Open Thread #128


Marvelous Darlings – “I’ll Stand By Her” [ Download ]

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I can't believe it's friday already! ugh time is passing by so fast!

I am currently drama-addiction-less. It feels a bit lonely. I'm still watching and enjoying dramas, but I'm not as addicted to any as I was to WUAS. I tried Oh! My Lady, while I find it cute and entertaining, I couldn't find anything addictive about it. I'm really into the taiwanese drama, PS Man, but I felt like the last episode was sort of mediocre. Now I'm in dread of it ending up like Easy Fortune Happy Life.

I can't believe Jang Hyuk didn't win the Baeksang! =*( I hope there are people in korea complaining about this too!


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@ hpn88

that's what i wrote?? the others would be all gangsta engrish, but khun, he be reppin' the english... i don't think he can pull off gangsta tho. he's too.. not gangsta enough?


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@ robotmatsuri (and everyone who wanted something, anything, a pinky touch (maybe?) more than just the eye-sexing all over the mountaintop)

This is the best most kissy kissy scenes one of my unnis' hjkomo and langdon's fave dramas - Robbers - which stars our Onion and Choco (ahem, Un-nyun and Dae-gil).

Watching this after Chuno ended gave me the closure I needed - perhaps UN-DG did get their happily ever after in the next life (it's also a great YT video):


@ asianromance

Call it the curse of Blue (whom I actually kinda like) - I thought PS Man was gorgeously produced but the storytelling appears headed straight towards EFHL land, I'm afraid.


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:::::sigh::::: Just echoing some of the same feelings as most of y'all regarding Jang Hyuk's Baeksang snub. When I woke up, I was looking forward to seeing pics of Jang Hyuk's win but was oh so disappointed and shocked to see that he had lost.

At least I can be happy about Kim Nam Gil and Go Hyun Jung's wins.


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obviously i cannot read! lol :)
maybe he can be gangsta? he did live in LA for a while. anything is possible. I'd personally love to hear him speak in english for more than 5 seconds. voices change in different languages and his english voice is sexy

Anyone know if people sub Happy Together??? the cast of Cinderella Unni was on it and I really want to Seo Woo, CMJ and MGY were saying.

Also, Seo Woo....MY GIRL CRUSH. she is just the most adorable thing ever


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@ twin

khunnie is more... preppie fashion i guess? he's not gangsta fashion forward like GD and junK... haha i can imagine the gangsta engrish goin on in that group LOLs.... hilarity ensues. oh, se7en did a guest performance during GD's concert, did i tell you? sadly, i'm just not a big se7en fan...


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@eiko -- It cheers me up each week when you say "Happy Aloha Friday"; it is gray and rainy here, but I can imagine sunshine and warmth when I read that.

Where are people watching OBGYN with subtitles? I usually download, but WithS2 and Haru2 don't have that one on their current projects lists.

Uwajimaya had a big display of chocopies this week, a food item I had never heard of until Dramabeans OT. Do character eat them in dramas, or do you eat them while watching?

Watching The Woman who still wants to marry, and am hoping that the character who throws water out the window in the first episode will show up again. I liked her a lot in On Air.


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Happy weekend everyone,

I would like to give some opinion on Paeksang award, definitely the smaller budget kdrama like Chuno will not be able to get the high votes. What they should do is to categorized big budget kdrama and smaller budget kdrama so that actors who is at same par will get the chance to win the paeksang award. If not, the bigger fish will always win and get the award. I think Jang Hyuk did gave his best performance for Chuno and I felt bad for him too !.

If someone could enlighten me why the ost by woong san "damn I love" was not played ? was there an alteration to the original script ? Too much pain to watch Dae gil last breath.


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A bit random and more "real life" than I am usually known for introducing, but this cuts very close to me for reasons that aren't relevant here:


Here's the situation:

Asian students have been and continue to be harrassed and assaulted in South Philly schools. They have been for years, but in December 2009, this pattern took an alarming and ugly turn when huge numbers of students decided to launch premeditated attacks on Asian students. The reason for the harrassment and assaults? I doubt the perpetrators have it within them to search for an honest answer, but I can certainly provide answers for them. The Asian students were attacked because they are an easy target, because they don't look like other people from South Philly, because very few people have stood up for them. The South Philly school district's administrative response has been to do nothing but commission a study that concluded that "race may have been a contributing factor."

