Open Thread #135



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I usually don't chime in on these claims, but I just got off of a Buzzer Beat high...

Can I please claim Yamashita? I need me a Naoki to make me omelets in the morning.... ^^

Btw....I just finished Buzzer Beat/Perfect Girl Evolution/Absolute Boyfriend and I *loved* them all. Does anyone recommendations for jdramas with a similar style? I've seen most of the common ones (nodame contable, pride, hana kimi, hana yori dango, orange days *love*)...


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@ yenchan

LOL... i believe @ockoala has already claimed her Pi... refer to comment #53 and #93 on the previous page :) She has kindly broken it down for all of us lol. OT Japanese-branch of ICOMYM indeedy!!

btw, thanks mucho for the KMF pics! my twin shared them with me. EEP!! my channie is such a hottie.

@ ockoala

HA! thanks for the breakdown. I would like Shun and Hiro as well, but it looks like @supah beat me to it and i don't want to get too greedy here teehee. Maybe we can share Hiro?? :)


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@ockoala sama

My goodness!!!! I got home just in time? or have I missed my chance? May I claim 岡田将生君 Okada masaki kun(I know I know he's a mascot, but.... He can have one obasan claiming him, right?)please?


Well, I was just lucky I happened, no! I take that back, I was destined to be in Tokyo, Japan while they were having concert tour! On top of that, the show was precisely on my 1 day off during my busy busy schedule. Hahaha. Destiny!

Anyhow, I think you might have asked me if I had any pictures of cutie pie... now I have Daesung's pic. posted here. there my name is different with complications, it's still me.


He really was literally arm's length from me! iphone doesn't give me a choice to take a close up picture, so, this is the only decent one, not that great

Also a picture of Yamanote line trains(entire cars: 10-20 cars, all of them) shrouded by Yamapi's saintly face.


I haven't even read the most of the post on J dramas. For the cuteness, Otomen is my #1 choice. The rest, I'm sure I can come up with something. But now, I'd better start momosan様's downloads!


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@ yenchan,
but are Buzzer Beat/Perfect Girl Evolution/Absolute Boyfriend same style?! I'm randomly guessing u like romcom?!

I dont go to dorama for romance actually in recent years, but everything else there's sth for your fancy. How about Hotaru? I actually find Kekkon Dekinai Otoko quite romantic in an understated, adult way (not to mention it's still rank super high in my fav dorama of all time)

for CU15 I'll keep my rant mookie-short:

WRITER, BURN IN HOT FIRE! I know I/we ask for more smiling PIE, better yet laughing PIE, but do u think u r funny?! at least funny in toying us?! WHAT IS WRONG W/ U WOMAN!!! Y on EARTH would a woman HATE PIE and thus write a LEADING role for him THIS frustrating to WATCH?! Is KH a roboto now but w/ a very fried up semi functional program?! y is he so on and off in making sense?!

I Swear this is last drama I'll ever watch of writer shii. She lifts me soo very high in drama happiness yet drop me to utter frustration just as fast and swift.

I do like a scene or 2 as w/ any eps of CU of late, but a min or so of good writing amidst a pool of frustrating bewildering filler does not an EP make.


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Awww mookie sama. That makes me hesitate to watch CU15 now... on top of all PT9 till now and PP everything.... I'm in no mood for suffering, heartaches and deceptions. But I'm an addict! What to do now?


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* SIGH * CU is heroin

Good that we still have Yankee Kun to bring us to happy places right?

I'm very scared of Sunao as well... I think that show + CU + another TW weepy I'm piling on my drama plate will break me. I have to wait and marathon it later (I think I need to know Haru and EVERYONE ELSE will be OKAY at the end before treading further)


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@ ockoala

wait! since you're keeping track, let's add mukai osamu to my MINE list. yes, i am that greedy. gimme. :P

@ mookie

CU15 was THAT frustrating, eh? I am hesitant. 6 eps left and we are nowhere near how i need this one to end. And yet, I cannot break up with Show. I feel like I have battered wife syndrome with Show. It keeps hurting me and I keep forgiving it and coming back for more because I keep thinking Show will make it up to me the next time... and we all know how that turns out :(

@ celestialorigin

so lucky. i don't even have words for you. but where's my pic of TOP?? hehe :) Dae is adorable here though!!


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@lovenyc52 - is that who Pi is? Nar...that's what I get for not keeping up with my OT terminology....but......but......@ockoala can we purdy please share him?....*crazy puppy eyes like that kitty from Shrek*......or can I at least borrow him for a little bruhaha on weekends. he's the only loverboy that I request...

Btw....lovenyc52 - have you seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZxSs0s9cBo I totally thought of you when I saw it -lol- Though I'm confused...apparently it's for a water themepark 0_o....man...those places must've changed a lot since I was a little kid if this is the kind of advertisement for it...


