Open Thread #128


Marvelous Darlings – “I’ll Stand By Her” [ Download ]

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1st one? happy weekend everyone..


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I just need to make it through today and then Spring Break... Yea!!

Going to Vegas this weekend... Super excited! :D


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Happy Friday!!!

I'm still trying to catch up on You're Beautiful. and yep, it's official. I LOVE JEREMY!!! he is the cutest, most adorable character i've ever encountered (besides adorable lilo kids). i just love how he's so accepting and understanding of MiNam throughout the series so far. and his pog is just like the character--twinkling wide eyes, munching on an apple Jeremy. LOVE IT!!!

new dramas starting next week.. so excited. i'm so gonna watch 'em raw--even tho i'll know like 5 words!-- and then look for subs afterwards. i'm anticipating them THAT much.

and the Baeksang awards.. how gorgeous was Kim Namgil? Jang Geum Suk? Lee Minho? Lee Byung Hun? Son Yejin? Kim NamJoo? Moon GeunYoung? WOW!!! such beautiful and handsome ppl. congrats to the winners!!!!

@ 2 GreenFreak

hey, maybe you'll see my twin (lovenyc52) in vegas too! lol.


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Happy Friday to all....

I still have Chuno in my head...Chuno angst.....everything. My Wed and Thurs has a big void now...lol

Looking forward to a warmer weather...am so tired of this cold and damp weather. Take care everyone and have a blessed weekend.


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Happy OT everyone!
5:11pm in jeddah, saudi arabia.
any other beaner in this area?
can't wait for Personal Taste to be shown.
watched Oh my girl and those 2 kids are such cuties. but i still miss Parang and Nami.
have a good weekend to all!


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Happy Friday!!!
Chuno ended, BUT I haven't seen the ending (need subs). I'm really excited for the conclusion though. I have a feeling its going to be really intense and someone is going to die.


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I am VERY disappointed that Jang Hyuk didn't win Best Actor for Baek Sang this year. I already had a very bad feeling that they'd give it to LBH, whom I thought was good but not great in IRIS. But I didn't realized that the disappointment was so overwhelming until LBH got it. Jang Hyuk was the most deserving and yet he was snubbed right on his face. Dae Gil oh Dae Gil... poor you...

And IRIS, best drama? You've got to be kidding.


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Happy Friday JBeaner's, where ever you are around the world Cheers from Salem Oregon.
Your post on actor Jang Hyuk got me thinking about crossover actor/actresses specially Asian and the most famous of them all happen to be Japanese actor
三船 敏郎 Toshiro Mifune. I started to watch his first crossover movie called “(1962) Ánimas Trujano aka The Important Man - directed by Ismael Rodríguez “ . Is a Mexican movie made at the top of Mexican golden age of Cinema, He plays an ethnic Mexican and his portrayal of the Character is so realistic that most people wold not know that he is not Mexican but Japanese, by the way for all who do not know who Toshiro Mifune is here's a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toshir%C5%8D_Mifune.
Last Monday I saw “ I came with the rain” with actor Josh Hartnett, Lee Byung-hun, and Takuya Kimura , directed by Vietnamese director Tran Anh Hung , It is a very good movie, a Surrealistic movie with extreme violence amidst the redemptive and healing power of Love, for a crossover movie I give it a #10, by the way Tran Anh Hung is also the director of “The Scent of Green Papaya “ being one of my first Asian movies that I fell for. My favorite crossover movie of all time is
About a love affair between and older Chinese man and a 15 year old French girl set in Vietnam while still was called Indochina by the French occupation. Enjoy your Friday, Peace to Yall!!!!!!


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I am also watching 고려장Goryeojang ("Goryeojang"). Directed by Kim Ki-young.
For some reason Black and White movies have better tonal feel that a color counter part, I am liking this movie a lot, youtube have it with English subs!!!!


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who saw the end of chuno? i don't want to be a spoiler, but i for one was pretty satisfied with the ending!


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longtime lurker here
brining in post-chuno tears
how dare it be spring???



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@baeksang awards -

I say "what ev's." All i gotta say is, well, they nominated KTH as 'best actress of 2009" for her body of work in IRIS. I'm not sure if they left anyone off the nomination list who was a part of IRIS.

