Open Thread #128


Marvelous Darlings – “I’ll Stand By Her” [ Download ]

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@46 ummm

"Does anyone not want to to see a K-drama that is a sci-fi? Something like Firefly or even Cowboy Bebop (Yes, I know it’s a anime) I wonder why they never try creating a K-drama that takes place in space and the future."

Our samsooki has the most unbelievably great idea for this! When he wins the lottery, look out Kdramaworld! :-D


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@ ummm

yes, it's in the works, a space odysessy revenge tale with Binnie as the lead, Kang Ji-hwan as the bad guy, with Lee Da-hae and Nam Sang-mi.

We're also casting for a Korean remake of Robotech and Battlestar Galactica. If we decide on the right Minmei and Starbuck we are ready to roll tape.


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My unni posted while I was tapping away my response, hee. Yup, all of the above stems from the fertile mind of samsooki.


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There is supposed to be a Japanese live action version of the old anime Star Blazers. It's set in space. It even has Kimura in it. I think it's supposed to be out this summer. The vids for the cartoon and some teaser/trailers for the live action are up on you tube. :)


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@54 trixicopper

Space Battleship Yamato - due out in December, apparently. Supposedly after all the shooting was in the can Kimutaku saw Avatar, and realized that the CGI for SBY was going to not hold up, so offered to reshoot some of it free if they upgraded the CGI.

Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiDlWzdqtjM

I'm actually a fan of that anime. 8-)


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@55 momosan

Hey....thanks for that link! Reminds me of Star Wars! And Kimutaku? Yummm!!!!


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Wahahaha! Other second leads have nothing on our Dr Wang. Plus, I forgot to add 'cool', he's as cool as a cucumber.
I know I've been pimping out OBGYN on OT, but because it's just finished and I'm still heavily under its spell, I feel I never paid it enough fanservice.

So, I went looking for some snaps of its three main male characters.

Dr Lee!! I want to be that candyfloss!

Dr Sex-y Wang!

Ahn!! The loveable, obnoxious prick that he was.

I'll miss these guys so much... sniff!

Oh, btw, do you want any song from its OST, eiko?


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Just finished GD's SHINE A LIGHT concert!!! OMG! WOW! lb_tmi & lovenyc52, thank you OOOXXX!


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Btw, what you said about LDH in Robbers, you're right, that was my main complaint about that drama too. Then she went and outdid even her Robbers self in Chuno. Gahh! Frustrating.
But I'm fully aware of all the criticism around the Un-nyun character, so there's no need for me to go reinventing the wheel.
But fortunately that takes nothing away from Jang Hyuk, he's just too strong and remarkable an actor.

I second other OTers: ''Jang-Hyuk was ROBBED!''

Btw, did you watch the SHINee clip?

I just posted a reply to you, but it's awaiting moderation. I think it's because I added more than one link in it. Hmm...


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@ 57 supah

Oh you wicked person you!!!!! LOL LOL.....ohhhh cotton candy!!!!! And that "obnoxious prick" is going to be at some fair with Park Shin Hye next month. And Wang....couldn't you find something more sexy?!!!!

You can stay under that spell for a while cause I'm still waiting for the english sub version....viikii hasn't posted it yet nor any other place....episode 16. DAngnabit!!!!

To pass some time I went to Catch A Falling Star....again....episode 15 where Kang-Ha is waiting for Pal-gang outside of critical care unit....I love that scene because she starts to tear up just looking at him!!!! And when he starts to talk to her he's such a gentleman.

Oh by the way....OBGYN....watching 16 raw version....I nearly croaked when Seo went to look for Lee and she was on the lower deck!!!!! Aigooooo.....I loved how our F-7 group rallied for Lee in getting things ready!

When, oh when is that episode gonna be out for me to watch!!!!!


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@59 Supah

I checked out Robbers.....was surprised to see LDH in it....she's beautiful but as an actress....I don' t think she really has talent. Jang Hyuk made her look good. I also went to an interview about Robbers and he said some kind things.... a gentleman does that. :-)

My impression of her in CHUNO was not impressionable.....she was a nice fixture....but I thought she didn't fit into the scenery at all. The other female who hung out with Jang was better. The word WEAK comes to mind about LDH....


