Open Thread #128


Marvelous Darlings – “I’ll Stand By Her” [ Download ]

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Hey, about OBGYN, when she returns the ring, it's not because she's flat out declining. She's kind of taken aback, thinking it's too fast. But rather than brushing him off she playfully banters with him and kisses him.
Yes, he does still intend to leave for the US, but can't remember how long he was going for, but that he'll return at some point.
Rather than finishing it off with him at the airport or some cliche like that, I'm glad they finished the series while they're still together at Ahn and Kim's wedding. They cushioned the couple-separation thing well, rather than emphasising on it and leaving us all sad.
Haha! Ok, maybe I need to re-watch it to get a clearer idea of the goings-on between that couple, but that's the general gist of it.
Uh, My poor, dear (sexysexysexy!) Wang!

@45 ockoala
I see you're braving Tazza, I was wondering by any chance... In the drama; is there a round and balding ahjusshi character in it with a speech impediment, who does a zip-your-mouth kind of signature hand-gesture??


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@51 supah

Thank you! At least I know what she said to him! It was driving me batty not knowing what was going on cause she was smiling too and then on the escalator he reached for her hand! gosh....does this mean there will be a sequel? At least that looks like what might happen because we know Lee is leaving because I saw he was packing his bags. Seo sure looked happy though...she was smiling. He did kiss her back! In fact, at the wedding and standing with Lee, she looked really beautiful! Indication of being in love? What about her pregnancy? By the way....what did she tell the other old guy?

I'm finally getting a television and I just saw the local korean station log and OBGYN is on now!!! How lucky am I, huh? I should be able to watch the episodes soon as I think I'll have the TV either tomorrow or Saturday.

I didn't go back to check on TAZZA....I got turned off by some of what I watched. As much as I really like JH....I don't care for that kind of story line.

My sister was visiting yesterday....she lives on another island and doesn't watch kdramas. I showed her some of my fav dramas and she was laughing and said now she understands why I'm so hooked on them! She went back to her hotel room and turned on the TV and it was on the korean station so she was able to watch Wish Upon A Star which is playing right now and it was the episode where Kang-ha takes them to the amusement park. So she caught a good episode and she said she enjoyed it.

The one I'm missing out on is 2 Wives....it's not posted so I'm not sure what's happening. I'll hve to see if my neighbor has been keeping up with that one. I think there's about 113 episodes!

Good to see you back!


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yay~! WB belleza!

allergies r wrecking me....meds = passing out groggy , no meds = nonfunctioning, and will totally get booked on a druggie role if I just show up at audition.

I'm also in the mood for rewatching old(er) stuff, maybe weit's some OT bug? I'm also going for movie fix as well @momosan, i come w/ the rain is not total crap, it's a fun watch as acting muscle mud wrestling.... :) o I just watched Villon's Wife on flight. Takako matsu is improved but I'm still not getting the sweeping of evry best actress awards. Older movie I savored recently : Zhang Yimou's Riding alone a thousand miles. It's my fav 'littler' movie of his and starring the great great Ken Takakura. and in anticipation of CU I rewatched MGY's Little Bride last wk. I want to watch into the white nite b4 checking out SYJ as a klutz in PT

so... I just watched a tiny bit of PT, music score is gaudy (progressively so further on ) , as if forcefeeding us how we should feel in said scene and we r too dumb to know otherwise. LMH, I'm not his fangirl thro and thro, but he's oozing screen charisma/gorgeousness. I'm still feeling out SYJ..and I'm not sure I can stand the music 16 eps ...not loving it enough, but they sparkle and I wanna look, my pettiness is annoying me.

an I'm in love w/ CU already mins in. MGY's little half bro is very Russell fr Up and I just rewatched that. superb superb acting, they r firing all cylinders w/o ottness, it's the first time I'm watching SW and she lives up to the hype of an up and coming promising actress but she really looks very alien-ish/waxy/heavily ps'd face-wise. I'm very shallow... and I melt to mush when CJM flashes his smile ....awwwwwwwwwwww there's also a chase in woods scene oddly reminding me of Twilight but evoking very diff emotions fr me. *sigh* Twilight has eaten parts of my being.


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You're welcome. Haha... don't know about a sequel...
His proposal was a desperate measure to 'secure her', knowing he'd be leaving the country for x amount of time, he just wanted to make sure she'd wait for him, and going by her reaction (actions speak louder than words - namsayin'), she'll be waiting alright, without the need of a ring. And I'm content with that.
The finale was perfect and i'll discuss any remaining thoughts on it in the next OT.

