Open Thread #125


Baby Monster – “She Comes Alive” [ Download ]

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@97 michelle

I'm sorry, but I LOLed. Argentina child? Peruvian revolution? Wot? Wot? o_0 LOL

@ lb_tmi
Are you talking about the official boxset? Cos -and this is one of the things that drive me crazy about kdramas- there are many versions of the same boxset (and I'm not even talking about the piratated kind).

No, seriously, why there have to be so many different official versions for the same kdrama? Whenever I want to buy a boxset, I get migraines. Some boxsets have Eng subs, others don't, those that don't might have extra features etc. I'd understand if there was only the regular kind and the director's cut, but in some cases choosing a boxset over another is hellish for me.


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@99 lb_tmi

Speaking of subbing! I'm not sure if any of you are into subs or tech or whatever, but I got a notice from Vint Cerf at google about subbing on YouTube. (in case anyone wonders who he is or why we should care, Vint really IS the father of the internet, and is also hard of hearing, and has been behind the captioning project and other accessibility stuff for years. Vint is also a heck of a nice guy and he's working on expanding the IP addressing system....yeah - geeking out over here...TMI...)

Machine subbing has been completely enabled for English on YouTube.

More languages to come.

I was amused that they said "well, theorectically you can take the English and drop it into translate.google to get other languages" because we all know what happens when you try that! Hilarity ensues!

Anyway from My Videos, you can hit Machine Transcription, Request Processing and see what happens. Sadly, none of my videos will demonstrate since they are sports stuff, but give it a try.

Of course, from that same menu, you can also still add your own captions.


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@1 Sere

Another question I can actually answer! Ohh, techy background paying off here!

Alot of the different sets has to do either with region availability or with local editing or local requirements. So they'll hold a region 1 DVD set until it's finished running in region 1.

Or they'll edit the DVDs because of royalty reasons (BOF apparently comes under this one - the music is different in the region 1 version). Or due to local censorship rules (5 seconds was removed from the UK version of TGTBTW due to horses being tripped). I think Serenity (the movie - I have the directors cut) either removed gore by CGI or cut 30 seconds for the UK version. Some countries insist that the DVDs be dubbed, others that captions are ok. And traditionally, in a few places the boxsets are big deals and quite expensive.

It's a minefield. Alot of times, this is why stuff isn't released internationally.

OTOH, some of the DVD sets floating around are simply pirated. And use lousy subs.

BTW, the extra features are rarely if ever captioned.


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Guess that makes sense. Still, I wish buying a kdrama boxset didn't give me a headache every single time I want to get one. That doesn't happen with Western dvds, at least to me. I get what you're saying esp the bit about some countries preferring dubbing over subbing (in my country dubbing is preferred. and I HATE it), but the thing is, even if the boxsets for western tvshows have some (small) differences, they basically contain the same things (e.g. if I buy the Italian version of any American tvshow, all the eps are dubbed, but I can easily switch to the original undubbed and unsubbed version). What I mean is, when I buy a non-kdrama dvd, I don't have to worry and pay extra attention on what's inside the boxset, you know? Whereas I absolutely must be extra careful when I do get j/k-dramas boxsets.


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Anyone owned and operated an Easy Bake Oven as a kid (or as an adult)?

1. Is it easy to use, i.e. a 3 yr old can use it?

2. Is the food edible?

I'm assuming that the latest version would be better than anything in the past, but if the old versions were all fine and dandy, I'd feel much more re-assured buying one now.


Also, I read that the Easy Bake mixes are hella expensive, so if anyone can recipes using standard Betty Crocker mixes, I'd be much obliged. Going to do some mommy-son bonding baking. I refuse to allow them to bake real cakes and cookies with me bc I am insanely OTT with my baking space, but I'll let them go nuts with a kids oven.


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Hi everyone, Happy Friday!

@ 5 ockoala : I had an Easy-Bake Oven! Well, a hand-me-down from a cousin. Think I played with it maybe 3 times. I remember that nothing ever fully baked, but was edible. You can use any recipe/mix, really, I think. The old ones used a lightbulb to generate the heat that "baked" the cupcakes. I don't know what the new ones are like. Can you really not stand letting them mix up some cookies in a 'real' kitchen? I just think the E-B Oven is a bit of a waste of money.


