Open Thread #135



The Tallest Man on Earth – “Burden of Tomorrow” [ Download ]

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@ xiahkixiri: I don't think real books will outright die, but there will be definitely less of the cheaper paper-back versions and thus less trees killed (which is great)

@A.: I see we have a similar taste in music. I'm not going, but my sister is. I hope she doesn't go crowd surfing again (she's a wild child)

@super junior fans: Interesting. Some of the dance moves look like speed skating? The "sliding to get back into formation" move at 3:09... necessary? Okay, whatever don't get your hand stepped on dude.


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@ lb_tmi/lovenyc52 – thehe, you guys and your twin telepathy crack me up. ^^

lb_tmi - WAHHHH - you're going to the WG/2PM concert!?!? Now it's my turn to be jealous of *YOU*. You have to tell me how it goes!!!! It may be my bias (just a wee bit?), but I was sort of disappointed with the WG's perf @ KMF...2PM was *way* better and should've been the headliners ^^ I actually didn't run into Junsu and he wasn't on my side of the stage. I *did* see NicKhun and woahmygosh - the dude's smile needs to come with a warning label!! I was filming their encore when NicKhun smiled in my direction..and I was in such a tizzy I forgot to record and just started screaming -lol-. so i have a good couple secs recording of the ground. ^^

Channie’s actually really tall in real life (some of the other 2pm boys..not so much..lol). I saw him first because he and Taec were literally a head taller than the mobs of fangirls surrounding them..

….. my words do none of them justice. Should I post fancams&pics? I didn’t want to flood this OT, but if anyone wants them,…let me know. ^__^ Mine aren’t very highquality, but I’d love to share. 


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@ yenchan

YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fancams please yes. omg everytime i read Channie's name i turn into a puddle. Khunnie has a thousand watt smile huh?! ha. now i'm kind of regretting not goin to the WG/2PM concert even if i'm surrounded by crazies.


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@ yenchen

you can flood my email (i'm sure twin agrees w/ hers also!!!) that way, if no one else here at OT fangirls as much as us, we're not overtaking or anything. i want. i want. i want. ha!

lovebird_tmi at yahoodotcom :)



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@ janna

Your sister is so lucky. One of my friends is going but she says she might not go if she doesn't know other people going (!!... I would totally buy that ticket off of her, if I weren't out of the country then). And then another one of my friends is going because he knows a lot of people going (but doesn't really know a lot of the bands... urgh. Whatever. Maybe Lollapalooza can teach him a lesson in good music, hah!). Jealous.

@ lb_tmi and lovenyc52

You guys are hilarious. LOL.

@ yenchan

Yeah, I probably won't end up an old maid. But it just means that I have impossibly high standards. Of course, standards sort of get thrown out of the window, though, when I do get involved. Nonetheless, where are guys like this in the real world? Non-existant, pretty much. Pains me. Poor men, though. When you get put up in comparison with such Korean drama specimens, sort of makes your kind all look pretty pathetic. Eh.


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wait. does my previous post make me a crazy?? lols. i just reread it and i sound like a nut.


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@ janna

yes, they look like they are speed skating. but i kinda like it. and i like Teukie's knee slide back to formation. something about a man on his knees is appealing to me. even if he is the size of a toothpick. ha!

@ twin

yes. you do sound like a nut. and we look like the crazies more so than those that would be/ will be surrounding us. lols.


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@ lb_tmi and lovenyc52: you guys and your twin telepathy !!! Awesome... hehehe

@yenchan - I am so tempted to drive down to DC for the concert.. it is first week of June right??


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@ yenchan & @ A.

"Does that mean I’ll grow in a lonely old lady living with her cats, eating poptarts, watching kdramas and wondering when a JinHo/HyungTae (forever my fav ideal kdrama male lead) will appear in my life?…….Nnnoooosss"

hello, welcome to my vision of the future as well lol. well, replace cats with dogs and there i am. Where is my HyungTae?!?!? haha...

Yes, I need to keep in mind that these kdrama men do not exist in real life and get back on track with my life haha. i'm not getting any younger here.


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On CS... Just wanna say, hey javabeans, the dead man's diary proved your instincts wrong...

Your comments in episode 7 "There are two ways to read this scene — either he really did know the truth, or he is only saying this to mitigate Eun-jo’s pain. Personally I think it’s the latter, given how hard this scene has hit him, but perhaps it was always a thought that niggled on the verge of his subconscious, that needed this push to come out into awareness."

Well, anyways, even though he died, it seems like he's back almost episode since his death, and he's haunting all of them in different ways.

