Open Thread #135



The Tallest Man on Earth – “Burden of Tomorrow” [ Download ]

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haha, watching Speedy Scandal during my lunch. it's been in my queue for months now and omg why did i wait so long?? only 20 min in and i'm already laughing like a maniac. i adore that lil kid. and i honestly haven't watched Cha Tae Hyun in anything other than My Sassy Girl but he is just... so comedic. i love it.


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@ twin

Speedy Scandal.. is that the movie w/ that kid that does the expressions w/ Khun from starking? the one who's girlfriend fell in love w/ Jay Park in that "i have an uncle" show? man, i LOVE that kid!!!!

re: that pic link is SO NSFW!!! thanks!!!!

i'm a total CTH fan.. i have not found anything i don't like of his works. I have to watch Flowers for my Life yet tho. *off to find FFML*

@ the ArJoe pairing..

i would totally watch anything w/ those two again. oh man did i every love them in ISWAK. and Joe's sweetness in TKA was.. well.. what kept me watching.

@ lisa n v re: SHINee!!!

i LOVE them!!! (ok, so my love for Taem is ALOT less than the others).. as i've mentioned before, i get totally orgspazmic when i hear Jonghyun sing. he's got one hellava set of lungs!! Diva is so well rounded.. and his "ahaha" laugh is so infectious. i ALWAYS laugh along when i hear him. i have yet to find one thing Diva can't do splendidly.


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O GOSH I just had a lightbulb moment, concerning LCL and her TW press fanclub, this may sound very mean, but I'm totally behind my thought this time.

@twin I'm reading HK mingpaonews, there's a little article on Bianca Bai, reporters asked her what she thinks of LCL's OTT acting in TnK (the general sentiment in HK)
Bianca replied, ' I really think LCL did great in TnK, she garnered praises in the TW press'

NOW, when I think of it in the current TW actress gene pool (exc Ariel and CQE), and their style, LCL is really playing by their playbook, and it's really not the most excruciating I've seen.. That crown can be shared by Rainie Yang, Ella.... u name it. Even including the guys.. have u guys checked out Mike He in his new gig?! And haha r we asking Bianca on acting commentaries now?


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@ twin

yep! that's the one!!! that kid [who is NOT little gun junpyo for those wondering, but rather the curly-headed tot from Take Care of the Aghassi] is such a brilliant actor. I love his expressions in Speedy Scandal too when he's all 'Good morning Grandpa!!' with a giant smile which turns into a straight face the second he finishes his bow LOLs!!

re: the NSFW link - hehe i DID kinda sorta warn you!! it's not really showing ANYTHING but more the potential of what it could show should a light breeze happen to wisp by.


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@ twin

Did you change your handle? Make sure your hubby know's your married last name? :-P

Anyways, Skip Beat - I was dragged reading it kicking & screaming, i.e. I did not like it at all from the get go. I read it all on FF (fast flipping), except for the middle section, I'd say books 15-20 were awesome!!! But bookended by only so-so mediocre fare.

Writer-sama has problems with pacing and dialogue and plot development. Reminds me so much of Personal Taste, great set-up on paper, poor execution. That is why its so ripe for an adaptation, I can imagine a great scriptwriter taking the construct and creating way more angst, development and interesting situations.

So, if you don't like Skip Beat after you try reading it, don't worry, I don't like the manga either. I only like the story, and I can write better fanfic I guarantee you.

I think Skip Beat needs to be a J or TW drama. Because it has moments of "wack" (as momosan says) and K-dramas don't do wack stemming from manga actions. But a K-drama version of Skip Beat would be sooooooo melodramatic and awesome.

I wish all the Ariel lovers (lots in OT) would watch LoCH 2008 if haven't yet done so. Best work she has ever done, she willed and acted her way into being Huang Rong. I watched her performance with my jaw on the floor half the time. And she looked great in period garb, all those cute yellow outfits, so cosplaying our Ariel.


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@ twin

no no no!!! i really do mean Thank You!! not being sarcastic or nothing. i really Really REALLY appreciate it. i was just emphasizing that it is NSFW (cuz that totally stopped me from looking *insert sarcasm here*).

SS is movie, right? not a drama? i need that one too.. *off to find more goodies*

i'm so accomplishing nothing today.. and it's not even FOF.


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@ twin

lols!!!! yes, when anything says NSFW i automatically want to click on it AT WORK and not wait till i get home. it's inevitable.

yes, SS is a movie. nice and short hour and half i believe. i think if you go to that site you sent me forever ago (chinkyblogspot or something?) it's there. or at least that's where i got it from. i'm not sure where they are in their moving files process though.

Let's not talk about accomplishing nothing today. I'm pretty sure I have you beat on that score. Granted I have nothing to do so that's my excuse. valid, no?


