Cinderella’s Sister: Episode 5

Better and better, I say. I still miss the teenage years and, like girlfriday, felt I could have been perfectly content to have them mine that territory longer. But I can see the point about moving them forward to explore how things have shaped up in the intervening years to land us in the adult stages.

Also: OH. MY. GOD, people. If I get one more email about how recaps are too slow, I’m going to cut a bitch. Friendly warning!


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We backtrack a little from Episode 4’s ending to see from Hyo-sun’s perspective how she came to be in the art gallery. She sees Eun-jo walking up the stairs to the exhibit, so she hurries inside and pretends that she has been here all along.

After announcing that she and Ki-hoon are dating (and despite some confusion, yes the meaning is very clear about them dating romantically), Hyo-sun looks closely at Eun-jo for a reaction. Eun-jo is hit hard by this news, but won’t give Hyo-sun the satisfaction of rattling her and keeps her face stoic.

Hyo-sun asks whether Eun-jo thinks she’s lying, but Eun-jo turns to ask the curator a question, ignoring Hyo-sun, who looks at her in petulance. This short scene goes a long way in demonstrating the dynamics between these adult sisters — there is no love lost, and both know how to push each other’s buttons.

In the car, Hyo-sun presses the topic again, saying (rubbing in) that Eun-jo must not be in contact with Ki-hoon if she doesn’t know they’re dating. Now the narration is in Hyo-sun’s voice, who thinks in dissatisfaction, “She should be dying to ask me, but this hateful sister just pretends to sleep. If she just asked, I would answer.”

But that’s exactly the point — Eun-jo will not ask, because she will not give Hyo-sun the upper hand, especially when it’s so clear that Hyo-sun is goading her. Finally, Hyo-sun screeches to a halt, rousing Eun-jo from her fake-sleep. She has something important to tell her before they arrive at home. Dae-sung is furious with Hyo-sun for racking up a mountain of credit card bills, so Hyo-sun asks her sister to talk to him about it. She doesn’t even know how much she spent — “just a whole lot.”

It’s not hard to surmise that Hyo-sun, the spoiled sister who likes spending money on fripperies, has often disappointed their father, who looks favorably upon his hard-working, competent elder stepdaughter.

Eun-jo has no desire to enable Hyo-sun to continue her foolish spending without consequence (Hyo-sun defends her shopping because “There are so many beautiful things in the world”). Hyo-sun asks why her sister is always so righteous about everything, thinking she’s better.

Eun-jo gets out of the car to walk, and Hyo-sun follows her out to continue this argument. Is Eun-jo really going to let Hyo-sun get hurt? (By “hurt” she means punished with a stick, aka held accountable for her irresponsible behavior.) Note that now Hyo-sun talks in language that is just as rude as Eun-jo’s as a teenager.

Eun-jo challenges Hyo-sun: “What’s your dream? How are you planning to live in the future? Do you have any plans?” Hyo-sun defends herself — she goes on ballet auditions all the time! Eun-jo points out that Hyo-sun’s feet are clean and pretty, which indicate how little she actually practices, which explains why Hyo-sun is always failing her auditions.

Eun-jo: “You don’t practice, do you? You don’t even want to do ballet that much, do you? You have no dream, do you? You have no plan or goals — you have no thoughts.”

If Hyo-sun admits that she has no dreams, Eun-jo offers to consider her someone to be pitied and will help her. (You push my buttons? I’ll push yours back.) But this is too great a price, and Hyo-sun won’t give her sister the satisfaction, either.

There’s an additional family member now, as Dae-sung and Kang-sook now have a son named Jun-su. We don’t dwell on him very much except to establish a couple points, one here and one later: (1) he is very cute, and (2) he’s got the beginnings of a mean streak.

Dae-sung brings out the trusty punishment stick and whacks Hyo-sun on the back of her legs, and she falls to her knees, yelping and begging for mercy. But he’s not going to let her off so easy this time and orders her back up. However, Kang-sook swoops in to the rescue and urges Hyo-sun to flee (who is more than happy to oblige), then pleads with her husband to calm down. She argues that this is the province of a mother, and promises to talk to Hyo-sun appropriately.

The clever woman sees that he’s close to giving in and just needs a little push, so she asks in a wounded tone, “Do you even think I have the right to be Hyo-sun’s mother?” If he punishes Hyo-sun, it feels like he isn’t acknowledging her as a mother with the right to discipline her daughter.

Lest you think Dae-sung’s a fool to fall for Kang-sook’s manipulations, he IS aware that she is crafty, but he has a soft spot for her and often relents. This time, he asks with affection, “How many tails do you have?” She answers, “I only have nine.” (He’s referring to the gumiho, or the nine-tailed fox, but in addition to the mythical allusion, any mention of a fox also carries with it the connotation of a sly woman who manipulates men.)

In the privacy of her own room, Eun-jo lets her unhappiness show as she recalls Hyo-sun’s declaration that she’s dating Ki-hoon. Opening her armoire, she sees at the bottom a duffel bag, which spins her back into a flashback to the last time she’d used it.

