Open Thread #136



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I know why I didn't like Ep15 of CU, too much HS. Lookee there, she's gone bonkers. To me, the whole thing would have worked better if it had happened when he was alive. Now, its like, I've already seen Eun-Jo angst about the matter, so to have to watch HS was really pale and really, why? Why does it matter one way or another? She's already getting an idea of what the mom's truly like, so what does this matter? So tired of HS.

Also, the part where HS talks about her love for KH, it strikes me that EJ is taking it to mean HS has the same one of a kind eternal love she has for KH, but nothing could be further then the truth. HS has had a thing for a number of guys apparently, before KH left and after he did, starting with Dong Soo and then whoever the guy was that came to see her before. EJ is thinking she can't have KH's love, or maybe she doesn't want it, but because she thinks her sister feels the same way she does towards KH, she keeps trying to push her sister and KH together, thinking that she can't take another thing away from her sister.

That said, still wanna see what's coming up, cuz I ain't got a clue.


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Hi guys! I haven't been on OT for a while... happy Friday everyone.

I watched Bad Family last weekend, and I loved it SO MUCH. (Thank you Javabeans for your review of it - I would have never discovered it otherwise!) It was my first time watching anything with Kim Myung Min, and I am a total fan of his now. I think "Do you want to smell dirt?" is my new favourite phrase. :) Bad Family made me laugh and cry in equal measure. Also, loved the song on the OST where they all sing together.

I'm on episode 11 of PT, and I dunno... it's kind of losing its momentum. It's still good, but am I the only one who thinks Kae-in forgave Jin-ho a little too easily? Maybe it's the comparison to the crazy post-revelation angst in Coffee Prince, I don't know. Anyway, I'm not feeling a lot of motivation to watch it anymore. Although I'll probably finish it eventually.

I'm currently watching Dandelion Family on Dramafever, has anyone else been following it? I'm really enjoying it. The last long family drama I attempted to watch was Assorted Gems, which so many people were raving about in their year-end drama reviews... but I really didn't like it. I tried so hard! I watched like 15 episodes, and I kept hoping that it would finally get better, but it just didn't. I found the parents too horrible to be funny, the siblings annoying and selfish... I liked Kkeut-soon and her family, though. But the last straw for me was when the old lady who had cancer gives Ruby a car as a gift, and no one sees anything wrong with Ruby accepting it, or sucking up to her because she was rich in the first place. I was like... eh. No more.

But Dandelion Family is great, I love the family dynamics of the three sisters, the favoured one and the black sheep, and how they all interact with each other. The acting is really good, and the writing realistically portrays family affection as well as the pain and awkwardness you can only feel because of family members. Plus we have the wonderful Kim Dong Wook of "my Chan" Coffee Prince fame. What's not to love? And, which is a rarity for me, I don't find any of the characters annoying. (!)


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Now, I'm curious how good is Skip Beat. I gotta look it up. I'm following Angel Beats and Kaichou wa Maid-sama. I love Angel Beats OST; Girls DeMo are awesome!

@ 97 janna

I had my first ddukbokkie experience last wkend, and in all honest opinion, I'm not impressed. I bought it freshly made at a Korean mart, but I hope my next order elsewhere will taste better. I really don't want to get disappointed from all the food envy.


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@84 celestialorigin

YEAH! Querbeet has heard our pleas and 11 and 12 are here! WOOT!

@ockoala - If mansitting Kimutaku requires me to watch TnK, I may well take up sake drinking again. There's a bottle of koshu with Lin Chi Ling's name on it....and possibly one of the cheap stuff with Abe's.


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cant get over OML...
rewatched episode 5 where YGH sang Wax's Oppa...
it was so hillarious...

so nice of Chae Rim joint China "All About Eve" remake by playing as cameo.... she is supporting Jang Hyuk who invited her privately


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So if I see Momosan passed out drunk in a ditch somewhere (there will be a heavy lightning storm as well) I will raise my fists to the air screaming "reggggoooolliiiiiitttthhhhhhhhh"

@supah: I love that you picked possibly the worst part in episode 1. That about sums TnK though. Did you not get our memo the last two threads?!

