Open Thread #134



The Joy Formidable – “Whirring” [ Download ]

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I LOVE YOU! Thanks for the link!!!!!
If you are ever in need of a liver transplant (after drinking too much soju or saki, like in the dramas) come to me, I will gladly give you part of mine. :P
I just hope you are A+ :P


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@ aberdeen_angus,
I'm also hoping for his redemption soon though. LOL, I want more InHye moments to giggle over. :p

As for SJ, I think he needs to look at the one that truly needs him which is JS. I think it's wrong for him to allow his daughter to become attach to JS, who sees her almost as a mother figure, then take that away. >.< Even chisel, sexy body JS has faults .:)


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i came too late... all the pp-ers are on page 1!!!

anyways - PP LOVEEEE! i still haven't watched ep 12 yet (but will as soon as i get home) and i gotta say:

@supah - (though this was one of your earliest comments)

HR's heartbreak and less strong self in this past week may be because of IW, but it's AWESOME! SHE LURRRRRRRRRRRRVVEEEESSSS HIM! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

and it used to be that she could stand up to all those insults because they were shallow - and that was when she liked SJ - so (if you'll follow me here...) shallow wounds while shallowly liking SJ makes it easier to bounce back from both!! :D (did that make sense?)

on the other hand - deep wounds (because of betrayal) along with deep love for IW = TRUE WUV!

there - i said it. and now, fangirly kaedejun out!


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@ 57 ll
me too the viikii plugin is sorta acting as a virus for me too
it drains my battery memory like crazy


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@ lovin it
I know the new plug in is using up 90% of my CPU memory.
Something is not Kosher here.


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kaedejun, don't worry, we can continue bickering here.

This left me worried: supah, do you think that MHR will kiss YSJ!!?? :O I always thought that tha would never ever happen...


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"supah, do you think that MHR will kiss YSJ!!?? :O I always thought that tha would never ever happen…"


also - i'd just find that awkward, because then i'd wonder - does SJ think he's kissing HR, or his wife?!


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Can you imagine it, kaede? That stiff face kissing Hye ri?



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@ 4 lovin it & @ 5 Lessaofpern

ok, i was WONDERING why my viikii was taking up so much CPU. i would start to play a video and then within 3 seconds my CPU would totally max out and my computer would freeze. however, if i link to viikii thru mysoju or something, THEN it works just fine. so it's not my computer then, it's the plug-in? well that's good to know.


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To prove, that really, all K-, TW-, and J-doramas, when it hits it right and hits it hard, all deliver the awesome heart tingling goods. And by a flash of kismet, I found this wonderful MV showing some of the best kisses in all three genres, set to a BOF song.


Scenes pulled from: A Love to Kill, Innocent Love, Boys Over Flowers, Full House, Mars, Tokyo Juliet, My girl, Dal Ja's Spring, Devil Beside you, Pride, Mei-chan no Shitsuji, Coffee Prince, Romantic Princess, Taiyou no uta

I've seen most of the above, but an now DYING to see Pride (OMO, KimuTaku, you can KISS). Not all the best kisses are catalogued, but some of the most famous and well known. Ending with the famous Rain/Shin Mina kiss in ALTK.

Eschewing recent drama kisses: I would have tried to squeeze in Goong, Pi's kiss in BB, ArJoe in ISWAK, and MNIKSS.


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@kaedejun, aberdeen_angus

Sorry ladies, I'll stick with my stockholm syndrome theory, him and his employees have been kinda stalking the girl for a while now. When he withdrew she felt a little isolated. Even that feeling will come to an end now, I mean... when she distinguishes the real from the fake, and well, he's pretty much been fake up till around episode 8 or 9.

About the kiss, why not? There can't have been so much buildup around the two for so long without so much as a kiss, at least for curiosity's sake, no?
Even if in the worst possible scenario he's kissing HR under the delusion she's his late wife aka. KSY circa Gourmet era, it's better than kissing the girl like you're sucking the life out of her, while confusing her for Ma Sang Tae himself. (shivers!)


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Eeep! Someone's even created a header out of that chilling scene - that smirk before the um, assault.
I can still recall her blood-curdling scream...