It was soon after Ki-hoon’s departure that she decided to run away. In stark contrast to the last time she tried to run — dashing away frantically, chased by Ki-hoon — this time her steps are heavy and her eyes tear-filled, like she doesn’t really want to run but has little choice. She sends a lingering look at the pavilion where she had heard Ki-hoon singing.

Dae-sung comes up to her and says that he had the feeling she’d try to leave after Ki-hoon had gone; he understands that his home wasn’t enough of a consolation to keep her here: “When he left, I worried most about you.”

Eun-jo asks him in a shaking voice to let her go, and she looks like such a young child in this moment that it breaks your heart just a little.

Gently, Dae-sung shakes his head no. She counters that she’ll find a way to go anyway, and he’s well aware that she may try. So he promises that he will let her go when the day comes that he won’t feel the need to worry over her departure. He’s a man of his word and asks her to believe him, and takes the bag from her.

Every episode has had at least one standout scene, and this is my favorite in this episode. Eun-jo looks so lost even as she’s trying to be defiant, and Moon Geun-young plays her tears with so much complexity of emotion. There’s fear there, and sadness, and abandonment — but there’s also a kernel of hope, like she’s just dying for somebody to stop her and despairing that nobody loves her enough to do that. It’s also a striking similarity to Ki-hoon’s departure when he’d been hoping that Eun-jo would stop him from going. And just as she was the only one who could hold him back, Dae-sung is the only one who can hold her back now.

Back to the future. The family lines are even more clearly drawn at dinnertime, at which Eun-jo talks business with Dae-sung while Hyo-sun pouts in the background. Eun-jo wants to hire someone to handle the company’s marketing, while Dae-sung is hesitant because he doesn’t harbor the ambition to grow that big.

Eun-jo challenges him, “Then what is there for me to do?” Is he just going to waste her and her microbio education? What’s the point of her working there if he’s not going to cultivate the company’s growth?

Eun-jo’s strong words are not quite disrespectful but they’re certainly pushing the boundary. Rather than being affronted, Dae-sung chuckles. She’s got a point.

Just as father and stepdaughter have developed their relationship, Hyo-sun and Kang-sook have also formed a unit, bound together with their love of pretty material goods. Kang-sook wants to see all of Hyo-sun’s cute purchases — the very ones that Dad is so mad about — and delights over the bag Hyo-sun bought her. But she also turns her eye to the massive stack that Hyo-sun has bought herself, and claims another by saying it’s too old for her.

Mom starts to try all the handbags on, and we can be assured she’ll come out of this with a lot more than Hyo-sun intended to give her. But there’s a hint of sadness here, too, when we see that Hyo-sun IS very aware of her stepmother’s manipulation but is eager to give her what she wants, rather than incur her displeasure. She still feels the need to buy her love; how interesting that the pampered princess feels just as bereft of affection as the neglected child. If only these sisters could bring out the best in each other rather than the worst… but I suppose we’d have no drama then.

I know we’re all dying to get to the burning question: What’s the deal with Ki-hoon and Hyo-sun??? And it’s becoming slowly evident — to the viewer, but not to Eun-jo — that perhaps it was all a lie after all, one Hyo-sun couldn’t resist.

That evening, Eun-jo finds herself distracted as she studies, and overhears Hyo-sun talking on the phone. She’s being pestered by one of her discarded suitors and dashes off to talk to him at the gate, facing him with annoyance. The poor nerdy-looking fellow is smitten with Hyo-sun and hurt by her coolness toward him as she sends him off.

He calls immediately to tell Hyo-sun that his car has a flat tire, so Hyo-sun directs him to the mechanic’s shop at the train station. She calls him “oppa” — and to Eun-jo’s ears, this is confirmation that she is in fact dating Ki-hoon.

Now Eun-jo rushes out on her bicycle, thinking of Ki-hoon all the way to the train station. But when she arrives, there’s nobody there, and she thinks she has missed him for the second time. She returns home in disappointment.

So what has actually happened with Ki-hoon? Finally we see him fly in to Korea from the States, and he is taken to see his father. The mood is cold between the two men, and Ki-hoon faces him with cool reserve.

President Hong has called Ki-hoon here for the first time in eight years, and fills him in on the company’s status. Eldest brother Ki-jung is competently running things now — he runs a tight ship and is on top of every detail. He knows the smallest details of his employees, not out of personal concern but to ensure that he has everyone on his side. He has stolen everyone to his side, leaving President Hong bereft of support.

Ki-hoon delivers a document to his father, but President Hong puts that aside to address a more important matter. We don’t hear what it is, but it must be a doozy, because Ki-hoon reacts with intense emotion — anger, frustration, loathing.

Alone in his hotel room, Ki-hoon sees a magazine feature of Dae-sung’s company, which also features Eun-jo as one of the directors. The article is about how Dae-sung’s company has been rising sharply in sales in the past year, encroaching upon Hong Ju (Ki-hoon’s family biz), which has ruled the market for a long time.

Ki-hoon reaches to touch the phone, wanting to call, but pulls back. Then reaches again. Pulls back again. And when he does call, his smile finally comes out as he greets Dae-sung.

(The lack of music in these scenes is a fantastic choice to add to the spareness of the scenes. It gives Ki-hoon a starkness and a sharpness that he didn’t have before.)