@carinne: ddukbokkie is definitely an aquired taste; I hated it the first time too. Bibimbap is pretty tasty. If it didn't take me forever to prep I'd eat it more often.

I watched a lot of music performances, my head is spinning. I don't even know where to start.


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Hello, JBeaners,

Happy Friday!
PT and PP are over now.
What's next?
So far, all the dramas after YAB are just O.K.
I missed YAB...
Am wonder when will something that good come along again?


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My first on OT.
I'm so happy I got my original PT Ost in my hand. Love most of the songs there ,
specially 'Dropping rain' (can't remember the singer's name).
Since I've finnished watching Personal Taste and started missing the OTP already,
I would like to dedicated the song 'Like a fool' from the Ost to Jin-ho shi for
his stupid pride to break up with Kae-in just because he can't cope
with his own mistakes LOL. The word 'Fool' here I mean really stupid stupid man.
Still, Love this drama till the end, lots of flaws but very breezy and entertaining.
Hope clear blue sky for SKorea and happiness to you all.


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@v. I just posted my last musing's about "Prosecutor Princess" on episode 15 recap, I promise this is my last one, XXXX My Hearth, Ha Ha Ha!!!!


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did you try Coffee House?
LOL... that's ok... actually, ur part 2 and 3 never came... :(
ok, now i'm off to go read what u wrote on recap 15. ^^


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@ supah, amg1, v .....

Hi people! I am around but just really feeling like I'm weary and dramad? out.... I checked on Giant, CH, MCC and TnK......put it aside for now. I feel like i hit the wall after all the mind boggling dramas. You know I'm off the beaten path when even Kimutaku can't get me drooling! for shame.

PP airing here now, just started last week. Also Life Is Beautiful.....let's see, there's also Queen Seon Duk....2 Wives....Wife Is Back....Don't Hesitate....and darn, that's right OML also still airing here!

I'm also waaaaay behind on my email and couldn't give a rip about FB....so I'm definitely in a slump!

Let's see....what else can I dump on you guys! :-) I am reading OT....chuckling at all the comments. Hang in there V you're a real champ in keeping up with the dramas! Love all the stuff on suju......

And supah babe.....saw the video with HJS.....I love it when he smiles bigtime!!!! And I gotta admit that I was very impressed with our PP female lead whom I will always think of as Ma Hye Ri......she's one beautiful gal. AND the finale to PP I felt was good.....

To AMG1.....I hope you enjoyed being with your grandson....I'm sure he was really happy that you were there. Special time in a child's life to have grandpa around.

My left foot is bothering me more lately....that tingly sensation and feeling swollen. I'll be glad when I can get it checked for nerve damage.

Talk to you again.....love you guys!


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@83 lb_tmi - hehe yeah i know, but smiling pasta was (oddly enough) touted as the taiwanese remake... the two are really only similar insofar as they involve a celebrity and normal girl forced to be in a fake relationship because of the paparazzi. but the producer called SP an adaptation, just without the house contract & its own unique spin on the story (like the change from actor to singer, adding in the story lines of the dead girl/brotherly hatred + the dad's history)


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Aww soo sad PP has ended I need some more interaction between MHR and IW!! Love this couple...if anyone wonder if this is worth watching im hear to tell you YESYESYES!!! I started on OML..which i finish...PT which i drop CS which im still watching but feel like dropping!!! My favorite is OML and PP!!!


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forgot to ask... how did the graduation ceremony go?

