Open Thread #134



The Joy Formidable – “Whirring” [ Download ]

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Aaah yes. I suspect he's dead - wasn't it Seo and not Song?


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um... it's Song i think... are we talking about the same person?
are the Seo you're referring to, IW's father?
because the director Song i'm talking about here is the guy who "died" a year ago (not sure if he really died) for loyalty to MST and ST company...
maybe i should go rewatch PP to check this out again... too many things went on so my brain's a bit fuzzy. and it wouldnt hurt to see the Stalker #2 again.. don't know why but I love his character... so hilarious!


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LOL... just a quick funny thing. someone suggested that the Chief be paired with MHR"s mom... haha... weird thought but i'm kinda warming up to it...
hahaha.. still laughing.


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to ALL you PP fanatics & critics...I'm literally 'laughing out loud' here w/ ALL your comments...wouldn't have dared to butt in...but I'm pretty sure INHYE would end up together, or at least pray that they would!!! INHYE couple... FIGHTING!!!


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lol... i didnt dare to butt in this OT thread either... it's either i don't butt in or I do and then start to write tirades about why HR and IW deserves and belong together. so now, i'm limiting myself to really short comments or i might end up writing an essay.
but the talk is giving me laughs too! it's so fun when a drama does this to you!


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I love disagreeing with supah. I can't explain why lots of points there don't seem to apply to In-woo because this comment would turn into a psychology paper (he's performing a planned scheme, for god's sake! It's not patologycal! Geeeezzzzzzzz!). So, I'll just say:

Go, In-woo!



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"(he’s performing a planned scheme, for god’s sake! It’s not patologycal! Geeeezzzzzzzz!)" totally agree... IW is not a sociopath.


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@ ockoala,

Ah, the Buzzer Beat anthem! It also be on my iPod jogging track, may never tire of it.

I have not a smidgeon of Japanese either. Someone obligingly translates Yamapi's daily "nikki" into English - Facebook search "Yamashita Tomohisa" - there are a number of pages but only the right one has upwards of 43,000 fans! See "notes". I've been keeping up with this diligently. For one thing, it gives me plenty of cute Yamapi photos and more inexplicable Pi tv ads. Which is probably reason enough. But in addition, I find his mini-blog entries fascinatingly banal. I mean, stuff like "this is the bento box I had for lunch -- see grainy photo" would be egregiously self-regarding for a mere mortal, but for someone who was that day filming a top-rated tv show, it's FASCINATING!

Now, I realise of course that the mini-blog is all part of the idol-machine. For one thing, it's hosted by the JE website (and as we know Johnny owns their souls), so for instance he is not allowed to mention by name any non-JE actor! He has to use a nickname for a non-JE actor he hangs out a lot with. And it's all to do with his public image, so of course he's careful not to say anything too revealing about his inner life (I think, but maybe he doesn't HAVE an inner life other than wanting to sing, dance and act better, who knows...) Nonetheless, when he has an entry like "yesterday me and my Mum had dinner with Ikuta Toma and his mum" I can't help but go "aw" and also "wow, these JE boys and their mothers, they really have no other life, eh...". Or when he says "today I went to the convenience store but forgot my wallet so a nice grannie paid for me I was so embarrassed" I just have to smile. How can someone be so ordinary and so NOT ordinary at the same time? Or when he says "I rode the train today, as I like to do on my day off, and I think someone recognised me but was to shy to say hello. Next time you see me on a train, please say hello!" and I think good gravy Japanese society is so interesting. An idol who can single-handedly pack Tokyo Dome with screaming fans can ride his granny bike around and travel on trains unmolested. (Also, every time I'm on a Tokyo train I look around and think, "So, where's Yamapi? I demand my Yamapi!")

Hana Kimi -- Well, that show gave me whiplash, the way it switched from the sublime to the ridiculous and back again. I thought it has some nicely done emotional moments. But interspersed with some of the most cringing OTT wannabe- comic scenes you ever never cared to see. Go Mi Nam's charade was completely credible compared to this not-for-a-second could Maki possibly pass as a boy, they weren't even trying, good grief. However, if you are handy with the FF button, you should be fine. I didn't survive ten minutes of the T-version.


