Open Thread #131



Stars – “Fixed” [ Download ]

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@ celestialorigin

When I was in Tokyo a couple of weeks ago, I looked out of the bus and saw a giant tv and there was Kimutaku striding across the screen in full-maned glory (striding into a shop to endorse a gadget, I think). Sigh. *melts* How does the man work so hard, churning out drama after drama, and still look so young and yummy...


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"btw, I recently stayed in the Bali hotel in which they filmed the first few episodes. It was weird to see JIS & co wander around where I once had leisurely breakfasts. I’m so glad I hadn’t watched WHIB then; otherwise I might have felt compelled to start a sordid and ill-fated love affair, or something…"

hahaha, it's weird you thought that way, since I guess standard reaction in that situation would be "ah, SJS ever sat here..." ( busy taking pic from the same location that showed in the drama ) :P

Well, I wasn't offended that my country was kinda stereotyped as a country where-you-can-buy-a-gun-on-the-street , but it was kinda funny and yet ridiculous when I saw that scene.

I'm a cynical too, but as a Gemini, I have this other personality which completely different with my everyday persona.. :P

WHIB, it IS GOOD. I love it to pieces, love the acting, especially Jo In Sung's. After that 2 weeks' phase, I came with conclusion that I love the ending. If we had a happy ending, maybe WHIB wouldn't give you a great impression. and somehow i think the ending was the best solution for four of them.

SJS's bahasa..well since he only said one line "siapa itu" ( who is that? ), i can't say whether it was decent! :P I agree, he doesn't need to say anything, I'm more than happy just to stare at his face! hahahaha.

I'm also watching Cinderella's Sister at the moment, reading all detailed and depth comments here ( combined with the awesome javabeans' recap ) makes me thinking that I didn't treat it right. I watched it just like any other dramas that I watch daily ( I watch drama, daily. without fail. FML ). I like CS, but I feel I'm not really 'into' it, doesn't really understand every characters' background. It's like you're drinking a good wine without savor its taste.
So, I decided to slow down, and only watching it when I have more spare time, and really pay attention to every details.


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@2.79 mookie

Thanks for your concern. I am better and under medication for a month, still feeling bloated/gassy (LOL) and some pain but going to think positive and ignore them. I tried to stay away from CS but just cant! Also, have no self-control, been reading spoilers from soompi. I just so want to know whether EJ will open up abit to her stepfather and call him father. Poor man has loved her unconditionally and really need some love. Sorry, I am not on twitter so no hand holding but please rant and rave on OT! Looking fwd to it. :-D

@2.92 cingdoc

My dear friend, there’s nothing to forgive so no apologies. In a way, I feel a bit embarrassed that I share (such a big baby I am) and everyone has been so kind and concern. Thanks for the prayers and don’t feel guilty about church. Remember God sees the heart and you have such a BEEG one! All your patients are blessed to have you. :-)


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Love all the spazzing about CU. Seriously, @ mookie herself spazzes enough for all of OT (sorry twin, not climbing on board to spazz wif u just yet, sowwy), but CU appears to be a communal type drama that builds up angst and needs release. :-) I'm thoroughly enjoying the second-hand watch!

This is about the funniest, potential train wreck ever - so Vic (Zai Zai) can't make B&W the movie. But he's making a TW-C drama that is old school, we're talking family dramas from the 80s type. And his character is TWnese and needs to speak TWnese. And Zai Zai doesn't speak a lick of TWnese (I don't think Zai Zai speaks very good Mandarin Chinese for that matter - okay, Zai Zai's speaking is awful, he mumbles and doesn't enunciate - is he the YEH of TW dramas, maybe? - I had to read subtitles in watching B&W to understand what the heck he was saying). Anyways, so the director asks Zai Zai to learn TWnese in 10 days. Three guesses how well that is going to turn out? Ah Zai Zai, I adore thee, but this is not looking good.....

And my SIL told me to go watch BTS from Autumn's Concerto, she says that VWu is a terrible actor, he doesn't read Chinese and doesn't really speak it all that well, so he uses pinyin to memorize his lines, and he messes up A LOT. I watched, and it was the cutest funniest thing ever! Yeah, Vanness is a heck of a lot better than his MG days, but master thespian he's not (yet).

