Open Thread #135



The Tallest Man on Earth – “Burden of Tomorrow” [ Download ]

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@ Amg1

Cool....that's neat Kangthoma love the sound.

You have a nice mixture of female favs.

Have you heard some of the music by Hiroshima? They are good. A gal plays the samisen....really cool sound. They got really popular when they recorded the Hawaiian Electric music.

I remember spending time with some friends in Los Angeles several years ago and they took me to a favorite spot to listen to some music....met an awesome drummer...he used to play with the Sandpipers!

My love and enjoyment for music was because my parents loved music. My mom used to buy all the latest hits, etc and my 2 sisters and I used to sing at parties. Then my 2nd husband loved jazz....he was from Chicago....so that's when I got into some nice stuff....Herbie Hancock, Gene Ammons, Dave Brubeck, and a whole bunch of others. I like just about any type. I prefer instrumental because I love to listen to the sounds of the instruments.

Hey...have a special evening! I'm listening to Hiroshima on my head set right now! :-)


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@eiko,I really like "Hiroshima" they used to play in Maui a lot, I grew up listening to a lot Afro/Caribbean music specially Cuban music, My mother grew in Mexico City at the height of the Cuban Music explosion in the 50's in Mexico she dance to the Live Music played by the great Cuban, Mambo,ChaCha, Danzon,Rumba,
Guaguanco, of their day. People like Celia Cruz (RIP), Benny More, etc, "The Buena Vista Social Club" is a good example of the music that I listen to when I was a Kid. enjoy.
"Silencio" By Ibrahim Ferrer and Omara Portuondo. This song reminds me so much of my MOM that almost brings tears to my eyes!!!!


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And for those who ever wonder how will Cuban Danzon and Mambo would sound play by a Classical Orchestra, well take a Look, Danzon #2, played by the Venezuela Youth Orchestra/Conductor Gustavo Dudamel, IMHO the best Youth Orchestra from around the world right now!! enjoy!!!!!!!!!

Bernstein - Mambo!


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@ Amg1

Wow....she was crying! These are the times I wish I had gone another year of Spanish...picking up words here and there....never really used it enough to keep up. But you know music in any language is about "feeling" it.....

I appreciated the chance to visit Chicago....my ex's family lived off Lake Shore Drive. They were lovely people. I enjoyed going to the different clubs and listening to the music....we went to one club where female was singing....darn....Wilson....I can see her face....will be thinking about her now. She was good.

Celia Cruz ....didn't they do a movie about her life?

Of course my fav was Ricardo Montalban....I have an autographed photo which I treasure.


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Both PT and PP lost me. I caught up with the latest episodes of both and do not have any urge to finish either. What has happened?

I literally lost my patience with PT, fast-forwarding most of the time even the LMH-and-SYJ scences. The only scenes I watched in full are those with Director Choi. I just cannot stand the CONNIVING twists depsite the drama having more than enough main trunks to play on. I know a lot of people love PT and I wish I were one of them but it is a super disappointment after all my anticipation. And, what a waste of SYJ's and LMH's fine acting?

PP is a different story. It is still very well-executed and heaps better-edited and plotted than PT but I have difficulty to be engaged with the IW-focussed storyline. It has to do with PSH's acting. To me, he is an OK actor and I like his previous dramas (How to Meet a Perfect Neighbour and Family Honour). However, IW is a very complex character requiring more layers and nuances than being displayed. This is in fact the type of character that I'd normally fall head over heel for if played by a stronger actor. KSY is excellent in her role - which is an amazingly refreshing and well-written kdrama heroine - but the dynamics between her and PSH is like a failed souffle that doesn't rise. My apologies to PSH and PP fans, and I must say that it has nothing to do with my being a YSJ shipper!!

I'm wondering if I'm 'drama-out' after watching three dramas concurrently, and should take a hiatus. Having said all these, OML is my love this year and I'm still in withdrawal. I love it for its simplicity and the final product is a sum greater than the parts that is moving and satisfying, in spite of the very cliched beginning. Let's have a break until Bad Guy comes along.


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@ Amg1

Her name is Nancy Wilson! :-)


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@eiko, You are Right! Ann is the Sister!!!! I am glad you Notice,Ha Ha Ha


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Jeez, I'm late ONE DAY and you guys are up to 3 pages of comments???!!! I can never catch up.

@ momosan : That dance sequence from Yama...Nades...S H (I can never spell it right) just CRACKS ME UP. Were they on something? Was the choreographer on something? I just laughed every time!

@ all you Fated To Love You pushers : LOVED IT. I gobbled it down (helped me through a rather trying week). I must admit using the FF button through some chunks, but it did make me laugh aloud many times. It was so much fun. But, question for you: Is the final episode really only half an hour long? The trailer at the end of ep 23 seemed to show a bunch of new characters, but they never showed up in ep 24. Why was the finale so much shorter than the penultimate episode? Is that common in TW drama?

So, after FTLY, what next?


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@ Amg1

Loved it!!!! wow....that youth orchestra is really good!!! great conductor!!!!



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Word on PT. I ranted yesterday about it on OT and two days ago on PT ep 13 recap thread. A drama doesn't always has to hit me on level 2 or 3, I just ask it entertains me which is basic and level 1. ep 13 and 14 were a snoozfest.

PSH is a limited actor and much as I enjoy watching him in How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor and Family Honor he will not win any acting awards any time soon (at least with me since they did give Kim Tae Hee one).