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@80 lovenyc52

Turns out that Otomen eps 11 is available streaming, but not otherwise easily had.....I can do a little magic to make 11 show up as an ok - but not really good - file with ok - but not great subs, but 12, I can only get without english subs at the moment. I do have to say that those are the least satisfying eps, but being a complete-ist, I'll try to scare up what I can. I'll see what I can find....looking around shiftily....


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Alrighty, some switch arounds:

Masaki = celestialorigin's (ownership trumps mascotship).

Shun = supah's

Hiro (we're talking Mr. Soshi, right?) = shared by lovenyc52 and supah

We need a new mascot, folks. I would suggest MatsuJun since he resembles what a mascot ought to look like (weird puppy, anyone?).

@ yenchan

Okay, new to Pi love? I am, too! :-) First off, Pi didn't originate from OT (I wish), it's his nickname already. Yamashita Tomohisa =- YamaPi = Pi. The Pi stands for Pink, cuz apparently he wore lots of pink when he first arrived on this planet.

As for sharing, heh, he's already being shared. I was being sneaky, @ serendipity is a follow Pi aficionado and we shares him already. (btw, @ celestialorigin, what a god-awful advertisement from Pi, he looks like a O-ji-san!, you should check out the smoking hot ad @ serendipity snapped a pic of in a Tokyo subway stop with Pi hawking a notebook computer, rawr....).

Anyways, I claim Pi storage rights and he will be shared in a rotating basis (please make sure to sign him out and return him for bedtime). Though, @ yenchan, to earn Pi rights, you must first watch Nobuta, Kurosagi (pppffjjfskfs hahahahaha), and for good measure, ProDai, and Code Blue 1/2. Then let's talk. :-P

@ twin

Come down from the ledge, baby, don't shoot writer-sshi (yet). She may have it in for PIE but he's doing just fine, no? Look, SJS emerged from MS only to do the risible and ARGHHHH Cain and Abel. And SSH got saddled with EoE. CU is much much better. But Jang Hyuk got Thank You, so sometimes the good does hit. Yo, Gong Yoo, we're still waiting, dude......


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@ yenchan

haha yes Pi = Yamapi...unless I have it wrong?!? ockoala, do i have it wrong?!?! lols.

yap, i saw the Caribbean Bay MV teaser (first just the boys part and then the one u just linked)... sigh. my baby is such a hottie with his choco-abs. and yes, MY water theme parks never had ads like that nor people like that THERE. sadness.


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Is it too late for me to claim Abe Hiroshi with Yutaka Takenouchi on the side? But afraid I can't share Hiroshi (except for a few minutes a week) since he's already shared between Dahee Fanel and myself. Takenouchi I'll gladly share, because the guy's too hot to handle alone.


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Thundie, I don't want to get involved, but I think I forgot to assign Abe to momosan earlier, since she has professed her love for him. Hence, I'll leave up to you, Dahee and momosan to work out an arrangement (like my Pi rotation detail).

As for Takenouchi Yutaka, I claimed him for mookie and I, but what did I say to you before? Ah yes, he's so hot he melts my eyeballs, so, I hereby decree he is the Godfather of ICOMYM. Or we can just all drool incoherently around him. Yeah, that works, too. He's officially on timeshare!


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O we'll happily time share Yutaka, twin and Thundie :). Even a follicle of his is too hot to handle... what can I say?!

Just suggesting...can we have YankeeKun as mascot? Just YankeeKun though, I've seen Hiroki's butt crack and cheeks (very fine) but ehem, not safe for mascot. MatsuJun is good fit, he does rock that poodle do for ages, but he also will venture into naked softporn JE territory.

(Can I also have a slice of Abe?! .... he's the madly hot and hilarious professor-ish crush of mine...and if I can have a bite I promise I'll be good girl, less bipolar scary, read more literature, nom less pie, ween rant in OT)

No , twin, I will stay on my crazy ledge the humpty dumpty way till the world is right and universally PIE loving again. @lovenyc52, thanks for diagnosing me, battered wife syndrome it is...ah this provoked sth happy again... batter, I think of PIE and w/ 'wife' and I'll bring me in the mix... :)
happy silly PIE bts gif time!

See even when all else fails in CUharem, we HAVE hawt Model PIE rocking tasteful fashionable numbers to distract me.
come CU 15, we have THIS: *maybe spoiler*
I'm just talking about that butt area of those pants.. not the other infuriating stuff going on.


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@ mookie

um, are... are PIE's cheeks.. i mean... are.. ARE THOSE SILVER BRACKETS CUPPING HIS BUTT!?

I just have to make sure my eyes aren't seeing crazy.

@ momosan

i would like to report a successful DL of otomen1-10. thank you! THANKS again!!! i'm crossing my fingers for your magic to work hehe.


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@ockoala Yeah, but it's really stunning to see the entire train cars(?)covered by his faces and Yamanote line circles around metropolitan Tokyo area in 2 directions all day long). It's really like a Wow! moment.

@momosan. Just finished Shinzanmono5. Ah, I'm getting it now. it's Good.


