Open Thread #129

How can it be Friday already? HOW??? I’m not even exaggerating; I was thisclose to missing Open Thread altogether this week!


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@49 Eun-Jo-ahhh

Thank you thank you as well. I did also go to girls only high school and it sucked big time. The most miserable years of my life. I took me many many years following that period of my life to regain myself back :)


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@ twin-ahhhh

Kang Kook aka KK aka Binnie playing perfection without me wanting to throw a shoe at such a character - KK slapping that woman was the highlight of the first half of Ireland.....wait I'm getting ahead of myself. In Ireland, I want to grab hold of his impossibly long lean leg and just attach myself to KK like a giant koala leech and say "can u marry me too, I'll be as emotional f-Ed up as any woman out there so save ME please!". Oh adorable manboy Binnie!!!

Man, I want to watch YOU watch CU way more than I actually want to watch CU! And tell me if it doesn't seem like MGY's Eun-ji scowl-glare-ice beams look may become as patentable and maybe a tad ubiquitous as the Mishil eyebrow lift.


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@ nycgrl

"So glad to see everyone. looks like most everyone is back from spring break."

Lol! YAY!!! Now OT feels quite the same with @ockoala, @formerly known as mookie, langdon813, cingdoc. Hugs!!!! :-D

Now still MIA, @hjkomo, @belleza et al

Have no time to read all your posts but the name Ki-hooooon...whoa... I am falling in love again... very hard! How can CJM get younger and cuter after the army?


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# 36 langdon813

If it’s wrong, I don’t wanna be right. I will sit alone at my table for one, completely free of shame. :-D

No, I'm there, too. From the day I saw the series - in 2005. And probably about 10 repeats after that date.


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LOL, you guys are so funny.

Speaking for myself, I never left OT. I just didn't have much to say.

1. I did a few spot subs for Cinderella Unni, eps 1 and 2, and while I don't usually watch dramas that I am spot subbing, if something pops out and me then I might stick around and watch the whole episode.

Is it good? Is it going to be one of those omg what happens next this is so awesome kind of dramas? I have no idea. Sooooo hard to say yet whether I'll like it. It's like your in an ICU waiting room, and the surgeon comes out, looking all tired, and you say, "doc, is he/she going to be alright? is he/she going to make it?" And the doc goes, "well, all we can do now is just wait and see...."

2. Harvest Villa is a riot. Hehe!

3. There are a lot of fun offerings this cycle - Personal Taste, OML, even Birth of The Rich... if I have the chance, I'll post my feelings on these as well.



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so did I go to bed super early to get beauty sleep and watch CU4 in DARKNESS dawn, dump and spazz @ OT ( I cant even wait for the new OT, shaking desperate) in hope of being semi normal as a functional grown woman without a mad puppyeyed (sad for my age) grin?

what keep popping up in this weird mental gooey headpiece of mine is Thank TPTB C!J!M! chose this walk of life. Not because to feed my fangirl beast. But if not, and he made up his mind to be one very very bad man/pedophile/Kraken. I fear for my kind. And I'm trying my best to put him in some very bad light (eg a CJM looking Kraken is still *le sigh*) but still the thought of him being a very bad bad man is still...er... *le sigh* I still want to be inanimate objects because of his JiHoon. This ep, I want to be raw steak, heavy pots w/ bubbling fermenting rice wine, a fountain pen...

@ twin, nononono MGY's EunJoAhh is rainbows and unicorns and literally the Moon. I did enjoy Mishil for ~5 eps, it was entertaining and so was reading about that spideylady in Journey to the West...but QSD was opposite of 5 eps and I didnt even want to move one braincell to ponder y the brows when she's elated/pissy/schemy/whatever . Here I GOT every single ice scowl and the ugly places it came fr and the vulnerbility oozing thro. Same with myJiHoon. The smashing lawyers should really look into whether he's doing sth very illegal, because that sweet smile of his can draw rainbows of emotions


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@ ockoala

Tazza / JH - Thanks! You've made me lol and saved me a truckload of precious drama watching time. I watched 15min of ep 1 and then got side-tracked -- good to know that's one track I needn't be getting back on. My Jang Hyuk love is alive and well nourished by slogging Chuno; in fact I do Chuno for (1) JH, and (2) Mr X's subs, otherwise I think I would be hard put to keep up excitement for the world's most boring exciting drama.

With so many tantalising drama rabbit trails to pursue, it's puzzling to even myself that I have settled on - What Happened in Bali. I blame it on the Ha Ji Won mania (ratched a notch up in this OT), which was intriguing me because she was annoying to me in WHIBep1, but yeah now by ep4 I'm feeling the hotness. I can't quite remember the details of DB discussions of WHIB - I seem to recall it's one big Trainwreck about trainwrecks; and I have to say that it's sure rocking the *wrecking*. Am I the next prophet, or is it just plain obvious that it is all going to end in tears? Heheh *rubs hands in anticipation*


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Annyeong to you JB....I'm still suffering from a w/drawal syndrome from Stars Falling :) and i just wanna ask you if you have any news yet about Kim Ji Hoon doing another drama soon? He's a gorgeous actor & I'm following him now since Stars then watched his other previous projects like Love marriage where I read some of the recaps as well from you plus Why Did You Come to My house. He's an amazing actor! Loved him so much from WUAS or SFFTS!
Thnx & hope you're also covering whatever it is about the other casts!


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