Open Thread #130



The Radio Dept. – “Heaven’s On Fire” [ Download ]

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I like reading those having barrels of laughs watching AMCG. Teaser: Anyone caught up to ep.11, when Michael King caught in his arms the fumbling cop detective off the reception desk, I imagined that was me in SIG manly arms. AHHHH! (biting my fingernails) I have reduced myself to an infant when I see SIG in AMCG. Golly, shucks ma'am.


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@ nycgrl

I think Philip Pullman is brilliant writer. He has miles more imagination than JK Rowling (who started out writing Enid Blyton boarding school stories with wizardry, and then ended up writing giant movie scripts - I don't think she's genius go ahead and stone me I don't care). I thought the Dark Materials were brilliantly conceived. Unfortunately I thought the ending of the trilogy was feeble (and he admits he was struggling with writer's block at the time). And I think he undermined his own rant against the church by being over-ranty.

I enjoyed his Sally Lockheart books. They are less imaginative than HDM, but also less polemic (which is all to the good, for me). Otoh, I have friends who can't stand the way he messes with the Victorian era in Sally L. Oh well, if you can survive Guy Ritchie's Holmes, you can probably survive Pullman's Sally L.

Cinderella's Unni -- Yes, I liked the first 3 episodes very much. So much so that I'm contemplating not watching on Viikii and waiting for HD downloads and quality subs, so as to savour. Not that Viikii subs are bad -- but I feel I need to ogle in HD. I feel CU should be savoured, not gobbled up in a giddy rush.


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*hug* thanks for all the precious advice. I did try out that magic dreamcoat, I passive aggressively quibbled at the coat (I looked horrible in it, and it helped), the taste and general principles then the whole deed...lastly the girl. I was in a dilemma as whether to be frank, but I sensed he's not in too deep to really 'hurt'. It's not the price tag I have most prob w/, in our world these coats r not nec, but they do exist and some ppl can want it, I'm not judging. a 20+ yo girl asking a dude to get her such a thing online... pained me though, I do pity her on top of hate, but I fear for how she's going to lead the rest of her life, more than whether my cousin will be played and have to part w/ a good chunk of his dough... I believe there r life lessons that u have to learn and figure out yourself, fall bad so it will stick. but of coz the obasan in me cant not intrude.

He had past experiences of being duped (imo). I had same exp of meeting a new gf of his and hated her guts min in (PDA is one thing, but asking public feeding of food by grown woman *puke*)... worst dinner ever. He brought the girl to meet the parents and I was nosy and asked how it went, he said everything was fine. (NOWAY!)
me: so aunt likes her? (not hiding my haterade)
cousin: yes
me: she said 'I like her', exact words?
cousin: not exactly, but she's ok w/ it.
me: what did she say?
cousin: um... sth like it's my choice, and she adviced me it'll be hard on me... sth like that.
me: *headdesk* that's far fr like, right?
cousin: I think she's very ok w/ me dating her. she didnt say anything against it.
me: nonononono, I'm not a mom, but when a mom is worry of her baby's well being, and said being w/ a certain female will cause hardship on her son, it's not a-okay. worst than she's telling u her dislike of her, because that's btn her and the girl, but when she expressed worry of your well-being, it's MAJOR....
(cousin still totally lost in convo)


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@eiko: Hahaha! I know, considering all the serious roles he plays.
Have you noticed his eyes? The lines in his iris are more pronounced than in the average person's eye. Don't tell me I'm the only weirdo who notices such stuff!? I often miss the big, important stuff but notice little and insignificant things like that.

Just noticed some convo here about this drama, hope you don't mind my intruding. I watched this after watching him in the film Dirty Carnival. Don't know how many people have seen DC, but I found Jo In-sung's role was pretty much the same here. Kind of his own worst enemy and stupid enough to be easily manipulated, yet he was the one who came across the bad guy, whereas So Ji-sub came across the 'nice guy'. I knew it was bordering on dark but I still stupidly felt it'd prove a good cure following the heartache that was DC -- wrong!
I didn't know who So Ji-sub was at the time, and that I'd go on to list him as my absolute favourite (that smile! He smiles with his eyes! It just killlls me!).
I absolutely hated SJS' character in this drama, I felt he held some grudge against JIS for being chaebol, and he was constantly stealing JIS' girls, contrary to the way the drama lead us to believe. I felt he was quite manipulative. This drama was clever in the way you never knew who was good, or who was evil. Maybe there was no good or evil, maybe it was all circumstancial? I watched it years ago, so can only remember it vaguely, but it did affect me.
It wasn't a waste of time drama, but if anyone's looking for something sweet and romantic, look elsewhere.
Oh, and I loved Ha Ji Won in the beginning as the quirky tour guide, and the simmering love-triangle tension between the rest of the three, and that fight scene on the beach.


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I also feel Bad Guy with Kim Nam Gil is going to be another WHIB, with a considerable amount of difference, but judging by the storyline, I can see the similarities.

I agree about Cinderella's Unni. It should be savoured and not rushed. I stopped watching it at episode 4 (which was really good), it was the episode where I finally found my bearings with this drama. Still, I don't have the appetite for any angst yet, I'm working up an appetite for Bad Guy, and so anything else angsty will have to wait incl. CU. I wouldn't want to be overwhelmed and then end up not being able to enjoy the ride.

