Open Thread #128


Marvelous Darlings – “I’ll Stand By Her” [ Download ]

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@ twin

you say it like it was sum big chore... which it coulda been. but it only took like 3 mins to find. and i get to share GD's awesomeness. so.worth.it.

have fun in vegas!!! it's 5 o'clock here. i'm gone!!!!


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@ twin

you are pretty darn speedy then. it's only 3 here... 2 more hours until i battle the traffic to vegas. luckily i have collected a nice assortment of snacks for the road. Have a great weekend!!


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re: harassment

My husband and I stayed in the US for quite sometime. There was one incident when a small kid made a racist remark to me. I can tolerate a kid for his innocence but while his dad was watching with no reaction, not so. That is one of the reason why we opted to find a life in Asia again when we started our family.

I fully embrace the culture that we, Asians, have - the essence of family and extending that to our neighbors. That is why we are so accomodating to other races when we are in our own territory. They may think that it's an inferior trait but its our culture and I am proud of it.


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@90 eiko -
Oh good! Now that you've seen 15, you can give me a hug, please!
The baby!!!!
That poor little baby! When he drops his dummy and cries out ''amamamaa''. Like he sensed his adoptive parents were abandoning him!

Awww Dr Wang! I love the man!
The time when gets drunk and winds up outside Seo's place, shouting out in the street: 'uri (Seo) Hye Young - sexy-daa, yeppo-daa!' (Hye Young is sexy, Hye Young is pretty.) He then turns around to Lee and says, ''you'll make a great wife, Hye-young doesn't need a husband, she needs a wife.'' (LOL!)
THAT funnily enough, is the moment he moves on and gives her up to Lee.

How right is that though, the 'wife' comment? The one thing I felt missing from Seo's life was 'nurturing'. Lee and the OBGYN family (the F7!) kind of had that nurturing quality about them, they really looked out for one another, so since she first moved to the Korea hospital, we can see her icy character thawed out, a lot.
See, I'm not giving all the credit to Lee here, I believe all of them had a hand in her transformation.

About episode 16, all I'm going to say now is 'yes'. :)
We'll discuss it as soon as you've seen it. I loved it, it was a good way to end the series.

By the way, the head nurse, her character's name was Cha Young Ah, but we'd have never known, everyone just called her head nurse.
And the other 2nd year, who used to clown around with Ahn, his character name was: Tae-Joon.
Just so we all know our OBGYN family - the F7. Oh how I'll miss them.


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@78 coco -
Thanks for sharing it with us, I'm sorry to hear it.
And I thought my 'love story' was a bit of sad case, but still, I'm grateful to have had in my life. 'Better to have loved'. From your comment, I can see there's a similar sense of gratefulness there (?). Big hug!

@lb_tmi -
I know!! It's crazy how talented Key is! I love his dorky laugh, and his semi-obnoxiousness. He's Yoogeun's umma more than an appa on HB, hilarious!
I have the same problem at work with youtube. Plus, it's not exactly discreet either.


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o I was just reading bout the My Fair Lady remake, the feminist in me can care less about how 'true an adaptation' just like I'll 4ever not care how a Return of Condor hero remake fares.

@ twin, o I've seen Education, Carey can handle it, not sure about if singing is involved? will be a wayyyy less grating Eliza, no Keira plz, not that I hate, but I can already predict scene by scene how she'll essay her Eliza and it'll bore me. Hugh Grant, I dont care for Higgins at all, so they may as well have Keanu. if i have my
way and just to bastardize it till it's interesting, I'll root for Depp all cleaned up, dandy and stuck-up. havent seen that for decades!

I'm also watching DoMD very slowly, the dialogue is absolutely a riot. I didnt know the REAL meaning of a lot of phrases WXB said, seems harmless but r blatant canto slang( need to watch it w/ a native canto boy-sch dude to even notice) fascinates me how they managed to sneak all that in w/ the censors!


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@ twin

The feminist in me completely detaches when watching My Fair Lady, Roman Holiday, Gone with the Wind, Breakfast at Tiffany's et. al. I have to view in the context, and therefore can enjoy immensely.

