Open Thread #135



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@ Missjb
thanks for pointing the similarity with AAE out!! KSY also rocked in that drama! i HATED her character.. but your right, the scene where she watched the video was so sad... especially when you could feel her pain and her regret.

and PPers who've watched ep 13
does anyone think that the young IW looks like little Son Ho Young of g.o.d.? (but less handsome.. tho i might be biased on that since i'm a SHY nuts.. lol. i even watched on repeat the first part of ep 1 of Birth of a rich man just to look at him.. haha. LOVE him!!)... and i'm starting to act like an old lady, thinking a KID is cute... this is year is the first year for me when i start liking pple younger than i am... i never used to do that. gosh, i'm getting old. lol.


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Hello everyone...

Bit late for me, huh :P

Well, school's so boring inside my guts, and the past 3 days (or let's just say nights) have been the worst; sitting around with nothing to do except stare into your shift-mate while waiting for babies to come, it's hell...


OK now, enough ranting...

So there...

Just before the last night, I came across "Tuesdays with Morrie", and while reading, I just saw 1 word (actually, a bunch of words, but WTH) which trigerred my (generally unreliable and one hell of a wreck) memory: ALS, a.k.a. Lou Gehrig's Disease. I immediately remembered Kim Myeong-min's film, which I just searched awhile ago, and was (somewhat disappointed) that no one had ever made a correlation to "Tuesdays" (with the fact that the film had no connection with the book, only the illness)...

Now about some other news...(sorry, I just blab and blab without making relationships with the other OT-residents, who talk about the dramas I hadn't watched nor read in the recaps, I'm too lazy and busy and stressed, sorry about that :P)

*SONG! JOONG! GI!!! Who doesn't love him & his baby-face?! At least we have some new news of Seonggyungwan Scandal...
(just some comments on Micky Yoo-cheon: recently I read yaoi fanfics and some (if not all) have the DBSK members in them...aigoo~ I better start researching on them...anyways, I hope Yoo-cheon won't disappoint us all, not after the disaster that was "Heading to the Ground"...)
*The Housemaid stills: O_o & JAWDROP (want to type an emoticon, but dunno how for a jawdrop)...

Okay, long blab, but, anyways...



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lol... i'm sure u can talk about anything here. u don't have to apologize.. this is OT after all. and if nobody spoke, how can discussion start...
anyways, ur job/school (?) sounds stressful and busy but boring at the same time? um, is that possible? probably? XD
haha... Song Joong Ki is LOVE!!! seriously, the guy shines in any drama he's in, no matter how small the role..
and about Micky.. hope he does well too. btw, the teaser for his new Jdorama Beautiful Love or something is out! he looked flat and blank-faced in most of it but hope the drama shows something more. and Xiah is doing the soundtrack so that's a plus. it was sad that yunho had to go through that disaster of drama. love him to bits but maybe he should stick to dancing and singing.. or he should work more on his acting and choose a good project before coming back on screen.
and yeah, i pretty much had the same reaction when seeing the housemaid pic.. my first thought was, do we have a lust and caution 2 v. kr ?? (tho i actually didn't watch all of that movie in glory detail...i skipped the... um. let's say controversial parts, but still glimpsed bits and pieces. lol. i'm old enough in age but not enough in maturity. lol. i still watched it for WLH mainly)


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@ v

LOL LOL....you are such a funny person! I'm laughing at your remark about feeling old because you're finding young males attractive! Girl....eye candy comes in all ages and sizes!

Our local station just got done with OBGYN this week....got my sighhhhs over with on Wang and Lee and Ahn!!!! I'm still enjoying episodes 15 and 16 of OML....the dialogue really made it for me!!! And Choi Si-won did a great job in coming across and proving to KH that he would take care of her and the girls!

Would you believe PP is going to air here from next week? I think our local station is an SBS station....not sure.

You're getting caught up....keep having fun!


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@ ockoala & @ mookie

watched the first 10 min of yankee-kun. already addicted. thanks for bringing me over to the dark side... i'll take some of those cookies now thx.


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hehe "eye candy comes in all ages and sizes!" true... true.. makes me feel loads better.. so thanks!! (shouldn't i be the one praying for u to be better? lol)
well, u have to understand me.. i'm new to this liking younger male thing so not used to the feeling yet.. before, actors like Bae yong joon used to be WAY older than i am but now, everytime a new actor comes out and i check his age, i'm like.. oops. younger. i'm sure time will fix this.. or make it worse?

wow... how come ur station is so quick at airing dramas? i remember finishing OBGYN just last month, or end of march.. can't remember clearly.. but great drama! who can resist wang, lee and ahn? song joongki as i stated previously is love but go joo won and suh ji suk are FINE men... liked go joo won in my woman, resurrection and other dramas and looking forward to his new drama with ji sung. as for suh ji suk, his heart is already taken by SNSD Jessica.. LOL

and yeah, OML 15 and 16 was Siwon time to shine!! the guy was so sweet and winning as a man in love.. but i have to say that KH "love" for him as a husband came out of nowhere.. oh well, it ended with a good old kiss so all is well. YeEun cutie pie!!! love the girl!! and Minji is too smart for her age.. haha. overall, it was an unambitious but cute, unassuming, and winning drama which kept improving. it might be flat at times but choi si won and ye eun made it for me and kept me till the finishing line.

and OMG!! ur SO lucky!!! like i said, can't believe ur station airs drama that quickly.
i know u dont like PP that much but what would i give to be where u r. i am stuck watching PP on TVants or Livestation and still love it already. imagine the kiss and tears and pain in all small screen glory..

and yeah, i'm getting caught up!! and since you always talk about DW, i will check it out after i watch Suju (again) and PP 13-14 (again)... lol.


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To all my prosecutor princes friends!
Since this drama is near its final run I will be posting my last words in a three part reply.

Part # 1

The “In-woo anomalie”: Like I have said all along I believe the writers have created a “Flawed” character to begin with all along, or do they?
I believe that the problem lay's in our Interpretation of what “Redemption, Repentance, and Forgiveness” is all about, for all intended purposes we are truly talking about “Apples and Oranges” when it comes to the interpretation of this concepts with out taking into consideration the “Western and Asian” mindset concerning this issues.