@chuno ending -

After sleeping on it, i think they did a fair job. It was the only way to end it, and Jang Hyuk deserves like 10x the kudos of anyone else. Without him, Chuno is nothing.


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Happy Friday!
An ahjumma here looking for a dance studio to train my 2 left feet... I just feel like dancing lately... I want to do the salsa...


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@12 samsooki ~ agree re Jang Hyuk and Chuno!

@ 7 ripgal ~ totally agree!

To take my mind off Chuno and those "awards," today I'll finally go to see "Mother," playing at nearby theatres. Tried last week and found it was "postponed"! Was totally bummed, but today I think I'll succeed. BTW, "Mother" gets 90% on Rottentomatoes.com. That's damn good.


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@ baeksang awards

Though disappointing not unexpected.

Something I don't understand if your the daesang winner e.g. Go Hyun Jung shouldn't you also win your category? Instead Kim Nam Joo won for best actress on TV.


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@ ripgal

totally agree with you. I had the same feeling of disappointment. I think LBH was really good in IRIS, but JH was mesmerizing in Chuno. Maybe it is just because of the fact that the impressions from Chuno are still fresh, but for me, like you said, once LBH was on the list, it was kind of closed matter... GRRRR (and I like both actors)


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@13 Anonymous -

I took ballroom lessons with my wife for a few years. It was embarrassing at first, but after a while it was okay.

A key benefit of ballroom dance lessons - getting over your fear of looking like an idiot in front of other people.

FOR GUYS: yes, you will look funny and it probably is embarrassing, but nobody is laughing AT you, they are laughing with you and admiring you for (1) courage, (2) joie de vivre, and (3) spending quality time with your wife.


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nooooooo, baeksang award! it is such a mess! JH should have won the award. He was much greater, LBH was good in IRIS but still... and after that at the end of the year if JH won't get Daesang I will shave my head!!
And also Kim Ham Joo is good actress but there were so many good played characters and respective nominees? I saw that my super housewife or whatever but it seemed that KNJ's acting was too stiff and like she couldn't open up or something.
Anyway Chuno was great! Ending was very sad and beautiful, although I wished another ending, I understand that another ending won't make sense, so now Chuno is in my bestees list.
Okay guys, good weekends! to people who are disappointed in Baeksang, let's face it and wait for next year.


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And yee i am really totally 100% agree with ripgal! why IRIS is best drama after all? with that any-sense-making-promotion-for-sequel-kind-of-ending? Queen seon dok was kind of ruined with its extensions, and without counting SI and QOH, Chuno was great and best, it is not because I watched Chuno recently or something it is really good in terms of actors, filming, picture, storyline. So why.. i guess baeksang award was judged on the ratings? okey I will calm down now or else i would be hot pot hehe


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congratulations to all baeksang winners! and also not forgetting all the crew to bring us so many many! nice dramas for us to watch!

ob&gyn ended..hahas..the ending was a shock. couldn't they end with a better one?? i only realised that ep 16 was the final episode after finish watching it..that's how shock i am.

i am anticipating Cinderella sister n Personal Taste. Having high hopes for them and hope they won't fail me, just like what triple and some other dramas did. having a decent start and getting worse in the end.

Once again, congratulations to all winners esp Lee seung Gi, Kim Nam Gil, Ha Ji Won and Ha Jung Woo!


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@12, samsooki,
Heartily and totally agree with your opinion on Jang Hyuk and Chuno.
Happy weekend to all !!


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Hi All,

I love this blog and read it everyday - but this is the first time I have written a comment. I love all the drama recaps. Helps me pick what my next drama (since there are sooo many good ones to choose from).

I have a friend who is going to Japan next week (boy am I jealous) and I would like him to get me some entertainment magazines (music/movies, etc). Any suggestions on good ones??


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Happy Friday!!!

This week seemed extra long for some reason. Maybe it was the anticipation of Vegas so every minute before that seems to drag. It's weird - I used to go to Vegas SO MUCH, given it's only a few hours away from me... but it's been over a year since the last time and I think it's changed a lot. A ton of new clubs/hotels/CITY CENTER has opened and I've yet to see any of it!