Have you started on any of the new three dramas?
I've seen the first two epis of Prosecutor P and am about to start watching 1 & 2 of C's Unni right now.
Watching more Thank You tomorrow night. ;)

(whispers: uri Wang Jae-suk sekshiya-daaaaaa!)


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@54 supah

Sigghhhhhhh....I'm relieved and I kinda figured something good because Lee looked happy also.

No....haven't gotten to new ones. Am in Oh My Lady.... I want to check on Prosecutor P.....I like the actor who was in Family's Honor and I don't know his name right now. Which one is C's unni? I'll post this and the light will come on!

In TY I love the way Bom and Young Shin call MGS "ahjussi". I am totally caught up in the theme song!!!! :-)


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@ supah...

see, I told you! it's Park Shi-hoo!!!! LOL LOL...


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I went away for a few days to get away from all the depressing rain in NYC area. Just got back from Momosan's neck of the woods and enjoyed the cherry blossoms in DC, museums and the awesome maryland crabs.

Loving all the "Thank You" discussion I've missed the last couple of days.

I have yet to watch SoaM but I think of the other two it would be better to start with Resurrection. I like both a lot but differently. Resurrection is easier to marathon through while Mawang is like a rich, dark and dense chocolate that you can't have too much of all at once. Also though Resurrection is hardly light its lighter than Mawang. I think I was traumatized by Mawang for like half a year. I couldn't get the damn thing out of my head. If you watch Resurrection I'm going to be tempted to watch with you which would make it my 3rd time rewatching.

I couldn't finish Tazza myself but between Tazza and Robbers I tolerated Tazza better. My hat goes off to you for you drama tolerance.


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55 eiko

"In TY I love the way Bom and Young Shin call MGS “ahjussi”. I am totally caught up in the theme song!!!!"

I know. The only other drama I loved the words ahjusshi more than in Thank You is in MISA. Man if SJS is an ahjusshi I want to be his ahjumma.


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@58 nycgrl

Lucky you can go off somewhere for change of scenery! I have a good friend living in nyc....Peter Lavinger....he's known for his collection of "drum sticks" which he has been collecting for a very long time. All of the sticks have been autographed by the person who used it. Peter is quite a guy!

LOL LOL....I am learning really neat words.....ahjusshi....ahjumma....haraboji....unni...

What is MISA? I get lost in some of the abbreviations if I haven't paid attention before!

it's so crazy to be doing something and I'll hear "music" and it's from some drama I've watched!

By the way....I didn't much care for Robbers either. I loved looking at JH in both dramas though! :-)


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@ supah

Hhhm, I don't think I've come across such a character as you described? But then again, Tazza watch requires endurance and a quick FF-ing button, so I may have missed him.

@ nycgrl

The concept of Tazza is seriously made for me - I grew up on God of Gambers and its million derivations. Gambling movies make me quiver with excitement, and the thought of JH as a master Tazza, its like I can't even fathom another guy in the role. But this is the first drama where I feel like the writing and execution is solely to blame for its inability to engage the viewer. I'm almost done, ep 17 now. And I can finally pinpoint it, the plot is not bad, but the pacing is all wrong, for a gambling drama, it needs to be lightning quick, as fast as the sleight of hand. But the drama moves at a ponderous pace, any excitement in one scene is quickly negated by another 15 minutes of tedium.

Anyways, I haven't resumed my Robbers watch yet, my quibble with the early episodes of Robbers I've already shared, but its completely different than what's ailing me with Tazza. And none of it is JH's fault. And in Tazza, KMJ has finally morphed into Lurch (anyone remember Lurch?). I'm gonna have a blast watching Ireland and seeing non-lurching KMJ as a thug and young Binnie duke it out.

Oh, and inside joke for momosan - in Tazza, JH escapes from prison and needs a new identity, and he becomes a Japanese citizen by the name of Takemoto Jun. I LOLed. :-)

Oh, thanks for pointing me to a starting point with Resurrection. Thundie actually suggested hjkomo start with The Devil. But I think it's like picking between dark belgian chocolate and dark french chocolate, you can't go wrong with either choice.

I'll do both (hey, it's my Uhm marathon) after I finish my JH marathon, and my Binnie marathon (which I am tempted to add a rewatch of Snow Queen to, since I'm a glutton like that).

@ eiko

MiSa is shorthand for the drama I'm sorry, I love you, with So Ji-sub. I never finished it, because I love ramen, and apparently, you may never eat ramen the same way after watching it. :-)

@ twin

You're craving movies? I'm finally building up my Stephen Chow DVD collection, and my boy is dying to watch Shaolin Soccer. Btw, he LOVED Totoro, like LOVED is not even strong enough a word to describe his rapture.