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@4 Sere

My usual example is TopGear - which is a UK production. For US TV they edit out the news section and shorten it up. The few episodes released to US iTunes are the US TV version - and only a few The DVDs that have recently been released (thank goodness they are available at ALL now) for the US restore some cuts, but then have some additional and use different music as well. (for those who care - that's why the bike in the Vietnam special doesn't play Springsteen....licensing pain) This would be why TopGear actually talks to the site that torrents the complete files and winks at their use. They know that it drives fans nuts to have the DVDs cut.

And that's from a country using the same language!!!

I do know that if I wanted a BOF boxset, knowing that they've mangled the music in the US version, I'd troll for the Japan or Korea version with English subs.


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Good moring, everyone, from downunder on a sunny and breezy Saturday morning!

As always, a heartfelt thanks to JB for providing this wonderful forum for us to chit chat from around the globe. I don't know how I could survive the excruciating work stress without your site and the funny/wise words from all DBers.


Thought you might like to look at the 12 categories of FOB and hybrid FOBs at http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Fob&defid=1101024 .

My daughter and I had a good laugh when reading it and can indeed relate them to people around us. I can certainly see my daughter going through the different stages of FOB from Twinkie, Asian-Australian, Fobabee, and is probably on way to Fobulous. She said she doesn't want to be a YAP, though.

@ Samsooki - Your experience brought me down the memory lane. Before my daughter was born, my hubby had read some research that pointed at the language confusion young kids face in a bi-lingual household that could potentially impair on their learning ability at least for the formative years - as opposed to the benefits of acquiring two languages in those years, a position I preferred. I lost to my hubby because I do agree that you need to think in English first before you can talk/act in that language proficiently. Exercising two languages in the infancy year could indeed be a problem, what will they think in their heads then?? So, we have from day one spoken to her in English only. We also instill in her from day one that she be not succumbed to ching chong rant and has to stand up to such nonsense. This works out well for her although I can't say for others.


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Aw, I didn't know the topic of subs and Easy Bake ovens can kill an OT thread. Oh wells. :-P

@ reluctantbutaddicted

I was keeeeding, I let the kids bake with me, but they are really not interested unless its to sprinkle chocolate chips or lick the spoon. They love, love, love, playing house tho, and I though the Easy Bake oven would be a great b-day present for my son (gender tropes be damned!!) and could add to their make believe home within a home.

I know its a waste a money, and really all their toys for the most part get played with a bit them tossed aside. But rather than capitulating and buying him a Nintendo that all his friends appear to have at the age of 5!! (what kind of parents are out there, I am flabbergasted!), I want him to enjoy a toy that is educational and interactive and creative. If you have toy suggestions, I would love to hear it. I'm at wits end thinking of presents for the myriad of birthdays for all the kids in my extended family.

And lastly, thank you Five Star Laser!! I got my Fearless Duo DVD in record time (2 days!) after YesAsia cancelled my order since it was out of stock and they didn't bother to, I dunno, update their webpage. Can't wait to jump right in tonight! But still kinda on a My SIL is Nineteen high, I keep listening to Yoon Kye-sang sing that song Half-Love. Great song, amazing unique arrangement bc YKS sings the chorus FIRST, then then winds down to start the intro. I lubs it!

Here's the YT MV for anyone curious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB5AJGAi29I


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@99 lb_tmi
i have a dvd copy of 9 end 2 out with english and chinese subtitles so that both my parents and I could use it. the first few episodes' subs were fansubs while the rest were bad subs. I knew because at the beginning of the episodes, it listed the fansubbing group! i couldn't decide whether to be shocked that they're shamelessly making money off a subbing groups or appreciative that they at least acknowledged where the subs came from. i bet the chinese subtitles were chinese fansubs too! i do wonder where they got the dubbing from.....

i got a chinese/english subbed copy of Legend once and I couldn't bear to watch it because not because the subbing was horrible...but because they translated the word, Phoenix into some common bird...can't remember. but it's like calling a legendary phoenix a robin. blasphemy! it's like calling a dragon a silly garden snake! (<--which they at least refrained from doing) at least my parents somewhat enjoyed it. I guess the chinese subs are more accurate.

i hate it when certain countries have one kind of cut for the movie and then another country has another kind of cut. I love the movie, Penelope...and then I heard that they had cut down some scenes to keep it a PG kids movie. In order to get the original full version, I have to order the dvd from Australia. still wondering if it's worth the money to buy a dvd that may not even work on my dvd player....


