Open Thread #136



Stars of Track and Field – “Breaking of Waves” [ Download ]

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Whoa whoa whoa...what's all this talk about Ariel remaking K-dramas...and what exactly is going on with Ariel and Jerry for Skip Beat? About Ariel being in a k-drama...why hasn't she broken into the korean market? She does speak korean after all...interesting.


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@ Hipployta

Please see the last page of OT 135 (last week's OT). I provided the latest updates on Ariel's projects, so I don't want to repeat it here. :-)

And everything is still unconfirmed, for both Skip Beat and Coffee Prince Taipei Store. Neither has leading men officially cast (yet). But both projects appear to have been revived, so Ariel's coming back to the small screen (fingers-crossed).


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@lb_tmi : thank you for sharing! I just love all 2PM boys! hahahhaa.

I watched some BTS vids of Cinderella's Sister, and particularly love the one who showed Taec carried MGY. She totally loved it. And she is so thin, Taecyeon had to carry her more than 10 times I guess, but he was doing it at ease.
So even though the drama is full of angst and melodramatic - it's fun to see the NGs cuts and BTS video, because all of the casts seem to close each other and having fun.

I'd like to share one subbed video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um50lxN3zfg ( credit : t2ssub )


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im back~ only to rave about the epicness that is ep2 of Coffee House! :D


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Hi javabeans,
This is another one of those random moments where I feel compelled to post. My last comment was the finale of BBF...sorry (ok now that I've typed it I'm really embarrassed!). But believe me, I check this blog several times a day. Just wanted to say that I really LOVED, LOOVED, LOOOOOVED your podcast with girlfriday. It was so cool, I felt like we were all just chilling around chatting with my two girlfriends about our greatest obsession: K-DRAMA. For a long time I've been wanting to get feedback from Koreans on K-Drama, to see how they feel about them. I must say your podcast gave me a lot of cool insights, and I look forward to many more. I'm from Barbados by the way, so it was probably the closest I'll get to a real conversation with Koreans on such. I really hope you and girlfriday keep up the podcasts. As always your recaps are awesome, and you've found a real gem in girlfriday. I've come to rely on both your recaps so much that I can actually keep my cool and read Personal Taste before I get to see the episodes on Saturday (something that would have killed me before). Unfortunately CS is grating on my nerves, so I just watch the epis on viikii w/o subs just to see if anything important happens (which hasn't occurred for some 7 episodes...sigh)and follow p with your recaps. So once again keep up the good work, and don't let lazy blog shadowers like me and their lack of comments deter you...YOUR BLOG ROCKS!!!!! and so do YOU!!!!


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Such a MEH ending.The drama had the potential to be so much more but the direction and the writing just killed it.LMH and SYJ' chemistry was the saving grace of this show.Sheesh so disappointed with this one.

Wishing for a drama like 'You're Beautiful" to come again which had me waiting for the next episodes with bated breath.Hoping that 'Bad Guy' will be the one.*Fingers crossed.*

@ BB's Tell me Goodbye
Such an irrational thing but I've been hearing this song a million times on loop now and driving the people around me crazy with it.GD is just H.O.T. There's just something smexy about guys drenched in the rain in music vids:-D


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I have not watched PP or PT or CS.

I did go after Harvest Villa and it was surprisingly refreshing with a leading lady who is not so helpless one finds out. I like the character as she would fit in the West without batting an eyelash. Forget about "tell it to the hand or kiss my ass", how about kickass....It's on AZNV and Dramaland (?).

If your roommate wants a good, suspensful truly underrated drama, it's worth the watch. She will see the difference from the 1st episode. Since I do not know the actors, I watch because of the storyline.


