Open Thread #124


Gobotron – “Never Turn Around” [ Download ]

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Hey, pixie I'm happy to see another keanu reeves fan! Have you seen that Paula DeAnda viseo rush rush that has Keanu Reeves in it? He is so sexy fine! She's says (unconvincingly, I mean gosh Keanu Reeves is sitting right net to her!), I've never been in love before, isn't that just terrible? And he's like "no, It just shows you that we're all alone, that's all" SO SMEXY!!!

Another cutie...
HAS ANYONE SEEN THE CLAVIN KLEIN SINGLES AD THAT KIM JI HOON DID!!! Ooooooh, if I could wake up next to that. Some kind souls had the good heart to post it on viikii on the stars falling from th sky channel. He's.... just.... ah! words fail me!

And umm... I haven't had the courage to post this here but, I'm not the only twilight fan right? I mean, everyone saw Jacob leap into the air and become a wolf, that had to make believers out of some of you!


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Re:racism in k-dramas/movies

Guys, but are we forgetting that not only Asian movies/dramas use stereotypes that offend one or more categories of people? I mean, whenever I see such scenes in kdramas, I'm uncomfortable as much as the next girl and I'm just as uncomfortable when I see a certain group of people stereotyped on a non-asian show. True, non-Asian movies/tvshows may be a bit more politically correct, but let's not kid ourselves: stereotypes and clichés are still being used in both entertainment systems and we should be equally bothered by both imho.

On top of that, historical backgrounds of whichever country is producing whatever movie with stereotypes must be taken into consideration, just like Samsooki said.


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ok ok finished IRIS and WTH! with the ending.....

I was taken back...I know all the reasons for the ending...I think...IRIS 2 ..LBH not returning etc etc but still.....!!!

I am so digging The woman who still wants to marry.....fun fun fun...

going to get on the Chuno train next!


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thanks kakainis naman di aq nka panuod...
syang tlga pero dalawa lang ba tyo pilipino d2?
:) (wait , do you speak tagalog?)


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@samsooki, Dude thank you again for making some sense of this difficult subject, and JB thank you for allowing such topics to be discuses in such an open maner in your Blog,
I am not angry but extremely sad to the point of tears, I am here to defend not only Koreans but the Korean culture at large, by the way I am not Korean, I was born and raise in Tijuana Mexico, I am proud of my heritage but I think the lady that raise the issue is a bit misguided, I have had the chance to live in different Country's and Continents, out side of my Mexican and USA culture, the culture that I have had the Good fortune to enjoy the most has been the Asian Culture, some of the best people that I have ever hang around have been Asians.
Asians and Latino culture is Family oriented, we take care of family, when was the last time we send our "abuelos" "halmeoni/harabeoji" to the old folks home like American and Europeans do?
Is it a crime to be proud of your heritage? The last time I check Americans always want to be #1 around the world, so way call only on Koreans for being patriotic?
And for all of you who miss American History 101, Asian people are the ones that landscape the California Marshes in the Central Valley and made the California Agriculture what is today if not the #1 not only around the states but around the world, or how the most decorated battalions in world war two where all Asian, I can go on and on giving different example, but what is the point, not because I go to " Taco Bell" and eat there food, does makes me and expert on Mexican food, not because in a K-drama they may used a word that was miss-translated as JB pointed out, I am afraid that this "Lady" has very little knowledge about Asian cultures specially the Korean one, I am not saying that Koran Culture is the perfect one, but to label Korean culture as one that is full racism, is not only unfair, but it shows this persons level of ignorance!!!!!!!
Last but not the least, Some of the worst racist treatment that I have ever experience has been in the US and in Europe, that being said not all Americans/Europeans, are racist!!!! Peace Out..
: O }.....