Also, started watching Personal Taste as an alternative to C's Unni, it's good and I love Sohn Ye Jin, yet I find the chemistry's lacking and in terms of the story, I'm just not feeling compelled enough to keep on watching. I felt the same about Pasta, but even then the chemistry between the two leads was through the roof!
Will have to check out OML, instead.

@eiko, epyc
Btw, a little trivia, for you two who have watched OBGYN and now watching OML.
You know the little girl playing Chae-rim's daughter? She was in an episode of OBGYN. She played the little girl who's mother goes into emergency surgery and she's left on her own in the hospital with her baby brother in tow.


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Q supah

LOL LOL.....I notice EYES and LIPS!!! :-) That's why I have to do back and review because I get so darned caught up in the stuff that I look for when I actually meet people face to face! Now I have to add reading dialogue!

That scene in Lawyers of Korea where there is the first kiss....darn I had to go over that one a few times because I watched the kiss and didn't read the dialogue! LOL LOL....

And....yes....the little girl in OBGYN is the daughter in OML! I like her....really cute and good actress.

Also....take a look at the young girl who is Dong Yi in the beginning....check out her eyes! That girl is a very good actress....and they did a very good job of presenting her as a grown up.

By the way....There is a 2 episodes drama with Choi Si-won called Legend of Hyang.....when you check OML....click on his name and it will bring up a few of the dramas he is in and that LoH is really cute....he looks so darn handsome in it! I think he does very well in rom/com. Really matches up with his looks and again...his eyes get me!

Also....talking about eyes....in LoK.....I loved watching the eyes of the male lead...he was very expressive in emotion....really nice looking face.

And...I did check WHIB....that's a pretty intense one....evil to the core. I looked at that one a while back....I did that random check I usually do to see if I want to actually follow it and I got the creeps and felt I rather leave it alone.

Another drama that is getting interesting is Daring Women....talk about evil sister in law....it's gonna be a long one with 100 episodes! But the draw in that one is the spoiled brat son of the President of the cosmetic company being attracted to the evil sister in law! AND....the President being attracted to the sweet sister in law....which hasn't happened yet but I know it's gonna be a doozy! :-) The lead male is mighty "fine" looking too!

Dawned on me that I had seen Song Il-kook before and he looked different...it was in Kingdom of the Winds! I think he looked really good in that one. Also Choi Jun-won sure looked beautiful in that role.

One last thing.....you're gonna love OML!!!! I promise you will! Pinky finger promise!!!! hehehehehe.....


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@ serendipity, nycgrl

I'll check out the Sally Lockhart novels, been waiting for a recommendation from a friend to spur me on. I found Guy Ritchie's sledgehammer bastardization of Victorian England refreshing (in the small dose of a movie), but I fear my love of RDJ and his brainysexyballsy SH probably colored the movie.

I, too, found Pullman's second half of Amber Spyglass bordering on screechy with rantrantrant, but as a trilogy HSM was a success, and the last 30 pages of Amber Spyglass redeemed the novel for me. My fave HSM novel is hands down The Subtle Knife. Like, the fact that Chris Weitz failed so miserably at The Golden Compass saddens me to no end that the next movie will never be made. I know Freddie Highmore was the voice of Pan, but I really thought that in a few years, Freddie would have been a really nice Will. Which would have been such a winkwink joke for us. The voice of Pan is Will!

nycgrl, I really enjoyed the small novellas Pullman published about HSM, sort of a small tokens of affection for his characters. Lyra's Oxford, as the name denotes, is set about a year or so after, and something happens to her. Lee's book is a prequel about how he met Iorek, King of the Bears. Don't worry, you won't cry, though perhaps happy misty tears in hanging out with some of your fave characters. There was one line in Lyra's Oxford that made me cry, when Lyra is faced with adversity, she automatically thinks what Will would do. Gah, I just started screaming "life, you are so not fair!!" These small books don't break new ground, but reading it is like putting on your fave blanket.

btw, congrats, serendipity!!! ;-)

@ twin-ya

I think I am the only holdout who has not watched a second of CU (well, me and cingdoc-sis, but she's like 5 months behind in dramas so it doesn't count, she's still trying to watch an episode of SMM - good luck, fighting!, cingdoc!).

I'm just waiting to bank a few more eps. before starting. I firmly believe I would have overlooked Chuno's rollercoaster quality if I was able to watch it all in one go. The time waits highlighted the inconsistency considerably, which lessened the enjoyment. I'm wanting to dive into CU with more ammunition handy.

@ Andromytta

Hee, wait for me, I've finally started watching Hero! Yay, as hjkomo said "Team Underdog Fighting!" I'll catch up on your recaps soon, I've been avoiding reading them.

Junki is so adorable, but the first 2 eps, it was like watching Iljimae Junki running around modern Korean, well, the Yong side, goofy, hammy, smiley, and not the Iljimae side (ninja revenge thief). For someone so unbelievably beautiful, Junki really has no qualms making himself seem like a giant dork! So far, drama is interesting but a slow set up. Reminds me of City Hall.

Boo-mi once again shows up and pretty much steals the show (4th drama in a row where the woman creates a character that is like none you've ever seen). Jung Soo-young is my fave character actress, anyone doubt me, watch QoH and her character Hwa-ja stole the show from the other three female leads, only Yoon Sang-hyun emerged as the most interesting performance of the entire ensemble.

But I digress, Hero is solid, but so far not yet a not-to-be-missed-drama. I did confirm my assumption that it was grossly underrated.

@ supah

I don't get the vibe that Bad Guy is similar to WHIB. I'm really getting a SoaM crossed with QoG vibe from Bad Guy. Bad Guy from the previews suggested an equally plot/character driven piece.

