Open Thread #131



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@48 carinne

Yep....raising my hand! I've been following P.S. Man....got hooked on that gorgeous face! :-) Since it only comes out once a week I can check on other dramas. But I do like the female 2nd lead....I'm not crazy about Amanda cause she's a real phony. Have a feeling there's gonna be a triangle going with the 2nd lead male getting interested in "braces girl" and then Blue Lan getting jealous....he's all ready getting bombarded with some "karmic" stuff. I'm having fun with that drama though.


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i'm confused. is park shi hoo the main male lead in prosecutor princess? or han jung soo?


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I just finished watching Lotus Fairy or Heaven's Fate on Arirang. I still do not know what happened to the adopted mother and the grandmother on the show. Does any one know or care? Actually the two actressess are playing mother and daughter in Assorted Gems. They are so funny together.


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to other cs fans: was anyone else really pissed off when hyosun ran out of the hospital at the end of ep 6, got into kihoon's car, told him to drive, and he ACTUALLY LISTENED? without any explanation or anything? i was just like.. WTF ARE YOU DOING BOY. i wanted to see her ass get whooped by ol' daddy dearest.

and personally, i don't think hyosun is trying to get closer to eunjo at all. she was in the beginning, when they first met 8 years ago, but now she just resents eunjo in every way for, well, everything. for 1) being smarter than her 2) working harder than her 3) earning her dad's approval 4) having kihoon's affection and 5) from hyosun's point of view, eunjo "steals" everyone else's attention and love. hyosun doesn't even try to understand eunjo and why she is how she is. and she's SO FRAKIN' SELFISH. i want to pummel her with a hammer, mario-esque.

some of my friends said they didn't understand why eunjo was being so stubborn and cold to kihoon. i think she's totally justified. i mean.. she put up all these hard emotional walls her whole life, and then kihoon came along and started breaking them down. and she finally felt like she could trust someone, could have a friend (or more than a friend)... and then he goes and LEAVES for 8 years without saying goodbye and (seemingly) without contact for EIGHT FREAKING YEARS. and that made her put up her walls again, but more reinforced this time around, because the one person she trusted broke her heart in every way. i think she's totally justified.

i made a vow to myself to not watch every week when each episode comes out, because i end up refreshing the page for 5 straight hours waiting for subs. gahh. i really, really hope i'll be able to hold that vow D:


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Hi, it's my first time on Open Thread!
@45 - I totally get where you're coming from, but when I thought about it I think that part of the reason EJ and KH are drawn to each other is that they have both had lonely childhoods, so they understand each other more than anyone else.
Have to say, I'm obsessed with CS! I'm extremely intrigued by the character development - I'd thought that EJ would be the misunderstood one until the end, but EJ seems to have her mother, her father, and KH on her side, making HS the misunderstood sister. I think HS is only beginning to become "Cinderella" - her father has a successful daughter (EJ) and a new wife. Her "mother" doesn't really love her, her unni hates her, and even KH has gone over to the other side! Which makes this drama extremely believable and exciting - while my heart breaks for Eun-jo, I also want Hyo-sun to find a happy ending.


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@45 I get what you mean, but I can understand where EJ is coming from as far as her attachment to KH and how she was affected when he left. On the other hand, you're right about how deep the "love" is from KH's side. I guess we can chalk it up to that one lightning strike moment of the chase when KH became entranced with EJ as her hair came pouring down like a waterfall. Since then he's been intrigued by her and slowly formed an attachment. Obviously it wasn't enough to keep him from leaving and doing what he's doing. I don't think the love has hit him yet and that's why we have 14 more episodes to get into it lol. Love will be his redemption from betraying EJ and their company.


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Cinderella sister is owning me to the point that I dont have any urge to watch anything else to ease the wait for next ep.

I will start w/ my quibbles of ep5 (I <3333 the show to bits)
It was almost flawless, but I have couple scenes and plot points that I wished would be more refined.

I loved the ending of ep5 emotionally, but if I were the PD, I would stop at 1 or 2 utterance of EunJoo-ya. imo it'll be more poignant and befitting to KH's heartbreaking raw desperation yet keeping w/ the hesitation of the uncertainty of her reaction and her current feelings towards him. I loved how the KH's EunJoo-ya has a raw, quivering, tainted edge to it compared to the soothing, warm, tender ones 8 yrs ago. The fangirl in me really got a kick out of that man-grab ( I know it's not exactly right, but it's sooo satisfying to watch). I caught too strong a sniff of entitlement and claim on EJ's heart on his part w/ his repeatedly 'EunJoo-ya' and his other behavior ... which is out of place for the character development 8 yrs later because:

1. He left w/o a real explanation to her 8 yrs ago. Even if EJ's got the letter and it melt my heart that he did so since he prob couldnt leave her if she's been there sending him off a la HS and we wouldnt have a drama otherwise. But the fact is, he's left and they havent seen each other for 8 yrs, during which he's told her he's back often, but 'too busy' to catch up w/ them. It wont make much sense to me IF he's been sending her letters and all were confiscated by HS considering how competent and resourceful our EJ is compared to HS at least. I've already found it a slight stretch that everybody in the household knew of KH's leaving and EJ didnt catch a sniff end of ep4, but I'm gonna let that slide.