@ twin

The Best of Bidam combo platter was prepare for me by my sister, she trolled YT, YK, TD, and just pulled in chronological order all the main Bidam scenes, it was a pretty mean feat, but it allowed her to wallow in more Bidam misery/love, so it was a win-win situation. Someone really needs to make a Best of Bidam DVD, that will sell two to one what QSD will sell.

I'm sure you already know, but I read the MM and Felix just made a TVB cop drama together, their first collaboration in 24 years, and marks their 30 years together! I'm just awwwing inside, so lemme know if mommamookie watches it and if its good. Darn it, I'll probably watch regardless.

@ djes

Yeah, I read a few weeks ago like VWu was spotted in HK in a couples outfit with a girl, undoubtedly his GF. Don't know anything about her, but wish them the best. He tweets about love a lot these days. ;-)

@ serendipity

Check this out, this bit of levity really helps you put WHIB in perspective, and also belies the truly astonishing realization that the four actors in WHIB were indeed simply phenomenal in getting into character. Also, JIS is a total goofball! You can link to PT 2 from this video! Enjoy.



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I think I'm the only one who is literally scared of Kimutaku. Whenever I see him on things like SMAP bistro he seems very blunt in his tone. Like if I saw him on the street I wouldn't approach him. I don't think he's trying to be mean, but unfortunately with a greater status he should try to be a little more nice? (I hope someone understands me here)

Shinzanmono > Zettai Reido. I'm not an Aya hater. I'm also not trying to judge long mystery story vs mystery of the week or active case vs cold case. It's because of this: I hate CSI for infecting worldwide detective dramas with the idea that some 20-year-old sits at a computer and produces accurate damning results by pounding on a keyboard cause of their 'elite' computer skills. I know doctor shows aren't always true but how stupid do you think we are. You scanned something by typing on the keyboard and not even touching a mouse? This is Japan.. how do they find these actors who have never used a computer before?!!

I also watched Pro Golfer Hana. Above the title it read: Super-Stylish Golf Comedy. Yeah I don't even think I need to explain the show, that summed it up. Oh wait: add really bad CGI golf. There you go.


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thanks for sharing the video!
I always amused that Park Ye Jin looked so different from her WHIB's days to FO's days. I didn't recall that she's the same person.
She's a good actress, and in real life ( or so the persona she showed in Family Outing ) is fun, care free, and kind person, totally different with her character in WHIB.

And of course Ha Ji Won! She probably isn't the most beautiful actress, but she has the charm, charisma.


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@ twin

o yes TVB Interpol is the most anticipated HKdrama of 2010. it wont be out till end of yr. my mom is already harping about it while I harped back w/ CU :D. I'll watch it for sure (though I'm allergic to Jessica Hsuan) Cashing in B&W x Internal Affairs TVB style, no? ;) I quite like TVB detective dramas when it's done right. It has enough story and dramatics and great pace. Yes they shamelessly copied fr Kindaichi, Conan and the rest fothe shonen mangas, but it's good plot at least, crucial for this genre.

The preview, http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQxMjg0MTQ0.html
man...MM looks younger and yummier than I last saw him. You know I do notice how rusty and out of place he's in more serious roles lately esp when 'dashing' is not called her in the character, but he seems more at ease here....Felix I'm not so sure.

so the drama ZaiZai is doing is a TWdrama....and no dubbing?! I've seen him in a Cdrama (Last Nite of Madam Jin), hehe w/ dubbing it's fine, we should send memo to PD it's a safer bet to spend good $ on a great voice actor for ZZ than that 10 day procrastination lol

My uncle... is obsessed w/ ZZ's Wish to See you Again and he's marathoning it when I last talked to him.... um... I have a weird family HAHA

ahh that WHIB vid reminds me how much I'm entertained by JM's fashion alone!


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Watched CU6 last night. and now i understand what everyone was talking about - the last scene and MGY's scream. She is an unbelievable actress. I cannot cannot cannot wait till this week's 2 episodes. I am even unable to start the other 3 shows I have waiting for me because I don't think I would be able to concentrate and appreciate them as they should be.... I am totally CU's b**ch... sigh.


