Open Thread #136



Stars of Track and Field – “Breaking of Waves” [ Download ]

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@v. Well I have not done any proper recordings, some demos but not good enough for me to share yet, I am hopping that before the year is done I will start to do a proper recording, I do not have a Band that I am playing with right now, but I do Jam with some of my friends, and yes I do have a name for my next band "Ex-NihiLo" is the Latin for "Out of Nothing", so this is my lineup for my next band.
Keyboards, Drums, Percussion's, Violin, Guitar, Bass.
Music is like any other talent or gift in life either you have it or not, but if yo want to become what I call a "Competitive" and i mean this in a good sense musician, you need to spend the time to realm your craft properly, Best advice Learn how to read music and practice, practice, practice.
Each instrument has its own Soul or Spirit, and you can learn to play in a mechanical way, so the challenge is to be able to Chanel the natural essence of the instrument as you play!


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@ lb_tmi : Hi to you too! Big wave! Every now and then I think my handle is a bit ungainly, but then I have an experience such as last night when I stumbled in from a festive evening around 1am, dead tired, woozy, eyes sore from wearing contacts too long, and decided that rather than going to sleep as I was yearning to do, I would watch episode 9 of Down With Love b/c I just cannot possibly NOT watch it. I know it's interfering with the good and healthy conduct of my daily life, but I CAN'T HELP IT. Sigh. So finally managed to close the laptop well after 2. And now I already need a nap.


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Just finished watching the first 4 episodes of My Country Calls. It is like watching a cop version of My Girl - pretty good mindless fun :)

Also finished PT and PP. PT is perhaps the biggest disappointment this year for me, especially when both LMH and SYJ are doing the best with the characters written for them. The contriving script and directing just ruin the potentially great storyline.

As for PP, it is definitely much better than PT at many levels. I like how they use the cross-representation to solve the Seo-Ma rift, adding meaning and scope for a believable eventual reconciliation. I just wish PSH could be a stronger actor for me to root for him. The one thing that PP really impresses me is the creation of the HMR character - unique and refreshing. It may have a shade of Legally Blonde at the beginning but in the end HMR as a character stands on her own feet (heels!) as a credible heorine whom I like heaps better than Reese W's Elle. Elle hasn't changed much as a person but HMR is transformed personnally and professionally. Looking forward to seeing KSY's next project.


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It's Sunday Morning here so.. time for some music! If you truly are a superfan you might want to look away right now. Now to it: (rant is long?)

(WonderGirls) First off, the most correctly used 'comeback' in the history of K-pop, Wondergirls!: I don't like it. Here's why: Styling was horrible except Inkigayo stage. I don't really know what's with the robot dancing choreography. I hate the backtrack. Still not sure what Sohees singing sounds like. But I do find myself humming the bridge. How great would this song be if it was a ballad and heavier slower beat? At least the I enjoy the lyrics, and they make sense to me.. which moves me on to....

(4Minute) The girls of 4Minute, which have a PussyCat Dolls sort of song talking about being awesome with swagger and don't tell them what to do or something. This song is pretty much a bridge with some lyrics thrown in for good measure. They do have some pretty powerful dancing and I haven't heard anyone get too winded throughout the three performances. I like their car mechanic outfits; it's the right blend of 'stage' and 'current' because people like those rompers right now. The girl with the short hair (sorry don't know her name) has quite a unique voice. So... with the orange hair and getting on the floor all the time...does HyunA always need to stand out? And, considering people who stand out....

(CNBlue) Today on Inkigayo I realized CNBlue was a band, and not a one man guitar playing singing/rapping/ring-losing sensation. Not that I wasn't amused at the camera always being on Yonghwa, as we saw him gape at clapping away accessories (bro that's not clapping, that's like swiping your hands, I understand you have that guitar and all). But your group is equally capable at getting some ladies, so they should get some screen time too. The camera on Inkigayo likes to give people headaches or something? Stick to one person for a least 5 seconds....

(SUJU) Like I said, 5 seconds on one person, maybe? No? Cause the camera doesn't need to fly around on the SUJU stage. Their dance is made for perhaps two angles. Shot directly down or shot directly in the center. Anything else makes the choreography look like a hot mess. There are a bunch of people on that stage. For the love of everything: will someone please find Leetuks shirt? Please?!? A little too fan servicy for my taste that I feel dirty watching it...and now that I'm on shirts...