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i final down 3 more to go...postponing all drama watching till then :(......hope yeveryonelse has fun in the meantime...happy friday


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good luck on your finals!!! keep it up! and it's totally right for you to be postponing dramas... finals are more important.. you can watch dramas anytime later.

and how i wish i can follow my own advice..

lol... i also follow pi's journal, but on LJ, there's also someone who translates them ^^
love his entries... and when any of his dramas are out, he always tries to promote them in his diary. lol
and agree entirely with what you said about hanakimi.. LOL


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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!
I am sitting here with a beer on my hand, I just finish watching once again episode 11/12 of Prosecutor Princess, I want to make a Toast for all of you who claim that In-woo is not a "Sociopath, IN YA'R FACE" mUAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!


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lol... thanks for the toast... i'm also rewatching PP 11 and 12... in the middle of 12 right now.. and i'll stick to my statement. guess we'll never concur on that point huh?
btw, r u drunk? LOL... nevermind that.


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nightie guys! i'm off to sleep early!


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Well not quite yet.
But I am glad that @38 supah, took the time to find out what the term sociopath really means, and all I can say is this; if one or more of the characteristics
that define a 'sociopath' fits the In-woo Character, than 'Bingo' we found One. By the way if you go back and read my ramblings I always used examples of his behavior, I am afraid that that many who are opposed to my opinion react only to what I said, but most of the time no one uses a clear example from what the drama has shown that In-woo is a legit Dude!!!!!!!!!


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@ serendipity-sis

You have officially turned me into a jelly roll. Pi's FB page is the ONLY thing on FB I am willing to click the "like" button. And now ALL my real life friends are gonna go "wah???" And you know what, I freaking could care less! I want more Pi, and dammit I'm agonna get more Pi if I have to out myself as a gigantic cougar.

NOW, only NOW, do I feel like I deserve a place in ICOMYM, maybe even get elected as an officer. See, much as I love Team Park Kyu!, adore Bummie's smile, nomnomnom PIE, take the walk to hell for Lee Min-ho-My God!, et. al, the Pi love is the one inexplicable thing that transcends intelligence and taste. The heart wants what the heart wants, no? (didn't I say that about a certain young Cinderella? sigh....).

The Buzzer Beat OST is the only OST since Tamra the Island I am absolutely in love with. Every single song and instrumental is gorgeous and fitting. Can't say the same about Nobuta, but Kurosagi and Code Blue have some nice riffs. And for Pi, I'm gonna learn how to download YT vids to my IPhone and mp3s. Yeah, never bothered to learn that, gonna do it now.

Lastly, Pi's diary entries are banal to the extreme, the exact opposite of mookie and mine loverboy Yuan Hong's twitter account (in China). He is sharp, eloquent, transcends topics and genres, and is the funniest person (not even entertainer) I follow. Shit, he's like a cross btw Conan, Jon Stewart, and Yutaka. I can justify my love for him six ways to Sunday (superb actor, electrifying mind). Pi - he's a giant, hot, sexy, newly buff piece of cotton candy. What can I say, let's be shallow together. :-P

But don't you feel relieved that Dahee totally took away the exact same impression from WHIB as you? Look out for my rebuttal (or just my ponderings, who can rebut anything that doesn't have even a smidge of a right answer).


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@eiko, I like to listen to a girl name 'Marié Digby' she is the most successful ( Hapa, 'Hawaiian for Mix Race) singer in America today, Japanese mother, Irish American Father, her first single, 'Say it again' and her remake of 'Umbrella' is what put her on the spotlight, hope you like it, enjoy.



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‘Marié Digby's’ Umbrella, Studio version,enjoy!!!!


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The fact is, my dearest Amg1, that the difference between a pathology and a planned scheme is not trivial, and you are seeming to disregard it. Also, the lack of effort put in trying to understand the character's complexity and development makes all of this discussion kind of absurd and pointless.

"but most of the time no one uses a clear example from what the drama has shown that In-woo is a legit Dude!!!!!!!!!"

I didn't want to say this, but have you read all of our comments????

Happy weekend for all of you, guys!!

PS: I can't believe we're discussing this much over just one character. And the drama hasn't even ended! I love you PPers!!! I'm having so-much-fun. I hope we can get an ending which leaves us all satisfied ^^ ;)


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@ Amg1

Mahalo....she's got a very clear, crisp voice! Beautiful gal too! You have very good choices....nice range of different types of music. Any kind to fit the mood and occasion.