He has screen charisma [check], looks great in a shower scene [check], looks great with clothes on [check] and has a smaller waist then me [I think] but when he needs to emote he has just one look, which is to look to his left, stare intently at nothing, heave his chest up and down and look teary eyed. He is fine with light hearted comedy scenes and he can even do the violent clearing the table of drinks at a bar or noraebang but subtle emoting is beyond his reach.


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@ nycgrl,

sorry more CU/ PIE ramblings...

ha, u piqued my interest, so what will be the usual Kdrama conventions for u in a drama such as CU? I'm guessing it'll be the usual pace/development in the romance or say 'skinship'? I dont think I've loved any 'conventional' Kdrama exc MNIKSS. CU is really one where I appreciate the scenes w/ scarce words or things left unexpressed outwardly but we can submerge in their inner doings if we choose to, more than everything else.

I realized I'm past the pt of minding the angst.. I'm embracing it. We got a bit of lightness in that bibimbap ep, but it actually unnerved me more and I'd rather them let all the bleeding and hurt hang out instead of faking it.. and that coming fr me or any girl who can't get enough of the smiling PIE, really a BIG sacrifice for the drama cohesive good.

on the Hung bros arc, I'm more interested to see how they resolve the family dynamics. Yes, as u predicted big bro is interested in EJ, but even if he aggressively pursue her romantically, I have no doubt EJ is not wavering an eyelash, and going all or none for KH and KH only. It's sth new for me in Kdrama where there really is no pretence of any arguable love polygons, even the characters themselves r in the know who the OTP is fr the very beginning. I've never considered JW any contender, same w/ KJ, I'm ready to ship KJ w/ HS actually, and if we absolutely need another death, I'm betting on bro2, he may turn out to be a sensitive softie who is dispensable or go the batshxt psycho bitter route of love denied (by HS). it's nice and cohesive in characterization that JW got it instantaneously as well of the EJ/KH OTP when EJ fessed up to him in her drunkenness. I've never been this protective of an OTP w/ this little to work on physically, but their scenes tog r just so hauntingly powerful. Normally I'm impervious to fated lovers (AiMH, StH r more horrors than anything romantic to me), but what fated these 2 tog is how they resonate so deep into each others' psyche, whenever I heard of other CU shippings I immediately go, 'DARN! r we watching the same drama?!' I'm fine w/ them not ending up tog, but SO NOT if w/ anyone else because what they have is already precious enough for anyone's lifetime. They can't be live w/ anyone else, KH said it out loud, but I didnt need that confirmation (of coz I LURVE those dreamy words coming out of CJM's mouth)

man... for the PIE fans:

C!J!M! is the REAL noona killer, he dropped an entry at his online fan cafe. May 15th was his big sister's wedding day....he's very happy for his beloved noona it's an emotional day for him on many levels, there's only 3 wks of filming left for CU and when he has to miss the wedding as he's on the set, just got the script for ep 15.

He rem when his noonas (he has 2 bigger sisters) cried, all he can do as a dongsang was to tell them 'it'll be ok, don't cry.' He has been vending off the rascals for his noonas since grade school (AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW) fr then on, he's made up his mind to so whatever he can to protect his noonas... he's sending her his best wishes on this happy day.

and I teared up reading the translation for his words. PIE, please stop being this dreamy. My younger bro is NTH like him :(


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@ ockoala

It's fun to watch you take whimsical and unpredictable turns (slain by Yamapi, who'd have thought?) as you range far and wide over the drama world, but when you're done with the frolicking and it's time to come home, you know what you are really supposed to do, right? Watch Thank You! Hey, it's Dae-Gil-Finds-Redemption! How could you pass?

@ nycgrl

For a horrible moment I thought we might have to part ways (I've been more into PT than CU), until I realised I'm only up to ep 11 with both PT & CU, so haven't had to suffer any PT slide yet, and CU is hard for me now because it's good (so good it can't be taken lightly, and it's uncomfortable for me to watch right now, for various dumb reasons, I'll just say someone in my life is demanding an upping of my emotional commitment and I don't appreciate being put upon in that way so I feel sorta like an Eun Joo in real life grrr just leave me alone, oops, ranting, will stop now), so that's not really a point of disagreement. So I think we can still be friends :-)

I also felt a bit nervous about the third member of our Wed/Thurs trinity, and feared we may be estranged over PP. I've tried so very hard to hack it, but gave up round about ep5, even my inappropriate crush on PSH (agree: love the hotness...) couldn't keep me going (... can't feel the acting), but everyone else seems to be totally invested and I seem to recall you liked it when it started. Am I seriously missing something?


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@ nycgirl

Thank goodness that I'm not the only one having problem with PT and PSH, phew! "when he needs to emote he has just one look, which is to look to his left, stare intently at nothing, heave his chest up and down and look teary eyed" - this is exactly what I've been thinking for a long while.


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@C!J!M!: He can't even step out for a day for his sisters wedding, that sucks. Filming in real time sucks.

@Momosan & YamaNade: Once is enough to burn into my eyes forever. You can feel when the opening is going to drop in the episode, and my hand couldn't move faster to scroll through it. I sometimes suffer from second hand embarassment, you see. This opening is unbareable to watch.

Aside from that, I usually am hating on drama theme songs. Right now I will only listen through the songs from Zettai Reido. They used the songs "Dry Town" and "Shadow Behind" from the band Love Psychedelico. It's uh... psychedelic rock.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lylha-QxwLo (Shadow Behind) I hunted down their Abbot Kinney CD and it's not that bad of a listen through.