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Just watched OML10. God, even without subs, I cried and cried at certain scenes(actually same for ep.9 as well) It's supposed to be a romantic comedy.... I didn't anticipate it's coming. Somehow, there are so many issues presented in this drama triggering me and I have to re-assess myself. It's not even Wednesday(CU!) and I'm sobbing like there's no tomorrow, lol.

ockoala, thanks for the video. You guys are really seriously tempting me the impossible. WHIB, I'm dreaming of the day I can marathon the whole episodes in one day!? may be after July...

Now, better start working!


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for the CU b*tches (lol)

I'm pretty bored at a meeting and translated 1 of those brain analysis K drama fans r so obsessed w/:


I'm too lazy to do the rest fr baidu but it's very cute :)

HS: http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/3179/48d7d62c2133640c349bf78.jpg
KH: http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/8379/1e5d2638495771cb3b87ce4.jpg
JW: http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/6534/9a3923a319ac7a95caefd04.jpg


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God, I love baidu bar, the amount of goodies is instantaneous and astonishing in depth and breadth.

My fave is Jung-woo: his brain is like that of a giant golden retreiver who looks like Taecyeon. Loyalty, EJ-unni, and rice (or those who give rice). Bwahahahaha, instant classic.

Should Hyo-sun be declared to die as well since she's doing uber-OPW?


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May I ask my fellow Mac users here about what software you use to watch video files? I've been using VLC b/c it's easy and I could readily figure out how to match up a video file with a subtitles file. But I can never get subtitles that are supposed to appear at the top of the screen to show up there, they just show up at the bottom overtop of whatever subtitle is appearing on the bottom. So the {a\6} code doesn't seem to work. Is there a programme you use which doesn't have this problem? or is there something I should be doing to configure VLC to recognize the superscript /supertitle code?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!


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OH MY LADY!!!! WAAAHHHHH!!!!! :-( sob....sob...... episode 9 is a tear jerker!!!

Starting next week Mon/Tues....OML will be airing here....Wish Upon A Star will end tonight with episode 20!!!!

I guess Viikii having issues because many of the episodes haven't been posted!



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It must be a laid back sort of meeting? you are in? I could only decipher may be 50-70%? of Chinese character's meanings. I think I got the most important part, though.

Hyo-Sun's is the most difficult, lol.


Bali, it's one of my dream place to visit... Soon, soon...


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I just read that my favorite robot Song Seung-heon is considering taking a drama project similar to AIMH. *face, meet palm* Sorry guys, I'm having a mental dissociative moment here.

@ celestialorigin

Hyo-sun's is pretty funny, all she thinks about is herself, how much she doesn't like EJ, and that the moon is square. And.....herself.

@ twin-ahh

I re-read the article, and this time it's double the hilarity - Zai Zai's character is supposed to speak TWnese AND Japanese! It's a story set in 1949, called Tai-ping (steamer) 1949, so its around the end of the Japanese occupation. They are NOT dubbing his voice, for authenticity purposes its going old-school and probably gritter than Madame Chin's (which I watched a bit of and zoned out). So Zai Zai is mad learning TWnese and Japanese.

And his losing the Best Actor Award, the story links to how it was taking this project which got him out of the house, apparently he holed up for days after the ceremony. Normally I would be all "be a better sport" but our Zai Zai has bouts of depression and is notoriously sensitive, so he gets a pass for being all mopey. Especially since Mark winning was about the biggest upset of the decade.


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@12 reluctantbutaddicted

Yeah, the a\6 doesn't work in VLC. Sorry!

I just live with it because among other things, VLC will generally read my out of region disks without a problem - but if it's important - and you have all the right software added, it should work properly in Quicktime player 10.0 if you install Perian.

I just tested it using You're Beautiful ep 16 since I am ....um...playing with some subs there.... But here's the scoop a/6 doesn't work in VLC, iSubtitle, Submerge, or DivX Player. Jubler's viewer doesn't work in Snow Leopard, so you can forget that as well (yes, yes - I know.... sad thing is I didn't actually check all of the viewers I have, just the semi-reasonable ones)

Now, the thing here is that I have virtually every video codec on the planet on this machine. To the best of my knowledge - for this to work in Quicktime 10, you need to install Perian so that Quicktime will run avi files - that is at.... http://www.perian.org

That will install a boatload of stuff to make videos play more happily on your Mac. You'll end up with a Perian preference pane in your Preferences. Go in there, and click the box for Load external subtitles. Then, if the avi file and the srt file are named the same (except for the extension) and are in the same folder, it will automatically and properly load them in Quicktime.

tl;dr - install Perian and use Quicktime 10


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Wah! Thanks momosan! You are definitely the Mac guru. At some point in all my messing about trying to make VLC work, I did download Perian, but then I couldn't figure out what to do with it. Clearly I missed the bit where I should have had it working with Quicktime (sadly, this is often the case for me, I get halfway through something technical but then I get confused and I can't quite pull it off)...

