Open Thread #134



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"have messy, super-violent girlfights over"
lol.... but you're right... this drama has given us (and hopefully will continue to give us) a whole lot of material to talk about... shining inheritance might have gotten the ratings but PP definitely has the complexity.
um, would HR still be HR is she dressed up as JS? altho i do think it's quite nice she started to wear suits, with knee-lenght skirts in ep 12.
and did you know HJS was a dancer singer in the past??? general choi? a singer and dancer? i had the shock of the week at that.. lol
i would debate with you on IW v SJ but i'm exhausted right now.. lol i do agree on most of the greek tragedy thing but not the sociopath.. lol

woohoo!! top of the page for the first time! hihi. im being childish.. oh well :)


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hihi.... back to me having a one way conversation with myself.. lol
love OT! and dramabeans!
just watched this vid http://www.viikii.net/videos/watch/76587/0/secret-do-well-on-your-own-feat-siw-amp-mhr.html on Viikii and now, i'm back to falling in love with HR all over again (in a friendly way. not THAT kind of love lol)... okay, there was IW in that vid too and as much as i love him, HR is Adorable!! ^^
it makes me want to go back and watch the drama from the beginning, which i'll probably do after i sleep...

going to sleep.


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@supah: don't even mention HR ending up alone, pleaseee *shivers* I've previously said, if that happens, this drama is over for me. O-VAH.

Oh, dear, episode 11 was the best for IW, I'm so glad I'm recapping it! LOL. He showed his weakness, but also his feelings for Hye-ri, giving us both lovely and heartbreaking moments.

After that, well, he decided to continue with his revenge, but I can sense (or hope?) that he won't remain there for long. I NEED episode 13. I so want to know how will Hye-ri react. I know how I would; and it would involve uzis and hand grenades.


As much as you love SJ, please, admit that there's something wrong with him (he's not completely over his post-traumatic stress disorder). I even do it with IW!! Hahahahahahaa!



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@ v

LOL LOL....here you go again....having a one way conversation! Just remember you're all right....it's when you answer yourself that you got problems! :-)

I get mentally tired reading the PPers going back and forth. You guys keep enjoying yourselves....keep doing the psychological warfare....I'm just as curious to see who is gonna get Yoon....I think he all ready gave his choice on who he's gonna choose. And it's not the one who reminds him of his deceased wife.

I'm having a blast with Daring Women....at episode 48 now and it's a really heart warming drama. Seems like the dramas like elevator scenes.

OML was different with the refrigerator scene....I'm anxious to see how that drama will end up this coming week!!!!

Happy Sunday V......


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@ Amg1

Sorry this is so disjointed.....but another great jazz musician Gato Barbieri!



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happy sunday too!
sorry for the short reply... will write more 2morrow
bato barbieri=<3

really going to sleep now. couldnt resist checking DB once more. ^^


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ok... really my last comment... one way or otherwise.. lol
couldnt help add... I've just noticed the new PP banner!!! Yay! first PP banner on DB...
is it crazy to get excited about a banner? lol
thanks innocec3 for this!
altho it's an IWxHR banner so maybe SJ followers wont like it but im fine either way since PP got more love!


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My dear 'supah', I knew it from the moment that I posted my comments about my empathy for the In-woo character that I was going to be misunderstood, MuAh ha ha ha ha ha ha .
'Au Contraire Mon Ami'. The fact that I can feel empathy for his pain does not mean and I will very clear that I endorse his behavior, the fact is that HR has fallen in love with a 'Fake Persona' of who In-woo really is, Jenny is the only one who knows who the real In-woo is, fortunately for us in the SJ/HR Team, at the end of episode 12 she finally gets the true picture of who he is, when I meant that only HR's love can redeem In-woo this is what I really meant. HR's father if he is guilty can only find true redemption if In-woo forgives him for what he did, by the same token In-woo can only be redeem if HR forgives him for what he has done to her, and I have already enumerated a Litany of the evil things that In-woo has done against her!!!!!!


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There have been several people talking about the Jdrama Pride lately. I saw it several years ago. I had some time this week and did a rewatch. Totally worth it! :) If any of you haven't watched it yet, put it on your list.

It doesn't hurt that most of the songs in it are by Queen. It made me miss Freddie Mercury all over again. I can't believe he has been gone so many years.
Oy! I'm getting old.