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@ momosan

You're caught up on AMCG? Sweet, let's snarkalot together. Though I really have nothing left to snark at anymore. All the LOL moments were in 1-2, with a few in 3-4, and have settled down so much I can buy the revenge story and the revenge mechanics now.

Like when I watch a medical drama (mookie discussed the lack of medical authenticity in New Heart, and probably all over SBDH as well), but I can't tell and is doesn't bother me the inaccuracies. Whereas, I can't watch Partner or even The Practice, it drives me bonkers.

Back to AMCG, the silly not taking the safety off the rifle, eh, minor error, but kinda defeats both the shooting and MK's godlike character, doesn't it? Heh, I parked my brain at the door an hour ago.

Are you watching with subs? Cuz I am, and I *love* HCY's character. If you know what she's saying, I'm shocked at how levelheaded, smart, in-the-know yet playful she is. Really, my fave character in AMCG. I was expecting her reporter character to be ditsy, clueless, annoying in her pitbull reporting ways, etc. But she's so well written, esp. in her interactions with MK. And HCY is playing her straight with that twinkle in her eye. I see Chun-hyung!!!

Whereas second lead Kim Min-jong is getting shafted big time. Heh, poor KMJ. And his horse. Okay, signing off, but must say, Cutest. Date. Ever! I want that giantor bear named Kang-ta kun.

@ eiko

LDH's role in Robbers and Chuno is nowhere near her best performance (I don't like either character, and I felt her performance in both dramas was somewhat lacking in certain ways, though she redeemed herself in the latter half of Chuno). I fell in love with her in My Girl and my feelings were solidified in Green Rose (though she played as different two characters as can be believed).


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@62 ockoala

I think I did look at My Girl....will have to go back and refresh. I'll check out Green Rose.

thanks for the tip!


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@62 ockoala

Yeah, I'm up to date AMCG. Fortunately, it's not hard to follow even with my lousy Korean. I'll watch again with Haru2's subs, but really not necessary since even the baddies have lovely diction. Most of the over the top LOLs were in eps 1 and 2 - the dance scene LOLOL!! Its sucked me into it's little comic world, so I just put my feet up, open a Dr Pepper and sit back and grin.

I love Vivian's over the top eye dagger jealous. Really MEOW! or what ever cats say in Korean...what do cats say in Korean anyway? Loved the flower throwing. 8-) She did a great catwoman break into the house thing, too.

Also the Vulcan death grip on pama baddie (honestly I do know the names, but thinking of them as baddies just ups the comic book sensibilities for me) just cracked me up. In fact, pama baddie in general cracks me up. And seeing Sol-pharmacy Dad as a safe cracker was a hoot. Loved that his old fashioned break in worked while the high tech one failed.

And the car crusher. Classic comic book method of offing someone. Do we shoot them? NO! We put them in a car crusher and wait for the superhero to hone in on them with their super senses and rescue them! lulz a million.

Yeah, leaving the rifle on safe isn't much of an error, but clearly prop guy wasn't on the ball.


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@62 ockoala

Oh, I forgot - yeah HCY - I cracked up with the whole "doesn't this seem odd to you?" "What" "First you rescue me on the horse...now this." scene. Too cute.

Well yes, missy - it IS a little odd LOL!!!

And the date...shooting innocent Hello Kitty-s! LOL! Okay, I'm easily amused.


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With all these talks about Thank You, a re-watch mighy be nigh. I would only use two words to describe this very unique drama: haunting but uplifting.

@ eiko and supah

I totally agree that Dr Wang in OG is the best second lead EVER. This is one very sophisticated perfect man (not in the perfectest sense). By the way, don't you think male characters in kdrama rarely have that 'sophistication' as seen in Dr Want that makes him uber sexy? Hope Seo Ji Seok will get a well-deserved lead role in his next drama.

