Open Thread #126


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@98 epyc Re: Pure 19

I'm on episode 87 of this show right now,and if I had to do it over, I don't think it's worth the time. The first third of the series was okay, but then the plot gets repetitive and tedious. It doesn't help that I find most of the side stories boring--with the exception of Lee Yoon Ji's. I didn't like her character at first, but now she's my favorite. She's the only one who doesn't just sit back and wait for things to happen to her, and she makes me laugh.

I'm practically fast-forwarding through entire episodes now, only stopping to watch scenes between our OTP and LYJ's.

I wish I could just skip to the end and not feel like I was cheating...

On a happier note, just started SMM because of all the glowing comments and am LOVING it!


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@100 eiko -
viikii isn't precisely down, as sort of mortally wounded.

If you are using Firefox or IE try Chrome or Safari.
I was just over there doing some subbing - it's definitely not a happy puppy right now. It is working fine for me in Safari or Chrome but not on Firefox....not even my developers beta of Firefox, so something has gone wonky.

If THAT doesn't work, try disabling the viikii desktop plug in - that might also work, but then you run into the youtube too much access error.

And in case anyone has a sudden fear that my very limited Korean is being used, no, I'm not stupid enough to try that. It was a Japanese show.

Momochan was over today and we were watching the YB DC....we watched the extras disc on the big screen and were laughing away at the parodies. Her mother thought we were both out of our minds. We tried to explain that it certainly helped if you knew what they were making fun of, but no dice. So now we're stuck trying to find an entry drama for her. EotS worked on my other sister, but not this one. We are thinking maybe MNiKSS.

BTW, Momochan is enjoying Attic Cat right now - she's pondering what exactly it says about guys that even a heart of stone like me is willing to forgive a character like KRW's in that one just because he flashes that smile. Sigh.

OTOH, my sister says I must see the Alfred Hitchcock parody episode of Psych. Which I haven't watched in a long time, so I'll give that a try this weekend if it's on Hulu.


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@#2 Momosan.....THANK YOU for your help! I DO have googlechrome and also viikii plug in..... some of the viikii episodes work but only if it's before yesterday. I'm worried about tomorrow???!!!!

I had my grand daughter check and she told me the same thing so it made me feel relaxed that it wasn't just me! Then my cousin let me know she was experiencing the same problem.

By the way....the remarks made at the top of the screen on the videos....are they from the subbers? It gets distracting and many times they make comments that really shouldn't be up there at all....especially when they use profanity. I've seen comments made that are totally way off from what the particular scene is all about...it's just their personal comment. :-(

Oh yeah....I am smiling because it just dawned on me that Momosan is the name of Matsumoto Jun in the Japanese drama Kimi Wa Petto!!!! I love that drama!!! Korean drama is going to use Jang Geun Suk.....hope he can pull it off and that they find a female who will do as a job as Koyuko.


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@96 alwayshungry: I dragged a friend of mine along, too, who was a fan of the comic...she actually said there wasn't enough blood and gore! *lol* We both enjoyed the eye candy quite a bit...gosh, that body! I just want to pet him!

@langdon813: Believe it or not, we even got a little snow here in Mobile! I was like "I did not sign up for this!" I moved here to get away from winter weather! *lol* Seriously, I'm considering moving!


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@ 100 eiko
It's great to see a DWL lover here. The Jerry Yan and Ella chemisry is getting better and better as the series progresses. On OBGYN, not to give you spoiler but the second lead did say something in Ep 12 which is somehow thought provoking. Wonder how they will wrap up the drama in two weeks time. It could very well be an open ending which I don't quite mind as it will be consistent with the female lead's character.

@ lisslalissar
Thanks! I'm tiptoeing some YT summary footages of the main couple of Pure 19 to get a taste. I guess I know what you meant by unnecessary side characters which has always been a problem of family dramas. These characters in mediocre dramas are no more than fillers that you wouldn't care at all. And you just have to FF most of the time and you ask yourself: why I am watching it :)


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@3 eiko -
you can turn the viikii discussion comments off. If you move your mouse to the upper right hand corner of the video a couple of buttons should appear and they turn the discussion off and on. I almost always have them off.