Another Hawaiian gal I like is Amy Hanaialii.....she's good.

Have a relaxing weekend!


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But sociopaths aren't capable of empathy, and therefore do not experience guilt or remorse like non-sociopaths, correct?

In-woo is a guilt MACHINE. I'm pretty sure every direction he gets from the PD is, "look guilty and conflicted." He definitely empathizes with Hye-ri, and feels guilty for the pain his actions (and now the knowledge of her father's apparent actions) cause her. However, he sees this as a necessary and unfortunate evil of his plan for justice/revenge.


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In-woo reminds me of a character taken out of Greek Tragedy.
There are many things that I dislike about him, but at a certain level I can empathize with In-woo.
I do like the way the writers have created him, the fact that I dislike him so much is proof at least in my point of view, that the writers have achieve their goal, with In-woo there are only two ways about him either you Love him or you hate him, I just happen to fall in the latter part of the spectrum.
The genius about this character is that there is a point of reference to his behavior unlike other K-drama antagonist , where there is no rhyme nor reason for them being evil.
In In-woos case there is a reason why he is pursuing justice, even when the ethical anomalies collide and seem to leave no room to compromise.
But the most tragic dynamic so far about In-woo and Hye-ri, is like I said before, In-woos plan was to Avenge now we know his Father and Mother, and you need to have a strong sense of motivation that will carry you all this years until you accomplish what you have set to accomplish, and apart from wanting Justice he genuinely hates HR's father and I in good faith cannot wrong him for that, it goes with the territory.
It is not only tragic that he lost his parents, but the worst tragedy so far is the fact that he has falling in love with the daughter of the man he hates the most in this world.
I do not blame him for the way he mistreats Hye-ri in the last 2 episode the reason being is that if he allows his feelings for Hye-ri to get in the way he will lost the battle with out having fire a single shot.
He is a man who appears that has made a pact with the devil out of hate, only to find that at the end he can only be redeem by love (Hye-ri's Love) and only in that context will in my mind feel that the In-woo/Hye-ri pairing can work!!!!!!!


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"In-woo reminds me of a character taken out of Greek Tragedy."

Totally true. Even more, if he discovers that he was wrong in some of his assumptions (as some people are now suggesting).

"He is a man who appears that has made a pact with the devil out of hate, only to find that at the end he can only be redeem by love (Hye-ri’s Love) and only in that context will in my mind feel that the In-woo/Hye-ri pairing can work!!!!!!!"

That's what we all InHye shippers are waiting for! Hahahaha!! :D :D

Ok, I should go to sleep. NOW. It's just that while I'm writing ep11's recap, I can't help but returning here to see if there are more comments ^^

¡Felicidad para todos!


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@eiko, this all 'Female Choir' from Belgium name 'Scala' reminds me of the Hawaiian Kamehameha school Choir. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M27IMEjqEgk&feature=youtube_gdata


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@amg1's post as #71

and there you have it - the entire argument for why IW is NOT a sociopath! Greek Tragedy Hero =/= Sociopath!

i'm glad you are coming to our side amg1!!!! ;-)



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Hi all, just stopping in on my way to bed. Haven't read all the comments but this one caught my eye as I scrolled down and I have to reproach you, my very dear ockoala:

"And thanks for the agreement on the various drama genres. ;-) I agree, TW is really taking the lead on skinship. The 10 minute(!) long sex scene in FTLY is the current gold standard."

... if you're going to throw out info like "The 10 minute(!) long sex scene in FTLY is the current gold standard." PLEASE tell us non-TW drama watchers what FTLY stands for so we can check it out too!!

And that prompts me to ask for advice from you all... I'm going to Taipei in June for the first time, and I want to do a little drama watching in preparation. I've already gulped down Meteor Garden (which was already on my list to as necessary to exorcise my Hanadan obsession) and liked it a great deal more than I thought I would... you guys could have told me more forcefully about Jerry Yan some time ago, I thought as I watched compulsively this week.. Any suggestions of TW dramas in which the city of Taipei really figures prominently, that give a sense of Taipei... that lend themselves to film site pilgrimages? I've seen a few TP based movies--Turn Left, Turn Right, Eat Drink Man Woman, Yi Yi. All recommendations will be gratefully received.