OK, I will give this a try.

Yes, most of the time I just live with the a\6 not working problem b/c VLC is SO easy, but lately I've been needing to see the subtitles underneath and haven't been able to work it out.

Can I ask, as you are 'playing' with some subs, which subtitle software do you find works the best with Mac? In the end, I gave up using all the ones I could find (free) and have been working with Subtitle Workshop using the Virtual PC on my Mac (which is a pain, b/c then I have to go back and forth from PC to Mac and I really don't like PCs). I tried Aegisub but found it very unstable--crashed every 10 minutes or so, sometimes more often, and if left idle would then need to be reloaded. I also tried Miyu but just couldn't find enough explanatory info to be able to use it confidently. Probably I downloaded Perian during all of this messing about with different programmes, b/c I had some trouble getting some of them to work. I tried a couple of different PC based programmes and then settled on Subtitle Workshop as the most workable. But if I could find one that worked on my Mac I'd be happier. So any suggestions will be gratefully received!


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Oh, momosan,

I've downloaded ClamXav 2.0.5 with ClamAV 0.95.3 backend on to my hard drive but then I was asked which application to open this file with. Would you please tell me which one? Thank you. I'm always asking you for something... if you ever would like something from me like ? anything. Please ask.

@eiko san

so, you too? I know , I know... tears , tears...


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@ momosan : just checking what I have, and I see I have Quicktime 7.6.6. I have Mac OS 10.5.8 which is only Leopard, right? Not Snow Leopard. So I think I can't use Quicktime 10...? I see that the upgrade to SL is only about $30. Are you happy with SL? I'd be glad of your opinion.


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@18 celestialorigin

Didn't you love the zoo scenes? Javabeans had some great photos posted!

Do you think he'll go through with letting that little one go? I think something's going to happen.....can't wait for episode 10!!!!!!

Waaahhhhh!!!!! sniff sniff sniff


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@ ockoala WHIB NG video

Aw! So cute! They are all so adorable. Double-confirms that they are all amazing actors. I mean, as their WHIB personas I did not doubt any of them for a nano-second, it didn't even seem like they were acting. I keep discovering more and more K-actors to love. How does one country do it? 'tis a mystery.

They seem a little hysterical in the NGs, no? I guess if I had to inhabit a crazy headspace for 20 episodes, I might be a little hysterical too... They seem to get on well with each other (unless they are even more brilliant actors and putting on a meta act for the out-takes) and I imagine that helped with the onscreen chemistry (off-the-scale) and the commitment to ensemble. You sure don't get the feeling that any actor is trying to upstage another, or that any actor can't stand another and is refusing to engage.

And, apropos of nothing, have you noticed that both men have wonderfully expressive hands? You know, I think I can totally ship JM-IW. Except that that would leave out HJW, and we can't have that, because she is a goddess.


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@19 reluctantbutaddicted

The a6 subtitles should work with Quicktime player 7.6 with Perian as well. Let me go fetch a machine running Leopard and find out! Yep, just checked in 7.6.4 - install Perian and you'll be fine.

I love Snow Leopard. It's faster and more stable than Leopard. It's got a smaller kernel, and is cute, too! OTOH, there are some programs you'll also have to update - including Quicktime, Neooffice, etc. For me the network admin tools are alot nicer in Snow Leopard. 8-) Of the 5 machines in the house (down from 6 since my niece's isn't here right now - 3 are running Snow Leopard, 2 are running Leopard) The ones running Leopard don't really need to be upgraded, and are happy enough under Leopard - no need to upgrade a machine just to run SL.