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Oh, yes! Me, too. I have completed my mission DLYB. Thank you!!!


You are absolutely right. Hiroki is so totally more of softporn JE type, not a cutie pie mascot...


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Yay!! Shun! Minen!
(‘YAY!’ as in 'YES', not the Japanese ‘NO!’ As I’m oh so most definitely a ‘YES!’ And not making any sense.).

Here's one vote for Matsu J in all his permed hair glory -- as mascot.

Haha! Ofc we can share Hiro… only I’m having a bit of a dilemma, I would love to brush his hair and make him look all civilised, however there’s the risk that all his personality is in that trademark hair of his. What would our fiery hot-blooded Hiro be without his trademark hair?
Though I do like his hair here, what say you? http://img206.imageshack.us/i/100scenezd5.jpg/

Hey, was just reading through the comments… I never, ne-v-e-rr, said YooGun is my bf, only one PP character was and that was SJ. Yoo Gun, as the office bitch Min Suk really needed his head flushing down the toilet. Once for spamming everyone’s inboxes with that picture of obese HR. Second: urgh! The fat jokes, on her first ever proper lunch with her sunbaes. Just die, Min Suk!
OKOK… No more PP talk.


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I knooow… everytime I see KSH now I’ll be like:
(arms outstretched ahead, pain and yearning etched across my face)


Aw, I love the relationship between the two Lee brothers.

Someone should gif that scene where SM collapses from fear after the confrontation with the Major. It was so awesome, almost like a breakdance move. And I mean that in a good way, not in a comical way. (Ha ha!)
Honestly, Giant makes QSD seem like a cheap school pantomime in comparison. It’s all so flawless (and fingers crossed it stays that way).


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@14 ockoala

Thundie, dahee and I will have to set up a team or sharing arrangement for Abe Hiroshi. I wanted to say there was plenty of Abe to go around, but that just sounded wrong somehow. 8-)

I figure I'm just watching Kimutaku until EG comes over to take control of him. Her Kimutaku love clearly outclasses us all.


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* Prosecutor Princess*
I just finish watching the Finale, and I must said this; "What a waste of 2 perfectly GOOD EPISODES".
Yes Lady's they give you ROMANCE but at what cost? BUT FROM EPISODE 13 ALL WENT DOWN HILL, what a waste of Kim So-yeon Talents!!!!!
Stupid WRITERS they should suffer a very slow and painful demise!!!!!!


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i can't believe i don't know any of these Jguys you all are *MINE*ing!!

umm.. since Madame President has relinquished her rights to TK, can i claim him? she divorced him first, so i can, right? *mine!* (rollseyes at self for being so slow on the JICOMYM harem)

@ celestialorigins

you got a pic of DAE??? and you shared w/ me.. so i'll share him w/ you too. we can have rotation time just like the JICOMYM harem. thanks!!!

@ mookie

PIE's cheeks are cute. i like that they emphasized 'em for us. :)

@ supah

nope, not just you. it was totally eerie and totally cute! how much Minho and YG looked alike.


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i just wanna take a moment for those in Thailand and those who may be or have family affected by the turmoil in Thailand. please be safe, stay safe, and remain safe.

i'm still in shock over all that has happened in the last 24-48 hrs (and since this began). i hope everyone involved is able to survive and move passed this..


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@ Misa Update

Up to ep 3. Hmm. So far, have to say, not really bowled over. Nothing particularly subtle or fresh (doesn't help that it's dated, oo look at all those clunky cell phones!). Still... tight directing, compelling acting, effective winding up of tension, I'm guessing it's going to get better...


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Seo in kook got Mnet #1!! yoohooo. i was so afraid he might go underrated but he's getting recognized!
2 different tears... so i hate u, so i love u... WG is back! and so is MBLAQ and 4minute...
and poor siwonnie is having surgery and missing perf.. TT. Suju fighting!!
has anyone seen the SNSD 2PM mv... oh my... they took quite a step.

haha. so u like Hiro? for me it's too hard to choose... XD

my bad... i have this vague memory of u and yoo gun but it was probably someone else saying that.. as u know, i dont have a great memory and that discussion was from several OT's ago... can't believe PP is ending already. apologies. but ur right... no more pp talk.. can u believe i still havent watched the last 2 ep.. haha..
but im using CS and PT and CH as a filler and i think that after rewatching CH for the second time, i am now officially in the boat... still dont know what female lead to root for tho. -_-"

lol... i would love a gif like that. as for "Honestly, Giant makes QSD seem like a cheap school pantomime in comparison. It’s all so flawless (and fingers crossed it stays that way).">>>>> 100% agrees
but speaking of QSD, kim nam gil is going to be back soon!


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analogy time:
Johnny Depp is to Tim Burton as Tomoya Nagase is to?.... That's right, Kankuro Kudo. They seem to be working together again. But the show sounds like it might suck. Also Ikuta Toma is playing whatever over the top character that was probably written for Okada Junichi.

