Open Thread #131



Stars – “Fixed” [ Download ]

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@49 supah

Didn't cha know I would come around sometime?

I gotta tell you this.....there are many names here that are just names....yours is too...but for some reason I feel connected to you....don't know why....but felt it from the beginning!

High five back atcha!!!!! hmmmm....my feet left the ground for a second too!

LOL LOL>.....:-)


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@50 celestialorigin

Hi !!!! Jumping up and down to say hello to you! hehehehe....yeah...it's me!!!

I had to laugh at your email because I kinda had a feeling it flew over your head!

On to some drama now! :-)


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@all PP lovers :P : going from video to video in YouTube, after visiting the Goodbye My Princess' one, i found the link for the complete OST. What thrills me about this release, is that now i can listen to the instrumental songs, they're so relaxing.

Here: http://www.mediafire.com/?4mon3yw3gj3


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@simplesim: Glad to hear you're doing well~

So much talk about PP on the open thread, maybe I should try to marathon it when I get a chance.


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hahahah! Thanks!
I have the dumbest pseudonym ever, as whenever it comes to creating one my brain goes blank and generally I completely lack imagination, but good to know you saw beyond that so we could form our spiritual connection. ;)

Ooooh! Thankyouthankyou!! A zip file! Perfect!!


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@ Amg1

Thanks for the lovely compliment! I agree with your opinion of TBDAW, to this day I'm still not sure why it wasn't a hit in the 20s if not 30s. I'v heard rumors the MBC promoted Coffee Prince at the expense of TBDAW. Not sure I buy this logic, I think its was just destined to be a cult hit. And some of my absolute fave US dramas are cult hits, namely Buffy and Firefly. If there was ever a Junki drama that deserved his massive popularity, it should have been TBDAW and not that giant ooey gooey mess that is Iljimae.

The chase scene at the port terminal was wonderfully shot and paced, and I love how the PD always elects to show the same scene twice with slightly different perspectives, for example, the first time around, we don't get the heated exchange between Junki and Sangmi before he drives away. And the transition from the water wreck into his childhood self swimming in the river banks of Bangkok was outstanding, now THAT is how you transition into a childhood flashback!

Part of me kinda wants to keep the TBDAW love to us small groups of folks, its just an addicting, well-made drama.


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@mookie @celestialorigin @reluctantbutaddicted @momosan @janna and OT family

Thanks for all the kind wishes. :-) I am recovering well and follow-up in a month’s time. This OT is really virtual family and much more! We are from all around the world but we care for each other. Its amazing! Even though sometimes I don’t post (find it so slow to type and put in words) in support to someone, inside me I will be saying a little prayer and look out to see how the person is doing.

Re: CS

I am so crazy about it and have been trying to catch up on all the comments, rave/rant esp of @mookie. You really give such insightful comments and I so totally agree with you. The angst and KH’s pain prevents me from seeing ep5 and ep6. But yet I am sucking up every spoiler, morse that I can get! I will try to watch it once there’s some relenting on EJ. Lol

To ease my ‘pain’ of CS and KH, I am rewatching Goodbye Solo. I’m loving it even though 2nd time around. POOR BIDAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Seo Woo

I think I’m in the minority, but she kinda spoil my Beloved Tamra for me. I can’t be objective and now don’t feel like spending so much to get the set. She is a very talented actress though.


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It's Monday morning, I have a window of lower-stress opening up at work, and what do I do? Review my K-drama watching of course!

What Happened in Bali (ep 18) -- Started last, ending first: Totally sucked into this vortex. I usually eschew Misery Melos, but this one is so compelling and superbly acted.

Cinderella's Unni (ep 6) -- OK, don't stone me, y'all, but I think the love of the first 4 eps is waning. Getting into standard melo fare now for me (Talk to each other, people, will you just TALK!!!). I'll continue to watch but I don't think it's magic anymore.

Chuno (ep 21) -- Taking my time. Well, as anyone who hasn't been on Mars knows, this will not end well, so I'm in no rush to slit my wrists. Chuno been a fascinating (and frustrating) experience, being alternately bored catatonic and struck dumb with awe (usually by Jang Hyuk).

Still Marry Me (ep 14) -- Yeah. Stalled. I think SMM hangs very much on the loveliness of Kim Bum, so it's a bit of a slog for me as I'm bored by him. (Oh nos, will I have to turn in my ICOMYM Club Membership Card?)

Personal Taste (ep 2) -- Too predictable for my personal taste (haha pun), but I'll probably pick up again because Lee Min Ho is just too cute. (Oh yay, my ICOMYM Club Membership should be safe).

A Man Called God (ep 3) -- Enjoyed the crazy camp of the first few episodes, will pick up again once I'm back in the mood.

Pasta (ep 17) -- Stalled. And y'all know why. (Damn extensions!) Will eventually finish, just to get it off my hard disk.