Yeah, I can picture Kiera doing Eliza, she's pretty predicatable in her acting, but when she's suited for the role, she's fine with me.

JD would be a perfect Higgins only if Burton directs it. Hahaha, imagine a TBized MFL existing in this world. After Sherlock Holmes, I would love to see RDJ hit the role and completely own it. But Depp is probably better since he can sing after Sweeny Todd.

As for DoMD, the joy in a slow savory rewatch is exactly as you describe, the devil in the details, which we missed as kids enthralled by the story. The details are even more exquisite, I wish I understood Canto. I stopped my DoMD rewatch since hubs been busier than ever and is never home until I'm asleep. Will resume with him when he frees up.


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Back from "Mother" a little while ago ~ It's now up to 92% on Rottentomatoes! Very, very good ~ try to see it! Even for non-Koreans, lots of humor especially IF you watch a lot of Kdramas ... Yeah, that's right, this film is not only engrossing and scary, it's got laughs, too! Well-paced, plenty of surprises!

On Sunday, I'll see "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." Loved the book.


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omg! have u guys seen the 10 min preview of PT!? whoaaaaaa! i didnt understand a thing but i enjoyed it a lot! SYJ is sooo adorable and LMJ is so charming! aaahhh! cant wait! :D
credits to MBC and the uploader


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@ mookie and @ ockoala

JD as Higgins?? YES PLEASE!!!!! i can totally imagine it. and a TBized MFL would definitely be interesting as well.


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@9 not-so-kdrama-newbie

Claps hands and giggles! Ah! That looks promising. 8-) And nice to see Kim Ji Suk being a semi-comic baddie there.


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oooo RDJ and SH love ftw!
Dear Emma, how bout max the bromance and have Depp AND RDJ and just let them choose btn Higgins and Doolittle? Eliza was their poor gimp anyways to vent all the sizzle.

I can never get tired of MFL, ogling at Hepburn's impossibly tiny waist in those gorgeous extreme makeover outfits. if i have a say in barbie and her wardrobe, it'll be carbon copy of Ms Hepburn


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@ 11 momosan: i knoooow right? funny badass guy LOLz ... i see great chemisty, wwweee! march 31, come quick puhleeeez!...for the meantime, here's to hoping they will put eng sub on that wonderful 10 min preview! :)


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@4 supah

Yes...I loved 15....it wasn't one of those "weepy" episodes....I was giggling and getting a kick out of expressions....especially Lee's face cause he really was in top form in looking like a lost soul when it came to love and taking care of matters of the heart.

And...I did pick up on that scene with the baby and the way he spit out his binky and cried mama....that was really good. I was so happy to see them back and I know Lee was also.

That scene picking the wedding dress? How fun was that? She looked beautiful in the 2nd dress! For some reason I couldn't picture Seo wearing a gown...but then, can't picture her in a dress either!

Oh...I like that our F7 OBGYN group! I didn't make notes on the names like I did with Catch A Falling Star!

And I certainly glady give up a hug to my OT connection!!!! {{{{{hugggg}}}}}

Aiggggoooo.....now to wait for the final episode!!!!! Also waiting for DWL!!!


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Racism in America will never die!
At the base of American racism lays "Religion", even tough the pilgrims left England in search for freedom of religion, once you proclaim that America is a Christian Nation it creates a profile that is define by Judeo/Christian values. We must remember that not all who believe in Jesus are consider to be equal, we must remember the signs that read " Irish need not apply". In the early American mind was the ever present sense of US and THEM, if you do not believe us "Us" than you are one of "THEM" that included Slaves, and everyone that did not profess to be a follower of the Christ.
From the beginning Asian people where seen as Them, they eat different foods, wore different clothes, and the worst of all sins they "Worship a Different God" for the American mind Buddha and Confucius has always been an Anathema, I know that many will disagree with me but the history is on my side.
"According to the Naturalization Act of 1790, only free, white immigrants could gain citizenship through naturalization procedures. Although the provisions of this law were set aside in 1870 in favor of African Americans who were former slaves and their descendants, Asians were still excluded. Several Western states also passed discriminatory legislation against Chinese, Japanese, and other Asian immigrants, which severely limited their rights. The phrase aliens ineligible to citizenship was used in what were called antialien land laws to deny Asians the right to own property. These laws, passed in the early 1900s, had the effect of dooming Asian immigrant farmers to lives as farm laborers, sharecroppers, or tenant farmers.