I won't get into what would have happened if the victims were black and the assaulters white, because the answer is quite obvious. And my point is NOT the lack of national media attention or the lack of social responsibility on the part of parents, school teachers and administrators involved.

My concern is that this "outbreak of violence" may seem like it is relegated to economics or race, but it isn't. It is about culture and America's lack of a unifying one.

Culture means that you take pride in your identity and that pride makes you say, "I don't want to embarrass myself as a representative of my culture by doing something that makes my culture seem bankrupt or poor or immoral." Culture provides a set of guideliness and principles so that people who profess to have that culture automatically have an idea on how to behave to one another.

This country (USA) was founded on the political ideas of self-governance, egalitarianism and federalism, but as an artificial construct, it has never had sufficient time to create a culture of its own that could unify those who inhabit this land. Everywhere you look, you see this country fractured and splintered by various things: geography, ethnicity, socio-economic class, education level, wealth, religion, political principles, gender, sexual orientation. And in the midst of this fracture, entire generations of young people are lost to culture.

And when generations are lost, there is nobody left to teach, nobody left to pass down culture and heritage. This results in cultural extinction, and young people have no choice but to grab onto whatever is easiest, whatever is most accesible that gives them the illusion of power - which is to oppress people who are different.

The solution is relatively simple in concept. To rescue our young people, to turn America into the kind of country which has the potential to be the greatest country in the history of the world, what we need to do is create that culture.

Fill it with good things, things that make people respect and care for one another. Fill it with laughter, bright colors and with joy. Fill it with history and the sacrifices of our ancestors, wherever they are from, because we are here now, and we are part of this great country now. Fill it with the solemnity that comes from wars that this country fought to preserve the idea of that freedom and democracy lost for some, equals freedom and democracy lost for all. And most of all, fill it with pride that makes it mean something to be an American, so that when young people have a choice to do something bad, they will have a little voice in the back of their heads saying, "Dude, you're an American. Americans don't do that. We protect and care for each other."

Anyhoo. Jang Hyuk was robbed.


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Happy OT day everyone!

i still haven't watched the last 2 episodes of Chuno...it seems like a sad ending :(
Baeksang award boo! JH really deserves to be the best actor.

@isabelh - i see you've switched to watching kdrama this time :) resting from too much jdrama? lol!


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did you guys read that marie claire article about the k-celeb suicides?! We already know the schedules are tough but they said one woman wrote a suicide note that said her management forced her to do sexual favors for businessmen and the article said that k-celebs are only allowed to keep about 10% of what they earn. Woah...

I saw a boA video with comcast on demand and i was wondering how some korean artists expect to break into the US market when they can barely speak english. I saw her at the gay pride festival and she TRIED to speak english and I was like, WTF! what are you gonna do if they ask u 4 an interview? I'm sorry but the engrish they speak in Kdramas won't fly in a country full of native english speakers. I don't know if that's harsh but I really feel like they should put more effort into learning the language bcuz unlike with latino artists, they don't exactly have a large community supporting them(america is like 4% asian, that shocked the heck out of me cuz I'm from california and there are a lotta asians where I'm from!) They're so eager to jump into the american market bcuz of the potential success it could bring them that they're half doing the job. i mean, lee byung hung? the guy from Iris, i didn't see the GI movie but from what I could see his english was good. Korea, follow his lead!

anyways, HAVE ANY OF YOUKEPT YOUR NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS?!!! 'm curious, i hadn't at first but I decided to be a good vegan, excercse and eat healthier. Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad( i mean eating healthy is hard now that i know how to bake vegan yummies). I have a lady gaga playlist that I listen to everytime i go to work out and the vegan thing is not as hard after you see that animal cruelty commercial they've been showing lately.


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@lb_tmi - 46
Funnily enough I was just going to admit I watch Shinee's Hello Baby here!
It's one of my guilty pleasures and they're absolutely hilarious together.
In last week's episode Jonghyun admitted he harbours a crush on Lee Min-Jung (great taste kiddo!).

One of the main reasons I wanted to bring it up was Onew parodying an ahjusshi-mob-boss kind of character from Tazza, he did it right in the first or second episode. I am planning on watching Tazza anyway and have watched some random snippets from the drama, but I can't find that character! Gahh!
From what I understand there are a few versions of Tazza; the drama version with Jang Hyuk & Han Ye Seul and a couple of movie versions? Wondering where I'll find that character now...

