adorable:-)Gosh now I have to stop gushing or OT will be flooded soon. Can't have enough of their vids hehe:-) Thank God for Youtube:-)

@eiko- Thanks for that.:-)Bad Guy is definitely on my watchlist and with music like that ,it just heightens my interest in the drama:-)

@Amg1 - You must be so excited to be a Grandpa again:-) Guess you can bond with your granddaughter over K-dramas in a few years time hehe:-)


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@ lb_tmi

Things better? Jerry Yan is notoriously airheaded (in TW media circles). I don't know if its half an act, but he's not the brightest bulb in the shed. Cute, but dim. Whereas Vic is depressingly hot but thoughtful.

@Amg1 - congrats, granddaddy!

@ mookietwin

Well then, you're getting your own Tamra DC set? Good choice, otherwise I'll have to hunt you down in 7 days to get mine back, cuz that is how long I'm going to let it out of my sight! I'll lend it to cingdoc if she feels like watching the full Tamra.

Okay, allow me to first say.....squeeee, that YT video of YK-MNC was the EXACT same YT vid that I sent to my sis and hooked her (but she never got around to watching cuz of the move and work and whatsuch). Love the vid, love the song selection. (dangermousie is pimping LoCH2008? oh yay!).

I always think, why do I love LoCH above RoCh and Dragon Sabre in the trilogy. Probably a million reasons, but one glaring one is that LoCH has two OTPs that never intersect to create a love triange or love rectangle. Yes, you can throw in a Mongolian Princess to pressure Guo Jing, or change up the story and have Ouyang Ke fall for MNC, but ultimately, nothing shakes our OTP pairs (well, except their own good/bad decisions). Plus, LoCH not only has two OTPs, it gives us a third scoop of goodness in the form of a genuine bromance love-hate but brothers for life relationship.

And with two sets of OTPs, its like double mint gum, double the fun!! We rarely get bored when the OTPs are not onscreen (which happens so often in these long-as-heck 50 ep sageuk or wuxias), because there is pretty much always one set of OTPs to moon over their adorableness and cry for their sadness. And LoCH2008 made me care about OTP2 way more than even MM did it back in LoCH1982.

About pairs wuxia routines - seriously, I only fell in love with Smiling Proud Wanderer the second LHC and his little Shi-mei ran up to Mt. Hua and made up their own routine to pass the time (and bond). It was sweet, it was freaking too cool!, and it was really romantic. [When I say Naeuri and Chae Ohk do it, I almost swallowed my tongue - Damo really took the best elements of wuxia and tried to incorporate it, and doing a good job for a first-timer].

Which is why LC is like the Devil, even when I want to hate him for all that was wrong and crappy and pissed me off about RoCH, he puts in so many swoony scenes between Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu. Ergh, her wuxia was pretty weak, not bad, but the basis was a very Yin foundation and so was weak (but pretty). But the pairs sword routine was, amazing (esp. when done by Andy Lau and Idy Chen).

Now I know we've rantranted about RoCH already, but I was driving today and listening to TVB theme songs on CD, and I just flashed back to how utterly LC must have wanted to throw the entire female gender under the bus in RoCH (perhaps not even by design). From XLN and her Gu Mu Sect (created bc her master got dumped, and spent the res of her life creating a wuxia to defeat her ex-lover, um, get a life, lady!), to every female character either being a giant beeyotch or ridiculously self-sacrificing (except for our beloved Guo Xiang cutie pie), I'm not sure what values wanted to promote.

I was "thinking" of including RoCH1983 on my top ten wuxia-sageuk (it is a classic after all, and so many people LOVE it). But I have a love-hate relationship with it (if its remade, I MUST watch it, its like an abusive relationship, I swear, no good will come of it).

If RoCH was not a novel adaptation, and a live shoot a la Queen Seon-doek, I swear HR getting pregnant again so late in the game would be an attempt to appease the pitchfork masses for screwing HR-GR over so bad by giving them Gua Fu as a daughter (spawn of satan?). Perhaps LC likes Karma so bad he says, whatever the parents screw up or do right, their next generation is going to do the opposite? I dunno, but then in a live shoot, Guo Xiang would have ended up with Yang Guo if I had to claw my way to the PD and make him shoot that scene. And XLN would have died like 16 years ago. Sigh, I love re-writing my own endings.

