Open Thread #128


Marvelous Darlings – “I’ll Stand By Her” [ Download ]

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I'm only up to Ep 3 of AMCG, but it's so entertaining. Quite possibly the cheesiest thing in the world, but it's absolutely check-your-brain-at-the-door-and-just-go-with-it FUN! :-D


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@ momosan

you are absolutely right. No one tangos like Jo Gook. My CH rewatch is divine on HD!


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@100 eiko

I sure did. That's where I bought some mochi(s) with red bean paste. Their 3rd floor is a great place to hang around. As a matter of fact. You can just stay in the mall and eat yourself away, lol.

@98 ockoala

I know, I know. I just finished Ep.1 and I have to check with myself if it's worth my time. I mean SIK is no (my)G-Dragon and something has to be done on his hair-do immediately. Otherwise, it'll soon reach that critical point of "too painful to watch"... LOL! (On the other hand. GD looks so darn cool with whatever is sitting on top of his head). As you noticed, no comments on the drama itself... My brain has been turned off since I had arrived back home from Japan. Still, do I want something more than a bird nest on his head? Sorry, I'd better shut up... I'm getting sillier by seconds.


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@3 celestialorigin

I love it when they have different fairs and lots of samples! One of my favorite place is the bakery downstairs (mall level) at Shirokiya.

You know, one of my favorite Japanese programs is Soko Ga Shiritai....sadly, my TV died so I'm waiting for replacement.

Happy Monday!


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@ ockoala and City Hallers

CH2 - There have been some interesting reactions at Soompi as to the for and against, but it is certainly something being discussed between the PD and scriptwriter currently. Someone provided this YT link about CSW's disclosure which apparently had not hit the Korea media when he announced it.


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@5 epyc
Yeeah!!! I know it is probably just all talks right now, but I am still excited. CH was so perfect for me though, I wonder if they could pull it off a second time.


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@ epyc

Heh, soompi's been hot lately in many threads. I personally am completely fine with a CH2 or it doesn't happen ever. The announcement from CSW took me completely off guard is all, like not in a million years did I think it would happen. But CSW looked so relaxed and happy in the TW fan meeting, and to read about the success of CH in TW made me totally happy.

A CH2, can go three ways, though one is a total inside joke for me (a prequel so we can meet MR's ex Hyun Bin and I would die if Binne made a cameo and said the Thumbelina line, I squees right here, and perhaps many more near misses between JG-MR).

But logically, CH2 either handles the in between 5 years prior to the presidential election, or starts right at the election time. Either way, there are plenty of baddies around to screw with Inju. And really, can you believe BB is done? Hells no, if he can't be president, that man is not going to sit around while his son gets the job, nope, what JG said to him in episode 6, BB is jealous of of JG, and jealousy means he's rather see someone else succeed than JG. Brrrr, I get chills just thinking about BB. BB, the ex- Mayor will probably back another guy who had hooked up with GGH (remember, she says to JG, I will be welcoming you FROM the Blue House), and then it's a fight to the death.

Hey, I'm exciting myself up right now about CH2. Must stop. Just rewatching CH last night makes me totally shake with trepidition about CSW playing an uber-baddie in Athena. Wahhh, I'm going to totally be torn!


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sigh vegas. sigh.

that is all i have to say about that.

i want to vege this weekend. i want to shut myself up in my cave of a room and have some one-on-one quality time with my tv and laptop and girl scout cookies.


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@ twin

i'm so with you. i just wanna vege this weekend too. send me some of those thin mint gsc's. thanks!

CH2? prequels and sequels are just not as good as the original. i'm ok if they don't do it. and if they do, i prolly won't watch. i wanna just leave Inju the way it was when i last saw it. it's one of the few (very very few) dramas that ended in a way that wasn't like "wtf?" so i'm good w/ it. if i'm gonna revisit Inju, i don't want it before or after JG and MR.. JG and MR as they are NOW is perfect.


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@8 lovenyc52

You do exactly that....vege out with great company! not sure about the girl scout cookies though....I'd keep a box of chocolate covered almonds handy! :-)

And @ epyc and ockoala

I don't know about CH sequel 2 I really got into CH....there's a lot of loose ends the writers can connect...but I hope it doesn't end up being "tiring". You know, like being just a little too much of what #1 was all about. Sometimes a sequel can become over kill. There are several other dramas I can think of that I'd like to see going into 2nd sequel.....but that's just wishful thinking to add on to a fairy tale ending.