On PT..

OMG, I feel we've reached the climax. Sanggojae dark mystery unravelled because of the kind boyfriend's good intentions erhem, but sadly put to bad use. And Prof Park Chul Han, the big shot architect we've all heard so much about is finally back. he doesn't quite fit my expectation though. I thought it would've been someone with a serious/grim face. Anyways I'm pretty happy new conflicts are introduced because I'm sick of every single conflict being the work of Inhee. Like seriously "everyone" (well not really everyone, but mainly Hyemi, Changmi and Changryul) feels like a pawn in In-hee's chess game, and that does not sit well with me.


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yay friday!!! Okay so I had nooo intention of ever watching Prosecutor Princess, but then I started watching it out of boredom and OMGGGG....it is addicting! Did anyone watch episodes 13 and 14?? Ahhh I am freaking out about everything going on! And episode 13 had one of the most squee-worthy endings EVER. I cannot wait for next week...but I'm also worried because I can't see how things will turn out happily :(


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@Team SJ and PPers:
Yo! Ma' bro, Amg1! Thanks for the updates, I'm afraid I can't hear anything further. I have well and truly given up on this gig.

I am a staunch supporter of KSY and would rather remember her for her earlier episodes than what her character has become now. I can not fault her or PSH's acting, heck even in 11 and 12 I was wanting to give the girl a standing ovation for her acting, but the story... is a whole nother thing.

I still have the hand it to the people behind PP, for a perfect 1st 10 episodes. OK, maybe episodes 1 and 2 were an acquired taste but they were certainly entertaining. The rest were brilliant. I have to thank them especially for episodes 5 and 6, for Ji Min's saviour Hye-ri and SJ's admirer Hye-ri, (remember the gazebo scene?) the Hye-ri I was besotted with in a girlcrush way, she was so full of promise.
And for... y'know all those Prosecutor Yoon appreciation moments, his shirtless scenes, his kickass fight scenes and just his general panther-like self, sauntering around, clad in black tailored suits and stuff (Rrrrrrrr!). Thank you, drama.

What happened after that was like say, if in this point of the drama Cinderella's Sister; T-rex suddenly walked into the makgulli factory and gobbled up EJ!
Now some of the audience may be like; ''f--k yeah, T-rex!!''
and ... ''I love this guy T-rex... let's see who he eats next , soooo exciting!!!'', but you have to understand there will be some people stood scratching their heads thinking... ''is it me or is there a major gaping hole in the plot - what the *beep* just happened?''

There's no logical flow and it feels so damn out of place for what was a fun drama, I understood it was meant to become serious. but not twisted(!) AND anticlimactic after all the build-up in earlier episodes. What on earth happened to HR's 'change' and becoming a hardened prosecutor?

He's a criminal (of the pervert, sociopath variety), you're not simply his victim, you're a PROSECUTOR, HR - DO something! (Kick his mofo'ing ass already!

OK, I wasn't meant to go off ranting like that, I was meant to compliment what this drama got right, back when I used to love it. Anyway, I will fondly look back to this drama from time to time.
I just don't want anything to do with what it's become now, I'm pretending it's already ended and this part of it doesn't exist (lalalala...). Au revoir!

About the historical sites/buildings in Giant - the one standout one for me the Gisaeng house in episode 3. I've seen many such places, and all sorts of lavish, extravagant Eastern palaces in sageuks and many big budget films, yet nothing has EVER made something feel so breathtakingly atmospheric, just by having` a couple of army officials vaguely hanging around outside its courtyard on a dark night, plotting something big, with the odd Gisaeng or two hurriedly running along in the backdrop holding up their swishing hanboks, and the sound of merriment and string instruments coming from a fair distance.
Yes, I love this drama's attention to detail and how everything is such a delight to the senses.
Dude I don't know about you but I thought that pocket knife Sung-mo was carrying was pretty damn lethal-looking, did you SEE that blade?

Btw, Is anyone else here watching Giant?

Oh and Janna - I'll enjoy you ripping PP apart! Go for it gf! What are waiting for? Indulge!


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Hm. I used to like 2PM, too, back before I learned a lot about them. Esp. with kpop, I think I've discovered that the less you really know about the performers and the lives they lead, the happier you are as a fan. Fortunately, most international fans stay off Daum and Tellzone, take the performers at face value and just enjoy the music (and the abs, obviously). It saves everyone from the major crazy.


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@ supah --> I guess I'm not seeing the plot holes you're referring to in PP, and how is In-woo a criminal? I mean, he's done some pretty crazy stalker-ish things (moving to her same apartment comes to mind), but I don't think he's ever done anything illegal.