(f(x)) These girls like lifting shirts, but their powerful dance moves and ability to keep me guessing who is actually singing the bridge (Luna? Why are they all mouthing it?) really makes sad that they don't get a piece of some awards action. Always overshadowed but strong performances. Maybe a style change is in order (But please don't get too sexy)

(Kat-Tun) You know when you watch something it inspires you in the moment, even if the song isn't over you just have to get up and go? Or should I say.. going? Yeah, I'm about to save up some money. Because there's five guys in Japan you see... Five fellows who need to be beaten to oblivion with an English 1 textbook. I'm going. I'm going to beat you until a comprehensive sentence comes out of your mouth.


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Suju didnt win Inkigayo today... TT but then, it might be good for 2PM to get the award considering what they went through yesterday (or for the past few months for that matter) with all the Park Jaebeom chant at dream concert... it'll boost their morale so i guess that's good.

I will look forward to the day when you'll share ur recording (btw, would the violin be electric?)! ^^ and LOVE ur band's name despite the fact that i took latin and hated that! haha.
haha... i rely on my ear a lot but i'm still decent at reading music but i completely fail at being diligent in my training and practice properly... i just play for the "fun"... once i "know" how to play a piece, i dont follow the score that much anymore and i do tend to improvise a lot and make a cover of songs instead of practicing properly for competition and recitals like my instructor would like me to... it's not that i dont practice at all but definitely not enough for the level i'm at right now and then i end up pushing myself to death to finish on time for the date. NOT GOOD.
and while i agree that talent really helps in music, i believe true diligence can take you really far too, whether or not u have talent. and without it, talent is pretty much useless. as for playing with the soul, i tend to do that TOO much... like i said, i dont follow the score enough and tend to be overly "creative" which is bad for classical music... but i know true professionals can both be creative while sticking to the score. i'm not technically accomplished enough to do that.

btw, love how u connect all the parts. im enjoy all the groups tho i dont consider myself a fan of any of them... YET.
WG: ditto for the most part... well, i love the girls anyway but i cant lie and say i was a bit disappointed... sohee did improve on her vocals though.
4minute: i love their song! but most of all the energy and power they give off during their perf. (btw, i think the short hair girl ur referring to is jiyoon... )
CNBlue: I completely agree with you!! i hate it when with bands (it was the same with ft island the the trax), they only focus on 1 person.... and the others get significantly no screen time. especially jung shin (bass)! he's really cute but never gets a full second of close up... dont get me wrong, i like yonghwa too but i think it's unfair to the others.
SUJU: lol... i'm totally biased with this group so i'll shut up... but agree, the camera moves way way too much it gives me a headache... and i dont mind shirtless teukie.. ^^
f(x):they so deserved an award with NuABO!! they've improved so much and their perf are always close to perfect!! i love it! but i actually love their style this time...
KT: haha... my obsession with them was never rational... for some reason, i torture myself and jump into the fire while not wanting to come out... dear lord, y did u invent JE???


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@v, Kristal from f(x) looks like the younger version of
YoonA, well the most important part is that you keep on playing and eventually you will find out whether you want to be a Pro, semi Pro, or just to play for fun either way playing music for me is more fulfilling than just listen to it, and yes the Violin will be an electric one!!!!!!


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OMG!! during Suju fanmeeting, Kangin appeared and said his goodbyes before enlisting and all members cried and teukie cried really hard nonstop and Heenim kept holding Kangin's hand and crying so much his eyes were really red and went off stage and didn't want to come back.. and they weren't being able to concentrate during the perf as much as it was emotional for them. TT

lol... i never looked at Krystal that way be4 but ur right... she does remind me of Yoonah. oh,and music is really just a hobby for me, one that i take very seriously but still a hobby and while i do earn sometimes for recitals and things, i dont consider myself pro at all. but ur right, as much as i enjoy listening to music, being able to play is something completely different.


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Me and Suju again
someone posted the audio of a part where kangin first appears (there's not the second part with chu and all). there's no sub so sorry for that.

on a happy topic, PP gets a director's cut DVD!!!!


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@ v and Amg1
Krystal is indeed pretty, and she's actually Jessica (SNSD's) real-life baby sister.