The Immigration Act of 1924, which became known as the Asian Exclusion Act and the National Origins Act, prohibited the entry into the United States for permanent residence of all persons whose national origin sprang from nations within what was called the Asia Pacific Triangle. These countries included Japan, China, the Philippines, Laos, Siam (Thailand), Cambodia, Singapore (then a British colony), Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Burma (Myanmar), India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and Malaysia. The act halted the immigration of all Asians and was deeply resented by the affected countries because it maintained that their people were undesirable because of race. The 1924 law was modified during World War II, after some embarrassment to the United States, to provide immigration quotas for China and the Philippines, which were allies of the United States against Japan".
I really hate true history, because forces me to really look at the way we really are as a Nation, I am not a Bigot, I do not hate Christian, but as in the song of Led Zeppelin "The Truth Remains The Same", I wish that I have an answer to end Racism in this beloved nation of mine, but I don't, Peace Out!!!!!
Link to full article; http://history-world.org/asian_americans.htm


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Jang Hyuk should win an award for episode 16 alone. Such pain mixed with anger is so tough to pull off. I'm amazed.


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@ Amg1 - WOW, I can't believe what I just read - I don't know what to say to your post. --- it sounds to me like you are blaming Christians/believers in Jesus for racism in the US? how jaded.

I'm very much looking forward to Personal Taste starting next week... I hope it is good. I thought SYJ was really nice in her dress.


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Sometimes when I see Kim Ji Suk, I think about Jung Kyung Ho. (and vice versa) I'm not saying they look alike, because they really don't, it's just an aura of dork around them. I watched the personal taste extended trailer and see Kim Ji Suk trying to be all suave, but I'm like "nerrrrrrddddddddd". I would totally believe them if they ever played siblings.


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@15 Amg1

Thanks for your comments and for the facts you presented....yes racism is alive and well in America....and I know because I'm Filipino/Japanese. But you know....the only way it can ever begin to stop is through generations....it became my lot to bridge the gap. Ironically, you know, it's something that was taught even among "races".....whether it was black or oriental or white.....there was a class thing and a pure thing or color (too dark, too brown, too light).....even slanted eyes and double lids. How tragic is that?

The families who disowned my mother are no longer "pure"....their children have inter-married. My children have brought together Filipino, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, German, English, Hawaiian, Chinese, Irish, and Native American.

Peace begins with each person who makes changes within themselves and they multiply that by instilling the same values with each generation. We have to keep teaching our children that it's NOT okay to hurt others intentionally....whether physically or emotionally or with words....

By example is how we teach our children....

And you know....religion and politics are 2 of the worse examples anyone can ever use against another human being. It's all about the right to choose what you want to do or be and to take responsiblity.

My father worked tirelessly against discrimination in the work place....and he fought for benefits and wages for the minority.

I am thankful and I was blessed to have such a mentor.....I never forgot the lessons and I'm proud of my heritage.

Experience is the best teacher....and it's up to us to CHANGE what we believe to be morally and socially and humanely wrong. I do mean that as "humane".

Okay....off my soapbox! :-)


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Just another thought to add....you know, it's very true "you are your worst enemy"...because the anger and hatred one tries to teach and instill in others is a projection of themselves.

There's a lot of cleansing that needs to be done....

All I can say is that if we keep trying to learn from history....it's all done. The lesson is DON'T REPEAT.....