It is funny that Momo is the name of Matsujun's character in Kimi wa Petto, isn't it! It's actually one of my favorite j-dramas. My nickname doesn't come from that, though. It isn't even my Japanese name (although I have one of those) In the strange but true world of names in my family, it comes from the fact my sister couldn't pronounce my English name and after several steps of mispronouncing, it got corrupted into Momochan. I've long since become a -san to everyone but my family and since my niece shares my name, she got stuck with Momochan since about the day she was born. Which REALLY confused my brother in law. He's never figured out why people in my family use 3 or 4 names interchangeably.

What weirds some people out is that my niece and I co-own a dog, whose name - not surprisingly to us - is Peaches. We've run into a few people who just can't quite get the combination and insist that Momo must be the dog! 8-) Momo gets totally adamant to the point of being snitty that no SHE is Momo and not the dog! I just laugh.


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@#5 epyc

Thanks for the heads up on OBGYN. I don't know how she could end up with any guy because of her personality.....I was wondering how the heck she got into the predicament she's in with the other married guy!? I don't see her character as lovable at all....which seems to be almost the same as her role in Lure of Wife and her hateful character. But....if that drama ends up no romance...guess it's better cause it would be pretty strange to have her get mellow all of a sudden. Besides, I think the pediatrician is a pretty good guy who loves what he does and deserves better.

On DWL....I keep watching episode 13 where the kiss happens....it's RAW version so I am only going by their facial expressions and it's really funny! I love the way Jerry looks at her and his eyes are very expressive.

Have you checked out P.S. Man? That's another good one....lead actor Lan Cheng Long is really good in it....

By the way....I make notes on the dramas I like with names of the leads...easier to keep track that way! It can get pretty confusing with the names all sounding almost alike!

Have a great Sunday!


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@#6 Momosan

How cute the way your name came about. Eiko is my Japanese middle name...my oji-san named me that...first grandchild meaning "good girl". My 2 younger sisters call me...."oneesan" to which I answer no matter where we are! :-) Interesting how names stick no matter what age you are. My father was filipino....my japanese grandparents and other relatives all called him "neesan". We have quite a neat connection and I am proud of that heritage.

Thanks for the tip about turning off the top comments. I will definitely give that a try tonight.


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@Momosan.....I FOUND IT!! LOL LOL....thank you, thank you....what a difference it makes with a clear screen and only subs at the bottom!!!! I'm in heaven now for sure!!!! :-) I will pass on the information to my relatives!


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@ 7 eiko

You're spot on: both guys in OBGYN probably deserve a better woman LOL :) She is a great friend, just looking at how protective she is with SJS's character - someone you can count on but lover??

So, you have watched the whole DWL too. My favorite episode is the 'heels' scene in Hangzhou and will venture to say this is the MOST romantic and tender moment I've ever seen in a TW drama. The subsequent scene of Jerry alone mourning with the candies moves me to tears every single time I watch it. I lost count the zillion times I've watched that episode.


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@10 epyc

Oh....now you've got me curious about that episode!!!! Which one is that? Tell me so I can check it even if it's raw version! I've gone through to 14? I believe that's the last episode? The birthday party and Ella is very pregnant! LOL LOL

I just watched episode 12 of OBGYN with subs.....looks like pediatrician is having 2nd thoughts about boarding that flight to America? Also....what happened to the older guy that's married? Do you know how many episodes left to that drama?


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Happy happy wkend everybody!

@epyc, I'm in love with DWL (though very very far behind...) now u r giving just another push to lose sleep and marathon! ;)

and for some strange reason I just feel like rewatching Friend, Our legend. achy achy heart.
preview of binnie singing a song fr Friend OST (J ver) :


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are the rotating headers new??
i like the one with hyun bin in it :) xD
(and rovi .. why are'nt you replying ?? i've been waiting for it since yesterday :( )


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@ eiko and mookie

You gals just gave me another excuse to watch my favorite DWL scene.

eiko, I guess you are watching the 14 Ep version, in which case it is in Ep 8 when KZ's mom decides to hold a party at her Hangzhou home where our dear YG for the first time puts on a evening dress and wears heels. If you are watching the 28 Ep version, it is Ep 16. TW dramas tend to be over-the-top where romance is concerned but this scene is just tastefully done and Jerry is to die for. (I have NEVER been a fan of JY until now.) If you need the YT link, just let me know.


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@14 epyc

I KNOW which one you're talking about! I did see that one in raw version....so have no idea what the conversation was but it was soooo funny seeing her kinda tipsy and in that beautiful red dress....which Jerry was really taken by seeing her dressed that way! he was jealous also later when she came down in another dress and Lawrence was really kind to her. Wasn't that where Jerry cried also before he left? I think that's where he really knew he loved her, huh?