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@nycgirl and epyc

I am another one that just doesn't find PT interesting and finally stopped watching it.
PP seems to have interesting storyline. But I do have problem with PSH's acting. I agree that he is good looking and have a great body.But he is not comfortable in his own skin. Sometimes he got it. But sometimes he just miss the mark. One scene I remembered was the scene in the supermarket when they went shopping for Ma Hye Ri's kitchen. His feet's supposed to be hurt. But during the whole supermarket scene, sometimes he walks just fine and then as if his feet was badly hurt. It's distracting.

Maybe CS/CU spoils me. When I see that high level of acting in CS/CU and then watching other series...I don't know...I can't just help comparing. When I watched Viikii and some commentators saying "wah good acting there" for PP, in my mind just goes.."say what? what are you smoking?"

@ mookie "C!J!M! is a real noona killer"

He is, isn't he? :) I feel my heart puddle at my feet when he said "mmm" to EJ. The earnest pleading in his eyes for EJ to listen to him in that forest scene... or some other thing they did in that forest in the cold of the night...

Ep 14 C!J!M! do crank up his acting skill. If I wasn't in love with him before ( not as if that is true :)) I fall for him hook, line and sinker this time. I know I did say, I might abandon EJ-KH ship if EJ was with KJ. But I no longer feel that way. Now it 's EJ-KH all the way...

@ momosan "Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge – the dance number is NOT to be missed! " ----> So true. Even if I suffer from second hand embarrassment watching it, I just cannot look away :)

I love KimuTaku. There's nobody I know who doesn't like him. He played every role possible. lawyer, athlete, president, pilot just name it. he did it. Mr Brain was entertaining to me. Some people don't like it. But this last project of his...I'm on the fence. Wait and see.

Watching JDorama you've got to have a healthy dose of sense of humor. I love Yankee kun to megane chan, the new drama. I laugh like a lunatic watching it.


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I think the usual kdrama conventions I subscribed to (unless the kdrama sets itself not be be the usual kdrama) is to have happy ending for the OTP, to have closure in the main and some of the side stories or at the least to have some character development. When I focused on the relationship part of the Hung brothers and not the entire family dynamics I slipped into that kdrama expectations of focus on relationships (though in this case I don't have any expectations for love).

I have no doubt that EJ will not waver even for a sec for KJ but she may entertain this idea for revenge since I totally agree she is the least self centered of the characters in the show while KJ might pursue it for political union like a royal heir apparent might.

CU initially confused me by having cast Taecyon, setting up the love triangle, the music and ratings ambition (promoting the show on Happy Together). By the setup it sounds like I should have some kdrama expectations and maybe I still need to but if I don't think of it that way I can enjoy it a lot more as its own thing.

I actually disliked the bibimbap scene and by the lighter moments I meant more JW carrying/running with her, packing her bags virtually, EJ convincing her mother to be nice to HS etc. Its that kind of moment of lightness and comedy I want a little more of otherwise it gets too oppressive from ep. to ep. and also I could deal with less crying ok maybe a lot less crying.

Yes my fellow s. sister I feared making a departure from you due to PT for a while now. I'm not even asking PT to make a social commentary (as I initially did) but just to entertain me now. I think if I had bought into the Kaein/Jinho relationship more I would have found ep 13 and 14 more entertaining but the pairing doesn't have that effect on me and I also think the couple scenes were boring and cliche-ish. Ice skating for example: he ties her ice skates, she can't skate, and then they fall down for the forced skinship. I need to have bought in to the OTP for scenes like this to work or even if OTP doesn't work 100% for me the scenes need to be fresher. I prefer having both: bought into OTP and fresh scenes but that might be asking too much.

I think we can still have generally the same tastes even with the exception of PT. So if you wound up liking it I won't hold it against you unless you tell me you loved it so much it was going to be on your top 10 list.

In terms of PP, after doing the initial comment after watching 4 episodes. I think I said it was light & fun and KSY was doing a great job: I think that was pretty much all I had to say. PP isn't a drama that interests me enough to comment though I find it entertaining enough to be vaguely engaged if that makes sense. I think my less ranting about also stems for me not having had any expectations for PP (I don't think I was going to even watch it but I just happen to have some time) and the thematic content doesn't get my rant radar up. My must watch was PT and you can see how that turned out. I do think directing, editing wise and in some parts of the writing, PP is a bit better than PT but PSH is the total let down for me as its getting to angsty parts but I'm not even upset by this because I'm not really invested in PP.


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@ nycgrl

I think our love is safe, whew. I re-read my post and realized it might seem I think CU is better quality than PT - which I totally don't. It's true I've gravitated more towards watching PT the last couple of weeks, but that's really because I have been in the mood for something mindless and undemanding, and also CU was hitting a slow, un-fun patch. But CU has finally shifted up a gear in ep 11, so it's back in favour with me. Anyway this watching preference has been about as much about mood (Flufff? Angst? Fluff?) and expectation management as anything, and never for a moment have I thought that PT is the superior thing. PT is cute and demanding, LMH is eye-arresting and the house is gorgeous, but oh lordy is PT unambitious, and at times painfully clumsy (and I haven't even gotten to the cliche-skating scene you describe yet). CU is aiming for quite a different level - and sometimes it doesn't quite hit the mark, to be honest, but it's the one I'll be remembering years from now. However, unless CU ups its game considerably, neither are going t make my top ten list...

Much relief and "whew" re: PP. Much obliged! I shall now stop torturing myself (and the Twitter Sisters) agonising over why I can't "get" it.