As for the subbing software, I'm using Jubler, except that the built in player doesn't work, so I have to edit in Jubler, save and then run in another player. Kind of a pain, but the editor is quite nice and the ability to do a mass time shift makes it very easy to resync subs. Miyu didn't work well at all. If I could find better subbing software, I'd be happy.

What I'm playing with, actually, are the subs for the YB Directors Cut. Which stink. So, I've got a little project going there. Right now it's ripping over the DVDs to AVI files and then I've got some resyncing and translating to do.

(and yes, hjkomo, I'll finish the shower video first! Honest! It's about 2/3 done! Just try explaining when you are supposed to be doing taxes and someone comes by and you are editing shower scenes! )

@18 celestialorigin

Hmm, the ClamXav should have come as a dmg - aka a disk image file. It probably should ask if you wanted to save it. Save it, then double click on it, and then a little window with various things to move into applications and other folders should open. Hmmm, I may have to go get a machine that doesn't have Clam on it to write down the exact steps for you.


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Oh , it worked. Again, Thank you.

What are those extra things? Plugins? and extras. Do I need them as well?


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Baidu surfing... I can pretend I'm doing sthsth, that or zzzzz lol
this is Hyo Sun's :

I do want to give ZZ a big hug and a good pet on his head.... and just hold and keep him fr doing this....this sounds sooo hilariously trainwreck.... almost like that visual of Barbie's summer scent... *sigh*


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@ momosan : THANKS! OK, I've downloaded Jubler and I'll have to play with it a bit to see how it works. Thanks for that recommendation. I keep telling myself that learning all this new stuff is keeping my brain growing... hmmm.

I'll think a bit about upgrading, but it's good to know you are happy with it (SL). I am tempted.

Let me know if I can help with your project at all (I can't translate from Korean, but I am pretty confident with a comma and hell on wheels with the past perfect tense, if you could use any help with editing). I just finished watching it (the Director's Cut) a couple of weeks ago... There were fewer mistakes than I'd feared, but many more than I'd hoped there'd be.


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@23 celestialorigin

You don't really need the plug ins or extras. The plug in allows you to right click any item or folder and have an immediate scan available under the Services menu of the right click menus.

The extras basically have pretty icons you can change Clam to, or I think there is a little terminal script in there.

@25 reluctantbutaddicted

What annoyed me most about the DC subtitles was the titles and honorifics all being dropped. So instead of "hyung-nim!!!" you get a lot of "Tae-Kyung!" Or "Hoon" instead of "Manager Ma". Which isn't the same thing at all! So right now I've got ep 1 ripping over - after finally figuring out how to do that with some precision - and I'll see how long it takes to redo it. Then it's only 15 episodes to go! LOL! I actually started by thinking - well, someone should really subtitle the commentaries. But that was too much for my limited Korean, even though I get the gist of what they are saying, so I'm going with fixing what is annoying me the most. 8-)


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You're a brave woman, momosan... she says looking out over those 15 episodes stretching ahead.

I agree, I was very sad to find Manager Ma addressed as Hoon. Especially b/c "hoon" in Australian slang is a lout. Boys wearing flashy clothes driving around with the top down and crappy rap music playing too loudly, they're hoons. My beloved Manager Ma is many things, but not a hoon. And the loss of Hyungnim was also distressing.

I'm surprised no one has subtitled the commentaries... I guess either it's just an overwhelming amount of subtitles, or they're really seriously not saying anything worth hearing...

Anyway, you go!


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i will have to come back and read all this Mac advice later on when i get my macbook and realize i have no idea what i'm doing with it. i've been a PC girl my entire life (even though my schools had Macs since I grew up in the home of Apple - headquarters was literally down the street from me). So please bear with me if I ask repetitive questions later on!! :)

CU - what have you done to me. I have absolutely zero desire to watch anything else. Alls i can do is rewatch you over and over again. Thx for taking over my life.


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Awww, thanks! I've almost gotten my screen covered by rice crackers I was eating(you know what I mean). A close call...


Oh, OK. Thank you, thank you!

OMG! All the subbed versions are out!!!! Kyaaa!!! No, I can't do this. I'd better get back to work(I cheated myself and watched PT ep6. Hum, this one is getting better and better by episodes, more depth in characters and so on).


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@27 reluctantbutaddicted

I have to admit that I'm cheating. I'm not doing the timing and all that stuff.
I have a program that rips the subtitles from the DVD into a srt file. Then that gets stuffed into Jubler, and the editing can commence.