How about in the 4th episode where Jerry meets with that gal who wants to marry him and have his children? LOL LOL.....he calls Ella for backup and she has no clue as to what is happening! I laughed so hard through that scene....I think he was serious about how he felt! He kept holding on to her and whispering!

DWL is my very first time in seeing Jerry .... I don't think he's exceptionally handsome, but he's really cute in this role which makes him attractive.

The gal that is annoying is the actress who has a very high pitched voice and doesn't seem to understand that Jerry doesn't want her anymore!

The guy who works in the office and seems to like Ella's sister is really cute....but I'm assuming that the sister likes Lawrence....who isn't bad looking either!

thanks for the fun time chatting epyc!


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@ epyc

Just dawned on me....isn't there an episode where Jerry finally finds out that Ella isn't lesbian? I know Lawrence is telling the actress about it. I think episode 6 with english sub should be posted today sometime. I wish they would post 2 at a time instead of only 1! :-(

Watching the english sub versions now makes the drama more funny and more enjoyable!

I love how Jerry remembers about what Ella likes and gets snacks for her! I saw the scene where she opens the cabinet door and all the candy falls out....it was in raw version so I have no idea what the conversation was but I'm sure it was hilarious!

Also, it seems like her father is cheering Jerry on!


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we've seen Oh! My Lady and Personal Taste's trailers, now it's time for Cinderella's Unni's trailer :


So, it's melodrama? I like it. And even though I don't want March ends too soon ( have big project at the end of March ), I totally want March 31st comes sooner.


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@17 djes

Well, from me they get brownie points for using a snippet of a cover of "Knocking on Heavens Door."

It looks like a winner. But I think I'm going to wait until it's nearly done before diving in. Otherwise I'll be doing another one of these "OMG I'm cliffhanging until next week!" deals. Besides, I need comedy right now, melo is too....melo for me right now.


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Just said goodbye to 9 end 2 out....loved it.
Lee Jung Jin has a new fangirl....smile. Also a first is
Park Soo Ae...so there goes my lists again....growing. Off to find more
of their work. Strange thing though, I am finding that more often
than not the dramas that are made to be a big splash, I find boring and

Dramafever will start The woman who still wants to marry this coming week and
I cant wait. Although I will be behind, I will now be sticking with watching a drama once its completed...its too frustrating to get to a certain point and have to wait..wait ...wait....wait.....well you get my drift.. lol

But I found 9 end 2 out while waiting so it was a good thing. Hmm..good things come to those who wait....ahh if only this were true in other areas of my life!

Great week everyone!


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but we need melodrama for balance! at that moment we will also have Personal Taste and Oh! My Lady which are all comedy. :D

Yes I particularly like they used Knock on Heaven's Door.


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@20 djes

Yeah, it does look really good. But right now Chuno is preparing to rip my heart out and stomp all over it for four more episodes. By the end I might need some serious comedy therapy to recover.

Although I must admit that samsooki was right in his previous rainbows and unicorns prediction, I still see a saguek freight train coming right at me.


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@yen_nguyen & pongs
Sorry to intrude on your convo but... Song Joong-kiiiii! (faints)
If you haven't seen episode 12 yet, you'll absolutely LOVE him in it! (Squeeee!!)
Personally I think his Ahn Kyung-woo character gets better and better each episode.
And I find his pairing with Kim Yong-mi absolutely adorable.

I have two theories for his backstory:
1) He was abandoned as a baby, the scheming witch who calls herself his mother is the woman who adopted him and she has made him feel indebted to her all his life, due to this.

2) The Ahn household is in some kind of financial turmoil and that's why she's hellbent on 'selling her son' to the highest bidder.

3) His mother is just money hungry, full stop.

Like while she thinks Yong-mi is 'just some meagre nurse', she forces him to leave her, but when she finds out Yong-mi's from a chaebol family and nursing is something she's doing out of compassion, she descends down on her like a vulture.

It's crystal clear he really loves YM and he's overly protective of her, but why's he so darn scared of what his mother is capable of, whyyyy??
Must find out in the four remaining episodes, must!

@Eiko and Epyc
sorry to intrude on you two aswell, but agree about Dr Seo being a bit too undeserving of either of the two male leads. She's had a couple of moments where I've almost warmed up to her, but no.
(Hahahaha ''helmet hair''!)