Best of luck re-writing the end of CU. I can see the trainwreck coming from where I am sitting.


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@ 8 mookie

that KH love confession breakdown was the BEST. thanks for sharing! :)


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@ Ana & @ twin

Have you seen the new BB/Kim Yuna Shouting Korea MV?


It's basically them performing the song at a 'concert' but it has clips of the previous shorts they've done [coming up with ideas of how to cheer on The Reds, meeting Yuna, collecting loud people, etc]. It's cute :) Enjoy!! Twin - i sent it to you via YT as well hehe


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@10 supah

Wait wait! Wolya is in Giant? I was the only one sailing on the good ship QSD who thought he was hot.

Oh oh. We have a firm firm rule in this household - no K-War dramas. We may have some issues here.


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@14 lovenyc52

See, this is why I love countries who love their football. Does the US team have so much as a cheer? No. Does the US even know we're playing in the thing? No.

This is why I'll be hanging around mei amici, wearing my blue Italia jersey, and rooting like daylights for an Italy/Brazil final. I know people who would sell their souls to see that. Fortunately, momochan is actually going to a soccer camp for part of the early stuff, so I'll be deep in rooting country and can hang out at McGarvey's and yell as much as I want. Got to go listen to Nessun Dorma now....


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@ 11 Ana

I just got word that Bad Guy started off very slow....will have to check it later on. The music made up for the first episode.


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With deep respect, momosan, I must pray fervently to see Spain in the final. My many reasons included: Sergio Ramos! Fernando Torres! Iker Casillas!! and the lovely David Villa...

Spain Fighting!


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@ supah

hey girlfriend.....i always get a kick out of your comments and 110% focus on dramas!

hey, hey....wolya......he's just one of the many, many eye candies in QSD!!! "-) Last night's episode was where Bidam comes to rescue the Princess....awesome fighting scenes with him running on the wall, etc. Then Yusin closes the gate to fight and Bidam takes the Princess away. I love those 2 guys!!!! It will replay today so I have to watch it again because I didn't get to the first part.

I've been re-watching OML.....catching some of the dialogue I missed first time around....very interesting.

Tried to help my neighbor yesterday with her new laptop.....she is a first timer so using the touch pad is very new and I think she messed up things cause I can't find her email! her nephew will have to go over the whole set up again. the touch is so sensitive that all kinds of stuff kept popping up so I had to show her how to close each item before going on to the next thing. Also told her to keep a note book handy and write down things until she gets used to it. Like password to get into her computer! hehehehe....

I am just totally caught up with MCC.....it's so enjoyable.....

Waiting to see what will be airing on local station after OML.



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^ o gosh momosan! I'll be DOING your exact SAME Thing come June 11! I'm still deciding on whether to wear my old Brazil jersey or the Italia one to a soccer party.

more a Brazil fangirl by birth as my dad's daughter but Italia is in my heart (esp when I'm not watching the game w/ him) I will also occasionally be rooting for England as well, mind slavery under the British colonial rule?! haha and the Spanish, Portugese, Argentinians r all looking good.

I just dislike Germany, and actually I also understand y my hubs is so against Italia (their strategy of defense doesnt cut for the most exciting games) Hubs will be in orange all of WC, the only time in his life he'll be in orange, he's orange Netherland blood in him.

This sounds very unpatriotic, but any team BUT the US should advance. There's no soccer tradition and passion here.


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@18 reluctantbutaddicted

Spain would be fun. But Brazil/Italy is a "made in heaven" final - defense vs. the beautiful game - would be outstanding.

And the Azzurri give you Guiseppe Rossi, who is actually from New Jersey but went with Italian citizenship (we call this the Italian hockey team rule at our house - it explains why 75% of the Italian hockey team is from Boston); Gianluigi Buffon in goal; and the lovely Alberto Gilardino. 8-)

I'll root like crazy for Italia, but I'll be watching every game Brazil plays.