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@ mookietwin

Okay, Bianca Bai is actually NOT anywhere near the bottom of the TW-actress pool, she's actually just fine. Not good, not bad, her performance in PS Man and FTLY was both servicable. The terriblely "affected" acting that befalls so many TW actresses - Rainie, Ella, Cindy Wang, et. al., I agree LCH is just following the playbook. But she't not even doing the playbook justice. That's all I have to say. And I refuse to believe that just bc LCH is TWnese all the TWnese world over must simply root for her and pretend we're blind (and deaf, her voice, oh god, its grating).

She's a gorgeous speciman of a woman. A top model. I can totally root for that! She is NOT and never should be an actress. Cindy Crawford tried and gave up, LCH should do that as well. End rant.

Keiko - I'm surprised she's known as a beauty. She's pretty but even my hubs thought she was only okay. I like her eyes, she really connects with her co-stars and the camera.


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yay, one more SHINee lover!!

as for CS and PT... just watched them and well, CS is like the usual... more tears, more angst, more all that...
as for PT, i know i should say more since it's the last ep and all but the only thing on my mind is... KJS is leaving for the army and for the freaking LAST scene he's in, they gave him a flashy PINK suit?????

2nd ockoala about Loch08. dont know if it's her best perf but definitely one of my fav HR portrayal!

yeah, i know she's a kr major but what i meant was the fluidity of her speech which doesnt seem like a native... but ur right, she is AMAZING!


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@Speed Scandal: There are people out there who haven't watched that movie?! Um omg, it is greatness. It has so many great scenes but I don't want to spoil.

Giant Episode 4&5 Spoiler-rama from here on: Watched them both. I think I need to rewatch 1,2 and 3 again because I wasn't paying attention for the Vietnam document stuff so I don't really know the going ons with hampton/cho evilness. I don't see the US Army as bad, although there has been some pretty glaring crappy choices from those in command. (Such as anything regarding Vietnam) Also: I knew how that boxing scene was going to go down and I didn't like one bit of it so I scrolled a little through it. I don't really think (even if it was a "different time") that any of that would be ok. Underground boxing? Maybe. Out in public? Hell no.

So I was even caught by Sun Mos deception. I don't think the Americans were necessarily throwing him in the fire. To put his phrase into use: He is Korean afterall, and wouldn't you just help another Korean? Mmm? Oh wait he has the raging fires of hell burning in his heart right now. I guess him and Cho can't be besties. In the scene where he doesn't spill about who he saw, he looked like he had an invisible gun to his head, so it's no wonder Hampton & Co. wouldn't believe his bluff.

So my favorite scene from episode 3 is the pulling away from Mi Joo on the bus. Sad and moving. I hope she stays out of trouble...

On to my favorite character, Kang Mo. KM really since the begining was my favorite. As the core of the show he is shaped by every character around him. Hyung is off for revenge; he lost Mi Joo and had to give away Jun Mo. He tried to keep his head high, but ultimately couldn't. So to me there was no contesting the fact he would get up and keep fighting, he had nothing else to lose. I'm a little pissed Tae Sub would even call him a swindler, couldn't you see the ass kicking he just took? I'm surprised the kids didn't take the shoes and sell them, or throw them into the fire.

The scenes of the shoeshining kids reminds me of another anime which might be my favorite called "Romeo's Blue Skies". It's about a young boy sold into chimney-sweep slavery. There is definitely the parallel of animosity leading to street brawls between newbies and established kids like in Giant. Kang Mo really has nothing to fear; nothing to lose. He even just says his mother is gone without pause. He's getting sleep without Mi Joo and Jun Mo. I like that Jung Yun is around him. If anything, to keep him grounded. He is compassionate and caring but needs some of that in return. I'm glad he's not defeated at this point.


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lolz I cyber marry hyunbinnie in another thread w/o his or SHK's consent on this pc. I returned him to SHK now.
It was a short and sweet honeymoon, btw

I wonder what is the consensus of drama adorables in OTland? I think the general theme is froth + HEART. A great companion list to the professional, terrific Saguek list @ Thundie's blog.

Kdrama: just too many to name here, haha. I think for the fun, magic, mood and feel befitting OT, I vote Tamra
Cdrama: LoCH08 (um...u will get haterade at least fr me if u hate Ariel in it, so dun air it in OT, it'll be ugly ;) )
Jdrama: Otomen then YankeeKun


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PP ended with its highest rating according to AGN!! it even surpassed PT for the 3rd time in a row... according to AGN again!


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i meant AGB,
as for TNS ratings, PP is still third... oh well.. i'll just turn a blind eye and pretend only AGB counts.. haha. but even with TNS ratings, it was its highest so yay!