Baeksang Awards:
I have always been disappointed with awards shows, no matter what. Am I gutted JH didn't get an award for his role as Dae-gil? Yes, for Jang-hyuk's sake, roles like Dae-gil are hard to come by, it's his best role to date, imo.
But still... I'm sure he'll reap his rewards, they don't have to come in the form of a baeksang. Meh!

Saying that though: our Bidam got one!!! Hurrah!

I d/loaded the last two episodes last night but watched only 23, I'm bracing myself for the last episode. It's not hard to predict what's to happen to our Dae-gil. He's as legendary as they come and well, it wouldn't be 'heroic' if they didn't end his journey as the drama closes. I mean, it's obvious he'll save the world and now that Un Nyun is happily married to a man as perfect as Tae-ha... well... he's served his life's purpose.
(runs away sobbing!)

Now, onto OB-GYN:
Anyone seen 15 and 16?
One emoticon: :*D

**I was typing this comment and almost done when my 2yr old nephew wandered in and switched the PC off... I freaaaked out! But miraculously, my comment's saved in the comment box when I re-opened this page! Neat!!**


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Yeah, when I was in high school asians were always the ones getting robbed bcuz they were easy targets. There was like a scale that asians were the easiest, then white and then latino, then black. Plus, mpeople were korwe likely to do stuff to asians bcuz the asians did not really mix with other people inn the school much. You may have a lotta' black friends, some latino friends, quite a few white friends but not very many asian friends and ppl i guess think that makes it okay.

I come from a city that's supposed to be one of the most diverse inn the country, yeah we've ghot white people,. asians, latinos and black ppl but it's so sectioned off. The white people live in the hills, asians mostly in the chinatowns, koreatown, little saigon etc and whatnot. And it's really a shame that we don't have a unifying culture. I mean, I don't want ton go as far as france bcuz they all seem to stick their nosesn up bcuz they're french butb then won't let you wear a burkah, which, wow. Just, wow.

You know, I was thinking about the usual Kdrama male lead. kinda mean, aloof, hurt, blah. blah, blah(speaking of which, have u heard that song by Kesha, luv it!)
I was thinking, that would be SUCH a drag in real life. I mean, watching SFFTS made me realize that a person like that MIGHT just be violent, nd I would not be fun to deal with his moodswings when he's jealous or whatever. That is the last time a fantasize about melting away some guys cold exterior!


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@59 samsooki

Thanks for your OT share.....welcome folks to the real world where people have kept racism and prejudice alive and well. Where parents blame it on politicians and everyone else but themselves. Where love and the value of respect towards one another begins at home. It hasn't gone anywhere....it has always BEEN.

I know what it feels like to be a "half breed".....it was funny to me when I was a kid and referred to as that....I thought only native americans were "half breed".

But I was blessed....I grew up among caring adults who taught me to respect my elders; to be proud of my heritage and loving one another was never taken for granted. When you grow up with values that instill a sense of worth....you pass it on because that's what you do.

Samsooki....your son is your treasure....teach him now because when he is ready for pre-school....he's going to meet the real world. We all have our paths to follow and the journey will not be smooth but whatever it is....it's all part of life. My oji-san (grandfather) used to always tell me as a kid.....one day you understand what oji-san trying to tell you. I do....I certainly do and I honor his memory.

Happy Aloha Friday.....


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@ twin

preppy.. that's the word i was searching for instead of my sad "not gangsta". i knew you'd know what i was thinking!!! :D
se7en is like a guilty pleasure.. i can't even admit that i totally jam to his "girls girls girls" cuz it just seems so wrong for me to like it.. so i'm not gonna say i do. :P

@ hpn88

khun's voice when he's speaking Thai is SOOOOO SEXY!!! i adore khun, but i can't look at his baby face too much when he's talking, cuz it just totally contradicts the way he sounds... which reminds me, i have yet to watch the DVD of Khun at Mai and Tina's concert that i bought when i was in Thailand.

funny story, the Thai girls had no idea who i was talking about when i asked if Nichkhun was in that concert, cuz they all call him by his Thai name "Nichikhun". only after i did the 2PM sign thingy did they know who i was talking about. (cuz my husband REFUSED to translate for me!) and i don't speak Thai except to say "i don't speak thai" lol.