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Oh no, I expected it to be a war drama too, but the closest it gets to war is where Kim Soo Hyun's character ends up a laundry boy at a US military base, which was used during the Vietnam war circa 70s.
But he's no longer a laundry boy, and nowhere near the base. So there's not much more war-related goings-on. (If you leave out the internal politics of the army officials.)

The adult portion (which has yet to start) will be set around the 90s so no war, well, not of the military kind anyway. It'll be tales of twisted fate, irony, power struggles and good ol' romance. Do check it out for Wol Ya.

And speaking of QSD characters, I'm off to watch Bidam's nu drama. Woooh!

Oh thank you for sharing that link, I've d/loaded the song, I love how sulky it is.
Glad you're back on form with your drama watching.
Yeah, I was too distracted by Bidam and sadly the parts with Wol Ya and Yushin I had skipped or FFed.
I am in the middle of a rewatch but after watching another epic; Giant - in all its quality and maturity, QSD seems too shabby and laughable now, sorry. (And that's not only production-wise.)


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@ lovenyc52

OMG! Thank you!!! It's a scream! BB never failed to be adorable. It makes me want to go down to the gym and work out! No, I'm procrastinating right now to drag myself out of this comfy room(in Kona, Big Island) for my 6 miles and some weight stuff.


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Bad Guy (ep 1) - I'll stay away from any discussion about plot points so as to not ruin the what's-going-on? element in this drama:

Best two things about it so far: Han Ga-in and the Drama Noir mood of the cinematography and pacing/editing.

HGI looks drop-dead beautiful, best I have seen her in any drama, and with amount of screen time she has (A LOT), she's rising to the challenge. Her gorgeous Bambi eyes sometimes makes her seem startled or confused when she acts, but she's hitting her beats. Not sure about her character in the long run.... [btw, I once had issues with her in SR (and got bonked by samsooki and langdon), cuz her skin was less than stellar and it was rather distracting, but woman looks perfect in this drama, sigh, her hubby is one lucky dude].

The Drama Noir mood - different than anything I've seen K-drama wise (haven't seen SoaM. which is what I think this is the closest to as a reference point). I think this has a more J-drama feel, if anything (off the top of my head - take Kurosagi, insert capable actors and a a more melo-realistic story, and add a dash more grittiness into the direction and cinematography). You can feel/hear/sense the exterior shots, rather than the more typical K-drama scrubbing it to feel smoothed over. I like the rougher edges, but this drama looks fantastic (substance as a whole remains to be determined).

Sexy Bastard is sexy as hell, except his pornstache is makes him seem sleazier than he is as a character and a performance. He's fine in ep 1, but his character depth is only lighting scratched.

My biggest worry is the story construct is going to get bogged down, it can either get too big for its britches or rise to the occasion (praying for the latter). I'm not sure I like the plot development so far, some stuff seems rather staged and tad more heightened than necessary.

Overall, promising and a breath of tension/suspence/drama filled air.


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Oh, I've overlooked some other posts.


Thank you for sharing your CU spoilers. I've enjoyed reading them all. By the time I'll get home, may be all the subbs are up and available for this weeks episodes! I guess I'm a bit overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to get done by July and my conflicting desire to watch all the dramas everybody's talking about here... I have to choose wisely. After CU, if I have to pick 1 or 2, what should, could it be??? Any suggestions? It seems like I like what you like, so far. Hum? Are you coming to So. Cal?


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@ all the FIFA talkers

thanks for the reminder, ladies!!! i have to get cable before the games start.. for the hubs and myself! and agree... US has no passion for football, so it is really hard to root for the home team.