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@ nycgrl

Did you watch Iljimae? All this talk about Park Shi hoo made me curious that he had suddenly developed remarkable nuanced acting skills to pull off an antihero character on PP. But your description of his acting in PP, suddenly I was transported back to Chosun Korea and images of PSH doing the exact same thing for about 18 eps. Take off short, virgorous swordplay to banish inner demons, look constipated while staring far far away at the spot on HHJ's forehead, repeat and rinse. I thought he was so hot in Iljimae (actully way hotter than Junki since sexy Junki was always in a mask and Junki adopted a buffoon persona in that drama to mask his being the Iljimae crusader). But the really stiff acting, even I gave up on him really fast, cuz he's not as shiny and sprinkled with fairy dust as is my Pi (whose inability to emote I can accept bc I have few functiong brain cells around h). Yes, @ serendipity, my being slain by Pi is pretty darn whowouldathunkit! :-)

I stopped watching PT at ep10.5. and as much as I feel invested in the OTP I'm just got mp urge to pick it back up. Esp now that I'm rewatching Tamra (even my kdrama despising husband watched riveted with me last night, saying that is a cute and nice drama). I'd forgotten how amazing Seo Woo was as adoraklutzy Beojin who just dreams of a life beyond this little island. I hope she's really nailing it in CU, girl has talent. And Park Kyu, the great Park Kyu, the added scenes from ep1 onward are mostly PK investigating and William pondering.


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@mookie, nycgirl, ockoala, serendipity and others,

Ooohh, I'm missing all the posts above. can't read them right now... have to run to LAX. dying to read...


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I'm just gone for the night and i already find myself behind dozens of comments.. lol

about the talk of PT... i still watch it but i never LOVED it. LMH is great, do bin is great, SYJ irritates me sometimes, is sweet sometimes, and acts really well on random occasions like the last scene in ep 14. in hee is really really irritating. her inhumanity was fun at first but now, i'm getting sick of it. chang ryul=ok altho kjs can me hot... basically, i'm not that invested in PT... it entertains me mildly, and has really cute moments but for most of the time if falls flat. it's not a disaster but if not for the cast and LMH, it would have bored me to death.

on the other side, CU is anything but flat... stellar acting, angst all the way but the plot is kinda slow.. the best part of that drama is the reactions of all the characters and their interaction with each others. it has a lot of intense moments where u feel so much for the characters. and yet, i feel slightly disconnected with it and sometimes, it feels a bit repetitive in its take.

and now, about the PP and PSH talk... i'm not gonna lie, i'm part of the small group who LOVES PP... it's vastly entertaining for me and it's the only drama that has me truly hooked. i basically stalk anything PP related while waiting for the next ep to come... CS and PT kinda play the role of fillers to soothe my patience but even so, i can barely stay truly focused when watching those 2 since my mind is filled with PP. i'm sad that not everybody agrees but hey, to each his own. i know it has some OTT moments and HR"s fashion style takes a while to digest but for me, it gets really good.
i'm part of those who thinks the acting in PP is great, tho arguably perhaps not as consistent as in CS, and i'm particularly thinking of KSY here... she's so brilliant in it she has secured a permanent spot in my top actresses list. and others have displayed good acting too. and as an fangirl, i LOVE PSH to death and have watched every dramas he's in. the way he portrays IW is just HOT in my opinion. and PSH has great moments in PP as well such as his crying scene in the elevator and others. and his cute, sunny moments are to die for. however, i'm not blind to his flaws and i agree that during many angsty moments, he kinda of acts as a distraction by trying too hard to act and makes the pain less credible. i agree that he still has a long (but not too long) way to go before becoming award-worthy. but i think the guy has promise.

about Kimutaku... really, who doesn't love him? or at least like him? but TnK is a disappointment so far... hope it picks up.

about FTLY... that was a great tw drama. it did have some irritating moments for me but it still is in my top tw drama list. what next? um, what have u watched already? autumn's concerto? iswak? dby?


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about PSH in iljimae, i thought he touched me more than LJK at times and almost stole the spotlight tho LJK still is the main one in that drama for me. but i agree he was a bit stiff in it, but portrayed his tormented feelings decently. but he loved him in family's honor.

about tw dramas recommendations. the brighter ones would be iswak? dby? ps man? my queen? down with love? prince turns to frog? bull fighting? corner with love? for more serious tw dramas. silence? black and white? autumn's concerto? easy fortune happy life? but really, most of them r not as good as FTLY. and there are some more decent dramas but nothing stellar too if u want to know.


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@ serenpitiy

You never annoy us on twitter, silly!! I definitely am glad you are doing Otomen first, bc I have this gut feeling that Yankee-kun will be a better dorama than Otomen, and I am glad to have watched Otomen first.

I TOTALLY forgot my Jang Hyuk marathon, seriously, after the soul-deadening experience that was Tazza, think I conveniently forgot that I am meant to finish Robbers (eeeeps, sorry langdon and hjkomo) and watch Thank You. Thanks for reminding me, Thank You back on my list. :-) Did'ja see the pics of JH in costume for the Chinese AAE remake. He looks great, so happy to see him not in soul-crushing agony.