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LOL, it's so fun to read all the PP'ers comments.
@kaedejun, aberdeen_angus
lol... keep going you guys! IW deserves the girl and yes, HR is totally in love... (this is not going to be a smooth ride in the next ep!)
XD i thought that you were putting the IWxSJ thingy on hold? lol. i guess you recovered now, congratulations. but i have to say, as much as I like both KSY and HJS, i can't picture them kissing.
where did you see IW confuse HR for MST... trust me, you do not smirk like that before a kiss with MST. btw, the guy DID close his eyes when he kissed.. he only opened them later to check if SJ was watching.
wow... you need to blog about this TW/K/J thingy... the comment you wrote was definitely spot on (and still true for younger generations of J-dramas, Heisei era actors).
and yeah, i think you should be excited for Pride!! can't wait to hear what you are going to say about it. and yeah, KimuTaku can kiss.
oh, another thing about tw-dramas... they are not shy on their kisses


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I've shipped a few 2nd leads in my life. But no one ever went broke betting the age old "he who kisses her first keeps her". :) Throw in a "saw her in the shower/tub" and it's pretty much a done deal. :)

I admit that it's not 100%. But the odds are certainly stacked in that direction.

So when MHR doesn't choose SJ/General Choi that just leaves more of him for the rest of us right?


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Well, there were a couple of dead fish in there, but it can be forgiven since they were relatively famous kisses in context.

I believe that when samsooki brought the question up, that the top 5 k-drama kisses were variously discussed - City Hall, MNIKSS, Coffee Prince were all agreed on and then it got to various questions as to ALTK, IRIS (at least I saw the candy kiss before I bailed...yes, I, who watched all of Happy Together just for a LBH fix, bailed on a LBH series...sue me...I skimmed the rest), Goong, etc.

Yeah....that is among Pride's charms - that and his alpha male strut 8-)


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@ trixi

The second leads always seem to be my favourites in dramas with multiple love interests for some reason. I can't think of the last drama where I actually rooted FOR the obvious main pairing... XD

Oh, wait, yes I can. Smile, You. But, there was never any real strong love triangle/square/whatever in that one.


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@ momosan nei-chan

You. Must. Stop. Before. I. Die. Of. Want. I'm thisclosereallythisclose to watching Pride immediately online rather than on my jumbotron as befits in his glory sport-rom KimuTaku. *takes deep breath* IcanwaitIcanwaitIcanwait.

Yeah, that MV had some dead fishes (Gu Hye-son and Wu Zhun, I'm shooting laser daggers at you! - but their partners, Lee Min-ho-My God! and Ariel Lin, respectively, are amongst the best kissers around - Lee Min-ho-My God! being the newest member for the Awesome Kisser's Club), but those kisses were "famous" so ergo, should be trotted out for show. I don't even bother to mention City Hall, the all the kissing there is at another level. Yeah, Iris should be added in the next go around, simply because it was the catalyst for the conception of belleza's twins. :-P

I never watched Dal-ja's Spring, but Chae Rim just jumped LMK, didn't she? Heh heh, good for her! For all of Mars that I couldn't watch becuase of Da S, it did show that Vic wasn't nearly such a zombie as his Meteor Garden turn as Rei/Rui.

Oh, and I saw a MV of Hana Kimi, and since I now am a Maki fan (Nobuta power shu-ju!), and Oguri Shun looks about a billion times better there than he did in HanaDan. What happened? I may watch Hana Kimi now. My sis loved both the J- and TW- adaptations of it.


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if you intend to watch both of j and tw versions of Hanakimi, then start with tw first and then end with the j one. otherwise, u might like the j but will find the tw slow?
for me, each has their own good point. but the j-version is CRAZY... it has a lot of typical japanese OTT stuff. but i'm not crazy about any of them... maybe because i've read the manga first?


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Thanks for the Autumn Concerto replies, the drama had its issues, stupid situations, and Mu Cheng acting like a moron but I quite enjoyed it. Im personally not the biggest fans of taiwanese dramas but Van ess Wu really did well, he actually played his character incredibly well. I think me liking the dramas was mostly thansk to him and the little kid, that kid has more sense that half the adults in nearly all dramas.