If we take the In-woo Character in the light of “Buddhist , and Confucian philosophy”, than his behavior does make perfect sense. If he takes the path of “Confucius”, what In-woo has been set to accomplish all along is to bring balance into a situation where the actions of Ma-Sang-tae disrupted the natural order of “HOW THING OUT TO BE” since he fail to adhere to following the 'Righteous Path”, in this scenario we need to be reminded that the “END” does justified the means as in ( Take no Prisoners), so that's the reason why even tough In-Woo feels a small amount of remorse is not enough to stop him from executing his revenge, even if it means that he will destroy Ma-Hye-ri in the proses, In-woo at the end of the day its just being a “PROPER FILIAL SON” keeping the promise he made to his father, how will he face his father if he failed to keep his promise in the afterlife? And this is where Buddhism kicks In. The fact that we all are living within the construct of a “Revolving Wheel Of Life” give us the opportunity to be evil in this life if in the next we may have a change to truly repent, or if in the future our “Good Deeds” out weigh the bad ones, that's why In-woo is willing to take his chances, in this scenario “Love” does take the back sit, at the end of the day it is not about In-Woo falling in love with Hye-ri but about bringing back all things to its proper order, *(one of the main reasons why
Prearrange marriages are still so Prevalent in the Asian cultures)*

Now lets take the In-Woo Character into the “Judeo/Christian/Islamic philosophy”. In this frame of mind the concept of “Redemption, Repentance, and Forgiveness” takes on a whole new meaning.
In order for In-woo to find “Redemption” he must have an “Epiphany” that he have the need to be redeem and that is an act that “HE” cannot accomplish on his own it is given to him by a “HIGHER DEITY”. But this “Redemption” can only be obtain by the Knowledge and full acceptance of his wrong doings (Bad Deeds), and subsequent “Repentance” so he can than be “Forgiven” in full. The problem that In-woo encounters in this construct is quiet simple, “Jesus” taught to “Love Your Enemies” , to “Do unto others as you will like for them to do unto you, and the Prophets said “VENGANCE IS MINE SAITH THE LORD'” etc,etc. In-woo is hell bent on destroying Ma-Sang-tae by what ever means necessary, so we can see how his “Hate” has undermine his whole life, that is why when he was asked by Ma-Sang-tae and Hye-ri whether he had any sense of remorse for what he did and he say and “emphatic NO” he clearly show that according with the above philosophy's he cannot be “truly redeem”, his unwillingness to “Repent” is at the “CROIX OF THE MATTER”, unfortunately at least in the “Christian Philosophy” it does not matter to a great extent what wrongs have other people done against ones person “Jesus” called all his followers to first “Forgive before one can be Forgiven”.

We know not only in Korea but also here in the USA innocent people suffer, and a lot of innocent people are in jail paying for a crime they did not commit, but our safest bet is to follow the law as best we can, with that in mind the last part of the puzzle to completes our picture is that of “Secular Law”.
The last time I checked in the USA “Lying with the intent of personal Gain” it is against the Law, Stalking, Non Consensual Touching and Kissing, and Mental Abuse still against the Law.
The Law is base upon hard facts and in a “Court of Law” the judge is not concern why you cross the street on a ”Red Light”, at the end you will have to pay a fine because you broke the Law . So we know that In-Woo was done wrong by others but to justified his "out of the (Above) Law" behavior as something Banal it is not so according to the written Law. Ma-Hye-ri here in the states could had gotten In-Woo arrested for “Sexual Assault” (Unwanted Kiss), She could have got him on Physical Battery and Kidnapping( Graving her By The Wrist while he was Drunk, and Force her to drive with him after she discover his Deception), Also for “Stalking” (done by him or the people that work for him),
and last but not the least, “Mental Abuse” (PART OF THE CYCLE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE”.
I do not have any knowledge of “KOREAN CIVIL Law” so I am not qualified to comment to why the behavior that could very well land a man/woman in jail here in the USA is different in Korea....
Having said all of this; PROSECUTOR PRINCESS in my humble opinion is one of the best dramas that I have seen in the last 3 years, Ma-Hye-ri will live in my mind for many years to come.
From a Die Hard Hye-ri Fan. Thank you for your patience all of you who have not seen this Drama!!!!


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*SPOILER* Episode 14!
The Best Scene to me of the whole Drama was Hye-ri's Dialog before the Kiss, it brought me to tears, I was so pissed of when I first saw her taking the blame and given In-Woo "Her Gift" of forgiveness, and then I had an Epiphany; Ma-Hye-ri's act of forgiveness is 100% true to her character, forgiving In-Woo's evil deed had nothing to do with him, it does not say anything about In-woo we already know he did wrong, but the fact of the matter is that even if in the surface it seems that Ma-Hye-ri stop growing, she show us that is not about MST or In-Woo' bad deeds but about how "Great of A Love" can some one master as to be able to forgive any wrong doing done against oneself coming from a Family member or a potential love interest, and to me that is the Beauty of Ma-Hye-ri's Character!!!! : O }


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Tell me, PLEEASE! What exactly was IW's childhood backstory! Break it down, in detail, sis!

Of course all of us are entitled to flying high but SHINee sang that song solely for Hye Ri, or at least the part where Onew (Oneeeeeewww!) sings -
''nooni bushyeo misaga nooni bushyeo him dulga chichi mi yon to so'' (loosely translated: your dazzling smile, your dazzling smile, even through your tiredness you still smile.'') -- is totally HR to a T! And not JS.
*sticks tongue out at JS* Sure she's taken SJ away but she can't take ''Fly High!''

I am so LOVING your comment, but will have to come back to it once I have a better idea of what happened in 13&14 without me having to actually watch it, that is.

Prosecutor Yoooooon!! *screams*


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@ Amg1

Looks like something gotcha yesterday....in a very philosophical mood.

Well, you got me stirred up and I just posted another Barry White oldie but goodie on FB which I couldn't resist!....Can't Get Enough of Your Love Baby!!!

Hana Hou!!!!


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Dude! That was TOTALLY right at the beginning, he only abandoned her once! And after that absolutely heartbreaking restaurant scene, he spoke with a few of his colleagues remorsefully saying that they (including himself) had isolated her. He changed his attitude after that.
But him isolating her and quitting on her as her mentor (when she first started) wasn't completely unwarranted either, there had been a series of crazy mishaps and misunderstandings between the two already -- that I don't need to list, I'm sure. And obviously we learned he was also struggling to come to terms with how she looked like his wife-and how much he hated that fact. (blahblah!)
There's nothing else I can truly fault him on.