@ 2 GreenFreak

Hope you have fun this weekend!! I know I will :) Which club(s) are you planning to hit up?

@ twin

hehe, isn't Jeremy the most lovable guy EVER?? I don't even mind his little fountain ponytail cuz he's the only guy who could kindasortamaybe pull it off. Especially when eating a custard pastry hehe. btw, I was watching the GD Shine a Light performance this morning and man is that guy a natural performer. If anyone belongs on stage, it's him. He just draws in the crowd so naturally.

@ Samsooki

So this morning I get an email from DramaFever letting me know MLP is now available on their site. I immediately thought of you and your love for JNR ha!


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I am so incredibly sleepy today .... my eyes are so swollen as if I've been punched! Can't do work at all... almost fell asleep while talking to my boss.. had to pretend like I was sneezing to hide my half closed eyes... haha!
And all this...because.. i stayed up until 3:30 two nights in a row sampling korean drama...
oh my... need.. sleep.. now...


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@3 lb_tmi Kim Nam Joo looked really lovely.
LBH - handsome as ever and Kim Nam Gil - ah well....

I'm still trying to decide if that really was So Ji Sub in uniform. It was hard to tell at 7am looking at a 5 inch screen insert!

But really that was the quietest awards show I've ever seen. And that's supposed to be the big shakings for awards? I don't get it.

I also don't get why Take Off would win, except that the actors seem to be dearly loved (hey, one of them was Chuno's Kim Ji Suk, so I feel the love, but it wasn't that great of a movie)


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i can't believe i would ever say this, but i miss band rehearsals. i always complain whenever i had to wake up early in a saturday morning for band practice, now i don't have to go anymore, i kinda miss it. darn it. i am blaming this on nodame cantabile, such an awesome drama though, chiaki is super hot. can't wait to watch the movie~!


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@ripgal and samsooki:
totally agree on jang hyuk and chuno-- he carried that freakin show, man! ROBBED, I TELL YOU!!

also--- who knows where i can stream TWWSWTM with eng subs?? THANK YOU!

HAPPY FRIDAY from the philippines, beaners! reprezent. ;p


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Bawled as I watched the last episode of Chuno. It was heartbreaking for a DG shipper like me, but it was also emotionally satisfying in a way. I saw both karma and redemption in the ending.

I liked that Chuno was very entertaining (great scenery, romance, action, etc.) but also explored some weighty material. For me, it brought home some truths about slavery that I hadn't thought much about before. Echoes of the French Revolution as well.


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@ momosan - Mwah! Thanks for the heeelarious play-by-play of the Baeksang's.

I was cackling all the way to work, completely okay with the winners cuz heck, whatever, it means nothing to me in terms of who needed to truly be recognized for outstanding work. Still, congrats to the winners! (in my mind, LBH is winning for his awesome portrayal of LMC in BD, hee).

By the by, I am also curious, why did SJS show up in uniform? And where was our perpetual glamourpuss and his co-star KHN? I always need to see her flash some leg at an awards show. But Ha Ji-won, wow, just wow, she just wrapped some black cloth around herself but looked like the hottest thing since living at the equator.

But my fave couple was Mishil and Bidam. They looked so gorgeous yet cool, and both won! Happy for them. :-)

Chuno - hhm, still not ready to talk about it. Except the say the ending was appropriate, but for my own preferences, I think when HW married TH, the entire trajectory of DG's life was but leading to one place, and that is where I am most unhappy about. For pathos it was absolutely critical, but for a love story, I was utterly left unsatisfied.

DG-UN is the undisputed drama OTP, its what the writer intended, whether or not as a viewer you prefer a different OTP (at the end, I was shipping TH-DG), and DG is Chuno, it's his story. And it really pained me to witness his tragic life.


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Hi everyone...

12:16 here in Manila, and boy it's SO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!
Currently listening to "Mishil's Theme" (and singing along with the vocals with throat-&-ligament stretching falsetto)

Speaking of Hong-ki (& anything Jeremy related) just browsed thru YT searching for FT Island's Philippine visit, since I haven't watched it, and I agree, Hong-ki's voice wasn't that good when he came here...