@ supah

i LOVE SHINee!!!! Jonghyun (MINE!) is so cute w/ YooGeun. He wants so much to be first place, but doesn't really pay attention to the kid. how you gonna achieve first place when you don't even play w/ the kid as much. and it's hilarious.. that his name is the one that YooGeun will call out.. to Minho! and i'm beginning to adore Taemin.. which is SO WRONG on so many levels, because he's just a year older than my daughter. lol. but that boy got some mad dance moves. and he's so ridic.. it's hilarious!!!

brb. need to go read samsooki's article...


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@ #62 supah

I HAVEN'T seen OBGYN episodes 15 and 16.....not yet! I looked at RAW version of 15 but stopped. :-)

You know, I don't watch any of the awards shows anymore. I used to get into the Academy Awards but it is boring. The only one that I feel is what the fans want is the People's Choice....

I've found myself swooning over Jang Hyuk! hehehehehe....darn! Watched Thank You yesterday and I'm hooked! Of course, I was hooked when I saw CHUNO...and I said....that's the guy! You know how it is....see a face and you don't forget.

Have a great weekend!


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Happy friday everyone! Hope things are coming along well (wish i could say the same for myself)

I am so glad I am not the only one thinking about chuno's end yesterday...it does make the most sense, but i was hoping for another ending as well....sigh still. it was a beautiful drama (acting and cinematography wise) I WILL MISS IT!!!!

looking forward to the upcoming rom-com dramas though :D:D


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#32 Thanks for the condescension. I do form my own opinions but recaps are more enjoyable when you feel a connection with the writer. What hooked me to this sight originally was JB's Hong Gil Dong recaps and looking forward to her commentary every week. When you're the only person in your real life circle who's watching a particular drama it's nice to share the experience with someone else. When it's done by multiple writer's the experience feels a little colder with less connection. I understand the demands on the lives of the people involved, I'm just expressing my personal opinion.


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@53 ockoala

Thanks for the MV! I loved Robbers. I started it during the middle of Chuno (I'm playing episode 12 right now in fact) and it definitely helps relieve the pain.


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I didn't like the ending, but I love JANG HYUK...Dae Gil what a great character!!
Samsooki, I can't wait for your recap!!
@ eiko, I just watched ep 15 of OBGYN (eng sub) at viikii.


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Happy Friday!

@23 lovenyc52

Awww, Where are you watching GD's Shine a Light concert? Can you please post the link if it's on-line? Having been there at BigBang's concert in Tokyo this Feb. and discovered that amazingly beautiful, slender powerhouse GD, I'm a big fan of him. He' really does shine! What a talented young soul!

Anyway, after taking 2 month off from my day job, I'm back and am on my way to Honolulu, It's not a bad thing and I'm looking forward to be there to buy La Mer moisturizing cream with only 4% sales tax, You know here in So. Cal, that 1% rise in sales tax last year brought it up to 9.25%(?) in La county and 8.25% in Ventura county!

Watched Oh! my lady! Ep.2 last night, so far so good. I wonder if I have time to start pasta? Thank you for your recommendations, guys. I do so appreciate them.

I wish I had a bit more time going over this thread now, but gotta go.


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@ #57 isabelh

I'm glad you like that greeting! I used to love it when local people would come into the sign shop where I worked and I'd hear ALOHA KAKAHIAKA (good morning). It always sounded so cheerful and made me feel good. Greeting people by saying ALOHA has a very warm feeling.

The sun isn't really shining here today....overcast....but it's still a very nice day and I feel lucky I live Hawaii! :-)


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@ 70 kate

THANK YOU.....THANK YOU!!!!! Off I go down the yellow brick road!!! LOL LOL


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I didn't like the ending of Chuno either; but then again, I didn't like the whole love triangle to begin with. Poor DaeGil. He always got the short end of the stick. (I still don't get how UnNyun could 'love' someone she followed around for -- what, 2-3 days or so? -- more than someone she grew up with and loved for, what 20+ yrs?

Anyhow, I'm glad dramas like Chuno brings to light the injustice of the slavery system.


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@ 71 celestialorigins

just rub it in my face (and my twin's) that you were at the BB concert that we only DREAMED of being at. and then follow up that w/ you're going to Honolulu when you just got back from Japan? i really do work in the wrong field. :(

have a safe trip!!! enjoy your savings :)


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Contd from OT #127:
@nycgrl and ockoala:
Tell me Thank You gets better as it progresses or does it keep with its drab tone?