Now for the entrance of grown-up Jung-woo, who comes to Dae-sung’s winery (still carrying his old baseball bat in his bag). Finding Hyo-sun’s uncle, he salutes him in the military style, which indicates that they served in a similar unit.

(Serving in the army builds something of an alumni network, and one can sometimes use those connections in real life in the way that one makes use of college alumni networks. As the age difference between the uncle and Jung-woo is obviously too great for them have served together, I presume Jung-woo is utilizing this connection to get a job working at the company.)

Taecyeon doesn’t have too much to do in this episode, so I can’t make any definitive statements on his acting debut just yet. We’ll get to that when he has shown more range. But my initial impression is positive, and I found him downright adorable in one part where he gives his enthusiastic military-style greetings. I think his thick regional accent may slip in and out from time to time, but overall he manages the dialect competently. (It’s a pretty tough dialect to master.)

Jung-woo catches a glimpse of Eun-jo and is immediately captivated, gazing after her with yearning. He follows the group of businessmen to whom she is giving a tour, joining them in the makgulli cellar.

Eun-jo asks the men for a moment of silence to hear the sound of the wine fermenting. For a moment, Eun-jo gets lost in her own memory, listening to the bubbles. Dae-sung notices and takes over the tour until Eun-jo recovers.

Hyo-sun performs at a ballet audition, where she falls on a turn. She’s immediately cut, but she ignores the judge’s dismissal and insists on starting over, only to stumble again.

Maybe on any other day she would be able to shrug this off, but today puts proof to Eun-jo’s words that she lives an aimless, goal-less life. Breaking down, Hyo-sun cries, “Then I can plan from here on!” This outburst has the judges eyeing her in disdain, murmuring that she lacks even the basic skills.

Dae-sung has a candidate for the marketing position, but Eun-jo has plans to interview two of her own candidates tomorrow. Dae-sung adds his candidate to the interview list, though he doesn’t give the name (one guess who!).

He feels that Eun-jo is pushing herself too hard; he didn’t mean for her to give up her youth to help him. Surprisingly, she answers that she’s not here just to help him: “I’m waiting.” (One guess who for!)

Eun-jo reminds Dae-sung of his promise to let her go when the time was right, and informs him that once she has succeeded in her goals here, she will leave. Upon that event, she will consider that her debt has been repaid. And despite the fact that he has grown used to her clipped way of speaking, he’s stunned to hear her call this a debt, hurt at this coldness.

Jung-woo has begun working as a menial laborer, and runs into Eun-jo in the courtyard. She pays him no heed, but he grabs this chance and asks, “Don’t you know me?”

She looks at him indifferently, not recognizing such a drastically transformed Jung-woo, and brushes him off. Frustrated, he follows her out to say, “I’m Jung-woo!” The name doesn’t ring an immediate bell, so she tells him he has mistaken her for someone else. Since he was hired through Hyo-sun’s uncle, she assumes he’s here looking for Hyo-sun — yet another admirer, perhaps.

And then, Ki-hoon makes his appearance for the first time in eight years, and Hyo-sun is the first to see him. (Curses!) Shocked, she greets him emotionally, running to hug him tightly, proving (just in case there was still a doubt) that she has not, in fact, kept in touch over the years. (It’s the fact that she knew nothing of Ki-hoon that gave her the nerve to lie to Eun-jo, I believe, because it was unlikely that Eun-jo would know enough to contradict her lie.)

Eun-jo dismisses Jung-woo, so he identifies himself more specifically — he’s the Jung-woo who used to live with Jang ajusshi.

But alas, she has not heard one word of his explanation, because just as he speaks, she glimpses a horrible sight: Ki-hoon arriving arm in arm with Hyo-sun. As she already believes they are dating, this is a particularly harsh blow, and she puts up that wall again to keep from betraying how painful this moment is.

As ever, Ki-hoon and Eun-jo only have eyes for each other, while the others look on curiously. Eun-jo’s non-reaction is a disappointment for Ki-hoon, who tests the waters by saying, “A face I recognize. You’re Hyo-sun’s sister, aren’t you? Do you remember me?”

Eun-jo keeps looking at Ki-hoon with an accusatory stare, as if to ask how he could do this. Not knowing the source of her anger, he looks uneasily back at her while Hyo-sun asks curiously how she doesn’t remember Ki-hoon oppa.

Finally, after a long moment, Eun-jo says, “Hello,” as though speaking to a stranger she has just met. And Ki-hoon, bitterly disappointed at her reception, returns the cool greeting in a daze. Oh, squeeze the life out of my heart why don’t you!

The next day, Jung-woo sees Ki-hoon hanging around outside. Recognizing him from the day before (and having clocked the tension between Ki-hoon and Eun-jo), Jung-woo speaks informally and a little rudely to Ki-hoon as he asks where he completed his army service. (His fixation on the military suggests to me that he has just gotten out of service himself, as the army is his first way of relating to other men.)

At first Jung-woo speaks as though challenging Ki-hoon, but as soon as he hears that Ki-hoon served in the Marines (considered particularly tough), he swallows that attitude and immediately salutes to his senior, as he was also in the Marine corps. I believe the Marines are particularly tight and have their own, close-knit sense of camaraderie.