Dr Lee is definitely NOT boarding that plane! I think that part's predictable. He'll follow his instincts and go save the HIV+ baby in the nick of time.

I love this drama overall though, especially following it for the Ahn (Song Joong-ki) and Kim romance.
Another major plus is how close knit and funny this staff team is, they're like one big family, great chemistry.
Also, hoping to see Sung Ji-ru (the traffic cop cameo dude) come back some time in the last four episodes (16 episodes total btw). His child is still in NICU as he/she was taken out of the mother's womb as a 24 wks old fetus.
Also, the pregnant schoolgirl, wasn't her part very much echoing God of Study? Particularly the bimbo role that Jiyeon played. I loved how all the doctors helped her study different subjects.
Lastly, a little trivia: this hospital is the same one from the drama; Cain & Abel.


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A Man Called God.

I just watched the first three episodes this afternoon, and rather than having the experience be your typical drama-viewing of like/dislike, AMCG invokes very strong reactions from me, both postive and negative (which actually becomes positive), so in the end - I am onboard the SIK muscle train either until AMCG loses its tone and goes full ridiculous melodrama or else the plot completely eats up the story and even checking my brain at the door won't make me want to waste an hour with these guys.

Ep 1 is so over-the-top ridiculous fun and sexy (OMG sexy, like everyone with a body is required to expose it, and expose it over and over again, male and female objectification in equal portions). Rather than describe each scene, trust me, if you want to LOL for an entire hour, check out AMCG ep. 1. Your belly will be hurting afterwards.

Ep. 2 moves everyone back to Korea from Hawaii, and here the plot and all the major characters get introduced, and we see how SIK and HCY slowly become intertwined in their lives (his-revenge, hers-news expose). So far, SIK as Mykool Kingu is doing a fabulous job of carrying only 1 expression - the smirk stare, and convincingly using his physique to cause drool to dribble down my chin. He's hot and chiseled, but I don't buy him either as a lean mean revenge machine or as a Bruce Wayne-inner torment you killed my daddy now I'm back to smoke your ass. However, as a cartoonish caricature, he's got it down pat. But it's SIK, I trust him, once the over the topness settles down some, if the script has any heart, he'll deliver it. Question is script.....

HCY - okay, for those of you who have only ever seen her in the BOF cameo, I believe "she sucks" is a good description. But one of my hidden fave kdramas is Only You, and HCY was good in it, and here her character of Jin Bo-Bae is almost like her character in OY, fiesty but not OTT, chatty but not oblivious, curious but not dumb, I like her JBB (shit, I just realized that her acronyom BB stands for B_g, B__bies, hehehe). Anyways, the other two girls are just serious eye candy, and I already call it that one of them is gonna go apeshit in the latter half bc she loves SIK and he won't like her back. Just sayin.

Ep. 3 continues with the revenge plan in motion and all sorts of slow reveals of characters and connections. I'm actually not really interested (okay, not interested AT ALL) in who killed SIK's dad or why or whether SIK gets revenge. I want to see the development of his character from cardboard superhero to man in love and hurting and wanting to find salvation and peace. That's why I'm onboard the crazy AMCG train. Somehow the tone works for me and the comic book feels is consistent and never wavers.

AMCG for me is like an adult version of BOF. BOF catered to all the youthful dreams, aspirations and secret fantasies of teenagers (high school power cliques, cutest/richest kid in school likes you, cinderalla story, jetting from one pretty locale to another, parties!, etc.). Whereas the acting in BOF was pretty much uniformly dismal amongst the leads except for LMH, the acting in AMCG is actually uniformly on point so far (no one overacting, I was so worried about HCY initially but she's not annoying at all). AMCG exposes the adult male RPG fantasies (billionaires plotting revenge, high tech spy lairs, sexy femme fatale sidekicks, loyal minions, so evil its unreal villians, exotic locales (too)). And for the ladies, HCY's character is like a fantasy of getting embroiled in a spy caper and having the hero fall for you, yes it silly and completely ridiculous, but as a fantasy, totally sexy and I'm in.

My checklist of AMCG fantasies which have come true:

1. Skydiving off a helicopter into the beaches of Hawaii.
2. Riding a white horse and carrying a katana.
3. Killing 30 ninjas in a few swipes.
4. Paragliding
5. Surfing
6. All the women must wear bikinis or even less than a bikini.
7. Party with men in tuxes and ladies in evening gowns
8. and the list goes on....