Eiko, about the Last Scandal-You're Beautiful comparison of that scene, JB has also pointed it out in her YAB recap at http://www.dramabeans.com/2009/11/youre-beautiful-episode-11/


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I've just seen the comment and realised how perverted I sounded (and I'm a proud prude). If he was KISSING the candy floss then yeah, my earlier comment would still stand. But he's uh, licking it. (Brain hemorrhage from too much saucy thinking.)

I couldn't find any sexy pictures of Suh Ji Suk, they're all dated, pre-military service, circa Pure 19 ones. I think that one I linked was cute!?!

LDH's acting:
Actually, I agree with you about My Girl, she was a delight to watch, like I loved the scene where she steals LDW's oranges and then sells them -- to him!
Didn't like her at all in EoE, Robbers, and warmed to her in the latter half of Chuno. Her character finally had some worth. Though I found the kid a bit creepy.
I think it was the kid's age? Neither here nor there really. Saying that, I loved Dae-gil's reaction to him: indifference. Haha!
I'm not easily pleased am I?
What can I say; Chuno was Dae-gil. Dae-gil was Jang Hyuk. Period.


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OK, now I'm plain stalking our Dr Wang, but I've found some personal(?) site of his and there are lots of sexy pictures of him scattered around (if you scroll around or check the tabs).

You're so right girlfriend! He's unlike any other, he has Redefined. The. Second. Lead. Character. Booyakasha! Respeck, bo!


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@ momosan

every conversation between HCY and SIK in AMCG is awesome, completely less is more. What I am totally caught off guard and delighted by is how NOT bimbo and helplessly clueless BB is, inspite of needing saving.

So after vivian kills a helpless plant, MK hears that BB had a interview with Jang Ho (chubby son of bad guy) and then he offers to answer some of her questions. Then they take off, and in the car MK confesses he sends a double to attend his affairs he doesn't want to go. Then BB tells MK to send double to the meeting Vivian says he has that afternoon and go hang out with her. She looks straight at MK and say, since you went to the trouble to prevent me from interviewing Jang Ho, we might as well go out today. Girlfriend is refreshingly candid and I love it, and so does MK!

As for the shooting of my beloved Hello Kitty, sob it was traumatic but MK did win BB the giantic bear toy she names after him, Kang-ta kun. Kitty's death was not in vain. Vivian's jealously makes me laugh with her seething bitchyness.


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@ momosan

I always liked that anime Star Blazers too. I remember watching it about a hundred million years ago.

And just how cute was that date scene? It wasn't just that MK was mowing down those little Hello Kittys. He was doing it firing the rifle one handed. :)


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epyc, eiko and other OBGYNers!

So it was a fan page dedicated to the actor, d'oh! But quick! Check out this page!!!


It's a bloomin' GOLDMINE!! Dedicated to OBGYN and its cast, crew, lots of behind the scenes snaps of our favourite people! Including a snap where Wang (SJS) and Lee (Go Joo Won) are kissing incredible-genius writer Choi Hee Ra! She is my hero, I love her, and this was her debut project! Can you believe it?? I'm going to fangirl her for life!

I love the fans who have put this site together. I was going to bookmark this page anyway, but now I'm REEALLY going to bookmark it! For realz! Chincha! xD


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69 ockoala & @70 trixicopper

Just to show how easily amused I am - they are driving around in that little red jeep and I'm thinking - hmmm, how much Aquanet is it taking to keep that hairdo in place. And I was thinking of HIS hair. LOL!


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@ momsan

Sounds like we are both easily amused about the same things! Ah, Aquanet. Brings back scary hair memories from the 80s. I've always felt a little guilty about how much bigger I helped make that hole in the ozone layer! :)


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@ trixicopper and momosan

And whilst mowing down my Kitty's, both are just pretending his NOT some ridiculous crackshot. Not an eyebrow raised, just whatever, par for the course, apparently any guy you go out on a date with saves your from all sorts of calamities AND can win you a giant stuffed animal. Score 1 for BB.

and momosan, his hair has become part of the scenary, I nary raise an eyebrow at it anymore. I'm way more amused still by how SIK's line readings are completely different than in Jumong and KotW. Same presence, completely different actor. I'm charmed, my socks are off.