Prosecutor Princess (downloaded, not watched) -- On the one hand, this seems to be quite popular. On the other hand, I have a low tolerance for fluffy legal dramas, and I think I used up my tolerance quota watching "Partners" (bleugh). I might check this out when I'm in a forgiving mood.

Whew. SLTSMTW! (so little time, so much to watch)

So, what have you been watching?


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@ 58 serendipity

You have it all down....

How about....

Dong Yi.....saeguk drama which I am really enjoying and going into episode 8. Great acting Han Hyo Joo (Shining Inheritance)...I think she's excellent and Bae Soo Bin should be coming into the picture full time soon. Ji Jin Hee is wonderful as the King.

Daring Women....This is a really fun drama! It's also a very long one....I've been enduring RAW versions on Viikii just so I can get ahead and see what's going on and it's getting better and better. If you read the synopsis you'll really get a kick.

Oh My Lady....I can't talk about this drama without smiling or laughing. It is one of the funniest and another enjoyable one since Wish Upon A Star. Choi Si-won is fabulous and what an eye candy!!!!!

In between that it's Down With Love and P.S. Man. I will pick up on PP again but not sure about PT even though I like LMH....chemistry between him and female lead just doesn't grab me!

It's now Sunday evening here....I can hardly wait for the new episodes to get posted!!!!

Have a great week!


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@59 eiko

Looks like between us we have it all sewn up. You have a great week too!


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@ serendipty-sis

You done with WHIB yet? Need my phone #, langdon texted me after she finished (oh, just tweet, I'll be here). Just saying, expect the unexpected, or perhaps it was all scripted from day one. The ending is a word "dynamo" and happily I can tell you no explosives were used in the making of this drama. Unless it involved the many Jae-min fist in mouth breakdowns.

I'm glad you checked it out, I never recommend WHIB, I chat about it on occasion, but it takes a certain constitution and willingness to surrender yourself to the madness to enjoy it. Yes, mookie and I felt dirty afterwards, but somehow you come out and look at your own life and go, man, I'm so glad to not have to deal with that shiz.

Oh, and you forgot to add woof-woof. :-P


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Finally found Shinzanmono (Momosan!) torrent at D-addicts just now. It's not available anywhere else yet to watch... It's 2GB! So big... and only 3 seeds and over 1000 peers.. I wonder when will I be able to watch it? How many hours? The original is once again written by Higashino Shougo, he can't go wrong it seems. I've also watched new Seishun Sports drama series called "Tumbling" yesterday. It was surprisingly good with all the cute and interesting supporting casts and typical but compelling enough story lines about high schoolers' involvement with tumbling(I didn't know anything about it till yesterday, part of gymnastics? It seems. Pretty awesome to watch) I'd recommend this one as well.


Thank you for the link. Suddenly, I've gotten everything on my iPod!


Nice to have gotten to know you a little.


You are welcome and I'm always happy to help.

@ serendipity

Will you be in Japan any time soon like May1st-may13th? If so, let me know. Missed you last time there and also in Sydney, right? I wonder if we ever see each other somewhere around the world???


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How does this twitter work? If you have a patience, can you explain to me? I'm supposedly on it and I guess I follow some people and they me. BUT I've never used it ever since I'd sign up cause I never figure it out. Thank you. Only if you have some time to spare...


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@ockoala sis

I actually have to put in an honest day's work before I can finish the last 2 ep.s of WHIB tonight. :-( Then maybe I won't be able to sleep, eh, and I'll be tweeting my support-group unnis from my iPhone in bed while my husband snores obliviously...

I have no idea what is going to happen, though I seem to vaguely recall a mention that someone(s) tops him/herself, which would be entirely in keeping with the tenor of the piece; but I may be wrong, but DON'T TELL ME if I am or not!

I checked it out because I was intrigued by how its mention on OT always seemed to come with the scent of awe, ambivalence, grudging admiration and mild disapproval. It took me ages to get past ep 1, in which I thought HJW was irritating and SJS constipated. I re-started in order to get it off my hard disk, but before I knew it I was sucked in!! And now all I want is for HJW and SJS to make beautiful babies together.

I wouldn't recommend WHIB to anyone who is remotely depressed or emotionally fragile. As it happens, my life isn't going badly and I'm in quite a good mental place. But if I were in any way shakey, WHIB might just push me over the edge!!


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I'll just give u an advance OT fam hug @serendipity


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@ celestialorigin

Twitter? Hmmm, the use is pretty intuitive, you log-in and in 140 words of less just write about whatever it is you want: what you're doing, thinking, liking, anything!

The catch is that you can follow your friends or famous people or newsfeeds of sites you are interested it. So twitter is like a live personalized RSS feed and it interactive. You don't ever need to post, you can just log in to check on what others are doing. I have the same username, if you can find me anytime! Have fun checking it out.

@ serendipity

I wrote all this about WHIB but deleted it just now, no more discussion until you finish!