Check out AMCG is if you're curious, I think its the silliest thing since EoE, perhaps even sillier than BOF, but really, I've very very entertaining and looking forward to more Michael King!


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@22 Supah

LOL LOL.....helmet hair. I had to laugh thinking about it cause that was great acting in the way she looked really hurt! It DOES look like a helmet!

Okay....I'm also going with he won't board the plane...but did he know about the HIV woman? I don't think so....I think she was on the way when he was at the airport. I think he's going back because of his instinct as far as caring about her and what he heard of the partial conversation between Dr. Seo and the other guy....about her giving him an answer. Which makes this drama more interesting as I want to know what's going on? I think they had to throw in that female friend to perk up the drama a bit. I thought it was really "hmmm" time when she linked her arm to his at the airport.

It's fun to be able to share comments!


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@17 djes

wow I'm in the same boat as you. HUGE senior thesis due on April 1st, but then after that I'm home freeeeeeeee. This is one of the major reasons I'm really excited about all the dramas coming out in April. I'll have time to watch them ALL

As far as Cinderella Unni: I'm all in. Its been a while since a good melodrama for me. I also don't mind/ kind of enjoy waiting the 6 days between episodes, so I'll probably watch it as it airs too. April is looking like an AWESOME AWESOME month.


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Oh, @24 eiko

He definitely will go back to her. Oh I SO like his character so tender and loving! If there is a guy like that without hesitation I would grab onto him. AnyWAY, about Dr. Seo that doesn't seem deserving of both guys, I guess it was a tiny bit. At first you'd wonder how she even fall in love with that guy and had a baby. Yes, had a baby with him. But now I guess she laughs more often? Still, I think her response towards her mother is overboard


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Haven't had time to catch up on OT yet, but I wanted to ask if anyone has seen The Message. It's playing locally in a film festival, so I was thinking of watching it, if the reviews are good.

Oh, and after watching the 1960 version of The Housemaid, I am very interested in seeing Jeon Do Yeon's portrayal of the housemaid. :D


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@#26 Stephanie

Isn't she still pregnant? I don't recall her aborting. That's the other thing I was wondering about because the pediatrician knows about it but not the other guy! So the big question is.....will she carry to full term?

I don't know how many more episodes are in this drama, but the week can't go by fast enough! :-)


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@ supah, eiko, stephanie and other OBGYN watchers

I think this is a 16 ep drama. This being the case, not sure if they'll have enough time on top of the medical cases to cover all grounds including what's the deal with Song Joong-ki's family. I'm actually quite surprised at the time they have given to this side couple including the plot about Nurse Kim's past which explains her character much better. I saw in Viikii some spoiler about a kiss and thought it was one between the lead couple but... hehe. It's great all the same! I just wish they will let us into the mind of Dr Seo because honestly we know most characters pretty well except our female lead.

@ eiko re DWL

I forgot that you had only watched the raw. Those scenes will have to be appreciated in full with the dialogues. Don't you like the sister - she's really my favorite other than, of course, the PingGuo couple?


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Yep it's 16 episodes, meaning we've only four episodes left.
Song Joong-ki (Ahn) and Dr Seo are the only two characters who we stil need to figure out really.
We pretty much know the score with Seo but it's whether or not she'll keep the baby that's keeping us guessing about her character, and well... whether or not she'll end up with Lee, right? We know it can't be Wang now, their relationship is a platonic one after all (unless Wang was lying).
This show has covered plenty of ground now, it's been moving fast. We've seen every one else's family and their general background to some extent, like in 11 we had Dr Wang's dad and episode 10, we had Dr Lee's brother.
I know we've already met Dr Seo's family, I think we have a good general idea of what kind of person she is (her sister did small roles in WISFC and WUAS - she's in all my fave dramas, haha!), it's only the part where she's undecided whether or not to abort the baby. This started back in episode 1 and I'm not too happy that they've dragged it out this long. Although it's not been raised as a main issue in any episode.
I love ahnkim, and am loving the spotlight they're getting. However I suspect, that with the time constraint, they'll leave it unsatisfactory. They'll just accept the mother's happy because Kim's from a rich family, and Ahn and Kim are just happy to be together and happily ever after. They'd better not though! I want to know how on earth Ahn is so scared of that woman (like she's a mob boss or something) that he's been willing to follow her every instruction, urgh!