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@epyc and supah

Oh my gosh! I took a nap and I get a goldmine of goodies!!!! :-)

I remember that comment by JB but it didn't mean a blessed thing because I hadn't seen Last Scandal...yet. Now it makes sense! :-)

Wow....those photos!!!! Thank you.....thank you!!!! I was laughing and giggling and enjoying every click as I scrolled along!

Yep girlfriends.....gotta admit that Su Ji Suk is one "fine" looking man! How do those guys stay so thin? I mean....do they work out every day or what? Guess it must be the age thing where the body is still cooperating.

Thanks for all the great links and keeping me in the loop....have a feeling episode 16 will be out tomorrow for me to finish off!


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I thought I was the only one who caught on k-variety shows' obsession!
I religiously watch Hello Baby ( and family outing,we got married -- love yong seo couple! ).
Shinee is my total guilty pleasure, and all the members are thebreason why I am eligible being a member of ICOMYM club member.
Minho is very good in taking care of Yoo Geun, I'm so impressed!
Key, he's such a diva I love him SFM!


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Thanks, Supah, for the goldmine of goodies. And 52% of the viewers voted for Dr Wang! Can't believe OBGYN is the debut project of the screenwriter - she's done a fantabulous job in penning this drama. You go, girl!


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@77 epyc and to supah

hehehehe....looks like we found our goldmine princess, eh?

pleased to meetcha goldmine princess supah! {{{{hugggggs}}}}


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I just finish watching the K-film Goryeojang (1963), it is a Black and White film set in rural Korea I do not have the time period.
It deals with ancient beliefs and shamantic rituals.
The attitudes and the choices people face when famine strikes, what to do with the elderly,
the indigent, and children. The practice of children sacrifice (Seateanim), and elderly sacrifice to apace the Gods.
Korea is not unique in this ancient practice, I live in Mexico, Hawaii, England, and back in the day their earlier cultures practice Human Sacrifices as a form to apace their Gods, this movie is quite original in the sense that it deals with this subject matter way back in 1963.
By the way @ 20 minutes of the original film are missing but the soundtrack still intact.


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Regarding racism and prejudice....

No matter where you go in the world or who you are, you will ALWAYS encounter some form of racism. Here's a great example. This is a very sad story, and I feel for Lou Jing.



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Ohhh Ehhh ! Any further recaps for Chuno?? Dramabeans is really behind ....The recaps are great but too slow ! Chuno finale is here but recaps are just around the 13th episode. Eeeeerrrrrrrr....


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The Bear takes another trip to the river to go fishing and encounters another weasel. ;-)

On an unrelated note, love how since hubby loves to read even more than I do, I come home often to new books arriving and it's such a treat. Anyone read Girl with the Dragon Tattoo?

I'm enjoying AMCG way too much. There is no objectivity left, it's a silly drama and I love it. Sweet, a guilty pleasure for the next few weeks. Had less than zero intention to watch it even, but it's nice to play spot the actor with all these awesome cameos. Unlike StS, not everyone from the Kingdoms of Buyeo and Gorgeyeo are around in modern garb (and doing the most random things in Jeju, but that's another StS related rant), but having Jumong and Muhyeol hold down the fort is fine by me. SIK officially challenges CSW for hottest married ahjusshi. It's a tie for me, SIK may be buffer, but I don't think he can out-sexy Jo Gook yet.


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@82 ockoala

You have to watch out for those weasels in the woods.

No, definitely CSW wins the sexiest married ahjusshi award. He has a sexier tango anyway. 8-) Well, SIK's was a comedic tango, admittedly, but CSW - whew! You could set the house on fire with the CH tango.

Every time they say "It must be Peter Pan!" or some other variation, I just crack up. There is something about calling your mysterious nemesis Peter Pan that is just wonderfully bizarre. And our jr baddies are a wonderful assortment of evil (killing your horse - evil, evil, evil) to comedic (when I first encountered Jo Jin Woong in Sons of Sol Pharmacy, he was darned good as Brutus, but who KNEW that he'd have two back to back dramas that really showed his talents).

And honestly, who knew SIK could play for laughs? Playing spot the actor is pretty cool in AMCG as well.