@ the gang

thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. i'm doing better today.. have let my mind absorb all the events. we did finally get a hold of the cousin in Thailand.. and found out the reason we were having trouble getting a hold of them was because they were having a funeral for one of the relatives in their town (which was also the reason why the parents did not go pick up the kids from school when school was released for break).
2 sets of brother/sister and another girl died.. so 3 families lost children in that horrible fire. 7 other children hurt--2 of those are from families in the same village and the other 5 were from a different village. the kids range from age 8 to 15.
the hub's friend's wife is expecting their third child.. and he passed away on his son's bday.. that sucks. the lilo boy wanted daddy to take him fishing for his bday cuz daddy wouldn't take him.. cuz apparently daddy didn't swim, and avoided water--swimming, fishing.. so sad. he was 34.

@ twin

have not watched the BB shouting vids yet.. tons of other things on my mind.. but i will check it out tomorrow nite as there will be no exercise class. thank goodness, i need a rest!!! ha!

caught up w/ all of CU16... SPOILERS
is HS really mad at KS? or was she just faking it? or has she already forgiven KS? and Jang, i'm lost.. is he or is he not JW's daddy? cuz i thought not, but then, subs said he is, and girlfriday's recap seems to lean towards yes. confused.
holy HOT KJ. i willl definitely enjoy more scenes w/ him. He's become the 2nd lead that JW couldn't be... even tho we all know there's no chance in H E L L that EJ will fall for him.

now.. if only the hairpin made a re-occurrence.. i'd be more excited!!!


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Completely too early to even discuss (but I keep getting the DB banner, so it's totally on my radar, plus I'm watching Tamra):

But I just realized that the screenwriter for What's Up? (with our Park Kyu Im Joo-hwan) also wrote:

Story of a Man (how many people who I adore their taste love this - everyone who's seen it!)
Legend (um, I hear the story was not the problem with this drama)
Daemang (this is the OTHER Jang Hyuk sageuk, with Lee Yo-won and Son Ye-jin, which I cannot find to watch but am curious).
Kaist (launched a dozen careers from what I hear)

and I saved the best for last, she also wrote:

Eyes of Dawn

Now go chew on that, friends. If Im Joo-hwan doesn't get his longlonglong overdue big break in What's Up? then I don't know what else I can do for him, other than shove in in the next Hong Sister's drama.

Btw, I believe Snow Queen is underrated, its lovely in its melancholy. Binnie as a math genius boxer is the last time we've seen our Binnieboy as a idol-leading man, so I miss that.


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Thanks for the Bad Guy summary, I just finished watching 1 and found it pretty good and intriguing, not completely blown away but pretty good.
I think HGI (yes, tres gorgeous!) is also the only nicely sane and level-headed woman in the show, I don't like how the rest of the women seem to be driven to like... batshit insanity purely by lusting after the sexy bastard.
Alas, he IS sinfully sexy here.

And origami swans! Maybe not that original after Prison Break, but who cares? Kim Nam-gil making origami swans! *faints*


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celestialorigin-sama :)

o yes I'll drive down to So Cal (to PV) for 2 days and heading for LV for a conference later next wk, will u be in SoCal?!


o gosh I have a LONG chat on wuxia (again... sorry other OTers) but this is too hectic a day and I can only manage tweeting. What's Up is DEFINITELY a MUST C, BG1 I've dled and hopefully can watch by tonite.
imo HGI is the most beautiful K-actress in facial features.. she's just breathtakingly flawless...now if she can show me some acting, I'll happily put her in my good pile.


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@ twin

Han Ga-in is very very very promising in BG1, and I'm not the type to give undue credit. She's "acting" and acting well. She's not just "reacting" to what is happening around her. She looks so beautiful in BG it almost makes stare slack-jawed at her (actually, you know who she looks like? She looks just like Yoon Eun-hye's non-sultry facetwin in BG - its probably the same hairstyle which YEH sported in her PT cameo).

It's like most everyone has been upping their game lately. MGY, Seo Woo, SYJ, KSY, everyone has been upping their performance and going for broke (except Han Hyo Joo, I peeked at Dong Yi again and had to stop myself from this and just break up with it FOR GOOD already - she has one expression, the half-open mouth incredulous look - and I LOVE HHJ, I do, she's not a great actress but I think she has so much potential - I'm gonna blame in on not the right role or project for her again).