To others who may still be watching AMCG. I am dying to know just what WH &JH said to the police to explain away the torture chamber in the basement. Seriously, who has one of those?LOL! And some of you think that IW in PP has issues. He couldn't hold a candle to the psycho dude WH and his even more evil daddy. :)


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The ongoing PP debate is amazingly engaging and intelligent - thanks to both Team IW and Team SJ (with which I am sided)! These last two episodes are great plotwise and emotionally. We all feel HR's pain on the IW's and father's fronts. About IW, I wonder what's in his plan - does he want HR to fall in love with him or not, apart shaping her up to be a smart and effective prosecutor? What right mind would a man have to expect the woman would not fall for him with all those surprising and all-supportive deeds? It would be a very lame excuse to blame this as an oversight. I love how now it is the student surpassing the student as HR starts to unpeel IW's mask! Next week can't come sooner?!

It is clear that the writer is now tying HR romantically to IW but I DO wish they lift the SJ line to disclose what and how he feels exactly about HR. I don't want a painless death without an explanation, especially for HR to know her resemblence to his wife.


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One more thing about PP after my finishing Ep 11-12 - what a pity that it is so underrated!


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@ockoala, @langdon813, @cingdoc, @hjkomo, @Mrs Samsooki, @eiko and all the OT mothers, grandmothers, mothers-to-be...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! God bless all of you! :-)


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If you have not been watching "A Man Called God" you are missing a lot!! The romance, the action, suspense...Song Il gook's charm...he gets to romance three beautiful women...kisses are not just touching lips...hot real kisses!!! At the end of ep 12 he gets betrayed by the woman helping him take revenge on those who killed his dad... scorned for not returning her love... she joins the enemies to kill him....he gets shot many times...but managed to jump off the bridge...what next!

Happy Mothers' Day!


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Read this: http://popseoul.com/2010/05/09/a-possible-extension-for-%E2%80%9Cprosecutor-princess%E2%80%9D/

An extension would be doubly good!
1) Kim! Nam! Gil! Needs an hernia op, asap! But can't get it done if Bad Guy is aired May 26th (straight after PP).
2) PP gives me whiplash, with its pace and sheer volume of material crammed into each episode.

However, I was used to this pace and wouldn't want them to slow down too much, if an extension means we get to cover ALL those questions niggling away at us, that's great and build on the relationships involved in the IW x HR x SJ triangle, then hails yeah!


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HR will always be HR, even in JS's wardrobe, KSY is just too beautiful -- she makes me ill just looking at her. Haha!
Wow! The dancer/singer part IS a shock! With that bod, I was thinking along the lines of an athlete or something.

Haha! Dude, he isn't perfect, but all we have on SJ at this moment is that he said some pretty mean things to her, but we understand now he was only trying to distance himself from her and to stop her idolising him. Everything else, especially his feelings between his dead wife and HR is mostly speculation at this point. I can't really tear him apart without any solid evidence.
(And I wouldn't want to... 'cos I lov... aah, you already know that...)

Haha! Thank God someone has their head screwed on, I sometimes feel soooo much empathy for IW that I forget some of the things he's done (gasp!). And yes, IW was very fake between episodes 1-4 for DEF! 5-7 - somewhat (we got to see his angsty side for the first time atleast) and then he 'accidentally' became a bit more genuine from 8-10. So that means many of HR's memories of him are of the fake IW.
HR has easily forgiving and has a big heart (or she would've flushed Min Suk's head down the toilet numerous times!) so I can see how she'll eventually come to forgive IW, but enough to become his girlfriend? Hmm.. Not sure.
But let's see how things pan out.

Ohmaigosh!! Welcome back!! *hug*
Where've you been, huh?

I agree, they haven't focused on SJ's backstory enough, and we need answers, dammit!
I think it's only a matter of time, they needed to focus on IW in the last few episodes, so I hope they get to cover a lot more SJ in upcoming episodes.
He is still a major player in the show, plot-wise he's taken the case off HR - so he'll get to investigate the whole MST v IW mess in the legal sense while HR trawls through everything in secret. Romance-wise, while 11-12 were heavily IW-centric episodes -- they still slotted in the first chance meeting of Bin and HR. I'd expected that way earlier, but I suppose they brought it up now just to remind us that SJ is still pretty much in the game. Wheee!!