IW was so completely FAKE with her! He made her feel uncomfortable most of the time.
I wouldn't say HR was uncomfortable around SJ but rather quite shy, since he did have a kind of intimidating air about him. Though that didn't stop her from pursuing him and well.. spilling her heart out to him. There were things she told SJ that she never told IW.
In fact, I could dig up an older OT comment about the about the above examples in further detail AND how SJ was the one who contributed towards her growth as a prosecutor.

And I need to get this out now before I'll forget, but remember the tomato ahjumma incident? How they both ran to her but IW got to her before SJ could and took her back to his apartment. He gave her his own clothes to wear after she'd washed up and made her hot chocolate but then what did he do? Went online and showed her what had been uploaded on the blogosphere about her and the tomato incident. Which was quite harsh and unnecessary, maybe she needed to find out eventually but not right at that time while the humiliation was still so raw.
And what was SJ doing at that time, spending countless hours getting uploaders to remove all such content (awww!). I'm sure the photographers and bloggers were IW's men. I seriously wouldn't put such stuff past him. And that's just one such example.

Fair enough, it seems IW is the one who'll get the girl but atleast us SJ shippers will always have episode 3 to cherish! Wooohoo! (and 5 and 6, 7 and 9!!)


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**CU Spoilers**

I just finished watching CU ep 13 and 14 and wow the forest scene in ep 14. Can I just say that MY BAD GIRL is a total pimp and CJM is her reluctant ho. Their chemistry is like a cosmic vortex beyond anything earthly or sane.

LMS continues to enthrall me with her acting and her character but CJM has also upped the ante. He is putting out all the intensity with a take no prisoners focus and I'm turning gooey. I literally had goosebumps watching him tell her he could live if he just has her. (It sounds so much sexier in korean)

I discovered the secret to watching CU. I just let CU lead me and if its slow its slow if its the same stuff over and over I'm going with the recycling program. The only thing that grates on me is I wish they would have some light moments here and there to lighten the mood. All angst all the time is just emotionally draining episode to episode.

Something else that has been brewing in my mind. If Ki Jung is the heir apparent and Kihoon is the pretender, the creepy brother must be the half-wit royal prince Every royal family seems to have one in the closet.

**PT No Spoilers Just some Rants**
After initially drawing me in with the tummy rub scene in ep 6 and then later with episode 11 I have gone back to being a hater. Ep 13 and 14 were so freaking boring and I'm really doubting 2 more episodes will change anything for me. I guess LMH's loveliness is not enough to distract me from all that is wrong with this show. The actors, though they are the best thing about this drama, can't save this mess. Unlike City Hall, another drama that I had problems with but actually wound up loving, LMH is no CSW (yet) and the OTP is missing the extraordinary chemistry that KSA and CSW had. Yes they have some but I don't think they will become iconic like Cha Moo Hyuk /Song Eun Chae , Han Ki-joo/Kang Tae-young, or SamSoon/SamShik and something like Winter Sonata that is challenging to watch, can keep the viewer glued and invested if they have chemistry like BYJ and CJW.


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@ Amg1

I'm on a roll!!!! Just posted Earth Wind and Fire Boogie Wonderland to my FB page!!!! LOL LOL.....what a way to catch some people off guard!!! Wanted to post Reasons but can't find a good video so will wait before I get carried away.

Mahalo Bro for passing on the good vibes!!!


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>And this is where Buddhism kicks In. The fact that we all are living within the construct of a “Revolving Wheel Of Life” give us the opportunity to be evil in this life if in the next we may have a change to truly repent, or if in the future our “Good Deeds” out weigh the bad ones, that’s why In-woo is willing to take his chances, in this scenario “Love” does take the back sit, at the end of the day it is not about In-Woo falling in love with Hye-ri but about bringing back all things to its proper order, *(one of the main reasons why
Prearrange marriages are still so Prevalent in the Asian cultures)*<

I wasn't going to jump into this at all, because I'm totally on another dock let alone ship in this revenge scenario, given that I'm watching ep 21 of a massive revenge cartoon drama of AMCG, however - despite being a cradle Catholic with relatives in the clergy and a decent background in the theology of the early Fathers (hypostases vs homo ousia anyone?) - I'm actually a Buddhist of a Japanese persuasion.

It is a complete misunderstanding to believe that Buddhism feels that if you have an opportunity to do an evil in this life you can do it if you are planning on making it up in the next. In effect you are actually screwing yourself over for your next rebirth - since you will be starting deep deep in the karma hole. This is not the goal. The goal is to proceed forward, not deliberately step back thinking "oh, man, I'll make it up in another life." In popular Buddhist mythology terms, he's probably kicking his next rebirth right out of the wheel of humans into the world of animals - possibly even ghosts depending on how deliberately evil you were being.

Any Buddhist who has acknowledged the Noble Truths (as opposed to one who is merely going along in life and not even thinking about things) would NOT be planning on such a revenge plot. Not to say that they wouldn't seek justice - but the whole revenge plot thing goes against the tenets of the path.

What In-Woo is doing is in direct contrast to what the Noble Truths would recommend, namely he is grasping on to an attachment in this life. He is suffering because of his attachment to the revenge of his father.

In terms of the wheel of life - the wheel of samsara - he would just be jumping right off the wheel of life and into the wheel of poison - ruled by delusion, hatred or greed.

The whole "proper order" thing is more Confucianist in construct, not Buddhist.

As a contrast, I was actually impressed in Chuno that when Dae Gil goes to the temple and does a complete and heart felt full supplication bow, he first acknowledges the First Noble Truth - he actually says it - Buddha, Life is full of suffering. And then he asks Buddha what to do. And he then he does his bow, and holds it with much suffering and contemplation and then, after much angst and weeping, starts to do what Buddha would have recommended in the next noble truths - to let his attachment to UN go. Of course he then gets derailed a bit, but he holds to much of that path through the rest of the show.

tl;dr - don't go bringing Buddhism into PP please.


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You are welcome! :)
On the contrary, Young Mi's char in ALL ABOUT EVE has been my favorite villain character ever! I'm pitied her alot and felt her pain,
becauce of YM's char, I'm more understand and always have a soft spot for evil character, kekeke


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Seo In-woo must DIE!
Happily ever after. The end.