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@ v

When possible, I read from where I last left on the OT.

I usually like to marathon previously aired dramas, than wait impatiently for new episodes to air, but I've seen a few on real time, most recently OML

According to soompiers, the chart that counts for awards is Hanteo which considers sales within Korea. The chart that yesasia counts for is for foreign sales.
I understand that purchases through dvdheaven count for Hanteo, but i rather not change my supplier.

I the clip of Su Ju's performance at he KBS Open concert on youtube. Donghae sang Siwon's part. BTW, I hope it's true that Hae and Siwon will be acting together. I don't remember Hae's role in Attack On the Pin-Up Boys. It's my soon to rewatch list. I'm certain that now that I know all the boys better, I will enjoy it more.

I recently saw an old clip of Donghae saying he wanted to act. I wished him luck since I hadn't seen him in any acting role besides the one on AOTPUB. He's such a sweet guy and a humanist. He went to Haiti to help, and in Vietnam, he and Leeteuk stayed after their performance there to collaborate on a TV program aimed to bring awareness of the plight of Vietnamese girls sold into slavery in China.

WHAT!!! Another week without SeoYong? Arrgh.

I hope this Sunday Heechul's first episode on Family Outing as a regular family member will be broadcast. I also wish that the PD, writers, or who ever is in charge, would change the concept in FO. I sometimes feel that I'm watching Survivor when they have to compete for food, or sleep outdoors in the middle of winter.

@Speed Scandal

I like Cha Tae Hyun movies. I even translated Speed Scandal, and Baby and Me into Spanish so that my mom could watch them. (I'am almost done with Mr Socrates, but haven't touched it in months. I should get busy and finish it soon).


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Yeah, i totally understand why you would want to marathon already aired dramas.. i tend to do that too.. however, whenever i'm too appealed by a drama, i can't resist trying the first ep and then, it's in for months of both excitement and mental torture... lol. and yay, ive watched OML too! (siwonnie was FINE!!)

yeah, i actually purchase through dvdheaven but usually, i buy products from some other korean sites since i can manage korean and it has more chances of my sales being counted in the charts. i remember using yesasia several times tho to buy some old dramas and products.

Yeah, donghae sang siwonnie first part and then if i remember right, hyukie sang siwon's other part (the one where they separate into 2 groups and where leeteuk also sings). Yeah, i really hope it's true that they are acting in the tw new drama with Ariel since the MV they did with her was well done. Well, in Attack of pinup boys, Hae had the role of the friend of Kibum (the one who actually threw the poop) and at the end, he gained popularity because he asked Kibum to thrown some poop on him. he was also in the dance team with heechul and shindong. lol... now that ive just summarized his role for u, when i think about it, that story is completely wacky but i liked that movie.

Yeah, donghae wanted to act... i really like to watch donghae's old clips when he just debuted because he was really cute (both physically and in his responses). My fav donghae's old clip has to be the one about the prank DBSK xiah junsu and eunhyuk did and where he cried in the bathroom. so adorable. yeah, donghae has a heart of gold... i also saw that video where leeteuk and donghae were talking to the vietnamese women..

yeah, i really want to see how Heenim is doing as an offical family member. as a guest, he certainly made the show fun. he is always a plus wherever he goes and never fails to entertain (have u seen strong heart with him?). and the WG are also there so i'm looking forward to his reaction to sohee. altho in my opinion, he is prettier than she is (in all the selcas he took with Yoona and the F(x) members recently, he looked so pretty). but ur right, FO needs to change if it wants ratings to go up. i watched FO season 1 cuz it was fun but the main reason i watch FO s2 is for the cast more so than anything else.

and yay for Baby and Me!! such a cute movie with the cute cute kid. JGS was love too. and wow... u know spanish? that's really impressive.. ive learned it a long time ago but ive forgotten fast since i didnt have any occasion to practice. -_-"


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----------Giant SPOILERS----------
I wasn't paying too much attention to the document either, but don't worry I'm sure everything we need to know we'll find out in due time anyway.

Now, about SM being thrown into the fire - I still stand by my argument - he was.
They were ways in which they could've had SM point out the felon - by photos? Anything, as long as it was discreet. But having them parade into the office and stand face to face with him? Led by none other than Major himself, hail yeah, I almost weed in my pants FOR SM!
(I've been in a situation where I was made to confront a very volatile person I'd snitched on when I was in university. Not nice. So it does happen o/s of drama world.)

And there was no guarantee of them offering security to SM, instead they've left him open, vulnerable and more scared than ever.
And yet they go around like they own everyone, 'cos they're American! (You know what that means? AMERIKAAAAH... *angels singing* laaaaa!)
What would they care if anything happened to SM?
OK, it's not that I have anything against America, but I'm anti the Vietnam war (and pretty much any war they've been involved in).