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about AC, i agree that MC was acting stupid a lot of times but still, you guys should give Ady An another chance if you ever come accross her again. i love her best when she plays fierce characters (as opposed to wishy washy ones) like in Chinese Paladin.


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LOL, Lessaofpern,
Please keep it well then.
i might need it around august to save my Lee Seung Gi from Gumiho :P
No problem anyway. i'm more than happy to share my PT love :)


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@ v

Good suggestion, but unfortunately, I can't watch the TW HanaKimi. I'm allergic to Ella. Much as I love flouncy Queeny Joe Cheng, I'm unable to finish The Rose even for him. And I haven't even touched Down with Love (even though I'm sure it is as fun as everyone says). Ella is my kryptonite, Ella and Big S. And Wu Zhun + Ella + Jiro is theoretically palatable, but eh, I can't go there (yet).

And thanks for the agreement on the various drama genres. ;-) I agree, TW is really taking the lead on skinship. The 10 minute(!) long sex scene in FTLY is the current gold standard.

As for Ady, she's hit and miss. Better in CP, worse in Dragon Sabre 2009, and (?) for Water Margin.

@ trixicopper

You should watch WHIB if you want a drama where no rules of k-drama convention apply, include the kiss first rule or see naked first rule.

@ langdon-unni and twin

Help! Dahee and serendipity have laid down the gauntlet - they claim to have seen that X loved Y, instead of Z that we three so swear our dying breaths on. Need backup, stat! I'll hold down the fort, but man, I love it! It the debate I've been dying for since I watched the last scene and went, "WTH just happened!"


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Hey there cool drama fans! Happy Mothers day weekend to all the Moms & Grandmas out there, and Happy Birthday to Vis - now get back to studying!

How does Ma Hye Ri do it? Seriously. I wear two ill fitting pairs of shoes this week and my feet are destroyed. The back of my heel was bleeding the one day and I've got blisters. If you wear beautiful shoes, they'll take you to beautiful places..... and then you'll take a trip to Rite-Aid or CVS for some first aid goods.

@trixicopper: More for the rest of us! Wooo!

@PP Intense debaters: SJ haters to the left! ;D You'd all hate IW if he wasn't adorable. What if Hye Ris stalker guys switched places and Park Shi-hoo was the guy hiding in the drawers of MHRs house - I guess that would be okay too. :P

@Do-ra-ma: I loved every guy in Smile, You. Even the dads were hilarious.


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lol... i'm not that allergic to Ella but I have to say that her acting irritates me a lot. to tell you the truth, i thought she overdid it (x10) her acting in hanakimi. so you wont miss much if you skip that. wu zun can't act so... lol. he's just for eyecandy in this drama (and i have to admit, looked his finest). actually, ella's overact a whole lot, but she toned it down a bit in down with love. love the girl in real life, but her acting, not so much. i'm fine with Da S but i notice ur not since u mentioned Mars and all.
to tell u the truth, i'm not even sure what really appeals me in tw dramas. i keep watching them but quality and substance wise, with some exception... not really high. and yet, they have some really good dramas that would be in my fav..
lol, the "sex scene" in FTLY would take the crown i think... but sometimes, when they try too hard with skinship, it looks really awkward (like Mike he kissing rainie in DBY and shifting his head every second. lol).
ady an was just OK in Water Margin, nothing stellar. i actually anticipated her perf in Dragon Sabre but she ended up disappointing me. oh well..


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i'm with you on the shoes... don't know how she does it.
i would die even before the first ep if i had to wear those... altho she started wearing flats in the later ep.
hmmm, IW as the cupboard guy? well, where's the charisma in that... although now that you mention it, it would be fun if PSH makes a 180 degree turn and plays a really uncool character in the next drama.


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Yes, more for us. But I'll keep hwaiting my sunbaenim's corner until it's definitely concrete they have no future, for now their feelings are still lingering and well, IW is a poor substitute, the way he is at the moment.

Hey, PP may even end up with WHIB ending, the possibilities are endless!