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@ reluctantbutaddicted

my bad I write so much I abbreviate all the time. FTYL stands for Fated to Love You, starring Chen Qiao-en and Ethan Ruan, it is the #1 ratings champion in TW drama in the last 10 years. The sex scene btw happens in episode 1! Yup, good ole FTYl delivers the goods and then some right away, and it factors into the plot big time.

For a drama showcasing Taiwan, look no further than Wish to See You Again starring Vic Zhou, it was an idol drama financed by the Taiwan Bureau of Tourism and showcases major TW sights, including Taipei 101 and National Palace Museum.

Have fun in TW!!


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@ ockoala : Thanks! OK, I will definitely check those out. Can't wait to see Taipei... and explore TW food, too. Somehow I think of steamed buns when I think of Taipei, and maybe dumplings. Oh, now I'm hungry!


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@ reluctantbutaddicted

FTLY = Fated To Love You starring Chen Qiao En, Ethan Ruan, and Baron Chen.

Here's the wiki page for it :)

Enjoy!! It's pretty good. For me, it's probably my 2nd favorite TW-drama after Black&White. I'm surprised you made it thru MG - i only got thru ep 7 before i had to stop. I just couldn't put myself thru that torture, no matter how 'iconic' it's supposed to be.

Have fun in Taipei!! It can be really fun if you know where to go. Don't miss out on ShiLin Night Market and all the yummy street food they have, especially the fried stinky tofu and the juicy pork & veggie buns. Also, try going to the Din Tai Fung in Taipei - it's the best! They serve the yummiest juicy pork soup dumplings EVER. So worth the wait! Sorry I can't help you in regards to which dramas to watch to get a feel for Taipei - I don't recall many that I've seen that feature Taipei prominently. When I went I just asked for suggestions from friends of what spots I needed to hit up and then spent the other time just wandering around exploring. Just a heads up - June in Taipei is when it starts to get pretty darn humid (actually I'm pretty sure it's humid right now), so pack accordingly!


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oh, i see i took too long to write my response and ockoala beat me to it haha. I totally forgot about Wish To See You Again - maybe cuz I never watched it lol. But I do remember [now] reading about how it was financed by the Taiwan Bureau of Tourism and had 3 of the 4 F4 guys haha.


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This is actually a very belated THANK YOU to you ( from last OT)...you were discussing Hawaiian music with another Dramabeaners,and you mentioned my fav- Keali'i Reichel. One of my Grad School's roommate was from Oahu. She belonged to a Hawaiian Dance Group here in So Cal. She actually got the rest of the roommates to join her (for fun and exercise(actually GREAT stress reliever...how could NOT mellow out with K. Reichel??) I don't think I can do it anymore(it's been yrs ago !!),but we(the 6 of us) actually danced to Reichel's Maunaleo....yeah,thanks for a sweet memory trip ;) Mahalo


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@80 cingdoc

Mahalo nui loa for Keali'i song! I just love him!!!! His cd that he sings honoring his tutu really is special....it brings tears everytime I listen to it. Hard to believe that someone told him years ago that he would never make it in musical world because he couldn't sing!

I have epals in Netherlands and when one of them came for vacation she bought one of KR cd....she took it back and now they use it during meditation! Pretty neat.

My niece is a kumu on Kauai and has a halau....and recently became full fledged kumu after taking a year's training with papa Hewett on big island. Cristy has been dancing since she was a little kid....she has that inner power when she chants. Gives me chicken skin (goose bumps).

Thanks for sharing! Appreciated the link!

Aloha Pumehana!


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@Amg1: #71 comment:
He is a man who appears that has made a pact with the devil out of hate, only to find that at the end he can only be redeem by love (Hye-ri’s Love) and only in that context will in my mind feel that the In-woo/Hye-ri pairing can work!!!!!!!

love & appreciate how you've captured the whole essence of how many PP'ers would want In Woo's character to be redeemed in the finale!!! thanks for ALL your extreme conclusions & theories...think those couple of beers helped!!! LOL!!! Should have downed a few shots of tequila myself last night...cuz I was definitely "affected" by ep.12 that much...I even dreamt of SIW & Hye Ri!!!