As Eun-jo’s two interviewees are no-shows (one got another job offer), it’s time for the third, and boy is this an awkward moment. Eun-jo treats Ki-hoon like a stranger as she goes through the interview questions.

But the underlying meaning isn’t lost on Ki-hoon when she asks why he’d want to work here in a dinky rural setting — is he just going to take off when something better comes along?

He answers, also with extra meaning, “I’ll work hard, and you won’t want to let me go. If it seems like I may leave, you’ll treat me even better. I’ve lived here, and I like it here. Having lived here is my biggest asset.”

She can’t resist asking a few questions to sate her curiosity, although of course she frames it as interview questions: Did he leave for the States right after his army discharge? (Yes.) Since he lived there for five and a half years, did it take him that long to earn his degree? (He worked at a marketing firm in New York after school.) All this she asks while keeping her gaze averted; he answers looking directly at her.

And then, she finally looks up at him to ask a question that has extra importance: Did he ever come back during that time? She holds her breath. He answers that he came back every vacation.

At this, Dae-sung speaks up to scold him for never calling. Ki-hoon apologizes — he was busy every time he was here. No doubt Eun-jo hears that as “I was too busy for you” — and she takes a shaky breath.

Hyo-sun receives the results of her audition — another failure — and hears Eun-jo’s words ringing in her ear. Ki-hoon finds her here by the water and guesses that she’s upset to have been cut again. He comforts her, saying that she’ll pass one day — and if not, well, it’s not so horrible when the world is full of fun and interesting things.

Hyo-sun asks where he’s been. Verging on tears, she sighs that she has no dream and no goals. “Is someone like me able to live an interesting life?” (Implication: Do I deserve it?) She asks him to tell her the moon is a square, like he used to.

Ki-hoon tells her that she can gain those things gradually, as she goes through life. At his kind, gentle words, Hyo-sun lays her head on his shoulder and says, “You’re mine, oppa.” Tearily, she adds, “Why did you come now? Jerk.”

They sit there by the water — and as timing would have it (per our Rule of Melodramas), this is the tableau seen by Eun-jo, who drives by at just this moment. Her face hardens.

As a result, Eun-jo is particularly aloof when she, Dae-sung, and Ki-hoon meet to discuss marketing strategies. Ki-hoon presents his idea for TV advertising. Eun-jo asks for detailed calculations on the cost of television ads, then excuses herself for a meeting.

Trying her own idea out, Eun-jo photographs a mock ad with Hyo-sun as her model. She gets her shot, and though she says it with no pleasure, she has to give her props to Hyo-sun: “You’re quite pretty.”

Hyo-sun is dumbstruck, then asks her sister to repeat her words. Eun-jo points out that this is hardly the first time she’s heard that she’s pretty.

Even so, Hyo-sun smiles at this unexpected validation. I’ve got to believe that as much as Hyo-sun thrives off of demanding people’s attentions and basking in pretty words, she understands the difference between flattery and sincerity, and this means a lot to her.

When Ki-hoon presents Eun-jo with a breakdown of advertising fees, she rejects the numbers, going down the list to strike things they don’t need. A model, for example (she’ll probably use Hyo-sun), nor a outside ad agency. She instructs him to redo the numbers with the barebones costs.

Ki-hoon can’t understand why Eun-jo is treating him so coldly, and asks, “Do you have anything else to say?” She betrays nothing, so he leaves.

That evening, Dae-sung decrees that he will be putting Hyo-sun to work, which is an idea that pleases neither sister. He will not be swayed by his wife this time and instructs Eun-jo to find some work for her to do.

Interestingly, Kang-sook is still making regular visits with Jang, who is still in love with her and suggests that they get back together. She puts him back in his place immediately, saying that she’s not meeting him because she loves him, but because she needs an outlet for expressing herself once a month — otherwise, she’d die of frustration from keeping up the perfect wife facade. With Jang, she can be as vulgar and drunken as she pleases.

She still has to be wary of Dae-sung at home, as she comes home late that night and possibly smelling of liquor. Thankfully for her, he is preoccupied with graver worries, as they received a call from Hyo-sun’s friend saying that she is passed out drunk. Eun-jo and Ki-joon have gone to pick her up.

On the drive, Ki-hoon tries to make conversation, and asks if Eun-jo remembers anything. She feigns sleep to avoid talking to him, and they drive on in silence.

On their return, Ki-hoon carries Hyo-sun to her room, and after he leaves, Eun-jo tucks her sister into bed. She may not be willing to show affection to her sister in the light of day, but there are little moments like this (and the “you’re pretty” exchange) that show that their relationship is not all hate and jealousy. I appreciate that.

As she leaves the room, she finds Ki-hoon in the courtyard, standing still like he was so lost in thought that he just forgot to keep walking. He looks up at her and they meet eyes, but she breaks the stare.

Looking intently at her, Ki-hoon asks again, “Do you really have nothing to say to me?”

Till now he has asked this question in polite (i.e., stranger-to-stranger) speech, but now he takes the familiar speech, like he’s not going to just accept her distance this time.

He grabs her wrist and she glares. He pulls her out to the front gates, where he confronts her openly, all pretense dropped now.