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okay, i'm half way through this episode 16 of Cinderella Sister and I have shouted myself hoarse from yelling at my computer screen.
Can i just say that the story has stopped making sense to me, but I keep going back to it only because I can't stop marveling at everyones acting. I'm incredibly frustrated but now that I've sat through 16 episodes I just can't let go of the story.

moving along:

PP was adorable. I almost didn't even mind all the plot contrivances to make sure that Hye ri's dad didn't end up in prison cause that would have been a bummer.
also i loved that they empowered the mom. she was really cute in the final episode.

also park shi hoo I love you! you are good job and i'm looking forward to his next project :)


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i've been meaning to watch Prosecutor Princess for some time, but haven't gotten the chance. too busy with school. the only draw of that drama for me is Kim So Yeon, but that's not enough for me.
Personal Taste was good for about 12-13 episodes, then I just didn't care what happened next. i've downloaded the last two episodes but really have no desire to watch them. strange cause i loved the drama so much in the beginning. i think it's the fact that all the frustrating aspects of the drama that i ignored and overlooked in the beginning episodes are culminating in the last couple of episodes and for some reason, i just don't care anymore.
unlike others, i'm not bored or frustrated with Cinderella's Unni at all. yes, it's a little slower than I'd like, but the story is so new and refreshing, the characters so fleshed out, and the storyline so unpredictable that i don't mind the slowness at all. i'm a huge fan of characters in drama more than plotlines, so if there's even a trace of character development in any aspect of a drama, then i'm happy. what i like most about CU is that there's at least one scene in every episode that either breaks my heart, freaks me out, or makes me say "whoa, that's new!". if a drama is able to elicit any emotion from me, then i call that a success. and all this complaint about skinship is ridiculous. a drama is more about skinship and romance...and that fact that we never know what's going to happen to Eunjo or Kihoon or any of the other characters for that matter is what makes me want to watch and wait for the next episode.
happy friday everyone! have a fantastic weekend!


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Guys, lets watch Coffee House. Only 2 episodes, and I got hooked. Funny, entertaining and unpredictable. Sad that PP had ended. Glad that I found my new interest.


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@ twin

not a SINGLE spoiler?? wow you have 127310237x more willpower than i do lol. i've been reading the rants on the last OT, but i haven't read anything about CU16 yet. that will probably change this OT lol.
ps - thanks for sharing even just 5% of junK with me. verrrrry much appreciated ;)

@ 56 Ana

Tell Me Goodbye is a great song... and G.D. is supremely hot in it. Weird, no? I feel SO WRONG thinking he's hot, but i just can't avoid a fact of life HAHA. but even G.D.'s rain-drenched hotness can't beat out my Tabi in it (for me anyway). His grey/red hair and roughed up face made me go KLADSF;JAEHFAKJA.. yep.

@ song4u2

Welcome to OT!! :)


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@56 ana

i have been doing the same thing, to the irritation of my coworkers. i told them they could just leave or shut up!

@ twin

no spoilers at all. once i read that there was POSSIBLE skinship in the next two eps.. i haven't read anything passed that. i'm doing really well.. so it's a good thing neither of us have watched it.. cuz we'd be DYING to tell the other.. i'm sure.


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Question - has the PT extension been confirmed/cancelled? I'm still on ep 13 so I have a few to go, but I want to mentally prepare myself for this...

By the by, is anybody watching the new KimuTaku drama Tsuki no Koibito? Its early days (only episode 2) but I think it might become my new obsession....


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Thanks @lovenyc52.

I do love this site... JB, you rock gerl!


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@61 lovenyc52- Have you seen the MV of Hello by Red Roc feat T.O.P?
It's one of his older videos but he's smoking hot in that one.:-) But......GD is still the best hehe;-D


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@ Liv

PT has ENDED as of yesterday's ep16, so the extension was x-nayed 2 weeks ago.

As for TnK, there has been A LOT of discussion in OT (past 2 weeks) about it. I don't know if anyone is still going to continue watching"

@ momosan, mansitting KimuTaku probably requires you to continue watching TnK. I would keep you company, but my blood pressure is a tad high these days and I've been told not to over-exert myself, so I must safely bow out. :-) Maybe mookie, janna or v, will be willing to keep watching it. [Off to watch ep4 of the completely subbed Yankee-kun - thanks momosan, great work at viikii, the entire team, on this projecto].