@ eiko
Hahaha, for someone with such a caustic character she sure pulls some hilarious facial expressions.
Yeah, I didn't mean Dr Lee would know about the HIV case, but his instincts were kicking in and he was backing away at the departures lounge.

I would have said his character is too angelic and 'perfect', but I do know some paeditricians and they are gentle folk. I gradually fell for his character at some point in this drama. He's too good for Seo.
As is the oh so sexy Dr Wang. Under his ladykiller facade he's actually just as much a sweetheart as Dr Lee.

The pretty lady doctor character, friend of Dr Lee was much needed in episode 12, Dr Seo's been acting like she's queen of the ward for too long now. Not only is she more successful and famous as a doctor, she's also prettier, doesn't have helmet hair and is less awkward as a person. Ooh I DID detect the jealousy, hee hee!

Oh yeah, both Dr Wang and Lee know about her pregnancy. When she near miscarried (gosh I cried, it's the way it happened) they both found out but because she was being an awkward... little thing about it, they were both trying to be ultra sensitive, plus understanding that it needs to be kept a secret from the hospital. Later while they're still quizzing as to whether she's lost the baby or not, they see her sneaking out of the ultrasound room and assume that everything's fine (and in that scene we also get to see that that the baby's alive and healthy).

Randomly, I just love how Ahn refers to Seo as 'the witch' and all the backbiting he does about her, or like the schoolgirl they helped out and the way some of them laughed at her stupidity behind her back. This team is so cruel, haha!


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@#29 epyc

The sister is really pretty. I'm guessing she will end up with Lawrence (architect). But it was because of her that Ella got Jerry! :-) I'm still waiting for the next episode to get posted at mysoju...#6.

@ epyc and supah

Oh that OBGYN is so darn addictive! I fell for Dr. Lee from the beginning at that clinic and then when he walked to that pier where Dr. Seo was standing and tossed that necklace. I had a feeling he was the lead actor.

Dr. Wang is sexy all right but I don't get the feeling he's interested in any kind of relationship. He's also a very good doctor. I missed where he found out about the pregnancy and right now am guessing that it might have been the time when Dr. Lee signed as the guardian? I suppose with all the experience they all have in their profession, it's not gonna take much to guess what's going on.

Okay...I better check on DWL and P.S. Man and Catch A Falling Star.....the dramas keep getting better and better. Another one that I happened to check is Alone With Love....anyone watch that one?

Have a great week! Happy drama week!!!!


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Hey Stephanie....didn't mean to leave you out but you are part of the OBGYN watchers!!!!

By the way.....the staffing on that particular shift really makes it fun.

Another thing....I get the feeling the operating room scenes might be a little over dramatic cause the handling of the surgeries with all the blood is excessive. AND...don't know if anyone noticed it but.....isn't the C-section cut different? I've always understood it to be horizontal cut below the navel! ????


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Oh No!!!! I can't believe this.....DWL episode 6 posted on mysoju IS NOT WORKING!!!!! :-(


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@OB GYN Watchers:

wow just checked back and tons of ob-gyn comments! I'd love to pitch in but I haven't had the time to catch up on eps 11 and 12. Will do so in a moment!

But on the topic of Dr Seo and Dr Wang, I have a friend who's pretty much like Dr Seo without the 'áloofness''. She's one of a kind with her stubbornness and holds strong to her beliefs, dislikes having people show too much concern like Dr Lee does to Dr Seo. Doesn't like people to enforce their beliefs and decisions on her. It can get frustrating and annoying at times but i guess I can pretty much understand people who are like Dr Seo.

But Dr Wang. I would choose him over Dr Lee anytime!

I would also love to exclaim how much I love Song Joong Ki and his cuteness but I'll save it for another time.

BTW, @eiko, you have to check out Alone In Love, it is a very mature and well thought out drama with amazing actors and a fantastic accompanying OST. My all time favourite drama. Do let me know what you think of it!


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@34 pongs

I watched AWL episode 1 about 3 scenes....where they are on their honeymoon. I get the feeling it's going to be fun and the female is a good actress although she seems pretty young. Her husband is really good looking! I DID cheat and went to last episode....will go back and check it out!

Thanks for the tip on it!