Can't wait for your rant. You are terrible, made me watch LoCH vids all day during my spare time and just grin like an idiot. I just checked dangermousie's LJ, and she's a goner, completely in love with LoCH2008.

@ supah

heh, we have to have one woman not drool over KNG in Bad Guy, no? I'm not keen on the pentagon of love I see coming a mile away (2 guys + 3 guys in multiple arrangments). But I agree, a good start, let's see where the ride takes us.


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Just read your review. It was So convincing that I'm definitely watching it after my next class. Thank you!

@mookie sama

Aww! Yes, I'll be in So. Cal till 3rd. I was able to auction off JaeChunSu's Dorme concert in Osaka. With so many free flight tickets left to use and some about to expire, I'll fly there for the weekend. Good excuse to see my sister and her kids as well. Exactly when will you be in So Cal? Luv to see you. You are driving down on 5 or 101? I'm sort of along side 101. But I know once you are on freeway, you just kind of want to get to your destination. Anyhow,Please let me know on twitter.

So, Bad guy sounds good, my cute KJW is in it, anyway. That itself makes it worth to try it out.


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@7 mookie

I can't believe I missed your earlier post and got distracted by the World Cup! I blame BigBang....

Anyway, interesting question as to whether 8 Days is casual or cave watching. I'd say cave, because you do need to concentrate on who did what to whom.

And I believe the subs are done by the redoubtable Mr. X.....

On the other end of the scale, at the end of Yankee-kun5 - could that thing be any cuter? And the Koi? How silly was that! Honestly, I'm as surprised as anyone that it's this little show is making me all grins and giggles. Who knew?!


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@ all Otomen watchers

nobody warned me about ep3!!!!!!! i'm a scaredy cat!!!!!!!!!! :(


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What is up with all the Italia soccer love?

I love italian language and food but the soccer is kind of disturbingly racist.

I'm in Florida for a conference stuck with snakes, lizards and giant flying roaches. I can't wait to go back to NYC where the roaches are only half as big and don't fly (I think). I feel like a fish out of water.


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Thanks Yall!!! My Granddaughter was born 9:45 AM she is 3 weeks early but all things consider she is fine she weight
5lb 12.5oz, Her grandmother and mother were also born in May, grandmother 27, daughter 31, granddaughter 26, what are the odds Ha!!!!


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@34 nycgrl

The Ultras of the Italian league are as notorious as the hooligans in English soccer, particularly for the nasty things they will yell and do. The club owners live in fear of what those guys can do. And in typical Italian style, even when it flares up to the point it's noticed AGAIN, not much is done about it. And yet Inter Milano had 1 Italian player this year and the rest from all over the world, and they won the league, and the European Championships. They were flying flags from everywhere from Cameroon to Argentina. On the road, they suffer much from other fans, but at home are embraced.

OTOH, the Azzurri - that's a different story. Everyone roots for the Azzurri. And on this side of the Atlantic, it's a focus of the Italian community. I can remember being in Ottawa years and years ago after being on an island for a couple of weeks, and dressed none too nicely. We stopped in to a nice Italian restaurant not expecting to be seated, but just to be able to get a dish to take out - that was the extent we were betting our kitchen Italian would get us. NOPE! My sister, who is a good player still, was wearing an Azzurri shirt. The only other time I've gotten service that good in an Italian restaurant is when my brother, who looks as Italian as can be, is with us. They talked football a mile a minute for the entire meal and comped us the wine. 8-)

Not saying that the Italian fans, if they go to the matches, won't be nasty, but at least on this side of the Atlantic, you're just as likely to find the Azzurri fans in the same bar as the Brazilian and Korean fans, all yelling their heads off and commiserating together - as football fans they're a minority already, so they tend to stick together. Here, other than ESPN zone, I am only sure of one bar that will be showing as much as they can - and that is an Irish bar whose owner is a certifiable football nut.

BTW, the bar and we will be watching on the Spanish language channel, because they are WAY better announcers and commentators than the US ones. Now, if you want to argue STYLE - well, Brazil is certainly a flashier style of play, far more beautiful to watch. The US has been struggling, Korea has actually been doing well, but nope...the heart is with the Azzurri as it has for many years.