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@ celestialorigin

Sadly, I haven't got a work gig in Japan lined up. I was just thinking I need to remedy that somehow. Need my Japan fix!

It's funny how we've had two near-misses in such different parts of the world. My work travel is tailing off, and when it restarts in the fall it's mostly within Asia (ex-Japan, alas). Still, you never know, our paths may yet cross. Mind you, I'm visiting a friend in Pasadena in late July, so may get to see some So Cal OTers!

I take it your flying life has not so far been disrupted by the volcanic ash? I know someone who runs a guest home here in Asia and she is going mad with people (1) over-staying because they can't leave for Europe, and (2) not turning up because they can't get here from Europe; she's threatening to just stick people randomly in rooms as they turn up, or not, or don't leave.


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@65 mookie
@ ockoala

You guys are scaring me a bit now. Should I be reaching for a stiff drink? I feel as if you are all watching me jump off the bungee bridge, or something...

(What's the "lol" equivalent for "nervous giggle"?)


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@ serendipity

Bungee jumping is an adrenaline rush, no? Same with WHIB finale, adrenaline rush. I can say no more. We're merely telling you we know what you'll be going through when you finish. Kinda like after you get off the bungree ropes, you'll be still heartpumping and wobbly for a bit. And you'll want to talk about, trust me. WHIB ending is, for lack of a better word, controversial.


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Oh, late July!? That's great because I'll be teaching in Japan again for the first 3 and half weeks? it ends around 20th? 22nd? and then after that, I' ll be back in So. Cal for the rest of the month, I think, as of now. We can have a So. Cal get together with the rest of OT-ers.

And no I haven't flown much since the beginning of this year at all with my business and now sprained ankle which is healing nicely anyway and then, it'll be time to go to Japan again. My GF was talking about it this morning and I had no idea what she was talking about... Too involved with the prep. for my next trip.

@ mookie
@ ockoala

Ahhh,WHIB... I even bought the DVD for JIS in Sydney China town sometime ago to watch. As it turned out, the subs were so totally incomprehensible that I gave the set to my Korean friend. No use for me... I still want to watch it someday when I have some serious free time...


thank you for the explanation, it feels like I'm getting it. So, I'll try it out soon.


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@ ockoala

Argh! Can't wait! Drat work. How dare it interfere with my k-drama watching...

@ celestialorigins

Yay! So. Cal late July OTers meet! So exciting!

Twitter: First think about your Twitter persona: I have two - one in my real name for my real life (which I never use anyway, except to follow famous people and F1 drivers), and another as "serendipity552" which I use for K-drama chat (which I'm on constantly). "serendipity552" because "serendipity" was already taken as a Twitter name, not surprisingly. I couldn't find a "celestialorigins" on Twitter so I think you can grab that. Step two: find friends, e.g. search for "serendipity552" and "ockoala" and you'll find most of the OT Twitter gang in our respective "follower" lists. Ask to be our friend. Off we go!


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@serendipity & ockoala

Thank you very much for the info. It sure was helpful.I listed both of you guys on following list. I have another user name I've had for a year? two years. How do you bring those names from thereto this celestialorigin name? And also, I think I just accidentally added someone I don't really know but might have been my client or something and I want to take this person off. I should keep the business related ones and fun-friends stuff separetly, shouldn't I??? Gee... How do I undo it? It's too late for me, I'd better go to sleep before I screw up again, lol!


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Sorry, for bothering earlier, I figured it out how to undo the following. Sp, please disregard.

The only thing is celestialorigins is my actual business name. LOL. Argh! Is this a wise thing??? It has to be. Some will know the not so serious side of me for the first time???


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@ 53 aberdeen angus.

thank you for the link..and i'm loving the instrumental songs too..
Everytime i heard the songs , the memorable scene in PP keeps flashing in my head...


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WHIB ending

OK. Controversial, eh. I guess I line up with the naysayers. Right up to ten minutes before it all ended, it had me in the palm of its hand, on the edge of my seat, etc. Then the final revelation just had me going WTH? There was NO previous indication that affections were turning in that direction. None at all! Marred what would have been an otherwise perfectly satisfyingly Shakespearean and logical ending. Bah, I say, bah. I don't even feel sad, just messed with, and somewhat cheated. As the final credits rolled, I laughed. LAUGHED! Like a joke had been played on me.

Y'know, WHIB, you are tragic enough already, you shouldn't have tried to make that leap to a higher plane of tragedy, because in doing so you leapt over logic and consistency and lost me. I would have leapt with you all the way, otherwise! The ending could have been just as explosive without that final U-turn.

Oh well, at least I think I'll sleep ok tonight. I don't think I'll be wasting my time analysing the ending over-much. Unlike, say, Mawang, which was beautifully consistent and logical (and well executed) in its ending and hence worthy of endless analysis and pondering.