I saw TnK episode 2. Just a worst as the first. Shota constantly looks like a hitman. Dude....you work for a furniture company. Also, Regolith is a real word that relates to moon stuff. The more you know! (or the more I wiki...) Now that I've sat through all of all of episode 2 Chi Lings voice really sounds like some sort of Japanese Yoda weirdness. Are they telling her to speak slowly and weirdly or what.

I watched episode 1 of Coffee House. Good: Not a bunch of screaming from male lead. Bad: Music sounds like it was ripped from a bunch of other romantic comedies. Blah. Overall: Good times. Will watch with caution.

I'm putting two hours away tonight to watch this weeks episodes of Giant (woo) and then maybe 15 minutes to find out what happened in PP. (boo)


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forgot to mention CN Blue comeback!! what a great song... Love Love Love, everybody Clap Clap Clap!! :)

LOL... wow... it sure sounds bad from ur perspective... i still have watched PP15 yet..
but i'm kinda confused... what do u mean by a waste of 2 perfectly good ep?? which ones? i understand them to be 15 and 16 but then u said that it went downhill from ep 13 so do u mean 2 episodes before 13?
haha.. call me stupid.

yay for watching Giant!!!
about CH, have u tried ep 2 yet? it made me laugh so hard.. maybe it'll do the trick for u but then we might not have the same taste since we agreed to disagree on PP...XD
glad ur internet looks like it improved. :)


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@ supah

haha! thanks for sharing Hiro!! I'm not so much into his hair when it's long enough to be tied back, but i do like it here:


a la meichan :) it's kind of unruly, but at the same time still styled. yum.

question for you: how do you like shun's hair best? orange? black? long? short? wavy? straight? he's had 'em all!!


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my radar turned on whenever someone mentioned Yutaka on OT.
the one and only love in dorama world! :D

I don't like watching old dramas - strange habit - but I watched Heaven's Coins / Die Sterntaler ( http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Hoshi_no_Kinka ) on 2008.

I'm still tracking his old dramas.

btw @ockoala, have you read about this : http://sapphirepearls.com/2010/05/20/200510-ariel-lin-with-donghae-siwon-news-x2/
Ariel, with Siwon? Even though I do adore both of them, but i feel a little iffy about this. But, at least no Ariel + Jerry ( don't like him..at all ), or Ariel + Wu Zun ( Zun is cute, but he can't act. What you said....TW vers of SSH? :P )

And WTH with TW vers of Coffee Prince?!!!!!
Don't like the idea...but it's Ariel!!!! What's your opinion?


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@ twin

TnK - see, didn't I say that Keiko was the best thing in ep.1, I'm glad you like her as well (a bit more) in ep.2. She may not be a masterclass actress, but she's earthy and engaging as an actress, and that goes a looooong way with me when 90% of her j-actress colleagues are just god-awful. If you ask me who I like the most amongst the younger crowd, I would have to say the safe pick, Horitaka Maki, but really its Ayase that sells me each and everytime. Keiko is already on my happy list because she doesn't suck and doesn't annoy me.....

which leads to of course, LCH, who does both. I just had to vent after reading another grody article about her "acting" in TnK in the Chinese newspaper, about how netizens are impressed with how good her looks and acting match up. At this point, I know the newspaper was written by someone with there nose so far up her agency's butt they can't even see daylight. The ratings for ep. 2 dropped below 20%, and the article says it was bc of the bad writing (well, yes, true) but not bc of LCH (um, NONONO, false).

Anyways, I'm enjoying the TnK rants from everyone tremendously, beats having to watch it.

And btw, re-watched a few eps of Imoto yo aka Tokyo Cinderella Story, and my memory is not wrong in the least, Toshiaki Karasawa is so handsome and perfect in this drama it puts all the other Princes to come to shame (I'm speaking of even Lee Byung-hun in Beautiful Days, Park Shin-young in Lovers in Paris, Kwon Sang-woo in Stairway to Heaven, etc.). And I just made the connection - Beautiful Days is a remake of Tokyo Cinderella Story (but with cancer, birth secrets and a LOT of tears). :-P


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@lb_tmi, lovenyc52 and other CU battered wives,

CU rant:

I dont mind them emphasizing PIE's butt cheeks, face cheeks...but w/ duct tape?!

I really hate what writer did to KH in 15 (not like I shouldnt bite her head off for what she's been doing (or not doing much) w/ him since ep FIVE!). If we look closely KH was NEVER allowed much VO so we can dealt into his psyche, he just walks in and out of scene, say a few words, brood a bit, end scene, and we move on as if his scene was transitional. We left off 14 w/ so many tangents to develop yet she decided to allocate good chunk to an unnec long roll in dirt. Did KH have another lobotomy?! So 14 he's all he cant live w/o EJ and 15 he's laughing and cozy w/ a sunbae since it's work related?! Writer is mental. It's futile making sense of her, she sets out a meaty scene or 2 then haphazardly writes pseudo impt fillers around it and call it a day.