And OOPS! Didn't know we'd have to warn you of the ghost story part of Otomen.....sorry!


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@ Amg1

CONGRATULATIONS again! You sound like a happy grand dad!!!!

Hugs and pass around the chocolates!!!!


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@31 Amg1 - congratulations!!!


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@ momosan

haha no worries - i covered my eyes thru a lot of it LOL!!!! it wasn't THAT bad, but unexpected in a jdorama. and i really am just a scaredy cat, esp when it comes to The Ring and The Grudge characters. ghostly little kids freak me out. esp when their eyes are blacked out.


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@ World Cup

o I do have to fess up on my <3 for the Azzurri.. and it's embarrassing
it stems fr a very simple part of my brain and I fangirl Maldini http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paolo_Maldini superficiality aside, the Azzurri just has historically a balance of skills, playing w/ enough brains and strategy, enough flare (and good looking guys) to entertain the fans (imo), LOADS of passion, and part of the fun of watching soccer is how good an actors these players r on top on having the skills to get penalties out of nth... haha It's not unlike the passion for MLB here, and if u start judging the players, u might as well not be a fan.

I was at a pub for the UEFA cup finals and I'm surprised w/ the overwhelming # Bayern Munich fans (my friends included) Inter Milano was HATED w/ such a passion... and these guys go on and on and can write essays on y any true soccer fan cant even be indifferent (HATE is a must)

@momosan, thanks for answering my q on 8 days :), ah I want a good detective story w/ killings and backstabbings in palace! :)

do u know of any stable and good quality live streaming site for WCup? *sigh* I have couple must watch matches but I'll be at work for sure. I prefer not ESPN since they r as dry as listening to reading of phone bks, but I'll take that as well!


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@Ockoala and BAD GUY,

"I think this has a more J-drama feel, if anything (off the top of my head – take Kurosagi, insert capable actors and a a more melo-realistic story, and add a dash more grittiness into the direction and cinematography)."

Very much so. This feels like I'm watching a top end J-dorama. There's very, very little music, the scenes are cut very long, and the shots are done very precisely. The acting is also very self-contained; all the interpretation and emotions are kept minituare and tightly wound into the spaces of the words. Nothing especially emotional and everybody kinda suspicious.

The style plays like a "lessons learned" follow up to A Love to Kill's noir , but the undercurrent of rough, cynical sensuality recalls What Happened in Bali. And the precision of the acting from all the players recalls Le Dolce Vita.

It's a good start.

The star of the first episode is definitely Oh Yun Soo. All the other actors (including Kim Nam Gil) interpret their characters like shifting sands, but Oh Yun Soo is absolutely fierce in her scene time. Her experience in Le Dolce Vita shows here.

I'm now convinced if Kim Nam Gil was born in the Mainland, he'd be a major sex symbol. What a late bloomer, this melancholy, unassuming man. Unlike many a k-drama, he doesn't have the baritone bravado, casual arrogance, or even the proclivities toward transformative masculinity which characterizes everybody from Kyung Mim Mung to Jang Geon Suk. It as if his acting method is simply noncognizant of these things. His character is grimy, sleazy, slouching, but it's also reflective, sanguine, and self-aware. Disciplined. It recalls a Tony Leung without his occasional habit for beatific regard.


"(except Han Hyo Joo, I peeked at Dong Yi again and had to stop myself from this and just break up with it FOR GOOD already – she has one expression, the half-open mouth incredulous look – and I LOVE HHJ, I do, she’s not a great actress but I think she has so much potential – I’m gonna blame in on not the right role or project for her again)."

Han Hyo Joo's character starts to change into Episode 17/18. Han Hyo Joo's career speciality has been in playing up self-absorption with so much dreamy eyes. (as opposed to Lee Dae Hae whose appropriation of tragic, dreamy eyes belies perhaps the actress's own frustrated view over her career.) But there's always been a hint of temper here, as if below the melancholy, there's a bark. That's kinda showing up in Episodes 18, as the relationship between Dong Yi and Lady Jang changes.