Whereas WHIB is purely a character driven vehicle - plot in WHIB is pointless, long after watching it doesn't matter than Soo-jung worked at Jae-min's company or that In-wook was assisting the brother in embezzling funds. The central conceit of WHIB is to question what do people desire, when that person has it all (Rich Guy/Girl) and when they have nothing (Poor Guy/Girl), and to discover all four of them live in a constant struggle because the two most important things they desire (love AND money) are at odds with each other. For all four of them. And that is a tragedy.

WHIB is so gutwrenching because of the performances, JIS singlehandledly made Jung Jae-min a relatable and pitiable character, as opposed to a merely just a buffoon. He did WHIB before he did DC, and before Spring Days, and really, he has been playing the same tropes over and over in some respects, though Frozen Flower was an attempt to shed (har har) his image.

@ langdon-unni - seriously !?! Your babyboy Bummie wants to follow in JIS's footsteps? I still baffled when I think about it, Bummie really ought to set his sights on SJS. I not joking, Bummie has got the chops if he hones it more. Young Bummie in EoE was, in a word, wow!


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@53 mookie
dong saeng,can you please scoot over, I think I need some room next to you to "head desk". Please excuse me,but I think the family intelligence gene has obviously bypassed your cousin...which part of the concern that your Aunt shows does your cousin NOT understand? end of my poking my nose into his business...it's hopeless...*sigh*

@57 ockoala
"I think I am the only holdout who has not watched a second of CU (well, me and cingdoc-sis, but she’s like 5 months behind in dramas so it doesn’t count, she’s still trying to watch an episode of SMM – good luck, fighting!, cingdoc!)."....hehe,believe it or not, I'm actually up to episode 6 of SMM..(even though,I was THIS close of smashing the computer to smithereen)...then either finish IRIS?? or start CU? Assorted Gems? Dong Yi? ...really pathetic,eh? (between the girls on Spring Break,me and Hubs working extra shifts(then,too tired to watch anything))...Yup, I'm about 5,heck, 6 months behind...
What to do,all these yummy drama, and ZERO time to watch them all...C'est la vie


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@ cingdoc

I don't know about about finishing IRIS after you watch SMM, but I think you should watch one of the many completed dramas rather than dive into a 50-eppie like Dong Yi that just started airing.

Honesly, hearing you guys shriek every week "AHHH, Team Park Kyu!!" "Beo-jin-ahh, are you blind, look at that man, instead of bleeting Wiiiillllliamm all the time!" was the funniest thing ever, and really shook my resolve on Tamra. But I'm so glad I waited, marathoning the completed Tamra was one of the the most satisfying experiences ever. And Team Park Kyu was always waiting for me to happily join the flock, right? :-)

You haven't watched WUAS or Chuno, either, have you? Both are worth watching, not unbelievable masterpieces, but worth watching.

Speaking of Team Park Kyu, I really ought to do an ode to Sung Yuri one of these days. The men she's starred with are......the hotness level is off the charts. As moronic as OFD was, its always worth a few seconds to glance at Gong Yoo and Namgong Min before catching myself about the smash the TV.


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Chuno...hehe...how can I miss adding this epic drama to my never ending list of "to watch"...Sure,why not...maybe,then, I would understand who DG,UN,TH and Gen Choi are...who chasing who,etc? who the OTP should be(I'm sure @samsooki will guide me when I read the recaps).
It's kinds funny how I used to hate (Chinese and English) History classes when I was a 3rd grader in MaryKnoll,but now find myself liking saeguks, Pride and Prejudice,etc... I guess one don't appreciate history until one reaches the age of becoming or close to one :)

BTW, Welcome to TEAM PARK KYU =p


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wait... the completed Tamra is out?!?! as in, all 20 eppies?! wheeeeere!?!??!?!?!

@ mookie

your baby cousin is lucky to have you... girls can be super evil. especially to nice, unsuspecting guys. i've seen it happen with my friends and my brother and everytime, i just think - WHYYYY can't you see it?? girls can sniff out evil girls, but it seems like nice guys are especially blind to those.


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Tamra, the Island is next in line easing me over CU wait. ;) I want to join a Team, any team!

SW is a young actress fascinating to watch... I'm not even discussing whether her face is plastic or not, but it is bothering me, I'll usu put her in the category of early PSY circa MG, point of cant look in being very alien-ish/plasticized, but her acting speaks to me. I see her thought and talent in her craft, and it's working.

@twin on CU:

The thing w/ CU is.... of coz I'm already sacrificing innocent baby animals to dramagods for the rest of the eps to be as epically emotional a watch for me, but w/ the first 4, I'm grateful and content. I can loop these 4 eps and rewatch forever. Chuno, I did watch in minimarathons, I liked 80% of everything I'm seeing, but the remaining 20% I have prob w/ in directing, writing, characterization, acting... and oddly that 20% bugged me to no end and I gave up. I've concluded that LDH is not an actress on my list. But I'm a JH fangirl, I may finish it some day...just not now.