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Not all Muslims are terrorist, and not all terrorist are Muslims! Not all white Christians Americans are racist, and not all racist are white Christians Americans.
Having said that, racism manifest and is cause by many factors, chief among them is "Religion".
The Crusades, The Muslim Conquest, is but a fraction of the atrocities that has been perpetrated in the name of (GOD) Religion. Christians are not the only ones at fault, Hitler was a very religious person, suicide bombers are also very religious people, Communism is a form of Religion in which Government takes the form of (God) look at North Korean leaders etc,etc.
I am not implying that all Christians are racist but many a white Christians in the Southern States fought in the Civil War to maintain their
"God given Right" to hold on to Slavery.
By the way when the Founding Fathers drafted the US Constitution, when they used the word "WE" they did not meant Black Slaves, and that is a historical fact that can not be denied, I am very sorry If I have offended a true Christian/Jesus followers that was not my intent, I am just reminded of what Jesus said "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Peace To All!!!


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Just gave a really long review for A Man Called God after trying to watch the second episode and stopping at the first part because it just made me want to hurl a refrigerator at it.

Really, the first episode was an indicator that it was bad, but I had to watch the second just to be sure they didn't make a piece of crap and run with it.

Sadly, they ran a marathon with it. Talk about a waste of brain cells.


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@ Toya

Sorry to hear that you aren't enjoying AMCG. I'm getting a real kick out of it. It's campy and very much a live action comic. Also quite humorous. I really don't think that it is meant to be taken all that seriously and it is definately not your every day Kdrama.

But then again it's like anything else. Not everyone likes the same things. There have been dramas I loved that others hated. And dramas I hated that others raved about. The world would be a really boring place if we all liked the same things. :)


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yeah AMCG needs a diff mindset going in, u cant look at it like any drama. it's campy cheesy in your cheek fun though if u r up for it!


so I need to share w/ u this line in DoMD , super early ep...
WXB was told by his daddy figure cop to burn that particular Ming history book that will get some good scholars in trouble, but since XB cant read, he burnt every single piece of paper in the brothel....including the little black book for acct.. there's one scene where he's chased and beaten by the hordes and a line was yelled, ' I burnt ur acct book (燒您數簿)?!' it was completely harmless and still cohesive if u take it at face value..BUT it is homonymic to 'doing some very bad deeds to your mom' the worst version in Canto. O M G I didnt know!!!


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@ twin

Why am I not surprised, it's so funny and crass!

@ trixicopper

I am absolutely onboard AMCG too! I can't wait for this weekend's new episodes. The drama has zero bearing with subtlety and realism but works as a homage to SIK and as pure fun entertainment eye candy. I think it either works for a viewer or doesn't, no in between. I love the chemistry btw HCY and SIK.


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@ 21 Amy1

I'm glad you make the distinction between true followers of Jesus and those who consider themselves "God's mouthpieces."

Racism is WRONG. In the Bible it says we should love each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of race, gender or class. As followers of Christ, Christians are called to be like Jesus. And Jesus never ever made a single racist or discriminatory statement against anyone. He simply loved.

I feel so ashamed at those people calling themselves Christians and acting in every contrary to what the Bible teaches.

Although I'm not very sure that Hitler was all that religious... he DID believe he was God on earth for that matter... he imprisoned and tortured the Christian pastors who dared to speak out against his regime.

Unfortunately racism and bigotry is very much a part of our landscape, even in this post-modern day and age. And it's everywhere, not just in America. I've lived in many countries, and I've witnessed/felt/heard of racism in every one.

I'm going to do my part by never ever directing a racist or hurtful comment to anyone... I actually love that we have different races, talk about an interesting variety!


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@ supah

Okay....I couldn't stand it and finished OBGYN 16 RAW!!! LOL...LOL....I have no idea what the dialogue was but just looking at how it ended I'm guessing she's going with Lee.....I had to wait cause that handshake...what was that all about? Of course, if I wait for the english sub I'll find out! But the last part on the escalator she was wearing a dress and looked so different because she was smiling! In fact, I have to guess that after she made her mind up on "who" she wanted....she began to smile and looked happy! Then when he reached out and took her hand.... squeeeeee!!!!!

Aigoooooo.......do you know I was more teary during this episode than at 15! I thought 15 was hilarious.....but 16 was more emotional because of what kept happening.

Oh yeah....I'm also assuming that he took the offer in the U.S.? So did he take the offer before he even knew what her decision was? Or did he even tell her?

Darn....I'm gonna miss this drama!!!!!