Hana Kimi J-version is absolutely brilliant! Crazy funny! Takes some getting used to at first though.
Shun is more droolzy there than in HYD. I also developed quite a girlcrush on Ashiya, her and YEH make such cute boys.
Someone's put up a clip of one of my fave scenes from it. Haha!
Haven't seen the TW version though.


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@ ockoala
What drama is WHIB?


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@ supah
LOL the J version of Hana Kimi did have more comedy in it! Loved the clip you put up!


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WHIB is What happend in Bali starring ha ji won, so ji sub, and jo in sung


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@ Lessaofpern

WHIB is What Happened in Bali. It's pretty old, but since Thundie just posted a review I wrote of it this week (link in page 1 of this OT), it's a nice reference point for a variety of discussions going on here. 8-)

You can read the review, since I don't give anything away (or so I've been told by the lovely readers - phew, that was a relief, WHIB should be watched without knowing the critical elements).

@ v

Yeah, I dislike Big S, too. Lest you think I don't like TW actresses, on the contrary, I am desperately in love with Ariel Lin (if I were only a man.....) and adore Chen Qiao-en.

My cross-genre line up of uber-good looking, famous for being good looking and not much else, actors (btw, each of these guys CAN and I HOPE will blow me away with a performance in the future, I want them to succeed as a thespian really bad):

Song Seung-heun in Korea
Wu Zhun in Taiwan
Huang Xiao-ming in China
Ekin Cheng in Hong Kong
and my newest love - Yamapi in Japan.

Takeshi himself crosses TW, Japan, HK and China borders - but he's now a certifiable actor, so he's godlike in that respect for these guys above. If Takeshi can do it, they can do it!! Good-looking wooden actors FTW!


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@27 Lessaofpern
WHIB= What happened in Bali ;)


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KSY knows how to sacrifice her poor body for her roles, have to give her that.
I actually feel she's put much more commitment in as the complex varied character HR than even in IRIS.
I was wondering the same, her heels look painful, yet she goes around doing all sorts of sleuth stuff wearing them.


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@28 Lessaofpern
Haha! Yeah, it was insanely hilarious.


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@ v

You've seen Ady in Water Margin? I thought it was still filming. I've been waiting to check it out. I know Three Kingdoms started airing last month (and is getting eviscerated by the C-netizens, oh my god, they are tearing it apart).

Let me know where you watched it, I want to watch. Funny thing, Nie Yuan is doing a triple whammy, other than in the adaptation of Red Chamber, he's starring in 2010's adaptations of the other three of the Four Great Classic Chinese Novels: Water Margin, Three Kingdoms, and Journey to the West.


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Happy Friday/Saturday (Seoul Time) to everyone!!! I've had a break from teaching this week and am dreading going back on Monday. I saw the musical Miso yesterday, and it was amazing. I really need to buy a hanbok before I leave Seoul.


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Thanks everyone! Now I really must watch What Happened in Bali.
I'm currently watching another old drama called ROMANCE (2002 MBC drama).
Someone told me it had been banned in Korea. Is that true?


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I think that MHRs shoes should get billing in the credits as one of the top stars! Totally love them! Not that I'd really want to wear them in real life. They look to hard to kick off under the table when you go out and about. :)


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@ Team SJ

Wow! Just, wow!
Amg1 tends to refer to IW as a sociopath, I didn't really look into the technicalities of the term until now.
I can probably tick off everything on this list.


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@supah: Card playing skills: Aquired.
Ajumma Hair: Curled and ready to go.
How about some junky shoes?... : Oh hell no!

I can't believe I became this person, but apparently I have. The other day I bought store brand Mayo and I just made a sandwich. Who cares about friggin Mayo? Apparently the store brand Mayo has sailed me to sandwich hell. Sandwich, I weep for you. And Kewpie: What have you done to me. I've had you before but now you have a permanent residency in my sandwiches? What else have they been putting in those bottles lately?

Breaking my rules. Gotta go watch f(x) comeback. They're unfortunately gonna be clobbered by Super Junior.