I liked It Started With A Kiss.....but into the 2nd phase the story line got pretty tiring with Ariel repeating lessons in different situations. It's like watching a drama that goes on into 150 episodes!

I still haven't been able to watch OBGYN episode 16 with english sub....it's not posted anywhere! :-) BUMMER!!!


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This is beginning to be a really tough week in terms of work politics and kdrama tragedies. I literally almost threw up when I saw the headline this morning and to add to the depressing mood its been raining all freaking day and more rain forecasted for tomorrow. uhhh. Its so weird how someone so unrelated to me can affect my entire day and mood. I think I'll watch some AMCG to get me out of my funk and eat like a tub of ice cream.


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BTW I re-read my post and to clarify the "uhh" is regarding the rain and not the tragedy. Seriously how self-centered would that be if the Uhh was regarding the tragic news.


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Great! Roll out the discussion... Unless you'd rather wait till everyone's caught up?

I watched up till the end of 8, couldn't go further than that. It's a pretty deep and delicately written drama so I'll rather finish it off this upcoming weekend rather than rush through it.
That's the part where JH is back in Seoul and the (quack) doctor (aka. the only nice guy on the island!) tells him that Bom and family are leaving the island after islanders' reactions to Bom's illness.
GHJ is a good actress, but I am quite annoyed at how complaisant her character is here. And very short-sighted, like d'oh! You know grandpa will end up leaking the AIDS story, why tell him?
I wasn't too bothered about the islanders part, but I am bracing myself for the episodes where Bom herself learns of it.
Urgh! The other (second) male lead -- that character successfully makes my skin crawl, eventually every time he was on screen I was covering the screen with my hands and ended up with an achy arm 'cos of it.

I loved the beginning of episode 5, had I watched up to that bit before I wouldn't have had given up watching this drama, twice before.

JH, absolutely awesome in this drama, as is the actress playing Bom!

Best line, everrr: ''why? Are you interested in me, granddad?'' (GHJ to JH)


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@ supah

Yep....I agree this drama is really good as far as content. But you know I totally understand where Young Shi is coming from....she's lived on that island all her life...loved one guy who got her pregnant....her whole world revolved around Mr. Lee and her daughter....I see her as very tragic. Then you get MGS who comes along who is as worldly as all get out and who knows what happened to Bom because of the woman he loved. Young Shi is so naive.....and yet, such a lovely soul who has only one sight in mind and that is to protect her daughter.

Oi....that 2nd lead is something else....so pathetic and really worse than the doctor.

And haraboji.....what acting....he slips in and out of reality so you have to listen to what he says and what he observes. His choco pies made me want to find some! :-)

The islanders....all borne of ignorance....like living in any country town where gossip and mis information become truth because somebody said so.

I go back to certain scenes because, like I've said....watching facial expressions and listening to what they are saying sometimes open up more about the story. I also miss certain dialogue along the way because I get caught up in watching for certain things.

But I felt female had more going with this character than what she did in PASTA....which was pretty drab.

Okay....I know where you are....and that doctor who seems more like a "nurse" to me depends on Jang for the real medical help.

When I first started watching that drama I wasn't sure if I'd like it cause I didn't like the way it started out....then on the ferry where the female dies....it grabbed me because I knew the little girl was Bom and that was her mother and haraboji....and Jang was still in the dark about what "fate" was handing him. he was pretty cold at that stage...cynical and such a son of a bitch.

By the way....the second lead didn't make my skin crawl like the other guy in OBGYN who got Seo preggie! Yikes...that one takes the award for creepy! The other 2nd lead that I felt gave me the creeps also was the brother of Dong Chul in Last Scandal....he even looked pasty! I have to laugh because i wonder if 2nd leads ever find their way to a better character.

Same like a bitch is a bitch.....the ones in Thank You are older women so they don't fall into the category of "evil"....except for 2nd leads mother.

Anyway....I got to DWL episode 8 today. It got posted. But still don't have anything on OBGYN 16.

It's 2:30 p.m for me now....won't start on anything new. Have a restful night wherever you are!