Sure, they don't come across as particularly bad people, it's the Major who's so full of contempt for the Americans, it's him and his men who are the ones we're meant to be wary of, but I personally feel they're both as bad as each other and understand why Sung Mo who is caught in between both, may feel his loyalties conflicting.

I'm a Sung-cho shipper myself, ironically they have a strong father-son chemistry.

Aah, Irony, I love it!
Since I don't mind a little violence if it's done well, I got a kick out of the boxing match.
Now that I think of it, I never really questioned it, I felt it was boxing hence sport, and I'm sure there are friendly sports matches that go on in army HQ and barracks, no?
(I cringed that it was a Black guy though since I hate the kdrama/jdorama stereotype of Black people, but since he was purely representing his country 'America' and not his race, I let it slide.)

I felt that it was completely necessary scene. SM needed to get Cho's attention in some big way and this was his chance and secondly, since Sung Mo is more or less 'mute' we don't get to peek inside his head and when he was knocked down bleeding in the ring and saw that flashback, and there we have this wonderful double-vision of the two Chos that SM sees: the cold bastard who killed his dad, and the guy sat encouraging him and calling out to him with ''get back up son, fight!''
It was such a beautifully ironic moment, seeing Cho in the eyes of Sung Mo.
I say he should win Cho's allegiance for now and revenge later, wheedle himself away from the Americans who are getting usage out of him but not really helping him, unless SM's initial plan of indirectness works, as in using the Americans to destroy Cho. But he's fast realising that he's only endangering himself by doing so...
I say revenge later, when he's not so vulnerable.

Sung-cho 4evah!

And Kang-mo? What can I say, he is the main character, around whom the story pivots. And I agree with you 100%. He is so wonderfully written and you feel his every pain and his little triumphs. I love his devilish little grins and his blossoming romance with Jung Yun.
Although the story right now is equally focused on both brothers, I love them both equally.
Isn't the actor playing Kang Mo such a treasure? OMG! I love him, where did they find him!

Aw, uri Mi Joo-yaaaah! Where is she? *sob*


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I know I know... OT fam is also happy my endless ranting on this show that has kidnapped and enslaved me for wks is ending SOON. ;) It's almost there my gfs, I'll cry my divorce with show in my quiet little corner come that day CU20 ends.

*CU16 spoilery rant*

meaty ep, lots happend, many great scenes...but I still have an ugly rant.

now it's on Mr PD. First off, I dun mind HS/SW or Mom AT ALL, I love all of them damaged characters, although I want to toast PIE's KH a bit like a marshmallow and make a s'more for me to devour yesterday in grill I'm burning writer in.

Big speeches, AWESOME ANGSTY big speeches, ALL EJ scenes r just every bit worth the angst and MGY's tears, and we have speechES (plural) btn EJ and KH!!! We TOTALLY earned them w/ sweat/blood/tears/sanity, but still WOW! And i'm back to the drama loves me and I'm it's happy slave... YET Mr PD, how DARREE u edit that roadside scene down? HOW DARE U!?!?! Did u hang out w/ writer shi too long and rub off some of the PIEhate fr her? We've been waiting for this KH speech, or bits of it o since ep freaken5 and now u DARE cut down PIE's screentime and lines? I demand hearing every single syllable, word our KH has to explain to our EJ, DAMN IT! I want an extra wounded-animal longing glance at rearside mirror fr EJ seein his tumbling fall after she dumped him fair and sq by dark dirt road (Karma, my hawt boyfriend!) and if u want to kiss my ahjumma behind, I want a pretty sprint of PIE in magical forest then and there, cries fist in mouth, stews in dorm room AND an angsty shower after a very angry tearing of his clothes!!!! If u've given me that, I can retract and talk calmly.

I welcome every bit of development on HS, and SW is killing it... but in the expense of our OTP's screen time?!?!? Who freaken care bout Jang Ahjusshi this far down the game, WT!@!@#$% I let it slide when emotional pain leads to serious chest pains that needed constant beating to alleviate...now HS has a severe case of clinical depression causing the loss of taste?!

and KH, man! u gorgeous stunted boy! I luv u and we can wake up every morning as if we've just met the nite b4 w/ your daily amnesia but how DARE u ask repeatedly if EJ wanna die even just to express YOUR angst?! DONT F*CKING USE THAT D WORD IN FRONT OF UR MI MALO MUCHACHA, forgot to take your memory meds?! You, boy, has lost the right to express what pain u r going thro just by all your loud giggling and laughing w/ that sunbae noona of yours and that nonchalant cringing convo w/ your MMM just the past daylight hours ago in CU15.