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>>>>>Went online and showed her what had been uploaded on the blogosphere about her and the tomato incident. Which was quite harsh and unnecessary, maybe she needed to find out eventually but not right at that time while the humiliation was still so raw.<<<<
When I read this one I think that maybe this discussion is really going nowhere
you already had a negative impression on IW so NOT MATTER OF ANYTHING HE DID, it's always deemed as evil in your eyes.
You purposedly shelter out the FACT that Ma Hye Ri receiving the call from her best friend informing there is a clip of hers online. Being curious, she might ask IW to turn on the laptop, he did say also that "people these days are really too much", showing his concern over her and his disapproval of some irresponsible individuals. Nobody really even pays attention to that very small detail. The intention of that scene is only to show us that HR's reputation as a prosecutor is tarnished/ blemished. No one ever meticulously?!? read between the lines like you did haha so uhmm, I think you are really unfair to IW.
And the fact that you said IW was totally FAKE then it should be understood that we must agree to disagree.
@amg1: I do take Philo Ethics but have no substantial knowledge on Eastern Philosophy so I cannot comment on that. But really, it does not take a rocket scientist to comprehend that the means do not justify the end. Nobody ever defends him on THAT. But taking everything into context, his environmental upbringings, there is something call sympathy for a character. He is not some sicko going around manipulating people for fun, playing mind games for the sake of recreation or killing people in cold blood. That is exactly why IW receives so much compassion from the audience, and also from our female lead, Ma Hye Ri.

This is a k-drama, Idk why you bring up all the grandiose philosophical cosmic stuffs into it 0.o. It is supposed to be viewed from a not so systematic and strict stance. An action should be judged under the realm of common sense, not empirical science. Plus, the writer's prime ideal/ poetic message is as cliche' as it sounds, love conquers all. Love welcomes anything that is less than perfection and makes allowances for human mistakes. Isn't drama supposed to be? Out-of-the-norm, exceptional plot with twists here and there, paired up with some irrational and nor afraid to let loose characters, no?


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@momosan, Truly sorry I meant no disrespect!!!
I do believe that a "True" Buddhist is call upon to always seek the "Better Path of Enlightenment, by forsaken the cares of this world and pursuing not only "Internal but external Peace"!!!!!
It is interesting that you mention Dae Gil, because I was thinking about him while I was writing my post, and you are Absolutely Right, Dea Gil does have a change of heart, the fact that he did not kill Song Tae-Ha after the fight by the river, and Un-Nyun when she found her again for the first time!!!!!


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OMG!! LOVE the podcast!!!
it's so funny of JB sounds NOTHING like i imagined her to be... for some reason, she has become some sort of higher figure in my mind, professor-like or something.. haha.. here, she sounds just like a "normal" dramafan girl. it sounded like me and my friend talking. XD

Hey, thanks for your input into the whole IW "controversy" character analysis. I really respect how deeply you thought about this and analysed our reaction.
I do have to say though that I disagree with the difference in religion or culture between the East and the West having a major role in our interpretation. I DO agree though that the main cause for controversy is our difference in interpretation about what's acceptable and justifiable.
I have a strong background in eastern culture since my family is HARDCORE conservative regarding eastern culture and i grew up with buddhism though i am not a devoted follower. but i'm born and grew up in a totally western culture (and that has been the source of conflict between my parents and I about what really is acceptable) with really passionate christian friends and I have been part of Hi-C, a christian club for years now though I am not christian myself. and I have to say that I don't think religion or culture has much to do with this...as a someone exposed to both culture, i can say that the difference in "mindset" regarding IW and his plan to clear his father's name is definitely not between culture and religion. my friends who are mainly devoted christians also watch PP with (when I first "forced" them to) and I can assure you that the last thing they think about when watching this is whether or not it is "religiously" correct for IW to do what he does. rather, they sympathize with him. no matter what culture you are in, it is a human feeling to feel resentment against the dude whose lies lead to the death of your father.. and a promise to your father is important no matter what culture you're in. and a desire for the truth to be cleared and for personal payback is normal too.. if you observe all the american/french/and others series out there, i'm sure you'll be able to find plenty of cases like this or even where the character does even more crazy SERIOUSLY CRIMINAL things. and the audience to not HATE the character because of this, or call him a sociopath.
As for the complete misconception about buddhism, i think i have to correct you there.. as a matter of a fact, IW is completely going against what Buddhism is teaching. Buddhism does NOT condone evil act even if they are overshadowed by the "good" result= this will lead to punishment in the next life, as well as in this current life. Buddhism states that if you have done an evil act before, and now achieve an epiphany and deeply regret it and redeem yourself PERMANENTLY by changing yourself sincerely and doing good acts from then on, then, you'll might be able to reverse the evil acts you did before. and this might have to last more than a life to achieve this. revenge is totally against buddhism (but like i said, it is human). buddhism advocates that you leave all those "futile" feelings behind and only focus on what's TRULY important in life. u have to forget revenge, resentment, glory, pride, poverty, prosperity, etc. etc. and focus your life to doing good in a SELFLESS act, as opposed to revenge, which is personal. being a filial son is good but not if it involves you being tormented and traumatised by those events which you have to forget. filial means that you have to respect your father and pray for him and love him and treat him the best you can. and i can assure you that pre-marriage has nothing to do with buddhism.
the draw in IW's character here is that the audience, or at least IW's lovers no matter what religion/culture they are in understand what led him to do whatever he is doing as an imperfect human, with feelings, love for his father, and want of justice. And like any kid deeply hurt by what happened to him, he could have just done something crazy like in a story of a man and come up to the news station with a bow (LOL) or plot the takeover of MST's company or something completely twisted.. Instead, the guy worked to become a lawyer to solve the problem THROUGH LAW.. he is doing what any lawyer/investigator/prosecutor/police officer with a strong sense of justice would do if he knew about the injustice, which is to uncover the truth and clear his father's name by gathering evidence and witnesses. of course, since the difference here is that it is a personal matter, he is much more committed to the case than any of the above would be.
but has he asked any witnesses to lie? NO.. he is simply asking them to tell the truth, which is what they SHOULD do anyways.. and he befriends them to make them listen to him more, which is what many lawyers do... they appeal for sympathy from their witnesses, which IW obtained by befriending them. HR also used the cookies strategy to make the girl like her so she would talk and say the truth. human interaction is what touches and make people act. his only action that indicates any personal feelings is making HR be the one to uncover the truth when he found out she was a prosecutor. and like i said, he made her do her job. and she would have been hurt anyways has it been another prosecutor uncovering the case. and another reason he chose HR is because she would be much more committed to uncovering the case this 1. it's part of her character and sense of justice 2. she is personally involved with her father. any other prosecutor would be less willing to deroot a case from 15 yrs ago.