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Tazza update: man, the story is crap. Like 100% undiluted crap. Scripwriter needs a new job, and its not in the writing industry. Director is also pretty iffy, but really, with that script, you can hardly resurrect a turkey.

Complete waste of a good cast. The writer has no clue how to pace the drama, develop tension at the right places, and really, just write a compelling story. Character set up is all good and fine, but actions and dialogue is just shoddy.

I'm only mildly disappointed since I've not heard any raves about Tazza, but still, Jang Hyuk, sigh, wish you were given better material. I like his character a lot, but the plot is putting me to sleep or FF. And Kim Min-joon is acting like he'd rather be getting his toenails pulled than be there, stiff and bored.

HYS looks great with JH and they have a nice chemistry, but she can't figure out when she's suppose to be a vixen and when a schoolgirl from Busan. I like her in Tazza WAYYY better than in WISFC, but she's Anna Jo half the time, and Ji-hwan the other half, which is pretty funny if I overanalyze it.

And this group in Tazza has so many 6 degrees of separation its funny with LDH, OJH, and Go Soo. Together they've made like 6 dramas with various pairings.

Eh - I think its high time someone made a buddy drama with Choi Il-hwa and Kim Gab-soo, or go the opposite route and have them play bickering best friend grandpa characters in a family sitcom/or a Bad Family-esque caper. I'd watch both even if my eyes were swollen shut.


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@ supah & epyc

I can't believe this.....OBGYN episode 16 english sub has not been posted even on their site!!!!!

Okay....I looked at raw version....what happened on the roof top where Lee put the ring on Seo finger....she took it off and gave it back....then she kissed him and he kissed her back.....what was the dialogue? You might as well tell me cause I know they held hands on the escalator..... I know he's going to America....what about their relationship?

Aigoooo......this must be one of the worse endings I've had to endure for any drama and only because it hasn't been posted!!!! ;-(

If you don't want to do it here.... email me [email protected] I can't stand the stress!!!!


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@15 ockoala

I first saw TAZZA when I wanted to find more dramas with Jang Hyuk in it...there were several that I checked and didn't feel like I wanted to watch it and TAZZA was one of them. The only one that caught my attention and I feel it's one of his best roles is Thank You. I really like him in this one.

Actually, I'm not much of a fight um, shoot um, kill um kinda fan.....being angry and evil can come across easily. But get a person to do some real character role of emotion with facial expressions and body language....that's tough. I even liked the female lead in TY.....I felt she was so much better than in PASTA.

Another reason why I liked CHa Seung Won in City Hall.....I only knew him through other roles of being a nasty person with an ego who was always so macho. So CH was a breath of fresh air.

Of course....I am partial to Jang Hyuk....there is sex appeal about him even when he's posing for a photo! :-)


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so...i'm watching SMM and am about half way through the series now. And omg i totally relate to the women... I'm not 34 nor would I consider myself a powerhouse career woman like BuKi, Da Jung, or even Shin Young... but the way they see relationships and men, I can totally relate to on different levels. I sometimes feel I'm part SY, part BK, and part DJ all rolled into one (without their fantastic wardrobe nor BK's ass-kickin skills, but you know what i mean). Now if only i could really find me a MinJae, life would really be quite fantastic :)


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@eiko. I started Down With Love and I like it better than Smiling Pasta.
P.S. I know is up to us to stop prejudice and racism in our own life's, Peace!!


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@19 Amg1

You'll enjoy DWL.....I got so involved with it I got silly enough to look at RAW episodes up to 14! Now I'm taking my time and watching as it is posted on Mysoju.

Yes...it's up to each one of us to "change" what we know is wrong. Who knows if it will ever be any different....but at least we can stand back and say....I stopped it with my children. It's making an effort that counts and never repeating it again.

Have you checked out Thank You with Jang Hyuk? It's another really good drama.


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Not yet I am still working on Black and White and Smiling Pasta, I saw part of Started with a Kiss but, I find Dawn with Love quite funny, I am also watching Oh My Lady and its fine so far, Have you had the chance of watching "10 Promises to my Dog"?


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@ Thank You

It warms the very cockles of my heart to see so much Thank You love here. I would have join in the lovefest earlier but I've just been to IT hell and back - hard disk crash.