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@ ockoala & mookie

I agree that AMCG is probably not for everyone. I've never seen a Kdrama like this one. I think that it's a hoot! And of course theres SIK. It reminds me of the time when I watched Princess Bride(which I love) with my mom. I was lmao and she was like "I don't get it." :)

@9 not -so- kdrama- newbie

Thanks for the link to the longer trailer for PT. It looks like so much fun! I was laughing and I didn't have a clue what they were saying! Hopefully it won't get stuck in Viikii limbo. Looking forward to next week. :)


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What happened to the ring?!!! :-)


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It is always a joy waking up on a Saturday morning down under to read all you gals and guys have to say from Friday up north. Good company for breakfast!

@ coco

Thanks for sharing your love story with us. Dramas can never imitate real life, so true,

@ samsooki

Always appreciate your bringing up issues from the left field. My view is so long as there is a difference (even a slight shade of colour difference), there will be prejudice. It is just human nature, aggravated by ignorance. The point is how we could minimize it or if you are lucky, enjoy or celebrate the difference. Education from a very young age as said by eiko is the key.

@ My Fair Lady

Despite my love for old English period movies, this one never works on me although I love every other thing with Audrey Hepburn in it! Two for the Road, anybody?! I also think Keira will suit Eliza to a T (and in fact read something two or three years ago suggesting her to reprive Eliza's role in MFL, and apparently that one didn't get up). Carey seems to the 'it' thing at the moment but she's too nice/sweet for this role. Now, Hugh Grant seriously needs to find a niche for himself with his age. After About a Boy, I don't think he has made anything great or memorable. If he doesn't manage his career well enough, he will soon turn into another dirty old man type actor. (On the other hand, Colin Firth is more or less picking up interesting roles one after another.)

2@ Supah, Eiko and other OBGYN

I am too so impressed by Dr Wang's ”you’ll make a great wife, Hye-young doesn’t need a husband, she needs a wife.” As I said before, I really root for him - so mature, so perceptive and so cool as a friend and as a man.

I really love the ending. It is perhaps one of the best endings I've seen (the perfect ending remains to be that of CH). The transformation of Dr Seo and her final response to Dr Lee is convincing and true to her character. A sweet and cheesy ending is befitting for Dr Ahn and Youngmi but not for our main couple.

Like you, Supah, I have box of tissues with me every episode. The Ep 16 medical cases involving the two families are so heartbreaking...lots of tears shed again. This is a drama that you can certainly have a couple more episodes. Straight after finishing Pasta and WUAS, I find myself loving OBGYN more than the other two because it is 'meatier' and more fulfilling as a human drama. The main story and the episodic stories combine making it a very satisfying watch. Some of the more memorable side stories are the traffic policeman, the two women staying in the room (the pianist and the housewife), and the woman who pregged up to save the first child. Lastly, the medical case in the final episode (ie heart transplant and the baby connection), I am sure there is a drama or movie along similar storyline. Anybody remembers what it is?

Eiko, just let us know when you finish Ep 16 and we can have another discussion. Since you like Last Scandal (which is my another favorite), do you notice that the song sung by Dr Lee at the Karaoke is also one of the songs sung in Last Scandal?

@ DWL Watchers

Don't miss tomorrow's episode....,,


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spring breakkkk baby!!! it's either i relax or go to lake havasu n hve fun...
not sure which option.
hahah im so so so so happy to be on breakkkk though.. school's out for the wk.

if i choose to stay home, i'd def watch dramas, but not sure what's good.


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@30 epyc

Oh darn....I must go back and listen to the music again....no wonder it sounded familiar. That karaoke scene is so funny!

Okay....so I watched 16 RAW version which doesn't do me any good and I assumed about Lee and Seo.....after seeing them on the escalator and then he held her hand....I know he must have accepted that job in U.S. so is it ending where he's going alone? I felt 16 was much sadder because of the Lee/Seo situation. But then, I also felt Lee was jumping in blind....kinda cute though.

Guess I'll lean on english sub cause I also am curious what Seo told that other guy who was going to Japan.