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hello, jbeaners,

how are you all doing out there?
isn't life beautiful?

Happy Friday to you all!!!


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@ 37 wist

So much word about CS! Love the characterization, the acting, but the storyline and progression leaves me cold. Also: getting repetitive. There should be a drinking game:

1. Drink! when someone cries.
2. Drink! when someone mentions dying. I'm not trying to downplay the gravity of suicide but come on. I wonder if the show is trying to foreshadow a tragic ending?


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Agree with @37. Love PP the dialogue and plot development is such that it just carry you along. The close in and out is so well done with the music.The way the characters are protrayed is so humanistic without being cheesy. . HR has to go back to being cool again - her life is being destroyed by the 2 men in her life.It is still the most enjoyable of the 3 dramas to watch.
PT -the storyline is mediocre.SYJ is excellent in the crying scenes.To be honest I watched it because LMH is so hot! Who wouldn't want a bf like Jinho? Where do you get guys who are so thoughtful and handsome like that in the real world.


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I'm currently watching all three Wed-Thu's dramas.

I have no complains about the stories --- each of them have their own charms and flaws, I enjoy them all, and the actors are doing good to awesome works.

One thing I want to point out is, it's kinda ridiculous that Prosecutor, Ma Hyeri and Lawyer, Jenny can wear shorts for work! Okay mini skirt I can still understand, but shorts? Seriously? Who can take them seriously by looking at how they dressed?


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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!...fInals over!!.....bring it on summer dramas!!......also im half done with my college education!......nw i have to catch up on 4 eps of CS na d PT that i had postponed to the end of finals...i still watched OML despite finals...cus i needed a breather..even if those breathers costed me hrs...lol...im glad OML is over and that PT is getting over this week....I need fresh dramas for the summer....OML wasnt teh greatest drama plot annd flow wise (there ws just nothing new abt it)...bt i enjoyed it loads for the fun stuf and hw cute is siwon??!!...iv realised that i cn enjoy a drama if i only focus on the stuff i love....of course that means a lot of fast forwarding.....im gonna miss siwonnie, his smile and his abs!!....tell you the truth i agree with someon who said before me that PT is on the lowest wrung of the wed-thurs kdrama lineup...maybe i shouldnt say that considereing im only watching 2 of the 3 dramas...bt i find my self enjoying OML much more despite its cliches and predictability...the 2 main problems for me are the directing/editing and the jinho's character...sorry guys im a LMH fan too...and its not his acting thats the problem...bt i find myself only liking JJH when he's the cute boyfriend or wen he's stuck in the gay msunderstanding situations, otherwise i find him dull and i cnt even sympathise with his other problems...which is why im only beginning to like this drama towards the end...im sticking to my newly learned philosphy of sticking to whats best in a drama to help me get through it......even though im not watching PP i regularly visit its viiki channel to catch glimpses of PSH...and after getting a spoiler for the ep 13 kiss i ended up watching the beginning of ep 14 a million times at least...cnt wait till PT gets over so i can marathon this one....
so now off to the new dramas airing this week and the week after....Cant wait for cofee house and bad guy!...ive ben waiting for months for these two...just hope they dont end up disappointing me like other much anticiapted dramas this year...in the meantime i gonna catch My Country Calls....ive seem good feedback on this one so far... plus i love lee soo yung and horan....anyone watching this drama here?


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TGIF!! Have a great wkend OTers! :)

I have some honest and brutal opinions on the W/Th shows, please dun read if u can be offended. ( I have a rare immunity to LMHMG's smiles, or PSH's hotness/ abs...so on. yet I'm a st. girl)


I'm bored by PT 12, 13....in the cant really pay attention to any dialogue lvl of bored. :( I also finding LMHMG falling on and off of handsome for me fr scene to scene. I'm not sure if I'm loving some of his closeups or the awkwardness or his smiles. SYJ is still spot on and <3 but he looked forced and out of character in glimpses, he's still good for a relatively green actor, but the greenness is more apparent now. I cant pinpoint what I found that is off in our adonis, but I really find him much sharper in the middle eps. I still enjoy the OTP, their scenes tog r cute, but I think I'm mainly enjoying SYJ.