BTW, I keep seeing the plot overview of YAB, and I keep thinking, who is "On Yu"??? Can anyone answer?? I'm bothered since some believe that On Yu is Jeremy, and I can't remember Jeremy being On Yu...
Indulge me on this, please...

I was so sad Dong-yi still wasn't subbed...but I was so amazed the 1st opening scene (spoiler) was that of water...and I was expecting that it would be Yi San-esque (read: a festival)...

to ghian (I know you're out there :D)...
sorrysorrysorry...Hindi ko pa nasesend sa 'yo...ang busy kasi ng week, 'e...
As in talagang major exams...
Ayun, nakita ko na UKiss...sa TV XP...and, grabe, na-pirata pa ng 7 (sorry, major channel 2-fan kasi ako, 'e...) para ipanglaban sa ASAP XV...
Oo nga pala, narining mo na ba ang tungkol sa A.N.JELL Philippines??? Nasa Showtime sila noong nandito si Jeremy...and super suporta sila...


(Translation: Sorrysorrysorry...I haven't sent it to you yet...the week had been so busy...
As in total major exams...
I finally saw UKiss...on TV XP...and, grabe, 7 got them (sorry, I'm a major channel 2-fan...) to rival ASAP XV...
Oh BTW, have you heard of A.N.JELL Philippines??? They were on Showtime when Jeremy was here...and they were on fan-support mode...)


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Jang Hyuk should've won. His pain driven role was alot more demanding than LBH's character. Probably another award bought by certain companies. Following Chuno on Dramafever so I'm behind everyone else, can't wait to see the second half. Since Jang Hyuk was introduced to my by Sung Yuri in "Rabbit and Lizard" he has become my favorite korean actor and once again should've won for his portrayal.

I have a brief complaint although it's not too serious. For drama recaps I believe it would be more enjoyable if a particular series' recaps were written by one party(unlike Chuno for example which has had 3!). I'm not attacking any particular writer since I believe all of you have your own merits but when following recaps it's nice to have some consistency in tone and perspective. But other than that I appreciate all the hard work!


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^ should'nt u form ur own opinions and perspectives reading any recap?

ahhh Baeksang, I'm only interested in the fashion, thanks momosan for the recap*hug*

cant help but ponder as a barometer of what kdramaland is most proud of.. it's still kinda an American/international tv wannabe, huh?


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@23 lovenyc52 -

Thanks for the heads-up!

I want to take a peek, if at least to see if the subs are any good.



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@29 ockoala

...but for a love story, I was utterly left unsatisfied.
...DG is Chuno, it’s his story. And it really pained me to witness his tragic life.

I can't agree with you more. Once TH/UN consummated their marriage, I couldn't think of any way that DG/UN could ever happen. The man lives solely for Un Nyun. Just how sad did the writer intend to make DG's life? :|


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ooh someone was talking about ballroom dancing..
well last month my and my collegues were offered free ballroom dancing classes for a few week and we decided to do samba. and it was really fun and interesting.

and may i just add, for the 'leads' (the guys) you're not really do anything, its the girls that do all the spin, and steps and etc. that's my personal thought anyway, hope no offence taken :)


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Well, there was a certain amount of irony in awarding a Baeksang to Chuno for writing when they only finished writing it about 2 weeks ago.....

I adore Jeremy in YB. First of all, he reminds me of a dearly missed friend, second, he can really sing, third - Jeremy on the bus as the scene stealer of the whole freaking show - apparently done in 1 take that had everyone on the crew crying as well. According to the commentaries, they were surprised that the scene really was that powerful and ended up being the fan favorite. I've only listened to the commentaries once, I'd have to go back and apply my minimal Korean to get more, but it's in the directors commentaries, Hong Ki's and the entire cast commentary. I actually like FT Island as a group - although I'm more of a McFly fan.

@29 ockoala There were alot of pink tiered dresses there.
I still think that was So Ji Sub in the uniform. But hey, 7am and not using reading glasses, so I may have messed that up.

Had to love KNG and Mishil. They looked happy and relaxed, and enjoying the company. And he had nice things to say about playing Bidam.