And you're right, it is underrated, what bugs me the most is that Park Shi-hoo's and KSY's acting here (esp. 11 and 12) is off the scales brilliant! Yet I don't see them getting much recognition nvm awards for it, which is such a shame.


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I cannot wait for Cinderella's Sister Episode 13...
So who opens the door for my Ki-hoon?!
Hyo-sun? Kang-sook? Jung-woo? EUN-JO YA???!!!

Omo, wish Wednesday and Thursday were here...


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@Supah: An extension would be welcome IF they center a little more story on SJ. I mean really, at this stage in the show we're losing minutes to food flashbacks that happened. I get it show, drive that point home.

I'll be interested to see how HR goes about reassessing her relationship with IW. That would be a welcomed flashback: Every underhanded thing IW did (and it would be a lonnnnnggggg one) Coincidence OR ... (I especially hate the house one, "Looks like we're neighbors!" Oh really....)

I think after all is said and done IW should just part ways and live a simple life in America. Consider this: He's the type to get fixated on this case and will do anything to get to the bottom of it. Imagine if he did get together with HR and he thought (because she's a great prosecutor and works late and with someone she used to like) that she was, say, cheating on him. But she wasn't. IW would be the type to be controlling of the situation and stalk her down to make sure that wasn't the case. Sure looks like a winner to me. :P


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@ supah

I can agree an extension to PP would be worth while. Moreso for that one than for Personal Taste. I think PT can end where it's going.

I've checked into PP episode 12....and have noticed the change in IW...he also looks tired and older. He does have emotional issues dealing with MHR. Like most dramas getting close to the finale....the writers pile on added goodies as distraction. I'll keep reading your comments/analysis......and running dialogue.

I'm off to DW.....really hanging into that one with 5 episodes a week! OML finale this week.



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Happy Sunday and Mother's Day everyone!!!!

haha... love the discussion...
but seriously, sometimes, all the speculations are giving me a headache.. every week, sheets and sheets of new theories come out and i don't even know what to think. i guess i'll just trust the writers to unveil and clear everything in the end.
I'm on Team IW but I have to agree with SJ Team that it would be great if they extended SJ's storyline a bit!
I'm all for an extension... to be truthful, i don't have much hope for that but if it does happen, i think I might jump up and down like crazy...
and if it means that Kim nam gil can rest, the better for it!
i agree that there were a lot of flashbacks in the last ep but i think that's due to their rushed filming schedule... apparently, they had to film ep 12 just days before the airing.
and yeah, pity it's SO underrated... but who knows. the ratings might pick up.. and then KSY and PSH would win the popularity awards and then, the daesang awards... haha... don't mind me, i'm in dreamland right now.
yay!! Pride, the best kimutaku role ever in my opinion! and Queen rocks! "I was born to love you... with every single day of my life.. i was born to take care of you..." haha... love IT!
as for AMCG, i am SO behind on that show... i was thinking of giving it up but i guess after what you said, i'll give it one more shot.
you keep talking about DW so i think i might check it out once it's finished... lol
and yay for OML finale... but really, that drama needs an extension more than PT too!


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* Prosecutor Princess*
Yoon Se-joon. is the character that I relate the most in this drama.
Se-joon is very good at what he does (Prosecutor) unlike In-Woo the writers have not given us enough information about his childhood, but for the little that we know about him we know that he may have grown with a stern father and maybe he has brothers that influence him the desire to be competitive, and a mother who love him and thought him the the value of proper respect and empathy towards others.
In-woo and Se-joon both displayed a very clear aspect of the male brain that of being 'Task Oriented, and problem solver's'. And this characteristic if taking to the extreme can cause some problem specially with the people closest to us.
Se-joon is a workaholic, and his passion to solve problems (Cases) take him away from his family, being away most of the time, the biggest scar in Se-joon's heart and mind is his Wife's passing of Cancer, making him a loner when it comes to the opposite sex, is not that he has renounce woman, is the fact that he is afraid of doing the same thing to another woman that he did to his wife.
No one realized what took place in the first episode when Se-joon stumble upon Hye-ri! All those feelings of inadequacy, the pain of not being there for his wife, the realization that at one point he had abandon her, the worst part of all, he did not had the chance to ask for 'Forgiveness' from his wife, all those feelings came rushing like the flood to his mind, and if that incident is not traumatic in its own right well then.
Hye-ri has never been a blank piece of paper in Se-joon's book, but the fact remain the same he needed to sort out his feelings for her and to deal with his past.
in the first episodes we see how he treats Hye-ri in a cold manner this in a way had had to do with the fact Hye-ri interfere when Se-joon was trying to catch 'Don-suk' the man in his mind that contribute to his unhappiness, but after episode 7 when he finally puts Don-suk behind bars, he finally changes the way he treats Hye-ri and confesses to her about the past concerning his wife, by the way I find interesting that nobody at work with the exception Jung-sun knows that Hye-ri resembles Se-joon's wife. The fact that Se-joon smiles at Hye-ri shows how far he has come out of his shell.
The romantic development between Se-joon and Hye-ri has been a very natural and organic one
( by the way I do believe that a person can fall in love with 2 people at the same time).
But like I said in my last post, Hye-ri has for the most part to a 'Fake' and I will be very clear again a 'Fake Persona' of who In-woo is, as opposed to Se-joon character the even tough he has many flaws, he has been true, fair, genuine, respectful, never crossing any implied boundaries, and last but not the least, never lying to get her to do something for him.
Holding hands around the cherry blossoms, and exercising at night was a true to life display of genuine care and affection coming from Se-joon towards Hye-ri, and to me that is the main reason why I am in Se-joon/Hye-ri's team!!!!
Team SJ/HR 100% Fighting!!!!!!!!