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About PP again... LOL
depriving myself from watching PP seems to have made me more eager of PP related stuff. XD

anyways, cut33 from soompi posted this about PSH's fanmeeting (btw, there's also a clip of his meeting on youtube.com/mandelaywith2

Prosecutor Princess’s finale event with Park Shi-hoo

Prosecutor Princess (as well as Personal Taste) ended its run today and, as previously announced, Park Shi-hoo watched the finale episode with fans in a screening-cum-fanmeeting that night.

Park came to the theater after filming the last episode late into the afternoon on Thursday (eek! talk about pushing the live-shoot), and had gone through the past three days shooting through the nights. Park said, “It seems like we just started filming the other day, when it was snowing, but it’s already over. I was wishing that we would get an extension of about two episodes, so it’s too bad [that it didn't].”

Park gave fans a few souvenirs of the project, including sunglasses that his character In-woo had worn, a hat, and a script. About 250 fans from Park’s fan club were at the event, approximately 50 of whom were Japanese fans. Next on Park’s schedule: a five-city fanmeeting tour in Japan.

Taking over Prosecutor Princess’s timeslot next week is the Kim Nam-gil drama Bad Guy.

AWWWW!! i so wish i could be there... but looking at the pix of the meeting, the guy looks completely dead from exhaustion... almost zombie like... seriously, he needs a rest with all his fanmeetings in Japan and China and filming the last scenes just HOURS before its airing... and his quote about wanting an extension made my heart break... i wanted one too!! and so do many netizens.. lol. some even want to petition for a special so we're all supporting u! PSH is such a great guy!


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@V and @supah.
Well the problem so far is that after episode 12 all went down hill, It went from being a semi serious Rom/com to something like a half/ass Melodrama of sorts, they spend the last 2 episodes making absolutely no sense at all. They wasted a lot of time trying to tied the loose ends and making everybody suffer unnecessary but I do believe that at the end the writers fail in bringing the drama to a proper and LOGICAL end. IMHO like I said before it went the way of WILL SNOW FOR CHRISTMAS I do not have the time to give concrete examples, but when you see the last 4 episode you realized that the drama was not anymore about MA-Hye-ri the Character but episode 13/14 was all about the In-Woo Character and 15/16 is all about MA-San-tae and as @kaedejun clearly stated in her episode 14 Recap " FRUSTRATING!"
the spend only about the last 15 minutes to deal withe the pain and the possible reconciliation.* EPISODE 16 SPOILER* They have to send In-Woo back to America and after the Classic K-Drama plot of being apart he returns for their Reunion. But the thing that TOTALLY PISSED ME OFF was the fact that at the end
Ma-Hye=ri remain a 'CODEPENDENT, SPINELESS, PRETEEN/LIKE Character around IN-WOO and he remain his basic mentally abusive self till the end.
Like I said I truly believed that the writers F*cked up a Perfectly Good Drama that had the potential to become on of the best dramas coming out of Korea in the last 5 years. May the writers burn in (HELL) if there is one!!!!!!!!!!


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OMG!! No way!! That is hilariously distasteful! *screams*
It's a good job you put up the NSFW warning and that I heeded it. Hahaha!

That vid -- OMG!
Did you see that Se-Ri smile at 0:23??
Why didn't these two end up togetherrrrr??
Oh wait, they did, this show finished for me at episode 10, right after the stretches. ;)


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@v: "Park gave fans a few souvenirs of the project, including sunglasses that his character In-woo had worn.." Do want!

@supah: I'm sure there's some friendly sports matches in the army, but to the point of a boxing K.O.? SM was knocked to the ground. That doctor fellow was in the background of that scene and didn't intervene after that first knock down. It was like fightclub outdoors and all the Americans catcalling the entire time was pretty degrading. The "panel" of American and Korean commanders watching on like a dogfight. Yeesh. I think I love KM more, you can have SM. He's only 13?!?! I thought he was at least 15!

Since I already shed a tear or two tonight, might as well catch up on Mother..


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Atta bro!
I liked WISFC, but totally understood peoples' frustrations with it, and Young-sook's amnesia ruined a beautiful drama (well, it almost ruined it for me) and PP did jump from a crazy romcom to a dark and depressing melo. Had it been dark and depressing throughout it wouldn't have felt so weird, erratic and hard to digest, or had it remained a crazy romcom with bits of serious I would have appreciated that too. Still, I don't regret watching episodes 1-10 - they were extremely fun and engaging.
And hey, it gave us Se-Ri. Who would've thought Gen. Choi and Sun-hwa could have such crazy chemistry together and that she could lift him on her back? Haaah!