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Ok I am here to rant about CS. So, SPOILER ALERT for those who have not seen eps 15 and 16!

Well I'm glad the cat is already semi-out of the bag. Hyo Sun still doesn't know but she's got her own issues maybe it's better off she never knows huh. I really hope something happens out of this, instead of EJ just giving KH the ultimatum of treating HS right for the rest of his life or live without her forgiveness. Phew. Poor KH, altho he had it coming. Kinda. Ah well, it's impossible to hate CJM.

Everyone thinks EJ is damaged but I seriously think HS is the more damaged one. At least EJ has unleashed it all by being snappy, snarky and glare-y all her life - HS has her teen years worth of "too nice" to make up for. I somehow see HS going crazy, as in needs to be in a mental hospital crazy. I bet this is what Cinderella would've really been like if she hadn't been made by Disney. Haha.

So what now? One thing abt CS is it's not v predictable. I don't know what's gonna happen next, really. The only thing I'm very sure of is whenever there's a scene that requires someone to comfort someone, no one's really gonna comfort anyone. Case in point: HS crying on EJ's lap, EJ wants to comfort her but no she doesn't; EJ bawling her eyes out, KH wants to comfort her but nope ain't gonna happen, not in this kdrama. Gah!

I bet EJ is going to get amnesia and only remember the good stuff bt KH and forget abt everyone else. Very predictable but at this point it's the only way EJ and KH are ever gonna end up together!!

OK rant over. heh. Happy Friday ppl! :)


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@62 lb_tmi -Well I keep playing it on repeat hoping it will grow on them hehe:-)


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@ 42 djes

H A P P Y ( P R E ) B I R T H D A Y ! I wish you a great family affair next wkend.

@ 44 v

I was never a fan of Twins, so I'm hesitant on watching any Ah Sa projects. I'm not a fan of Mike He's either. Maybe after I get caught up on CS and AMCG, I'll think about whether or not to give it a try. Thanks for your input.


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@ 68 Ana

i'd prefer it if my coworkers don't want anything to do w/ BB. i mean, that just means less sharing if they don't like 'em :D you see, my twin, lovenyc52, has previously claimed ALL of BB, then she gifted me Daesung, but does take him for special listening occassions--like when she needs him for the Hyori and Dae's duet "how did we get" but then gifts him right back.. tho i've started to share Daedae w/ celestialorigins because she shared her BB concert experience w/ me--along w/ a pix of him. you'll have to discuss w/ her if she's willing to rotate GD w/ you, seeing as she has full claims. maybe if you lay off any claims of HER Tabi, she may. haha! (i'm so watching that linked vid when i get home. who cares if i'm supposed to leave outta town!)

@ Ri

i just wanna say "thank you" for the spoiler note on your CU post. i skipped your WHOLE post until the "rant over" :D

@ reluctantbutaddicted

*waves* HI! just can't see ur handle w/o laughing to myself, so i figured i might as well let you know i'm still acknowledging my own weirdness.


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Thanks for the updates.

*scrambling over to OT 134/135 to see what was said*


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for TnK, like i said last OT, it's not my cup of tea so far... (maybe i expected too much???) but i will continue to watch next week's episode, although it might well turn out to be my last.

ur welcome... i can tell u, u wont be missing much if you skip that drama, especially since ur not the fan of either lead.
AMCG!! gosh, i'm so behind this show, well, not really, i'm on ep 19 right now but i think i have a handful to catch up to.