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hello from new york!! flew into dc early this morning and thought i was gonna die on the plane. the winds were so freakin strong in dc that the plane had to attempt to land a few times. i have never been so glad to be on solid ground. amtrakked it into nyc early this afternoon to tons of snow but it's nice anyway!!! nice cuz i came prepared with snow boots and a puffy fur-hooded jacket! started off my trip right with a yuuummy dinner at stanton social on the LES. tomorrow is more yummy food!!!!!! oh and visiting friends of course hehe.

@ twin

i still cannot talk about jae/jYPE. it hurts my soul. lemme listen to jae's solo radio show recordings and just pretend it's all ok.... can i do that??? :(


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i just wanna say that if anyone is not watching the drama smile, you, you are truly missing out on an amazing family drama. it's actually an amazing drama period. i wanna say it's better than sons of sol pharmacy, but i can't decide. it make me laugh one second and cry the next. and nothing about it is corny at all like usual dramas everything is so raw and real, including the comedy. i just watched episode 42 and it reminded me how much i love it lol.


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Woah, it's nice to nice know i'm not the only one who feels uncomfortable with the potrayal of diff. races in kdramas.


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Good evening, everyone,

I am back! How are you all doing out there? Enjoying your Friday night?

Racism? Boy, such a serious topic, I think I will skip it since I am in the mood for lighter subjects. But I do want to say this, as a seasoned traveler and a minority, I've "observed" and "experienced" different scales of discrimations all over the world. Some are surfaced, and some are rooted. Nevertheless, it's out there...in every corner of the earth...even within the same country of the same "race"... So, let's just keep our mind and heart open to accept one another. Peace! 0)

Now, back to drama, (Aren't you guys thankful that we are all connected thru this? I sure Am! :0), I am sooo happy that JB recapped WUAS's ep. 13 & 14 right away because I was watching it raw! With my nonexisting Korean language, I was surprised that I even guessed 1/4 correctly. (Hmm, time to pick up another language?!) I just love love love this drama, so touching and heart warming! Wish more kids in the states are sweet and respect ful and thoughtful like PaRang. (Eh, not a racist statement, is it? hehe.)

I just finished watching Queen of Housewives. I am surprised that I enjoyed it.

I think I will watch Fine Windy Days so I can get my mind off WUAS...What an agony to wait for the next ep. I hate that kind of feeling..0)

Hi, girl, I still can't find Flower of My Life that is not broken so I watched Queen of Housewives instead. I still think KH from WUAS is the best looking one. Don't you? :0)


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@ Samsooki and others

I just went back to OT123 and found your responses...0).. Here I thought you guys only post on Fridays; I didn't bother to check again, hehe.
I am a new addict; that's why I asked for recommendations. You Are Beautiful is the one that really got me hooked on Kdrama, and WUAS has me hanging there
Such an agony! I will go back to read your list and start the drama marathon.


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oh, forgot to add this: Thank you so much!!!


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@ CP

"Here I thought you guys only post on Fridays"

That is probably......the understatement of the DB century. We've calmed down considerably, but anything can set off OT, and sometimes on a random Tuesday morning we'll have 100 rapid-fire posts triggered by something as mundane as "dolphins" or "cheese" :-P

samsooki always has a great list available of recommendations, so scroll through and pick on and you can't go wrong. I've personally found that sometimes, even not so good k-dramas are enjoyable if you are in that certain mood.

QoS was very very enjoyable for me in the beginning, but took a nose-dive in quality and enjoyability around the mid-way point, after they announced an extension. Also, fundamentally, QoS was never going to work for me unless they dared to shuffle the couplings and have Tae-bong end up with Ji-ae, since she had ZERO chemistry with her husband/OJH, and chemistry by the truckload with YSH's Tae-bong, who was also oodles more interesting of a character. Alas, it stayed conservative and I was let down but not terribly surprised.


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@ thundie and everyone else who is having/have had a crappy week... sorry to hear things aren't going well. Get lots of sleep and make some time for fun on the weekend. Hope next week is better.