EIKO!!!! i missed you. hope you are still doing well and i still think of u frequently! and am still praying for you and your health accross cyberspace! i really hope ur foot will get better!
if ur weary, it's ok to give it a rest! but I'm so glad u still decided to stop by and leave a comment!
I also need my rest period from dramas from time to time... like after YAB, i was on hiatus for a while but now i'm back on a roll (for who knows how long) but if it's no longer as "fun" as before, i think u made the right choice to give it a temporary rest... like this, ull be able to come back with more enthusiasm and appreciate it all the more!

but wow, there are a whole lot of dramas airing at ur station! You're so lucky! yay! OML!! and PP!

lol. i'm way behind on my email too. I'm completely terrible at correspondence... and the more i delay responding, the more emails get accumulated in my inbox and I end up being so scared of looking at them that i dont log in my inbox. XD

haha... thank u for ur encouragement and for calling me a champ... ^^ i'm flattered! altho i must say i dont know how long my energy will last with all that.
and yeah! I'm so hyped up about Suju right now... their comeback definitely impressed me. and yay for mentioning PP!! and thinking that the finale was good! i still havent watched it yet, wanting to delay my farewell for a bit but I'm always happy when someone is satisfied with PP!

I'm happy u still read OT even tho you'll comment less! know that we all wish your health well and that we miss u and think of you!
looking forward to ur next comment!


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ok, im off to bed now... looking forward to catching up on OT 2morrow
Have fun everyone!



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Hi all Open Threaders

Hope all of you are okay. I have a query. Just downloaded Golden Apple and wondered if its worth watching? For those who have seen it please let me know. Other - I haven't seen Samsooki in a while on the threads. Samsooki where are you? Hope all is well. Take care Threaders.


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@ 6 janna

^____^ I want to offer ddukbokkie another chance to win me over. I am sampling food to inspire me to cook it. I prefer food which makes my whole body feel uplifting w/ a big grin. You know that look ^ , ^ many times Nichkhun ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyc_LqpUdaU&feature=PlayList&p=1E02665E30080698&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=14 ) makes tasting good food. I do that most often too. I also tried kimbap last wkend for the first time. I like it simply 'cos it taste so close to sushi rolls. I've tasted bibimbap, and I can handle that. A whole new world for me to flavor.

I get most of my Korean recipes here @ http://www.maangchi.com/

Do you have a better recommending site?


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@eiko, thinking of you, this is my favorite Hawaiian song, this young girl can sing To Da Max!!!!
Aloha Nui Loa, from Bruddah Amg1,


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@ eiko

Great to see you around! I did my have my drama-out moment too.... Take care and have a nice weekend.


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@ v

I just did My Country Calls through episode 4.....I'm glad I did. Laughed my way through it....one of those no need to think dramas....just go for the ride. Lee Soo-kyung is so funny and the lead male is yummmmmy!!!!! real eye candy!!!!

@ Amg1

Mahalo bruddah for that link! Wow...love that voice. One gal I really enjoy is Owana Salazar.....she's known for singing and slack key. I appreciate the variety in music you've shared....

@ epyc

Thank you! Reading the comments in OT gives me clue that everyone here can get pretty intense on their favorite drama/dramas.

Take care of yourselves.....sending hugs your way!


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Hi! I was really disappointed by episode 15 and 16 of PP. They were draggy and frankly I was bored to death. Shoddy writing and uninspired acting. I actually thought that the only actor that held my attention in the last 2 episodes was Ryu Seung Ryong as Director Choi. It was frustrating watching Min Ho not wanting to explain himself - there was really no reason not to clarify things. It was just totally unsatisfying and it got me wanting to strangle him!

Overrall - even though Son Ye Jin and Lee Min Ho are pretty interesting actors in their own right - the casting of them as lovers in PP is just not believable. They gave audience the idea that they did not want to be there - there was a lack of chemistry between the actors. The pairing of Son Ye Jin and Kim Ji Suk was more believable. And indeed they had better chemistry.

Blame it on the sloppy script and miscasting. The show could have been so much more.


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kdrama Crazy,
I thought u were complaining about prosecutor princess,PP. Usually we use PT for personal taste(maybe u acknowledge it as personal preference). Haha, never mind. Agree with u, PT final was so damn boring. Wish that I didnt watch it from the beginning


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@Carinne: Maangchi is really the best website! She's so nice too. I hope I get to meet her in person and taste her cooking someday. As always, getting proper ingredients is key, especially concerning any recipe that uses hot pepper flakes.