Thank You definitely has flaws. There are some plot continuity issues - chief among them, the inexplicable disappearance of the brother Young Woo. Did they not have enough money to pay the actor to come back in a later episode, or something? And some of the "action" sequences - surgery, injury, etc - are rather poorly done. But I happily live with the flaws because I love the heart of the story, and because I love the cast. Was there ever such a drama in which not a single person was mis-cast?

I've said that I personally identify with the internal journey of Dr Min, from selfish, indulgently self-loathing and short-tempered, to someone who is willing to live for what really matters in life and to learn to give to others. But I also love Young Shin, even though I don't so much personally identify with her patience and her inner strength. I don't think she's passive, I think she's focused on her mission of getting her daughter and her grandfather through life. When she has to, she can act decisively and strongly - throwing MSK out of her house, concocting stories to protect Bom, steeling herself (e.g. when she was fainting from flu but forced herself to eat two bowls of noodles, much to MSK's appalled admiration), rejecting easy rescue by either MSK or Suk Hyun. I too love her "Are you interested in me, grandpa?" line to MSK. She stands up for herself when she has to, like her delightful "my standards are VERY high - you can't possibly qualify" come-back to MSK's tease of "I'm a great catch, you know, I'm very rich".

Sure, she doesn't shout scolds at people or carry on. But then, I find this so refreshing. I find feisty heroines extremely irritating when they are not tuned exactly right. FEISTY! argh! The "spunky" heroine is so lame a trope, to me. The cuteness of carrying on is over-rated, imo.

At the same time, YS is not perfect. She is, yes, a little too prone to wanting to please others. She can be scatter-brained. She can feel overcome. She can be intimidated. She doesn't always think straight. She can suddenly decide that it's all too much, and take flight in hopeless confusion - as she does towards the end. She's a perfectly believable person, to me.

I like that romance is not the central theme of Thank You - redemption is. At the same time, I appreciate this elegant treatment of the good old saved-by-the-love-of-a-good-woman cliche. For once, it is entirely convincing. MSK was really a man who needed saving, by golly, what a wreck. YS really is a good woman. And MSK really does change, in slow stages. And it's not just the "love of a good woman" that changes him - it's the whole life and philosophy of the Lee family. The first time MSK performs a selfless act (saving the farmer with the crushed leg) on Blue Island was when he was shamed by Bom empathising so much with her friend that she was willing to give up her beloved teddy bear. The second time (taking grandpa home) was when he somehow connected with the irascible grandpa and was moved by him even as he was embarrassed by him. And all this before he met YS properly.


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@22 serendipity

I don't go into detail on characters in dramas because I understand it as not a short movie but a drawn out one that sometimes can get pretty thrown out there. Sometimes even the characters can get annoying in the same mistakes over and over but in different settings.

I could relate, somewhat, to Young Shin....having lived on Kauai and being country girl....being naive was something I thought was just "natural". Life's experiences being the best teacher and Young Shin didn't have any of that to compare with anything.

I enjoyed the way things opened up for YS and MGS....both with their own lessons and it was haraboji who gave the meaningful lessons along the way. Loved Bom who was such a "wise" soul and really brought "ahjussi" into the fold.

I loved the theme music and I'd tear up everytime it came on especially at "I live because you exist". I got really weepy at the chapel scene.

And through it all....finally.....I believe in miracles.

Aaahhhh....I'm such a wimp for those kind of stories! :-)


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@21 Amg1

Thanks...I'll have to check out 10 Promises To My Dog. I have such a list and I usually do random checks.....I'll check first episode...then go to the middle and then check the last episode.....usually looking for story and acting.

It Started With A Kiss has a 2nd sequel to it.....good acting but I got kinda tired of the same thing happening to the female over and over.

I fast forward parts that I don't much care for.

I am amazed at the dramas being pumped out and there are many with the same story line and events only in different settings and locations. It's still fun.


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@22 serendipity

It is good to see all the Thank You love. It's of one of my favorites for the very reasons you mentioned. And a testament to the quality is that it's one that invites a rewatching.

Young Shin is a great character. Small town girl who loves her island, doesn't often pity herself, but does occasionally, struggles with the hand dealt her but does everything in her power to make things work. Has friends, has enemies, has a first love and a family. Good things happen to her, lousy things happen. She does her best and doesn't feel the need to explain herself too often.

It does have continuity issues - the disappearing brother was one, although he's supposed to be in school and they do mention him.