The show is a triple layer fusion cake of Dang Jang Geun, Damo, and My Fair Lady, and the best part of the show really is Ji Jin Hee reflexing his mirthful "I am King of Siam sez i!" onto this king who acts more like a prince. But this story can't survive on the "it is my pleasure!" bits; Dong Yi will transform Alpha Girl, Han Hyo Joo has to go "last name ever. first name greatest" on this piece.


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All these BG talks sound promising, thanks, everyone! Another drama to look for.

Kim Nam-gil reminds me of the young Chow Yun Fat, that carefree guy who doesn't care about the world and yet enticing everyone along the way.

I didn't expect World Cup and soccer to be a hot topic here at OT. We only had a family dinner talk two nights ago about what would be the best snacks to munch on when WC comes, hehe.

Finished watching Ep 5 and 6 of My Country Calls. I remember saying it has that My Girl feel but these two last episodes bring parallel to the movie Love Undercover. The set up, plotline and certain scenes just look so hilariously similar. I can so totally see it coming in the future episodes of a certain scene where the rich guy pays an impromtu visit to the girl's apartment and chances on the whole troup of agents who in turn becoming her cousins, brothers and uncles. MCC has an excellent ensemble of sidekick characters who can deliver this.


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@40 mookie -

good question about the streaming! I don't know. I just assumed I could pick something up on TVU. I had intended to mostly watch on Univision on cable. Hmmm - seems like http://www.world-track.org/ has a section where they keep track of the different places you can stream games playing around the world.


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@ epyc -- no I didn't realize there was a difference btwn Chinese and TW verisons of Down With Love, so that's clearly where I got confused/got confusing info.

I also loved the high-heel-training session scene. JY does a very good yearning face. And of course, the character of the extremely eligible and devastating attractive man who loves you so deeply and selflessly he'll help you be happy with someone else is completely irresistible. Ah.

@ World Cup -- those of you in Canada will be able to see all of the games on CBC which is free to air, don't even need cable (thank goodness, as I cancelled my cable last year when I realized all I watch aside from K-drama is the weather channel). Every World Cup I basically take the whole month off and watch every single game. Love to cheer for the African teams in the Group Round, and of course will be cheering for Korea. But Spain is my team for the big win (unless Korea goes through, in which case I'll be torn). I haven't studied the Groups yet, so don't know who's up against who. I'll do that in the halfway break of the first game.


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@ Ana and twin

i watched those BB shouting clips this morning.. and i LOVE rejected Daesung. he is the absolutely most adorkable i've EVER seen him!!!! why i waited so long to watch them, idk. it was well worth watching all the 5 different clips one right after the other.. and again.. and again.. so i could concentrate on each of the guys each time... but somehow.. GD distracted me EVERYTIME! what is it about him that just draws my attention? i mean, if ever there was an anti-GD ever, it was me.. and now.. i can barely keep my eyes away from him. weirdness.


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@ twin

yes. yes yes and more yes. rejected Dae is freakin adorkable as all hell and GD totally is a constant distraction lols. I remember the days when we were both anti-GD. and then somehow we got SUCKED IN and now we can't stay away. it feels so wrong and yet so right at the same time. :)


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@lovenyc52- That vid is such a great way to pep yourself after a tiring day.:-) Wonder where they get their energy from :-)Even watching them interacting with a fake crowd makes me wanna go for one of their live concerts hehe:-) And they've actually released a dance 'tutorial' for those steps.Its hilarious to see them doing it in slo mo.Reminds me of air hostesses and stewards doing the safety/emergency drills.

@lb_tmi - I was gonna tell you not to let lovenyc52 hear you say that about GD but guess she's in the same boat too hehe:-) So I guess the score stands at GD - 1 and T.O.P - 0 ? ;-D


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I have to pimp out dangermousie for a second, because her descent into the madness that is LoCH2008 is so charming (esp since she's a K-drama fan, and I've been saying all along, LoCH is a teeange BBF version of a sageuk with pretty clothes) and she's way more outspoken than I in clarifying why 5 eps in she's writing in all caps (below are paraphrased quotes):



He is so arrogant (but secretly kind) and trying to conceal his doubts by acting out and she is so steely-eyed and fearless and uncompromising.