I think I'll marathon PP once it's done and just to check out what's the deal. I did see ep 1, 2 and nth is speaking to me. The acting is generally good, up to ep2 it's still allowing me to be shallow: what the fudge is w/ the hairs and clothes?!?!

now CU, my love for it is untouchable. It's not like I dun think half of any ep ep 5 on is a repetition of some sorts and our lost damaged things r going around in some concentric circles...but I'm enjoying this slow burn and small crackling. It just make sth as simple as a hug this much more powerful. imo it swept me off more than that PP ep10 game over. each ep just give me a scene or 2 of my dose of awesome that I have to loop. and i'm happy just marveling at the acting. I wished it was written by a more competent hand, but this writer can spin out couple minutes of magic every ep that is lacking in other things I'm following right now...and that had me hooked.


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@ janna

any cool links to the Super Jr. concert? sent my gdaughter email about it so wouldn't be surprised if she finds them!

I started on Giant....only saw the posting this morning....

I'm still tripping on OML..... neat....neat.....

have a good weekend!


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I guess it takes me a good night's sleep to get over a bout of near homical rage caused by watching the entire episode 1 of Tsuki no Koibito.

Now that I have put away the knives, I have to say that TnK is one of the worst drama constructs I have ever encountered, effectively killing whatever good acting (Ryoko? KimuTaku? Keiko?) and good execution (sleek, slick, fast-paced) would captivate a viewer.

I despise with my whole heart the entire Shanghai cause and effect, including but not limited to LCH's character (I will not even attempt to describe her "acting" other than to say I would rather have my eyes poked out by hot needles), Abe's entire loss of dignity (Lord have mercy on him, I hope his character gets eaten by the Host monster in the next episode so he can escape this debacle with his head held high), and the prostitution of the Chinese manufacturing industry and the whole-scale creation of a Shanghai slum circa 1930s. Like, WTF! scriptwriter.

The only folks I think are not taking this shiz too seriously is Shota and Keiko, and for that, I applaud them. Shota is channeling Baron Chen in FTLY with a twist of his patent Shota Zoolander aura. And Keiko - can I say, she's my fave character in this entire drama. Why? Because she freaking feels real! Everyone is cardboard (KimuTaku, why?, why did you go from my Halu (helloooooo there baby...) to this meaningless shell of a chaebol) or an insult to the entire female race (LCH's character, seriously, her very existence is an affront to my gender).

[The scene in the demolished factory btw KimuTaku and LCH where she freaks out and he grabs her and says "I've decided on you" is beyond embarassing, ahhhh!!]

I'm sad. TnK isn't even unintentionally funny anymore, unless I spoon out the part of my brain that registers bullshit. Thank the lord for Yankee-kun. Does anyone think Narimiya Hiroki's Daichi is like a cross between Shuuji and Akira? (hee, it's like we combine Kame and Pi and created this version of the bad boy with a heart).


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@ supah

Wow OT really moving along.

I started on Giant....will let you know what I think later on. So far only into first episode....have to watch and listen to characters.

Ep 16 of OBGYN last night and I enjoyed it all over again. Head nurse had me laughing....she would have been a perfect match for Wang! Or maybe she's just a little too "forward" for him. DArn....both he and Lee have dimples!

About Wife Is Back....it's only 30 minutes long each time. A distraction....of sorts. I don't know the name of the latest male who entered the picture but I gotta say there are some drooling "eye candy" in this drama. Lead male isn't much....but the other 2 males certainly are. There's nothing else so I'll get my kicks....my neighbor who is late 70's told me she's watching that one for the nice looking males too! LOL LOL....

Have a restful weekend! Catch you lattah!


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So, did nobody watch My Country Calls and Giant, the 2 dramas that premiered this week?

I was really hoping for JB to write an impression post...
I downloaded them both, but I'd love to hear short impressions before I watch, so anyone watched?


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'Does anyone think Narimiya Hiroki’s Daichi is like a cross between Shuuji and Akira? (hee, it’s like we combine Kame and Pi and created this version of the bad boy with a heart).'


ahhh, thanks twin, that explain my rabidly expanding cuddly soft spot for Hiroki! <3
but I think I'm fangirling Hana more in Yankeekun.. o crap, I'm fangirling them BOTH as much. I dun rem I love both the hero and heroine as equally as this little gem.

TnK is so bloody awful that the more I think about it, the more disgusting and infuriating it is. me VERYsad, I need to watch some Hero to get over the yuck because Pride is actually making it worst... it's making me mourn sth that's GONE. I'm sadder watching Pride ep1 and more ANGRY at TnK as a result, literally felt like I just poured some perfume I love on a pile of dunk.


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So. Apparently Wonder Girls and 2PM are coming to Chicago House of Blues. Tickets are worth approximately $40. I'm trying to determine if it's worth it for me to go... Probably not. Like someone said, I used to really like 2PM, but then the more I found out about how the members lead their lives, the more I started falling off the 2PM fanboat.. Er....