I'm waiting for DWL also....its gonna get better!

By the way....I was watching Last Scandal....certain parts again. I love the scene where she goes to the hotel to check about the name on the invitation and he grabs her in time to hide her face.....I would say You're Beautiful copied that one! Except Shin-woo wasn't large enough to really shield Go-Minam.

I'll let you and supah know when I get to see the eng sub of episode 16!!!!


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@30 epyc

I went back to listen to the karaoke scene in OBGYN....yep...that's the song! :-)

thanks for the knock on the head!


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What episode of Thank You are you on? I think you need to be in the mood to watch Thank You--its not a light hearted drama though I found it personally uplifting. The acting is what I appreciated most, as well as the nuance of the different human interactions on blue island, the cruelty and pettiness capable of people especially in an insular environment, as well as forgiveness and thanks for what one has. Some parts of it is painful to watch and probably even more as the story progress but its realistic and not glossed over and the character development/transition particularly in Dr Min is what keeps the story together. I can see how in a more conservative korea this show would do a lot to promote empathy since there is a huge stigma to the diseases in the story.


I've actually just watched the first episode of AMCG because I'm suffering from insomnia and all I have to say is "oh my". What a weird little drama. A lot of cheese and camp with some Fantasy Island thrown in as well as a lot of randomness which I find amusing. When things shifted all of a sudden to the undercover sting operation I thought they must have spliced a different drama into AMCG when all of a sudden who do I see but Kim Min Jong! This is more of a shock to me since I haven't seen him since Secret. The part that had me howling with laughter was the part where the CIA/white guy comes out of the stretch limo and says to SIK "Peter Pan?".

I'm not sure I'm going to stick through this whole thing because the story has zero interest for me and I'm not sure camp is enough to sustain me through 24 episodes but I haven't laughed so hard in a while.


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I think sadly its part of human nature to always cyclically engage in conflict of some kind and if its not a difference in religion, its race, if not race its economics, and if not economics, skinny vs fat, or star belly sneetches vs non-star belly sneetches etc. Putting people in an other category makes it convenient to see them as inferior and therefore "not us" and therefore gives rationalization that it ok to harass and/or take out their jealous aggressions on a group. So if US were to ever unite, sadly it would take something like a war against a another nation to mobilize and identify people as "American".

BTW to sort of tie this discussion in with Dramabeans site, watching kdrama for me is definitely an escape because you are removing the a layer of difference that exists in America since Korea is so homogeneous. So perhaps though I love being American in real life and I can navigate through it convincingly, kdramas are my escape to a simpler set of social rules. Can you imagine the angst and conflict that would arise if you add race to the list of obstacles that already exist in kdramas (e.g. class, money, amnesia, incest).


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@99 lb_tmi

Oooooohhh! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! I LUV YOU! But... I can't seem to shut the music on the right side player looping Lollypop forever... Anyhow, I'll figure it out... Oh, I got it. Thank youuuuu!

@77 lovenyc52

I know, I know. I'm blessed. Oh, so, now I remember, BigBang was claimed by you two way back when on that fateful Friday... I was mighty late for everybody with my irregular schedule, was I?

@79 hpn88

Hahaha, On, no, I highly recommend you stay on your med.school path. I fly for a certain US airlines which takes me anywhere and everywhere and pays for my insurances and is super flexible, easy to take a couple of months off, no problem. Pay wise, not exactly good. Meantime, I have my own business helping people remembering who they are and enabling them to love themselves. So I teach classes here and in Japan and also do private sessions. Ah, also, do ghost busting(yes, it works. I don't normally ask for payments for this, but ppl always thank me and pay me! LOL!) and so on.

Emma Thompson!

@ ockoala and others! I've loved her since the time I saw her in Henry the 5th with what's his name? then her husband Kenneth Brannagh(spelling???) My fair lady? Whatever she's involved us usually good.

@21 Amg1

@Not all Muslims are terrorist, and not all terrorist are Muslims! Not all white Christians Americans are racist, and not all racist are white Christians Americans.
Having said that, racism manifest and is cause by many factors, chief among them is “Religion”.