as for lying for personal gain, i'm pretty much sure that it is illegal anywhere, but i'm pretty sure that many people do it without them being called sociopath, especially in dramas where the main characters, of especially of thriller dramas with a wronged childhood and revenge plot in motion, do that all the time.. eg. TODAW... etc. etc.. if everything was presented to the court in hard fact and everyone chose to prosecute for every wronged, then anyone would be viable for some sort of punishment.. i for one have suffered from "assault" (not really but i could sue for assault anyways) from my friends and vice versa. i would be liable for a bunch of "crimes" actually and I can assure you that I follow the law and has done nothing that would in normal life make me go to court. that 's why when you read that some store has to pay millions for a coffee that has been too hot, it seems quite ridiculous, not normal.
as for the "forced kissing", well in real life, yes that might not work. in movies, books, dramas, series, either western or eastern, it happens all the time without it being called sexual assault. especially in eastern dramas where the girl tends to be less proactive. and I would call it "suprised kissing" as MHR did not make the noise, or push him right away knock him off with a punch. she did kick him later but that was less a sign of true protest. had she been more agitated and obvious in her dislike of the kiss, i'm sure IW would have stopped. and if talking about forced kiss, should Rain in Full House and Hwang Tae Kyung in YAB or many other male characters from dramas go to court for "sexual assault." if i remember correctly, the kiss from YAB generated quite an excitement. and as for drunk behavior, you see that basically in 99% of kr dramas, none of them have impelled many people to accuse of assault.
he didn't force her to drive with him when she discovered her deception. she was too agitated to even put the keys and start her car... and she knew it so IW, out of concerned, drove for her... it never showed any sign of it being forced...
and talking about mental abuse... i'm not saying it was right of him to make HR feel pain but can you name one single drama where there is not a character who feels conflicted and pained and angst about something. someone always inevitably ends up crying anyways for some reason.

But you're right about HR being able to forgive... but even if she was not able to forgive, i cannot blame and curse or condemn IW for what he has done. it was not right but it was understandble and definitely forgivable, especially since he feels so much pain for HR and suffers because of her pain.
the clock scene was stellar acting from both KSY and PSH as well as the scene before the kiss and the elevator scene in ep 14. for me, PP totally stepped it up in ep 13-14 which includes some of the best and moving scenes in the series... and that's saying quite much considering that PP is at the top of my fav list for 2010.

I agree with you. Thank you for the explanation and clarification.

Ditto. that's why i said that KSY rocked her char in AAE. she could have made the villain much less relatable but she moved us, even though her actions were really hateful. i have a soft spot for evil characters too. that's why i actually like, or rather empathize with EJ in CS.


lol... um, if you don't what to watch the ep, do you have access to soompi? they have full recaps of the ep there... altho you might not like it since it abounds with praises for KSY and PSH acting in IWxHR scenes, especially for ep 13&14 when the hype was even greater and ravings about why they should end up together... the recaps don't have that though so you can just skim through the comments without looking at them..
otherwise, you'll have to satisfy yourself with my summary. i'm not a good story teller but i'll try my best. ^^
so basically, IW had a happy family, with a caring mom, and an awesome dad who does things like playing soccer with him, who is understanding and kind, an who keeps promises. then, one day, the dad was about to go back to office to do something when he received a phone call in from of IW and his wife from his boss (which i understand is MST) to come at whatever place. so when the father comes there, he discovers the body and that's where the flowershop owner sees the scene but before he came running there, he actually saw MST leave in his car altho he didnt know it was MST then. the father tries to call someone but discovers that the phone line has been cut. a while later, we see the father in prison, talking to IW through the glass panel.. and seriously, that scene is heartwrenching. the father insist he didn't do it and IW promises to clear his name for him and uncover his innocence and they try to pinky promise through the glass panel in tears. then we switches to the scene where IW goes to MST house and begs him to help his father, saying that his father is not that kind of person. MST is clearly disturbed to know that IW is his father's son and even shocked to ask him how he knows MST and immediatly shuts the gate at IW's face in fear. little HR meanwhile is observing everything from the balcony and IW sees this. next, we have the muffle scene where HR gives IW milk and muffins but IW, in anger, throws them away. after that, the scene switches to the hospital where the mother does not dare to uncover the clothes covering her husband's face. the doctor says that his father has died. IW finally does it and boy, that kid can act... he was crying so badly. the mom, too traumatised to stay in Korea, forces IW to leave to US despite his protest that they should stay here to clear his father's name. his mother is working hard cleaning dishes and IW is in a small, deprecate room. we hear sirens from the police and IW hides in a small alleyway (maybe he is an illegal immigrant or smth.. IDK) so when his mother sees him, she is relieved and hurriedly goes to him and is hit by a car. all this is witnessed by IW who sees his mother eyes wide opened looking at him for the last time. meanwhile, the flowershop owners confesses to HR that his son was sick at the time and needed treatment to live but no matter how he begged, the hospital wouldnt help him. so to have money to pay for his son, he got a job as the security guard. when he went back to the scene of the crime, IW"s father was gone but there was a suitcase with blood stains (that he still keeps) full of money in it and he kept some of that money to pay for his son. I understand that the money was MST's and that he could only keep it if he got his mouth shut about seeing MST leaving with his car. END.
ok, so it's quite confusing but i tried my best. sorry.
but do you see what i mean... this could totally be the first or second ep of a drama, followed by IW"s growth and being a lawyer and a scene with him returning to Korea with the plan to clear his father's name. etc. etc. can u picture such a drama or am i too inventive? lol


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ooops, as you see, my comment is really long so i didnt see your answer to momosan before i posted this... sorry.


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@ momosan

Glad to see someone else is still on that ship from a far off universe known as AMCG. It reminds me of those old serials from the 30s &40s that they use to play at the Saturday matinee. After episode 21 all I can say is" Holy Cannolli Batman!"


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To watch: ep 21 of AMCG or.......the mysterious, never before seen, lochness monster of all drama eps, the cruelly and unjustly hidden away Cinderella of all drama eps.....Tamra the Island, ep 21 (Director's Cut, baby!).

@ trixi, I may jump back into AMCG, but like a leprechaun spots a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, I hit the jackpot today and my Tamra DC DVD set arrived unexpectedly, and all I can think is......TEAM PARK KYU!


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oops... i've just reread my post and i realized a lot of my sentences don't make sense... i apologize for that. i've just learned english in recent years and it is not my first language... heck, it's not even my third but i can assure you that i'm not retarded and can write proper english when i put myself to it. but when i'm not at school, i tend to digress and be less focused so my flaws come out more blatantly.
hope it didn't hinder your understanding too much.

looking forward to Part 2!! can i ask what's it's about?