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tap tap one two one two is this mike on?

I just needed to say this somewhere..and here is it. I just finished watching Season of good rain..with my forever crush Jung Woo-Sung...and I loved it. Its just like him..to me....quiet, unassuming,deep and pulls you in without your knowing it.
A lovely film. He is a wonderful actor.


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@Retta - I agree, Jung Woo Sung is another one of those awesome Korean actors who's left a lasting imprint on my heart, particularly after watching Daisy where he played an assassin, who fell in love - and then he has the most bewitchingly beautiful pair of eyes, ever. (Followed closely by Bidam and So Jisub.)
As much as I want to watch Season of Good Rain I'm thinking all the Engrish in it might wind up a bit of a distraction. Love the Loveholics song on its OST though - with male vocalist.


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@32 supah

I am smiling....and the eyes have it! I am assuming that Bidam is the one in Queen Seonduk?

I am mesmerized by the eyes of Choi Si-won right now. And the face of Yusin and the face of Lee Chang Hoon (Daring Women).... Might as well go for the whole package, yeah?



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@ momosan : cool programme, and handy! I am constantly reminded, usually at moments where I've just had a minor technical victory and am having an attendant smugness attack, that I really have no idea what this technology is capable of doing. Sigh. (Offer still stands if you want a(nother?) grammar freak on your team.) Have fun!


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@ serendipity

JIS-HJW had unbelievably carnal chemistry in WHIB, in contrast to the usual romantic or tender or even angsty chemistry found elsewhere. I genuinely believed Soo-jung was a drug and Jae-min was hopelessly addicted. I have a whole another view of the SJ-IW relationship and interaction.

Anyways, I love this YT video, after WHIB, HJW and JIS were the couple spokesperson du jour, and made a series of hair product commercials, amonst other stuff. They were adorable!!! Watching them goof around in the NG and later make these CFs togethers helps one kinda come down from the high/up from the low in imaging those crazy kids still suffering.



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i've forgotten how much i miss coming into OT on days other than Friday.

@ momosan

like my twin, i'm gonna be coming back (and doing copy and paste) to read all the mac advice. i just got my macbookpro 2 weeks ago--due to all the love y'all gave Macs during my OT questioning--and have not yet invested enough time w/ it to discover much of anything other than i love the trackpad and topsites.

@ mookie

i too could not help myself and spoiled myself crazy watching all the extras of CU ep 7,8. and i'm so mad at myself for doing so. i wanna find these eps asap. whether it's raw or subbed. i just wanna see it!!! i'm so into this drama, it's driving me crazy!!!


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do u mind chin subbed? http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTY3MDA1Nzg0.html I'm watching it and totally having JM fist in mouth moments...but in omoomoomomo glee! HAHA

I wanna marry Dad and KiHoon (C!J!M! is MAD hawt in this ep #$!@#$@6)... plus Taec is uber CUTE. when it rains fangirly scenes, it pours!

That look of shortish white pants + sockless loafers used to be bleh for me....but on PIE...argh... I'm hopeless


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sheeeeesh, you guys! There are so many new dramas that I have to watch and finish and all this talk about older ones like CITC, Damo, among others, and now WHIB....I have to go back and watch it again. I did love the ending. It was so different from what played a few years back. I shouldn't complain. All your comments and insights make it more interesting on the re-watch because I'm looking for all the points made.
And this video link that Ockoala posted. So sexy, so cute, so lovable. Right! I remember feeling all dark and depressed after watching WHIB. I must keep this link and watch it right after I re-watch WHIB so I'm not all down,


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@ mookie.

i'll take it!!! i know not a lick of chinese, and only 7-10 korean words.. but i'll work off of faces.. and there should be no lack of facial expressions from these actors/actresses. in 1hr 15 mins, i'll be on my way home watching this. just.have.to.wait....



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@mookie !!!

What are you doing to me!??? I'm all so torn and mad... Just finishing up my morning secretarial chores like corresponding to business e-mails and stuff since I'm the one and only employee in my business. I was just about ready to start the actual work-work part.

BUT now, I have no choice but to watch ep7 without sub!!!!!!! OH, No! Am I going to stay up all night long? Yesterday was till 2am... Tonight? I don't know.