If in the worst scenario, CU go AiMH on me, and the adult storyline go down drains (I doubt MGY + CJM can regress to SHK(then) and SSH lvl of 'artistry'), it's still the best first 4 eps I've seen in kdrama in term of how emotionally involved I'm. But I'm in all support of u on waiting, I do think it's even better marathoning CU, but I've dived in, and it's pt of no return! u know I was planning on your exact game plan, and I was just checking out an ep or 2 to see the feel of it, expecting I may not even need the bother...but BAM! ahhh I dug my own grave, now I'll have to live in it for rest of 9 wks! I'm already dreading a family gathering in Canada in May since I'll miss CU and that's just sooo wrong and unfilial of me!


it's so true on your take on 'Eun-Jo ya' and exactly mine as well after ep 4. That beach scene will break the hardest man. It's not even the physical visual, it's her voiceover. When your own name will never ever sound the same, signify the same being hence forth... it haunts me.

Have anyone seen Fumo Chitai (jdrama)? I've heard 5 ppl raving about it over the wkend and then refuse to tell me the genre or anything about it saying it'll dampen my enjoyment (ARGH!! my friends, they know me too well and how to manip me!!) I'm even afraid to wiki it, but is it really ALL sorts of amazing (now, I dun want to know anything about the drama, but only opinions on it)?! I know Karasawa Toshiaki (<3) is the lead, but I didnt know my Yutaka (<33) is in it as well. I just dun want to shoot my expectation tooo high.


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@ twin

AHHHH. I need to read my jdoroma news, man. Heard of the original Fumo Chitai (classic classic drama), but not of the remake.

Butbutbut, my TWO fave j-actors are in it, and I heart them the exact same way as you do, one heart for Karasawa Toshiaki (<3), and two hears for Takenouchi Yutaka (<33), or what the heck, a billion hearts for Yutaka. The man is like a walking embodiment of deep dark unstated desires.

And you are going to watch Tamra?!?!?!? Ohohohoh, I am sooooo excited, I can't wait to hear what you think about our Park Kyu. And Seo Woo was wonderful in it, albeit her character was somewhat annoying. @ lovenyc52 - the 20 ep Tamra is out in Region 3, but I'm still waiting for YA Entertainment to release it with English subs, it was supposed to be out in April, but I haven't seen it yet.


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Honestly, I hadn't ever given Goodbye Solo a chance until I say it mentioned here. But to which character are you referring? Kim Nam Gil's?

I see most have seen CU's new eps.... I'm trying to wait for subs of all 4 eps before I even see the first. I have this gut feeling that I'm going to drown happily in this drama!

@Japanese dramas
Oh and I have a question... I've been toying with watching a Japanese period drama but I just don't know which. I've seen a few Korean sageuks and I thought its about time that I tried my hand in other areas. The issue is that they are seem pretty long. And I don't really know what to expect. How do the two compare? Does anyone have any title suggestions? Length isn't really an issue but content and enjoyment are key! Thanks.


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*grasp* now just to think if we're real twins and we'll be fighting over SAME boys!! but lets cheer on our fine fine fine taste in men! ;)
'The man is like a walking embodiment of deep dark unstated desires.' can u write me a romance novel and lets ps Yutaka on cover?! I really wished Yutaka would translate to the K movie world around Rondo time, because w/ K movies we'll usu get MAJOR fangirl gratuity.

For the Army of BiDam, if u've sank to my kind of low, watch Portrait of a Beauty, there's some 'artistry' there not to be missed (of coz NC17)

u know, I think I've grown and now I dun easily hate a character because of how they carry themselves may it be annoying, brash, unsympathetic... IF the acting is up to par and I can see where it is coming fr. I'm super intrigued in SW, and I bumped into this mv...I guess this will be a nice little treat for Team Park Kyu?

@ notoriousnoona

I really like Tenchijin, but it's a very dedicated watch on my part, I had to read up, draw character charts.... I watched w/ and majorly bugged my friend who went to college in Japan. It's not a casual watch.


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@ mookietwin

I've watched pretty much every MV on YT that has to do with Tamra (but thanks for posted a quick link to one, always appreciated), and you will fall in absolute rapture over the soundtrack.

I can't think of a better triple combo platter of CU (for melo), Tamra (for heart/laughs) and AMCG (for WTH, Oh-no-that-didn't-happen?). Sometimes I wished I could watch Tamra again for the first time. It's like stumbling upon a hidden treasure, though not so hidden with the way TEAM PARK KYU keeps screaming it out all the time.

Karasawa Toshiaki starred in the jdorama version of Ooishi Kankei, or Sweet Relationship, which the TW version butchered by casting a ridiculous female lead who couldn't act her way out of a paper bag, it was painful to watch inspite of my adoration of Vic. But the Karasawa version with Nakayama Miho was splendid, one of the pinnacle 90s jdoramas for me. I thought Long Vacation was overrated, and Ooishi Kankei underrated.

I do want to write that romance novel for us. I would definitely put Yutaka on the cover, no ifs but or whens. He's have his shirt open, too. :-P I might throw Fujiwara Norika on the cover if it was like 10 years ago and reunite them from With Love. Time, I need more time. I want to fangirl Chun! Jung! Myung! with you too. CU sounds oh so tempting....


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@ ockoala

as much as i am tempted to get the region 3 set because TECHNICALLY i can watch it.... i need the subs. I was looking around YA for it but didn't see it. Thought it snuck by me somewhow. Thanks for the clarification!! I actually just found the extracted viikii subs (or rather, someone posted the link for it here) and have subs for all 16 aired eppies, but i must must must have those missing 4!!!!

TEAM PARK KYU!!!!!!!!!!


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To OBGYN people.....what ever happened to Dr. Seo's mother? The last I can recall seeing her is when Dr. Lee cooked that pasta dish for her. ???