You people talking about Prosecutor Princess really make me wanna watch it, like, right now. In the library. Probably not a good idea. Should be studying.... ergh. This is the effect that OT has on me, I think. LOL.


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I won't deny Bonamana has been ringing in my ears all week long plugging in Strong Heart [btw, funny] and beyond. Siwon didn't participate in Boom, Boom on Music Bank although he did perform for Bonamana.

I was disappointed at OML ep.16 finale kiss between MinWoo and KaeHwa. It's like watching ep.01 intro all over again, just that MinWoo has a change in partners. So disappointing. Oh well.

@ yenchen

Just curious, what were the KMF freebies this year?


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@ ockoala & @ mookie

now i want to watch Yankee-kun. I love me some Hiroki. And Kame and Pi too of course. So a Kame and Pi hybrid would be awesome. :)


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@lb_tmi : "something about a man on his knees" : I'm not sure whether that comment is PG or not. .....asking just made it worse.

@supah: He got through it with that knife. I was all "Step back boy! Don't you go in there without a flamed soju bottle" But he made it (sigh of relief)

@eiko: If you download dramas via bit-torrent you can get episodes 1-30 of Windy Day (It's called Happiness in the Wind). Scenes probably got cut but heck it's there!~


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@ janna

i think you just answered your own question :D

@ everyone

have a great weekend!!! enjoy!


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@estel: me neither. I can't find anything I wanna fix with this drama, especially its plot. It is just "perfect" (well kinda) the way it is. And the writer, I should add, must be a brilliant woman! She is very perceptive, sensitive and smart with her dialogues and her metaphorical scenes. The conversation is simple yet it has a tremendous effect on me. It's all very creative, sweet, direct altogether at the same time. I think I will suffer withdrawal symptomps when this drama ends haizz.


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apologies, long rant is long.

@PP: Okay here's my beef with the show, I'll start nicely:
First off, we could have benefitted from two more episodes. It's okay show, roll on.
Secondly, I was right about the two way radio, no stalker can out stalk me.......?

Okay now to episode 13&14....
I knew it was going to be equal parts bitter sob-fest breakup, and an eventual crawlback so I did a double feature. I had a hard time even remembering when the kiss took place, so I can't talk about one episode or another... they're just one huge episode. Bare with me here.

Se-joon parts: I kind of feel little to no spark between Jin and SJ now, who was cast aside at just the right moment so he couldn't ruin the one true pairing. Se-joon doesn't seem hot and bothered by Jin, he's more rolling with the "she's the new mom to my daughter" stuff now. So yet again, which is worse? Liking someone because they look like someone else or because you're indebted to them? Not only that, Jin is walking around like an uncomposed hot mess. You were shy before. Now you have negative amounts of confidence. Didn't you pick up anything from Hye-Ri? Anything? No? Please someone..... follow her with a boombox blaring "Fly High". Because if Hye-ri is a mess, someone has to step it up.

Our dear Ma Hye-Ri and stalkerish apology-guy: So In-Woo is so sorry now. He fessed up, even to muffin-exchange history. Hye-Ri is okay with it because she put him on a pedestal. Well, at least she is above a backsies revenge plot. Throughout the episodes I had to see her cry and say she was sorry. Wait, what? Sorry about what? Maybe it's the American in me, but I can't go judging someone due to their crazy-ass family. She has nothing to be apologetic for. Hye-Ri got reduced to a blubbering girl who can't Fly High either. If you want In-woo, and you know it's going to be an uphill battle: go get it. Solve this case, tell everyone to back off (even Jenny) and do whatever it is to make things right. On the other hand, I would have slapped In-woo more than once just for good measure and not hours after he crept up on me in a public place. Dude knows how to make a two way radio. He didn't pick up the creeper manual yesterday. Needs more slappage.

If In-woo is our Superman, wait; I hate Superman. I knew I was judgemental from the get-go.
If In-woo is our Batman, I have a hard time being super sad for his origin story. I know I'm in Kdrama land, and everything is car-crashes and cliff-jumping or cars that cliff jump because of debt collectors.... but shoddy writing be shoddy. In-woos mom does not abide by the crosswalk and bites it via car accident. Should I blame the car, the driver, or we could just play 6 degrees of shaming and just say it was Hye-ris dads fault because he set the destiny card in motion. Lame. It is definitely In-woos trump card to say "Well my parents died.." No. One of your parents died. The other death has nothing to do with this. Dramas need to stop. Correlation does not imply causation, she didn't suicide. I wish In-woo never had only this as the trump card to his life. Like, maybe he should have suffered a little more for his gains. I'm a jerk. Rant over.