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yeah, i know she's sica's sis and they do look like each other and sound like each other but she gives off an image that reminds me of yoonah


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@v: I had no idea Kangin was enlisting. It's kind of a way to let the dust settle though. I wonder when the other guys will enlist. Would they wait it out as far as they could like Shinhwa members?..... With a band that big, half could go for two years then the other half.

PP Director Cut? Someone needs to buy and fill us in on all the scenes (Guess who probably got cut most?!!!!)


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yep... he decided to enlist early! i guess it's a good time for him altho i'm still sad.. he is supposed to go in October but he requested to advance it to July and is waiting for the decision. and i think it's almost time for 83'ers teuki and heechul. the way shinwha did is good in the way that there always are members active (well, hyesung never went) but then, it's really dragged out cuz as eric just returned, now andy is going as well as junjin... when will the group be complete again??
r u talking about SJ being cut? or i guessed wrong... and i'll definitely buy the DVD. hihi.


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me and suju again???
anyways, just realized teukie messed up his inkigayo perf today by dropping his mic box and searching for it again... and didnt say it but fore music core yesterday, yesung was caught tying his laces AGAIN... haha.. there always seems to be something wrong in those bonamana perf..

anyways, last OT comment for today methink.. unless i have time tonight.
enjoy OT everybody!!

Giant and Coffee House and my country calls tomorrow!! (and TnK)...

bonus for IWxHRers: credits to Caliope at soompi
interview of PSH:
"What was your favorite scene?

It's kiss scene. There's no NG, It shot 15 times for several cut. Otherwise my favorite shot is that I cought Ma hyeri(played by Kim Soyeon) at the Airport."
gosh do i love that drama


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Here's the promised BTS about Rain (just a few I can share).

He's a really humble guy, always is very excited to meet his lawyer, listens to his advice and has no airs.

Rain invited the entire family to LV for his performance last Dec 2009 at Caesar's Palace. And the best part of his wife meeting Rain backstage at the party afterwards, the first thing she said to him was "how did you get that body?" with her husband standing RIGHT THERE. OMG, I dies in laughter. Best part of the story, Rain then spends 20 MINUTES explaining his dietary and workout regimen to her and her husband (lean proteins, vegetables, shakes, lots and lots of working out, etc.).

Since I'm not a Rain fan, I didn't immediately start convulsing right there (btw, he and my husband are good friends - I need to grill my husband more on how many of his friends actually know these guys we drool over, I never thought to ask but now I'm gonna bug him all the time).

But I did almost choke on my pork bun when he asked me if I knew who Lee Byung-hyun was, and said that he's good professional friends with him. And that, my chingus, I am officially inviting this family over to my house to be our new BFFs. :-)


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@ v
OK, I finally got to finish Fashion 70s, albeit in an FF frenzy.
I have to say, in spite of its flaws it's still a solid drama, with a totally lovable cast: Lee Yeo-won, Joo Jin Mo, Chun Jun Myung and Kim Min-jung.

The childhood portion in F70s does have its charm but ultimately it's so overly dramatic it comes to induce headaches (seizures! Epilepsy!). It's unashamed tragedy p0rn, and there's all kinds of messy ''is she dead? Is she really not dead? Definitely dead. OMG! She came back from the dead!'' scenarios, with more than just one character *slaps forehead*. And then the six degrees of separation totally gets stretched to the extremes here.

(((Giant, are you listening? I love you, by watching only 5 of your episodes, I've ALREADY put you up as my #1 on my 'best kdramas, everrrr' list, and I understand you have 45 episodes remaining to run completely effin' WILD with, thus you may become draggy and/or ridiculous in future, but please, please, I beg you, my love; don't do the F70s thing with the children, ok? Please don't. Mwah!)))

But then the adulthood portion becomes something else entirely, this is what was ripped off by Women of the Sun. And I couldn't help but sit comparing the entire time. I feel so cheated by WotS, which I'd considered as something truly awesome, and had always had it on my kdrama recommendations list. Not any more.

Granted, the setup of the two shows may be different but essentially the story is exactly the freakin' same, including the characters. But let's just say the original (F70s) -- pardon the expression -- bitchslaps WotS, all over.