@eiko: Hey, Glad to hear you're hanging in there. If you get tired of dramas you should just .... switch to movies! I have a bunch I've perused through and can chat about. I like movies as they have a point to them (glares at Cinderella Unni.......)

Don't get hating on me thread. I don't hate Cinderella Unni because C!J!M! isn't all hotly making out with MGY like he could, it's just I feel this entire show could have been condensed into a movie. If it's true about the director stuff, everything would finally make sense.


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i'm also following windy day and enjoying all the scenes where KSE and JYH appear together ... great chemistry .... absolutely love this kdrama.


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No more Chuno recaps?


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yay! dream concert is today! and Suju rocked music core today too!! it's sad Yuri and Tiffany wont be hosting for 3 wks... going to miss them TT
and Jay was spotted in Taiwan!!! gosh, the girls r so lucky to have taken a pic with him... he's so talented... and the flips he does in his Youtube channels are awesome!
and Lee Bum Soo got married!!! his bride is so pretty... too bad he has to film Giant right away...

i know right? MCC is really funny.... i'm liking it!

@Kdrama Crazy
lol... when i first read PP, i thought Prosecutor Princess and was about to object (cuz i'm protective of that drama.. haha)... anyways, i do agree with u on some level about the ending of Personal Preference (which i usually refer to as PT.. XD).... it was meh... enjoyable but not totally satisfactory. altho i would blame the writing more so than the acting. i think they all did a good job acting.. but yeah, i was most excited about PT at first... but ended up switching sides and getting disappointed. it had so much potential to be great but it ended up being just another drama.

wow... i never thought about what you said but ur totally right... CS could totally have been a movie, and a good one... a 20 ep drama ended up making the story too draggy and repetitive... altho i keep getting back just to admire the acting.


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credit to venus02 from soompi for the news:
Donghae said, “SuJu won 1st place. Hangeng, Kangin, Kibum I love you. From now onwards, we’ll work hard together.” Donghae also mentioned “No matter what others say, we’ll go by our own path.”

He said that on his twitter and uploaded a pic too!!!

OMG!!! gotta love the unity of these boys!! hope i'll be able to see 13 members on the same stage again. and hyukie, it's good to practice but not all night.. u need to sleep!!


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Me again, with more Suju raving!!!

credit to JunEunHae<3 at soompi for this recap of Suju stuff at Dream Concert:
"just got back from the Dream Concert (even though it ended 3 hrs ago T.T)

I'm sure fancams and great pictures will be shared so I'll just share some cute and funny incidents with SuJu and E.L.F ^^

- First of all they deserve the title for the best sunbaes (no disrespect for Bi and Hyori but they're kinda in a league of their own) but SuJu is setting the example for the current generation of idols. They're just so respectful and appreciative of everyone. You can also see how much respect and love they get from their juniors.
- During breaks, E.L.F kept putting up funny things on the camera and the camera tried to move away but E.L.F would always succeed in getting on the screen biggrin.gif. The first time it was an E.L.F wearing a Teukkie face mask and it really looked like he was there! so funny!! all the fans(other fanclubs) were laughing and cheering. There were also EunHyuk and Kyu masks. They also put up messages for the 4th album success and Bonamana for Golden Disk or soemthing like that. There was also a sign that said .."Donghaeya because of you, Eunhae's doing well/looking good" or something like that.
- Taec was really sweet constantly complimenting HeeChul and I swear if not for HeeChul the MCing would've been a mess. It's Shin Se Kyung's first time so granted she was gonna be awkward and shy but Heenim did a great job of entertaining the crowd (Dream Concert had sooooo many stage delays making the MCs work extra hard- Heechul kept saying that the MCs would be getting more airtime than all the performers at this rate tongue.gif)
- Heechul had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hands, even with his lame jokes. The ahjummas near me were cracking up at all his antics and were like "this kid is hilarious! and cute". HeeTaec did a FamilyOuting hifive.
- Heechul also acknowledged Cassiopeia which had them cheering and screaming his name. During another delay he said that DBSK is family so for Cassiopeia he'd sing a special song and sang one of Junsu's lines from Love in ice. He also sang Yesung's song and Wonder Girls 2DT (using Sohee's name if i'm not mistaken). He danced to AfterSchool, Kara, T-ara, 2PM, Lee Hyori and I forget who else but seriously, what would they have done without him. When he went away to perform with SuJu,Shin Sekyung and Taec were like "Uhh,..this is awkward. We need Heechul here!" tongue.gif
- Later Teukkie came out and Heechul was like "Let's have our Teukgigayo say some words" (because there were delays as usual) so Teukkie mentioned all the different fanclubs that were present and said its great to see everyone)
- SuJu definitely got the loudest response- it was thundering and although I enjoyed Bonamana before, watching it live was so sgf;s;f;sf;s;sf. The energy of the song and performance had everyone screaming including all the boy fans"