CU is exactly y I'm hands and feet in support for pre-production. ep 1-4 and the rest r the most drastically diff in quality of writing I've ever seen, it's clear they did 1-4 before airing, 5 on r done real time fr the flowing hair MGY was still wearing in Happy Together. We know PIE didnt get script of 15 till 4 days b4 the ep was aired yesterday. I dont want to think when he gets 16..and with even less time for the crew to churn out an hour of drama. It's SUCH a shame when even in this insane schedule, the actors r still doing a more than terrific job, w/ 2 hrs sleep or less they r still chirpy and delightful in bts...I see improvement in the already cute and newbie Taec.

We just need to shoot the writer, any one of us can do a more respectable job w/ CU.


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@ djes

My fave old Yutaka drama is With Love. :-)

Thanks for the story about Ariel, I've just read the original article:


So, after a 2 year hiatus from dramas, Ariel's coming back with not just 1, but 2 projects.

The first one is the TW adaptation of the popular Japanese manga Skip Beat (I mentioned this like months ago in OT, how it was stalled back then but they wanted Ariel + Jerry + Joe in it, both for whatever reason it stalled so Jerry bailed to do Down with Love and Joe bailed bc his role is technically less screen time). And my sister totally made me read the manga, which is still ongoing, and I can't say I have a strong feeling which guy she's going to end up with. There is mad chemistry with both guys in the manga.

So, Siwon and Donghae now? I'm cool with that. Who is playing which guy? Jerry was supposed to play Ren, and Joe was supposed to play Sho. Ariel is Kyoko still, of course. The drama's title is to be called Extravagent Challenge.

The story itself is pretty awesome (though I don't like how draggy the manga is or the writer's style, all of which can be rectified in a live-action adaptation). So Ariel is this mousy girl who grew up with Sho (formerly Joe Chen's character), adores and takes care of him, and even moves to Tokyo for him to be a virtual slave for his every need, while Sho becomes a J-pop star. One day, she overhears Sho saying that he's just using her, and she's nothing to him, and she'll amount to nothing.

She has an epiphany and vows revenge on Sho, by destroying his career by becoming a bigger star than him!! And she sets off on her revenge path, and joins the same agency as Ren, THE top star in Japan. Ren is intrigued by this vengeful girl, and Sho has set his sights on Ren as his nemesis to dethrone from the J-pop world. So its part Kyoko's growth as this beautiful confident girl (who can turn into a vengeful at the sight of Sho, who you can tell she only hates this much bc she loves him), and her relationship with both Ren and Sho.

Convention tells us she'll end up with Ren, but gosh darn it her chemistry with Sho is off the charts. Ren is drawn as the more handsome of the two, but Sho has more personality. If Joe had played Sho, I would have shipped that couple no matter what.

Project #2 for Ariel is in fact a TW remake of Coffee Prince, to be titled Coffee Prince Taipei Store. And they are trying to land Jerry Yan for the male lead. I'm curious about this project, no strong feels yay or nay either way. Ariel can do the role with her eyes closed, I'm just wondering whether there is a need when the original CP was pretty darn great (not my fave, but a wonderful drama overall).

So, Ariel will be filming Extravagent Challenge now, and next up is CP remake.


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@ v

I just read your May 18 @11post

I ordered Su Ju's Bonamana version A through yesasia. Version A is counted for some chart. I also bought SHINee's and 2 AM's repackaged albums.

Next on my list is the new CNBlue mini album. When I first saw them perform, it reminded me a bit of the Beatles when they first came to the States. (I'm also watching YongHwa on WGM. I love the Sweet Potato Couple. They remind me of when I was their age and I was dating.)

When I first ordered Su Ju's Super Show (I) I wasn't a fan yet and went for the CDs only vs CDs + DVD of the concert. I keep hitting my head on the wall for not having purchased the one with the DVD when it was still available. Super Show II doesn't come with a DVD.

U is my first Su Ju MV love (still one of my favorites). All the guys look so handsome on their comeback. I loved when Wookie combed his hair with his hand on Inkigayo and his sexy strout to the front. On the interview portion, I couldn't take my eyes off Heechul. I was happy that his hair didn't cover his face. I hope that his ahjumma/hobbo look will never come back.

I was amused by how Heechul's commments were the ones making headlines and, somehow, overshadowing Rain (I love Rain, too) I can't wait to see the whole show subbed. Rain was a guest at Hee's radio show last week. (Does anyone know where I can watch the BORA of this transmition?)

I love Onew's slightly nasal singing voice (He's my favorite). Minho is the appa and Key the oma (he, he). I have yet to watch the last episode of Baby. All the boys are too cute, even Diva.

Big Bang is an incredibly talented group.Tell Me Goodbye is an amazing song. I can't get enough of Daesung's voice. G-dragon mentioned earlier this year that Daesung would have a solo album this year. Yipeeh!