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Thanks for the clarification ^^ and sharing ur opinion.. i'm sorry u didn't like the drama towards it's end... out of curiosity, did u regret starting it? or continuing it?
well, as u already know, im an IWer so i did like ep 12-14... as for the last 2 ep, i havent watched them so i can't say whether or not i agree with u on that. on one side, the soompiers are all raving about it (or asking for more, like a SP. XD) and on the other hand, u seem upset at how the writers did it and at how HR remained spineless and IW and abuser.... since they are radically split opinions, i guess i'll have to watch for myself and decide..
and i wonder if kaedejun meant "frustrating" as in that the drama was bad or as in that scene gave me so much angst in a good way... i'll have to ask her again. lol.
but i do understand what u mean with WISFC... i really liked the first ep and the later ep kinda went downhill for me altho there were some scenes which were really good in them too. i guess what u feel for PP is kinda of like what i felt for WISFC, but stronger since at the end of the day, i still liked WISFC as a whole.

lol... i didnt look carefully so i had to go back and watch the vid.. and yep, i saw it... lol. that's so u to notice it. it's funny how we watch the same vid and i listen the reference for PSH and only see the smile at first as a heart-melting smile fro hot HJS while u look at it and see HJS smiling at KSY. but yes, i'll concede to u, that smile is suggestive.
"Oh wait, they did, this show finished for me at episode 10, right after the stretches. ;)" haha... if that's what makes u happy, go with it! we all deserve our happy endings!

me too, me too! sunglasses would be fine by me... lol. or an IW shirt. XD. im crazy, i know.


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Twin done in by CU battered wives syndrome - aren't I preparing freedom party for you in 2 weeks to celebrate your liberation from this drama? Hang in there babycakes! I watched ALL of The Restless for my I Iub you including two versions of Kim Tae-hee. Love is love. :-)


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''...you can have SM.''
Why thank you! So kind. Hahahah!

OK, maybe I was totally appreciating the boxing scene 'cos I was too busy aiyaiayaiying away at SM having one of those powerful emotional release moments and a totally sexy double-vision of Cho, who can resist?
Oh, but how I do love KM, too.

Yes, yes, you need IW aviators, especially designed for elevator-wear -- bring out your IW angst, baby!


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@supah: And you were also appreciating those shower scenes! What's with you and Cho? You like men with power, haha!

@needing in-woo stuff: I need to know what kind of double uses thoses aviators might/probably have. Like mirrored edges to see behind you, state of the art HD zooming lens technology, video capture ability and some way to magnify sound from a mile away.


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@v, Well to be honest with you I was expecting more from this drama,

1- The drama up to episode 10 made SJ the most suitable Pairing for Ma-Hye-ry, He rescued her from bad guys, the fact that she declare that she like him from the get go, , she move to SJ's neighborhood to be close to him, the walk in the Cherry Blossoms holding hands, the exercise date, and many other examples, while In-woo was always one step behind.

2- Up to Episode 10 it was all about Ma-Hye-ri's journey of growth and self discovery, falling in love with SJ, her first proper case (help by In-woo), the child abuse/murder case, her "FAT" pictures on the internet, etc etc. Than all of a sudden is no longer about her growth as a person, but she is sucked in to some sort of (Codependent) relationship, (By the way I do not know how old are you ? Or if you really understand the concept of being in a Codependent relationship? ) but I will suggest for you to take some time and read a bit a bout the subject, and maybe than you will see Ma-Hye-ri in a different light, after episode 10.

3- Why did the drama try so hard to paint In-Woo as a ( Cool, Charismatics, and Charming guy? When he was not, one of the main problems that i have with the In-woo Character is that he was a (Half/ass Part Time, Sociopath) ,
in USA Law you can commit a heinous crime "under duress" or self defense, but if you kill some one 10 years after somebody offended you then is call (Premeditated) and that is what In-woo did when he took revenge on Ma-Sang-Tae , He used and manipulated Ma-Hye-ri in a Premeditated manner, that being the main reason why I did not felt much empathy for the character, and like my Grandmother used to say;
(Child, You can be sincere, but you can also be sincerely wrong),

4- The writers spend to much time in the In-woo mystery that they were not able to properly Redeem In-woo, I do not mind that In-Woo got the girl at the end the way they went about to accomplished that was all half/ass again.

5- The drama fail because it never "Committed" it self to be either a true to form Rom/Com or a true to form Melodrama they made a "HYBRID" and IMHO it fail, if they would stay with the original Idea of making Ma-Hye-ri the Central theme of the drama I would give it a 10' or if they would have made In-Woo a true to form Sociopath, instead we got this "Mamby Pamby" Half/Ass villain wanna be, never commit ed to be fully bad or fully good!!!!!!