Dr Oh is actually one of my favorite characters in Thank You. He could easily stay the hapless bumbling Dr as a foil to the genius Dr. Min, but danged if he doesn't stand up to the town harpies for Bom, he also calls out Dr. Min while acknowledging that Dr. Min is a technically better doc. In the end, when he's talking to his brother he says that he's come to love his job there.

Even the new girlfriend of the ex wasn't painted as the evil witch (not the brightest bulb but actually sympathetic).

Would any of us every have put up with ex's Mom acting like that? Probably not, like the other old lady, we would probably have called her on it and told her to STFU, but until the ex came back to the island, apparently evil Mom wasn't constantly that bad - and besides Young Shin had had a lifetime's worth of interaction with her to know how to deal with her.

I think the drama is totally upfront right from the start down to the last voice over about believing in miracles about it being about the small and large miracles that allow personal redemptions to occur.


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Ack, realise I keep calling Jang Hyuk MSK/Min Seo Ki instead of Min Ki Seo - this is why I used Dr Min for a time, I could never get his personal name straight, but calling him Dr Min all the time seemed inappropriately formal...

Dr Oh -- I agree, it would have so easy to make him the perpetual butt of jokes about quack village doctors, but he comes into his own.

That's another thing I love about Thank You. Few of the characters are black-or-white good-or-bad. Not to say that everyone was deep and profound -- even in life, some people are really somewhat shallow, like the village harpies, or Suk Hyun's mother's househelp / poor relative. But everyone is believable, whether they are simple or complex or tormented.


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@Thank You,

Lee Kyung Hee loves men in a way that few K-drama writers do. Majority of Lee Kyung Hee's dramas are impassioned love letters to deeply flawed, but soulful men often cast awry against familial obligations/relationships. WiSC is about the conditions of filial piety. MiSa is both a Cain and Abel story and a passion play on maternal reciprocation. A Love to Kill is about brotherhood. And Thank You is about how fatherhood transform men.

Thank You also introduced Korea to Jang Hyuk 2.0 It's often said that Jang Hyuk has pretty played "Jang Hyuk" -- the cocky Pusan country boy humbled by tribulations -- his entire movie and TV career, and I still think that's true. But, after the controversy surrounding his military service, Thank You gave us a considerably thinner, considerably wolflife Jang Hyuk. A brokedown palace of a man on desperate nerves. But still as cocky and crazy as ever. There's really only two actors in K-drama whose persistent bad temper can move me to tears. One would be Kang Ji Hwan, because he features an underrated speaking voice; and Jang Hyuk because it makes his volatility sympathetic to us. He's a mean, mean man. Who cries. Thank You was a successful reboot of Jang Hyuk.

Thank You is about the middle chapters of life, and in this story, Young Shin is about a woman who is really, really tired. Tired of worrying everyday that the villagers will ostracize her daughter. Tired of being terrified for her daughter. Tired of taking care of her father. Tired of seeking approval from her mother's best friend. Tired of the rumors regarding the deadbeat father who finally visits. . . . Because the story begins "in the middle" and "in the nowhere", her circumstances are in fuzzy gaze. But the circumstances are there if you think it through. She belonged to a village with a small class. She was the most popular girl in that village and loved by the villagers and the boys. She had a baby when she was "still a girl" to the village, and that all changed . . . but not completely. She becomes the Scarlet Letter in a way that only really happens in small, small towns. And she is tired of it.


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Just watched the first few episodes of AMCG. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine AMCG (or anything) could make me miss the JE Boys. SIK in AMCG is so OTT that the JE Boys - with their orange hair, overly-powdered faces, nicely twicked and shaped eyebrows, clean underarms, skinny arms and no abs, and white suits - now look normal. Way to go, SIK and AMCG! Thanks for those laugh out loud moments. And thanks for making me miss the JE Boys for once.


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@rambutan - You should probably check out Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge/Perfect Girl Evolution then.:-)JE Boys all around:-) And its a blast to watch cause its so crazy funny:-)


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@29 Ana

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge is worth watching if only for the opening credits dance. It was my guilty pleasure j-drama of this winter. 8-) The last episode could have been better done, but eh, that's true of 90% of all j-dramas.