Ki-hoon: “Do you really have nothing to say to me, you awful girl?”
Eun-jo: “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Ki-hoon: “Awful girl. You’re pretending not to know me?”

She looks straight at him now, her sneer back:

Eun-jo: “Do I have to act like I do?”
Ki-hoon: “Do you know how much I—”
Eun-jo: “Shut your mouth.”
Ki-hoon: “What?”
Eun-jo: “Crazy bastard.”
Ki-hoon: “What?”
Eun-jo: “What’s Hyo-sun, and what am I? I didn’t know this, but you’re a son of a bitch.”

Suddenly he understands, and looks stricken as he insists, “That’s not it.” She doesn’t believe him, so he presses on, “Hyo-sun isn’t the one. She’s not. That’s not true.”

Eun-jo challenges, “Does Hyo-sun also think it’s not true?” He answers, “I’m telling you it’s not true!”

Not moved at all, she retorts, “And who are you? You’re fired. Don’t step one foot inside this house.”

And she walks away, ignoring him as he calls after her, “Hey, hey!”

But then he calls out “Eun-jo ya,” stopping her in her tracks, against her will. And again, “Eun-jo ya.” Her eyes brim with tears and she stands frozen. He keeps calling out after her.

Eun-jo ya.

Eun-jo ya.


First off, a few leftover threads from the time-skip period:

I love that Ki-hoon’s parting letter was in Spanish, which hammers home the point that Hyo-sun can interfere, she can thwart the natural order of things for eight whole years, and she can try to claim Ki-hoon — but she still can’t understand the letter. She’ll never comprehend the stuff at the core of their connection, because twoo wuv transcends, or some such.

I find Hyo-sun infinitely more interesting as a character in these grown-up years, because she’s not really Cinderella anymore, is she? I had always considered the traditional Cinderella to be the good girl beset with unjust and cruel treatment by outside forces — namely, the stepmother and evil stepsisters. That’s generally how she is framed in the straightforward interpretations of the fairy tale. She’s a worthy heroine who is made to suffer indignity.

But Hyo-sun makes me ponder the situation from a different angle — is the very experience of triumphing over unjust treatment what makes Cinderella worthy? Is a Cinderella without adversity, who is spoiled and indulged of her every whim, just as likely to end up a spoiled brat? We saw the good nature in young Hyo-sun, although the potential for her to be a spiteful person was always there. She didn’t rise above her challenges (bad Cinderella!) and instead went the other way.

So is Cinderella an inherently good person who happens to overcome adversity, or is the suffering what shapes her into worthiness? I’m just asking for my own amusement, as this gets us into Lockean vs. Rousseauian arguments of the nature of man and I’m sure there is no real answer.

I also mourn the loss of Eun-jo’s glorious waterfall of hair, but on a thematic level it makes sense. Eun-jo’s hair is a metaphor in this reworked Cinderella tale, as it was the catalyst that made Ki-hoon see through her shell and to her true self. We had him pulling the pencil out of her hair accidentally — stripping away her facade? — and replacing it with the glass slipper equivalent, the glass hairpin. That trinket was lost in the place where they lost communication for the last time, as she sobbed on the beach a few feet from the dropped hairpin. So in the intervening years she has cut her hair, just as they have disrupted their rapport.


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I get so excited when a new one is up :D
Thanks for doing them! ^^


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OMG. To be honest, I've never really seen MGY in anything, I just knew that she was "Korea's Little Sister". The girl is an ACTRESS. She's amazing, and I'm a big fan of the show because the quality of the acting is fabuloso. The eyes of the lead couple are so so expressive.

Also, you do what you have to do. Most of us appreciate anything (and everything) you post, WHENEVER you post. I'm amazed you post as much as you do. Keep up the great work!


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Thank goodness I'm not one of those bitches you're tempted to cut. Haha.
I've just been checking your site very vigilantly for recaps.. it's almost neurotic.

Thanks so much for the recap. I enjoy them because they read like literature analysis… some injection of humor as well as the re-capper's interpretation. it's more natural for me to analyze prose than drama. i like how you can actually explicate the episodes in such detail… even identifying the dramatic devices that get lost on me. for example, i hadn't seen Eunjo's hair as the metaphor before but it makes plenty of sense.


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Thank you for the recap!! I can't believe people are bugging you about the recaps! The recaps on this website are well-worth the wait considering the great writing and amazing insight you don't really get anywhere else. As much as Hyo-sun has turned out to be a bit of a dark Cinderella, I really hope that she will get her act together and find her passion. At least Eun-jo has the sincere approval of her stepfather..Hyo-sun gets a father who is disappointed in her and the mother she had wanted so badly turns out to be knock-off. It's great to see how complex these sisters are and I can see both their point of views.


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Agree with many of the comments that you should do things as you please and at your comfortable pace. Really appreciate you doing the recaps on all of the good drama that I don't get to watch at all since I don't have access to them. So Thank you so much.

Those who can't even do good recaps like what you've been doing should seriously shut their mouth. I say , if anyone bothers you, please cut them a lot of bitches. They should know that beggar seriously can't be chooser.

Again, thank you so much for all your work.