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CU 14 *spoilers*

*high5* I'm sharing your exact same thoughts on CU and PP. I know some would complain how any girl can end said forest scene as EJ, but we should know by now IF her knees didnt turn mush and barely able to stand, she wouldve hit and kicked and scratched. she is 1 big goo just like we all r gazing into that gorgeousness of a man in CJM and we just collectively cease to breath for that couple sec they hugged And allow me to be hopelessly sappy... our EJ is content w/ that couple sec of bliss, she cant dream or be 'disillusioned' more and go for it w/ all that tonnes of mess on her shoulders. EJ has faults but the least would be self-centered. I didnt for a min mistaken her running away as for herself, she's not capable of just thinking for her own individual good or else she would've left all these yrs ago. She has always wanted to leave to NOT poison the Gu household, that's her main concern. Even when she's decided to leave that scummy Jang ahjusshi, she did more than her dutiful share of the domestics... if this is a girl that is capable of a selfish thought, that wouldnt be how she wouldve acted.

I'm really clueless now how the Hung brothers arc will resolve. It really can go all sorts of directions


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continuation of PP SPOILER!!

about IW's childhood, i forgot to add that at the very end of ep 14, MST confirms and tells HR that he killed the man. WTH!!!
what kind of cliffhanger is that!! the writers want to kill me. but there's a lot of speculation that it might not be true during the ep, u could see he was concerned about HR (and again, awesome acting MST) and her love for IW and so pple say that he is lying to separate IW from HR and all. what is the truth??!! maybe ur lucky u don't have to go through the angst of waiting for ep 15. lol


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In celebration of my twin's wkend treat of Tamra DC DVDs and all the amazings that's happening @DB I really think we should get drunk or for the younger OTers, load up on sugar and lets PARTY!! :)


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Party on, twin!

So on like Donkey Kong. Wahh, I'm Beo-jin crying tears (of happiness) for the 9th billion time per episode.

I also bought a bargain book at BN today, a parody of Eats Shoots & Leaves, called Eats, Shites & Leaves. I guarantee to start using the malapropisms and litter my sentences with tautologies.


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wow... ur so lucky u've got the Tamra director's cut DVD!! congratulations!
truthfully, i'm envious... i have to contend myself with the 16 ep version but even so, i love the drama. it is criminally unknown and underrated.
and yeah, let's party... but i'll skip on the sugar, i'm on diet, trying to lose my (many) extra pounds. lol


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<<<< Eeeeep! I completely forgot about Yoon-ah's phone call, my bad.
Yes, let's agree to disagree. You never warmed to SJ and I am struggling to warm up to IW.
I like that you're clear about what exactly IW is though and under no grand delusion of him being simply tragic but pure. (Oh yeah, you wouldn't believe some of the IW theories I've heard!)

I also PROMISED myself I'd stop discussing (arguing and ranting about) PP on OT, alas! Here I am, going round and round in circles and enjoying eeevery minute of it.
Please don't everybody strangle me all at once...

Oh thank you! That was pretty damn good!! I now have a sound idea of what happened to IW. I did REALLY empathise with him in PP11, (or was it pity?) and I did expect it to turn out a heartwrenchingly tragic story.
The bit I'm stuck cold on though is the involving the daughter part, the sweet little girl who was concerned about him starving to death so offered him milk and muffins and that he later scouted her out as an adult and used her.
There are countless theories on why he'd do that but it's still so wrong.
Again, had this been a darker show from the start it wouldn't have been such a huge issue and besides, this is HR, you don't do this to HR, jerkface!!

I am going to sit and mull over my feelings for the IW character after learning about his tragic past though.
But... I just can't bring myself to not hate him.
...Especially my learning that after openly declaring himself her enemy he oh so passionately kisses her again! Again!! And she let him! Again!! Love isn't like THAT...?
*brain hemorrhage*


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^ oh v, haha not that I'm not counting my blessings, it's ockoala (my twin) who's the true lucky girl w/ Tamra DC in her possession! :)

lolz, o I can safely say the only person that SHOULD be on a diet would be MOI, I've been abusing my indulgences and my digestive system to the max for months..
but I've hidden my scale in a very dark corner of my guest bath!

looping the DB/GF podcast is sweetness enough!



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I'm pretending there is no PP stuff on the OT anymore. (whistles)

The other day my sister was home because she wasn't out partying, she was feeling sick so I decided to load up Super Juniors new performance for her. Let's stop for a moment so I can fill you in on why this is hilarious.

My sister is probably the prime demographic for a Super Junior fangirl, but her true love lies in that of punk bands. It doesn't even register to her they're first and foremost a band because she was too busy watching them in variety shows. If there was an episode of Love Letter I could download, she'd watch it. Multiple times. So of course this leads to a lot of confusion as she hasn't really kept up on them since those days. Oh, and her favorite members were of course Kim Kibum, Han Kyung, and Choi Si Won. One of these guys is doing alright for himself... can you guess which one?

So I try to explain.... with her interrupting all my sentences. It was like the blind leading the blind as I'm no Super-Super Junior fan. Me: "So Kibum.. he uh.. I don't even know. He's not there" She googles. Her: "Wait, he got fat? I need to see a picture like now" and then, me again: "So... Han Kyung kind of got felt like he was getting a raw deal.." Her: "Well, good for him!!!" She said, which probably no ELF shares that sentiment, haha. Lastly I..... well it's not that hard to point out Si Won while they're dancing, he gets to be in the center a lot. So she nods her head. "This?.... is music?" She is brutal, but she still loves them, and still wishes one day for Love Letter to return. It's ain't much, but it's something we can agree on.


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Cheers, raising a just opened bottle of Chardonnay in salut to JB and GF's funfunfun podcast. And to my twin, for getting the party started.

@ v, heh, I may have been the lucky one to get my Tamra DC set today, but I have been known to.......share, as hopefully a few kindred spirits can attest. :-D

Tamra is hardly underrated in dramabeans, we in OT have formed TEAM PARK KYU! (all caps, exclamation point). But yes, it was criminally underrated in the drama world. But I'm okay with that, Tamra creates this feeling in me of love, acceptance, and general contentment with having watched such a gem and come away, hopefully, a better drama watcher.

16 ep. Tamra was astonishingly good, I can only gird myself for how kickass 21 ep. Tamra will be. Squeeeeeee...