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woohoo!!! don't mind me... the next part is just me raving about Suju! lol
just watched their inkigayo perf! it was awesome!! i know mblaq and wonder girls are also coming back soon... and don't get me wrong, i love both of their comeback songs y and 2 different tears.. but really, SUJU are KILLING it!!
the new songs bonamana and boomboomboom are catchy. i was worried that they would fall short of expectations after sorry sorry megahit but they didnt let me down!
someone noticed that on the music core perf, during the dance part, yesung sat down to tie his laces... LOL.. and on the Music bank perf, for the dance part, donghae dropped his mike box... seems like that part of the perf is cursed.. lol. but still, donghae, since when did u get these muscles?? and now teuki and eunhyuk are joining siwon in the 6packs club!! and kyuhyunie is dancing!! so is heechul! and ryewook is shining! and yesung and minnie look more buffed up too! too bad they didn't show shindong that much but at least the guy has a GF.. ^^ the only sad part is that i wish all 13 members were there... TT

and for PP'ers... a small fun fact... i saw a pic of the BTS of the ep 13 kiss scene and SKY had to step on a thin wooden piece to kiss PSH.. XD and can't believe they managed to convey that much emotion and kiss in front of so many pple..

otomen was so cute. and y-k and m-c is really good too.. i'm really liking it. i love both mangas but since y-k and m-c is not done, i wonder how they are going to wrap the drama up..?

ok, don't mind me... i'm just being overhyped right now.. lol


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Oh f--k!!!!
I was typing a looong comment and I think I pressed the wrong key and it's all gone, OR it's in the approval panel (as it had more than 2 links attached) I hope it's the latter.


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ok... PP has not ended yet and i'm already on withdrawal syndrome.. lol
i'm like thirsty big time for anything PP related.
here's a nice slideshow of IWxHR moments from ep 13-14... u can really see, even in the picture how good the acting was.. poor IW, crying both in the kiss scene and in the elevator scene. at least, he smiled when he took pictures... i'm not that good at kr since i'm not native kr so i didn't understand all the words written in the slideshow but oh well. i'm better at spoken kr tho.
credit-estella@ PSH DC
and here's another MV of hr x iw with T-ara's song....it fits really well. "sexy shadow"=IW!

aww... that s**ks... i know i hate it when it happens to me


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I will retry, I think I pressed something really random like the 'back' button or something, can't remember...

Anyway, I'm really glad you've watched Sandglass and can draw up the similarities/differences between it and Giant. That way there's some peace of mind knowing Giant has some originality.

So team SJ has pretty much disbanded then? Hahaha!
It's funny how our reasons for giving up on this gig pretty much vary.

Amg1 says IW is a sociopath who got the filial piety part all messed up.
Janna's too busy laughing at IW rocking the shades indoors.
I say IW should be thrown in jail for two counts of sexual assault or jump over a cliff and just... dieee already!
You say IW... can't act!

Of course this has nothing to do with YSJ not getting the girl, NO.THING!

About the acting:
KSY: Fantastic! No complaints at all and like always she makes her characters so memorable, heck, I've even caught myself making the Hye-ri fist (http://s630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2010/pp1/pp500124.jpg) and also started snacking on cherry tomatoes, haha! How sad!

PSH: I've only ever watched him in Which Star are you From? From back during my Kim Rae Won loving days, where PSH played a slimy second lead.
Aside from looking slightly uncomfortable in episodes 1-4 he later picked up a bit and I let it slide, since I think he was MEANT to be uncomfortable-looking right at the start, because he was meant to come across 'fake'? Or something?
Otherwise I never really noticed him acting 'bad'. I watched up till episode 12 before giving up on the series and thought he was pretty good in ep11, especially during the cry-eating ramyun scene. If the IW character is meant to be the soul-killing kind to watch, then he's pretty much achieved that.

HJS: There were some minor complaints from PPers about his line delivery but I didn't really mind, because Yoon Se-joon the character is pretty much a man of little words (and communicates better with his fists -- and almighty flying kicks) but in spite of that HJS has a special aura that rarely translates to pictures and this aura of his was pretty much present here in PP (even though not 'everybody' could see it). He totally makes my heart race.
And that sad glint in his eyes communicated so much more than any words could have (yes, we get it! You totally loved your wife dude!). So line delivery, schmine delivery. (Me? Biased? Never!)
I don't know whether I would have liked the YSJ character had he been played by anyone else, anyone else would've come across snooty and boring.


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lol.. brave of you to retry... i'm the lazy kind. if i write something really long and it gets lost, i drown in my misery for a while and just make a summary of it.. haha..

and has the SJ team really disbanded?? it doesn't seem like that to me.. u guys still all seem pretty outspoken about your dissatisfaction with where the show has gone... so to me, it seems like u r still united by that.. lol
i, on the other hand, im loving this show more and more.. maybe too much. XD
but i love ur summary of who is giving up for what reason.. it made me laugh. and good point about it having nothing to do with SJ getting HR.. haha
aww.. come on... the 1st one i can understand but 2nd kiss=sexual assault??! did u see it? or u r just speculating...?

ditto about KSY acting!! she keeps impressing me more ep after ep.. altho MST did take the light in 14. lol... i didnt do the fist but i started eating cucumbers and cherry tomatoes... and that has NOTHING to do with my current diet... i wasn't eating those before PP. lol.

about PSH acting... i agree that he needs improvement on some parts but like u said, he plays the tormented guy well, especially in the later episodes when it's all angsty. but still like him being cute the best like in FH.

and about HJS: ditto... many other guys would not have been able to be as charismatic and so quietly expressive. he made good competition against IW and caused all the "war". lol


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About PT and CU:
I watched 4 episodes of PT and 6 of CU and couldn't go any further.
My problem is that I'm a story-ho! Give me big, fat, juicy, gratifying, event-filled stories anyday!
As charming as dramas like PT and Pasta are I feel the first episode is the only one which will have a couple of events and conflicts and the rest is pretty much smooth-sailing, If I skip out whole episodes I still feel I haven't missed much on the story front. With CU I expected a story but didn't really get one, granted the acting is superb and the characters were strong but like ... ALL that angst with no biggie events warranting it? I can understand how that can work for most people just not for me.
Kim! So! Yeon! so trumped it, what a girl! And I lasted 12 episodes with PP. Which is still better than 4 or 6. I'm so glad you picked it up too epyc!