I'm going to be superficial about it and talk about the cast and characters only, pitting the F70s characters against their WotS counterparts.

F70: Lee Yo Won as Duh Mi:
Besides Queen Seon-duk, I feel there's something freakishly very samesame about Nam Ji Hyun and LYW. Or is it just me?
Anyway, LYW was absolutely lovable (but sometimes irritable) as the ever optimistic but clumsy island girl Duh Mi (yes, yes, cliche) who runs away to Seoul. But her emotional scenes as always, hit the spot and sometimes made me cry. This girl can emote. I also loved her transformation.

WotS: Lee Hana as Ji Young:
I actually fell in love with Lee Hana in this role, but it all just feels flat now. I actually quite liked her crazy mushroom hair at the start, and her boundless energy, however unlike LYW she can't do the emotional scenes very well, like one particular extremely important scene which wound up anticlimactic, she just failed to deliver the necessary emotion.

F70: Kim Min Jung as Joon Hui:
I love-hated her. She was quite vocal about her feelings, and you totally understood why she was doing what she was doing. Underneath her composed facade you also could see that adorable junior version of herself, which totally invoked empathy and compassion.

WotS: Kim Ji Soo as Do Young
I hated her! I couldn't feel any compassion for her. But she was also quite compelling to watch so I have to hand it to her. It was the way in which she made everything all about HER. She overshadowed everything about Ji Young, even in spite of the fact it was JY who had been worser-off. Maybe because they knew JY was a tough cookie, and DY was oh so delicate, which totally peed me off, but I'm glad this dynamic was addressed later. Sill, it was annoying seeing her wearing the same self-pitying expression throughout the entire drama.

F70: Joo Jin Mo as Dong Young
OMG! This is the first time I've seen this actor, why oh why did I drop this drama while it was still in its childhood portion back then?
He is like a cross between Takuya Kimura and Oh Ji Ho (aka a beefed up TK), and upon his entrance into the drama, my heart was like... vibrating like a phone, no joke. I did get annoyed with the character a few times but nothing major, and when he began hanging around his love interest's place of work, I was hoping to God he wasn't going to be another Soo Hwan from Bad Love (blurgh!) instead, he was more Kang Jin from WISFC, all smouldery and pensive (when he used to hang around Zoom In Cafe and later the hospital where Ji Wan worked) - aawww!

WotS: Han Jae Suk as Joon Sae (oppaaa!)
I like HJS, I really do, but his character here wasn't really fleshed out at all, he proved good eye candy and provided us with some romance though (the kiss, yay!).
F70: Chung Jung Myung as Bin
Wahh! He was so freakin' badass and sexy here. Not to mention he was topless and/or dripping wet a lot of the time. Woooh!

WotS: Jung Gyu Woon as Dong Woo
Uh, let's not even TRY having these two competing. Bin will chew you up and spit you right out, loser guy, you!
Learn from Bin about how to pine for a girl; get angry and smash some glass and stuff. Anything! Just get some life in you boy!

I thought I'd throw in an MV, the rest were too spoilery and I love, love, love this song from the OST. Typical slushy kdrama ballad, but it works for suckers like me, everytime.

Now that that's out of the way... hellooo Coffee House!! Finally!


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@ ockoala

What a celebrity magnet you are! First Tiger, now...

Did you not offer to Rain free English enunciation classes? You should also mention that you are part of a high-functioning network of opinion-leaders in k-entertainment, who could collectively offer unparalled support and consultancy services -- such as wardrobe intervention, sharp honest career advice, celebrity bullshit radar, and wannabe-ism advance warning system -- combining a global perspective with tough love. What an amazing resource we collectively are! If I were him, I would be wooing us.


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Back up, back up. Your husband is friends with Rain or your husband's friend is friends with Rain? Sorry it wasn't clear if you went to LV to meet rain or its was your friend.

Hubby played golf with members of Nickelback and their manager offered concert tix to hubby and hubby said "no thanks, I never heard of them". haha.


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Sorry, I clarified the relationship on Twitter first so forgot to preface the details with this, I had lunch with hubbys friends and their wives, and one guy is Rain's lawyer and he's also friends with LBH! Not me, not my hubby, me sad. :-(

But what was cool was the stories he had tell. And his wife knows Daniel Henney. I'm actually thinking my hubbys age and profession may mean he has more friends who knows our beloved actors. I will make it my life's goal to find someone who knows our crushes.