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@ twin

NONONONO, the KimuTaku romance era is not setting on this pile of steaming crap. Never! You're being too over-emotional (I was, too, last night). He'll give us one or two more Pride-esque vehicles before he transitions to the elder statesman ala Toshiaki.

To get the stink of TnK out of my head, I hereby dedicate the most heart pumping drama opening sequence (song selection and editing) for any drama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMULt5wHMok

"I want to love you...I want to love every little thing about you..." Btw, talked with my sister on the phone, and she tells me MY MOM watched Pride years ago and loved it. And I'm like "excuse me, what rock have I been living under? oh yeah, the had babies, got married, forgot about j-doramas for many years, that rock" Heh, I wonder.....can I get my mom to meet Pi? Shall I stick Nobuta under her pillow?

As for Yankee-kun, I adore Hana to pieces, the girl with a defunct EQ radar and no sense of personal space (I love seeing her disorient Daichi time and again). Otomen - I think its safe to say we didn't all love Ryo that way we tripped over our obasan selves to coo over the boy pink wonder that was Masaki as Asuka, no? So, I agree, Yankee-kun is the rare school dorama where I equally love both parts of the OTP. @ lovenyc52 - I guarantee you will absolutely love Yankee-kun. Wonderful execution, great chemistry, and a sweet story. Everything is clicking so far.

Unless you count Shuuji and Akira as the OTP in Nobuta (and no, I don't care what message Johnny was trying to send ending Nobuta that way, I don't buy it).

I need to catch up on PT, still stuck on ep 10.5 LMHMG lagging a bit, huh?


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OK, first up, stalking. Stalking is a crime. Period. And here not only did he stalk her himself but also had numerous people on his payroll following her around and updating him on whereabouts in real time. Check.

Secondly; Deception. Now I'm not in the legal field myself but any kid off the street can tell you that deception is a pretty hefty crime and can land you in jail and have you rot in there for a good deal of time. (Wow, doesn't that rhyme?) Check.

Sexual assault. Twice. OK, some people refer to it as 'kissing' but it was pretty malicious (or at least the one I've seen in 7 was). But since that's debatable I'll leave that out. (But it's still an issue! He conned a girl, no his arch enemy's innocent daughter into a kiss! Sicko!)

And this one's gunna bring about a series of discontented gruntles and tsks as I repeat myself for the squillionth time -- he called a girl: ''EASY''!

I don't care in which context he meant it, whether in the Western or the Eastern sense, but either way - guilty! I punish Seo In-woo to death by asphyxiation.

And overall -- why did he involve his enemy's daughter? She was innocent! Whyyy?
Oh wait. I have the answer, at one point he said: ''she's still Ma Sang Tae's daughter, she only appears different.''


I'm only just warming up, I could be here all night.
Of course it doesn't make sense if she's lost any pride and dignity she worked so hard to build up in earlier episodes to be lying at this creep's feet begging him to say sorry to her so she can continue to be in love with him and well.. confessing that she loves him so much she'll DIE without him and stuff.

To give credit where it's due their acting is superb and you really do get the feeling they are doomed lovers, they put Catherine and Heathcliffe to shame but it's SO out of place in this drama that it feels 'sick'.

This drama was meant to be about HR's growth, and establishing herself in society and then it's suddenly become all about IW vs MST!
As much as I loved that part of the story, it's taken over the drama's main objective and distorted it. Or at least I believe it has.

It's like Wish Upon A Star (purely an example!) where it started out being about a bunch of adorable kids and a big sister (and a yummy lawyer) - but suddenly it stopped being about the kids, the big sis (the yummy lawyer) instead it all became jaeyoungjaeyoungjaeyoung! It spoiled everything.
Again, just an example.

Oh God, now you've got me started... I could honestly be here all night... haha! I'll stop now.


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people write essays in here.....lol.


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and now for something completely different:

(!)Spoilers(!) for Windy Day: awwwwwwww yeah DH& OB on Windy Day. I think DH must have been overwhelmed while proposing to be putting a ring on his girls finger BEFORE asking her to get married. (Not like she was gonna say no...) Also DH made it apparent that he has a fetish for workplace romance. It brought me so much laughs I had to drag it over to this OT. Sooooooooo without further adieu:

Best kiss of the week, even if you don't watch windy day (thanks to tiki_sg on soompi): http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii184/mintrainphotobucket/e075officekiss.gif


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@75 mookie

mookie honey - watch some Change, because that's good enough to watch, but not so good that you want to smack around the people in charge of TnK with a sword. Well, it also gives you a chance to watch more Abe Hiroshi and Kimutaku banter back and forth in a classic manner, and I'm always in favor of that.