@ diakosiocla : oh, I'm going to miss your old name. It was cute. Someone else used to use "thisiswhymythesisisn'tfinished" or something like that which I also liked... I can relate the procrastinatory aspects of this k-drama addiction in both those names!

I was sooooooo distressed to see the Canadian women not take the gold in curling, but such a nailbiting last end, it was great. Happy to have the silver! But Kevin Martin better get that gold in the men's final tomorrow!!

Nicholas Cage... watching him always gives me a rash. So painful.


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Hehe, now I got it. OT starts on Friday 12 A.M. Eastern Time or Asian TIme and ends on Thursday 12 A.M. Pacific Time. 0)

It seems like there are so many dramas to watch and so little time. It's almost 10 P.M.; I better start one now.


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@ CP : "It seems like there are so many dramas to watch and so little time. It’s almost 10 P.M.; I better start one now."

THAT's the right attitude! Don't waste a minute that could be spent on k-drama...

Javabeans has a list of recommendations on this site, too, that you might find helpful in choosing the next drama. It's under "My Drama Ratings".


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I just wanted to tell you this: whether you are in California or NYC, you can always be sure that we here in the OT family would "welcome you home". I'm glad that your move to NY was non eventful. Stay warm and safe, and enjoy your new job. Keep in touch with us :)


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95 honest_will and all those who don't like the suspense week after week waiting for new eps, or who don't have the patience waiting for subs: wait until the drama has finished airing and the subs (almost) completed. That way - like me - there's no stress.

I find watching a completed series much more pleasurable. If watching weekly, I forget what's happened two or three weeks earlier. You're Beautiful was a bad experience - I suffered weekly waiting for new episodes to be shown! The series was a pleasure, but the waiting was a torture. In contrast, watching all 62 eps of Queen Seonduk after the subs were completed, was a pleasure. The story grew and grew, and I marathoned it over a week. I'm glad I waited, because those cliffhangers were killers!


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@16 cingdoc & @lovenyc52

Oh, you've moved there!? I thought you went there for a vac. for your in between time. Congrats!

Anyway, I can't even remember whether I've posted here since I'd come home or not... Been so jet lagged and getting up at noon-ish everyday barely dragging my body out of my bed...

This 2pm, Jae situation... I had no idea who he was till recently and out of curiosity, I started to read about it, sigh... It's sad, he was a young kid, a mere teenager... Now, what else he's done or said, I don't know....

Saw The Perfect Girl Evolution ep.7 this morning. It actually getting better and as Belleza mentioned some threads ago, the underlying theme of the story is emerging up to the surface nicely addressing the on-going serious social issue of Ijime=bulling at schools and deep psychological/emotional damages caused by that and so on. As it is, Japanese are sort of exclusive/inclusive depending on situations. The expression I've noticed the most amongst my students are like of "Here in Japan..." "As Japanese... " They use those sort of expressions a lot more frequently than we do here in the States. At the same token, even within themselves, they love to define each individuals' places within groups/ communities. It felt like a bit too much for me. We are all earthlings, aren't we? I guess I'm mentioning this because of the topic of racial stereo types or biases mentioned on this thread here. Ignorance is not a blessing for sure. Don't know, something like respecting differences and honoring and accepting each others' individuality would be a start?


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Thanks for waiting for me and for the awesome videos! Love the first one! I am proud ( and embarassed) to say that I have sang a lot of the LOCH songs at karaoke to the eternal embarassments of my friends. =)

One of the most memorable "scenes" for me from the 83 LOCH are the fake scenes for YK - MNC during the intro song. I believe it's the second part, and I remember MNC was weaving on her loom. They look so sad...