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@ twin

um yes. if either of us had seen either eps or even PARTS of either ep i'd be spazzing to you now FOR SURE. yep. no doubt. so yea, good thing neither of us has watched it (actually i dont mind spoilers, but still ha)

@ Ana

haha yes i've seen that video and tabi is SO SMOKIN HOT..when he shaves his head i want to jump him. no joke. i love when he's badass. My friend is in love with G.D. too. she says she wants to reach into the screen and put GD in her pocket. i say i want to do the same with Tabi, but i don't exactly want him in my pocket LOLs...


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@ twin

LOL. thanks for restating my claim of BB.. and thanks for lending me dae's voice every once in awhile. i can't get enough of his hyori duet. and have i NOT shown you the Red Roc MV before?? i'm sorry!! i'm a bad twin :(


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@36 wlst

Why is CU15 'bad' u ask? This is just my opinion: *spoilers*
O for me CU is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PT+PP combined ;) I know I ranted disgustingly on CU but it's all out of meta<3, it's frustrating because there r easy fixes and writer has bouts of brilliance in the midst of lazinesss or left her brains somewhere at times. I can watch the WHOLE cast esp MGY and CJM act forever till they r 90 and I'm ...dead?! ...just please can we have another writer?

in short: I hate what the writer did to KH played by my PIE in 15. I can perfectly state many things I liked about ep, but this 1 nugget bugged me overwhelmingly

WAYY longer:
It's more than what GirlFriday put '1 step forward, 2 steps bkward' he regressed and had a brain lobotomy and personality transplant borrowing @twin which he's done so already in ep5.

I loved KH in 14, but come 15 has he forgotten that forest spilling of guts and tears? or his HS' ultimatum? he's dashing all over Korea almost, determined to tear his heart and dignity out to EJ in 14, and with a little talk by JW, whom he did not give more than couple jealous glances and he held onto it as some ethereal calling fr TPTB?! I spat blood at him avoiding her like a coward face to face WHEN she's meeting KJ at the elevator. Has he forgottn she's already investigating that whole J shady biz?!

so our KH just giddily go on w' his plans w/o much regard of the others flailing around him, yes it's a happy occasion DS winery is on an upswing... but that scene of his all smiling and giggling w/ the sunbae/noona who's helping them out, and the reason he'll be leaving for good is OH SO SILLY and it sends shrills up my spine, let alone poor EJ's bleeding heart. I'm just appalled by writer, do we NEED a jealous EJ scene NOW?! We've been watching intently, we do not need couple outfits btn these 2, nor gigantic stalkerish gestures in the name of love, we're transported to romantic magical places w/ just a hairpin or slices of beef, WE GOT IT. it's not the pace, I'm enjoying and savoring the pace, but these scenes r hairpulling and unnecessary and it's shattering the characterization of KH.

and can MGY's EJ be anything but shocked and pained by the abandonment when she repeatedly asked him in diff wordings 'r u leaving? for good? jeongmal? honto ni? not just me? the DS WINERY? HELLO?!?!' he didnt give her anything to grab on as to why? WTF? why now why? but just calmly THRICE, 'yup, yeah, yes.' and a day or so ago words coming out fr that exact same gorgeous mouth was ' I only need you! It's too late for us to play charade!' I easily translated that to myself as 'WE LOVE EACH OTHER DAMN IT! LETS JUST MAKE OUT, EJ!' in KH/EJ's special tongue. I don't know how blatant she needs to be more of a scorned, jealous wife asking him about that woman and them laughing in her face and he retorted w/ stabbing nonchalance ' yup, she's a funny girl, every other sentence she said is funny (unlike u, sourpuss!)' ' o yeah, it's fun around her, I LIKE IT A LOT!' and I dunno PIE said those infuriating words w/ such an angelic face yet I have to look away and headdesk. So is KH bitter w and hence the ugly snark? even if so, gosh, be a man and SUCK it instead of inflicting pain on YOUR WOMAN! (I'm off swearing like a sailor)

Either KH has diagnosable borderline personality disorder https://health.google.com/health/ref/Borderline+personality+disorder w/ a dash of bipolar, or writer has it.

o btw I am bipolar...I like the CU16 KH, he seems to have his EJ infested brain back.