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I really dont get why people think CS is draggy -.- now, personal taste is draggy. I DONT think the girl can act that well. it was witty at frst but it keeps repeating the same problem. just like Fullhouse. I stopped watching it. haha! the only reason i watched it till the 9th ep was because of LEE MIN HOOOO. dang tht fine boy ;P PT could have been better if it has better editing and plot.

CS, is a good story actlly. Its like back to COFFEE PRINCE era <3 :D Not all korean dramas suppose to be cutesy blabla insert cliche. of course, recent ep has been too sad and people stop expecting a relationship between eun jo and ki hoon. but come on, its a KOREAN drama hahahha. if they are the main character, they'll end up together;pp

its sad, and some people doesnt like to reach fr the tissue box , instead, they like to laugh while i dont care, as long as its going somewhr. thrs a lot to tell in that story. building up eun jo and hyo sun's relationship, repair the factory back, eun jo and ki hoon's relationship. So, thats what makes me sit down, and watch it.



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omg i sound like i hated personal taste. haha! i dont hate it, its just not near to my liking. btw, let me spazz fr a mmnt. LEE MINHO OMG OMG OMGGGGGGGGGG


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...totally agree with moniker Lee Min Ho- my god....that what i chant when I saw him in PT....also called him Lee-Min-Hot from BOF days....going crazy for PT...can' wait for next week and doing the umphteenth time PT's rewatch

Also recycle Takuya Kimura's classic Long Vacation again to tide me over....all due to a conversation in Down with Love that goes somewhat like this....

Yung Ping (Jerry): don't you know Takuya Kimura's drama ....Long Vacation
Yang Guo (Ella) : Takuya Kimura??....he's a dad now and your generation

Yung Ping : have you ever watch Meteor Garden
Yang Guo : I have watched the Korean version....(giggles)....the main character is so cute

it's hilarious given that Jerry Yan is the main character in TW version


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Thanks, lovenyc52, I intend to do a lot of exploring... I'll be visiting a friend who's has family in Taipei and has spent a fair bit of time there, and who loves streetfood, too. With a particular fondness for dumplings...

I made it through Meteor Garden 1 (27 episodes) by dint of judicious use of Fast Forward. Can't say I was overly impressed, and I hated them all at first, but Jerry Yan's Domyouji did grow on me. Apart from looking at TPE, I was mainly interested in looking for the ways the TW producers messed with the plot (ie deviated from the manga; and then how the JPN and KOR versions differed again--haven't seen the Chinese version). The hunger strike had me perplexed (LOL--noted that they put him on a drip, but NO humidifier, so I guess it wasn't that serious!). I don't recall that in any other version? Haven't broached MG 2 yet and I'm not sure I will, and it's apparently set mostly in Spain anyway, so not relevant to my TPE prep.


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Ah, Yankee-kun to Megane-chan. There's always some pairing of school drama and deliquency going on. It is the peanut butter and jelly of a jdrama season. I've kept away from Gokusen so long that watching this isn't too stale of a concept to me. It helps that Naka Riisa is an interesting person, considerably due to her music activities at the moment (I warn you: you can't unwatch it). My dream ending to episode 2 of Yankee (which is what I'm up to right now) would be Daichi running from classroom to classroom sliding open doors and saying "girl fight is on" and then running back to their room. Unfortunately, he's too cool for that. (But he had this look on his face like ranging from :O to :D to :O again)

@FTLY: So I couldn't sleep last night, got up at 4am, scrolled through the comments talking about Fated to Love you so I watched episode 1. What just happened?! Was that an entire drama series condensed into one episode? Because lots of things just happened. (slow clap for pulling that all off.. on a boooooaaattttt) What is with the rich guys go-to lacky dude. He is super excited about rich guy doing stuff with lady friends. Dude........ No. But yeah, now I got to make more time in the day for this...


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@ Amg1

That female choir was awesome! Soothing voices.....

I had to chuckle over your "beer" drinking episode! Not soju? :-)

Bro....you let yourself in for some pretty funny responses!

The weekend is here.....HANG LOOSE or hang mo loose!


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I just remember 2 movies that I saw in the past both with Japanese Actress
Narumi Riko.
Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai (a.k.a. Calling You) and
Shindo, the first one deals with a lonely and shy teenager who pretends to have a Handphone in her mind until one day some one pick's up her phone call in her mind, it is quite interesting base on a novel by Otsuichi.
The second one, Riko plays a 13 year old piano prodigy who is disenchanted with playing the piano, she meets a guy who is six years her senior and and also a piano player, trough there friendship they find a new meaning about playing the piano Love versus technical performance, enjoy!!!!