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Thanks for the recap ^^


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amazing as always javabeans :)

and i must say this is the first drama that has pulled me into teh storyline, made me cry, and has engaged me this much since ....well forever

it is definitely among my favorite dramas :)


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this drama is a killer. MGY can really act, no? :)

thanks so much for the well written recap javabeans :) i'll look forward to the next one :)


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This was the episode I was waiting for. I almost gave up. I couldn't get engaged and towards the end of #4 I saw my thoughts change and #5 hooked me.

I usually give up! Good thing I didn't.


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I need more episodes because I want to watch more Jung-Woo and Eun-Jo scenes! There's hardly any of them (and barely at any interactions at all, she should stop ignoring him /cries) but they are so adorable anyway!


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first - thanks for the recaps - i've "watched" a lot of dramas through your recaps. and you're kind for issuing a warning, others wouldn't have been as gracious.

this is my first to really watch a drama and follow your recaps at the same time. i am not fond of dramas because they're mostly ridiculous things lumped one on top of another so i was pleasantly shocked to see cs.

i liked the first 4 epis except for the abrupt time jump and how kihoon ended things with mgy. i felt it was very irresponsible of him, although looking back now - it was LUCKY cinderella kept the letter to herself. if not then mgy would've lived on kihoon's promise of coming back and taking her away with him. and i guess she would've been irreparably damaged by it since well .... we all know what happened there.

i didn't like epi 5 at all. it feels like there were different writers for the first 4 epis [except the ending of epi 4] and epi 5. this episode was just ALL over the place. it moved so slow! and the weaving of storylines were meh, not at all in keeping with the first epis. i just saw epi 6 last night and boy am i glad it's back to normal!

so far - l o v i n g i t. a couple of us girls are watching it and i want mgy to end up with junsu. why? because of ALL the characters, he's the only one who's not flaky and even though he had a rough time growing up as well, he obviously stayed positive enough to be the perky, wide-eyed bunny who's come to claim his woman.


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I can't believe people have the nerve to email you and to complain. Just unbelievable. Maybe they are just kids. But then again, can't be really 5 or 6 year old ones watching this stuff.

btw, thanks for your recap. Interesting and nice.


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Love love love your recaps!!

I started out just wanting to watch Personal Taste but decided to give this a try since you were recapping it. I read the first recap...and from then on I was hooked. Totally.

It's such an intriguing and beautiful storyline with rounded characters and no major plot holes (which I hate). Love the soundtrack too!

And I'm officially a fan of Moon Geun Young now. :D


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Nodding like a mofo about the hair.

Loving the sisters' dynamics, with all the added layers of the eight-year time leap.

People should know, JB isn't kidding about the warning. I once saw her cut a bitch just to see if it would set her on the path to redemption, kdrama-style. Alas, reality is not a drama, but her stint in the pokey has made her a much calmer person.

We laugh about it now.


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awesome recap as always!

eventhough i've already watched the episodes with engsub i still look forward to your recaps.

thanks so much!


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I am happy you talked about HS. I am in the minority who like the character and how she is complex ! I love the actress's acting in the drama. I cannot see an other actress in HS's shoes expect SW.


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At people who say EJ is cinderella, do you know that the mother KS wants her daughter (and her son) to take HS's father business and everything leaving HS with nothing ? The mother did a good job anyway ! I don't think EJ is cinderella...


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@16 girlfriday: LOL!! I don't doubt it~ ^^

but really javabeans, thank you so so so SO much for doing these recaps! I'm just glad you're doing them at all, and what with the 500 other dramas goin on right now, i think it's great that they're getting up as fast as they do. thank you!!

egads, this week was a sad sad week for the me that wants happy fun times and ki-hoon smiles. ㅠㅠ i hope they get past the misunderstandings soon or else i will go into depression! :D
that scene where she almost runs away was major heartbreak though. this drama can make me cry so easily dangit. and i really hope eunjo and hyosun get to be close later... i keep seeing these little hints that their relationship might not be so bad and then hyosun acts a bitch and ruins my dreams. but i like that for once i can't predict what will happen haha :D


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Oh my lord. I haven't watched the episode yet but my heart broke after reading this recap. I wasn't keen on watching this drama at first, but i'm glad I gave it a chance.

Thanks for the recaps :)


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thanx for the recaps!!!! i like this guy.but i dont know his name actually.ive only known him by face. and now the guy has name....he's chun jung myung. ha-ha-ha-...he's baby-face looking...good in acting. i like him really!


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Thank you JB for writing up such wonderful recaps and sharing your thoughts with us viewers! Reading your CS co-recaps with girlfriday always makes my heart jump and hurt just a little, but I wouldn't have it any other way =].

Thanks for your continued hard work in providing a taste of such a wide range of dramas for us! You have no obligation to anyone to do this, so I'm already extremely grateful =].


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good observation with Eun-jo's hair!

SW still annoys me :/

I wish they would make CM's character more passionate tho, too mild right now.