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“Asian Dramas” as a vehicle for “ Philosophical and Ethical “ perspectives.

“Asian Philosophical Thought” , since the dawn of early societies has had a very profound effect not only in the Asian world but trough out the years has been incorporated and assimilated to a greater extent into our “Modern Western Thought”.

The days when Asian Philosophy was seen as a bad counterpart to the Judeo/Christian way of viewing the world has diminish dramatically since the later part of the 20th Century. Books like
(Analects of Confuciu 论语)
( 孫子兵法 Sun Tzu's Military Principles), (Tripitaka (Pali Canon) Sacred Buddhist writings), (Lao-tzu's Tao Te Ching ).

This small examples of Asian literature not only serve as the foundation for Chinese, Korean, and Japaneses philosophical thought, apart from their early Shamanic beliefs.

Most people do not realized the roll that Bruce Lee has played in the Western acceptance of the “Asian Philosophical Thought” with out him we do not know how well Asian films, dramas or TV, will be seen on the West know days.

Technology has also play its part from the written word (Mangas, Manhuas) to bootleg/pirate VHS/DVD's of favorite movies, TV shows and our beloved ( K-,J-,T,-C-, Dramas) and also Music has play an integral part in the way modern Western people have come to embrace the “Three Major Asians Nations” China,Japan and Korea!!!!!

One of the things that the Drama/Genre allows us to see is the development of of a Theme or a Character in a much deeper level than a two our movie will. But the length on the other hand can be its down fall. One of the major draws for me is the plethora of topics that are used as the theme for the drama. And we can see how Religion/Philosophy plays out in the every day life of the characters and by Osmosis it trickles to the viewers altering in a big or small way the way we all view thew world. Happy Drama viewing!!!!!


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"I will make it my life’s goal to find someone who knows our crushes."

Ok--I'm on board with that! Put me down for 1 SJS, 1 Im Soo Jung and half of CJM (I think Mookie might want the other half).

Next meeting agenda item is "celebrity social mixers". Who amongst us is going to own that one?


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@ Ana

yay! i'm so glad me and my twin's constant discussions of our BB love has brought around another fan :) Haru Haru is what drew me into BB as well - it's a great video and great song and I still rewatch it and put it on repeat all the time. and I think KPopLand is much more fun than Narnia teehee :P

@ ockoala

LBH?!?!!? LBH realllyyyy?!?!? *i dies* you lucky lucky lady ha.


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@ nycgrl

Speaking of which, I'm at MiSa10 and now a certified SJS devotee. MiSa was made for SJS, and SJS for MiSa. His performance is arresting; totally, 100% convincing, such that once I caught myself thinking, "Oh, poor SJS is a goner. Oh, wait, no, SJS the actor is still alive..." I'm not so sure about Im Soo Jung. I think she is a decent and very watchable actress, and she is also nailing MiSa, but I'm not sure I'm at girlcrush-level of love. It doesn't help that her face puts me in mind of nothing so much as, well, er, hate to say it but..., a cyborg.

Still 6 ep.s to go, so jury still out. I think MiSa might make it into my top ten, but I'm not sure about top five. It is very well-made, but It doesn't feel original -- I concede that's probably partly because it has been flattered by a lot of imitation since. However, one also has to admit that the plot uses a lot of well-worn devices.

But for all its faults, it's got me in its emotional grip. Every time I start feeling a little bit bored and been-here-done-this, the directing or the script whacks me one and I am left gasping. Like in the hospital scene where MooHyuk in all his bad boy glory wheedles the doctor and acts all tough, his manoeuvres with the out-of-his-emotional-depth doctor are interesting but not exactly awe-striking. Then SJS's hand accidentally brushes against the hand of a corpse and the look on his face (now drained of bravado) in this unexpected moment (exquisitely directed) just hits one in the heart. Wow.

I can see some parallels with the Thank You writing -- the sparing use of dialogue, the focus on people's inner turmoil rather than being plot-driven. But I don't think it can top Thank You for me, because I don't feel its heart in the same way, nor does it take me on a journey the way I feel Thank You does. And unless it takes a turn in its last 6 episodes, it doesn't seem to have the same affirming message.