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BTW, I snapped a magazine cover pic at Kinokuniya today with LCH and KimuTaku as cover couple, and I swear, KT's expression is like he smelled a fart and couldn't wait to jet outta there. Too funny. But the point of my sharing is.....looks like the OTP in TnK is set. I'm just watching for the trainwreck potential now).

Oh, and @ twin, I must defend Keiko (somewhat). Her looks are more lush, her figure more voluptuous, than most jdorama actresses. I like that. I love me a more real life girl. Took me awhile, but I really like the way she looks, not drop dead gorgeous, but captivating (I think you'll need to watch ALL of BB to come to my conclusion).

I made fun of her and Pi as the blink leading the blind, but really her acting wasn't half bad in BB. She's not annoying which is always a plus for me, and there were moments where she was just hitting each beat. I actually think my Pi pulled her down a bit (Ender's Girl's theory, how does a lady act against her leading man with no discernable and recognizable facial expression to express his feelings, heh, so true).

Anyways, I love Pi to bits, and I think Keiko is really a developing talent. I fear she'll be wasted in TnK. Sigh. My biggest most plausible dream, LCH dies of a freak accident involving a falling cement truck and KM ends up with Ryoko. Cue song of happiness.


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@71 trixicopper

AMCG ep 21 - Hey, they actually SHOT someone this time! As opposed to doing the Batman thing of stringing the guy up, and torturing him until he can be rescued in the nick of time....basically, all we've missed so far is a swinging blade of death dangling over someone and coming closer swing by swing. And of course, you can recover in a nanosecond from an injury no matter how horrific, but dead is well....dead.

And boy is Kim Min Jong playing a great nutcase or WHAT!? He snuck up from being normal the first time we see him to bad but conflicted to evil to nut case to total whack job. Heck, if he suddenly showed up dressed like the Joker, it wouldn't surprise me one wittle itty bit.


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you're welcome ^^
glad u could understand it with all the errors i made. :D
lol. i wonder what theories about IW u heard.. i think it would give me quite a laugh. i agree that IW is not pure... far from it. he's rather flawed but i don't hate him for that and that's where we agree to disagree. i feel like we've been repeating the same thing over and over again. haha.
"my learning that after openly declaring himself her enemy he oh so passionately kisses her again! Again!! And she let him! Again!!"
lol.. about that, well, i don't know what you heard but from my point of view, he tried to push her away as best as he can but really, he couldnt resist HR after her confession. that was one of the best moving moments in that ep and really, if he resisted her after hearing her say "i love you, you jerk, so apologize to me etc .etc" (the speech is actually a whole lot longer than that, especially if you count the clock scene), well, he's a cold bastard. and of course she would let him kiss her this time, she just confessed that she loved him. lol. but maybe u have to watch the ep to understand that. or maybe not since knowing from past episodes, we don't often view the same scenes in the same way. lol.

haha.. talk about indulgences. before i got into my diet about 2 months ago... first, i went to college with unlimited free food and ice cream at all time!! and hot chocolate, and pizzas, and burgers... gosh, i ate so much it's SICK.
then, i went home and had processed food, fried chicken, cakes, ramyun aplenty and then i paused and i was like... this is NOT good. lol
i totally understand the feeling of hiding the scale. i didnt weight myself for years cuz i was so afraid to face my nightmare and stop the eating.. lol. when i finally decide to do it, i couldnt digest how much i've gained. TT
Cheers to you too!

maybe i should be like you and pretend PP is not on OT... that might make it a whole lot easier.. LOL
but it's really hard to resist since PP is so predominant here and I am still deeply invested in that drama while u're not anymore. oh well..

as for ur story of SJ and ur sister.. ROTFL
i also loved SJ from the x-man and Love letter days... kibum was CUTE!! and hangkyul... i really wonder if he is returning?
she doesn't like bonamana? aww... i am addicted to that song. admittedly, sorry sorry was better but somehow, i'm more excited about the new single.

good of u for sharing!! and well, ur one lucky girl for sure. and hope u'll update for us on exactly how Tamra 21 will be.
btw, did u finish pride? whats ur next one on the list?
about keiko, i actually think she's quite pretty. and loved ender's girl review on BB. she's a Pi lover like me too but we are not blind to his flaws. but Pi is Pi and that's about sums it up. lol. lol about ur dream for TnK.. who knows, that might happen. but i'm thinking of giving up on that show or at least wait til it finishes airing... *sigh*


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Does anyone know what dramas will be following CU and PT? I like my Weds-Thu primetime dramas and it's strange there's no news about the KBS and MBC timeslots?

(*whispers* die IW,diieeeee!!)


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Yes, @ v (little sis), I did finish Pride. I had a one-on-one conversation with it at the end of the last OT, if you're curious. momosan says it was just right, so I'm pleased (pets myself on head). I loved it, despite and inspite of it all.

I'm back to finishing up my Pi's oeuvre, starting with finishing Kurosagi (too funny to even write a word about it), then ProDai, and if I'm still lucid, Code Blue 1 and 2. But I'll probably take breaks in between to catch up on PT, re-watch ALL of Tamra, finish Mawang, and start Goodbye Solo.

Jeez, my plate is WAY too full. The above is my goal for the next two months! And some writing in between. :-)

@ supah

I believe the next big drama to follow CU is Road Number 1 (not directly, I think there may be some short drama or specials in between). All I know is, SJS + YKS = I am so there! And with a cold compress to alleviate the overheating.


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after CS is king of baking, kim tak goo with cutie music bank yoon shi yoon, YAB park shin hye, SES eugene, lee young ah and others i can't remember
it looks like a cute drama to me
and after PT is I live without anything with the manager for YAb (i dont know much about that drama really) followed by short drama running shirt with song joong ki ^^, then followed like ockoala said by road number 1 with SJS, Kim ha neul and Yoon kye sang.

lol... u sure look like ur plate is full. maybe u should think of exploring Pi's better dramas from the past like lunch queen with takeuchi yuko from pride and cutie satoshi tsumabuki.
Kurosagi=XD have u seen the movie.. it'll leave u feeling even more ridiculous.
prodai is cute but repetitive.. i liked it cuz i'm a sucker for romantic stuff. lol . and CB.. don't even get me started on this. -_-"


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then shall i call u big sis? lol
i've just read ur letter on Pride... it was spot on... but really, the last minutes at the rink was so romantic it made up for the mess after the BF abuser came back.
glad u liked it!! ^^
for kurosagi, the thing is i actually enjoyed watching that drama despite the numerous *headesk*moment. and daite daite senorita was addicting. and i like yamaki pairing! lol.
goodbye solo.. don't remember much from it but it was good. mawang... talk about angst and suspense. lol
good luck for the next 2 months.