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I too, am feeling the Chuno pain. Although I can't say I'm dissatisfied, since I resigned myself to a tragic ending a while back. It ended pretty much the way I expected it to, not necessarily the way I wanted it to, but, yeah, pretty much what I expected. There were some satisfying moments to be found, (SPOILER - when the rebel slave goes postal)
I was also shipping DG/TH at the end and for a moment had the crazy idea for a Chuno sequel. Forget the angsty romance and make a buddy movie with DG and TH running around kicking serious bad-guy ass,all in the name of justice and equality! Sort of a saguek dynamic duo.
Oh well...what to do on Wed & Thurs now? I'm not feeling pulled towards Cinderella's Sister, so I probably won't watch unless y'all start raving about it.


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just checked out all the pretties @ Baeksang, maybe SJS was doing a blatant pitch for his drama hence the uniform?

though I dont think Chuno will be onany of my list, its writing is still comparatively cohesive amongst the noms.


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@ momo

YAB--the bus scene you speak of, is it the 2nd one? cuz i'm not that far yet.. i've only seen the first one.. HongKi's portrayal of fun, excitable, lovable, adorable Jeremy is awesome, and the show of angst on the first bus ride was already heart breaking for me.. i can't imagine watching the 2nd bus ride yet.. i'm sure i'm gonna hyperventilate from all my crying for Jeremy. i can't even express in words how much i adore Jeremy. i feel like such a babo, but i really do love this character so much!!! i didn't have much expectation of Hongki as an actor (cuz i've not seen him in anything before) but i know that he's got a beautiful voice.. i'm just so amazed by his portrayal. blown away completely.

@ twin (lovenyc52)

thanks for the reminder!! i keep forgetting that you sent me the links on YT for Shine a Light. did you order the DVD?? i haven't even checked YA to see if it's listed yet..
btw.. did you hear that junK and GD went bowling together (khun too!). too cute!!!


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Thanks to that tortuous institution labelled "school", I think I'll have to skip kdramas for a month, or at least until my exams have finished. Why me? Do I really need an education??
Ha, well apart from watching an episode of PS Man ( which I regard as practice for my Chinese course heheh), I think I'll have to download eps of the dramas I want to watch and keep them in cold storage until I have been released from the aforementioned torture.

Except I don't know where one downloads dramas with English subs. Can anyone more knowledgeable in such matters help me out? I usually watch everything on Viikii, but I've noticed that the links tend to be broken after a few weeks.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

And Jang-hyuk didn't win ANYTHING for Chuno?? *utter consternation* I haven't been keeping up with Chuno (glares at homework), but from what I saw, JH gave a marvelous performance.


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@ twin

junK and GD went bowling together?? khunnie too? too cute! i wonder if they have cute fashionable bowling shoes too LOLs


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Yayyyyy, another weekend! Booooo, another week closer to having to finish my senior sem research. :(

Yesterday, I spent 6 hours in the library, hunting down recent (within the past 5 years) news articles on my topic. Today I have to hunker down and read them all, blech. It's an interesting topic--cross-border marriages in rural South Korea--but very time-consuming. Le sigh.

On the drama side of things, recently I've been addicted to the daily drama Fine Windy Day/Good Day For the Wind to Blow (바람 불어 좋은 날). The soompi thread only has a few active members (I estimate there are about 7 people who post consistently, including myself), but we're all in love with it. Jin Yi Han is adorable and amazing in his role, and in yesterday's episode he sang!! I'm totally falling in love with the darling guy. :3 Kim So Eun is also super cute, and I'm excited to see their romance develop. :3

I'm also watching Oh My Lady, but I'm not addicted to it yet. It's cute, but it hasn't grabbed me yet like WUAS did. Maybe episodes 3 and 4 will be the ones to do it.. I'll keep watching, since I'm curious about the story (also, the little girl is ADORABLE), but I don't know if it'll catch hold of my heart the way its predecessor did. :)


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@ momosan and twin

I am of a split mind on Chuno's writing. Really, when its good, it's top-notch sagueky angst, pathos, epic suffering. But then at a brisk (for a sageuk) 24 episodes, it failed to focus its storytelling.

I firmly believe Chuno lives and dies by its love story (do you feel the pain, people? the "they can never be together" pain) - but then the writer devoted way too much page space to the slave revolt - esp. the last few eps, when I could care a twig about the slave revolt, and we get ONE meaningful albeit short conversation btw DG-UN. That's is sloppy storytelling right there.