I LOVE those boys!!! can't wait for the broadcast tomorrow!! heenim is so great for mentioning DBSK!!!
haha... i'm so excited so i'm glad there OT here so that i can vent... XD


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@v. Hey, I watched
"Coffee House" first 2 episodes and I like it very much, it has a manhwa kinda feel to it, the young girl character Kang Seung-yeon, reminds me
of Go-Mi-nam, for what I can tell LEE JIN-SOO who is the main character have more Chemistry with the Second lead Kang Seung-yeon, the first lead girl its alright SEO EUN-YOUNG, but I am on Team Jin-soo/Seung-yeon
already. One thing though
the first episode feels a little out of place at times but in a Good sorta kinda way, I really recommend it!!!!


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lol....hihi. if uve read some of my past comments, i was raving about Coffee House too!
yeah, i really liked it too and it's unexpectedly winning... and for once, i agree with u about the pairing... (sort of) but my mind still is not set in stone yet... i like both girls but i agree that so far, KJH has more chemistry with EunJung (the younger girl)... his scenes with her are hilarious!! but then, PSY (the publisher) seems like she has been promoted to be the "main" girl so im really confused right now as of WHO exactly is the "lead" girl here.. and some protested that EunJung is too young for KJH, which i kinda agree too. but then, she got to start the drama with her monologue... *sigh* so confusing.
so i'm not gonna put myself in a team as of now yet... but if this continues as it is, i will be joining ur team!! haha... does this mean we wont have debates anymore?
btw, what do u mean by out of place? do u have a specific scene in mind? ive seen the ep a few days ago so i cant recall anything. and yeah, it definitely starts with a shojo manga vibe..


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@v. * Coffe House* ****SPOILER****
Hey my favorite scene in episode1 is the Flashback when her Dad, brother, and "halmoni" beat the exboyfriend, the other is when they are having her Mother Ceremony and gets the phone call for the Job!
From episode 2 the part were he sends her to catch the Wild Cat, and the last part at the end when she is dancing!!!!


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@v. I think it has to do with scene sequence, it was a bit to fast for me kinda, or maybe the rhythm or the flow? Well I am not sure how to explain it, but by the second episode the flow was right on spot, maybe I am not making any sense, but if you look at the flow of the 2 episodes one feels a bit more choppy then the later one!!!


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@lovenyc52 and lb_tmi - You guys crack me up:-D The BB boys are all pint sized powerhouses that fit into almost any pocket hehe.:-) Well I won't fight with you guys for GD because I think it was one of your earlier discussions in one of the OT's that led me to Haru Haru >BIGBANG>GD <3 .It was like going through a wardrobe and instead of landing in Narnia, I ended up in K-Pop land and now there is no turning back:-)