2. He has an agenda. It's clear to us now he's left because he has to revenge for Mom (mainly) and in doing so he has to team up w/ his heartless dad...whom he loathes yet yearns for his love...he's his only blood family left. (it's not unlike EJ's and her mom's dynamics, she was resentful of being any use to her mom's scheming, yet left w/ no choice otherwise, explaining y she did not want to dev any affection towards DS and HS though it was what she's starving most). He was summoned back by dad 'on duty' ...to takeover DS's makgulli company. [C!J!M! is so brilliant, we got the bottled up concern for his pathetic dad, yet it hardened up to a weary disgust w/ dad's mention of his real motives. his angst, torn and reluctance to make the call while emotionally he cant wait to return to DS's winery...*swoon* but I'll keep saying this, that face washing sink scene SHOULD be SHOWER!!!! *rawr*]

3. The 8 yrs after reunion. It's epic, and I slurped up every bit of thick raw immediate palpable tension, but his first words to EJ: 'A familiar face... HS' sis' I tried to take his side, yes, he's overcome by his emotions, abandonment issues and totally got his bearing sucked out by EJ apparently not recognizing him (um.. she's glaring at u w/ deadly rays, dude) and his own hurt and abandonment by her of all ppl..blablabla. BUT he's the understanding (unbelievably hot) oppa , she's always been this scowling clawing cat w/ death rays. what's he expecting?! EJ to go all HS and dash towards his arms halleluja-ing 'oppa!' so he can be satisfied and say his 'o u rem me, huh?' I understand where the writer's coming fr, it suits the angst and the tension of scene, but it's a disservice to KH the character.


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@ 51 eiko

Haha, I don't really care about any actresses in P.S. Man, rather watching it rooting for the actors, yet if by any chance you threaten to pull my ovaries out (YIKES!) if I don't make a choice betwn the two actresses then I will sway towards your opinion and prefer 'brace girl' than Amanda. Yeah, I'm not afraid of any guns but I am rather protective of my reproductive body parts. LOL!

Yup, there will be a love triangle happening for 'brace girl' superseding Amanda's. It's getting juicy! This brings me back when "Fated To Love You" was airing, how that love triangle spun a tornado cursing a miscarriage. I was devastated! I don't really think this P.S. Man story will evolve to such a climatic repentance. One can hope. Keke!


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First time in the open forum too!
It's been a long time since I've been hooked to Kdramas, I've sorta given up on them >< but CS and PT are just too good!

@55 I agree with you, it seems that HS is really falling into her dark side. From glimpses in epi 5 and 6 we know that she is kinda ignored by the family... Dad is much more interested in EJ the smart daughter who will carry on his business, Mommy just has a superficial relationship with her and HS knows by now that her mother is faking all that her sweetness towards her. to HS, everything was perfect before EJ came, and it seems she will take the revenge path...

Anybody else is bothered by Taecyeon's bad, bad accent? In some parts he speaks too 'Seoulized' for his role to be credible... Plus his scenes are meh for now -.-

As for PT, I just love the best friends of our main couple, they are hilarious! totally agreed with @43


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Hello, JBers and OT family,
Happy Friday to you all!
I was gone for two weeks...two longs weeks...spring break with no technology.
I see I already missed couple great dramas.
I can't wait to watch PT. Or should I start with CS? It seems like many are watching CS.


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@ 59 cph

CS fan here! *waves* Taecyeon's character JungWoo did serve in the Navy so it is forgivable if he picked up some 'Seoulized' accents along the way. They say a boy joining the forces will change him to a better man, so I figure it's a part of his evolving character soaking his adaptabilities like a sponge. JungWoo is mixed with the bad uncle and somehow I get the feeling JungWoo will get kicked out of the place before/after EunJo leaves the house. We all figure he's gonna follow her like a cute sick puppy who learned how to bite you to shreds if you provoke it by hurting his 'woman.' Gosh!! *blushing*

CS is evolving so brutally real. All the mega company conspiracies and overtakings. All the sibling rivalries. It sucks being compared and contrasted; one will always be more honorable which makes another feel inadequate/undignified. It is natural for those insecure people to wish away better people in their lives so they can live with themselves with the least social pressures. (A real pity to see people not desiring to better themselves.)


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Hi everyone. Happy Friday. Looking forward to doing my taxes this weekend! (ick).