I am barely willing to give ep 2 of TnK a chance, if only because my Kimutaku love runs deep enough that the small glimpse of that grin at the end barely made enough of a payoff. OTOH....Abe Tsuyoshi ..sweet kamisama....give him a gun to shoot the scriptwriter, please. Or at least the wardrobe mistress.

@78 lovenyc52

Come over to the dark side....we have cookies.

"‘Does anyone think Narimiya Hiroki’s Daichi is like a cross between Shuuji and Akira? (hee, it’s like we combine Kame and Pi and created this version of the bad boy with a heart).’"

Meeeee!!! Meee!!!

I'm just enjoying the daylights out of Yankee-kun. Seriously. Like I said, if the kid was going to Otakon this year, I'd be working on that Rinka punk costume right this very minute. I <3 it that much. It's just happy making.


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If Abe Tsuyoshi elected to be a tranny prostitute to make money - why the living foshiz is he dressed like a cross between Sailor Moon and a middle aged Chinese peasant woman who just left Anhui province to seek her fortunes in Guangzhou?!?

Please, momosan, mookie, anyone?, explain it to me. My brain does not compute. His character, his lines ("You are beautiful" - cut to me with a horrified expression on my face akin to just accidentally eating moldy cake), his very existence in this stinkfest, it's like someone burnt toast, then and decided to coat it with a layer of mustard Nutela and then grill it with some onions. And then ask us to take a bite.

As for the combo platter of Shuuji + Akira = Daichi, I'm probably first to make the connection since I'm the last to watch Nobuta. Now, all I'm waiting for is Narimiya to break out into a song and dance of Seshun Amigo (with white pants, open tranny red shirt, and a fur-lined jacket, natch) to make Yankee-kun must see TV.


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@ janna

I see you are watching Windy - I originally was following this until I got busy. I think a lot of what fueled me to watch this daily drama is because I was watching Kimchi Cheese Smile and seriously, WHY IS LEE HYUNJIN SO ADORABLE. Ohmygod where are guys like that in my life (referring to Kimchi Cheese Smile's Lee Hyunjin). His character in Windy was pretty cute (out of like the 5 episodes I saw before I got busy)... But how is the show, overall? (Also, how is Lee Hyunjin in it?)


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Gooooooo Janna!!

I was busy having a rant of my own and am delighted to see yours!
I didn't have the stomach to watch 13&14 - not after Amg1's heads up.

And the SJ/JS relationship - IS wrong!
It IS that he feels indebted to her, that's the way I always saw it. But I suppose they had to get him out of HR's way and super-fast to rushedly pull IW and HR together, who btw had no spark before that, there was NOT!
The spark in earlier episodes was all SJ's and HR's.

We was robbed!

I think Se-Ri are the ultimate casualty of the IW vs MST arc.
That was shaping up to be a great romance... until BAM! HR had to suddenly out of the blue realise it wasn't SJ (who she'd been chasing around like a love-sick puppy for 7 episodes) that she loved but that annoying creep who had followed HER around for 10 episodes. It happened far too fast. But fair enough...

And SJ's character got demoted from HR's dream man to barely existing side character who suddenly comes to realise the existence of a shy little geeky girl who's constantly stuck like glue to his side, whose mother looks after his daughter while he's at work. 'Indebted' is exactly the word, how could this relationship be built around love?

Sigh, I guess me and you Janna, are immune to bad guys. Or rather; creeps!
Just give me General Choi anyday!


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I hadn't realized that yankee-kun had a live action out!
*runs to watch*


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@90 supah

Thought you could sneak that one by me? No no - you promised I could keep General Choi, you only wanted Prosecutor Yoon.


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Omg, did I say General Choi? I totally meant Prosecutor Yoon! Heheh!


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@ ockoala & @ mookie,

Oh Noes... I was hoping it was just because I was watching TnK raw - I must be missing something, right? Surely, it couldn't be as horrible as it appeared? Was KimuTaku really sleepwalking through this mess? Apparently so.

I'll keep watching, though, hugging my fond memories of Pride and Change and Gift and even Karei no (the tragic love story of a boy and his blast furnace), hoping that it was all just an unfortunate misunderstanding.


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*sob* I cant even watch that fantabolous Pride intro twin, I'm THAT traumatized. I can totally dig out my repressed PTSD of me grieving the lost of my my melody plush in the evil tearing hands of bro and can't step near a rabbit for a long long time.