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OMG!! on CNBlue perf today, JYH lost his couple ring with Seohyun... he was so frustrated looking for it during the end of the perf... he looked really anxious at the very end... hope he finds the ring soon
and at dream concert, apparently, the fans cheered for Park Jaebeom during 2PM perf... dunno what to think of that... on one hand, im happy he's still remembered.. on the other, dunno what the 2PM members thought of that

haha... Eunjung's family are Hilarious!! ur right, the scene where they were having the ceremony and kept urging her to get the phone was epic indeed... and the restroom scene as well as when PSY was pretending to not care about the script and then everyone was so flustered trying to dry the paper... haha.
as for ep 2, i felt that the whole episode was just comic scenes after comic scenes... cant recall a boring moment (so yeah, i do know what u mean about the flow. perhaps ep 1 was needed to introduce the situation of every character and the story then really moved in ep 2)... the dance scene was hilarious, as well as the hula hoop but really, what made me laugh really hard was the helium gas scene... ROTFL!!!


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@v: Just finished watching Coffee House episodes! It is really one comical scene after another, very fun to watch. *spoilers* My favorite scene is in episode 2, where I thought there was some nervous twitch going on.. oh no, that was a warning signal not to get in the vehicle... I half expected EY to get out of the taxi and run a separate direction (It was a good idea; run like hell) I also liked the imagery used in the fishing for cats scene.

As much as I like SeungJung, I'd rather her coach Jin Soo to get with Eun Young. Maybe Jin Soo can help Eun Jun get closer to the barista?


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@v. Well since we are on the subject of Coffee House
and Eun-jung is one of T-ara’s singers I goggle some of their videos, and I must say from a Guy point of view they are OK musically speaking, but what really caught my attention is the fact that not only in Korea, but I can almost venture to say that in most other country's
"SEX SELLS", I am not complaining at all no, no, no,no, but after watching some of their videos I took a look at some videos of SNSD, 2NE1, and to be honest the choreography is very good but almost like a Las Vegas all girl Burlesque of the risqué style, I also look at some of the SuperJunior videos, and some other Boy bands and musically speaking they are OK, but what I feel is their biggest Draw is the fact that their dance choreography and the way they dress appeal to a more basic need, and that of all of us liking to see a bunch of very good looking woman/man Frolicking around like Muses in a Spring Equinox Rite while channeling the Good spirits all for our own Personal enjoyment.
Having said that, I think that from all the Girl groups that I mention above SNSD are the Youngest looking of them all, so when they dress in their "LOLI" kinda outfits it is kinda "borderline" if you know what i am talking about, but again coming from a Guy I am not complaining at at all, Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!


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@ v

Watched Bonomana on internet.....I agree, I love their singing and choreography! They all look mature since their Sorry Sorry days.....polished.

@ v and Amg1

I only got to episode 1 of Coffee House....the distraction right now is MCC which is really, really funny and enjoyable as a non-invasive kind of story! The brain can go to sleep! :-)

It's beautiful here in sunny Hawaii!!!!


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Note to self:
Since PT is not "too popular",maybe the DVD will not be jacked up to US $180 ,and then I can afford to buy a copy and enjoy LMHMG all to myself,hehehehe....wait,did I say that out loud?? :)


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@Kdrama crazy
Totally agree with you. LMH and SYJ are good actors in their own ways. Chemistry between them are lacking most of the times.Sometimes they seem to be in their own zones.The bed scene was awkward. Still,the worst thing about PT is the weak script and plot. Please- no season 2 as rumoured.


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congrats for starting CH!!
oh yeah... i forgot about that seen with KJH trying to get PSY to understand what was going on...he kept saying stuff "it's weird right that i'm so nice" and she still DOESNT get it... XD; but the most clueless one must be the exfiance. haha.. how can a guy have so much self love and be so egocentric is beyond me... he cheated on her but he needs time to forgive her??? LOL
lol.. when i first saw the fishing rods, i thought they were at the beach or lake or something... and then i saw the cars, i was like WHAT??
"As much as I like SeungJung, I’d rather her coach Jin Soo to get with Eun Young. Maybe Jin Soo can help Eun Jun get closer to the barista?" hmmm... interesting proposition.. we'll have to see where it goes from here... why is it that i always have to choose to like a drama where the pairings are so confusing??