I jumped into Personal Taste mid way but I'm persuaded now to go back and watch from the beginning. LOVE the guy who plays Jin Ho's buddy/employee. He's hilarious--'Game Ovah'! Shades of President Anh's "Jackfot!" from YB. Also really enjoying Oh My Lady. And I just finished Perfect Girl Evolution which I liked more than I thought I would--but much prefer the manga.

And I watched the movie Departures. Anyone seen that? It was beautiful... I teared up about 5 mins in and was sobbing towards the end, but in a good way.

Oh. Now I see why I didn't get much work done this week.

Welcome all the newcomers... nice to see you here. If a guy named samsooki starts soliciting your opinions on Jang Na Ra, word to the wise, be wary. Keep smiling, but back away nice and easy. And if he's handing out Team Bora membership cards, back away FAST. Lovely guy, but a little, well, fixed and spirited in his opinions on a couple of issues. (On the other hand, the attempts to defend Jang Na Ra are pretty entertaining as we can all attest.)


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The description of CS before the first episode aired explained that in this drama, Cinderella would be taught how to hate while the evil stepsister would be taught how to love, so although Hyo Sun's character sometimes scares me with how evil she is, it's to be expected. She lived as a saint (a saint who was spoiled rotten but a saint nonetheless) 'til her mid-teens, and once Eun Jo came into her life, all of the negativity that she might have kept tightly bottled up inside started to permeate into her every action, her every word. It's startling because she was so happy-go-lucky in the first 3-4 episodes, but I think the writers and the PD meant for that change to be surprising to viewers, banking on the shock factor to gain more interest.

Eun Jo is one of my all-time favorite misguided heroines. I feel nothing but sympathy and hope for her, because after all that she's had to go through, I'm surprised she isn't more antagonistic. She so obviously tries to push people away as a defense mechanism because she's been hurt so much in the past that it's instinct for her now to protect herself. The one person she gradually allowed to break through her walls was Gi Hoon, but he wound up leaving without explanation as well, so her reaction towards him is completely justified. From his perspective, he might think that that letter was enough to function as a goodbye, but that blatantly shows that he didn't know Eun Jo as well as he thought he did, because she was bound to take his lack of explanation for why he was leaving as him abandoning her.

As for PT, I think In Hee just innately angers me because she epitomizes every bad quality that a woman can possess and more. I might be a little harsh with her compared with other people's opinions of her, but she detracts from the overall charm of PT for me. And I agree that the scenes between the leads are overwrought and no different from what we've seen so far, but being able to see Lee Min Ho and Sohn Ye Jin lying side by side with twin face masks on was priceless.


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Happy Friday!!


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Anyone here received their "You're Beautiful Director's Cut" package? I did last week and am very happy--so worth what I paid for! I'm watching the drama again and there are definitely differences in the director's cut vs. the cut I watched onilne.

I am going to hold off watch CS until the drama has completed so that I can watch it in its entirety. I am currently watching Personal Taste and because I have to wait for the English subbed versions to be completed, I'm behind everyone else and only up to Episode 4. DramaCrazy has been awesome and their subs are completed and ready for viewing by Sunday following the airing of the episodes (I live in California, USA). I think the storyline is cute and personally, if truth be told, I'm only watching it because of Lee Min Ho! LOL! So far, I am enjoying it, flaws and all!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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@58 carinne

Oh you silly girl! Protective of your reproductive parts? Wouldn't that have been with Dr. Wang in OBGYN? LOL LOL......

I'm tolerating PS Man.....where there's eye candy....I look and drool and just enjoy the scenery! Of course, they are also in Dong Yi and Daring Women and Oh My Lady....


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@OBGYNers! Hey y'all!
Do not watch the drama without this site, think of it as a 'guide', it has recaps and everything (you'll need to ogle Dr Wang!). http://suhjisuk-1.weebly.com/
It was a near-flawless(!) and emotionally-engaging drama where you can't help but fall madly in love with its characters and bawl your eyes out every episode. I was left exhausted at the end of its short-run - and that's a good thing.
(Choi Hee Ra, you're a Star! Yes, you are!)


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@lovenyc52: Yeah the MV isn't too provocative. Hyori was just trying to make a bid for Men in Black 3 y'all!

@GeriC: Any good extra Jeremy scenes?

Welcome, new posters!

Last thread there was talk about Ireland, and the use of Danny Boy in the OST got me thinking about other english songs in dramas. Sometimes I really like it, like Try to Remember in Silence or Wasted on the Way in Flowers for My Life. But this week Sunao ni Narenakute played Great DJ on a "commercial break" (they'll overlay sponsors on part of the drama) right after this really awkward crying scene with Tamayama Tetsuji and I couldn't stop myself from laughing; it totally ruined it. Has anyone ever been turned off by a certain song that was possibly "lost in translation" thereby ruining the moment in a drama?