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Hello, JBeaners,
How are you all doing out there?
It's such a beautiful day in California.
I should be outside jogging or taking a walk. Why am I glued to this computer?
Ah, it's all PP and PT, well, mainly LMH's fault.
I hate cliffhangers. I was planning to watch those two dramas after they finished airing. Well, since you JBeaners seem so excited, so I started.
I finally caught up and totally enjoyed every single ep. Ha, now, I can't wait until next Wednesday!
While I was "waiting", I watche an oldie "All About Eve". I love, love, love it.
I finally got to see Jang Gong Gun whom I've read/heard so much about. Hoho...
When I told my friend that, she rolled her eyes and sighed, "where have you been all these years?" Haha!
Should I go out now to enjoy the sunshine or should I continue with my kdrama?
Such a difficult decision!


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@eiko. The only reason I was drinking beer alone was cause I ran out of Soju, I am really Happy that my local Liquor store carries the Jinro Soju brand, I must say the taste of Soju is quite Mellow as compare to Vodka, Gin, and Tequila,Soju being a relative of this Spirits, By the way we also have a Spirit in Mexico related to Soju and oddly enough we used the same description as a name 'Agua Ardiente' loosely translate it means 'Fiery Water'. I grew up drinking Tequila, but the first time I ever got drunk was with Vodka and Orange juice, what a nightmare that was, ha ha ha ha ha.
But now days y enjoy a Soju Bomb (Soju mix with Beer), I find it to be a very nice combination.
I do like Scala very much there voices have an angelic sound to them!
Aloha Saturday, May the winds of the Islands bring many Blessings and Joy!!!


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@ 91 Amg 1

You are a riot! I know about orange juice and vodka! At one time that was the only drink I would get....that was after my experience with Kahlua Mist! Yikes....I was with my ex-brother in law at a place in Waikiki and I had 2 of those in succession because I am a glutton for anything coffee flavored! He told me....watch out because those drinks will creep up on you. Can you imagine those in glasses they use for maitais? I felt great....chatty and then I decided going to the lua was calling....I turned and got off the stool and damn if I didn't miss the floor!!!! LOL LOL....when I think about it now I have to laugh because I couldn't stop giggling and my ex brother in law laughed so loud....he said.....see, see....I told you!!!! My feet hit the the floor and my knees buckled and I couldn't pick myself up! Of course, he also said to me....you're supposed to sip those drinks but not with a straw!

What's crazy is I didn't feel embarrassed at all....felt no pain either!

Big Mahalo for tapping into the music.....have been listening to many different sounds the past few days.

Pau for now! :-)


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@ Amg1

Do you like piano music? I have several different ones....I am impressed with Kit Samson. His cd Somewhere In Time is a collection of well known tunes. I met him a few years ago and he was promoting the cd and he gave me one. Took me several months before I listened to it and I was pleasantly surprised!



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@eiko, I do like piano music.
From Classical music a Canadian piano player name Glenn Gould (RIP),one of the prodigies of modern Classical piano .
From Jazz, another Canadian name Oscar Peterson (RIP), Thelonious Monk (RIP), and Dave Brubeck.
From Rock Music, Keith Emerson, and Rick Wakeman.
From Pop, Richard Cleyderman.
New Age, Enya, Kitaro.
Rick Wakeman's playing 'Life On Mars written by David Bowie (Rick played the piano on the original recording of the song)' enjoy.

P.S. Have a Happy Mothers Day you and all the DramaBeans Lady's that happen to have children!! I lost my Mother to 'diabetes' @ 18 years ago and I must admit that after all this years I still miss her much. May your children keep on being a source of Joy and Contentment in Your life, Lots Of Love!!!
*** : O } ***


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Since I've written this already in the previous OT ,and not wanting to sound like a writer for Hallmark card, I will just keep this simple:
to all the Mommies here on OT

Please cherish your Mother everyday,and make it a daily "special" day for her....

ps For those who are children and not sure what to get for your Mother, give her your time. It's priceless(esp during your busy schedules). You don't need to take her to a fancy restaurant for a meal. I think your Mother would be just as happy to share some time chatting with you over a simple cup of tea ;)


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@ Amg1

Yes, yes, I know those jazz names! Oh gosh....one of my all time favorites was a guy who played the saxophone! Darn....I'm going to think about him....