Nonetheless, I still say, this drama ROCKS. Apart from the over-indulgence RIGHT at the end. Even up to the last episode there was plenty of real juicy plot and angst going on. I swear, 30min into the last episode and I still had NO IDEA how things were going to pan out. How many stories can boast that feat?

But I'm hopeless. Even as my heart was pounding, even as I was glued to the unfolding, I was nagged by the thought, "How does he get away with this? Don't Korea and Indonesia have an extradition treaty?" In fact, I'm going to google this right now, little factual things like this bother me... What's that thumping sound we hear? It's the collective head-desking from DB sisters who expected me to be in emotional tatters, and find me instead clinically researching extradition laws.


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@ serendipity

LOL, I wasn't traumatized by WHIB's ending, nor did I think you would be. It was more the sheer jaw-drop moment that we were girding you for. Btw, I completely disagree with you (I thought the logic of WHIB was completely consistent, the illogical move was for SJ to leave with guy X when she was "in love" guy Y - btw, love = bad in this drama, so that's the inherent irony, no?).

That is the manic genius of WHIB, there is absolutely no right/wrong interpreation or analysis. Unless you are of the belief that secretly JM-IW had a thing for each other. But even that shipdom merits a consideration or two.

I won't say anymore, I may have a lot to say about WHIB at a later date and elsewhere. :-P Glad you liked it though, its a rollicking ride, mentally I felt challenged afterwards, in a good way.

So, I checked out one episode of Dong Yi. I know momosan is banking episodes for her saguek fix. But honestly, Han Hyo-joo + saguek = nightmares of her blankness in Iljimae, and additional nightmares of Park Shi-hoo confusing himself for a block of wood (a very hot block of wood, but a block nonetheless). And lots of laughing AT the manic OTT of Junki. Ah, Iljimae, you are good for lots of laughs, I tell you.

Anyways, back to Dong Yi, jumped right in at episode 8. No need for set up, it's either going to work, or not. Verdict - Lee Byung-hoon has lost his touch. Look, I'm a LBH mini-shipper, Seodongyo is one of my guilty pleasures. For all of its kingmaker-saguek-play-house small scale construct, Seodongyo had a compelling story. Pretty inept leads that worked because well, their characters were pretty inept (Jeun-geum they were not).

Dong Yi feels simultaneously claustrophobic and elementary. LBH sticks the camera in front of his actors in mid-range, and stays there! For an entire episode! (I know Mr. X was raging about this over at Dahee's). What tha what? There is no depth in his camera shots, and it forces us to stare at one spot for extended periods of time. Now, if I was staring at a tete-a-tete between Mishil and Bidam for an extend period of time, it would work (though not if overused). But a tete-a-tete between Han Hyo-joo and Lee So-yeon - the former is on a different plane than the latter is all I have to say. And a static shot highlights that gulf between the two actresses.

Even outdoor scenes are unusually flat - BSB sits in front of a cliff, wind is a-blowing, he looks pensive/constipated (my gut tells me BSB will look pensive/constipated for the ENTIRE drama, mark my words folks - lovers of BSB, go back to his subversive turn in Jumong).

The music feels like a mashup of every saguek score (at least QSD went full orchestral at times). And Han Hyo-joo....ah jeez, I like her, really I do. She has an innate charm mixed with subtle hints of hidden emo girl. And this is just the water maid portion, but she was weirdly emotive when her role could benefit from a tad more saguek restraint. Maybe some of Eun-chae's dead-fish attitude can be transplated into Dong Yi. I don't know, she was all wide-eyed rushing to and fro manic energy when everyone else was moving at a sageuk pace.

And the talking to herself, my god, PD, stop it with Dong Yi talking out loud every other scene to herself. Seriously, I already think she has a mental condition. Ever heard of internal monologue, use it!

I noticed the ratings are rising but slowly, unlike QSD which busted past 30 by ep 7, DY has yet skirt 20. My initial impression, this may be more of a The King & I, with a possibility to follow Yi San. But a QSD, I don't think it has the legs to get there. Lee So-yeon is in fact the best actress in the drama, and she's not deliciously evil enough to make up the mediocrity elsewhere.

Of course, for an 50-epper, anything can happen! I'll tune in if I hear murmurs of a Bidam-esque revolution. BSB, much as miss Jun-sae, he's no Bidam! Kim Nam-gil, you sexy bastard, I never imagined how hard it is to turn a secondary male lead into the heart of a drama. An extra kiss for you!


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@75 ockoala -
uh oh! Not the old fashioned saguek mid-range static shot?! I think Dong Yi starts on MBC America tomorrow night....I think. I was counting on it sucking in the parents so that I didn't have to find another saguek for them. They favor the EotS/QSD genre (even though Dad bailed after they killed Mishil and Mom didn't get the charm of Bidam and was shipping Yushin/QSD from the get go - hey, she's 80, give her a break)

Speaking of the sexy bastard, though, what's happening to Bad Guy? Anyone have any concrete info?