I'm currently watching Giant and loving it to death, also anticipating Bad Guy! Woooh!

Speaking of jdorama opening/closing themes, the badassest one has the be the closing theme from Tokyo Dogs, with Exile's Futatsu no Kuchibiru. Where my two favouritest agents, everrr are walking through the rain.
(The audio's blocked - boooo!)
Here's the official Exile MV (slick but oh so boring!)

(If you want the mp3 let me know, don't follow that d/load link if you're planning to use it in itunes, I'll put the version I have on megaupload for you.)


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I just cross-checked JB's recaps for ep 1-2 ofTamra, and yup, my memory didn't fail me last night. Eps 1 and 2 of the DC version end at completely different parts than the aired drama. Ep 1 ends not with the race to the "treasure" (heh, man, the number of poop jokes in Ep 1 is ridiculous if I think about it too much), but ends instead when BJ and PK accidentally start the fire and burn the nets. Which means in Ep 1 alone, the PD added back about 6-7 minutes of scenes (one involves us actually meeting William's fiancee - which prompted him to jet for Nagasaki).

This means the DC version not only includes scenes cut after MBC truncated the drama, but scenes the PD elected to cut from the very beginning (prolly bc its not plot-driven moments, but rather more mood and character building scenes).

I won't give anymore details about the DC cut, just wanted you all to know that watching Tamra DC version is like watching it again for the very first time. It's sublime. I woke up thinking of Tamra.


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Yep! I think I should've waited to see if the first uncompleted comment is in the moderation panel or not, o/wise it'll look like I'm repeating myself in my comments, haha!

The cherry tomatoes? You too?? Haaaahh!!

And yes, I wouldn't have fought so passionately for any other kdrama hero, I'm serious, as much as I love KNG, SJS and so many others you wouldn't believe how protective I felt over Prosecutor Yoon, haha! Actually, you would believe it.


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BTW Mookie thanks for sharing the CMJ noona story. I like him well enough as an actor but have no opinion of him as a person but he seems like a sweet guy. No younger brother for me but I have an older brother who used to frighten the daylights out of all of his collective sister's bfs.


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OMG!!! LOVED aberdeen_angus recap of ep 13... it made me love the ep even more... she's a genius for writing something like that. anticipating kaedejun's recap ^^. i already raved about this in the recap post but apparently, that's not enough.. haha

wow... now i'm envious like hell... i think i might secretly buy the Tamra DC DVD... it sounds SO good!!
lucky lucky girl. it makes me want to rewatch it again, even with the 16 ep version only (which ill probably do after PP is over and I need to get over my withdrawal syndrome)

love exile!! and yay for Tokyo dogs! shunnie all the way!! ^^ mizushima hiro doesnt hurt either
"Kim! So! Yeon! so trumped it, what a girl! And I lasted 12 episodes with PP. Which is still better than 4 or 6. " HEAR... HEAR...
lol... that would be funny if i read 2 similar posts... "does she have memory problems??" XD

yep... we're the cherry tomatoes sis! :)

well, let's see... i've spent weeks reading ur comments about how Yoonie is HOT and perfect but human (agree there!), how he is ur husband (looks like u might want to be murdered by legions of fangirls..) and we swarmed OT with probably dozens and dozens of comments about why or why not Yoonie should end up with HR, driving other DBers away with major headache...
how r u protective over Yoonie? i don't see it... AT ALL... JK. lol


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there's a poll about fav couple on a site and currently,
and HRxIW of PP gets first place with 69% (7301 votes )yoohoo!!! that's 49% more than what the 2nd place is getting, PT with 20%
followed by CS with 5%, followed by Dong Yi with 5%, followed by My Country Calls with 1%, (which i totally forgot about until i saw it on the poll... totally needs to check at least the first ep out.) and finally with Giant with 1% (overall, i'm satisfied with the result except for Giant couple... but the drama's just starting so...)

for those who can read kr, or struggle with it like i do, here's the link to the poll

and u can vote here: http://joynews.inews24.com/joynews/index.php
the poll is at the left bottom and u click the left button.
for those who can't read kr, PP's the last one (VOTE!! i am SO biased.. lol) and 1st one is my country calls, second one is dong yi, third one is giant, fourth one is CS followed by PT and the PP's last! didn't write the couple names cuz i'm lazy and assume u know it.


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@supah: You really want me to watch Tokyo Dogs, don't you? Haha.. I might have to put it on my list. Yoshitaka Yuriko is in two shows next season. One drama is prefilmed because she plays three parts (one of them is animated).. and another she's uh... dying in it. Well, that's just the short premise. Shun is probably busy doing movie promo stuff. I don't hate his movie, I just felt I've watched it before....

Do grape tomatoes count? I eat tomatoes all the time though. Yesterday I had avocado and tomatoes with a little soy sauce. Perfect for the humidity and the laziness in me. But I do want to paint my nails like Hye-Ri. For a little while during and after watching Dal Ja's Spring I painted my nails black and did my eye makeup dark.... It was a little too dramatic for daytime work.