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@ lovenyc52

It's only available at the YA global website:


Isn't it purty? I am tempted to buy it as well, but I will wait for the subs, even though the early eps have William and co speaking in Frenchglish. :-P


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@58 cingdoc

Oh, you haven't watched WUAS? it's highly recommended by me, personally. No major traumas to avoid, Kids are ever so adorable, two main characters' bickering, also very adorable and amusing. Just the perfect drama to relax and enjoy after a long day of work and being a dutiful mom.

@62 mookie

Fumo Chitai (jdrama)is no-nonsense, solid J drama with a solid script and solid actors. It's originally written by Yamazaki Toyoko(山崎豊子). I wasn't up to anthing serious and had no plans for watching it since all I wanted was something fun and fluffy or romantic comedies(like The perfect girl evolutions and magerarenai onna), anything to lighten up my work loads... Yet, one day, I was in my usual procrastinating mode and stated out and whoops, I was hooked. I even wanted to buy the huge thick 5 volumes 単行本 set while I was there in Japan but gave up on it considering there was no more space in my luggage. I am planning to buy them this time around at Book off(a wonderful 2nd hand book super outlets) in May in Japan, though.

It's sort of historical drama in a way of reflecting upon the rapid growth of Japan as a country after WW2 at the expenses of individual sacrifices of it's citizens during and post WW2 eras.

@64 notoriousnoona

I'm not too big on J-historical dramas especially NHK's annual Taiga series. Right now, Anything about Sakamto Ryouma(a super famous historical figure in Japan) is a big rage in Japan. It's actually amazing to see the extent of it. But if you like a fusion semi-historical drama, Jin is highly recommended. It was exquisite visually and concepts and all including the leading man(!) The only thing is that ending was a bit of ??? But it was because the drama is based on a comic series(manga) and that has not ended yet. Therefore, they had to make do with that for a time being and eventually there will be part 2 or a movie will follow is what I've heard. And of course, Sakamoto Ryouma is in it as well.

I ended up watching OML without sub. this morning... Can't wait to watch it properly later on. 2 more days to CN... That one, I can patiently wait for the good subs.

“He called me ‘Eun-jo ya.’” “Eun-jo. I’m hungry.” After those scenes, suddenly it felt like I could endure witnessing the devastation and heartaches within the drama without feeling too affected by them. Gave me so much strengths!


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ALL fangirl hell breaks loose w/ mention of With Love... how I loathe and <3 that dorama!!!!

Yutaka's Takeshi, hottest, finest, angsty gorgeous manpain, beautiful hair, musician/composer, starry sparkling dreamboat, fall for that plain mary sue(this should add to his dreamboatism, but NOT IN MILLION YEARS!!)

o my gosh, With Love was the first time I knew of myself being able to harbor such b8tchy hate and haha and come to terms to accepting the superficiality in me. On top of her trainwreckedness in looks, she's just so freaken boring a human being!!! ARGH love triangles be damned. girl2 was a flipping hot Norika, all sensual woman, loving, considerate, smart, INTERESTING. and his ex at least was cool and nana-esque

O Oishii Kankei was MAJORLY underrated in my book as well, but that's a bit of the shoujo in me talking and in general Karasawa Toshiaki IS underrated. When u have the phenom of Kimutaku and Yutaka + Toshiaki existing in the same universe at the same time, and their drastically diff fate, it's wrong dramagod.

I still fangirl LV very very much, Yutaka playing piano and being a sensitive badboy.... I'm weak in the knees just typing that. And I honestly have a phase in my embarrassing womanhood of crushing on guys I'm interesting in, bring them back home and see if they can play piano. (yes TMI, I know)


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"Kimutaku and Yutaka + Toshiaki existing in the same universe at the same time, and their drastically diff fate, it's wrong dramagod"

OMG, that's my exact sentiments!!! The Yutaka, KimuTaku, and Toshiaki triumvirate of leading jdorama males in the nineties was the pinnacle of idol-dom. Johhny boys can only dream of being a tiny percentage of the sheer male angst, oomph and sexy of these guys, and I'm giving KimuTaku a giant giant leg up on these by putting him in the same boat with Yutaka and Toshiaki, who are actors before being idols, whereas KimuTaku is an idol turned actor.

I spent 99% of With Love grumbling to my sister "but she's so ugly, and boring, and ugly, and kinda like a dead fish, and ugly, so WHAT DOES HE SEE IN HER?" But the superficiality aside, I did love the quiet and intimate virtual way their relationship slowly developed, but felt way sorry for Norika. If Norika was MY GF, there would be no way I could ever fall for another women - bc we would never leave the bed.

Anyways, With Love is love to me. No more hate, bc the ugly girl trope kinda took off after that, and really, she wasn't all that ugly, more plain jane, and I'm not a teeanger anymore, so I appreciates that life affirming lesson.

I could never understand why Toshiaki was sosososo underrated, if I saw a drama of his during my jdoroma days, I would watch it immediately, he was my no fail choice, same with Yutaka. And Ooishi Kankei as a manga was only okay, but the jdorama elevated it, kinda like ISWAK took the manga to a different better place.


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@65 mookie

mookie and for the AoBL memebers, I find No Regrets is a better movie than Portrait of a Beauty, but even more NC17.

What?? there is a new Fumo Chitai?? Checks dramawiki. Oh my. whoa.
I need a spring jdrama. Usually I go for comedies.....but whoa,,,,

As for Tamra, I never got beyond the first eps of William speaking Franglish, but you guys keep telling me I must watch, so I may give the 20 ep version a try.