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Why do latinos do not used the FOB slang? Because we are called
"Mojados" instead which loosely translated means "Wet Backs" derive from the notion that we had to swim across the Rio Grand in order to get to the US.
Mexican born have always have a prejudice against American born Mexicans, they are call "Chicanos" and that word can also be used with a positive or a negative connotation, American born/Ethnic people will always have a harder time beacuse they are not seen as
"Fully Pure" or "Fully American" my brothers still give me a hard time because my daughter does not speak Spanish, so what can we do? Maybe by not being prejudice myself I can make a bit of a difference! Peace to all....


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OMG!!!FT island is in the philippines???yay how stupid am i?i didnt know because i havent watch TV since laast week because i kept watching korean dramas online and i kept reading subs and i kept reading updates about my fave korean actors and actresses but in my own country i didnt know that FT island is in here!!!GOSH i need to go to manila!i know its imposible cause i've travelled here in ilocos hayyy nkakabwisit tlga!!!!boi alam mo ba kung nsan sla tska mga guestings nla....huhuhuhu intayin q reply mo :))


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@9 ockoala
I don't think subs and Easy bake were responsible for killing -or slowing down- the OT. I'm sure a few ppl are watching the new Pasta as the subs were released like a few hours ago. I've just finished watching ep 16 so there's that.

And besides, the day/night is still young for our friends North-Americans.


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@ ockoala : "I was keeeeding"... phew!

Toys: I love the card games produced by Gamewright -- my personal favourite is Sleeping Queens (5 might be a bit young?). It's not only a good game but it is also beautiful (I'm not ecstatic about the underlying concept of the Queens needing to be awoken, but I can get over my sensitivity on the gender front by enjoying the sheer loveliness of the cards)... There's lots of counting in it, too, and we play with slightly relaxed rules about the various number combos. I've played it with 6 year old boys and they like it. The boys really liked There's a Moose in the House and Slamwich!, too -- the latter involves smacking your hand over the cards when you see a complete sandwich, so it's popular for that (always fun when a game involves slapping cards down or slapping hands down)... The joy of slapping cards down is why I'm trying to learn how to play Go Stop, which is almost a K-drama staple (I think the writers have missed an opportunity there with WUAS--if ever a female lead was a natural Go Stop Queen, it's Pal Gang).


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Good evening, everyone,
Happy Friday night!
Checking in quite late today 'cause it has been a hectic week.
I want to wave to everyone before I start reading your postings. 0)


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@9 ockoala.

i am also shocked abt parents getting their 5 year olds nintendos and psps. they have the rest of their lives to be staring at a small screen- why start at 5? not a toy, but i would go for art-kits, coloring books, and madlibs. for educational toys, i look to the discovery store online. a lot of the ones I like are usually out of my poor-grad-student price range but there's some pretty cool stuff. and i go for the melissa and doug toys for the younger kids.

though on the flip side--not sure if the kids will play with the educational, more creative toys. I gave in this year and got them Transformers (could be educational b/c it does take some skill to transform them), madlibs, and special crayons after realizing that last year they ignored my more expensive educational gift and loved the tiny cheap plastic/plush addendum gift I got them. made me wonder what they did with my presents all the other years... I don't see them often and most of the time I give the presents over to my other cousins to give to them.


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@55 mishane, and et al
good to see some Filipinos here in OT... :D
glad to see I'm not alone in my K-drama addiction /slash/ craziness...tee hee...


it's not 1000-year old eggs, it's 100-year old...and BTW they're staple Chinese food (no insult whatsoever intended, just info)

whole pigs on stick - lechon; actually it's "roasted suckling pig" or something, but there...they're tasty, but what I don't like is the skin, which for some reason, I really don't like...but some really like it, since it's crispy...

chicken feet - they're called "Adidas" (after the shoe brand)


BTW, why is this (comment) turning into a recipe for exotic foods?
(You haven't seen anything once you encounter balut (fertilized duck eggs), isaw (fried pig/chicken intestines), & betamax (fried cubed chicken/pig blood)... *evil grin*
but then, I'm not really a fan of exotics myself, unless barbecue & tokneneng (quail eggs in batter) count in my tastes...)