BTW, I'm also picking up the episodes of The Influence when they come out - LBH's web drama/giant advertisement for booze. Now THAT'S weirdness. I can follow it without subs, because so little is actually said, and LBH gets to stand around and look handsome in various costumes (always a plus in my book).


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@ ockoala &momosan

Peter Pan, A name that strikes terror onto the hearts of bad guys everywhere. :)
If they don't laugh themselves to death first. Like the weasels in Roger Rabbit.


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Speaking of my Jo Gookie, this completely caught me off guard. Like, I had NO expectations of this happening (and this is kinda appropos after reading the possible Chuno sequel),


Cha Seung-won was in Taiwan this week promoting City Hall, which had gangbuster ratings in TW (as it did elsewhere it aired in Asia), and will be rebroadcast again. At his fanmeeting, he stated that City Hall 2 "may be" happening with the entire cast, including KSA, to begin filming at the beginning of next year.

C-netizans are claiming CH 2 is a go, but I read the various articles all over C-news today, and the words are "maybe" and "hopefully" when he spoke. However, the fact that CSW dared to state it, plus saying that KSA and the entire cast will be back for such a sequel, I take as discussions have indeed been happening.

However, this to me is not a 100% comfirmation, I will await further notice, but looks like CSW will film CH 2 after Athena, which films later this year.

I. Am. So. Happy. My undisputed #1 favorite drama, ending on such a high note in fan service, with a clear sequel plot (the in between 5 years), I am completely hopeful that if such a sequel happens, with the same writer and team, it won't be a complete letdown. Hard to say if it can match CH's lightning in a bottle chemistry and engaging story. But no expectations, if CH 2 doesn't happen, eh, I'm okay with that, I never thought sequels were possible in kdramas anyways.


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epyc and eiko:
Thank you gfs, for appreciating the linky.
Hey, it was the first site I checked when I logged on. w00t!

Hurry up and watch episode 16, so I can type some kind of conclusion for this love of a drama.

SBS's weds-thurs night timeslot has scored a hattrick for me! The slot recently vacated by OBGYN also had WISFC and You're Beautiful before it, and I loved them two like crazy.
Prosecutor P takes up the slot next and I don't mind 'cause it's my unnie KSY! I laaarves! Better, her and general Choi! Who knows, it may be more than a hattrick for SBS.


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86 supah

hey girl...i'm checking for eng. sub constantly....still only raw showing up1

in the meantime i've been enjoying going through Thank You....you know, I gotta say that I really like Jang Hyuk in this drama! i like the female lead also who is really good in this one....i didn't think she was exceptional in Pasta. i love the way it ended. really liked the dialogue and thought even the 2nd male lead was good. you know, an actor like Jang reminds me of Cha Seung Won....they really come out full force in those fight um kill um dramas.....but put them in something more mellow and they really shine!

a really silly drama is The Birth of The Rich.....talk about ridiculous but it's good for mindless watching where there's no analyzing characters.

okay guys....let's get that last episode rolling for poor ole Eiko!!! :-( I keep groaning and groaning!!!!

by the way....after checking the RAW version....what bothers me is the "hand shake"!!!! sighhhhhhh.....not sure what to make of that one.


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Heys, don't be letting slip any TY spoilers now. I'm almost on ep 8 now.
Hopefully I'll finish it before Prosecutor P* and C*-Unni start this week.

*Sorry, I'm using initials here but the words Cinderell.. and Princes.. violate the inner feminist - like something fierce.
Ironically, they're the two upcoming dramas I'm keeling over dying over here, to watch.


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Big wave to OB-GYN watchers -

I took a dive and 'marathoned' eps 15 and 16! So while it's still fresh in my mind I hope to share my thoughts/questions with you guys! Of course, eiko please let me know when you've seen it with subs so I can come over and rant with you all :) oh oh I watched the strong heart ob-gyn special and dr wang's confession was so sweet! how the head nurse's smile made his day and how everyone started chanting "date date date" to the head nurse afterwards.. too little scenes of the actors i must say. do watch it if you haven't!


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88 supah

Aigooooo......episode 8 of TY!!!!! okay...dokay!!!!! i'll go back and review! hehehehe....