was it the first time for you to see vids of T-ara/SNSD/2NE1/Suju? sorry if i'm confused... it's just that it seems to me in ur comment that uve never looked at their vids before.
which T-ara MVs did you see? but yeah, they can pull off the sexy look quite all right but they can also pull off the innocent or cute look too. even from a girl's POV, i like them. actually, i like all the groups you mentioned...
hmmm... ur right that SNSD look the youngest but since i'm in their age group, i dont have that thought about how young they are when looking at them... lol. actually, if u want to talk about "bordeline", do u know f(x)?... some of them are still 16 i think.. SHINee is their equivalent as males.... i feel really guilty when i watch them and catch myself thinking...oh, that guy is goodlooking. haha.
as for Suju... musically, i like their title songs because of how catchy they are and can be put on repeat many many times but all the songs in their albums are good too. but ur right, the choreography certainly enhances the experience by folds. and frankly, as much as i find them good looking, their main appeal for me (after their songs) is their personalities on shows and stuff, which differentiates them from other equally or more handsome boys/men.

yay for Bonamana love!!! im growing to really love that song...granted, i still think sorry sorry is more catchy but bonamana is more effective at making me fangirl for some reason...
lol... MCC is really funny... but i follow both MCC and CH... btw, try CH 2 when u get the chance, it is quite a funny ep.
lucky u for having a sunny hawaii! i want to be there!!


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@v. Well I am not a Fan of Pop Music whether Korean or USA but I do like the sound of the "Wonder Girls" they sound a bit different than the other Girl Bands.
T-ras I Go Crazy Because of You, Bo Peep Bo Peep,
SNSD's Oh!, Chocolate Love. I first saw YoonA in Cinderella man and 9 Ends 2 Outs, I think she is a good actress! but I think my all time favorite singer turn actress is Yoon-Eun-Hye!!! and from the boys Choi Si Won!


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haha... i kinda guessed that from all the comments u posted about operetta, pianist and others... for me, i am a fan of pop music from all over the world (asia, france, usa, europe, russian etc....)but im also obsessed with classical music since ive been at a conservatory since i was 3 (or 4?) and i also studied music from the 20th century there as well, and i am well versed in music from the 30-60s (and less so 70s-90s) since my parents are only listening to that kind of music. so that was the only kind of music i was exposed to until ive reached my teenage yrs... so basically, i like all kind of music is my point.. haha. the genres i'm most unfamiliar with would be hip-hop/rap/true hard rock/african music but there are exceptions too.
haha... i get what u say now about borderline if uve seen Oh! altho it's not the most cutesy SNSD mv actually, they have more cutesy than that. XD
the first time ive seen yoonah act in a full drama would be 9 ends and 2 outs too but i really liked her most in you are my destiny.
hmm, for singer turned actress, i like Yoon Eun Hye, Eugene and as for actors, i like choi si won, yoon kye sang, kim hee chul, lee ji hoon, kim jeung hoon, lee hongki and lee seung gi and that's all i can come up with on top of my head. i also like other singer turned actors/actresses (kangin, kibum, jung yong hwa, TOP, sung yuri etc) but i'm not impressed enough to list them here or rather, i might like them more for the fact of liking them than for the acting itself.


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@Coffee House
All this convo about CH, I'm so lusting to watch this, but tomorrow night defo, I'll sit and watch 1-2. Right now I have to finish my F70s marathon.

F70s is great, it has its fair share of flaws but I'm addicted -- mainly because of the cast.
It's also an amalgamation of Giant and Women of the Sun, well more WotS, Its similarities with Giant stop at the similar backdrop: the same era and we have war, poverty, misplaced children etc.
And since WotS came after F70s, I'll say WotS is a ripoff of F70s.
I'll go into more detail later -- dammit! I have a marathon to run! Palli! (Seriously, if I don't finish the series tonight, I'll never get to do it.)
I'll defo get back to you about this in more detail.