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@73 momosan

Fumou chitai was for the past winter season. It's completed. So, if you like you can marathon the whole thing. I searched for the ones with E-subs. Hum, not that popular. Looks like mysoju has it. For C-subs, it should be easier. Enjoy.

And thanks for your Mac help. I still don't know too much about it since I haven't gotten the time to explore it much and so far had to cancel 3 one to one appointments. Eventually, I'd like to be able to create my own ring tunes. Right now, more like getting my presentations together using iworks... Please tell me it's easy...


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Sure,just add more to the list"
WUAS ( I assume it's Wish Upon a Star)
AMCG (A Man called God),and how can I forget...
God of Study....
pile it on,I don't need no sleep...my family doesn't need no dinners...work? what's that....I,Cingdoc, just invented the 25th hour,the 8th day, the perfect internet (for those who are new here,the internet hates me-it freezes on me mid epi; it changes my name once in a while here on OT, and of course my favorite, it died on me when I was marathoning YAB (how dare it!!!!!)...So if you guys don't hear from me,I'd probably holed up somewhere,marathoning ALL the dramas on my looooonnnnng list. When I do emerge, no one,even @mookie would recognize me since I would probably look like heck....
( I highly doubt the above rambling would happen since my kids would go " MOM,where's my _________?" as soon as I have more than 5 min of "free" time. Be patient you guys,ONE DAY, I will catch up with you all....


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@74 celestialorigin

I actually use neooffice (free office suite) for presentation stuff. Well, technically momochan gets me to help her for her school presentations. I've always found it simple to use. We generally use the wizard to walk through it and it sets it up nicely.

As for ringtones - cutting the ringtones is easy. Getting them on to your phone can be something of a trick. Cingdoc daughter told me how to get them on mine, and now momochan takes great delight in randomly reprogramming my ringtones.


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dling Fumo Chitai asap! (will hound No Regrets *thanks momosan*, omg I feel pink already... yes Protrait of a Beauty is zzzz, but Bidam's behind is very very fine and I'm so interested in 'plot' usually.)

see my drama lineup is:

1. CU
2. rewatching Goodbye Solo
3. catching up on AMCG (more tricky since hubs wanna watch tog...ARGH)
4. Tamra dling ... so my question: there r 20 eps?
5. Fumo Chitai

*gloating in my own great taste in drama*

evidence that we're doramatwins:
'I could never understand why Toshiaki was sosososo underrated, if I saw a drama of his during my jdoroma days, I would watch it immediately, he was my no fail choice, same with Yutaka. And Ooishi Kankei as a manga was only okay, but the jdorama elevated it, kinda like ISWAK took the manga to a different better place.'

I agree every word. My only quip is that I like Ooishi Kankei and ISWAK very very much, but I dont think they r seminal. Whereas I do think LV has a currency to it, speaking of its time and trendsetting.

I may have to rewatch W/ Love and see if I've really grown *blush*

it's ok cingdoc unni, I still have maybe 3, 4, 5 eps of WUAS I havent finished (or maybe never...I've lost interest to newer sparkler things :P)


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@ twin-ya

That is a meaty lineup! I would switch up re-watching GS and starting Tamra, but otherwise it's a total win!!

Tamra originally was slated for 20 eps, and (pardon my french) &^%^$**(&^^ MBC decided to force the production to cut it down to 16 when the ratings were less than stellar. So starting around ep 10-11, the drama felt a little bit like details were missing. Even 16 ep Tamra was love to me, but I'm dying inside to watch the original 20 (maybe even 21) ep. version, which is only available in Director's Cut DVD.

I don't know if you can find the 20 ep. version online with subs.

I agree ISWAK and Ooshii Kankei are nowhere near seminal, just wonderful light sweet drama. LV touched an entire generation, it's hard to rewatch bc I don't get the same vibes anymore, sigh, different place in time we are in our lives now.

Speaking of Fumo Chitai, my SIL finished Karei-naru Ichizoku w/ KimuTaku and recommends it, but since I'm neither KM's big fan nor am I a big fan of jdoroma period pieces, I'm passing for now unless I hear otherwise.


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Karei-naru Ichizoku is a 7/10 for me, but there's a certain je ne sais quoi... imo reminded me of TVB golden anni soapy epics (but I got stoned since almost everyone else hold Karei-naru Ichizoku higher)

I can watch KimuTaku when he's in sth that requires the hero to be KimuTaku, it's WAYYYY better script than Mr Brain or Change imo, and a fact it's already better than his upcoming Tsuki no Koibito (w/ Lin ChiLing)

o hehe I'm watching them ALL AT ONCE, a bit here and there!! hubs on trip and I can live like Hotaru for a wk.


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Don't worry about me. Like houseworks, I will get to my drama whenever I can. The biggest problem is that lately I'm too tired to turn on my darn,sorry, I mean my loyal laptop and pray that viikii's site is ok to watch the drama. So, I will just patiently wait til the drama is over and then give myself a week to zip thru it....so don't wait for me.. .some drama like IRIS, I might just bail on that one since I never really like the plot anyhoo...


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You want to live like Hotaru for a week? Hahahaha, in honor of you becoming a "dried up woman" for a week, I send you (me pretending to be your Takano Seiichi) a few not-to-be missed episode headers from the drama.

"Is love impossible for a dried up woman!?

A kiss of a dried up woman...