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@60 ockoala

Thanks....I went to see what it was all about and that's So Ji-sub who was in Cain and Abel. That's the story in Australia.....where he dies at the end. Just by the last episode it looks like he played a complex personality with problems. I guess I won't go and check out where that ramen scene is.... hehehehehe

see ya in 129!


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With a baffling array of watching choices before me, guess what I'm plumbing for. AMCG! It's so fun and mindless! Hey, any drama that uses the Lacrimosa from Mozart's Requiem to score a campy gangsters-invade-funeral scene gets my vote.

Han Chae Young - I think HCY the actress is really a simple, hardworking lass (a la Choon Hyang) trapped in a sexpot's body. Ah, the dangers of having a gorgeous body, so easy to get mis-cast. Here, I agree she's perfectly cast. In fact, for a rather silly drama, AMCG is rather well-cast all round. Isn't this Kim Min Jong I see, fresh from elegantly KILLING it in Return of Iljimae?

@ ockoala

I'd recommend Resurrection before Mawang too, but for some different reasons from nyrgrl's. I agree Mawang is darker and harder to watch. I also think that Mawang is the finer, slicker version - but here I speak from a purely personal preference. I watched Mawang first, and when I followed it up with Resurrection I felt the latter lacked punch, in comparison. I think I'm in a minority view here. But anyway the consensus seems to be, Resurrection first.

Story of a Man I think stands on its own. It's a different team and in a slightly different style, and while definitely a cut above the average drama, it's not as psychologically taught as Resurrection or Mawang, imo.


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O MY SQUEEEE, *BIGHUG* to your precious boy, such finefinefine taste! ahh what fantasyland can u have a son that has taste u approve and aligns w/ your orbits?! Cant think of a better SC intro than Shaolin Soccer for a kiddo, but i was very disturbed as a toddler experiencing his 'humor' first hand in a TVB children's show where he literally verbally abused kids and was one big bad meanie. For HKer (my age) the funniest scene in SS was the one they were singing a Shaolin homage to California Dreamin. To this day I'm still tongue-tied as to how to explain the hilarity to my parents.

My love for Totoro is very personal and I didnt really register the little heartwarming anecdote till last few years w/ my added life experience. My best bud's mom was our chaperone to Totoro, a very cute and dear auntie. She was tearing up at the movie and I was not computing at all and asked y she cried. She's Japanese and she grew up in a very rural part of Okinawa, and her words, 'Totoro captured my home village...and the magic of my childhood' what a master like Miyazaki does so geniusly is capture that magic of innocence and creative fantasies. In a Miyazaki, we r truly guaranteed sth visionary in creativity on his reoccuring passion of environmental consciousness. A Pixar movie for us adults is close in spirit...and u can guess my ultimate anti-Miyazaki.

I'll be watching Clash of Titans tmr nite, and get an ipad (the shallow me just want a reader in color *hide*). me and electronics r so not getting along... PC's dead, laptop's dead, today my Kindle dropped fr counter to woodfloor. *sob* . I didnt even know of the 80s original that hubs so very fond of, but Greek Myths, that I can do (I think?). He's trying to downplay his uncontained fanboyness saying it was a charming campy D TVnovella w/ loads of heart, so please no expectation. I have none for avatar and STILL... I want to see Dragon instead.


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@ockoala -
Takamoto Jun....you must be kidding! LOL! That's a riot!

I watched The Devil a while back - that was an intense marathoning, let me say!

@62 serendipity

Yes, that is Kim Min Jong being a jr baddie in AMCG. In fact, he's managing to be the straight man baddie for everyone else. It's like his character just wants to bitchslap everyone back to sense and they keep romping off into the comic book again. He's doing a marvelous job. LOL!


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@ momosan

Kim Min Jong -- The dear. He's playing it so straight. He doesn't have the faintest "I want to kill my agent get me out of here" about him. Unlike Robert Pattinson, whom I felt was sub-texting "WTF" the whole time in New Moon (best bad movie eva).

AMCG2 - OMG! Campy bad tango-ing to Astor Piazzolla! Craptasia heaven!!


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Hi guys,

My name is Oliver and I am from Stirling in the UK. I have recently discovered this forum and I like it alot.
I am a bit shy so I will not talk much about me but maybe when I will get confortable, you guys will get to know me better!
My main hobbies are cooking and watching movies. I also love outdoor activites but the temperature has been terrible for the last days or so here in Stirling.

I was wondering if anyone else here is from the UK too?

I am glad to have joined this forum!

PS: Sorry if this was posted in the wrong section. I could not find the right one!


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