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I loved episode 6 of Cinderella's Sister. That last scream, and those last words that she spoke to her mother and her mother's response and everything else was all just perfect. It showed her anguish and pain. With Hyo Sun, I don't really hate her. She's kinda just like any other normal person: she's jealous. She's jealous of the fact that now Eun Jo is getting love too, she's jealous of the Ki Hoon/Eun Jo thing all those years ago, and she's jealous that Eun Jo always seems better and seems like she works harder than her. And I'm fine with that- she probably dislikes being compared to someone who works as hard as Eun Jo. I do hope that Eun Jo does get some development as a character.

Ki Hoon is reallly starting to get on my nerves though. He was my favorite until he came back all angsty and depressed and black clothes and slicked black hair. It's just like, okay... really? And he's still so frustratingly dumb about the whole thing. I guess that's what makes this drama happen.. but my love for him is seriously falling. Taecyeon came out pretty well as Jung Woo, although he still hasn't had enough scenes for me to completely fallin love with him. I do like him though, and how instead of being so straightforward and stubborn like Ki Hoon had been with Eun Jo, he accepts her silence and cares for her in small little ways, like arranging her shoes or whatnot.

And now that I'm done with that, time for Prosecutor Princess discussion. (:

I have been watching this drama, and I have been enjoying it.. but lately..
When you dislike a main character, the drama is hard to watch, and I'm feeling that right now. Don't read on if you don't want it to be spoiled for you- SPOILER: when she decided to leave to a house in Yoon Se Joon's neighborhood, that pissed me off to no belief. I get it, she's still a developing character, she needs to learn, blah blah.. but I get reallly frustrated with girls who do things for guys like that, and Ma Hye Ri's doing that right now. For heaven's sake, she decided to leave her goddang parents for the mere fact of hopefully being able to see Yoon Se Joon more often. This reallllyyyy annoys me. Even if it's a drama, even if Ma Hye Ri is still a developing character, her boy-obsessed thing is grating on my nerves and is hindering me from watching the seventh episode. END OF SPOILER.

But how's Personal Taste? I watched the first episode.. and although it was fun.. it was boring kinda. I felt it lacked luster, that special thing to keep me going through the drama.


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(The following is all about CS, since that's the only thing I'm watching now.)

Does anyone else LOVE that piano piece that plays whenever there's an Eun-jo Kihoon moment? It played during the chase scene in ep. 1, and the "Eun-jo ya" scene in episode 3. I really want the sheets for it!!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that CS will keep its light moments. There weren't really ANY in Ep. 6. I love it but I don't feel like having my heart broken EVERY episode!

Taecyeon is someone I had never heard of before, not being into Kpop, but he is GORGEOUS! I'm not in love with him like I am w/ CJM. It's just that he has very striking features. I just hope he'll start TALKING at some point!

I'll probably have this answered for me when the ep.6 recap comes out, but why does KiHoon feel he needs to help his father? And why would he do something so dastardly as to steal the kindly stepdad's factory?! I mean, he's a good guy so why... ?


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Rereading my comment above shows me just how hopelessly obsessed I am with this show. Crap!


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ep6 was very heartwretching for me to watch emotionally. It's as if we need more poop to hit the fan....and we got our wish and more. On one hand, we can delve deeper into these characters... but then what we saw was much more devastating that we (at least I) expected.

Can I love and care for EJ, KH, HS, DS more after ep6? I dont think so, but this drama kept surprising me in a very angsty good way.

We now get a much clearer picture of EJ and KH:

@63 soluna413

' Eun Jo is one of my all-time favorite misguided heroines. I feel nothing but sympathy and hope for her, because after all that she’s had to go through, I’m surprised she isn’t more antagonistic. She so obviously tries to push people away as a defense mechanism because she’s been hurt so much in the past that it’s instinct for her now to protect herself.'

she pushes ppl away because most of all she did not want to purposefully betray or manipulate them. She is the one w/ most experience to know the heartbreak of abandonment, of betrayal, so in a way she's protecting them. She doesnt want their love because she cant handle the lost of it. Also, in her world, she knows herself is capable of caring , of love, most often toxic to herself (eg mom) If she let them in, she's bound to care for them even if she's not showing, but then to her worst fear, she'll be feeding the Mom monster w/ her manipulative plans as well. She knew first hand of the lies her mom is capable of, but because of that deep down filial concern for her mom, an understanding of her like nobody else mixed w/ her repulsion of everything she did... she can't bear to watch all these good souls to suffer her pain of betrayal when they eventually have to face the truth and her utmost horror is...mom may have did everything for her ( that wretched roar at end of 6) What messed w/ her even more is she believed her mom did it for her, though everything pointed otherwise, but deep down that little girl in her still wanted to believe in her mom having a bit of love and care for her... that's what's kept her living...that glimmer of hope that maybe her mom is not all lies and manipulations, but then by now she's developed feelings for Dad, for HS. She didnt want them to get a hint of it, but she did, at that powerful scene in the hosp, she's willing to give up that hope of love fr mom in exchange for her having genuine feelings for at least Dad. but alas.... *sigh*

'The one person she gradually allowed to break through her walls was Gi Hoon, but he wound up leaving without explanation as well, so her reaction towards him is completely justified. From his perspective, he might think that that letter was enough to function as a goodbye, but that blatantly shows that he didn’t know Eun Jo as well as he thought he did, because she was bound to take his lack of explanation for why he was leaving as him abandoning her.'