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i'm new to this drama as i just watched it last week.

yeah, overall, i think HS character is very interesting. she was very innocent & kind back when she was teenager. but she isn't a typical cinderella. she stand up after the repeatedly unjust treatment from her stepsister. but deep in her heart she still care for her sister.

everyone keep saying HS has everyone's love, but i see it the other way round. HS is the lonely girl and EJ actually receive more love than her. EJ has the true love from both KH and JS. her mom actually love her, just in her very odd way that she doesnt show it (just like how EJ love KH). HS's dad love & favor her dearly. while HS receive fake love from her stepmom. her dad love her but always comparing her and EJ.


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In my view it's SW/HS who stole the show in the last episode. I am a bit tired of KH and EJ stares which don't go anywhere. She is more and more interesting with episodes and I am more thrilled about how her relationship with KS, KH and maybe JW will evolve.


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@ lilly

Yes lilly, we already got you point. You like HS more that EJ and you love SW. I've seen you harping on that sentiments in all the articles relating to CS.


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AMAZING drama! AMAZING actors! AMAZING story! AMAZING recaps! (thanks!)

for the first time, I can relate to the female leads(Hyosun and Eunjoo in this case). Both of them are competitive in a way. HS grew up a princess and it is VERY BELIEVABLE that after years of being treated as such and then suddenly another girl(who treats you like crap) came and threatens your status, you would also lash out. I know, in a perfect world, you are supposed to accept the crap that she is giving you and still try to be nice to her and love her. BUT, hell no! (sorry for that), in the real world, you fight for the things(or attention) that once were all yours.


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i totally love your take on Seo Woo's character. As much as i like the complexity of EJ, i thought HS's character is just as deep. The poor little rich girl, who was doted upon and effortlessly loved by everyone suddenly having to work hard for 2 strangers affection and getting no where.... She strive for her stepmom's love but knows that deep down, the sugary sweetness and affection is nothing but fake. Yet like javabeans had mention, she can't help but hope and strive for her stepmom's affection. And since she can't seem to be able to obtain sisterly love from EJ, i guess she's sort of determined to get mommy's love...although you could see the hopelessness of it in her eyes now that she has reach adulthood.

Since ep 1, I've never once thought that HS's innocence and love for EJ was fake. Seo Woo managed to convince me that HS was indeed sincere in wanting EJ to like her as a sister. From preparing her dad's b'day gift to asking EJ to attend her ballet performance, i've always thought that her intentions were pure. She was an eager-to-please little puppy, always tagging along behind EJ, hoping for EJ to show the slightest acceptance of her. Like a little puppy waiting for her master to say "Good girl." Poor thing. I guess she was too young to realize that EJ doesn't work that way. EJ has been hurt one too many times and she has hardened herself from others in hopes of protecting herself. They were both too young to understand each other, and their parents only serves to corrupt their relationship even more whether "in" or "un"intentionally.

Even as a grown up, HS still doesn't realize that EJ's hard-hitting personality is due to her traumatic up-bringing. HS strikes me as the sort of person to overlook the ugly things in life. If it's not lovely, she tends to look the other way. With EJ, HS could have taken the initiative to find out more bout EJ's childhood before they became a family. But i guess EJ's stand-offish attitude have pushed HS over the edge to the point of no return. HS want's to believe that EJ is evil but the little girl inside her still wants to put EJ in her "caring-unnie-box". It's conflicting. Like her monologue, i feel if EJ sincerely shows HS that she cares, HS would slowly revert back to her old Cinderella form of optimism and naivety. But having been the "evil" stepsister to HS for 8 years, it's quite difficult for EJ to break out of her old self. And the return of KH seems to spell "doom" for sisterhood.

I'm so sorry for that long-winded comment about Cinderella. Thanks again, javabeans for the recap. I hope you would continue to give us more indepth-insights on each character.


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Thanks, JB for the recaps! Who the F*** is asking for faster recaps??!! Shame on you people!!

I agree. The scene between young Eun-jo and Dae-sung really got to me. She was just a child, lost and alone feeling that everyone who had ever cared about her had left. I almost cried in that scene. I say almost cos I didn't understand what they were saying :P

I don't understand why Ki-hoon keeps repeating, "don't you have anything to say to me?". It makes me think that he tried to contact her over the years? Or was it that he was expecting a reaction/response to the letter he left her but she never got? Oh the heartache of twoo wuv :P

Oh how I wish she would have let him finish this sentence:

"Do you know how much I...."


The last scene was fantastic. That Moon can really display all her emotions through her tears. They're not weepy sorrow tears. They're painful tears. I love it. If she does anymore crying in this drama, which I'm sure she will, I don't know how much longer I can hold in my tears.


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So what ? I love MGY as an actress but I find SW/HS more interesting what is your problem ? You have no problem when people don't stop trashing the actress and her character but you have when someone say the contrary. I say it whenever I want, so what ? I give my view, I say what I feel freely...too funny.


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sorry for the double post! i wasn't done with the 1st.forgive me!

As for EJ, she grew up with mask on. Without that mask, she wouldn't have been able to survive her life. She can recognize a flawed human being because she is one herself. One thing that I really like about EJ character is the fact that she has no pretensions. What you see is what you get! I think that is why, HS is not able to reach her yet, because HS affections haven't transcended beyond herself.

can't wait for the next episode. :)

thanks again for the recap!


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Oh my goodness. So much angst!!! I think Chun Jung Myung has just earned himself a fangirl in me hehe


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Thanks for the recap! It's just great as always!