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@ momosan

I, too, favor the QSD/EotS/Jumong saguek, over the Yi San/King & I/Dong Yi ones. I think your parents won't hate Dong Yi at first sight, but its not going to suck them in. Let me put it this way, I watched one early ep of QSD and I was captivated. I banked the rest of the eps waiting to marathon it, only to hear loud and angrily how it all went to hell in a handbasket, except for Bidam. So, I ended up watching a Best of Bidam version of QSD and left satisfied. My sis and SIL watched it ALL, and they were simultaneously in pain and estacsy. I no want no pain, so pass. But QSD was an amazing start.

Yes, it was an entire episode of the "old fashioned saguek mid-range static shot" which forces you to really pay attention to their faces, which are all that can be used to convey emotion (the body language is zilch bc this is a saguek, no?, hands hidden, body stiff, et. al.).

The only person who has risen above this is Lee So-yeon, she was expressive without being animated, just the right amount of alive-ness without becoming out of character. HHJ was out of character, unless we're lead to believe Dong Yi is slightly OTT. I don't believe that, not credible when she lives in the palace as a water maid. She has the same tics in and out of the palace.

Btw, I must LOL about mommy momosan shipping Yushin/Deokman. Seriously, she's adorable! Yushin was about as shippable as I would be shipping Park Shi-hoo in Iljimae. But I get the "me strong and upstanding man" vibe, which is attractive if you know that loving the big bad boys never end well. Momma momosan is one wise lady! :-)

Anyways, let me know what you think of Dong Yi.


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I can cross Dong Yi off then.

It's very very true, I fangirled 5 eps of QSD and Mishil. then I fangirled another 2 eps total of pure POOR BIDAM!! BUT I rant ON and ON on how bored to even rolleyes w/ the rest of the mess. and @ockoalatwin, let me just bow to you. Your edited QSD is a certified GEM per moi ! u should make a koala cut and I'll pay good $ over whatever DC junk MBC will spin out to suck $. MBC should quit 'saguek', 'tis as if I'm not disgusted by it already.

POOR BIDAM!!!!! :( I cant fault mamamomosan, shipping Yushin is the absolute righteous thing to do... but Yushin+SD to me is the embodiment of sticking in a loveless arranged marriage, I guess. It's actually absolutely true to its time also I bet.

@serendipity on WHIB
YAY!! Welcome to the club of I felt dirty/WTF w/ WHIB but <3 it. no I'm absolutely not expecting u to be an emo wreck, gut wrenching over it, but just to rehash, I shared ur exact exp watching WHIB ending. ok, me worse, I did WTF out loud to TV screen for a good min. but then I loved the drama and more than satisfied w/ the watch. And maybe that's as close as we'll exp fiirst hand the whole SJ/JM madlove w/ our love for this little dirty gem?!

What's brilliant w/ WHIB is it deconstructed the Cinderella principles and social order. It's not the first time we saw RICH depleted as bad, but we cant deny we're never shook to the chore of our belief system to this extent. I really got home the messages of love is a dirty b8tch and the opposite of many splendid things... and it's possible death of a fictional character can be an absolutely viable resolution. w/o WHIB I wont be an advocate of BORA MUST DIE!! lol

@celestialorigin, please add me at Twitter, I'm mookiehyun there. I feel like slapping myself upside of head for having NO self control and watched leaked chunks of CU ep 7,8. ( I dont like spoilers, now I hate resourceful smartypants providing spoilers , I kid) I need a spazzing buddy to hold my hands come 7, 8. and to my twitter buds, advance apology come Thurs. I'll be one angry mess of insane rants. tbh I'll be relieved if u unfriend/unfollow me those couple days. I'll totally understand.

I'm hounding for shinzanmono (that's an awesome ep 1 rating). ARGH I wanna watch now!

@simplesim, how are you? Actually I felt quite hopeful watching Cinderella Sister, yes it's angsty, but these tough characters r trying their mightiest to shape a normal existence out of all the poop they've been thro. I do not see them sulking, wallowing just for some lost romance or some family problems. I admire and welcome that. I have hope for them.

But I have to admit watching ep6 esp scenes btn EJ and mom, reminded me of reading and watching Precious the movie. I was VERY scared. In a way CU reminded me of my Precious exp. I was expecting horrible depressing pulling my viscera out pain, but I ended up thinking it was very uplifting a movie, seeing ppl struggling thro unspeakable adversities and never give up that weak glimmer of hope in life and the greater human good.


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God, I love these two guys, just want to pet them all day long. Knette has helpfully found side-by-side photos:


Anyways, I still can't fathon JGS claiming to want JIS' career trajectory. If there was ANYONE JGS should idolize, it should be Junki. I mean, I've talked with belleza bf about how insane You're Beautiful would have been with Junki. A co-star of the Han Ji-min variety to make it a few years older than the YB crowd. But nonetheless, Junki's off to the army soon (sobs!), but I'm curious if he's going to come out and become like v.2 of himself, circa Jang Hyuk.