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lol.. grape tomatoes probably counts even more... and i have avocado too! it's part of my current diet.. it has so many vitamins and it's the only fruit with olives that has plenty of monosaturated fats (which is good for u). granted, it has calories but if u don't eat too much, then it's super good for u. and now, i'm starting to sound like a nutritionist so i'll shut up. lol


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Hey, remember the tomato ahjumma didn't discriminate, that bucket contained ALL variants of the humble tomato.
Mmmm... soy sauce on cherry tomatoes... nomnomnom!

About the nails, they were so very pretty apart from the yellow tip, they made her look like she had dirty nails, and not only that she also had her nails done that way when SJ held her hands under the cherry blossoms -- that must've been a bad omen for them two.


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About that upcoming drama with Yuriko where she's animated sounds whack! I must watch it. Do you know what it's called?

Yeah man! My boyfriend is so HOT! ;)
I never called him my husband, but I suppose he is husband material, I suppose...

Wow! People have voted for Giant's couple - as in Kang Mo and Nam Ji Hyun's character? Cute!
I do wish they'd vaguely put Sung Mo/Kim Soo Hyun and NJH in a scene together, to pay us WISFC childstar fans a little fanservice, no?
Oh well, I suppose the story won't really allow for that.


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I just voted for child actors in Giant.

As far as the couple in PP goes.... http://i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2010/pp1/pp13-1a.gif

(Ouch.... hahahahahah!!)

gif credit: aberdeen_angus


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The preview for 2010 MBS is out (Meteor, Butterfly, Sword).


For all your new (and old) Baron Chen fans circa FTLY. I actually think Baron was born to do wuxia, he actually doesn't look as dashing in modern garb as he does in period gear. He has a swordsman's aura. Whereas some actors are NOT ever going to cut it in a wuxia (Ethan Ruan, Ming Dao, I'm looking at you, guys). And a wuxia with Vic would be conceivable, but probably involve lots of existential angst.

Anyways, Baron's character is an assasin (actually, half the cast are assasins). I think the preview is shit, sorry, but its badly edited, poorly paced, and bad music selection. If I didn't know the story, I would have no clue WTH is going on, bad bad job Director.

However......the drama itself my still be good, the scenes don't look bad in itself. @ twin, what's your take? Best preview for a wuxia is still, hands down, LoCH 2008 (the scene where Ariel's HR is talking to GJ about how he and the mongolian Princess are like two desert Condors and she is a sparrow under the Southern willow tree, she nailed it, gah, and many many scenes in that preview were perfectly selected). Though Dragon Sabre 2009 was not bad, but since it was ZJZ I was already zzzzing mid-way through, but at least you got character and story. This preview, if anyone who has not read the novel got the gist of the story, please let me know. :-)


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lol... sorry for the confusion...husband is cool but BF sounds good too... what did u do to get such a BF huh? i have yet to claim for myself any BF, not even PSH... i wonder how protective I'LL be when that happens considering how i defended IW.. lol.

u know what...i almost did not want to mention the other dramas cuz i knew that would add competition... the only drama that i didnt mind pple voting agains PP was Giant. i ended up listing the other dramas anyways for fairness and my conscience. lol. and when i wrote Giant, i was thinking..."if supah is going to vote, i'm betting it's going to be giant.." lol
"I do wish they’d vaguely put Sung Mo/Kim Soo Hyun and NJH in a scene together, to pay us WISFC childstar fans a little fanservice, no?" XD that's what i thought too!!! haha... great minds think alike (um.... on occasions. haha)

and lol... u really love that gif don't u... commenting on the recap and now posting it here... actually, i love it too! it was so awesome how HR just slapped him without any need for an exchange of words.. the girl just goes straight to the point! love her.


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thanks for the preview! im not really excited about this tho so i'll wait till i hear comments from pple before jumping in the boat. ur right, baron is made for wuxia.. and ethan and ming dao for wuxia? um... really can't picture that... i can't picture vic in wuxia either but that's probably because i lack imagination and need a picture. but is it me or ever since i first saw Baron, i noticed he looked quite a bit like vic?
Loch2008 preview was the reason i wanted to watch it so badly... well after hugexariel paring. and HSDS09 preview... can't recall it. the drama was disappointing tho. really pretty and all but fell short of expectations for me. still liked it tho cuz i'm a jin yong nuts.


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@ v

Gu Long's works are by nature more "mature" and adult in themes, so I'm wondering whether this version will be dark, depressing and painful to watch, or really walk that fine line.

Seriously, when I watched Baron in that vid for Jay Chou, Blue and White Porcelain, I knew he was made for wuxia. Man can rock a sword, long hair and had the height and build for period garb. I think the new generation of TW actors by and large cannot do wuxia. C-actors can, TW idol crowd, really hard to shed the trendy for the gravitas. Yeah, Baron shares some of Vic's broodiness.

I know you don't like LoCH2008, hee, mookie and I are happy to love it even more. How can she and I not love a idol-version of Louis Cha's seminal work, with some k-drama thrown in for good measure. Like, bastardize the canon all you want, PD-dude, cuz you delivered the goods for me. Its almost silly to compare it to LoCH1982, LoCH1994 or even ZJZ's LoCH 2002. This version is loosely based on, and I'm fine with that if the end results made my laugh, cry, swoon and generally want to marry off the two sets of OTP in real life like I did (YH+LSS and Ariel+HG).

And lastly, hilarious YT vid of Joe and Ethan interviewing Baron, in 2005! This is before ALL three of them made it big. Witness Joe's sofugitscool hairstyle.



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@v: Yes, avocados are delicious and healthy!
I was going to say it was very nice of you to list all the couples, even though you should have just said "click this specific link" haha.