True, but also KH has long recognized her as his soulmate, she's his doppelganger... so in a way he's expecting her to totally understand and trust him as well. He thought w/ the letter, and he's most honest, pure, genuine care for her (which most be his first time as well, pouring this much devotion on a person).. she may act and feel like him. She may also had that same therapeutic effect on him, she maybe his first love, and his life was nth easy as well before he got to DS' winery. She may have break some of his walls as well, she fenced herself in w/ her brittleness, he's also keeping others at an arms length w/ his warm caring smiles. HS has been doting on her oppa w/ all her heart as well, but KH never regarded her more than a little dongseng...who lives in an exact opposite world of his and will never get him, there's no deeper connection to her on his part other than the harmless OPWs and it's clear his mind is so occupied w/ his own family issues, the revenge, w/ EJ he's nth to spare and has been careless w/ HS (the wedding plans). I think HS' feelings towards KH is not meta love yet, but it maybe heading that way and we'll get more angst. Her love for him is a mix of nostalgia, of the good old days, of jealousy, of possession and a way out. I do fear KH's ease around HS may spin into sth more... and grates on his love for EJ.


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@ 70

Warning: Spoilers ahead for episode 6 for those who haven't seen it!
I don't think Gi Hoon wants to steal Dae Sung's factory. I think the hatred Gi Hoon feels towards his stepmother for being such an evil witch is what's motivating him to help his father bring her and her son Gi Jung (Gi Hoon's half brother) down, and since Gi Jung is looking to buy out Dae Sung Cham Do Ga but Dae Sung is refusing, Gi Hoon's father wants to buy out the company first so that Gi Jung won't be able to get his hands on it.

At first Gi Hoon rejects that proposal saying that he'd try and come up with a way to acquire much more power, but after thinking on it, Gi Hoon asks his father that if he helps him buy out Dae Sung Cham Do Ga, Gi Hoon wants his father to give him full reign so that (and from here on out this is purely my speculation) Gi Hoon would treat the company with the respect that it deserves, rather than leave it to the wolves, as is what would happen if his father took control of it.

I'm merely guessing though, so I don't know what Gi Hoon's true motives are yet.


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@67 supah

Oh you would you naughty girl you!!!!! Waaahhhhhh.....as soon as that song came on I got teary and made me ache for OBGYN!!!! Plenty of great photos....and I think you shared that link before anyway,....right?

Lucky me....it's airing on our local station so I'll be following it to the end....again.

Got to episode 34 of Daring Women.....hells bells...it was raw version so I'm back at being in the dark about the dialogue! Darn!!!!

Have a great weekend!


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Dudes!? Where did my comment go? I'm positive I just commented! Or maybeI'm turning senile. It was something to do with OBGYN, but it may appear at some point so won't repeat it.

Anyways: Prosecutor P!
Oh please do hurry and watch 5 & 6! I would love to rave about this show with someone who actually watches it. (Sorry eiko, I love ya! But you *need* to watch it.)
I don't understand how anyone can find KSY irritating, she is perfection, even when her character is acting batshit insane, she's still love! Best thing about Hye-ri though is that in spite of being bullied/outcasted/misunderstoodandallthatjazz, she never sits in the same mood for too long, she just bounces back stronger every time.
In addition I think the title with ''Princess'' is misleading. Nothing remotely princessy about her. Princess seems synonymous with spoiled brat and that's exactly what she isn't -- not with parents like that! Psshh!
Let's not even get into the men in her life! Men are the devil. The end.


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can someone refresh my memory....Why must Bidam die? He just entered the episode I'm watching in QSD and as soon as I saw his name, I recalled all this "Bidam must die" hoopla in past OT. (I'm really behind in my viewing)
I think Deokman has really matured since Fashion 70 and Surgeon Bong. She has a kind of aged face so I never cared for her acting all babyish, like stamping her feet and being petulant. It didn't match her height and face.


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?! it's always been BORA MUST DIE!

and POOR BIDAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Haha! You've already seen it, that link was for anyone who is still watching it. Handy little resource and yes, I've pimped it out enough times for even me to be sick of myself for it, bwahaha!
You too, enjoy your weekend!


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Yes. BORA MUST DIE!!! And POOR BIDAM! If all of Shilla up and died I wouldn't give a flying fig, if only poor Bidam and his lucious hair and his sexy-ass self would live I would be fine with that. We love Bidam!