I can bank money that sexy bastard KNG is going to come out and just be a lean mean even sexier machine.


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Good afternoon,

mookie and serendipity(thank you for your help last night)

Well, something wired has happened with my twitter user name and somehow with out me doing anything my user name was reverted back to archangel444333, which was the original name I signed up for twitter some time ago. I guess my e-mail address must have been recognized by Twitter... As soon as I can get this mess under control, I'd like to add all of you whom I can recognize the names during my break, but please accept me if it comes from celestialorigin or archangel444333. Right now, I 'm clueless what it's gonna be. Thank you.

I don't know this mac is sooo slow this morning. Does Mac gets infected by viruses as well? (momosan!)

I'm having a late start this morning due to my attempting to watch raw OML ep.9. Took me foreverrrrr. It doesn't look promising, I can sort of guess what was going on... Awww, what's gonna happen?

Sorry for sounding sort of frazzled, with an SOS call from my GF, losing some Data on computer and so on, I'd better get myself situated back into calmness.


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@80 ockoala

If you look at that photo of Lee Jun-ki....he's not holding that pink bag....it's someone behind him.

Interesting photo of JGS.

Thanks for the link!


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@ eiko

LOL, I didn't even consider Junki was holding that pink bag, until I read Knette's perception and correction that I realized it was indeed visually misleading. When I saw Junki, I immediately flashed to his matching white pants and shoes! And his cheekbones, of course. What pink bag? I zomed it out of my vision :-P

That is actually one of JGS's saner outfits. And hairstyles. But boy needs to bathe more, or at least give the illusion of having bathed.


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@81 celestialorigin

Macs occasionally do get viruses. But very rarely. When ever I suspect an illness (like I see a pc or part pc file trying to sneak in) I run ClamAV and in the 10+ years I've been running solely on Macs, I've never had more than a stray PC file come knocking.

If you are just seeing slowness then it may be a hardware issue - like your connection doing something funky. Or a new software thing. In which case a trip through Disk Utility to verify and repair disk permissions may set things right.

@83 ockoala

They were both looking pretty good there. JGS actually looked, well, normal.

BTW - the mamasan not getting the hotness of Bidam is one good reason for watching it on the live Korean feed and letting them watch on the MBC America feed. The other is that both my Mom and my sister have this habit of asking questions during the show. Often about things that haven't happened yet on the show. So, if I'm 5/6 weeks ahead, either I know the answer, or I can avoid being in the room and getting trapped into answering. 8-) Drives me nuts when they do that. My favorite is the covering of the eyes and saying "is he dead?!?"


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^ lolz I watch dramas like your sis and mama, actually I watch scary movies like that as well. When I saw Ringu in theater (I was stupid) I actually turned my back and faced the younglings behind me, covered my ears whenever those creepy visuals were up and mouthed them 'is it over yet' to their utmost annoyance.


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@83 Ockoala

hehehehehe....i'm really getting a kick reading all the comments today!

And...I have to say from my perspective....JGS is a mighty strange entity. I can't really place whether he's...I love myself, I think I'm grand OR he just doesn't give a hoot! Which can be all right either way....but when you are part and parcel of public domain I can't help but say...hmmmm????? Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

AND Momosan is the computer wizard here.....she's helped me also! I always read the info for future reference!


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Thank you. I went to ClamAV site, which one do I need to download? purchase? Sorry for bugging you. Gawd, I can't concentrate and I'm so behind and get distracted easily today.... Thus, showing up on OT... not good.


LOL. I'm just like you. Ear-plugs and covered eyes... I can't do horror movies at all. Ghosts are OK, Humans are sometimes scarier in reality... Sigh.


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@87 celestialorigin

Assuming you are running OS X 10.6 aka Snow Leopard on your Mac, you want ClamXav

It's free. Unless you want to donate to the developer.
When you first install it and run it, it will tell you that you need to install ClamAV as well - make sure you are on line click install, and let it do it's thing. It should go run and get it for you on the internet.

There are very few true Mac OS X viruses. There are a few that will affect things like IE on any platform or Adobe Reader on any platform. But honestly, I haven't used a full time virus scanner since I went all Mac. But then, I also run with rather paranoid firewall and internet settings.


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@ ockoala : nice pics, thanks for the link... I agree, that was a stray sane outfit on the part of JGS, though it does rather look as if he's just dragged himself from an all-night desert trek through a forest of thorns (maybe after ditching his self-piloted Cessna?). I'll give up the shiny hair just to enjoy this look's non-fouffyness (not sure how to spell fouffy, but from the sound of it, it means what I want it to). And I'll just point out that (my) Takeshi Kaneshiro wears his hair like that sometimes, too (eg in Turn Left, Turn Right which I just rewatched recently) ... so if that's who JGS is trying to emulate, more power to him!