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one of the Yahoo news there has a man finding about his true Argentinian parents after, like, 30+ years(??)

yes, they were here! They guested at Showtime, but didn't get to watch since I was in Antipolo for our community duty... :<
actually, I heard in a radio station (which I really don't know, since all I listen to is 93.9 & 90.7 LOL) about, like 3-4 weeks ago that FT Island would be here...

you're in Ilocos? bummer...
well, di ko alam, 'e...nalaman ko na lang na sila nga yung napanood ko sa Antipolo noong na-feature na sila sa TV Patrol...and CONFIIIIIIIIRMED, ipapalabas 'yung YAB!!! WHEEEEEEEEE!!! (though title ay "He's Beautiful", pero bagay naman, 'diba???)

Translation: well, I don't know where they'll be guesting...I just learned that they were the ones whom I watched (more like glimpsed) in Antipolo when they were featured in TV Patrol...and CONFIIIIIIIIRMED, they got (& they'll show) YAB!!! WHEEEEEEEEE!!! (though the title is "He's Beautiful", but it's nice, 'no???)


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@pg1 34 isabelh

The omurice we made was delicious. I used this site as a general guide (http://www.justhungry.com/2006/08/omuraisu_omu_ri.html), but we put tofu, brocolli, green onions, and carrots in ours. We also added kimchi the second time around which was even better. It was actually super easy, and although it didn't look as pretty as the ones in Lunch Queen, I'll probably end up making it again. Practice makes perfect, after all!

@pg 2 17 Rovi

Omg, I LOVE lechon! I spent Thanksgiving with my Filipino-American friend a few years ago, and she dragged me over to her cousin's house where there was a huge feast spread out, including lechon and some other amazing things. The meat was delicious, but I'm definitely one of those who loved the skin--so crispy and crunchy!

One of my housemates just got a call from our landlord that he'll be showing our house at 1.30pm tomorrow. I'm not going to be home until at least noon, because I have my Korean class, and my room is a mess, which means I need to do some serious cleaning tonight before I go to bed. I'm pretty sure our contract says he's supposed to give us 24-hour notice, but there's nothing I can do about it right now. (My housemate also has her dog with us this weekend while her parents are in Vegas, which is something our contract doesn't allow, so she's going to have to take the dog on a long walk or something while our landlord and the prospective tenants are here.)


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*waves* Sorry I didn't wave earlier...had work, and then tweaking my latest writing project! Girl crush? I'm flattered! And all this time, I thought I was the only one using that term! Anyway, now I need to go to bed!


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Assorted Gems: why? what happened?

Im Sung Hwan: did you have a late attack of the makjang syndrome?

I love Assorted Gems and I will inflict self-induced amnesia for the last 2 episodes. Anyone feel the same?


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I've been frustrated for 2 whole months now since Assorted Gems & Creating Destiny have been unceremoniously disabled on Viikii!!! The dramas have all but finished & I'm still caught in the middle of both series!!! Thunderbolt & some Viikii considerate friends have suggested links to mega upload w/ soft subs...but I've tried a hundred times it seems...but just can't access the vids!!! Can someone suggest an alternate site? My despair has been building up....I even asked my IT-graduate-son to help me out, but to no avail!!! HELP PLEASE???
Thought Dramafever was a great site for North American viewers & suggested it to my Fil-Am friends...never realized it's licensing rights could affect us, the Asian viewing public this way!!!


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@18 rovi
huhuhu kakainis tlga pero nakakatuwa kc i papalabas na ung palbs nla d2 ang cute nung title hehehe....sana makauwi n aq agad kaw ba pupunta kb sa guestings nla anyways may guestings p b sla?????hayyy manunuod n nga aq balita ngaun!thanks tlga ha :)


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sorry if i written it in tagalog i'll just translate it later .cause right now i cant :)


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Thank you all for the advices
@ 30 (page1): I totally agree about Birth of a rich man. I do like it!