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@ 34 pongs......you can mention Song Joon Ki anytime!!!!! he finally comes around in episode 12 with a kiss for that cute nurse that he really loves!!!!! I'm not sure what he is all about....but basically trying to please mother....but he did blurt out in a fit of frustation about bartering his body (referring to the match making deal with mother). I was puzzled that in the next scene he acted like nothing happened between him and the nurse! :-(

I don't know....maybe all the characters aren't supposed to have any emotions at all in this drama! Somehow they all have some kind of down fall about their personalities.


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@ ockoala

"Bruce Wayne-inner torment you killed my daddy now I’m back to smoke your ass. "

I only have one thing to say, "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


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Sorry, I was rushing the last comment as I'd sneaked online at work and don't think I was making any sense, haha!

Dr Lee as we all know, found out straight after he first met her in episode 1 but Wang found out when he learned she'd been hospitalised and rushed to find her, once he did, he held back to earwig in on Seo and Lee's hushed discussion (where Lee was forcing her to get an ultrasound done). Wang basically put two and two together and later confronted Lee about it. And that's ultimately where their face off began.
I think it's clear Wang's interest in Seo was only piqued when he saw that Lee likes her. Prior to that he saw her only as a friend, so I'm glad they've kinda established that in ep.12.
Wang will be great with head nurse, I love their sarcastic quips and are equally foxy and sly as the other.

About the ahnkim scenes, after the kiss, I'd say it's professionalism. They were both back in their regular jam, and in a public setting, they can't act all affectionate in public and that rule would obviously apply for the rest of the staff too. Although he wasn't glaring at her and tsking at her like he would do before, the obnoxious brat that he was. I wanted to KILL him so many times. Hehe!
Besides, remember their relationship was a secret to begin with? No one knew about it other than themselves.
Wow, considering how the staff live in each other's pockets they sure keep secrets from one another; Seo's pregnancy, Ahn and Kim's relationship?

And saying that, there's a lot of hugging going on (and kissing too now) in hallways and stairwells, none of them have been busted, yet. Haha!

@pongs - what do you think of SJK here? He's not the strait-laced angel here as he has been in previous dramas, he is multi-dimensional here, not to mention; terrible attitude problem! It's good as it shows he has acting range. ;)


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Ooops, sorry, I think the last comment was a bit spoilery for OBGYN watchers who haven't watched ep 12 yet??

Pongs: Dr Seo does have a decent enough character and it's understandable, but still feel so jealo how she can be cold and pretty unresponsive and STILL have two great men falling over themselves for her. I mean, where's the justice? AND she's pregnant with a married man's child! Fail!

Alone in love, I've seen it in choppy parts, it's on my to-watch list though. I like the female leads, great to see Sohn Ye Jin and Lee Hana together, it's just hard with the men not being eye-candyish, yes, so shallow of me!


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Thanks Supah! I got it on the Wang/Lee jealousy.....kinda makes me giggle to see that kind of interaction between males. usually see it with females! Darn, I'm ready for episode 13! Have to wait another week!

I'll go back to Alone In Love later....I've found another Taiwanese drama that is really cute....it Started With A Kiss.....the "girl" is all right but the male lead is really something! So far I've found Japanese and Taiwanese dramas/movies really good. There was a Japanese drama about the woman who is in a wheelchair and falls in love with a fella who is a hair stylist. I thought that one was really good and loved the pairing of the female and the male leads.

Happy Monday!


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@ Supah....

By the way....I forget that even though it's a drama OBGYN....I get antsy about the relationships involved and want to see it escalate to the next level when it DOES have to show professionalism!!! At least the writers keep to the grindstone!


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@37 nycgrl
LOL!!! When I watched ep 1, I was so so saying that when he confronted the baddie. 8-)


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@ nycgrl and momosan

I think I may have found my guilty pleasure of the year, ala BOF last year. So bad its good, so good its naughty. I plowed through 4 eps of AMCG yesterday, and its so over the top preposterous, but done tongue in cheek (oh those cheekbones of SIK, he can slice a tomato with them), and with no pretentions that its meant to be anything other than a GIANT MALE FANTASY!

I'm on board with that, esp. since I was never once BORED with it, not a second, nope, I was laughing so hard I woke up the dog from his nap. And then giggling like a school girl over the posing and the "no, that didn't just happen, no way"-ing.

It's a total Batman rip-off, but the earnestness is 100% Princess Bride search for the six-fingered man. Get on the crazy train, nycgrl, I think serendipity may be tempted, and mookie started last night.