OTers on Jang Hyuk-starrer marathons:
If you haven't seen Robber yet, you must!
In that he is so shekhshiya-daa (sexy)! You'll thank me for it.

You'll need lots of tissues for episode 15 of OBGYN!
Happy watching!

@ lb_tmi
I adore all five of them, they each have their unique traits. You can see that they're quite serious about their career, but really down-to-earth (ok, really hyper!) and have the ability to laugh at themselves.
The OnJongKey trio are so naturally clownish and funny.
Oh and Onew and his twin Song Joong-ki: both MINE! Haha!

Speaking of Taemin, I know what you mean! He's so serene, and ridiculously chic! Also the best dancer I've ever seen, he has so much movement in his body.
I love his signature 'pop' too, which you can see in this clip at 0:36:
How much of a diva is Key here? Haha!


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@ twin

ha, then you really gotta watch GD's concert cuz i think se7en performed 2 songs, but i didn't really pay attention to him lols.

@ celestialorigin

sigh. i wish i could go to hawaii as well.. it's been quite awhile since i've been and i miss it!! i know you can watch the GD concert on YT, but i was able to DL it from a site so that i could watch it on my tv. i'll ask my friend for that DL site again and link it to you. I think maybe it was used for a Japanese broadcast because there are subs in Japanese on the version I have. I can't wait till it comes out on DVD tho - I'll definitely be buying it then! Have i told you HOW LUCKY you were to have seen MY BOYS (except Daesung who belongs to my twin) in concert LIVE?? jealous.


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Happy Friday everyone!
Finally finished watching "Pasta" this week. Was it just me or did that drama lack something? What irked me the most was seeing those 2 poor goldfish in the wineglass with barely any water and no space to swim in!
Anyone else out there watching "Down with Love"? I'm getting hooked on that one.
Also started to watch "The woman who still wants to marry". Enjoying it so far. I can relate to the dating a younger man part!!! My husband was 21 when we met and fresh out of college. I was 27 and newly emigrated. I was the one most troubled by the age difference especially considering his parents were only 17 when he was born! Making them not much older than me! I can look back and laugh about it now but at the time it was not so easy. Had I known he was going to die so young at 28 I would have thrown caution to the wind and not hesitated as long as I did. He was and always will be the love of my life.
Have a great weekend!


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@65 lb_tmi
~Godly~ khun lives a charmed life. all he has to do is speak and grown women start flailing.

@71 celestialorigin

if you don't mind me asking, what is your job? I am planning on officially scratching the whole medical school plan for next year and doing whatever it is that you do! Japan, California, Hawaii?


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Am I the only English girl from England who watches Korean dramas and writes on Open Threads? Yay...I love it!!!!!!!! have a great weekend eberybody :)


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@48 (hpn88),

Baeksang does not go by the calendar year, but from right after prior year's Baeksang ceremony to umm, pretty much right up to the current year's award ceremony, or when the nominees are announced (although Baeksang is infamous for changing its nominees list after its initial announcement).

So this year's awards cover dramas/movies released from Feb/March 2009 to Feb/March 2010.


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@ Emma
There are a few of us Brits lurking around this OT!!!!!!


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Thank you!
makes much more sense. The format is just so unfamiliar. I like the idea of the Daesang though. its literally like who was the best.

Do any of these awards split up between modern and historical drama? while acting is acting, for example the Golden globes split awards between comedy and drama.


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Happy Friday everyone.
I finished Shining Inheritance this week. An enjoyable one even though everything was very predictable and it got super slow in the middle. I didn't like Seung Ki, but of course loved Bae Soo Bin. Just glad to be back in kdrama land after accounting was finished. I am looking forward to watching Good Morning Mr. President and some other kmovies this weekend. Hope everyone has a good one!!


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Happy Friday to all you JBeaners and my OT family,

It's Friday already???!!!
I still haven't caught up with my sleep from last weekend's K-drama marathon yet. :0)
Don't know what to do this weekend since I am going on a spring vacation with family...with no electronics allowed! Wah!!! How will I survive???


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Emma Thompson is remaking My Fair Lady.

Tapped Carey Mulligan for Eliza (disclosure: I did not see An Education, but I would have picked Kiera Knightly, not a Kiera fan but she's got the chops for the transformation).

Emma's first choice for Dr. Higgins: Hugh Grant.