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Anyone planning to watch Giant live tomorrow?

LOVE your analysis of SJ's character and his relationtionship with HR... I agree with all of that part and it's so true!... (i beg to differ concerning IW but i will not go there for now ... lol)
Can a person really and truly fall in love with 2 people at the same time?
for me, sme who has never fallen in love, i find that hard to picture... ok, so i've watched The Bachelor/The Bachelorette before so I actually CAN picture that.. the shows are pretty graphic. lol. but i don't think what's happening to them is really love, maybe just loving the idea of love?


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@21v. I think is possible to fall in love with 2 different people at the same time. Not all people that get involve in a love affair with other than their 'proper partner' they did it out of having a bad relationship with their primary partner to begin with, I do not know if you ever dated 2 guys/girls at the same time, but if you have you may understand how easily our feelings can get invested in 2 different people, in episode 12 after Hye-ri started treating SJ a bit different do to her realization that she may be feeling the same type of feelings towards In-woo as she has for him!!!!!


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@ 21 V and @ 22 Amg1

I am smiling here.....I agree with Amg1.....it is plenty possible to fall in love with 2 people at the same time. Of course, it depends on what kind of love we're talking about. but i believe that love is NOT forever. just as i believe we don't have one soulmate....but connect with people according to how we relate. The person you connect with at the time is a soulmate. A true soulmate is one who triggers something very deep inside....recognition...sound of voice...reaction from the heart chakra.

I believe that when a person feels secure in a love relationship....it makes for a nicer communication with others...male or female. My ex didn't believe that....he had a double standard and I was always being accused of playing around with his friends. Groaaaan.....my being friendly sent a different message to his brain. I walked away from that one and I am happy with the choice I made.

I am that I am and don't regret it!



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@ v and amg 1

by the way....MHR is in love with IW. her love towards Yoon isn't the same feeling. i would describe her feelings towards Yoon as puppy love....almost to the point of getting his attention for "approval" sort of thing.

By the way v i've floated away from PP just as CU....I kept getting headaches!



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@12 simplesim
Thank you....Happy Mother's Day to you and yours,too ;)


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HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Happy 'Mom's' Day to ya all.
'Stand by me' from around the world enjoy.
I find this to be an appropriate song for the occasion.


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@ Amg1

Mahalo....yes....this came into my email a while back!!! Beautiful singers! I love this kind of sharing....coming together of talents with a purpose.


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@ Amg1

Stand By Me.....that was soooo neat! Another one that came into my email during campaign of Barack Obama. Had me dancing around too! LOL LOL....


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I am missing the sound of the waves as they hit the shore, and the smell of salt in the air, I grew up in Southern California 45 minutes away from
San Diego so I am not a stranger to the beach and the Ocean. I have the opportunity to live in many places near or surrounded by the ocean, I am OK with rivers and lakes but there is nothing like the beauty of the ocean.
I have been to Ensenada, Rosarito, Tijuana, Veracruz, in Mexico, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Oakland,in the USA.
The islands where I have live Maui, and Kauai, visited the Big Island, Molokai, and Oahu.
Overseas England, Ireland, and Gran Canaria (part of the Canary Island Chain) in the coast of North Africa.
If all goes find in the next year I will start my Asian tour I am planing to go to Korea, China, and Japan.
It is interesting for a Mexican boy the other cultures that have impacted my adult life has been US, Hawaii, but for some reason the Asians cultures come second in the way they have shape my way of thinking!!!!!
Oh God how I miss Ocean!
: O {!!!!!!!