I'm still shipping the OTP mad.. the hurt they r inflicting on each other can only stem fr unsurmountable love even if it's the toxic, sanity consuming variety, if either one of them is going to die, the other literally will stop breathing and call it a life... and I'm prepared for it, I've seen WHIB afterall. BUT my guess is we'll have a very happy ending. IT doesnt have to make sense in the writer's scheme of things as she's repeatedly shown us w/ her erraticness.


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happy friday everyone!

started watching Coffee House this week. kinda love. I read that the girl from T-ara (eun jung?) is the "main female lead" though. I know her character is 25, and I think she looks adorable but idk, I feel like she looks too young for KJH... maybe thats just me though.

did anyone else hear about the taiwanese Coffee Prince remake with Ariel Lin &Jerry Yan? I'm kind of excited for it. I love Ariel Lin, and I'm as big a fan of (some) Taiwanese dramas as I am Korean ones, and I liked the Taiwanese adaptaion of Full House well enough... hopefully it doesnt disappoint!

hehe also, did anyone see google today? you can play PACMAN! <3


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@76 - there was a TW Full House adaptation??? Which one was it? I can't recall.


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@ twin

ha! the last thing i'd wanna do is put any of my ICOMYM harem in my pocket.. no, you didn't send me the Red Roc MV, but it's all good. you're entitled to keep some secrets about YOUR tabi to yourself. you don't want me to get to the same level of lust regarding him. sharing becomes really REALLY difficult then.


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*back from scouring OT 134/135 RE: TnK*

Wow...that was....hm I sensed a lot of umm....so I guess no one will be watching this show then huh? :P

Well anyway, a lot must be said for having an understanding of the cultural setting/language of the drama. Or rather, I think a lot gets lost in translation. For example, the portrayal of Shanghai in ep 1 - well I didn't give any thought to how accurate or convincing it was - but to someone who may have understood how (in)accurate the portrayal was, I can imagine that was infuriating. I think the same holds for the quality of acting - for example LCH may very well be overacting, but because I dont get what she is saying verbatim (instead relying on subs) I miss the significance of her words in contrast to her actions. So overall she just comes off as a crier and fairly...despairing. As for Abe Tsuyoshi - OK my reaction went something like this

1) Pre-crossdressing: hey wait that guy looks familiar
2) A few minutes later: wait I think its the guy I saw in HYD *rewinds* yes it was
3) Cross-dressing: WTH? *rewinds* *pause*
4) Wait I'm so confused. *still paused*
5) Is he a crossdressing prostitute?How come she took that so calmly *rewinds*
6) That is terrible
7) LOL this is soooo terrible
8) Later at the catwalk show: How did he get in dressed like that? Wait what? Why is everyone so calm about this? I dont understand.

Anyway, I'll keep watching it because to be honest I'm just swooning over KimuTaku. I'd only seen him before in Pride (which I loved for the first 9 episodes or so, and then the ending left me cold cold cold) so I didn't really "get" the hype. But suddenly my eyes are opened and I'm just WOW. He is incredibly sexy. How did I miss this?


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@Extraya: You should definitely try PP. It is the best out of the three. And no MHR is not a damsel, not even close. She is VERY VERY VERY unique.


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@77 ohh the drama "Smiling Pasta" is considered a remake of full house but with the media playing a larger role, even though the story is quite different.


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o CU b8tches:

apparently there's a cyber 'war' of words going on w/ the CU PDs each posting statements on web. for some absurd reasons there's 1 PD responsible for the lovely eps 1-4 and that one was 'fired' due to differences w/ the production company and another one is handling 5 on (AHHH this is making sooo much sense!!!)

I'm not sure how truthful everything is, I'm just reading Chin trans of it.. VERY juicy to say the least. for some it maybe more entertaining than CU watching.