AMCG has it's own bizarre charm at this point. A little Batman, a little Spiderman, some hairgel, throw in a few holographic ninjas and the world's oddest car chase between a highpowered motorcycle and a subcompact and that's AMCG. Cheese galore. And honestly, it has to win the prize for LOL dialogue so far this year.


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@ momosan

And the most frequent and bizarre attempts to have each character say in korean-tinged English the name "Peter Pan". :-P

I just realized that the baddies are about as scary as Kim Ji-suk's vampire character in Hometown of Legends 2, i.e. you're laughing when you should be cowering. This adds to the comic book feel. Only wheelchair baddie has a teensy bit of menace, but its tempered by the fact that I keep expecting him to scream "He will bring down the nation of Buyeo!" while glowering at SIK.

I realized that if they wanted to go serious, the baddy daddies need to be played by CIH and KGS, and maybe throw in Jung Kwang-ryul. Otherwise, it's a laugh of minute of fun! Or as langdon says above, which I interpret to mean its worthy of using 12 hyphens in a run on descriptor! ;-)

But right now, the young'uns are stealing the show. Seriously, fatty baddy son Jang Mi is HILARIOUS in his buffonery, and YIY is being made into an eye-slut who keeps licking her chops at SIK and saying gems like "You don't know how important I am to Michael."

In between the spate of trendies like OML, PP, and PT, and melodramas like CU, there is the goldmine of a show like AMCG, a goldmine of oh-no-they-didn't!-ness.


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@ momosan and ockoala

you gals are so funny! i stopped watching AMCG....i'm having more fun reading the dialogue between you guys!

anybody checking Oh My Lady? it's not what i would call thought provoking....but it's silly. mindless viewing. Same with The Birth of the Rich.

it's windy here, again....just had a glitch...better send this off!


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@32 eiko and @31ockoala

AMCG is a hoot. As langdon said - check-brain-at-door-eat-popcorn-and-giggle - fun. It's such a comic book.

Baddy Jr Jang is a riot. He alternates comically beating people up to fawning helplessly after Vivian.

And Vivian - not only does she get to drape herself over SIK dramatically at every opportunity, but sit at his feet like a pet dog and then shoot eye daggers at YIY. Oh, and throw innocent plants and do a catwoman entry.

And let's not forget trenchcoat baddie! The hapless guard who gets a finger whacked off (and how they manage to make THAT funny is a treat in itself) and wears that trenchcoat everywhere except Hawaii, where he wears a pink Aloha shirt and a straw "I'm a baddie" hat. LOL!


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There is a woman at the gym who looks so much like Sang-Mi in the Woman Who Still Wants to Marry that now I have to worry about her home life. Is that a cheatin' man getting trod under her feet in that extra half hour on the treadmill? Until the immediate attraction between Sang-Mi and Sang-Woo, I thought we were heading for a romance between Sang-mi and Bu Ki. Does that ever happen in Kdrama land?


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I always get so excited when I finally make a connection in my brain of something that's been niggling at me for awhile. Like, it makes my day excited! I know, it's so silly and pointless in the grand scheme of things, but still, my massive overcrammed brain feels like it can shed a teensy bit of weight.

I always had a super soft spot for Soo-in in City Hall (actor Lee Joon-hyuk). Yes, he's super adorable (even more so in this re-watch) and even as a secondary character actor, he always catches my eye (in Star's Love esp.). But now I finally made the connection for why he looked really familiar - he's like the younger brother doppelganger to Lil Sky King himself Eric Suen! Eric may be a mediocre talent, but he's so charming and hardworking and genuine, I totally have a soft spot for him as well. I finally made the connection cuz I happen to be at the same time rewatching CH and rewatching Princess Huai Yu (oh, only THE best Taiwan historical serial ever!!! All 118 episodes, it may look daunting, but averages out to be about Jumong's length in actual running time), where Eric played the lead as Emperor Kang-xi.

Too bad PHY is not subbed, I would recommended it in a heartbeat to all my OT friends. The main character is one of my all-time fave female characters ever written in a saguek for her all around awesomeness that I can't really summarize without penning an ode to why no other Princess character has ever matched this one for pure princessy perfection.