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ewan ko lang...'di ko kasi alam kung kailan mga guestings nila, 'eh...siguro sinabi nila nung nag-guest sila sa Showtime kahapon...

oh well...good luck sa "He's Beautiful"! :D

(Translation: I don't know...I also don't know on their guestings schedule...I guess they might've said it when they guested at Showtime yesterday...

oh well...good luck to "He's Beautiful"! :D)


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I've got a (late for the OT) question, but I don't know who else to ask. It's about a song of the WUAS OST, one of the songs more played during that drama. I'm fairly sure it's by 이진성 (sounds like his voice and his style), but I'm not positive. The song played, say, during the first sequence in ep 14? It's driving me nuts. I'd check Soompi if I didn't get spoiled BIG time every single time I go there. Any help would be appreciated.

@18 Rovi
Interesting? But we were talking about Michelle's friend's Hong Gil Dong dvds which for some reason at some point started calling HGD "Argentina child" and so on. 0_0


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oh, & ghian...punta ka sa youtube, tapos type mo sa search box "showtime march 5"...
madaming videos ng guesting ng FT Island (lalo na si Lee Hong-ki) sa Showtime... :D enjoy!!!

(Translation: oh, & ghian...go to youtube, then type in the search box "showtime march 5"...
there are so many videos of FT Island's guesting (especially of Lee Hong-ki's) at Showtime... :D enjoy!!!)


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Whoooo...first time I've participated in an OT so actively(?)

sorry for the mix-up...
Hong Gil-dong -> "Argentina child"??
You'r friend's been PUNK'D!!! Those are some whacked up (read: pirated) DVD's...
The (DVD) subbers had gotten pretty lazy about the time where the ep's the subs had gotten the whacked-up grammar...


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@ deannadsc

Have you tried Thundie's site? She has made the process of downloading vids & subs virtually painless; honestly, all you have to do is download and watch!

Good luck, I hope this is helpful to you! :-)



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Re : Assorted Gems
I'm pretty much happy with the ending. Not everything that I expect came true, but I'm satisfied.
I think people disappointed with Ruby's relationship ending, but well I can understand her point of view.
Yes I think endings for the paternal grandma and Ms. Sa Jang are unexpected and bit unnecessary, but overall, I don't mind with the last 2 episode. We can't get everything we want in life, so does in drama's land. :D


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@ Assorted Gems

langdon813 - I think deannadsc had tried Thundie's files but they apparently didn't work for her. deannadsc - hope some kind soul could find a solution for you.

About the AG ending, some people felt disappointed but I think it is as good as it gets. I don't want to repeat what I said at Soompi but it is a very realistic ending, not makjang at all IMHO. Dear Heaven is makjang but AG is very close to a day-to-day depiction of two very differnt families. It is an 8/10 drama for me. I will definitely watch out future works of Im Sung Hwan.


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@ momosan : I didn't get back to the last OT, but wanted to let you know I went in to the Korean fashion shop nearby to check out those cowl things (estimate dimensions etc) but they were already gone! Yep, apparently winter is over. Swoosh, all the winter stuff just whipped out of sight. Sorry!


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@33 reluctantbutaddicted

Thanks for looking for me! Isn't that always the way - I actually wanted to buy a new parka last week, since mine is barely surviving the winter - wouldn't you know that even the sale section of LL Bean was out. But the swimsuits are available! LOL!

I'm watching the directors cut of YB now. I'll see if grabbing more screencaps helps in figuring out what the knits are. 8-)


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@ ockoala

I loved my EasyBake oven!!!! Yes, you do cook/bake with a lightbulb but that was the fun part- it was cooking on the mini. I've seen the new versions and they are pretty much the same with the exceptions I think its harder to open up the "oven" being the stinker kid that I was halfway during my infatuation I had to see why it worked but knew that if I broke it my a#$ was grass so I was very careful and found myself fascinated by the why of how it worked. Because the mixes were rediculously expensive even then I got creative and realized I could use the reqular mixes but in very small batches.....Its how I learned how to bake and be creative with what I had....I highly reccomend it if you have a kid who is very hands on, its about the experience of learning and of trial and error. Good luck! I hope you get you kids one!

@ 11 Amg1

I completely understand, being first generation I could never understand why all the "true" mexicans would give me such a hard time it was only years later that I understood that Poucho was really an insult word. I'd been told it meant someone who was born here but was of mexican descent when it really meant a "coconut" brown on the outside and white on the inside aka someone who was mexican but ashamed of what they are and hiding it. All because I could speak engish without an accent- the studpidity of it still irrates the hell out of me....I "found" out the reason why when I cornered one of the morons. My problem had been that my parents never corrected my spanish so until college I mainly spoke spanglish- spanish slang.