6- Last but not least I am A GUY so for me the romantic element between In-woo and Ma-Hye-ri was not my primary factor upon how i judge this Drama, as you can see i have have try to put some logic to the Madness all along, sadly for me the show fail in more than one area. as for Kim So-yeon She has Officially become my Number UNO and favorite Korean Actress, i will forget Prosecutor Princess but not "Kim So-yeon, FIGHTING!!!!!!!

Sorry no time to check my spelling, on my way to my Grandson's PreSchool Graduation!!!! See Ya Later!!!!!


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you r my I lub you. *sigh* I should abstain fr falling for Kdudes and Kdramas for a while and cling onto good sisterly love.

me thinking my fangirl love for my Kdudes r sorta toxic. binnieboy is off to do some war 3D epic *yawn* before his MS, and I'm still clueless where his HATE for romcom is coming fr.

PIE was very fine until I madfangirl him. He's still very very fine, but now his KH is reduced to a bit part w/ sporadic scenes that maybe have lines. *sigh* and historically every drama role PIE was in, all the sane ladies ship him and wanna pet him and holler his name. CU, I feel like shipping him is wrong yet they r madly in love but they havent even have 1 non-angst adult convo in 8 damn years and I ship him coz I'm nuts. (not saying I'm not, I dun like to be affirmed of my mental imbalance!)


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@80 lovenyc52

I've got Otomen 11 and 12 (otherwise known as Aki 3 and 4) raw, and a bad copy of 11 with bad English subs. My Japanese isn't good enough to sub it myself, although I have the software to do it, not to mention the fact I'm still working on YB's director's cut..... Viikii has it about 1/2 subbed, but it may come down any second. So....let me ponder.


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ah comment monster ate my post! this happened to me often, and i hate have to type my post all over again since my English is bad. :(

CU - I guess I love being tortured, no matter how much angst, tears and sadness in the drama, I say, bring it on!
The awesome acting of all casts help a lot, not to mention the eye candies ( PIE, Taec <3 )

I kinda hesitant to watch PP and PT's endings. I'll wait until the subs are available. So no more Lee Min Ho my God every Wed-Thu? :(

Ariel - ah yes, I shall watch LoCH soon. I will watch it no matter what, maybe I can start it after these three Wed-Thu dramas all end.

46. v. I completely forgot about Attack of Pin Up Boys! I watched it before I remember each name of Suju's member, so it was a confusing experience... :P

Kpop lovers - my friends keep teasing me because I gaga over idol boys! hahaha. Kpop related news keeps me entertained and amused everyday - and it's way more fun than my local entertainment news, which is full of divorcing stories.

Shinee's Hello Baby - I never expected that it would be so amusing! I love how the boys taking care the baby, I didn't expect they could be so patient toward Yoo Geun ( I'm so impatient w. babies ). And Min Ho, oh I adore that boy. He's so nice and caring, and he has completely different charm with what he shows in Lets Go Dream Team.

Ah, we shall talk more about K-variety..... on next OT, tonight? ;)


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lol. It's quite interesting how we think differently. I was expecting LESS of this drama and got more than I ever would expect of any dramas except for the ones with really a good cast, a really high budget or with much hype before its airing (though they are unfortunately most often disappointing).

I agree with you that up til episode 10, SJ seems to have a really good chance of ending up with HR objectively (subjectively, it was obvious to me she would end up with IW.. XD). That even gave us a few of the classic scenes in this drama, among which the "exercise" date was the most memorable and hilarious and I will always like Yoonie despite my opposition to his love story with HR.

It was very generous to mention IW's help for her first case since you dislike him. :) As for me, HR's journey towards maturity has never been interrupted at any moment and kept going after ep 10. I was able to continue to see her grow while observing the lessons she learned, such as what love is (as opposed to what I felt her feeling for SJ were: admiration, attraction, affection but not love), by encountering veritable obstacles, learning about hardships, and making just yet difficult choices as well as learning to sympathize and to sacrifice among other things until she...well, I havent seen the end yet.. haha
About my age, I am pretty much sure that I have yet to reach your level of life experience, and that you would probably consider me "young". I for one consider myself quite immature for an adult, a young adult, (or trust me, i wouldnt be spending hours of my life on dramas and entertainment) and lack in many areas but I believe I have experienced enough to understand and analyze human interactions, characters and relationships, at least up to a certain level. (and I do understand the meaning of codependent relationships). Perhaps though, our age does affect our perspective and create differences in our opinions, though I believe background, upbringing and exposure to life has more to do with our interpretations than age.

Well, we have already discussed IW"s character for pages so I'll just say that what he did was not right but understandable and forgivable. Perhaps our views will never meet eye to eye here. (Child, You can be sincere, but you can also be sincerely wrong),>>>>Your grandmother is really wise and I completely agree with her.. however, while you emphasize on the WRONG part, I tend to focus on the SINCERE part and well, each person has their own way to perceive things.