@ belleza

"Kang Ji Hwan, because he features an underrated speaking voice"

I'm going to admit to a heresy (and would explain why as much as I love KJH, I aint ever going to get into the three-way death match for KJH between samsooki, JB and hjkomo - which as btw entered a lull, peace all around!) - but KJH's voice is the single thing I do not like about him. Everything else about KJH is marvelous, utter perfection. When I watched HGD, I kept imaging JGS's voice coming out of KJH's mouth. I know, heresy, I should be flogged. Pretty much all k-actors real voices sound wonderful, some attain legendary status (aka THE VOICE, and I love JGS's surprisingly deep smooth treble, etc.).

But KJH has a voice that is slightly on the high side and seems rather on the verge of squeaky. Normally it wouldn't even bother me, but being so close to perfection, having that lacking for me bothers me. But I worship at his alter, nonetheless. For all of JH's cockiness, KJH does cocky brittleness one better I think. I guess from your post, I would have to nominate KJH and Binnie to do a Lee Kyung-hee drama as their next project. I quiver with anticipation at the fantasy thought them of either one going for broke through the melodrama ringer (oh, KJH kinda did in 90 Days, but geesh was it morose).


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@ 29 Ana: I watched Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge last Sunday and enjoyed those laugh-out-loud moments so much that I jumped into AMCG next. Whilst it felt "normal" to see those 18 or early-20 somethings running around in white suits or black cloaks, it's another to see a 30-something acting out a comic character with that half-Peter Pan hairdo (half, the feather is missing). The Koreans have really outdone the Japanese in creating comical idiosyncrasy this time. By episode 2, I was wishing it was the JE Boys acting in AMCG, rather than SIK and team. It would have looked "normal" then. As it is, SIK and cohorts demand a new, higher level of credulity, and that's what's making it more comical.


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@ belleza

Are you watching Chuno? That's Jang Hyuk 2.5, I reckon. An amped-up Dr Min who never finds redemption and who flirts with full-blown insanity. I've only watched him in Chuno, Thank You, and snippets of Robbers, but this sample does seem to suggest that he just plays variations on the same character. Still, I'm not complaining. Hey, if it's an awesome trick, we're happy to see you keep executing it!

@ momosan

The disappearance of Young Shin's brother in the course of Thank You is particularly hilarious because one moment he can take a five-hour bus journey from Seoul just to wipe grandpa's ass, and next moment he doesn't even show up for a major family crisis. Oh well, small complaint. He wasn't a particularly interesting character, anyway, and I thought he was spoilt and mean towards Young Shin.


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Forgot to say, Tazza's graphics and opening is so slick I need to share it


JH is so fine, so fine as gambling wastrel. Sigh. Huge giant bucket of disappointment. As much as I thought All In was pretty uneven and kind of mediocre, elevated by LBH's presence, even JH can't save Tazza (and neither could LBH had he starred in it), All In was a much better plotted story and directing.

But Tazza had a mild blippy resurgence when JH goes to prison, and we're treated to our second montage of guy learns life's lesson's in prison and becomes a card shark (the first being LBH in All In), and Tazza's include a naked torso JH learning martial arts. Score 1 for fanservice. :-P

Regardless, if it wasn't JH I would have stopped like 10 episodes ago, but alas, I will finish it, damn you bad drama for casting JH in it. And I have never seen KMJ look so stiff and uncomfortable in any drama I've watched with him. HYS continues to improve though, not that it makes much difference in terms of saving graces.


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@ ockoala

I applaud your public spirit in watching Tazza on behalf of people like me who are thinking of doing so for a JH-fix, but have a whole bunch of other watches backed up (and is Thundie now trying to tempt me into a Mawang/Devil re-watch? argh the temptation!)

Though, I probably shouldn't promise I'll never watch Tazza. Especially now that my expectations have been nicely managed. Maybe one day when I have lots of time to kill and no brain cells I wish to use...

Speaking of naked torso JH fanservice, I just watched the first part of Chuno 17 (I'm backed up, what can I say...), and by golly if Lee Jong Hyuk using JH's naked torso as a model for his lesson on "pressure points of the body" isn't the most heart-stoppingly-omg piece of fanservice...


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...have a whole bunch of other watches backed up (and is Thundie now trying to tempt me into a Mawang/Devil re-watch? argh the temptation!)

Why fight the temptation? Just succumb! :lol:


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@ Thundie

"Resistance is futile..."