I'm off to roll around the grave with Rex and Audrey. My head's spinning at someone touching an untouchable, next I'll be hearing they want to remake Citizen Kane and The Wizard of Oz (and no, The Wiz is not a remake).


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@ockoala from few threads ago
I finally received my copy of Dukes of Mount Deer and started watching. It's pretty entertaining. I was cracking up because when Little Kwai went to kill that Ngo guy where he was held captive, they were fighting and being knocked into a stone wall but the wall kept shaking. Their martial arts are really different too, not the kind where they're running on the treetops like House of Flying Daggers type, and not like Bruce Lee type, but I'm loving it!


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@ supah

i am so checking that vid when i get home.. can't YT while i'm at work. good thing OT is not blocked. Ha!
Key was my original fave.. his deep voice is so captivating.. and he's such a prodigy.. i mean, is there like nothing he can't do well? he's good at everything. and not just average good, but like really REALLY good. i was completely blown away from his "squirrel climbing a tree" on Maknae rebellion. and that he can just catch choreography by watching it once.. BLOWS.MY.MIND. he's amazing. i LOVE his laugh. it literally is a-ha-ha! a-ha-ha! too cute! Onhyun (jongnew?) are my fave OTP :)

i started Robbers a long time ago, but i was really bored w/ LDH. i think i stopped at ep 4?? so i should pick it back up??

@ hpn88

khun doesn't even have to speak to make grown women flail. he just has to flash a smile or wink or show his guns or stand there and do absolutely nothing--like he did at his JYP audition---and grown women will fall at his feet and do anything his pure lilo heart desires of them.

and i second the notion of wanting celestialorigins' job. tell us your secret oh wise traveller and attender of all awesome concerts!!!

@ twin

i have to find those YT links again.. and did you send me the links for the dl? if not, please share w/ me too!!!

re: Asian harrassment

i felt it constantly growing up.. i was the ONLY minority in my whole school. no black, latino, other asian or nothing.. all white kids. easy to single out.. in grade school, i was the novelty.. ppl wanted to know how my family did things.. what we ate, what our house looked like, why i didn't have awesome brand name clothes like them.. everything. in middle school, the harrassment began.. but i didn't see it in any other form other than most of the white kids now ignoring me... excluding me from activities and groups... then junior high (i transferred schools) the racism was prevelant. it didn't matter what asian ethnicity a person was, we were all "chinese" and the mocking of language came into play. i always attributed it to jealousy.. i mean, here i was, smart, pretty and able to fluently speak two languages and learn a third.. when the idiots that were harrassing and mocking me could barely speak one. they were jealous.

regarding the article, i find it surprising that it was the black kids that were harrassing the asians either. yet, at the same time, i find it unsettling that is it them as well. for a race that has endured so much racism and slavery and made many strides toward equality.. it's disheartening to see that they push that injustice onto another race. (i am not, by any means saying all black ppl, just those that were participants in the harrassment in the school). it's as if those students didn't and haven't learned anything from their ancestors/leaders that sacrificed and endured to get them the freedom they experience today..

i hope that i've taught my kids to be better than me.. and hopefully they can teach their kids to be better humans too. make sure the right cycle is passed forward. LOVE & RESPECT.


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I haven't been able to keep up with OT for a couple of weeks due to the stomach virus from HELL, but , of course, I have to chime in about the Baeksang Awards -

Jang Hyuk, Kwak Jung Hwan, Chuno...

But that's the Korean entertainment industry for ya. GRRR...
Will have to rewatch CitC and Robbers to distract me from this feeling of 분노 and frustration at the injustice. <_<

...and Choco's hanging out with RubyRose till the "long time has passed" when DG can piggyback UN around the 8 provinces in the afterlife. :D

@ Kender #42

I didn't have a chance to watch any daily dramas these past 3 months, but now that A Good Windy Day/Happiness in the Wind is playing on KBS World, I started watching. Jin Yi Han, how I've missed you so. ;)

@ hpn88 #55

Watching adorable Chun Jung Myung on Happy Together was the only thing keeping up my spirits after the end of Chuno. :)
It'll air with subs eventually on KBS World, or, sometimes, people translate eps with their favorite stars...but I don't know if this one will be. Sorry I can't be of more help to you.


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@76 supah

I just watched episode 15! Darn, darn....the look on those faces at the end of the episode got me wondering!!!! I know that guy is going to Japan cause he's getting a divorce....then there's Lee trying to make a decision for himself....yikes! I still think head nurse and Wang make a nice couple and I like her.