I would have eliminated Legolas to be honest. And the entire slave revolt backstory should have been cut by a good 2/3 (see how Damo handled the rebellion backstory - yup, it takes backseat to the Naeuri-Chae-ohk-Rebel Leader love triangle to end all love triangles, well, perhaps until Chuno came along, but I need to assess after some passage of time how well Chuno stacks up).

So, the Best Screenplay for Chuno was a giant brainfart in my mind - Chuno was clearly New Producer award for me.

Best Screenplay this year amongst the noms? - I would have given it to Tamra. When Beojin wasn't wailing Weeeelllliam, the storytelling was marvelous. But if SI/BL won it, I would have been okay with that, bc it took the Cinderalla story and made it fresh, addicting and exuberant.


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The late English subs of CHUNO on dramacrazy & dramasubs has had me frustrated for 2 weeks now!!! Viikii on the other hand has licensing issues...been soooo tempted to watch it RAW...but it'll just make me depressed, if I can't understand at least half of it!!!

Anyway, WUAS, Pasta & TWWSWTM has ended that explains the drama fatigue I'm feeling right now!!! I watched OML's 1st 2 episodes...but am not that into it!!!(yet!!!)
so I'm re-watching YAB & loving it for the 4th time!!!

Manila's all agog about UKiss & they rocked Megamall today!!! KPOP is all the rage here in the Philippines nowadays!!! It's like a virus...& the teeners have caught it, it seems!!!


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Um tae woong's new drama! Cant wait!


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@ 41 twin

i would EXPECT GD and junK MUST have fashionable bowling shoes.. not sure how fashionable Khun is.. i mean, he's got good taste and all, but he's no junkK or GD, so he prolly just has regular bowling shoes. lol. and all that gangsta engrish going on between the 'bros'.. GD, junK, se7en.. again, khun just doesn't strike me as able to pull of gangsta english.

@ 44 deannadsc

i'm sure i'll get to watch all of the U-KISS footage in the philippines, as they are my daughter's new obsession along w/ ZE:A.

just curious.. anyone watching SHINee's Hello Baby? that kid is so ADORABLE!!! i love it when he screams "APPAAAAAA!" and how he adores Minho, but calls him Jonghyun appa. SO.CUTE.


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@43 ockoala

There are a couple of story lines in Chuno that I would either have cut or fleshed out more (Baek Ho, my dear boy, you died too soon...although to show the devotion that UN could evoke in nearly any living male - you fulfilled your role). But the early episodes where 3 or 4 different groups are running around chasing each other could have been fleshed out a little more and the slave rebellion cut down some.

Right now in my order of things - Chuno is going to be up there, but clearly after CitC and Damo. It was a particularly fun and angsty ride. However, as individual episodes the run from 13-17 honestly should have warning labels for emotional whiplash.

I actually enjoyed the non-conversations between UN/DG/TH at the mountain camp - one of those deals where all parties know what's going on, but no one is going to say anything.


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Re: baeksang awards
can someone fill me in on why IRIS and Chuno are nominated at the same time? weren't they released at different times. Iris was last year, chuno is this year. IDK how korean awards shows work.

khun wouldn't speak gangsta engrish, he would speak gangsta ENGLISH...lol


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@#8 AMG1

Thanks for mentioning some of your favs....I've made note because I want to check out the ones others have watched and recommended. I just got through watching Thank You with Jang Hyuk....I loved it! Great acting with female lead who was in Pasta....I thought she was really good in TY.

And Toshiro Mifune...he was one of the best. Wasn't he the blind swordsman in Zatoichi? Or was it another popular Japanese actor?

I'm still waiting for episodes 15 and 16 of OBGYN....watched 15 RAW but that doesn't really say anything since I can't understand the language.

Will go and check out Surgeon Bong Dal-hee another one that someone mentioned in OT.

Oh yes, I also enjoyed Last Scandal....

Happy Aloha Friday!


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IRIS = BEST DRAMA!?!??!?!?!! really!?!?!?!?!?

and as for jang geun suk - wheeeee! he got acknowledged! and he really was good in itaewon murder case!


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