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- I remember being very WTFish about WHIB's ending, but I was pi**ed off more than anything, I felt SJS got the easy way out (even though I love him more than anyone). My poor, stupid JIS! What made it worse was HJW's revelation, it was unnecessary and cruel, cruel because of the timing of it all, and his reaction to it -- ohh! I need a moment...

@ ockoala -
''I can bank money that sexy bastard KNG is going to come out and just be a lean mean even sexier machine.''
Amen to that!!

POd about Bad Guy but I'll live as long as they air it sometime this summer.
I had it all planned out, see (sob). I don't think I'll watch I am Legend, instead I'll re-watch QSD, after all there is plenty of it and I skipped past huge chunks of it before which I should really go back and see.

Oh please SBS, let it air on July 21st? Pleasepleaseplease!?!?

Can't wait to watch Giant soon (only for Kim Soo-hyun and Nam Ji-hyun - WISFC's teens), and Road No. 1 sometime in June (SJS!) and IRIS 2: Athena, whenever that airs (OMG! Jeung Woo-sung - in a drama! And CSW!).
Yummy, yummy angst-fest.


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I've discovered something verrry spoilery for Wednesday's episode 7! To spill or not to spill?
Personally, I hate spoilers and avoid them at all costs, but this is something I only 'accidentally' discovered, honest.

@kaedejun and aberdeen_angus - PP recappers - if you're reading this, whoever does 6's recap can you *pleeease* do a really nice screencap of Hye-ri's daydream - right at the end of episode 6 while she's stood at the balcony? How stupendously beautiful did them two look together? I will then save that as my PC's wallpaper.
The last time I saved a drama screencap as wallpaper was Go Soo in episode 8 of WISFC, he was especially dreamy and smouldery in that episode.


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I want you to forgive me for my tardiness in responding to you. I was totally swarmed with activities for the last few days that I only use my laptop NOW.(@ockoala can vouch for me,hehe)
I am soooo sorry to hear about your scare. Thank God that the cyst was benign. Please take care of yourself and just as @ockoala mentioned previously, we are ALL here for you. The beauty of JB's OT is that the family consists of folks all over the world; ONE of us would be here to lend you an ear if not a hand. You can tell us anything that bothers you-stupid tests that you have to endure,cute medical staff that you happen to meet,(hey,it happens)etc. I personally can vouch that watching kdrama during convalescence is good for you( it did for me last year...ie "seeing doctor"...part of the meaning of my name,hehe.)
Yes, God and the Lord are very important. I might not be a good Catholic and go to weekly mass,but I do pray. It was prayers that helped me when I was travelling alone to HK this year,without any incidences. It was prayers that helped me to make wise treatment decisions for my Mom,and it was definitely prayers that help my Mom and me while she was recouperating post op. I often pray for all my families and friends ,but I will say a special one for you....take care,my friend...


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Hello, Thank you for those you for being my twitter friends. I've been so darn busy so far and haven't done anything about it, nor figured my double identity issue. Still, happy to be connected.

Read JB's ever so fab revap of CU while chowing down my dinner. Later, hopefully can read the one for PP!


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OK, I hate to admit it. Because I hate having a fast one pulled on me. But I really didn't sleep all that well last night. With tweets from my DB unnis setting me right, I couldn't just dismiss the WHIB ending as an aberration. Now I'm confused. Should I stubbornly stuck to my guns and justify my interpretation? I probably could (hey, I'm a professional quibbler), but gads that would require a re-watch and I'm not sure I want to do that right away. Or do I need to ask myself some tough questions about my assumptions, and honestly explore the possibility that I was wrong? Fooled all along? Nuts. I have to grudgingly admit, the clues *could* go either away. The coy girlish flirting could be flirting with an ideal, not the real thing. The recoil could be from the horror of realizing that her love is tainted and plain wrong.

Nonetheless, I don't think I'm quite ready to completely switch OTP sides. Maybe we compromise and agree that OTP is NTP? ("not the point"?)

Rats. I can't write about WHIB in 140 characters or less. But I don't want to spoil WHIB on OT (any more than I already have :-( ). Because, let me tell you, folks, watch it unspoilt (relatively) like I did and it is a ride you will never forget!!

I know I know, let's have an WHIB symposium. We have so much to discuss, don't we, we need to do it face-to-face over a couple of days. Let's meet mid-way. In Japan, say. Or Hawaii. What say you, chaps? Think we can get some foundation funding for a WHIB symposium? It's to contribute to world knowledge on "corruption and/of love in life and art", y'know.