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hahaha, as soon as I posted that, I thought, "O wait, I think it was Bora must die."
Yes, this makes me happy because when Bidam appeared, It took my breath away! He is HOT! Yuuuuuummmmmm!


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Um, can I vote 79 for best comment ever? LOL!


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I really love and agree with your analysis of EJ regarding why she's pushing people away. I think this is true esp for her relationship with the stepdad. She is obligated to be filal to her mom, so she can't tell him what she suspects her mom's motives are and the truth behind the pretense the mom's been putting up all these years... but she cares for him, that's why she's warning him not to be nice to her, not to invest feelings in her, and trying to leave so she won't be used as a pawn to take the business over. She's taking it all herself by saying "I'm so much worse that u really think... if only u knew what I think..." I think deep down she's referring to "she and her mom" when she says "I," as they've probably been running from man to man and difference places as a "packaged deal" and her mom is so good at manipulating even EJ's feelings to lead her to believe that she's done everything for her.. so painful to watch.

I think KH didn't underestimate EJ...I think she won't be as mad if she got the letter...in fact she might actually have been able to go stop him (What he wanted and she tried!) She went to look for him but at the wrong place because of the fact that she never got the letter, and that's why she is acting the way she does now. and KH really has so much on his plate now... so jaded that all he can deal with is his family drama. For all he knew EJ got the letter and didn't care. That's why he's so mad. I wonder if this will ever/when it will be cleared up.. I'm sure HS kept the letter somewhere.

It's really just gut wrenching now, hope we get some light moments next week, in the meantime I have to keep watching PT and fluffy taiwanese drama to come down...

I also want to comment that that something like a 8 year gap due to MS and foreign study will only work in a K-drama. Characters in US dramas are so fickle they probably will probably have forgotten the other person 100x in that time. It really speaks volume about the culture and the message dramas are used to send out to the public. The willingness to wait for the man while they go on MS, and feelings and strong bonds remaining between two good people that hasn't made any promises or ended on good terms I think is played out as a virtue here and many other dramas in the past.


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@80 wabbit - thank tengoku that ockoala cleared that up before the Army of Bidam Lovers could descend with all their might.


and Bora Must Die!


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Prosecutor Princes has become my favorite drama of the season!
Now I have been watching PT, OML, and 4 epis of CU, but out of the 4 dramas the one that is dealing with some really heavy subjects masqueraded in a fun and silly Rom/Com is Prosecutor Princess.
CU is a very good Dark Melodrama, but it shows the symptoms of all the mentally ill characters, but has not shown any redeeming avenues for them to become better, maybe now that they are grownup's we may see some improvement in their attitudes.
PT it deals with a misunderstanding of some one who is believe to be "GAY", well that is fine and dandy but we know that it is just a plot not really dealing with the "Gay" subject in a straight forward manner, no pun intended.
OML, I like that it deals with an older ajumma who is divorce and is fighting to survive, it deals with divorce, unexpected parenthood, infidelity, etc.
Prosecutor Princess is dealing with some very interesting subjects, that many people would not tough it will be included on a Rom/Com, bullying at work, and work ethics, child sexual abuse, obesity, stalking ( the lawyer may look handsome, but he still is a creepy crawler), illegal gambling, and Internet bullying.
I think that PP has succeed in tackling some serious subjects while maintaining a a fresh take on a Clueless self absorb Heroine, it is just a shame that the ratings are still low!! PP is the most underrated of all this season dramas, but still #1 in my Book, PP Fighting!!
: O }


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@78 supah

Okay girlfriend....I promise....pinky swear...I'll catch up with ya on PP! I gotta admit I miss our General Choi....

OBGYN on right now.....need my Wang/Lee fix!!!! :-) Ohhh that sure sounds suggestive, eh?


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Pleeeeease forgive me!
I got it forever seared in my brain: BORA MUST DIE!



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Re Cinderella's sister:

I AM IN AWE!!! Goodness, MGY is just simply awesome! I feel privileged and honored just being able to watch her act - such an amazing talent! I have always liked her but she still continues to surprise me in CS!

Hats off to the rest of the production too. I think what makes CS so awesome is the fact that the acting, writing and directing are all above-average, if not excellent. Every situation and character in this drama simply invokes such a great emotion and reaction in me. I can relate and emphatize with each one of them even if my personal situation is different.

I stopped watching k-dramas because nothing pulled at me after "You're Beautiful". Not even the awesome production values of Chuno. But I checked out CS because of MGY and CJM and now I watch each episode raw, subbed, and read the recaps. Now, I am completely hooked on k-dramas again.


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@69 ernie

i can understand why you think she's annoying but i think supah kind of said what i wanted to say:

"I don’t understand how anyone can find KSY irritating, she is perfection, even when her character is acting batshit insane, she’s still love! Best thing about Hye-ri though is that in spite of being bullied/outcasted/misunderstoodandallthatjazz, she never sits in the same mood for too long, she just bounces back stronger every time."