Still I thank you! Hugs!


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Yes, Kim Nam Gil, the dude who played the tragic anti-hero character Bidam in QSD. I'm sure if you've seen any of his final scenes in QSD, or one particular scene in the Bad Guy trailer you'll know what I mean.
By Yushin, you mean the hwarang leader guy in QSD? Uhm Tae Woong has pirry eyes, serious?

Are you still watching PP? I'm off to watch 7 in a bit. Oooh boy, I'm bracing myself! Our General Choi is going to be Pee.Ai.Ess.Ess.Duh-off when he finds out!
*rubs hands together in glee*

Btw, I started watching OML last weekend, I like it. Not love it, but defo like it. Its real redeeming quality is his uber cute daughter. She's adorable.
Choi Si Won is gorgeous no doubt, and a decent actor considering he's an idol star.


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@41 Supah

Yeah....I saw the scene where Bidam dies....wow...I felt it all and so did the Queen who was in tears.

Yep...Yushin....I'm referring to his "face"....don't know what it is about him. ????

I have been distracted by Daring Women.....that drama has me caught up! I did look at PP where she's 200 pounds? Wow...what was distracting were her hands....then I had to go and check on DW for the next episode, even though raw....I'm enduring just watching the events going on. I check Viikii so I'll get caught up soon. Darn....I might jump to episode 7 just to see what's going on! You just know how to sway me dontcha?

OML is enjoyable....no biggie about story....just plain ole fun to watch and CSW is a sight for sore eyes! That drama will be airing here starting next week....replacing Wish Upon A Star which aired final episode last night. So, I'm a happy camper!

Hope you had a good mid week....now on to more drama!!!!

And if nobody has tapped you yet.....love and light to ya girlfriend! :-)


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@ supah

LOL LOL.....she moved into the apartment below the attorney!!!! I can't stop laughing about that one! She is really obsessed over Yoon isn't she?!!!! LOL LOL.....Darn PSH is so darn handsome!!!! I love it when he smiles!

I knew she was daydreaming about Yoon....drinking wine out on the balcony! One thing for sure, I think Yoon looks so much nicer in a suit! And PSH looks great in casual clothing.



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I'm just coming here briefly to whine.

I have been working my ass off with new project and will be traveling soon. No more kdrama marathoning or reading all the OT posts for a while.Waa Waa Waa.


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@ nycgrl

Poor baby. How dare work interfere with our kdrama watching! Hmph!

Work travel -- Sympathies. I have an unusual two-month break from work travel, and the relief I feel just reminds me of what a toll it takes. Ah, the glamour of international travel... NOT.


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@ ockoala JIS-HJW video

Yeow! Hot! *fans self* So, this is how one does porn without doing porn...


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@ mookie and CU/CS b*tches :-)

Puleeez... MORE, MORE CS raves and views, since I cant understand chi sub! Thanks, fong lerk! LOL


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Whine all you want. We are here for you. In a way its good, you can catch up the kdramas when its finished airing and marathon the whole thing!

I wish I can just have more self-control and not watch CS until its finished. Its really torture for me not understanding (patiently wait for subs) and wait for the next wed/thurs like I have no other live! :-(


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awww *hug* nycgrl and your hubby (lol) we'll miss u here. I'm not sure what other dramas u r crazy about other than CU, but it's not too bad a timing to be busy, because the drama imo is coming down to somewhat ordinary.


um... CU7, my very honest opinion, dear? *LOADS of SPOILERS*

bored my brain.

it's not bad, we have some plot progression, I loved any DS scenes (exc 1) very very much. But nth much happend in character dev, esp btn our OTP. SW's HS is still getting some meaty growth, she's terrific in some, but overacting in a few as well. We r still having our nth E/KH eye contest, and it's tiresome now. I've seen the spoilers and I wanna rant then already... lucky/unlucky me, I prepared myself exactly what to expect.
There r still moments that I absolutely adored , my heart ached and skipped some beats, but then the rest was very predictable Kmelo stuff, reranting: KiHoon is getting less and less development... his scenes felt either inserted for very predictable plot, or thrown in as an after fact... many of his lines were.. bleh and bland. And it's been annoying me for 3 eps now but that in no way is stopping me fr fangirling CJM. Miss Writer hasnt been consistent in any of her works ( CU imo her tightest and sharpest already )but I still love CU to bits esp the first 4 eps.