89 pongs..

gosh...am i the last one on the totem pole?!!!! you must have watched it raw!
hurry and take my time, right?


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@ pongs

or is that take my time but HURRY! :-)


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@82 ockoala -- I read Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last year, and had to go on and read the 2nd & 3rd volumes in French because they hadn't been translated into English yet; a friend ordered the 3rd from London when the 2nd one had been published but the 3rd hadn't come out in the US. Once you start you don't want to stop.


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lol no i'm not rushing you! I understand that the viikii subs aren't out yet and that can't be helped. as for watching it raw i understand mandarin so i went to catch ep 16 on chinese subs :)


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Thank you, Isabelh! You just tempted me to stop my Tazza watch and grab the book tonight. I can't wait, but I also hate waiting to read the next book. When I read The Golden Compass, I immediately ordered hubby to run to B&N that night before it closed to buy The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass. If I started reading it when the second and third books were not yet published, I may had to spend hours rolling the floor screaming "AHHHH, tell me what's going to happen!?!"


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93 pongs

thanks for the tip on viikii subs cause i think something went wrong again with their site.

happy monday gals!


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I'm sure you're through episode 8....it's the teary episode where I was really touched by the events. especially when he leaves the island and all 3 are affected....mother and daughter hear his voice calling them and he keeps thinking of them. then when haraboji is told about Bom having aids....i teared up again. I got emotional with this drama....it really was very well done. got worse every time the theme song came on! what a woose! that little girl is a great actress....

no matter how many times i go back to review....it affects me the same way. each time i get to understand something....for me, it's rough cause i have to read the subs and then i watch the facial expressions and the first time around i miss quite a bit. it's frustrating when i watch the faces and the subs go by quickly.

I tell you Jang Hyuk is really good in this drama. It's like I can feel his emotions by looking at his face. Sighhhhhh.....the best is yet to come....each episode is terrific.


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Have any of you( I mean those of you living in US) tried Trader Joe's New "Roasted Seaweed snack"? I was intrigued by the name and the picture on the package and bought 3 packs right away since it's only 99 cents a pack. Well. they are actually simply Korean type seaweed with a little sesame oil blushed on. Like I'd love to have some rice with... Anyhow, it's good and if your area has TJ's, and no Asian grocery stores around.

Anyway, eiko san, so you live there in beautiful Hawaii... I ended up sleeping myself away most of the time again! Unbelivable! on my part due to my on-going jet-lag. Managed to walked over to Ala Moana center to buy some mochi with red beans. Wish it was longer...

Found a site for AMCG with English sub and just started on it due to overwhelming raves by my fellow OT members. Hope I'll get into it as there's nothing on J-drama scene till the spring season starts in April. So far first 10m is let's see... I don't know... Because I luved Jumong and Kingdom of the winds with SLG's chubby cheeks. It's a bit unnerving to see him so, um, transformed(?) So, off I go back to AMCG.


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@ celestialorigin

Umm, just to clarify - I'm raving about AMCG not bc it's good by an objective barometer, I mean it could be, but I can't say that about it just yet. I'm raving about AMCG because I personally love watching it so far. Tell me what u think! Lean mean SIK takes a bit getting used to.


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I have also started AMCG because of all the review on OT. So far I really like it. Like everyone said logic is of course out of the window and watching it as a comedy is almost a must. SIK does take a bit getting use to and gosh the hair! If they would just stop piling up his hair he would be so much better looking. His hair looked so much better in the part where he goes to rescue the girls. I have to admit the eye candy factor is huge in this show.

I am feeling a bit lost in what to watch right now. Japanese drama is just barren right now, and all the new K dramas doesn't start until this coming week! Oh, well. Maybe I'll actually get stuff done this week.


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@97 celestialorigin

Ah so....short stay in Waikiki for you, huh? You had nice weather so you one lucky wahine!

You didn't go to Shirokiya? I love going there....

When my daughter and her friends come in from DFW their first stop is Ala Moana Food Court! Last year they flew in and took me to dinner at Yanagi Sushi to celebrate my birthday and flew out the next day! :-)


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