I'd say it's more like Religion is used by some nutty people as a way to manipulate masses, racism included. Religions themselves are just various ways for various people to connect with or finding God/Divine/Creator within or outside themselves most of the times started with pure intent. It's all fear based, isn't it? fear of unknown, so to speak... If we can all remember we all are sparks of Divine, there are more than plenty for all of us to go around... Anyway, another time, another space...


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lb_tmi & lovenyc52

OMG! After being on skype with my girl friend about our up coming classes in Japan for over 1 hour, I finally had a chance to watch the bigining of the video. GD is sooooooo hot! I'd love to continue but it's 339am my time... I'd better go to bed if I want to workout and do some shopping here in Honolulu tomorrow. So, thank you soooooo much for the link. I hope those videos will be there for a while, then, may be DVD will be available on YA . May be I should plan a side trip to Korea while in Japan in May? It's only 1and half hours from Tokyo, I think...


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@23 trixicopper

Too true, it would be a boring place.

Honestly, I would have liked it better if they were more serious about it instead of the comic feel. Also the inconsistencies here and there started to bug me.

Guess I am waiting for Cinderella Sister and Personal Taste now. Oh My Lady has been fun to watch.


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hi everyone, in honor of LBH, i just rewatch BD again and love every bit of it, oh if LBH would come back and do a cliche drama like that (rich guy, orphan girl ) it'd be heavenly. BD still my all time favorite. OTP = LBH and CJW : )


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@37 celestialorigin

Welcome to Honolulu! Enjoy your brief visit....ala moana shopping center? :-)

My daughter works with American in Dallas...she's been with them 14 years and she comes "home" at least 4 times a year. Then she and some of her pals fly in and out of different cities to find those eating places mentioned on Food Network. I get a kick listening to her stories about the people she encounters at the boarding area...especially the famous ones.

Its' beautiful here!


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@34 nycgrl

I just watched Thank You and I loved it! Any drama that I like I go back a few times because it's rough enough listening to the music and dialogue and then watching the expressions on their faces and also listening to their voices. Also....I will always catch something that I missed earlier because of distraction. I'm going over the scene where Jang is following her as she walks to meet with that arranged date.

I love grandpa.....he has some moments where he says some very worthwhile things.

I also like Last Scandal.


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Happy weekend OTers!

For those interested, you can find at d-addicts a weekly batch of korean variety shows: Happy Togeether, Star Golden Bell, Invincible Youth, Let's Go Dream Tream, and Entertainment Weekly with English hardsubs under the file name K-Tv

The shows are a couple of weeks old. CashewmaniaKpop has the MU link posted for the raws for these and other shows. Enjoy!


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I'm late on the Chuno weeping but I am shedding major tears right now.
Seriously seriously seriously..I don't even know where to start.

I had a feeling he was going to die and when he actually did I was like NOOOO
but i started bawling when Sul Hwa was singing over his grave. OMFG, I couldn't handle it. and then when the other general guy went back to his wife.
and then I absolutely LOST IT at the last line. Couldn't take it.
I wish that they had shown and end for general choi and the younger jumo too.
It was a fabulous show. JH rocked it and HE GOT ROBBED by the awards shows. Maybe they'll have an award show just for him and his awesome.

comments are so random, mostly because I still have not processed the awesome. Someone said this a while ago and I agree...WE ARE NOT WORTHY


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@ nycgrl - 34
I'm sure it's episode 4, when he finally realises that the little girl is the same one he's been looking for, after he finds her wiping away her own nosebleed.
'Uplifting' is what I wanted to hear! That's ample encouragement for me to watch it all now, seriously. (and Jang Hyuk, ofc.)

LOL, I don't know how you manage, I can only watch 1-2 good dramas at a time, I wouldn't be to handle more than two. I guess I'm the kind that gets sucked right in.

@Epyc I totally agree with everything you've said.
About Ahn Kyung-woo and (Kim) Yong-mi-sshi -- I admit their ending was a tad cheesy! But I do love them still! They're my OTP.
I suppose they didn't want that couple to overshadow the Lee-Seo pairing, so they dumbed them down and cutesied them up twowards the ending. But how sexy is my Song Joong-ki?? (Guy who played Ahn Kyung-woo.)

