Open Thread #125


Baby Monster – “She Comes Alive” [ Download ]

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@ nycgrl

I just turn on my x-ray vision and keep my eyes trained on his abdominal region and pierce through his suits and such and enjoy that view of KJH, instead of wondering whether he's preparing to jump to China like some of his k-actors and star in a Qing-era sageuk.

But in terms of the freakish, his hairline only takes a very distant second place to the second female lead's entire FACE! Which gives me nightmares and would elicit shrieks of horror from children and puppies.


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Ockoala, I'm going to watch one episode just to see what you guys are talking about. Sounds like a complete freak show. Also wouldn't shaving your forehead look like a receding hairline?

Speaking of weird looking 2nd female leads, did you ever see Lawyers of Korea? The 2nd female lead who is normally a very pretty lady (kind of looks like Ha Ji Won) got herself a chin implant sometime after she did "The Person I love". Her chin implant should have been a 5th character in the drama because I would get distracted every time she talked since I could clearly see the outline of the chin implant.


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@ nycgrl

Oh boy, then you're in for a treat in WUAS then. I will check out the Lawyers of Korea just to make the acquaintance of the chin implant, btw. ROFL!

But in WUAS, the second female lead gets herself a total LIP IMPLANT (I would called it lip injections but it's more than that, it's like her lips have been replaced with a rubber silicone object that calls itself a lip but is in actuality something insidious and from outer space most likely).

And she got a considerable amount of botox, and not just on her forehead, and most likely injected straight from Allergan into her brain cortex, how else to explain her massive delusion that she can keep haranguing KJH to date her/marry her when he tells her "I CAN'T STAND YOU WOMAN!!" and then when that doesn't work, blackmails him. And I'm not giving away any spoilers, really, as its standard second banana psychotic fare taken to another level of ridiculousness that is only tempered by the presence of 5 adorable children that we can coo over.

KJH's hairline has only gotten worse as the episodes progress, so you'll have to check out a latter episode to witness the recession in full glory. :-P

@ mookie and belleza

I did it! I bought Ireland and will start once the DVD arrives. I don't care if it sucks big donkey, it's got Binne, Kim Min-joon and Kim Min-jung in it and acting apparently all sorts of wonky drama shenanigans. I am willing myself to love it already. Seeing that picture of Binnie this morning spurred me into action - Ireland here I come (soon).


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it DOES look very receding hairline (I was honestly thinking that not till Serendipity lightbulb me on the practice of 'hairline shaving') The Conan Obrian hair poof is very not helping his pretty face. instead of ockoala's employment of Xray vision, I'm quite bored w/ the drama lately to the extent I'm seeing visions of KJH resembling Leslie Cheung in early 80s.

This Girl2, we can see EVERY inplant and PS she did or had redone in epic fail. Never boring to watch....headdesking self is sooo not boring.

I'm still not sure y I'm watching on (and I just recommended a friend VERY unconvincingly to try it out), usu I would've stopped...plot's down the drain, writing has been uninspired, the guys r cringeworthy overacting... but the kids and the baby MELT me every second they r on screen. And I give credit to CJW, even thro couple eps of brain diarrhea plot, not for a moment I dun feel her heart and earnest and I didnt feel a sec of urge to ff her scenes.


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don't let me mislead u, it's still way above average stuff. I ranted and jabbed at it coz I'm insufferable


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@ twin

Hold you spazz for a moment longer, bought it online so will be at least a week until I get Ireland and can start. But perhaps it'll be so inspiring I'll have to report back to OT and keep a running watch diary. Is this one where he wears tight swim trunks? See, my brain doesn't veer very far from the pertinant and important matters at hand.

WUAS - man, the last few weeks were just hard to get through and just made me mad with disappointment, but having fun dissection KJH's hairline + episode 18 being quite good has invigorated me to actually look forward to next week's finale.

I was going to recommend WUAS to my sis but will now hold off, I recommended YB to her around episode 6, and ep. 11 onwards I really didn't like YB anymore, so I've been kinda hesitant to recommend airing dramas bc the second half can easily go down the crapper. But Pasta has stayed consistent throughout - terribly unispired story and side characters, almost unparallel onscreen pairing chemistry sizzle between the leads for the entire 20 episodes. My gut tells me I will end up having a higher esteem for Pasta than WUAS when all is said and done and time as passed.