What about David Lanz? Paul Horn? R. Carlos Nakai?

Nakai is native american and plays a real wood flute. I have a cd with him and Keola Beamer together....it's that kind of twosome where chicken skin sits for the duration of the cd!

Yes...Enya is so cool! And Kitaro. Darn...I had them all on cassette!

Mahalo AMG1....you remind me so much of my friend Guillermo....it's like I can hear his voice when I see your email.

You enjoy the rest of the weekend....keep smiling....stay beautiful and keep the memorie alive!

Love and blessings to you and yours!


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ok, my first post and last the day... phew. today was a hectic day. had to drive for hours to the airport and back so i feel totally drained.
happy saturday everone!!
love the PT 12 recap and the reference to Gossip Girl in it... totally didn't expect that. lol

wow... we might disagree on IW but our taste in music is definitely has a lot of common points!! knew that from last OT but didn't expect to find more here. ^^
i have several CD's of Clayderman, as well as Perterson, Monk, Brubeck, !!! LOVE iT... i tried to play some of the pieces.. (i mean, of clayderman... i suck at jazz piano. it's so hard. lol)
i also like wakeman, (love the guy), enya and kitaro.
i noticed you only named one classical player, glenn gould... do you like anyone else?
my favorites are those who are already old such as ritcher (he's a BEAST), horowitz, azkenazy, rubinstein, martha agerich.
as for modern players, i also like gould, as well as yundi li, evgeny kissin, valentina igoshina among others.

do you like other genres/instruments as well aside from piano?

From Classical music a Canadian piano player name Glenn Gould (RIP),one of
e On Mars written by David Bowie (Rick played the piano on the original recording of the song)’ enjoy.
glad you finally got to watch all about eve...
isn't KSY totally evil in it? a great contrast form MHR! she's a super actress!


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on comment 97, wanted to quote the last bit "On Mars written by David Bowie (Rick played the piano on the original recording of the song)’ enjoy."
and say thanks...
sorry it didn't come out -_-"


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I agree with what @Amg1 said here about IW and the whole Greek tragedy thing - and have admitted something similar to this in the previous OT, that I began empathising with IW in PP11. His hurt was so very real and palpable, that any human heart would simply burst from it!
I really do want him to get the justice he deserves, for his parents and his own deep-buried pain and suffering of 15 (?) years.

But maybe he should y'know... RELEASE a little bit of that pain!? How about a series of deafeningly loud anguished cries a la Kim Soo Hyun in the police station scene in WISFC (ep2)? (Oh! Kim Soo Hyun! You haunt me still!)
It's worrying to think of his inward suffering and just how much it must be poisoning his mind keeping it all bottled up.

IW's actions in 11-12 were justified, but not what he did right at the very end of 12. It reminded me of exactly why I hated him in the first place.
He went away in 11, after showing signs of 'weakening' and after regaining his composure, he's got his game-face back on and is back into the swing of things.

The ends does NOT justify the means, dear IW! You are so cruel.

Aside from him having the capacity to empathise with his victim there's still a pretty significant amount of sociopath in him (high five, Amg1!) and for the sake of the lost and lonely, justice-seeking orphan boy trapped within him I hope he repents! Repents! Repents! +++ in order to truly deserve HR! Heck, even throw in a time leap or two.

Romance-wise - as in who's more suited to HR: As things stand currently, IW still sucks and SJ is still... *sigh* perfect.

Oh and @aberdeen_angus -- no way! I could debate about PP 4evahzz! The drama's given us faaar too much material to muse over (read: have messy, super-violent girlfights over).
And IW vs SJ? This drama manipulated us all! We've been had!
Both men have been neck and neck in competition from the get-go, with no clear pointers over who the first male lead still is. Or whether she may even wind up alone as a bitter, tough bitch prosecutor, who'll dress like JS -- nooooo!!


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the saxophone player I really loved.....Gene Ammons!!!!! LOL LOL....I finally went and goggled jazz saxophone players and when I saw his name I knew he was the one!!!!



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