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had a horrible weekend news wise... hub's cousin's house burned down Saturday morning. luckily, everyone got out of the house and did not have any injuries. living w/ my SIL at the moment.

unconfirmed 6 dead 1 in critical condition.. ALL CHILDREN!!! and this is the number of those related to us. a secondary (middle school/junior high age) school in a small boondocks village in Thailand barricaded and set a-blaze WHILE the kids are still at school. windows breaking and jumping out of 2nd story to escape. idk how many died total...i can't even think straight. this SHIT has GOTTA STOP in Thailand. they were kids!!!!!

finally get home and settled into bed, MIL calls, hub's soccer player friend, drowned and they just found and pulled him outta the river.

my mind is so numb.


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So sorry to hear it... don't quite know what to say.
You and your family, please stay safe.


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@ lb_tmi. My regards to you at such a time like this, you and your family are on my prayers stay strong. Tomorrow always brings a New Day!!!


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@ lb_tmi
Our thoughts are with you.....


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@ twin

I'm so sorry for all the horrible and tragic events that your family has had to endure in the span of just a few days. Know that we are here for you and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


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i don't even know where to start in comforting anyone..

i gave the cousins' some money for clothes, baby-sat for a bit while they went back to salvage anything they could from the fire. but now i'm back home--2.5 hrs away.. and feel useless.

what can i do for those families that are 10000 miles away? how do you comfort someone who's lost one child let alone TWO children. AT.THE.SAME.TIME! this is crazy! dammit! it was a school!!! kids should be safe at school! we weren't able to get in contact w/ the families yesterday after we heard the news..

just got an email that my friend from work's mom is on life support.

i know none of this is happening to me directly.. but these are ppl i care about, FAMILY. i'm so emotionally exhausted. thanks for listening.. i appreciate it.


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My love and prayers for you, your family and people in Thailand. May peace soon be restored.


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Dear lb_tmi
Every little thing that you do counts.n makes a difference.Your cousins are really lucky to have you around to offer support and help them in their time of need.Though these words might not offer much comfort,you and your family are in our prayers.May God give the families of those kids the strength to bear their loss.take care..


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@78 lb_tmi

I'm so sorry. ::hugs::


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@ lb_tmi

Sending lots of love to everyone who are a part of this tragic incident. The support will be there not only for today but for tomorrow as well. Hugs.....


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@ lb_tmi
my thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong! <3


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@ lb_tmi

My payers are with you and everybody else being affected by this tragic chain of events.


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I am so sorry and may you and all affected have the strength and support needed to overcome this difficult period.


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@lb_tmi: So sorry to hear all you've been through this week... The OT is always here to listen. As like everyone else, my thoughts are with you.


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@ lb_tmi

This is a bit late but I’m so so sorry. The horror is unimaginable. My thoughts are with you, your family and people of thailand.


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@lb_tmi - no words feel adequate. i'm sorry that you have to go through this (or anyone for that matter) my thoughts are with you and will always be here in DB land should you need any comfort/support. *sends lots of love and prayers your way* <33


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My deepest condolence and prayers to your friends and family in Thailand.
*HUGS* to you...we are here for you....


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thank you everyone. you are all wonderful. i really appreciate your kindness, thoughts and prayers. we will get thru this.. day by day.. slowly.. but surely w/ all of your support. thank you.

i didn't mean to turn the whole mood of OT.. sorry..

let's all be happy again.. i mean, there's an awesome CF clip of Won Bin making out w/ Shin Mina while drinking TOP<----which totally reminds me of TOP from Big Bang. is that coffee? and if i get some, will Won Bin make out w/ me???

:::::CU 16 spoilers::::

how hot is KJ??? OMG!!! i thought that he was gonna swoop in and carry EJ off like a knight in shining armour. which woulda been all kinds of weird.. considering he's "the bad guy". but he's not all bad, the way he's still ordering his henchman to go after her.. and following her out to her car. i know it's totally wrong, but i so want EJ and KJ to get together and make out just to make me feel happy. i'm not shipping KH anyway.. even if i do adore PIE. but he was wrong on so many levels laughing w/ that lady sunbae.. when he can't do that w/ EJ. but then again, EJ only laughs like that w/ JW.. btw, how dumb was JW in this ep?? give the boy some decent lines. having him just stare stupidly at EJ and HS is so getting old. he's got so much more potential to be a better character.. and he's wasted..