(@75 supah - i'll be watching it ASAP!)

i also want to add: I think that it's great Hye Ri hasn't changed so quickly in four episodes. i do not want to see a change in a character that's unfounded and comes out of nowhere. we're only in beginning stages of the series. i wouldn't be surprised if we have to wait until episode 10 to see more things come to light as it pummels into its final stages.

i also think that hye ri's issue is that she has a scarring childhood. i don't know how they deal with it, but i do think it plays a large role. from the get go i could not believe her parents' relationship - i was like, "this is her father? this is her mother!?" - they were absolutely not what i expected, and i think that will play a large, pivotal role. i think she deserves a chance still even if annoying.

but i can't make you change your opinion!! after all - i know people who thought kim sun ah was gratingly annoying in My Name Is Kim Sam Soon. I responded with a "WHAAAAAAAAAT?!" but if i step back, i can see why. she's loud and brash, and she sticks to her guns way too stubbornly so.

kim so yeon plays hye ri similarly - she's overreacting and selfish, but refreshingly honest and simple minded too. she sticks to her guns about love - if she wants to do that for a guy then fine. at least she's actively pursuing instead of letting the guy pursue her (although, in woo sorta is pursuing her). it's annoying and i may not agree with her, but it's very in line with her character. if kim sam soon had done the same, i might have disagreed because she represented girl power right there.

hye ri represents a misplaced form of girl power for me.



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@kaedaejun: Ehh well I guess opinions differ. (: It's true that she bounces back stronger every time.. but still. I just get so frustrated with her whenever it comes to men. Like supah said, I think the word 'princess' is not right as Hye Ri is not really princessy. And so when she suddenly did such a move like that, I got really frustrated with her. I don't find her as loveable as you and supah do, but again, this is where our roads for Prosecutor Princess love split. (:

And it is great that Hye Ri has not changed so fast- I never meant to imply that, I was just venting out frustration at the reason she chose to move out of her parents's house and into a seperate place.

Honestly, the only reason why I watch it is for In Woo's character- he's got something about him that makes me really curious. Ma Hye Ri is just half there- I can't seem to feel any excitement about seeing her or anything. And maybe her scarred childhood has something to do with all of this.. but still. I'd like to watch a drama where I don't feel like ripping the main character's hair out until she becomes a sensible person. Again, not implying that development should be faster, but I feel Ma Hye Ri's character should be more likeable.

Prosecutor Princess started out pretty fun for me... but as soon as Hye RI started to like Yoon Se Jooon and be all bleh, I began to dislike how it was all turning out. Episodes 4, 5, and 6 have irritated me to no end even with the court scene and how Hye Ri finally succeeds as a prosecutor.

Sigh- I'll prob still watch the drama- you're not losing any fan here (: But until Hye Ri starts to become less annoying for me.. I prob won't be watching it anymore.


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"but out of the 4 dramas the one that is dealing with some really heavy subjects masqueraded in a fun and silly Rom/Com is Prosecutor Princess."


It's really interesting how a drama doesn't need darkness and angst to deal with complex matters. I'm keeping high hopes for this one.


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hehe! ok i think i misunderstood you a bit but i'm glad i don't now! =D

i hope that she has a bigger, better case that really proves her worth then instead of this child abuse case. maybe it'll show her winning the case somewhat more sensibly.

i would have been excited to see her move out of her parents' house because then it'd be her gaining independence... but then again, she does it to be near to se joon right? so that sucks...

in a way - the writers may be forcing the hye ri-se joon set up, which i do not like!!! >_<


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I'm going out on a limb and rooting for Dong Yi. Ji Jin Hee is rocking the King role and Han Hyo Joo is really sweet and lovable.

Also digging Prosecutor Princess and Oh My Lady.

Need to catch up on Personal Taste.


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@ernie: I see what you feel about HR, and yeah, she can be annoying (for me, the worst HR was that of episode 4), but i think that she is like a white sheet of paper. She is being written and erased all the time. Obviously not perfect, she's found someone who is like her hero, so she feels admiration and gratefulness towards him. And, since she is in love, she wants to be near this object of desire. I don't believe that she knows the actual meaning of love - she has never experienced it, and when she did, she had her heart broken - she's curious and has a straight forward mind, really straight forward. I like you, you must like me, love, happy end. That's all she thinks about. Hopefully, IW stalkerish company and her experience at work will show her how is it to be passionate about people and life. Now, we're getting immature HR, but we're about to see her transformation into a grown up persona.