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@ Amg1

I understand what you're saying. The smell of the ocean is something that stays a part of your being. It's like the smell of the flowers at the Honolulu International airport. There is no other smell like that anywhere else.

My base is Oahu....I feel like I'm in a vortex and I can move about and go away but will always return. I lived in SF for 9 months years ago....travelled all over CA.

Good for you to travel and look forward to different cultures. I always tell people that in my next life I will live in another country....you know, i got into meditation and tai chi because i believe in chi .....that is inner power.

I grew up on Kauai....I'm grateful for that experience.

You keep travelling and gaining knowledge...I don't feel you as someone who is searching....you are an intelligent being...full of life and a good person.

Thanks for being.


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Happy Mother"s Day everyone...

I am so jazzed...MBC America here in So Calif just showed previews for Dong Yi and wait for it.............Personal Taste!!!

only thing is the commercial is in Korean and my Korean is nowhere near it at this time.. SO if any one here gets the station could let me know what days and time???? I would really appreciate it...otherwise its sit in front the TV waiting...lol (no for real though)

just wanted to share!


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I came across this list and apparently all this dramas deal with or show parts of romantic relationships between
Younger man/Older woman. Can any body reference a drama where the Romance is set the other way around Younger woman/Older man?
I remember in 'What's up Fox' the sister of the leading character falls for and older man but they are not the main couple
2nd Proposal
9 end 2 outs (women in her 30's who is with a young baseball player. but the baseball player is not the real main character)
Crazy For You
Drama City-Love Hunt, Thirty Minus Three
Hello My Teacher (Biscuit teacher)
Love Needs a Miracle
Match Made in Heaven
My Sweet Seoul
Oh! My lady
Queen of Housewives
Rude Woman /Outragous Woman
Shoot for the Stars
Since I Met You
Snow White
What's Up, Fox?
The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry
Women in the Sun

Forbidden Love
Kimi Wa Petto
koishite Akuma
Love Revolution
Mojo no Jouken
Orange Days
Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni (Sudden like a storm - Housewife
and highschool student)

Young Men

Taiwanese Drama:
My Queen
Say yes enterprise


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for younger woman falling for older men, what about Who Are You?, or in Beethoven Virus... i know there are some more too... just can't think of it right now.
as for the reverse, dal ja's spring would be a big one..


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and this one doesn't really count cuz they look good together and song seung hun is not exactly "old" but in East of Eden, Lee yeon hee calls him "ajusshi"


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oh and for younger man/older woman, what about My name is kim sam soon
bad family; older man, younger woman (7yrs differ)


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@34 Amg1 -
Off the top of my head, where it actually is a bit of an issue that the man is older than the woman...

Beethoven Virus;
Successful Story of a Bright Girl;
Coffee Prince -
one whose name I can't quite remember but involves a hghschool student who lives upstairs from a nebbishy government worker -


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um... sorry for the multiple posts... it's just that i comment whenever smth comes up on my head again...
in 18vs29, the woman is biologically 29, but her character inside is 18 yrs old... so, it's "younger woman" in a certain way.. lol
and in cinderella man, the age wasn't an issue but i can't help but notice the age difference between yoonah and kwon sang woo.
um, sorry for those bad examples, maybe something will pop up later on


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Amg1 -
Alone in Love? Both Sohn Ye Jin's and Lee Hana's love interests seemed somewhat older than them.
And Women of the Sun - Lee Hana's character fell for a character around 7-8yrs older.

I know this is dramas only, but there's also a film I Love You Not, with Moon Geun Young and an older man.

Mind's a bit blank right now, and this is all I can think of right now.


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@Amg 1
younger woman and older man?
How about MGY's POTW (Painter of the Wind), Dae Jang Geum, Ji Jin Hee's The man who can't get married?And of course TEAM PARK KYU


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@ Amg1

The drama I'm liking right now is Daring Women younger woman/older man

Then there is Romance.....starts off with high school senior male who falls in love with a teacher....doesn't know it's teacher/student....goes from high school to after graduation and 3 years later.