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@ 81
smiling pasta was the remake to Full House? now, mind you, i've never seen Full house.. but i did see smiling pasta.. and from premise alone, HOW???? isn't full house about a house that gets sold and the two leads have to share the house? but that's NOT what smiling pasta is about.. so i'm SO LOST. aren't remakes supposed to have a semblance of the original? just a TAD? heehee

@ 82 mookie

say WUT?? that would make SO MUCH SENSE!!! and if those postings are true.. WTFudge? i mean, the beauty that was eps 1-4.. and then.. the lesser beauty that is now. i still LOVE CS, don't get me wrong, i do.. but 1-4 were just SO.AWESOME. on all levels. craziness. total craziness.


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I have to leave but I noticed at


jdrama [Querbeet] Otomen ep12,11 ~ Aki Part 3,4 ~ Finale
You can download doroamas and subs both.

mookie sama, I have to wait to read your post untill after I come home from Santa Barbara. I was supposed to be there at 9am and now it's 1pm! What's wrong with me?

momosan & ockoala, I've also downloaded Tusinokoibito2 to watch, just haven't gotten around to it.


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Btw, is Kim Kyu-wan a MAN or a WOMAN (writer-sshi for Cinderella Unni)? I only ask bc Dahee once said "he" and then someone said KKW was a "she".

I really want to know, bc gender writings really do play a big part in structure and development of a drama.

And the writer for TnK should be strung up and flogged. @ Liv, OT can get pretty opinionated, but the best part is that we all have different perceptions and tastes, and you should totally keep watching TnK since you like it so far. Honestly, its nowhere near the worst drama I have ever seen. The virtriol is that is could be so much better, but for the inexplicable bad writing and the bad casting choice of LCH. KimuTaku also seems like he's half-assing it, which leads me to believe that even he know's this is not going to be......another Pride, shall we say? :-P

Poor Abe Tsuyoshi. It was definitely a giant WTF? moment, esp. since everyone is like "lalalala, cross-dressing tranny just walked in, no big deal, what were we talking about again?" And that is such an insult to Shanghai, trust us, which is not littered with so many cross-dressing trannies that folks can barely spare a glance with Abe shows up, whether on the street or at a fashion cat walk. Unbelievable, TnK writer-sama.


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o I dunno whether Kim Kyu-wan is a He or a She!!! Now I'm mighty curious!!! I must've picked up or assumed long ago writer Kim is a she?! haha I maybe a sexist. We'll have to ask Dahee for sure. (or anyone in OT who knows?!)

I'm assuming a SHE because I find 'her' fleshings of the female characters WAY stronger than the male counterparts... but I just dun care for many of her works. CU is already surprisingly better for my taste compared to writer Kim's other stuff...and just look at my slew of rants.. not pretty.

O I'm still watching TnK, when I see a bloody awful trainwreck, I cant look away! Now I have no expectation and I can just bring on the snark! :) and happily put writer in meat grinder once it's done. It's an hour a wk of entertainment that will guarantee make every other dramas I'm watching that much wittier and brighter. nth much to lose!


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Haha - yeah I don't mind the (seeming) collective panning of TnK - there are very few dramas that I get personally invested in enough to defend against criticism. Actually 1 drama to be exact, that being Coffee Prince.

But given your opinions thus far, I advise you to approach episode 2 with caution, for 1 scene in particular. That being the mawling of LCH's character by the American businessman. My feminist sensibilities were offended on behalf of LCH, my WTF radar was going crazy and as for the American character - he was just so eeevil and sleeaaazy - it was hysterical. But I'll stick it out, not least because Im waiting for Shinohara Ryoko's character to actually get involved. I just love her (Anego forever!).

Also, for those watching CU: so I held off on watching this, partly because I generally avoid "serious" dramas (strictly fluff for me please) and having read the intros to the recaps here, as well as a few of the comments I can't get a hold on whether the general reaction is "good but flawed" , "good for the first half, bad for the second", "good AND bad, alternating episodes" or "ugh ive already invested 10 hours so I'll stick it out".