As per k-dramas. I took a six-month break from drama watching. I just finished OBGYN (I liked it a lot.) and started My Sweet Seoul. So far, I've liked the three first episodes. I hope it will keep me interested.


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O I'm eating my own foot w/ Keiko. I've to admit I've only seen her in BB, Mop Girl, and ....Sailor Moon (she's sailor Mars), again as you said, it's a godsend for any J 20sth actress to not to bug and annoy me! (but I have to say she did annoy me a bit in her previous stuff) but I dont find her uber pretty/attractive which is her claim in the industry.

Maki is not on my good list, I find her too unnec rueful. but I did like her in Nobuta, even Toda is very natural in it (but subsequently tried way too OTT hard) IT does not help that I find HanaKimi excruciating to watch.

Ayase is easily my fav, but again it's not acting ability, it's just I find her so pleasant and easy on the eyes, there's a sweetness to her and I cant look away even as a girl.

I'm really drawing blanks as to whether there's a J 20sth actress that doesnt bug me on screen and have serious acting chops.. haha I'll have to go to the b8tch of the b8tches and say Erika. I really miss her on screen. She reminds me of a crazier Cecilia Cheung.

Am I allowed another TnK rant? lolz this 1 is on KimuTaku...
I felt he's being too safe and too his usual 'What will KimuTaku do cosplaying as ________?' and this time is Rensuke who should be 1 devilish egomaniac/ ahole. BUT KimuTaku is playing him w/ too much charm and too WARM, it's like he's scared to offend. IF he's going the pimping route, IF he's supposed to be slick and cold, his walls r too easy to crumble.


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thanks for the news! i really miss Ariel on screen.. and well, 2 Suju eyecandies are bonuses^^ but i remember that their chinese were good but not perfect so dunno.
and yay! heaven's coins is an awesome drama and so is its sequel.

lol... can't believe u backed up that far to read...

oh, is version A really counted for some charts on yesasia? i'll look into that. u know, if i spend my money, might as well be able to help our boys. btw, speaking of Bonamana, have u seen their new perf in KBS 3d concert... siwonnie was not there due to his surgery TT... he might not even be there for MuBank.

I know right... CNBlue sounds, and tone of voice did remind me of the Beatles. and yep... i'm folllowing the SweetPotato Couple diligently too! they are so cute! but i think SeoHyun's character is the source of it... but yeah, LOVE that couple. i think they will show a new ep of them next week cuz this week, it's Jokwon and GaIn exclusive week. and seohyun reminds me of myself since ive never dated either.. lol. and i really like CnBlue new song!

Omo... the DVD of the concert of SuJu super show was really good! they kinda owned it... granted, the vocals were not always perfect but still impressive nevertheless. but looking back, it's amazing how much they have improved... i have followed them from their debut days altho i wasnt an ardent fan back then.

talking about SuJu MV, i think my fav are U, Wonder boys, show me ur love, happiness (i know, im a total sucker for cute MVs), sorry sorry and bonamana.
i watched the interview several times actually and i was so glad heenim was 1.not covered from head to toe, and 2. without his sunglasses+bangs to hide his pretty face. really, that guy is a classic act among idols so it's no surprise he overshadowed rain a bit... altho i really love rain too. everytime Rain is on a show, he is really adorable yet manly at the same time.

i really can't choose a fav among SHINee... they all have their distinct good qualities... and of course Key is the oma... it fits him really well. and when u watch the last ep of Hello Baby, prepare urself for some cute and emotional moments from our boys.

I'm not truly into hip hop and yet im really into BB, which really shows how amazing and charming this group is. i thought Daesung already released his single cotton candy? like earlier this year if i remember correctly... is the album u referred to that or it's like a TRUE album like GD's Heartbreaker?

OBGYN is a really good drama which i enjoyed... as for My Sweet Seoul, i dont want to influence u in ur opinion but let's just say that it could have been better. looks like u tend to watch already aired dramas right?


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Btw, I didn't watch OML, but if the Cabana Boy lovers are dying for him to take his acting to a new level, then you should all be estatic about his being cast in the adaptation of Skip Beat.

Now, I don't know who Donghae is (sorry, don't follow k-pop), but I goggled and and his totally cute without being too pretty boy. He gives off a more mature and grounded vibe than Siwon.

If that is the case, the my gut tells me Donghae will be playing Ren and Siwon will be playing Sho. If that happens, then Cabana Boy lovers rejoice! Because Sho is definitely the meatier and harder to play character. Ren kinda broods internally A LOT, Sho is fanfreaking insanely and hilariously both a total idiot with his emotionally stunted growth yet later really starts to understand who Kyoko is and what their relationship means (and will mean).

Sorry if I sound like I ship Kyoko/Sho, I don't, at least not yet. It's just that Ren is too perfect that as much as he has this slow burn with Kyoko, I'm digging Sho's emotional journey a bit more. But the Ren backstory is equally as meaty, except he doesn't act out as much as Sho.