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@38 supah
God, there was a lot on the list I checked off too. That's why I tell my kids, what is the #1 rule in this family: DON'T MESS WITH MAMA! I won't let them see the list, or they will definitely turn me in. :)


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@17 ockoala

BWHAHAHAH! ok. I'll stop. MWHAHAHAH! ::snickers evil snickers::

I've got a weekend long event this weekend with a 9 am run, then 1, then around 5. I'm going to load up the laptop with a wee bit of k-drama and see if I can catch up on my viewing during the downtime.


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Haha! Your mention of Junky shoes reminded me of her precious Grace shoes, she tossed one of them to save SJ's life. SAVE SJ's LIFE!!(though she couldn't prevent him getting stabbed anyway) But wow! How much does she love this man?
She can even carry him on her back, that's what I mean about this actress - can any other actress lift General Choi on her back?

Kinda not too fond of f(x) aside from Victoria, she's a killin' dancer and she'll always be SHINee's noona. Sorry, I have a soft spot for SHINee.

Sheesh! Sandwiches are only sandwiches girl... though I kinda freak out if there's no salad cream on mine.


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lol... i love ARIEL too!!! which paring is your fav?
for me, it's a toss up between Huge/ariel and Joe/ariel and chen qiao-en definitely has quite an impressive portfolio of successful dramas.

"Song Seung-heun in Korea
Wu Zhun in Taiwan
Huang Xiao-ming in China
Ekin Cheng in Hong Kong
and my newest love – Yamapi in Japan." --> Agree with all of them. i don't know why huang xiao-ming gets lead roles in big productions, well, aside from being hot of course.. lol. i am anticipating summer's desire/bubbles but since you don't like da S, i gess you don't? among them, i already know i love them because of um... my shallowness but i really wish to see them impress me just once with their acting.

haha! Takeshi!! ^^

and lol... i was talking about the OLD Water Margin film, and thinking of how Ady An would perform in the new one according to my expectations. i think she suits her fiery roles best and so as her role in this is not that, i'm not expecting too much. sorry if i confused you... i tend to assume everyone understands my thoughts. lol.
yeah, i want to watch 3 kingdoms too! loved the old one (aside from the last part) and i wanted to watch this one for Chen Hao. loved her in TLBB. didn't know it wasn't well received... hmm.. maybe i'll just check out the first few ep and see how it goes.
journey to the west! i still have yet to find an adaptation that i like better than the 1986 one. maybe because i've seen that one first and then read the book after?

F(x)!! their comeback impressed me... i quite liked it. i found myself humming it just this afternoon.
but am anticipating Suju as well... maybe too much? hope they won't disappoint.
sorry, sorry is a hard one to beat.
lol... i like SHINee too! i used to think they were too babyish but changed my mind as i watched them on shows and got used to their songs.
as for F(x), i really like them all. lol.
and i think that exercise scene is gonna be a PP classic!!!


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TTFN everyone. I did a lot of multitasking today. Chatting with all of you, while subbing PT, doing the usual mom taxi stuff. Entertaining the masses (my kids have friends over). Now I better go feed the masses, or there will be a mutiny at my house.
Hope you all have a great mothers day weekend. I am wondering what my kids have up their sleeves this year. :P

Something the PT fans will laugh about:
We all know that Chang-ryul is not going to get a moments rest this Sunday. He has 7 moms to take care of, and he loves them all. He's a good boy at heart, he just got stuck with his lowlife dad and witch In-Hee.


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@supah: I want to find someone who hasn't watched PP yet and give them a fake scenario to what is actually happening in that picture. "See SJ got really drunk and HR had to carry him back home.."

I wanted to see what parts of this NU ABO song they were gonna sing live and who was actually singing the chorus part. I don't think I came out with a definitive answer though.


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“See SJ got really drunk and HR had to carry him back home..” LMAO!!!
it totally fits!


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2nd @46!
I'm dying laughing over here, janna!


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does anyone know what exactly is the deal with Song joon ki? is he dead for real or not? it seems not right?


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Song Joong-ki as in the cutie actor?
Is there a Song Joon-ki character in PP I've missed?


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lol. not the cute actor... i think i would literally cry if he died.
i'm talking about the director Song who supposedly borrowed go man chul name and got blamed by MST and Go man chul because he's either dead or not?


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