@Eiko, yup! We won't discuss episode 16 with you till you've watched it with subs.


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Oh and DR WANG!!!!!!!
The best second lead in kdrama history, EVERRRR!

Sexy, snarky, cracking sense of humour, undercover angel, perceptive, sensitive-in-a-good-way, a truly loyal friend! And when he finally realises that he's not the one for the object of his affection, he actively helps the first lead, even tells him her ring size!

[shouts out loud Wang-style] Uri Wang Jae-suk shekkshiya-daaa! Sarangheyo!


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Does anyone not want to to see a K-drama that is a sci-fi? Something like Firefly or even Cowboy Bebop (Yes, I know it's a anime) I wonder why they never try creating a K-drama that takes place in space and the future.


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@34 nycgrl and other AMCG watchers

Honestly the line "Peter Pan? The report said you died in Nicaragua!" has to go down in K-drama history as one of the funniest of all time. How they managed to do that without howling in laughter is a mystery.

I'm not sure I've ever seen a k-drama quite like this one. All it really needs is the KPOW! comic blurbs to show up. But it really is classic comic book stuff. Check brain at door, sit back with popcorn, watch Batman done k-drama style. I know from other OT comments that I'm not the only one who watched about half of ep 1 and yelled "My name is Inigo Montoya....You killed my father, prepare to DIE!" In fact, if anyone recaps ep 1 - that should be the title.

(oh, and SIK? Next time, throw the bolt on the rifle before pretending to shoot someone - leaving the rifle on safe is a giveaway....other than that, blow things up, rescue maidens from evil baddies, fight holographic ninjas, fence one handed with your butler while watching closed circuit cameras - it's all good.)


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@45 supah

I am laughing....ever noticed that the 2nd lead is almost always a "good" guy....he might not let go right away, but he does come around?

Look at You're Beautiful and Shin-woo who told Hwang taekyung off and was right to the point.....have you ever held on to her? Of course, Jeremy was so wonderful with his "butt hole".....I cracked up watching some of the on the scenes stuff and they had to re-do that scene several times cause Lee Hong-ki kept messing up and Jang Geun Suk made a fist after one take. He even kept the script under his vest with his arms in his pocket to keep it in place.

the most gracious of all was Jung-hwa in Stars....of course, I felt that drama worked on a different level. even Kang-ha in all his cold and snippy ways kept it all professional. The one with major change was Pal-gang who ended up being a "lady".

OBGYN....I feel it brought out all the things we want to see....rom/com full on with stories that touch the heart about children and families. even showing the ridiculous attitude of Dr. Ahn's mother towards her son's bride to be. I was laughing out loud at Wang's response about getting pregnant first and marrying right away! How right on is that? It had me rolling especially when he asked Dr. Ahn about knowing how to calculate ovulation period. LOL LOL.... And you know, I've read various comments about Lee's acting...but you know, he fit the role of the pediatrician to a T .... gentle, kind, not overbearing....and he displayed professionalism in what he was doing.

I keep track of dramas that I really like....make notes and I go back to review. Actually I enjoy doing character study so when I check on something and the story is pretty off beat and stupid....I don't watch it. Depending on what I feel up to....dramas that have a little of everything always end up grabbing me. I'm not much into those shooting, killing stuff....there's enough of that in the real world that I don't care to see it in a story.

I'll keep checking to find english sub for 16!!!! I'm just anxious to get this thing done!!! :-)


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Hugh Grant as Higgins? PLEASE tell me Colin Firth and Jude Law and Hugh Laurie were all busy! Don't get me wrong, I love me a good Hugh Grant flick. But really?


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@ 47 momosan

The line about Peter Pan in the first ep of AMCG is epic! I laughed so hard I thought I hurt myself. There ought to be an award for the actors keeping a straight face through that! I get the giggles everytime someone mentions(oh so seriously) the dreaded Peter Pan. :)

With all of Michael Kings other awesome abilities he even knows Spocks Vulcan death grip! I was impressed lol! :)


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