So great to hear from you! *hug*
Ooh, yeah, that's a lot of kdrama (+dorama) to take in, I can understand the fatigue, just stick to one or two that really appeal to you, for now.
Ma Hye-ri certainly took some getting used to but I ended up totally loving her character and miss her permed ahjumma hair, inappropriately-dressed-ahjumma fashion sense, yellow tipped french manicure, cherry tomatoes, her ability to bounce back and her ''chincha chuwayo, sunbaenim!'' she is definitely a character to be remembered, fondly.

Oh, I totally got the memos. Any other time I would've felt that TnK is so, so, overly bad that it's so, so good. But with my current state of mind it just left me feeling all dazed and confused.


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for F70s, i might give it a try again when i have time since u seem to like it. it does have similarities with WotS... but i remember giving it up around ep 18 or something... couldnt go on but i will give it another try. ^^
good luck with ur marathon! i'm glad ull start CH soon... looking forward to hearing from you. XD


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me with Suju spamming AGAIN...
haha... can't seem to stop can i?
anyways, ive just seen a fancam of the dream concert and when Suju introduced themselves, all members had individual introductions (kyuhyun had to use donghae mic.. and kim heechul was hailed white milky skin again. haha)... anyways, the most touching part was that when leader teukie finished the intros, he also too a step to the side and introduced himself as kangin, then took another step to introduced himself as kibum and then hankyul!! I'm LOVING this!!! SUJU unity!!
and i know i sound like an ELF but i'm actually not... but not too far from becoming 1. XD
ok, now i'll stop my suju rant.


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@v,I just saw
2PM and SNSD - Cabi song (Carribean Bay) Music Video and YoonA is the lead girl, I like the way she looks in the last scene she looks older and mature not her teenage look, she is not the prettiest girl around but hes beauty it has a special appeal.
By the way which instrument do you play Piano?


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haha... so u saw the CF huh? yeah, yoonah totally shed her cute image in it (and so did the others). well, the thing is she not classically beautiful but she has some sort of appeal that makes her the ideal type of many pple (cf. strong heart ep 4) and makes her "popular"...
yeah, i play piano, and flute... and passably violin and i self-learned guitar and if voice counts as an instrument, then i'm in choir also. haha.
do u play something?


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@v. The Guitar is my main instrument, I play Drums, Bass, Ukulele, Mandolin, my piano playing is elementary but I can used it to write songs. I have 4 Guitars right now, 2 electrics, one is a Hollow Body Jazz Guitar, and the other is a Vox brand and it has 2 pick ups, one Classical acoustic/electric with nylon strings, and a Steel string acoustic/electric, and a Ukulele. I can play all styles of music from Samba, Mariachi, Reggae, Rock, Blues, Jazz, etc, etc. The next band that I am putting together is going to be a Fusion of Rock/world music ( e.g. African, Reggae,Flamenco,Arab and Classical, music)!!!!!


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wow... u sound like a genuine musician... i'm don't consider myself a musician, or a performer, more like someone who appreciates and enjoys it.
If your piano is enough to compose your own songs (btw, that's cool that you write songs!! i only do improvisations and never bother do something serious or write them down on paper. haha) then i don't think it's "elementary"... and on top of that, you play quite a lot of instruments!!! i have my father's mandolin in my house... he used to play russian songs on it but he never does anymore... ive always wanted to learn drums but i'm terrible at rhythm and as u know, my guitar is only rudimentary enough for me to find an accompaniment for songs i want to sing. i would have a lot to learn from you, u sound like u really know what ur doing with ur guitar... with 4 guitars! wow... Vox! that's really cool! lucky u!
do u have uploaded somewhere the music u produce with ur band? I would really be interested in the genre of music you're doing, i can't really picture it as of right now... i think ive heard similar music before but im not sure it's the same kind (btw, when u say next band, does that mean u had several? did u come up with a name yet?)
bottom line is i'm impressed!


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im off for today!!!
enjoy OT!


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