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tight swim trunks = Bodyguard (Mr City Hall CSW =the bodyguard...binnie: a stalker/rapist/swimsuit model) ;)

I treat Ireland as some Happy Together in Seoul...binnie is the bodyguard ie in suits w/ his behind fondled fondly by his boss and I shipped binnie and KMJ madly till the very end. ( I watched it st after Damo, and u should never watch a non-comedy after u r a deepshxt Damo-trainwreck)

YAYYY for the possible watch diary! :)


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Just wanted to say.......

I just got an email saying that my City Hall Director's Cut DVD just shipped!

*doing happy dance around the office*


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@mookie, @ockoala

Ireland -- Please report! I recently decided to give it a pass in the DVD shop, reasoning "Do I really need more melo in my life? Does it even make sense?" But it was a narrow call, since it IS Binnie, and I do have a soft spot for a good tragedy and a cathartic cry. (But must be *good* tragedy; no epic logic fail pl)

Same for Friend, the Legend -- Saw in shop, battled "do I need more sad in my life" vs "but it has Binnie awesomeness!" and came out deciding to spare myself.

But I'm sure they are both still there on the DVD shop shelf... Oh dear, so much angst to inflict on myself, so little time...


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Speaking of Conan Obrien's poof and receding hairlines, anyone remember Diane Keaton hairstyle in Godfather part 1. Here is a reminder


I can't watch godfather to this day without guffawing loudly whenever she came on. Her forehead is begging for some serious phrenological study.


O Ireland. I feel for you. Be prepared for a dull eye gouging ache. Its good and bad but I do give that is different. To this day I'm not sure if I like or hate it.


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@ twin

hehehehe, our loverboy (1) must be between projects with time on his hands as he tweets alot, and more importantly (2) he wished SS happy birthday, and she responded that he was the first to text her happy birthday. *sigh* It's like watching my dongsaengs falling in love and flirting madly and be living vicariously thru them.

Cannot. Wait. For. CtW. Summer. Come. Now!


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@ twin,

u know I had a very stupid fangirl grin hanging on my face whole nite. when I read the rumor loverboy/SS spent her REAL bday (3.10) shooting couplish spread for mag. On SS's bday bash, loverboy was all jitters and was there early for an hour b4 the gang and all worried on tweets that SS would be mad at the latecomers. (BEYOND SO DARN CUTE!)

and u know that Tengren ladyboss... she is kinda a facial twin of SS +10 yrs. She posted a highsch of herself and this sillyloverboy of ours have to go tweet in public 'SS....' get a rm now babies, the world and beyond knows the longing and missing.

I think it's me, when I'm @ some zoo, all the animals r 'doing it' then there's those 2 weddings I went to, and so many of my HK friends I saw r bringing their steady bf/gfs . it's spring and love in bloom! kekeke


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u know gf, u should watch Ireland alongside ockoala... we'll be closeby for support.

I dont think Ireland is typical k-melo fare at all. yes, shxt happened to everybody at some point, but I would call the ending hopeful (?) and it's so not a EotS /Damo type of ending. I'm frustrated by it, I think I hold same opinion of it as nycgrl.

now Friend...that's a whole diff story. I still feel a dull pain even when I saw binnie's gorgeous face of late. ( I'm still VERY scared of cont my Chuno watching... 1. JH and binnie has some resemblance to me 2. JH is Da BOMB ALL SORTS OF AMAZING 3. I'm afraid a part of my heart will be forever dead/bleeding coz it will summate all the tears and ache fr Damo/Misa and bring it all back.....really..me scared.


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@ mookie

Ireland:-- Oh, me wavering, wavering... Me also quite busy, but already wondering when I can next find time to hit the DVD shop...

Aren't we a crazy lot! When a recommendation which hits home involves "I don't know whether I love it or hate it" or "I gave myself a crying-headache" or "I can't stop thinking about it". Craaaazy!


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I am a newbie here.
Glad to find this forum...as what I am looking for


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