BTw what does FOB mean? Have a good weekend all!!!! JB Love the musical choice!!!! Thank You!!!!


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Thank you! And this time, I'm just doing TA, so, I'm going to enjoy hanging out with friends and so on.

Whoever it was who posted about this site


OMG! This site is outrageously funny. I'll be visiting the site at least once a day or more(if I'm feeling down or something) to have a good laugh. Really, I haven't laughed this hard. By the way, in my case, I'm the FOB mom... I wonder if I've ever said anything this funny unintentionally?


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Anyone know the songs from Pasta that aren't on the OST? They play it ALL the time.

Random link that has the song that I am talking @1:36


Any help would be well helpful :)


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@26 and 28 rovi
ok sge thank you ah aabangan q plabas nla(kahit napanuod q na ung YAB)sana maabutan q p sla sa manila :)
thank you very much tlga :)

ok right thank you i'll be watching them(even though i've already watched YAB)i wish i could make it to manila on time :)

@23 translations
oh bummer and it's pretty funny too cause they'll show the drama(YAB) here.the title is very cute .i wish i could go home right now , how about you are you going to their guestings anyways do they still have guestings?(i mean here in the philippines)...grrrg from now on i'll watch TV news .. thank you very much :)


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@28rovi thank you i'll try to watch it hehehe :)


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@37 hpn88
Hmmm. That has a very Tearliner-ish feel to it, imho. I'm not sure. Have you tried asking at Soompi? They might know.


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Just received my You're beautiful Director DVD. OMG, the box set and the posters are all very nice. Just finished two disc... the Eng sub was pretty decent too. I am glad that I purchased it. All right, getting ready for disc 3.


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Some space has opened up on my drama watching schedule. What next? I think I feel sufficiently strong for a hard-hitting drama. Flowers for my Life? The Bittersweet Life? White Tower? Or should I dip back into J-drama for a spot of diversity? Oh, decisions decisions...

@ celestialorigin

How long will you be in Japan? I'm going to Tokyo in two weeks'. I love visiting Japan! Pity I'm not following any live J-dramas, because it would be fun (if baffling; no subs) to watch live on tv.

@ exotic foods

I love chicken feet (bones and all), century egg (especially in rice porridge) and durian. Yum yum! Not having ever tasted shit, I can't possibly say if durian tastes like it - though I can say that I don't think the smell is in the least like. Last time I was in the Philippines, I was THAT close to trying balut. Which I had hitherto sworn off as a gross food. But, hey, who am I to say? I might like it. Still, next time I'm in Manila I think I'll start with a *young* balut, with minimal beak and feather...

@ subs

I've noticed that in some legit-&-cheap DVDs I've bought in Asia: The first few episodes are great, and then the last few are undecipherable. My theory is that the DVD-import company has a Sub Team A and a Sub Team B (it can't be easy to hire people who can translate well from Korean/Japanese to English). First they get Team A on the job, then halfway through, when they reckon people are hooked to the drama, they switch to the cheaper Team B (their niece's friend who is studying Korean in school, or Babelfish, or something...) Yes, it is very annoying. And I've commented on this to the salesgirl (nicely, I know it's not her fault). I look her in the eye and say, "I'm taking a big risk buying this from you, you know, because sometimes the subs are ok and sometimes they are TERRIBLE." She just smiles weakly. But I guess it's fair - they are pretty cheap, for legal stuff, so I guess you get what you pay for...

@ YAB directors cut

I had been congratulating myself on my restraint and my ability to kick off addiction, when I decided not to order the directors' cut. But now that I hear about the goodies, I'm feeling the envy. Darn!


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@42 serendipity

I'm going home on 22nd. Will you be here before that? in two weeks? Let me know. We can so totally get together! I'm staying in Ohsaki (next to Shinagawa)area right on Yamanote line and am working right around Tokyo station. Where will you be staying?

YB: I know, I wish I would have bought the set as well...