@ ockoala / Tazza opening

Ah, nobody does a sexy sneer like my Jang Hyuk. Sigh. *clasps hands over bosom*


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@ belleza's Thankyou

How I miss your in-depth drama anatomy! Great to see you back. Fully share your view on the 'in the middle'-ness and 'in the nowhere' -ness of GHJ's character. It is a very unique and well-written role . I could not think of another actress that can pull out that role as well as GHJ. She breathes life into this character who, in the hands of a less actress, would become a self-pityer. While I quite like her previous drama works, it was really Thank You that made her a 'must watch' actress for me.


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With some people raving about OBGYN. here. I started on it the day before yesterday having finished the tax return(my present to myself)and marathoned up to Ep.11. But, but... Where can I continue from there on with English sub titles? I've found sites without them, here and there and even attempted to watch it without.... It didn't quite work for me. I have to know details. It's sooo frustrating. Help! Please!


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Oh, forgot. Belleza, I've missed you as well!


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@ serendipity

Tazza-watch has morphed into a JH public service, hasn't it? Well, he's cleaner in Tazza than in Chuno and he doesn't have the heavens conspiring against him, and he still has more than a hells breath of a chance of being together with HYS, so in the JH-suffering scheme of things, Tazza is like a walk in the park.

But he's so swoony in his smirky way in that Tazza opening, isn't he? I alternate in wanting to headdesk myself in Tazza and then catching my head to sigh and swoon a bit over JH, and repeat this process N-times.

As for rewatching Mawang, just give up! If you love it, rewatch it! I'm in the middle of two rewatchs and neglecting all these new drams, just cuz I'm craving whatever it is those dramas satisfied in me. No need to try out a new restaurant when you know exactly what you want.


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As for rewatching Mawang, just give up! If you love it, rewatch it! I’m in the middle of two rewatchs and neglecting all these new drams, just cuz I’m craving whatever it is those dramas satisfied in me. No need to try out a new restaurant when you know exactly what you want.

For aiding my cause... I LUB YOU!


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Shhhh, Thundie! You outed me as a Thundie plant. Here I was being all surreptitious. Hee. :-P I lub you, too!

Btw, thanks to your Hometown of Legends 2 recap, I can't watch Kim Ji-suk without flashing back to his vampire not a vampire character, when Wangson is being filleted by HCW, I keep thinking "don't worry, he'll come back as a vampire to avenge his death, should he die."

Oh, and for all the Mawang and Resurrection love here in OT - which one should I start with first (I need to table it). Or does it even matter? Question is for Thundie, serendipity, nycgrl, et. al. The comes the thrillers like Mawang, Resurrection, SoaM.

After my JH fest is done, I'm moving on to Binnie-o-rama. Ireland + Friends, Our Legend.


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Wow...where did March go? It's still very windy here....has been for the past 3 days. It's time for coffee and going over some favorite episodes......something is up with viikii site on certain dramas.....?????? thank goodness there are other dramas! Main site at viikii has posted a notice.

Have a safe Thursday!


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@ belleza

Waves!!! I'll have to confess that I couldn't watch either All In or Tazza, despite my fondness for both LBH and JH. Nope, just hated the dramas too much. 8-) I did rewatch Successful Story of a Bright Girl over the weekend, and then
I watched Rabbit and Lizard for my JH fix earlier this week.


And THAT got me on a movie jag. I watched Duelist last night, and loved it yet again. It appears that my Japanese deluxe edition might not be the DC though, so I will have to track that down - hey, English subs might be nice too, although frankly half of the movie has no dialogue at all.

For the LBH entry of the week, I have up next "I Come with the Rain" - which is supposed to be bad, but also has Kimutaku in it, so I'm willing to suffer at least a little for a double fix.

After that, I may see if I can find a better copy of Insadong Scandal and Modern Boy. Maybe I'm just in a movie kind of mood.


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I am sitting here and listening to the wind and also laughing because talk about irony!

My television has been broken for several weeks so I've been happy with watching dramas on the internet on my laptop. Well....I'm finally getting a new television after all the going back and forth and misunderstandings, etc. So....I'm happy because I can follow Wish Upon A Star....again. And lo and behold....what else is showing on the local station? OBGYN!!!! How wonderful is that? Maybe now I'll get to see the final episode after all! :-)

I love it when things work out and fall into place!!!


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