@supah: right-clicking and saving that gif for the future~ The Yuriko drama is called Tofu Shimai and will air on WOWOW, which a cable channel but it probably has a good chance of showing up on a bittorrent tracker somewhere. I believe it will be short run. (around 5 episodes)

Could anyone be more excited for Monday than me? Giant and TnK! Yeah, I'm still going to watch TnK. I can't turn away from this trainwreck. Especially since I read somewhere that Matsuda Shota might be getting back / is back with Sawajiri Erika. Troublemakers run in packs. Oh, and I watched a movie trailer with Tsumabuki Satoshi and Fukatsu Eri...Satoshi with kinpatsu hair. Hmmm. (Slow Dance anyone? Yeah, it really was a Slow show...boring...)


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*To all My J-Dorama, T-Drama and
C-Drama, fellow Lovers*

"I have a Humble request"
*Firstly* I will like to acknowledge that a great % of "Dramabean" fans are also committed (J,T,C) Drama fans, but as far as I know nobody is "seriously Recapping" any of those dramas Dramabeans style, I do believe that among us there are enough people who will be willing to take the opportunity to volunteer recap one of those Dramas.

I do believe that if am right with my first assumption if we can raise enough volunteers to do the work, than we can humbly request permission from our "ALMIGHTY JB" to allowed us to start recapping some of our "Most beloved" Japanese, Taiwanese, and Chinese Dramas, "Can I have a witness"
Please do not ignore this humble request, and post whether this goal can be achieve. Much love to all my "Fellow Drama Lovers" and to JB for allowing us to share "The Best Blog In The World" Thank You!!!!!!!!!! : O }


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i haven't read all of Gu Long's works but most of them so there might be some exceptions but i do agree that Gu long's work are more "dark" and adult in themes... which is also true in the drama adaptations. but we'll see... hopefully, i'll have another drama to enjoy.

yep... i was actually surprised to see how good the guy looked in JC's mv... and i agree about the idol tw actors not pulling off wu xia as well as c-actors can. glad someone agrees that there is some similarities between vic and baron.

and maybe i didnt express myself well but i think there's a misunderstanding here... i did say that loch08 was a travesty of the book. however, i also said that once i watched it without having in my all the differences between it and the book, i really enjoyed it and i liked how they developed YK character, which is the version of him that i could actually like the best. so no, it's not that i don't like loch08, it's more that i like it, more as its own series rather than as an adaptation of jin yong's novel. it was novel and well done as such. so ur right, can't really compare with the other loch versions. and yeah, i wanted to marry them off too! altho cuz i'm selfish, i don't want HG to get anybody... lol. ariel can stay with joe just fine.

and lol... thanks for the vid... i actually watched it before when i was in joe-craze mode... but it was still as hilarious watching it again! love ethanxjoe pairing as best friends in real life. hihi... oh joe and ur hairstyle..

haha... for being called "nice", well it was worth mentioning them. ^^
but really, i almost didn't... i was actually conflicted about that for a moment.
i'm excited about monday too! (altho not as much as wednesday since i'm still well rooted on PP ship) looking forward to Giant so much! no so much for TnK tho... i made the decision to drop the drama (until it airs completely so that i can use the FF function) if ep 2 turns out to be as much of a wreck as the first. as much as i love Kimutaku (A LOT) and love shota's english accent (i know, that's random.. lol) and wait... WHAT?? he is getting back with sawajiri erika? dont know what to think of that news really. like her as an actress but as a person... no comment. don't hate but don't love her either. (don't kill me SE's fans)
yeah... slow dance was slow... but i got through with enough ease cuz of tsumabuki satoshi... he was the reason i watched it anyways... lol. he's so cute. too bad he's not in enough dramas. but i do enjoy his movies too.


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love ur idea... i'll love having recaps of j/tw/c dramas but i'm not sure if i'll participate in this... but i'm not saying no either.. sorry for the confusing answer but i need to think whether or not i have enough time and sort out what i'll have to do in my real life... and i'm a not a good, witty, funny writer like other recappers either. especially on the net when i make all kind of typos and don't correct them since i'm lazy by nature. lol. but i'll think about it and make my decision to give it a try.
again, sorry for the confusing answer.. i dont know what to do myself. on one hand, i want to contribute, on the other, i'm not qualified and don't know if i have time.
but im sure many will be appealed by this idea too!
altho if i do write recaps, we might disagree on a lot of points drawing from the PP experience. lol.


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oh... btw, speaking of monday, isn't Coffee house (i am SO tempted to type coffee prince every single time) coming out this monday too? or is it next monday?
i really don't know what to expect of this drama so i'm looking forward to this too.


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Apologies, but I must respectfully disagree. I would never dream of speaking for JB, but this is a blog dedicated exclusively to Korean dramas, and I think the content is absolutely perfect just the way it is.

We're really very fortunate that JB gives us this Open Thread to discuss all of those other wonderful obsessions of ours, whether that's dramas from other countries, music, movies...just anything that strikes our fancy. Rants, raves, fascinating viewpoints and, most of the time, respectful differences of opinion are all welcome and appreciated here.

This place has been my virtual home for nearly 2 years...there is nothing about it that I would "redecorate" in any way.

Just my two cents! :-)


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actually, now that i'm thinking about this through, and after reading langdon813 comment, i admit she has a good point here.
altho i do love the idea of having recaps of other dramas, DB IS dedicated to Kdramas exclusively and perhaps it's one of the reason why it works.. it might turn into a mess otherwise.. but i could be wrong too. dunno. hmmm


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@ langdon813, : O }
*Your right*
*I Humbly Retract my Prior Request*


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