Also, I don't see her as a, well I don't know the word in english, perhaps doormat? Mmm, in spanish we say "arrastrada" :P Like, a woman who does everything for a man, even destroying her dignity, just to get his attention. I find her clueless, and it's common for women to do little things to be near the guy they like (ok, moving is excessive, but this is a drama), to see them, talk to them, and eventually make him like them. HR doesn't give value to money, so she just spends it in the greatest ways possible...

[spoiler]Also, I like how she won the case. It seemed so sweet and appropiate to me, how she managed to achieve her goal sincerely, showing concern for her case and for the girl and her difficult and traumatic situation...[/spoiler]


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OK, I caught up on Personal Taste tonight and noticed two You're Beautiful notes: one, Young Seon (the good friend) is wearing Hwang Tae Kyung's winged trench coat to In Hee's wedding, and two, the other wedding interrupted by Kae-In's inadvertant broadcast is that of President "Jackfot" Ahn. I couldn't place him at first without the knotted scarf, but there he was.

Aaww. Now I'm missing YB all over again.


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@kaedejun: I'm still a fan of Prosecutor Princess, so no worries there!(: I'm also disliking the Yoon Se Joon/ Ma Hye Ri thing going on. Is it just me? Or maybe it's cause I didn't watch Chuno.. but Yoon Se Joon's face bothers me a lot. x] I suppose it's rather superficial of me to talk about looks when it's really about the acting.. but his face is huge and so is his chin. It like bends forward, like it's defying gravity or something.. idk. x] Maybe I'm just being overly picky, and I tend to be with dramas.. like Choi Song Hyun is kinda put to shame by everyone else in that drama. Kim So Yeon, Park Shi Hoo, and the actor who plays Yoon Se Joon- all three are pretty good actors but Choi Song Hyun is hard to watch, but I've noted with delight that she has gotten better in episode 6.

But really, more people try out Prosecutor Princess! It's light-hearted, and fun to watch. I watch it right after Cinderella's Sister, like a little desert to eat after a heavy dinner. A lot of people say it's a typical drama, boring without a plot- but a lot of these people are people who haven't even watched it- give it a try. (:


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"Yoon Se Joon’s face bothers me a lot. x] I suppose it’s rather superficial of me to talk about looks when it’s really about the acting.. but his face is huge and so is his chin. It like bends forward, like it’s defying gravity or something.. idk"


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHA! don't worry you're not the only one!!! han jung soo is mighty handsome, but he always looks so bored, and he never seems to look at her in the eye. i want to give him the excuse that perhaps it was because he was shooting chuno and PP back to back, and so we should give him some episodes until it seemed that it was filmed waaaay after chuno was done. but yeah - that's funny!!!

i'm on team in woo - his face is too happy and pleasant. oddly enough, his promo posters didn't attract me at all. but he's got the charming personality!!

i can see what you mean by it being a dessert - CS and PP are sort of similar, but they have VERY different paths as well =D


i went on dramafever because they're showing YAB - and i skimmed the reviews - everyone just basically says a variation of "best drama EVAAAA!" - totally cracks me up!!! =D sigh* ugh now i'm missing it too!


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@ 11 Susan

I have just recently finished Chuno. I felt that everything that happened needed to happen. There were some twist that I really did not enjoy, and that is the only reason I was pissed! But altogether, Chuno goes down as a top 10 of 2010 for me. It really is a good show! Sexy dudes, awesome fight scenes, and decent writing.



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@72 mookie

Wow, a good analysis! I have to become a fan of you. First 3/4 of it, I feel pretty the same way. The last 1/4, I'm not that certain...But I don't have a heart to go back and re watch them, yet... Need to laugh a bit first. My number one is Belleza, haven't seen her around here much lately...


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...just finished watching episode 6 of PP & was laughing & clapping at the end!!!
If I were to have a STALKER, who looks like Park Si Hoo(In Woo)...I'd be in HEAVEN!!!! LOL!!!


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I feel the Ma Hye Ri is a very different kind of heroine than your run of the mill damsel in distress, she is a woman that up to this point she has been misunderstood, and we are not given any background info on her until episode 6, so we think that her having expensive shoes and clothes is what she is all about, so is easy to dismiss her as an egotistical selfish clueless and narcissistic kind of immature person, but that's were the writers show their genius, because Ma Hye Ri is far from being that, she is trying to make up for what she did not have growing up, one of the things that I like about her characters is as others have mention is that even when she suffers all this hang up's and set backs she is able to bounce back and make the best of a bad situation, I do believe that a lot of people are jealous of her because she is not only beautiful but she is also very bright and academically intelligent, she lacks a lot of common sense and still very naive, but what sets her apart is her resilience and her desire to better her self even when se has no clue of what she is doing wrong, and last but not the least she told Se Joon that she fancy's him something that you do not see everyday on a K-Drama, she is not like the second lead females that cling and go nuts over a boy crush, she is being quite "grown up" in the way she express her feelings which I find quite refreshing!!!!!
: O }
I am listening to this song, it brings a lot of past memories.


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