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thanks so much for the replies...haha! how blind i am, that i didn't even check where to look...thanks everyone!

I love HAPPY OT!!!


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@Team SJ
Thank you, you were all so great. Sunbaenim will be proud, hahah!

Duuude, I so dropped it, but I'm still reading the recaps though, hah!
I see you're planning on watching Coffee House and Bad Guy next? Oh snap! Again!

Though I'm also watching Giant which I'm in complete el-oh-vee-ee with, and thus also marathoning F70s this weekend, which may be less of a beautifully made sweeping epic as Giant but it has a similar backdrop. I dropped it aaages ago and have picked it up again solely for this reason.

And yes, where is eiko?? She's been MIA for a while, hope her OT abstinence isn't health-related? :(

I did an eenie-meenie-miney thing and picked a random scene from TnK, to like, get a feel of it, and got one where there's some heavy breathing, a man and woman embracing in some junkyard-place and stood in a puddle and the man speaks: ''I want you'' (and then more heavy breathing). 0_o
And yet I continued to watch and suddenly there's some huge corporate gathering and a girl gets up on stage in black pvc and entertains the business men with some raunchy moves, then the same girl dresses in a gown and catwalk/parades around the hall and suddenly everyone has erupted into cheers for her like she's saved all of humanity and she tears up in jubilation that yes! Yes indeed, she has saved all of humanity. And then, that's it -- the end. 0_o

And those have to be counterfeit Kimura and Shota, it can't REALLY be them, surely?

Man, seriously, I never saw that. MY Shun is Agent So, not 'that'! Hahah!
And the 'wack' credit goes to momosan.


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@ celestialorigin

THAAAANKS!!!! :) :) :) too bad i can't dl until sunday night when i return from temecula because my mac isn't set up for torrents yet. but yay!! i'm excited hehe.

@ twin

darnit you found me out haha. Yes, total agree about all my ICOMYM manrem. My pocket is NOT where I want to put them *wink wink* lols.

Now please excuse me as I go stare at more shirtless pics of junK and Channie along with the come hither photoshoots of my Tabi...


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thnx for the Coffee Prince warning... i will shut my mouth then.. i had quite my shared of drama defending the last few OTs... dont get me wrong, i loved it but i do have criticism for it too.
as for ANEGO!!! dang do i love that drama... Jin was hot and that drama was the reason i loved shinohara ryoko... and the ending of the SP is still driving me nuts.. i still want another SP XD
for CS, i would go with AMAZING brilliant acting, good cinematography and characters development/interactions and overkill everything else.
lol... about F70s, i couldnt even bring myself to finish it despite liking all the actors. i did watch the last ep tho... tell me if i should give it a chance when ur finished


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not only have the recents dramas been good, but i also liked the ost to all the recent series. PP has the most songs that i liked, and even the recent Coffee House ost by jo sung mo is good.


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@81 - oh I see. Thanks. I didn't know that they labeled SP as the tw version of FH. I saw SP as it was airing and liked it a lot but it really isn't very much like FH at all. But I can see that it both involves the media and their stories.


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@v Yeah I'm still waiting for a "sorry we didn't mean the first one" SP for Anego :)

Although SP are difficult - I think I'm yet to watch one that pleases me/nicely closes out the story. Sequels too - which is why i have very mixed feelings about the now-confirmed Hotaru no Hikari sequel...


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um... ur right... SP are hard to do... but on top of my head, i liked Prodai SP (altho it was so cheezy and fan indulging), Nodame Cantabile, Hero SP and HanakimiSP (kind of. but that drama was totally wacky), densha otoko, galileo, tiger and dragons, zettai kareshi and out of ideas. lol... and even if Anego SP made me want to slap my computer, it gave me a few extra couple moments (and a KISS) amidst the gazillions of backflashes... attention please SPs was also hella frustrating.. I was like get together already!! but no.. all they did was HINT that he might confess. gosh.
for sequels, i liked Trick, Heaven's Coin, HanaYoriDango, Gokusen (but not more than the first, and at G3, i bailed.. lol), Liar game....
i'm still excited about HnH sequel but i really hope it wont fail my expectations...