As for your description of the drama as a Hybrid, I believe it is this aspect of the drama that makes it so interesting and appealing. From my point of view, the two genres are well balanced and fused together to make a drama that is positively unique in its take and execution, an "all-package" drama that provides entertainment with variety. Once again, we differ here... :)

and lol about you being a guy, I knew that btw. I did suspect when we discussed that your gender makes the romance part of the drama less appealing to you, or at least, you are not as passionate about it as us girls. However, other girls also disliked this drama so maybe that is not the main reason. However, I'm glad that despite all our differences, we share the same affection for Kim So Yeon. I believe her to be a brilliant actress and she has also secured for herself a permanent spot in my top actresses (mental) list.

Do not worry about spelling.. I am quick to "forgive" that since I am sure you will find numerous typos and mistakes in my comment as well. English is at least my fourth language and not my forte, -_-" so I would probably not notice your mistakes anyways.

Wish you a wonderful time at your grandson's graduation ceremony with your family. He is very fortunate to have such an affectionate Grandpa as you!
Good day to you and see you later! You might think otherwise but I really enjoy our sharing of opinions, opposite or otherwise. ^^ Cheers!


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LOL. yes, not knowing SuJu's members can be quite confusing... heck, all pretty boys are pretty confusing when you are first exposed to their faces and not used to them yet.

Don't worry about it... I am a huge fan of kpop and jpop myself and my friends are also tease me since they are occidental and think (quite justly sometimes) that our boys are androgynous, or even girls. But that's what entertainment is for isn't it, entertain... so let's just enjoy!!

yay! for watching Ariel in Loch!

I know i was impressed with the boys for being patient too. It was no surprise when SNSD were the moms but SHINee did quite a good job.
and perhaps you have a point.. about us focusing on more krelated stuff next OT but you know, throw a bunch of passionate people together and it can lead to ANYTHING...

OK gang, I'm off for the day and will catch up tomorrow.
Enjoy OT!!


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@ supah

tee hee hee. just a slight wisp of air is all it needs i say lol. any idea where it's from?? cuz i have ZERO clue... the wonders of google image search...

@ momosan

just a question - how come eps 11 and 12 aren't up on d-addicts? and how come it may come down on viikii? are there copyright issues goin on with this one? i am totally unaware ha.

re: Speedy Scandal

I officially want to adopt this kid. no joke. i mean, i thought he was cute in Take Care of the Aghassi and in Star King doin his lil facials with khunnie.. but seriously, i could watch this trio forever. and i think i'm cruhin on Cha Tae Hyun now... *sigh* this movie is makin me LOL so many times that my roommate is gonna come knockin' on my door soon to make sure i'm ok.


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@83 lovenyc52

It may come down on Viikii because of licensing issues, and Querbeet just hasn't finished subbing 11 and 12. They've got it listed as almost done, so it may be available Real Soon Now. They'll release it to d-addicts when it's done.


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@ lovenyc52

Yeah, it seems like it got caught by Fuji TV(they are known for diligently protecting their properties). Otomen the whole series was completely subbed at one point at Viikii. I was the J moderator on that alone with Monkyboy magic in the beginning, others came along later on. I can recite the lines for you, lol. With many technical problems, we had to re-sub some episodes so many times over and over... Since then, we all went our own ways. Subbing is really time consuming and nowadays, I just don't have time for that....


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@ momosan & @ celestialorigin

ohhhh ic ic. thanks for enlightening me!! damn me for not watching it when it was airing then... then i coulda just watched it on viikii when alls was well. i don't even know when i'll get to otomen - i have so many things lined up... but the lightness of otomen is really drawing me, especially after the angst-fest that is CU. sigh.


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I'm honestly just reveling in the chemistry between KSH and Jung Bo-suk, they're two strong actors and great together, just doing what two strong actors would do. JBS's Cho character has such a magnetic pull, I'm just relishing their every interaction together. I may make that sound really pervy but I'm honestly not that pervy about it.

I want IW's white car and its radio, so I can tune into some frequency where you can hear random people on the street conversing with each other. And what the heck, ofc. I want the IW aviators too for ALL the cool stuff they do and to troll around the house in whenever I'm feeling PMSy. People will totally feel my angst when I wear them, and back away. Or I'll grab their wrist -- and kiss'em!

I have NO idea, I'm still trying to register the whole concept of it. Or maybe I should take it for what it is: Japanese wack!

Yes, it was like the her daydream of SJ in episode 6, all over again, but in real life! Squeeee!
Oh, the what-ifs!!


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you have an awesome taste in music. love him.


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