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@ celestialorigin

Wah! Another near miss! I arrive the afternoon of 22nd, and have to meet with co-workers and set up for the week. Perhaps we will pass each other in Narita Airport, like ill-fated lovers in a J-drama! Perhaps the gods are thwarting us because they know that the world will tilt on its axis if DB/drama-life and real-life collide...

When I'm in Tokyo I stay in Ichikawa, where my company has premises. There's a train station nearby and with enough time I could get to any meeting point in Tokyo. But time we don't have :-(

@ nycgrl

Ageless husband - I feel for you. Mine hasn't aged in appearance in the last ten years, but at least I have a 6-year buffer against him. Still, I already have more grey hair than him, and worse still his hair is thicker than mine! Argh! So not fair!


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Welcome back to Cal(even tho it's not our usual sunny version) :(

"Perhaps the gods are thwarting us because they know that the world will tilt on its axis if DB/drama-life and real-life collide…"
*sigh* so true...@ockoala and I only live less than 40 min away from each other,and we have yet to meet up. We all have our hectic schedules ,and what very little free time that we have,we need it to share with our own family.

YAB director's cut:
*sigh* Yes, I'm envious of all those who are enjoying their goodies now. But,what can I say except to wait patiently for it to arrive in the local stores.

Have a great weekend :)


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a YAB directors cut?..i want it..where can i get one?do they sell it online? :(


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Underlying current of all FOB-talk is due to the inherent misery of trying to reconcile West vs. East cultures, especially during your adolescent years when you're trying to succeed within the parameters of the "Model Asian." Moreover, Asian American culture is still firmly rooted in surburbia, and surburban culture in part is in trying to find something more "authentic" for the sake of reference. As a result, whenever you see an Asian American joke about the old ways, it's in part trying to journalize surburbia's domestication of that ethnic habit.

Having said that, there's one great exception. If you're JAPANESE. There's no such thing as Japanese FOB. No, you're just labeled COOL. ;)


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I just got back homehome fr my month long vacay... I think I'm already missing all the sensory overload, not saying it's superior, but it's odd I'm home and it's 'foreign'... cold wood floors, all the 'space' for me to be territorial...and alone, absolute stillness, SILENCE... and it's been hours I havent seen a face of one random stranger, let alone en masse, in such a proximity I can be all gross and study their pore sizes.

I'm a durian lover (and the thousand yr old egg...chicken feet...) For me it tastes like a gorgeously aged fine soft cheese that just happens to be intensely sweet. All that 'poop' smell gave it a depth... it looked hostile, it smelled mile long pungent, yet it has a complex, rich, tender supersweetness, unrelentingly shocking, ecstatically satisfying (literally I dun mind turning into the same kind of sweet organic mush), overwhelming your palette (no water can 'make it go down') Durian + port. my kind of good stuff.


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I should be working on my taxes...but I lurked and caught up on OT

@nycgrl on hubby ~ CJMbabyface... *sigh* I'm older than mine by a couple months., have to start bracing for impact now... We cramped in 2 weddings on Sat (must be super good day on the lunar calendar) ...the aunties can say the damnest things!!! argh..
one of them said to my hubby: u didnt look a day older than highschool, do u use eye cream?!! (hubby looked at me, we both glared our WTF to each other) turned to me, touched my tummy (ok I was a glutton for the last month, so?!) when's the baby due?! (........)

hehe @twin, I know the character u r making fun of your hubby with... lets just say later on he'll have sth he'll 'sorely miss'..

again on wedding and similar names, while hopping to wedding 2, hubby was there helping out, I went to the banquet much later...and of coz, I went to the wrong one held at the same hotel. At the reception, I was asked name, and there's an identical Mr and Mrs XYC as ours, given the table number, and making my way into the grand ballroom... someone approached me and we chitchatted, all the while thinking the bride must have a middle name I didnt know, then she asked had I met the groom (yes grooms have SAME name) and I yelped on... not until I was AT the table and I saw a FRIEND and thank goodness she's told me she's attending a diff wedding, same hotel beforehand did I realize I was at the very WRONG place. so very embarrassing. (and I saw cameras fr many paparazzi flashing while I was making my way out, my DEAR friend already spread the funny story and expecting to see Next Magazine making a headline on some random woman crashing the fancy wedding)


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hey,next time you come to manila try balut,it's not that gross-it's really tasty , it's just that it looks like gross hehehe :) xD


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