I think I can somewhat understand those people who've sent you emails regarding the recaps. I can't understand Korean so whenever I watch the uploaded episodes of Cinderella's Sister - no subtitles - on YouTube I just go by their facial expressions & try to make out what they're trying to say. By reading your recaps I can then understand why they acted that way.

But, just like the other readers I would rather wait for a recap that you've written comfortably at your own pace. Nobody should really force you to do something that you don't feel like doing! Plus, we are not really paying any money to be able to read things on your website so we should be grateful instead of the other way around.

Please just ignore them, I think they're just quite desperate. Hehe..

Gokigenyo! ^_^


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thanks for the recap!! =)

i am very grateful and thankful to you because you are recapping and posting them on this lovely site for non-korean speakers, like me, who loves kdrama.

take your time with recapping. =)


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I love your recaps! In fact, I look forward to reading them.

Thank you very much for your summaries. Through them, I begin to understand the drama more.


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Dear JB... thats how they show their hunger to your recaps...And you were always been there when we can get our english subs online. But you know we are always thankful for you.
Just soo much into this Drama.


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Thanks again for the wonderful recaps, without you I would never completely understands the reason for the way the story goes. Extremenly grateful for your recaps.


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I don't get where Cinderella comes into this at all.

Cinderella is not self-absorbed like HS, neither is she mean EJ-style. Cinderella makes clothes for mice, for God's sakes!

Cinderella is my favourite Disney girl and I will not accept this defamation of her character.


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Thank you Javabeans!!


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Thanks JB and girlfriday for your recap.

I really like your recaps very much because they are so beautifully written. I felt like reading a novel. JB, you should consider writing novels and I will definitely buy your books.

I think those kids who wrote you the emails chasing for the recaps should understand that you do the recaps voluntarily and you are not obliged to do them. They should not take it for granted but should instead appreciate your effort.

I also like the comments and feedbacks from your readers (most of the time). It is a place which we can share our views and it feels like we are watching the drama together. It is fun.

So don't get angry and upset.

I think ep 5 is a bit slow. But this is the turning point of this drama, so the writer needs some more details to develop the story for the later part. Ep 6 is excellant.

But it is sad to see the distance between KH and EJ getting wider and wider. I really like the KH/EJ couple. I hope the script writer can treat KH better in the later episodes and give him some sweet moments with EJ.

We should also say thank you to CS's production team - all actors/actresses, director, script writer, camera men and the rest of the team for their excellent performance and effort.


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@38 nuguji: I think this is when everyone takes the Cinderella story too far and seriously.

First, I honestly disbelieve that Cinderella's Sister is a complete replication of the original Cinderella story. Again, they took the basic plot of Cinderella's story:

Happy innocent girl and happy father. Happy father meets evil mother, marries, then happy girl gets evil step mother and sister.

THEN, it's the TWIST. After that, we're not getting a complete Cinderella story. I went to soompi, and everyone has to compare this drama to the original book. Like, every page on the thread... While the basics and certain elements are based off of the story of Cinderella, the drama completely treads off to it's own story.

The point of Cinderella's Sister is WHAT IF the surrounding factors affected Cinderella that turned her into a darker person, and if Cinderella's sister had reasons that made her seem like a cruel person. Was she really merely an evil girl, or did she have a dark past? Was Cinderella always the bright, cheerful girl?

To put simply: This drama aint Cinderella 2.0. It's taken elements of the original story, but it's darker and is putting layers into the characters.

So, defamation of character? This aint a literal rendition of the original story, and Hyo-sun is not literally portraying the original Cinderella. Hyo-sun is being Hyo-sun.


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Thank you for the recap. FUN.

I pity Hyo-sun. She was robbed of her apple-of the-eye status in the Gu household. That perspective is so Cinderella. I can totally understand why she'd done what she'd done.


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oh, you have missed out a lot then. I highly recommend "love me not" - the movie. MGY was amazing there.


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PFFT. those ppl who are bugging you for recaps should just.... scram.
good things are worth the wait, AND, writing recaps isn't as easy as you people think it is.
anws, YAY for the recap, and thanks so much for your insights. i really really love all your recaps. :D


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thanks a lot for the recap


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Your well-crafted recaps are always worth the wait. I’m sorry you’re being harassed by people who think you owe it to them to churn them out asap. :S

I watch most K-dramas with Chinese subs and sometimes miss little plot points. Your recaps not only fill in the dramatic blanks for me, I also love that they are laced with your insightful commentary. Again, thank you for your engaging writing. :)


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Thank you for the wonderful recaps. We do appreciate your work and do take your time :)

Sometimes there are ungrateful people who think bloggers/site owners have no life other than to cater to their every whims - luckily these are only minorities!


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Thank you so much @javabeans for the recap.
Just like @makeupmag said, your recaps fill in the blanks for me too, because I watch K-dramas with English subtitles.
Your recaps give me insights of the cultural references & language emphasis which sometimes are lost in translation due to the differences between Korean & English.


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I love you recaps.
This is one of my favorite episode of the series.
I'm curious as to what Ki-Hoon was busy with during his visits back to Korea that he couldn't contact Eun-Jo at all. Why did he do all that?


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