If Siwon plays Sho, OMG, get ready for fireworks to fly with Ariel. :-D I'm psyching myself up, but Skip Beat as a story has the potential to be epic (but is hampered by the manga writer's inability to elevate her story better). It was made for a live-action adaptation. I'm surprised j-doramas haven't pounced on it yet.


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Did somebody mention OBGYN?
Funnily enough I was thinking about that drama today and how much I miss it. Haha!

I never got around to finishing off HB, I just found the concept of it too cruel to YG, who'd gotten so attached to all of them. I'm not too fond of goodbyes anyway -- I knowiknow, I'm such a wuss.

Oooh... I agree, Hiro looks great with that hair... *dribble*
OK, Shun? I don't mind any hair style on him but my tolerance comes to a halt at the Orange Rui hair -- nuh-uh! I can not have a boyfriend with flimmin' ORANGE hair! Or the bleached blonde street/punk styles he rocked early on in his career.
My ideal hair on him is a cross between Agent So (Tokyo Dogs) and Sano (Hana Kimi) aka. his natural, jet black tresses.
And you?

@janna & Amg1 (Team SJ)
OK, let me guess ('cos I totally refuse to watch it!) -- it ended with the airport scene, right?
As in the 'Airport Scene'?? The one that some crazed In-woo fanatic posted around the net and spawned a whole guess-the-ending theories-a-thon? The one that we found excruciatingly hilarious because sillies, of course she was going to end up with Se-joon! Duh!..??? That one?


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about all this sho and ren talk... to tell u the truth, at first when i read the manga, i totally thought kyoko would end up with ren but then, it becomes so unclear and i'm not even sure who i should root for... lol. but i agree, kyoko's chemistry with sho is what makes this so confusing... but looks like tw version will make things clearer as to whom is the male lead. since joe had the smaller role as sho, is ryoko going to end up with ren???
as for who should be who... it' really hard to say because both donghae and siwon can pull off the princely vibe and become Rain but both can do the sho role well too.. altho i think siwon is the better actor, donghae should not have to try to hard in order to portray sho. but if i go for image and all, i would cast ren as siwon and sho as donghae... as for chemistry, i do believe donghae will have better chemistry with ariel among the two...
i really hope this live version will reach expectations.. who knows, it might even exceed it the manga and anime which failed to maximize all the potential of the story.


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sorry to butt into SJ team business.
ive read spoilers and no, it does not end with the airport scene.. it did have 2 airport scenes but not the ones we're thinking of... lol. if u must know, it ended at the lake, shining inheritance v.2


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@ v

Glad I'm not the only one (1) thinks the Skip Beat story is awesome but the manga was pretty meh, I lay blame on writer-sama, and (2) who the OTP is - it went from 100% sure its Ren to books 15 onward throwing a giant wrench in my head and I went from Ren to OMG Sho has to have a change to win back Kyoko. That was probably the writer's one crowning moment, creating a viable triangle, which was always meant to be since Kyoko does everything for or because of Sho.

Until and if she learns to let go, her and Ren don't have a chance. But it still looks like Ren (up to book 27). However.....I don't know who Ariel will end up with. Joe left bc he thought Sho was not the main character, but I think that's a misconception. If I were the PD, I would drive the OTP depending on who has the best chemistry with Ariel, the story really can go either way (Kyoko + Ren, oppa-dongsaeng turn lovers, or Kyoko + Sho, meant to be from childhood and only discovered it after going through hell with each other).

I don't care who plays Ren or Sho, merely hope that the adaptation really takes the set up and runs with it and sheds the manga plot for the most part. It's the set up that is juicy.

I dig both, which is why Skip Beat is great for a live-action adaptation. Ariel is gonna be a fierce Kyoko. Squeeeee.


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Hahah! OK girl, I'll take your word for it, even though you've not seen it yourself.
Will wait for the recaps.

Oh, btw, have you seen Kim Soo ''hyuuuung'''s photo-shoot?


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Okay, I know I can totally depend on you in TW news, ockoala! :D

I haven't read any manga for the last few years, but your description about Skip Beat is interesting, so I 'may' try to find it online this weekend.
And since I seem more into kpop than you, my guess is Siwon will plays as Ren - he's more famous and has more 'star' aura, and he has more experiences as an actor - I believe Donghae never acts before.

Both of them actually have great chemistry with Ariel - they shot a MV for her song "Fireflies" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOO7PvSneCA ), so I don't mind about who plays who.

I also think Ariel can do the CP remake, but I don't really like the idea of a Taiwanese remake. You know that TW dramas tend to over the top, and no, please do not cast Jerry.
I wish Joe will take the role, i ship Ar Jo so much, but somehow I can't imagine Joe as Han Kyul.