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sorry, i meant flashbacks in my previous comment, not backflashes -_-"
i was too busy being frustrated to properly polish my english.. lol. it's funny how a lot of J- SP's are full of flashbacks (coughCode Blue, SP SP, 1LoTCOUGH)... at the end of them, ur like.... what was the point?

and this is not good... we said last OT that we would talk more about K-related stuff and all that comes up in our conversations are tw and j dramas.. XD


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Wouldn't it be great if all the Wednesday drama characters could do guest appearances on the other dramas like they'd do on the TGIF block of ABC (Am I showing my age?) I just want an In-Woo spin off. Please In-woo, grace me with your crazy somewhere one more time.

I am eating ddukbokkie right now probably because of watching too much Windy Day this week (I went back and watched it from the begining for parts I missed). Dae-han is still awesome because you can tell he is SUPER EXCITED to get married. Of course I'm sure a certain someone is gonna raise hell, but for now everythings going pretty well..... and the kid who plays his son got to touch Kim So Euns boobs, so score one for that budding pervert. Ha, ha, ha.


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I just finished ep 2 of Coffee House and I was laughing so hard that I cried! I love this show already. I am a huge Kang Ji Hwan fan! So to see him in something that is so witty and seems to be written well is quite exciting! This is the best news sense CN Blue's mini album has dropped. I know that is random to try and compare but I really love those kids and their sound! I cannot wait for next week eps of Coffee House!


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Hello Newbie on OT :)

Soo I thought I wasn´t going to watch any more monday/Tuesday dramas for a while... I swore that I would back off... and then yesterday I peeked in on DBs and saw the recap for Coffee House and I couldn´t help it, I HAD TO WATCH IT PRONTO! and I did, and now I´m in love again... why am I so fickle?? and why do I choose to watch them during a time when I´m sooo busy with medschool stuff?? I don´t know why but it almost seems like dramas have this magnetic pull that my subconscious can´t resist, not even for a whole day.....why?!?!?!

@ v
I watched MUBANK tooo!!! though that means I ended up going to sleep at 4am in the morning and then head off to early morning class at 7:30am >_<
.... ah leader teukie made me want to hug him for mentioning HK, KI and KB... I´m still upset that they aren´t in the album as they happen to be three of my top five favourites....


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LOL... u really seem to enjoy making fun of seobyun.
as for windy days, i'm also following it!! yep the guy seems excited to be married all right but i can bet anything smth is going to happen, especially the way they are playing on his excitement... *sigh* dramas. lol at the the KSE's chest-touching reference... that scene made me laugh.. i'm so glad KSE is in a project that i actually like (altho i do FF liberally.. haha)...and being paired with hottie Jin Yi Han makes it all the more better

woohoo! welcome to the CH ship! it's my life savior from PP withdrawal syndrome. haha.

wow... med school + dramas = impressive and ur going to be hella busy! be careful to remember that school >>> dramas... i forget that ALL the time.. and then get into big time trouble.
wow... ur quite dedicated to watch MuBank huh? i applaud u for it! ^^ hey MuBank buddy! i love it when teukie mentions the other members, like last yr, he also mentioned kibum.. and yeah, i'm upset they are not present AT ALL in the album. at least, last yr, kibum appeared in the MV and recording, albeit for just a few seconds and kangin got to ghost appear in sorry sorry answer MV.... this business is so SAD.. and on top of that DBSK is totally splitting up. at least, teukie mentioned their names so im hopeful to see them back together again. and hankyul is going to release a solo! btw, who are ur other 2 fav members, just to know..


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