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Thanks ockoala and V:
I've been anticipating Road #1 for quite a while now...
I'm fully invested in Giant though and because sexy bastard takes precedence (always) I'll defo be watching the upcoming Bad Guy, too.
Somehow watching three heavy (highly-anticipated) dramas around the same time doesn't sound too manageable anymore.

Good job Athena's starting way later in the year or I'd really be bogged down, haha.

I take it those will be short dramas on KBS, prior to Road #1's premiere?


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ur welcome ^^ and yeah, they are short dramas. the first one is like a special or smth and running shirt is 4 ep.
me too, i'm quite invested on Giant.. wonder how the adult part is going to turn out... hope it won't be an EoE 2 but the cast looks like they can actually act so im hopeful. still don't know if i'm going to make through all 50 ep tho..
Bad guy is smth i anticipate for Kim nam gil and KJW and i'm really hoping HGI can show me that she is more than just a pretty face.
but now that u mentioned it, with road no.1, that would make quite a load of heavy drama... i don't know which one i'm going to put on my to-watch list... meanwhile, i'll try all 3.
LOL about ur comments on sexy bastards.


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You're right about King of Baking and I live without Anything following CU & PT -- yet this is the first time I'm hearing anything about these two shows.

Noooo! Please don't tempt fate, Giant just feels far more superior to EoE, for one Giant seems to have a more more sombre, understated yet beautiful way of crafting the story and its generally more Grave of Fireflies (w/o the kids having to die) than EoE at this point.
Another drama it was being likened to (after people saw its trailer) is Sandglass. I haven't seen Sandglass so I'm not sure, but I honestly have a good gut instinct about Giant. (Even though it's unlikely to get the ratings it'll deserve.)


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@supah: (*whispers* we are fire starters)

Out of the blue this afternoon I decided I wanted to watch Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge. I saw half of episode 1, so I decided I was just going to watch episode 2 on. I realized I can make it through an episode as long as I fast forward through the opening. Oh the dancing.... I can't avoid the song because it's inserted into the show, but I'll deal.

So... if from episode 4 on I take a shot of vodka everytime someone says "lady"... how many episodes will I be able to get through tonight?


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lol.. well it's not surprising u didn't hear about them.. i dont know much about them either.. especially for living without anything. for king of baking, i'm not even sure if PSH is in it.. there's really not much information.
and yeah, ditto about Giant!! really like it and the similarities with grave of fireflies is really cool in my opinion cuz isao takahata is a great director of anime, tho i like miyazaki better.
and i've watched sandglass (another GREAT drama) and i can see the similarities in the way the dramas are made and the feel they evoke altho it's not that similar in terms of plot and all. there's a lot more politics in sandglass in my opinion.
YNSH is overrated in my opinion. it was a good quirky bizarre typical Jdramas and i enjoyed it, and the JE eye candies don't hurt... i used the fast forward button too.. lol.
that's how i managed to finish it. and u'll see, the word "lady" still continues to pop up. about the dancing.. lol. when i saw their opening, i was like o_O. u would think that with all their training in their juniors day and now as active artists, they could come up with something less... i don't even have a word for it. lol.


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bye guys! i'm off to rest now....
since i didnt write much when i was out of town, i wrote a lot today.... i'll try to restrain myself later.. lol
but it has been fun!

enjoy OT!!


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@84 momosan

LOL! The swinging pendulum of death. Or the ever popular, hanging over a vat of acid while a candle burns through the ropes holding you.

KMJ is totally rocking as the psychotic WH. Who I'm sure pulled the wings off of butterflies as a child. At the very least he shot puppies with a bb gun . Poisened guppies, and when he was done...oops! That would make him a dentist, not a crazy CIS guy. My bad, wrong story.

i would like to give a shout out to the prop person though. That was some 'scary" looking torture device they came up with. LOL. :D A raygun from the I'm 6 and I built it myself store.


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Here a list of my all time favorite Female singers.

Ma Rainey (April 26, 1886 - December 22, 1939) The Mother of the Blues
Bessie Smith (April 15, 1894 – September 26, 1937) "The Empress of the Blues,"
Ella Jane Fitzgerald (April 25, 1917 — June 15, 1996) "First Lady of Song"
Patsy Cline (September 8, 1932 – March 5, 1963)
Gladys Knight (born May 28, 1944) Known as the "Empress of Soul"
Janis Joplin (January 19, 1943-October 4, 1970)
Linda Ronstadt (b. July 15, 1946)
Ann Wilson (born June 19, 1950) is the lead singer of Heart.
Alanis Morissette (born 1 June 1974)
Sarah McLachlan,(born January 28, 1968)
Utada Hikaru (宇多田 ヒカル , born January 19, 1983) Japan.
Genta Ismajli (born 4 December 1984) is an ethnic Albanian singer from Kosovo
Ana Moura (born in 1980, in Santarém, Portugal) is a Portuguese fado singer
IS (Infinity of Sound) a Fusion Classical Korean /New Age music from Korea. A million Roses By IS. enjoy.


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@93 janna

No no!!! You must watch the opening dance number, because it is so WTH!?!? in awesomeness.

For those not watching Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge - the dance number is NOT to be missed!

giggle, giggle! I swear I giggle like a 12 year old every freaking time. Only slightly less silly is the video of KAT-TUN doing it themselves. giggle.


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"I’m really clueless now how the Hung brothers arc will resolve. It really can go all sorts of directions"

I agree but I did think back in ep 6 that older brother will be involved with EJ in some way and he seems interested in her in ep 14. The half wit I wrote off but maybe our KH will be the odd man out in that royal family.

You know if I cease to think of CU as a kdrama with its usual conventions I think I can enjoy it for what it is and hopefully whatever it delivers. If it ends like an O'neil or Chekov play , I won't say "What the hell was that" like I do with a lot of kdramas but I'll think of it as the modern korean tragedy using kdrama as a vehicle to express itself.


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Ermm i read thru some of the replies in here...and though i agree with most comments about Tsuki no Koibito, i guess it does deserve another chance. I thought it just suffered from Ep1 introductory sickness. Some scenes were uber corny yes..and LCL is like a "deer caught in the headlights".

Another minor gripe....if it is a huge wall of text..Would some of you mind paragraphing your sentences more? There are some great insights and comments i let slide 'cos of that :(


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