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@ supah

haha i actually am ok with Shun's orange Rui hair! Maybe that's because I loved him so much as Rui that the acceptance just came with the territory. It's definitely not my first choice but i don't mind it. What I don't like is when it looks long, greasy and stringy. then i'm like, boy, go wash that hair STAT! but yes, natural jet black tresses (teehee! i giggle at that word) are preferred.
Found the following pic.. dono where the heck it's from and i'm weary of it's NSFW status, but here we go!



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lol... first, i'll give u kuddos for understanding my confusing post... i reread it and realized i make no sense... ive just talked about Rain with Lisa so that's why i referred to Ren as Rain.. XD and then, i said "i would cast ren as siwon and sho as donghae" while i meant the reverse: cast siwon as ren etc...

and yeah, i'm glad we share the same opinion about the manga... yeah, the writing is not the greatest. the thing is it tends to be too draggy. so u read the manga in volumes? im not sure what volume is what as i read it in chapters when the raws come out so right now, i'm at chapter 157 and 158 is about to come out i think... and it does look to me like she might (big emphasis on might) go with Ren since the last few chapters have been ren-focused.. altho there's not clear clear indication either.

"Until and if she learns to let go, her and Ren don’t have a chance." AGREE
and I agree, the PD should pair Ariel with the person that have the most chemistry with her since the manga is not finished, they will be able to put their own interpretation and decide the end.
and like i said, i'm kinda ok either way about the casting, especially since it's Ariel i'm truly focused about. i might be wrong but she's the one who will carry this drama on... she's a great actress and i feel like she'll play a great ryoko as well.

I'm truly excited about this drama because like u said, the set-up has great potential. hope this will be another succesful manga-adaption for Ariel after ISWAK... Tokyo Juliet was ok but not great in my book and WuZun could barely act in it altho i admit he did improve but the story was draaaggy.... it felt like a repeat of the same story again again with just another different rival popping up.


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lol... that's the blind leading the blind here... with the first blind being led by korean-blind soompiers who watched it raw but are eager to share spoilers about what they think they understood...XD talk about reliability!! it's ironic since i do understand korean (enough anyways). but yeah, recaps are great! yay DB!! i dont know if i should watch the ep before or after the recaps... sigh, i'm being stupid here.
as for KSH photoshoot!! yeah, ive seen it!!!! (KSH <3) and then i went to OT and saw ur comment and went back to read what u had to say about KSH... lol, u were the 1st comment... haha... as expected of a KSH admirer. and it's funny we both mentioned Giant in our comments (let's start Giant promotion!!)

Donghae did act before... in the Suju movie Attack-of the pin-up boys where he had one of the "lead" roles (among the gazillions other "lead" roles, ok.. i'm being hyperbolic here. there was a handful of "lead" roles in that movie ) and he did a fine job.. he also stared in MVs


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o I read Skip Beat 1 and it's not grippin me, and I've lost my urge to follow ongoing manga.. i've heard it's good. now I have to read! :)

Ariel is an actress that should just keep working and working IF her body allows her to, I dun even mind her w/ WZ (that's saying a lot), she can do ANYTHING. actually wont it be better if SB is done as Kdrama? I think keeping it w/16 sweet eps and w/ the established strong love triangle, it's begging for a kdrama treatment and we can all go shipping war on....esp when Ariel is so fluent in Korean.

O I can totally see Joe as Han Kyul, Gong Yoo did HK w/ control, but Joe's Han Kyul will SCREAM and I love Joe scream as much as I love JIS fist in mouth crying.

But that said, i cant root for CP as a drama, more Ariel, yay, the original is draggy for me latter half already even though I do like the first 8 eps or so.


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Joe taking the role of Gong Yoo's in CP??? actually, i dont hate Jerry so i think his image resembles Gong Yoo's better altho Joe's chemistry with Ariel is off the charts so because of this, id rather have Joe... however, if he takes on the role, i dont want him to imitate Gong yoo's version but rather make Hankyul his own.
can't wait for Ariel Comeback!!! she's one of my top tw actresses ever!! (my roomate agrees!! she has a poster of Ariel by her bedside, along with 2 posters of Suju which she discovered belatedly through Ariel's MV firefly. lol) and i've heard Ariel's Korean before a handful of times in clips and it sounds good but i dont think it's fluent fluent tho.


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for PP'ers who needs more PP after it's finished (haha.. THIS is the reason i'm delaying watching.. )

here's a clip with HJS, and SJ prosecutor and KSY at the SBS PP fanmeeting (turned out PSH is not there as he is at his own fanmeeting watching PP16).
it's really cute and KSY get teased by HJS about PSH.. (KYA>>> pliz tell me it's true and not a joke!).

anyways, here's the link:
and you can find more of the fanmeeting vids at youtube.com/mandalaywith2
^^ with more HJS and KSY!!! and SJ's hair extensions are so pretty! there's also jewelry park jung ah (jenny) and the married prosecutor!

forgot to add that the vids are not subbed so it might be an inconvenience for some... but really, HJS is freaking hot in it!! and KSY is beautiful..


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but @v, she's a Korean major in Uni. She can manage, she's just that amazing!


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