Scared of stomach fat!! Dried woman's sleepover date

The dried woman's comes out for the first time..."

Now go find love with your Ki-hoon oppa online, m'dear!

Oh, lastly - Lin Chiling is "acting" again? In a jdorama? With KimuTaku? *I am speechless*


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@ ockoala

oooh! so pretttty. i like pretty shiny things. i can only hope the english version is as pretty and that the subs will be as good as fansubs. i stopped buying subbed dvds because i found that their english subs were horrific and that fansubs often were much much better AND included cultural notes which helped a ton. sigh, i am tempted to go home and start a tamra re-watch.. when i very well know i need to start the 4 dramas i have waiting instead (CS, PT, OML and PP)...


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@78 ockoala

Karei-naru Ichizoku is not exactly a period drama(or it can be classified as period?), set in 1960th. But the living arrangement of the main (upper class)family was way too bizarre. What kind of human being can cope with that!? Outrageous! Nauseating. I know you are not supposed to be judgmental but...

@76 momosan

Oh, Thanks, neooffice? I'll google it.

As for ringtones – cutting the ringtones is easy. Getting them on to your phone can be something of a trick. Cingdoc daughter told me how to get them on mine, and now momochan takes great delight in randomly reprogramming my ringtones.

Aww... Do you by any chance remember which thread it was? It was sometime ago... Thanks

Sigh, it's so hard to concentrate working. I keep on coming here, my brain must be fried...


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Oh! Miss cingdoc, you are here as well. Do you by any chance which thread, your baby cingdoc posted that directions about ring tones? Thank you in advance.


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lolz...haha I fantasize to be a Hotaru because I'd never have the chance of living alone and totally let things 'loose' haha

I <3 Takano Seiichi, that is fr my love for 1L of Tears (I swear I cried 10L for that), I need some brownie point for my baby cousin since I'm kinda badmouthing him, he sobs everytime he's in my car and I have its theme song on (aww... um, is it better light?!)

@ celestialorigin

hehe it's fine to judge, rem Hitotsu Yane no Shita (1993?) I was in high sch and it was YAB+BOF level of madfangirling then. It wasnt until I rewatch it later on and realize the WTF premise. I was chatting w/ a friend on it the other day, she's like is it sicker that those 2 KNEW of her not their bloodkin and pursue YET keeping her in the dark or no??! (HELL YES!)


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"By the way….do you know who the 2nd male lead in LoK was?"

Sorry I realize I missed this. His name is Ryu Soo Young and he was in Bad Couple,
18 vs 29 and Successful Story of a Bright Girl as well as others. I think I enjoyed his acting most in Bad Couple.


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@ twin

I LOVE Hitotsu Yane no Shita, Season 1 and its shittier cousin Season 2. Okay, I confess - I had a Masaharu phase in high school. I know, I know, I should know better. But darn it, I liked the second older brother better, and I still hold strong to that belief.

Its depressing what the shit Noriko Sakai is going through these days - but back to Hitotsu, now that was a good jdorama, very family and heartwarming stuff, each ep. ending with a sibling returning to the fold.

Are you upset the big bros didn't tell Noriko she wasn't their sister, ergo she liking Big Bro was okay, and Second Bro liking her was also okay and not skeevy? I dunno, I thought it made sense, what with her need to have a family, plus Big Bro didn't like her, so it made it easier for her not to act on her feelings.

Btw, the ending of Hitotsu must have been caving to fanservice, bc even I couldn't have believed that she ended up with Second Bro, esp. since Masaharu disappeared for 2/3 of Season 2 only to pop back and be all wahhhhh, my love is dying, and then having her magically cured. I laughed at that ending. Even though I wanted her to to go with Second Bro cuz clearly he loved her way more, but it was silly nonetheless. Kinda like the whole Bidam twist in the end of QSD.

I thought poor second sister's fate was like, THE WORST, amongst all the siblings. Anyways, Hitotsu was the precursor to AIMH, agree?


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just as I'm spazzing on Yutaka (<33333333333333333333) and thinking up his romance novel cover (btw @twin, characterization: a musician or painter or slave hunter)

he visited HKG and united the fangirls SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


pic: http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/2181/13ma0087929999.jpg


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You're in luck since this kid of mine just got some $$ clothes from me, she will be MORE than happy to help the Aunties here:

this is mommy's downloading slave
how to download ringtones:
when you find the file of the ringtone desired, download it and save it to a folder that you KNOW you will be able to relocate it in...ex: my downloads, my computer, etc.
then proceed to your email account, compose an email to your phone (will be sent as a picture message. to find the "email address" from your phone, send a picture message from your phone to your email address. cellphones for verizon have your cell phone number @vzwpix.com, ex:[email protected])
attach the file (this is why you have to be able to find it), send, and then it will be shortly in your phone's inbox! save to ringtones, and VOILA! xD

....blah,blah, I hope it works, contact me if any problem....=P


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Haha my drama lineup:

1. CU (my #1 love right now. I feel almost sick to my stomach the way I feel about this)
2. Goodbye Solo (loving it reminds me of Ruler of Your Own World. Two CJM dramas at once)
3. Prosecutor Princess (love KSY acting and fluffy after each CU episode)
4. AMCG (sporadically when I have nothing else to watch)


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I knew I keep you as my dong saeng for a reason; I have absolutely clueless who the guy is, but darn he's YUMMMY....O My, don't get me started on another genre, Jdrama. I think it's been over a year that I've watched one (Atsu hime)...don't mind that your unni just mini swoon here, hehe


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@ twin-oh-my-god!