@momosama, CHANGE is not doing it, the suit later on is still reminding me of the moldy dunk of TnK. I need Hero, I need to see a KimuTaku NOT doing anything romantic and have a totally diff do. that Orange down thing is also doing a fine distracting trick. (and Hero has even MORE Abe haha and some scenes r bath-robed )

I dun think i'm allowed to serial rant more on TnK, BUT @twin, u r now insulting the whole province of AnHui and its demography of middle-aged ladies. seriously should we send an SOS to the ladies at GoFugYourself and make their wkend?!

And is LCL's character 3 and developmentally slow?! WHAT card carrying factory working bike riding adult (ok even those poor poor children working at sweatshops should know better) DO NOT get a good lesson by 3 to NEVER play w/ a sick murky puddle by foot, let alone your dainty fingers and we r supposed to think it's CUTE and AWWWWW. $!6!$%#!^!#% I think I was last this angry in crying fits for Red Cliff and yup LCL certainly has her particular brand of MAGIC on me.

'Narimiya to break out into a song and dance of Seshun Amigo (with white pants, open tranny red shirt, and a fur-lined jacket, natch) to make Yankee-kun must see TV'

and you HAVE to throw in sth this sparkly-ME-WANT! <_< see Hiroki will totally make THAT work and bring on the smexy w/o the sleaze whereas our Shuuji and Akira (who btw I'm totally shipping as OTP back then...and um... still) r addictive as boys aping sex, or more specifically boysex, but clueless as to where the zipper ze pants r or if it should be up or down, Shuuji left or Akira right, who's front and the other back.... and that cuteness is still potently addictive every time u click that utube clip.

For the CUb8tches (or fan of YeSung?)



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@ janna

Hey....thanks for that link with that kiss! I'm glad she's with that guy because he's the one in the car that ran into the puddle in the beginning of the drama! :-)

I'll check that information on Windy day....


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@ skelly

TnK - everyone (with the exception of LCH) is doing fine in this drama so far, acting-wise. The drama itself is a mess. I don't find KimuTaku sleepwalking through his role, though if it continues to devolve, then he might. My problems are with most of the characters (who dug up these creations?) and the embarassingly juvenile stereotype-laden drivel masquerading as a plot.

And who thought up the name of the company - Regolith? Is it me, or the attempt to combine Regal and Monolith so frightfully word of the day. And contrast to Pride, where the name of the team is the Blue Scorpions - cool animal leitmotif, the color is transcendant with the hockey, ice, winter landscape. (and I can write an awesome ode to the Halu/Spring and Aki/Autumn awesomeness of names). The more I think about TnK, the more it feels like Dumb and Dumber puts on a play.

@ twin

yes, must apologize to ladies in China, NO ONE dressed like Abe's tranny does. Narimiya Hiroki totally can do Seshun Amigo by himself (whereas it used to take Pi + Kame to make it work) and tickle me silly with his winkwink, otoke, hey-ya! vibe. Too. Cool.


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@ twin,

what is so freakin attractive for Hiroki to me atm is how MUCH he's enjoying his role as yankeekun. I actually can see the JOY emitting fr his 28 yo self to totally do a highschooler yankeekun justice and give him the cool.

And I know he'll totally enjoy doing a seshun Amigo as much as we will watching him doing a seshun amigo. I dont get that w/ Pi and Kame, they r totally begging us a la PatRob w/ their sparkling 'get me the hell out of this hellhole' pleading eyes.


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You are naughty, watching dramas solely for the eye candy... psssh! So immoral! :p

Now that's what you call a kiss, two willing parties! Not the assault that took place in PP7.
(Will I ever get off my high horse about the assault and the ''easy''? No, never! Mwahahahah!)
And about Giant, I'm sure he'll wake up with amnesia, but I suppose amnesia in this instance makes more sense than when it's used in other dramas, and the sheer level of trauma he's experienced is extremely severe, not to mention the head injuries - it does warrant something like amnesia to occur. Will he ever find his way back to his dongsengs? *sob*

And I'm about to watch Stormy Night (film with Kim Nam Gil) - woooooh!
Will let you know how I find it.


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@98 mookie

I just emailed an old friend of mine in Tokyo to see if his kids are watching Yankee-kun. I really want to know what they think of it, if so. Of course, he's now going to think that I am completely nuts, but hey, he's known me 30+ years, so that's probably not news to him. 8-)

And no, I didn't ask about TnK - it's just too painful. Poor Abe.


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