What is drama watching other than a form of communal entertainment, either with the other watchers or communing with one's own dreams, fantasies and funnybone.


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@43 ockoala

Shall we take a vote on a group watch here? I'm in - I don't think spoiler warnings are necessary. I mean, what with giggling madly at the standing on the prow of the Titanic scene and the extreme WTH-ness of the random dancing children around him scene, I can't see a plot worth spoiling within a hundred yards of this thing.

Only thing better would be to be in a common room or pizza place someplace watching as a group in person so that live sniping comments could be heard. LOL!


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Ok Momosan and Ockoala. Maybe I'm in since I could use a good laugh and I'm fine with kdramas that don't take itself seriously if its meant to be tongue in cheek.

I just finished assorted gems, I'm going to write on that later tonight and was looking for something else. I wish we had more assorted gems discussion on JB or did I miss the whole discussion?


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Oy yey! I vote for group watch, I will be hardpressed to contain my urge to watch it raw tho, I mean, dialogue comprehension is like the last time I'm thinking about when watching AMCG.

Between YIY literally eye-sexing SIK next to the pool to SIK boxing out the second lead for HCY's boobies to the horse scene!!, this drama is one thing and one thing ONLY (so far) - lots of fun to watch!

Unlike WUAS, which I am headdesking myself into a stupor with pretty much in one direction the drama has headed in its second half - DOWN, like way down the crap hole, AMCG has nowhere to go but up. And if it never goes up, well then, more fun for us to snark over. Btw, I said it and must say again, HCY should only ever play this type of character, a derivation of her DGCH persona. She should never ever go femme fatale or gorgeous model/actress/mannequin. I really enjoyed her in OY, and she's quite accessible here without resorting to any cutesy tricks (yet).


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@46 ockoala

I watched it raw, although I see the subs are out for ep 1.
Not that it mattered, since ep 1 was about half in English anyway -
although seriously, how anyone managed to deliver the line
"Peter Pan! But the report said you died in Nicaragua!" without falling over laughing is a mystery to me.


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@ momosan

But I DID fall over laughing, fell over, off the chair, and fell on the sleeping dog. :-) And I repeated this process for about 4 episodes worth of instances, and now my hip hurts.

Seriously, I <3 the insanity of AMCG episodes 1-2. 3-4 settle down a bit, but it will be many many years before anything approaching the randomness of episodes 1-2 ever get made again.


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I get ya, you'd rather the story just flow, but not possible with this kind of a drama format, where you have multiple stories running at the same time.
Yeah... Wang and Lee are ridiculously childish, like the arm-wrestling? Haha!
It's what I love about this drama and its doctors, where they're pros with the patients, they're so immature and lulzy when off duty.

You never know what's gunna hit you next with this drama, something gritty and hard-hitting; something gory/horrific, something belly-achingly hilarious, or some sweet romance, basically everything and anything goes and there's the gorgeous OST and background score.

I think I've seen It Started with a Kiss, with Ariel Lin?
It was much better than the original J-Dorama.
Although where Hana Kimi's concerned, I prefer the Japanese one. (Although the Taiwan one was made first -- as with Hana Yori Dango-- it was adapted from the manga first.)
A lot of people are loving Down with Love, I love Jerry Yan but not Ella. I love tomboyish girl characters (Hana Kimi/Coffee Prince, YB...) but I don't know, I just can't figure her out.

That girl in wheelchair jdrama, that's beautiful life right? Starring Takuya Kimura? You should watch him in Engine, loved the story.


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@47 momosan

LOL! I wonder how many takes they had to do. I was laughing like a crazy fool! Seriously, Peter freaking Pan? Now thats a name that should strike terror into the hearts of all the bad guys! (if they don't die laughing first!)

Batman meets Bond,meets Mission Impossible meets Peter Pan? I wonder if there will be costumes? Green tights and a pointy hat with a feather? :)

I may be way off base because my Korean language skills are pitiful at best. (all my Korean I learned watching dramas) But I get the feeling that we are supposed to be laughing with this drama and not at it. Actually I'm good either way. I would prefer that things are done intentionally, but I'm not opposed to enjoying something that is so bad that it turns the corner into something hysterically funny.

At the end of the day, I'm watching this for SIK. The man had me years ago at Yeom Moon, I'd watch this guy tie his shoes!


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