I'm just bringing my dainty fangirl self for the show, and I thoroughly enjoyed the ep for what it's worth. :)

Lets' see, I've:

1. A new 'inappropriate' madcrush on DS. He's a VERY hot dad whenever he's w/ either 1 of the girls. I guess it's my weakness of guys being nice to hurt puppies. I really wanna have his babies because he's such an awesome dad and just a great man/angel incarnate. (and yeah I'll bet $ he's going to die soon I'm afraid, the laws of K melo is not to be messed w/)

2. EJ melting her brittleness in the glorious 'daddy loves me, he REALLY loves me despite evil mom and b*tchy me!' halo. It's like a spiritual liberation fr mom's evil grip. it's a relief and we saw a loosened up EJ. Those tete a tete btn the 2 (right after hosp scene) My heart melt.. rationally the lines r quite cheesy but fr the mouths of KGS and MGY, I teared up. there's no escape.

3. We have a pissed KH, all manly and yelling sense into HS (O M G SOOOO HAWRTTT) ok, fangirl aside, it felt abrupt he's suddenly all stern and almost cruel to HS... I know I know he's doing this because he thought EJ is planning her hasta la vista, HS will have to shoulder real responsibility and w/o toughening her up, I cant see how he can go dark and cont his takeover plans.. BUT still, it's very out of place considering he did laugh it off at that 'marriage proposal' in 6.

4. KH has become a male model. Suits, those shortish model-esque pants and sockless loafers, plus he's wearing outfits that clearly had some American Gigilo planning behind (I want to see those if there's any pls PD)

5. Taec is CUTE, adorable and cute and did not overact (much). He cooks, he have an easy charm, developing a convincing flirty repertoire w/ the ahjummas, he has the cutest lines. His bowl cut is cute. And he's loyal and observant and considerate... (I know it's like I'm describing a cute Lab puppy which can cook)

6. All 3 hot namjas played ball! I'm a sucker for sporty sweaty scenes. <333

7. EJ gave ball to dad instead of those 2 'suiters' of hers, awwww. it's sooo lol cheesy but awwww (I replayed that scene many times already)

8. I even find evil big bro kinda attractive in a competent hot baddie way. (it's spring lol)

9. KH rocked those white pants! every time he strutted or posed in a scene in those.. I faint.

10. KH/CJM sang in Spanish! TWICE if I'm really counting! *squeeeee* in those hot white pants! *SQUEEEEE* o we also got Taec in undies and doing a thinker pose, and thinking.

11. KH (and Taec) manhandled a door w/ wedge(?) and hammer...CJM in shirt tie and slacks no less being a hunk! (and fr outline, we can tell his body is no less beastly than Taec's)

12. We have mangrips btn our OTP (skinship!!). We have to savor these knowing how rare and nonexistent they've been. (but convo during is boring biz stuff....zzzz)

13. KH puppy eyed, caring stare at EJ's back while she longingly looked at HS/dad being comfortably daughter and daddy. CJM sizzled and brought chemistry while literally staring at MGY's hair. (but that rushed no-nonsense words he said right afterwards 'lets go in, I have stuff to say...blablabla'...such a let down)

14. Taec was blatantly doing NPW and we might have seen every second of MGY smiling. (ok we got a near smile at that soccer x volleyball scene at KH(!!!) earlier)

15. KH/CJM serving makgulli (w/ smiles!) to obasans and going OTT in sales tactic mentioning Hallyu, Hallyu ... in a nice grey suit!

16. Taec giving his life's savings to his noona WHILE on a stopover 'date' by the lakes and mountains.

17. CJM on a bed (but WTH w/ all the clothes?!?!?@$!? if Taec can ponder on plot in undies, u can very well (or MUST) sleep naked under the sheets!!!!)


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BEEG HUG for your special recap! :-D Mucho gracias. (Is that spanish?) Hehe...reading in glee...I told ja I am your CU follower. LOL

I think CJM has lost some weight. Read somewhr he's on a diet. Wish he didn't, love those chubby cheeks and ahem...butt! I just love nice butts on men and ladies too. :-D


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