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@90 lb_tmi - Sending some random T.O.P goodness your way.


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::::: CU 15&16 COMMENTS/SPOILERS :::::

@ twin

couldn't agree with you more. KJ is hotness ha. Like you (and most everyone else here), i love me some PIE, but his character is being SO WASTED and i'm so tired of it. the whole Lie needed to be revealed at the halfway point, not 4 eppies from the end. and JW's character is no longer as fun anymore either. All he's got to say nowadays is 'Noona, you're too skinny. You have to eat', with the predictable EJ glare and set-down and then JW staring after her longingly. I want the dancing JW back!!! GIVE ME! or at least give me some more EJ/KJ moments. that'll make up for some stuff.

re: Won Bin & Shin Mina TOP coffee.. LOLS, i totally thought of my Tabi as well. You ask if Won Bin will make out with you if you drink the coffee, i ask if TOP will make out with ME if i drink it. :)


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@ Ana

omo. i love random TOP goodness :) i love his awkwardness ha! So endearing. Sigh. Thanks for that!


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Dear lb_tmi, I'm keeping you, your family, and all the turmoil in Thailand in my prayers. Please stay strong.

I'm mentally wiped out, so I'm treating myself to some Yankee kun as a energy recharger.

This is where all my brain cells went, read if you're curious about a sageuk called Damo. :-D



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@ Ana

conflicted.. i LOVE TOP randomness, but i can't watch it while i'm at work. :( i'm both upset and super happy at the same time. lol.
thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!! :D

@ twin

exactly. JW and KH are supposed to be male LEADS. and yet, neither are doing anything exceptional leading wise. what a waste of two great characters.. and actors (ok.. C!J!M! is awesome, Taec is decent for newbie-ism, but you get my point). and it's too late in the game to give either of them something awesome w/o the story going WTF??? even tho that's where the story has been..

i do like the turn HS and KS have taken.. the dynamics between them, the flip flopping of their roles. i just want more substance to go along w/ the superb acting. is that really too much to ask for???


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Man, once you fall into a saguek-hole, you can't emerge until you're good and sageuked out. First the sageuk awards (wowsers, is there so much I've never known or never seen).

Juggling a one-two punch of Damo and Tamra the Island has been a breathtaking watch experience. Both are so different, yet touching nonetheless.

For those of you still pondering, the Tamra DC DVD is worth. every. penny. (I can't say the same for the City Hall DC DVD - which was worth it only for me cuz I'm a fanatic). But Tamra - the DC cut is the way it was meant to be, and the pace no longer suddenly feels like someone went from a marathon to a sprint in the second half. It's still so sweet mixed with some intrigue.

I'm in such a sageuk mood, really ramps it up for Kim Suro this weekend (squee, the number of awesome veterans in the cast, plus the prospect of Ji Sung perhaps doing a great job, I'm officially counting down!).

Plus, I've got PoTW and Shin Don on my next to watch list, and finally starting Jejoonwon in the near future. No wonder I zzzzz-ed out of PT towards the end, I doubt it was as boring as it made me feel, most likely it was milding boring plus I was not in the right mood for it.

If Kim Suro starts off with a Bang, it'll go a loooong way in erasing the bitter taste Dong Yi left in my mouth. Poor Ji Jin Hee, he's a good sageuk actor, its a shame his return to the genre is in this Pinto wrapped in a Jaguar shell. (cingdoc-sis, I know you love some JJH in sageuky hotness, but don't bother with DY, he doesn't look hot, he's look like he snarfed some happy helium).


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'once you fall into a saguek-hole, you can’t emerge until you’re good and sageuked out.' DITTO!

Mine was spurred by FINISHING QSD (man...) dropped Chuno (when it bugs, it annoyed me BAD, when it's supposedly OMFGamazing, I wasnt as wow'd as I should.. ohwells..) I didnt even try out DY because my trusted OT family (ockoala+momosan) who r way more loving towards their sageuks were sorely disappointed.