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@ celestialorigin

Twitter IS a bit confusing when you have more than one "identity". It took me half a day to figure it out. Twitter is actually quite post-modern - you get to choose whoever you want to be. So if you sign-in as one persona, that's who you stay as on that Mac / iPhone, until you log out and sign back in as your other persona. I manage my schizophrenia by having a completely different wallpaper for each of my personas, so I get a strong visual cue as to who I am (but this is only on the Mac, not the iPhone). If it's the other "me" I want, I log out and log back in as the other. The logging in and out works fine on the Mac (which remembers my names and passwords for me) but is a right pain on the iPhone, so I only use one persona on my iPhone - the K-drama one of course!


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Re : twitter
I know a lot of the OT gangs have twitter's accounts, but I kinda scared to add you! :P

so...add me please? @djeedjes
I don't usually talk about kdramas there though, it's more like rants that I would never post in facebook, for instance, since my facebook's friends include several of my directors and my big boss' wife...hehehehe.

btw, it's confirmed that Siwon's acc is real! I'm going to follow him, hahahaha.

Did you hear about Vanness' latest gf? I ever heard about the girl years ago, via a famous Singaporean blogger, and apparently she ( Vanness' gf ) is a party girl.
I don't want to judge people that I don't even know, but this news is kinda disappointed me a little. I remembered when I learned he was dating Vivian Hsu, i was thinking " WTH???" and now somehow I feel the same.
But then, maybe she's good, he seems really in love now, so I wish the best for both of them.


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After I finished watching it, I got depressed for more than 2 weeks! hahaha, stupid me.
I'm the kind of person who often takes everything in life too seriously, and this one Kdrama completely got me.
I kept thinking about it, and wondered why the ending happened, why they didn't want to take different way to solve it,etc etc
and one thing that I kept in mind was...........why it looked so easy to buy gun illegally on Bali? hahahahahaha. I know my country is not the best country, and I know well yes it is somehow easy to have illegal weapon here - if you have money, power and connection - but Jo In Sung bought it at the market!
Oh I was spazzing on So Ji Sup's scene speaking in Indonesian! LOL.


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All this talk about WHIB is making me feel so deprived. Sigh, I so wish to dive into it... When will it be is the question. Sigh. No, no, no! I should be happy and appreciative of the fact I'm insanely busy with my work especially after talking to my friend who is not having the bet of luck with her own business earlier today. Aw, do I have to wait patiently for OML raw version again tomorrow morning? I wonder how's Viikii's doing? haven't gotten a chance to check so far... Thanks to all the Chinese channels, we can watch raw versions, sigh, again.

Oh, forgot to report, I did watch Shinzanmono this morning after OML. I guess I was destructed by my guilt, stuff I should be doing and all self-imposed pressures, that I couldn't really concentrate. It was OK, I mean solid acting, solid plot and all. Finally realized Abe Hiroshi is quite cite. To be honest, I enjoyed Tumbling more just because it was lighter, cuter teen story. So far, Thursday's Sunaoni narenakute is the most interesting just because of Eita and Juri, they sure have presence. And Jejeng as whip cream topping. I sure hope I'll win the Lotto. for their concert! OH, and that is the reason for my sudden surge of interest in Twitter because the whole story is revolves around 5 people met through Twitter getting together for the first time and the story begins from there. Even though out the episode 1. They twitter each other though out the drama! LOL! How easily was I convinced not totally give up on Twitter, Really. Otherwise, I would have never suddenly gotten back onto it. Anyhow, I should simply give it up and go to bed.


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@ 97 djes

WHIB - good, eh? Sorry to hear it made you feel down, poor you. Me, I'm just a meanie, I can totally do the watch-the-trainwreck thing and see everyone go to hell in a hand-basket, and turn round and say "oo, that was good"! I'm just a cynical old hag and don't really care to figure out how they could have lived happily ever after, particularly once I realized that the drama is totally not about the Happy. I'm fairly interesting in analysing how *exactly* it all went to hell, though...

My Behasa isn't good enough to tell, but I take it So Ji Sub's similitude was decent? Can't be worse than his incomprehensible Engrish, but my new-found love for SJS is so wide and deep I can readily forgive any language-massacre -- besides which, I don't particularly feel a need to converse with him, just to gaze into his soulful eyes and bask in his winsome smile...

"Exotic overseas filming locations" instantly set off alarm bells in my mind. It doesn't surprise me that they portrayed Bali as being so seedy, which I agree it totally is not (well, parts are a teeny bit lower-end-of-backpacker-scale seedy, but far from casually-buy-a-gun-on-the-street seedy). Still, it's a shame, and particularly galling when it's your country they're stereotyping.

btw, I recently stayed in the Bali hotel in which they filmed the first few episodes. It was weird to see JIS & co wander around where I once had leisurely breakfasts. I'm so glad I hadn't watched WHIB then; otherwise I might have felt compelled to start a sordid and ill-fated love affair, or something...


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#@$%! I'm still up... On my way to bed. On Fuji TV site, just saw the new post about Kimutaku's Monday drama "Moon Lovers" not starting till May 10th. May be there are some fans around wondering about? Just thought I'd share... Bed!


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