THEIR FIRST MEETING IS A SPARRING BOUT OMGx4, SO INTENSE AND FAST AND HOT. Where he 'wins' her as a wife but says he does not want her and is all 'I am a Prince and she is a peasant' to which she replies that his clan is lower than dogs. Hah!


Ah, nice to know my insanity 6 months ago was not just because I have a tendency to go insane with my drama-watching. 8-)

And she's recapping LoCH2008 (sevenses did a recap for awhile), so if anyone is curious but doesn't want to watch, you can just look at the prettypretty all around, she is picking drop dead gorgeous screencaps (of Ariel, esp.).

Anyways, below is a link to her recap of Ep 5, which is when the entire drama takes off and never looks back (which is ridiculously early for a wuxia-saguek at 50 eps, but I eats it up!).


@ belleza

"best part of the show really is Ji Jin Hee reflexing his mirthful “I am King of Siam sez i!” onto this king who acts more like a prince" and HHJ's performance changing:

Great news about the leads' performance improving for the better (I was guffawing when reading your analogy of JJH's smiling through his performance), but I doubt Lee Byung-hoon is gonna start shooting teh sageukz with a more challenging hand (we are, afterall, graduated from the Dae Jang Geum years, and so should he).

I'll check back into Dong Yi in the twenties (esp. if Kum Suro turns out to be all bark no bite). You will be checking out Kim Suro, no? It doesn't like like all of Buyeo or Gorgeyeo is going to show up, but maybe some of Shilla and/or Nakrang?

Bag Guy - agreed. :-D (Anyone seen Sore Kara w/ KimuTaku, I'm curious if this has that vibe, I mean with two titular bad guys in said drama).


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@ Ana

my twin and i have gone thru our phases together regarding BB.. heck, if anything, i BLAME HER for dragging me into this stage of being so weirdly attracted to GD after my anti-GDness. (still kinda indifferent to Seungri... but slowly warming up to him too!).

TOP is not 0 unless it's following how many don't notice his hot growliness. cuz, DUDE IS HOT!!!!


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Bad Guy 1 - Spoilers!
I like that after watching it and mulling over it for several hours, you continue making these little discoveries... And one of them being; how Gun-wook (KNG) having orchestrated his every run-in with the Hong sisters (haha!) - Monet and her unni, shows he's a man pretty much in control of everything around him. That's everything with the exception of his chance encounters with HGI.

Though they have barely acknowledged each other, barely even seen each other's faces, their encounters do hold some significance. Like the pen being swapped over with the prop knife (pen mightier than the sword symbolism?) and the origami swan.
It may be that she'll be a hindrance to his plans or that she is also, unwittingly being used as a prop. Oh the intrigue!

I don't know how attached we were being made to feel towards Gun-wook in that final scene, but I feel the child actor playing young GW was a little lacklustre in his performance, it could've carried far more impact and thus been more in sync with adult Gun-wook's heartstoppingly hurt expression (Bidam, is that you?) worn inbetween his flashbacks.
I'll just let it slide, he's only a child actor and it’s not really that big a deal, especially not so early on in the drama.

I absolutely love how a major plot point has already been uncovered in the first episode, that is possibly indicative of the rest of the show’s fast pacing and that it’ll have far more tricks up its sleeve (yes please, show!) than to dedicate the entire 20 episodes to that one particular plot point (noooo!).

Anyways, sorry guys, this is just me, freeing up my brain so to accommodate today’s episode which I’m now ready (and eager) to watch.

GD has serious sex appeal. I was anti-GD for a while myself, especially during his concert shenanigans but eventually I kind of developed an appreciation for his wild side (minus the concert shenanigans). It’s like I always say I love T.O.P but my heart’s secretly more set on GD (not so secret anymore, blah!). They all have their quirks but SHINee are still my #1. Hehe!

PS. Allez les Bleus!


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