That was like a jolt of adrenaline, just what I need. Yutaka just screams I AM A BAD BAD BOY, 15 years later, he's still sosososo fine. Him and Aaron Kwok really aged so well, I'm so happily surprised.

I'm going to have to watch Fumo Chitai, cuz Yutaka + Toshiaki in one drama can't be missed, even if I'm a little meh about the subject matter.

Our romance cover will star Yutaka as a slave hunter who eases his pain away while painting his beloved with a flute tucked into his pantswaist. Nice? Why pick one when you can have all three. :-) Yes, let the world accuse us of being gluttons, I say, please sir can I have some more.

Don't say I don't give as much as I receive: http://www.d-urban.com/home.html

Cingdoc sis you need to check it out! Also, you guys know what D'Urban is, right? It's the clothing line repped by my I Lub You and his equally as hot BFF (JWS + LJJ). I think the guys are part owners or investors. Either way, JWS and LLJ did so many D'Urban ads I droolz over them.


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let me clarify the comments at the end, the blah blah was from me...should have/what it should have said: "blah blah to me, I don't understand a single word of the instruction that the kid has written, good luck...if you have any problem, please contact me, and I will drag the kid back here for ya =P"


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Hey,what's that I read that you're working near my neck of the wood...Corona? Well, we should get together for a very loooong lunch and marathon some drama together,hehe?


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@93 cingdoc

Awwwww! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I've finally figured put a memo pad on this computer and just pasted it out on my desktop for later use. Hugs, kisses! and more hugs to the super hero, the girl cingdoc!

Now, I have to check mookie's kinks, whoops, links


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@ 86 nycgrl

Thank you! It was strange....I was looking at titles and happened to hit on Bad Couple....saw his face and laughed!


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Wow, I just googled Yutaka Takenouchi...wow...wow...and he's closer to my age,too...hehe...wait, I need to focus here. NO MORE DIVERSION...(just remind me when I'm free and complain to you that I have nothing to watch)...Wow...did I say Wow...

I think my allergies just all went away...Wow...must be something abt the pix of this guy...vasodilate ....all symptoms just POOF....


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Question for those who live in NYC......let me know some of the good eating places and location. My daughter and co-workers go on trips looking for places that get shown on food network.....in NY they love the sandwiches, good pizza, and some type of bread.....which escapes my brain right now.....oh BAGELS! They fly into the city in the morning and fly out on the late flight going west.

Thanks for any tips!


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After salivating for the pics... Oh, so he was the 兵頭信一良... He doesn't show up till a bit later on fumou chitai...

@92 ockoala

I’m going to have to watch Fumo Chitai, cuz Yutaka + Toshiaki in one drama can’t be missed, even if I’m a little meh about the subject matter.

It's bit on serious side... It is said that story is somewhat based on the life of 伊藤忠商事の元会長瀬島龍三. Anyhow, I was intrigued and then captivated by it eventually.

Meantime, my watch list as of now.

1. CU
2. OML
3. PP.
4. PT.

Except CU, everything else is light hearted and easy watching. I tried that wuxia, but it does requires concentrations, so I have to save it for later when I have no deadlines.

And for now, no J dramas, nothing good has started. This Thursday is the Ep.1 of Sunaoni narenakute with Eita and Jaejoong(from DBSK!)

Eventually, sometime soon on Monday, thee will be 月の恋人~Moon Lovers~ with Kimutaku and Matuda shota(!) Supposedly it's Kimtaku's first love drama in 10 years. Don't know, he matured to be not so sexy adult man... with the rest of Smap members. Don't know what happened to them. On the other hand, Shouta kun! I luv u!


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I really wasnt functional for past 10 min and I ogled at that D'Urban (it's still on my other window) nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom

@cingdoc unni, seriously does rapid increase in heart rate, hyperventilating, blushing, fanning self, glaring at screen, going OMG burn calories?! I honestly think it can count as cardio.
O unni! u r a Maryknoller! I'm almost one as well, but parents chose another one for me. Now that was MY dream school, it's my IDEAL Candyx2 fantasy fleshed with its colonial architecture and its gorgeous brickwork.

@twin, don't do this to me, u have now mentioned Toshiaki and Aaron Kwok in same day whom I think r facetwins and I HAVE to dig in my 'mookie's utube treasure trove'

Aaron Kwok:

@ celestialorigin, ahh I'm anticipating Fumo VERY much now w/ your rave. NOW I know y my friend is not even telling me the genre becoz they know of my recent taste in dorama (Otomen and proud of it).
u approve of Yutaka's job in it? The cast is like a who's who of meaty j thespians.

@nycgrl, I so approve of your watchlist!!. Really where but OT can we find a bunch of sistas w/ such impeccable taste?! Happy u r liking Goodbye Solo and we can never watch too many CJM dramas. (if not for Fumo, I would've added ChulSoo, but I dun care for the last 3, 4 eps of What's up Fox)

@ twin:
I have a big recent rant on Hitotsu Yane no Shita, I LOVED It to death, as you said, I love it more for its family drama than anything else (and who doesnt have a Masaharu phase?!?! though mine was very short) but this incest trope... my big nono. I'm way more intolerant of it now. It's almost like the bros r 'preying' on the little sis in a lesser sense (but still wrong), and imo, she can still be kindred just not their blood sister and that'll spare her a lot of misery, but they kept that fr her, yet still crushing on her... kinda eww just to type it.


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