I've never been a true sageuk fan. I want my historical drama to be decently accurate so I can be intrigued and hopefully urged to read on it by that aspect alone, I want it to be more about the times instead of a particular few. I'm more used to the accidental/unlikely hero trope being JUST a part of the much more complex scheme of storytelling instead of its linear focus. I can do w/o romance or the tried (and tired) love triangle I can find EVERYWHERE else in other genres. tbh I was lured into Damo thinking it's a kickass girlpower lady detective CSI in Chosun (just that slur of words r hitting it!! :) ) and it gives me enough of that and I'm satisfied w/ show. I'm very scared of a Damo rewatch, actually, I'm way more scarred and awful a dramawatcher now. I appreciate how NOT overwrought every fight scene or transition has to be, even if we're just milking the scenery. I'd rather it be less pretty but more affecting. I need LOADS of tight plots in my historical dramas, I lost interest when a gaping hole in logic surfaced, let alone if I have to tolerate a village of those.


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@96 ockoala

I'm still wrung out from my Damo rewatch. And yet the Saguek Awards picked up a few on Mister X's list that I haven't seen yet. So, I'm going to go hunt.

Shin Don - it's like Shakespeare on acid....in a good way.

Got an email that my Tamra shipped, so I'm happy!
(OTOH, I have to go tune in Dong Yi for Mom....GACK!)

@97 mookie

Eight Days is calling your name. Seriously...it's over there saying "mookie! You must watch me!!!"

In the meantime SHIN-A-GAWA-KUN!!!! is still butterflies, unicorns and rainbows. I seriously <3 that Yankee-kun.


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@ serendipity

Oh you need to watch another Im Soo Jung vehicle if your not totally getting her and if you still don't get her after watching "Ing.." and seeing the smoking scene outside her window I'll just throw myself on the floor, cry and have to disown you. just kidding...ok maybe

Yeah SJS. sigh. Man I seriously fell in love after MiSa and I don't mean in the usual kdrama hot actor way but a deep respect for his talent and passion way that I felt for Johnny Depp after I saw him in Ed Wood. Anyone who is so passionate about their art and can be so good at it has to be "good" on some level. Moon Hyuk for me is the raging wildly pained man beast while being the most gentlest of souls and SJS managed to embody this duality so beautifully. I get tears in my eyes just thinking of his character again. He was just so mesmerizing.

MISa is not my top 5. Thank You beats it but it is in my top 10. The plot is well worn looking from the lens of 2010 but you have to believe me when I say it was one of those kdramas that is perfect at its time. I mean it was pretty freaking fantastic in 2004 when drama's like Winter Sonata was on just 2 years before so it made a huge jump in terms of kdrama evolution. I was freaking glued to the TV, couldn't breath and had goosebumps watching SJS and couldn't believe I was reacting this way to a f*cking kdrama! It took the angst tearjerker story and did it on a much more crazy, passionate, more heart breaking story, better directing and acting level.

Also in terms of watching sequence I think Thank you is much more mature writing from the writer so it makes sense to see MiSa first since there is more angst and crazy young love involved rather than the themes in Thank You which is much more about the journey of self discovery and understanding the true value of having people around us who can influence and touch us.

Anyway I'm so excited your watching this and hoping to have more discussions. I can't imagine how I would react if you were ever to watch The White Tower. Or just slay me now and tell me you already watched it.


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@ twin

Damo re-watch is needed for you. I think I would even suggest you re-watch Damo before watching Tamra (btw, remind me to give you my Tamra DC set when I see you, I should be done with it this week).

Damo is even better the second time around, and I'm saying this AFTER having watched CitC and Chuno (with its technical prowess) in the interim. I guess the old adage is true - you can't beat a great story.

In ep. 6, there is a scene with Naeuri and Chae Ohk practicing spears side by side (and smiling and looking so happy, and I dies a little bit inside), and it totally reminded me of a simpler version of Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan making up with pairs sword routine in the mountains. A couple who fights together is.....catnip to me. I swoons (which is why as much as I hate Xiaolungnu, she does make a pretty cute fighting duo with Yang Guo). Sorry to digress, don't be scared to re-watch Damo. Watch with your typical snarky critical eye. I guarantee you won't find anything so bad it'll take you out of the flow of the amazing story and acting.

@ momosan

Eight Days, oh crap, can't believe I forgot that one. You know, watching Damo both drains you and kinda reaffirms why we love K-dramas in the first place.


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