Dong Yi.....younger female and older male....The King.

Oh and Painter of the Wind.....young girl and older male


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if we're talking about movies too, then basically a whole lot of movies with moon geum young, like my little bride, innocent steps.
also as a drama, younger woman/older man, we've got Sweet 18, which i have a soft spot for... lol
and arguably, lovers in Paris... since the "nephew" was also a contender for the girl


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oh... and i totally forgot about japanese dramas
older woman, younger man: boku dake no madonna
older man, younger woman: all kou, kou kyoushi (my fav is the 2003), then dekichatta kekkon, and the last one is a bit of stretch but hotaru no hikari..


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one more younger woman/older man drama: single dad in love,
as for older woman, i've remembered family's honor, hello my teacher


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I purposely didn't go saguek, as nearly ALL sagueks have the king/courtier/other male star marrying/falling for a sweet young thing.
QSD (Mishil&the old king - and all of her other hubs for that matter - the girl got around, Yushin and Mishil's granddaughter, QSD's sister and her hubby - heck, Bidam was the only male apparently only slightly older than his sweetie QSD - and this is ignoring the fact that if you actually try to figure that family tree out with a calendar none of it makes a lick of sense);
Painter of the Wind;
Chuno (although you have to be adding up the years - STH rescued a youngish DG and UN during the war....);
Damo and her Naeuri (excuse me while I go cry over that one for a moment....);
the list could continue indefinitely as you go down the list of sagueks.

Edited to add...I'm sitting here listening to Queen's "Made in Heaven" album - the one with "I was born to Love You" on it. I love Queen anyway, but Pride will do that to you....


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bye guys! going to sleep..
OML is tomorrow! 2 more ep to go!

and yeah, queen is awesome!


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Oh dear, seems all our PP debating is giving OTers a headache. Sorry guys, just bear with it for another 2wks, or even 4wks! Hee hee!

I think it's easier for someone like me to get into PP discussion since it's the only show I'm watching currently, so it has my full, undivided attention. Until Giant starts tomorrow that is.


Hahaha! So funny, I can just picture it. And since HR prefers to spill her heart out to SJ (there was always that element of trust between them two that's lacking in In-Hye) -- IW being IW will have all kinds of surveillance on them - especially in that special library room where Se-Ri (Sexi?) often meet for private talks.

I agree, an extension is only good if they'll focus some more on SJ!

I didn't mind the ramyun scenes, both IW's and HR's! OMG! I've seen many cry-eating scenes in kdramas but that had to be the most heaviest, gutwrenchingly - depressing!

And that's exactly why I love the man!
Although sometimes I think his character's too out-of-sync for a modern kdrama, his sort of honest, astute character who's also VERRRY handy in a fight is better suited to a fantasy-sageuk. It's interesting having him here though - as the perfect foil to IW's shifty lawyer character - the two are polar opposites.
I like how they've humanised him though with the whole mourning widower, single dad thing and threw in a few flaws (specifically: poor communication skills and often neglecting his daughter).

And I agree with HR, if he can't get over his dead wife after 3 years (3 years is nothing!) that is ''SO cool! He's just SO cool!''

And I agree with @aberdeen_angus, I'm sure we all do, but I NEEEED 13 asap! I can't wait to see HR's reaction, will be death by asphyxiation or will she mollify and easily forgive him? No, unni! Remember - DIGNITY!


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@supah: "I didn’t mind the ramyun scenes, both IW’s and HR’s! OMG! I’ve seen many cry-eating scenes in kdramas but that had to be the most heaviest, gutwrenchingly – depressing!" I'd have to say MiSA might win in that for me (and it was also ramen, go figure!) ...

@Amg1: Most of my answers got listed! One that could be a contender (older guy-younger girl) and that's recent (I'm not totally following the show but from time to time I watch) is Kim So Eun's drama, A Good Day for the Wind to Blow.


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@v. Boku dake no madonna
is indeed my favorite J-Dorama
Older woman /Younger man drama, the leading actress is
"Kyoko Hasegawa " she is also the leading lady in "Dragon Zakura".
"What's up Fox" my favorite K-Drama one.
Why is it that Older woman/Younger man Romantic pairings seem more acceptable than the other way around ? any comments?


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