What has me chuckling is Seo does not give away any clue with her expressions and that's the killer part! Everyone else around Lee and Seo seem to pick up their vibes and it's obvious with Lee. Pretty obvious who Ahn is rooting for and Wang has been helpful....poor Lee is sure inexperienced in the love arena!

You know what team I'm rooting for....just say yes or no and I'll know what you mean! I won't get to see 16 for maybe 24 hours and I don't want to watch the raw version cause I want the dialogue!!!! Or will facial expression tell me a lot? :0-)

oi vey....


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today, i had a math test.
seriously. im not exaggerating, i would have gotten 5/40
omg. i didn't know anything =(
and i was going to cry and almost started hyperventilating.
LOL. at one point, i was going to walk out of class.
it was that hard . NO one even handed their sheets in

5 mins until the end of class, the supply teacher told us it was a practice test.

I wanted to cry.


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@ 86 ockoala

Emma Thompson in remake of My Fair Lady? I love Emma Thompson! I can't rattle off some of the movies I've seen her in but I love her!!!! :-)


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@ eiko

I love Emma, but she's not STARRING in a remake of MFL, she will be directing and producing the remake. I trust Emma, she wrote an exquisite screenplay for Sense & Sensibility, but I am wary of the casting and even attempting it. Plus, I don't know if its a musical or straight no-singing movie. Sigh, now "I Could Have Danced All Night" is running through my head in a loop.

@ hjkomo-sis

Welcome back to OT, glad you're feeling much recovered. :-)

@ chococoveredeasterbunnies

Oh yay! You started DoMD? The cheesy props aside, 80s TVB wuxia dramas had genuine honest-to-god wuxia fighting that stands the test of time. Zero special effects and next to no wire-fu, it was all pitch perfect choreography and editing techniques.

DoMD is also the least wuxia oriented of all the LC novels - it's 90 percent situational comedy/intrigue/character interactions. Let me know what you think of the Andy/Tony bromance and their performance. Tony Leung is like the man of a 1000 masks, and he also dons it all for his DoMD performance.


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@ coco

*hugs* thanks for sharing your love w/ us. i'm sorry you lost the love of your life. he was very young when he left. but that you got to love him in your life---for 10 years--that was something very special.

@ Linee

it's just a test. you'll be fine even if you do get a 5/40. take it as a learning experience. *hugs* to you too!


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@ ockoala

Wait. Hugh Grant? as Professor Higgins??? You have GOT to be joking me. I mean, I enjoy Hugh Grant... but in lil romcoms like Love Actually and Notting Hill. He plays the awkwardly adorkable guy quite well. But as Professor Higgins?!?! negatory. I am unfamiliar with Carey Mulligan so I can't say whether she'd be a good Eliza or not, but I agree that Keira does transformation well.

@ twin

"khun doesn’t even have to speak to make grown women flail. he just has to flash a smile or wink or show his guns or stand there and do absolutely nothing–like he did at his JYP audition—and grown women will fall at his feet and do anything his pure lilo heart desires of them."

lols. yes. so true and yet he's still not a fave of mine. However, if channie did any of the above listed actions, you'd better believe i'd be breathing into a paper bag right now.

Did i not send you the link for the GD concert?? It's probably lost in our mass of emails somewhere. When I find it again I will send it ur way as well :)


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@86 ockoala

Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant in My Fair Lady remake! i love them in Sense and Sensibility :)

on JH & LDH in Robbers, i tried watching that drama...i really tried...but i couldn't connect with it. my vague memory is just fast forwarding


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@ twin

you sent me the YT links on YT.. but idk about the link to DL. but i could go trudging back thru the plethora of emailifications. how bout, IF i don't have it, i'll let you know. k?

if channie did any of those things mentioned above, you'd be breathing into a paper bag? i'd then for-go our twinship and do anything that channie's sly half smiling lips spewed... so you better get over that paper bag breathing thing... FAST!


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@ twin

hands off my channie!!!! or else you'd better watch out for junK... haha!


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@ twin and celestialorigins

i found it!!! the shine a light clips, courtesy of lovenyc52. :)


i guess i won't for-go our twinship anytime soon cuz i owe you :D


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@ twin

omg did you really go look thru all our emails for this!??!?!?!?!?


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