Oh yeah that reminds me, my favorite scene from the new LOCH is actually a MNX- YK scene and not my favorite couple. Surprising... hehehe
Anyways the scene is when YK is washing MNX's feet. I was sooo shocked and touch when I saw that. I felt more embarassed watching the scene than when they were kissing. I felt like I was watching something intimate, (aww naked feet!) and couldn't believe that it existed in a wuxia serial. LOL

I saw your comment for mookie regarding ROCH and I agree, WXM is horrid as YG. I skimmed through the beginning and could not understand why they picked him as YG (besides looking like Louis Koo). The only thing I remember is him screaming. Is that suppose to represent excitement?? happiness?? He was better at the end after 16 years, but skimming through the first half of the show, I remember getting so annoyed because all I remember is him screaming or laughing/screaming through his lines.

I'm almost finished with the second book and so far loving it!


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Welcome to NYC lovenyc52 in all its snow covered glory. I think we got 21" of snow.

If your into Tim Burton they are having an exhibit right now at the MOMA . Met and MOMA are great because both have a good places to eat. The Modern is right next door to the MOMA or you can eat at the Terrace. The Met has a small cafe where you can get full afternoon tea with view of central park.

Also did you try the french onion soup dumpling at stanton social?
Where else are you eating? How long are you here? You have to try Degustation and Little Owl for dinner. For brunch/lunch Cafe Cluny, Eleven Madison and Sobaya. If you love seafood try Pearl's Oyster Bar or Aquagrill. Pearl's have a lobster roll and I don't think that is something you can get out west.

I had to cancel my own dinner plans due to the weather so you are tougher than I am.


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i'm so happy now that I can watch The Woman Who Still Want To Marry.


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@18 celestialorigin - ah, you've seen PGE 7 - that's one I have reserved for this weekend. 8-)

@20 nycgrl

French Onion Soup dumplings? oh my. That sounds wicked good.

@14 CP

Yep, OT is usually manned and ready to go most of the week. 8-)

I'm going to finish my taxes this weekend....yes I am. I am not going to rewatch Tuesday's episode of Pasta. No....I am not...nah, the spirit isn't even willing. Let's face it, I'll be trolling around until Monday waiting for new episodes.


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@ yourewaytoonosey

Oh, that's so cute, you singing LoCH songs at karaoke. I don't speak cantonese, but I love the 80s TVB theme songs because both the melody and the lyrics are always, always just spot on, I'm amazed, when I say Golden Age of TVB, its not just actors, dramas, but the whole package. The song I hear the most blasting at karaokes around the world if invariably always The Bund! I can sing that with my ears plugged and eyes closed.

In original flavor LoCH, I loved YK because MM's performance was so extraordinary, but the couple was never engaging the way HR-GJ just captured out hearts forever. However, in LoCH 2008, my fave couple is YK-MNC (though not by much, because Ariel was awesomecakes as HR, and darn it, it's still HR-GJ, how can I not love them to pieces, and I do). I credit the sensational chemistry and performance by YH and LSS, plus the truckloads of revisionist history, in making new YK-MNC so much more epic, angsty, and memorable.

My fave scene in LoCH 2008, is a tie, HR cooking for the Northern Beggar and YK's big death scene. As for the feet washing scene, I agree that was so intimate, I give props to the director for adding it, and both times it felt very sensual yet nerve-racking, I love it! The kisses I've already written boatloads on, suffice to say, LoCH 2008 is what I deem a k-drama wuxia. :-P

As for HXM as YG, mookie and I have tore him a new behind for his "performance", so I won't repeat, but I must have wasted too many words, because you picked the perfect one word to sum it up "HORRID" Hahahahaha, so apt, I'm wiping tears from my eyes as I type. HXM really was much better as WXB, but again, the production sucked overall, so I can't recommend it either. For LC novel adaptations, other than LoCH 2008, its old school TVB productions or bust in my opinion.


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Here is a small list of some drams I have seen!
Arifureta Kiseki = deals with suicide and recovery, Jinnai Takanori, Kase Ryo, Nakama Yukie.

Ai no Uta = deals with suicide and recovery, Hamasaki Ayumi, Koda Kumi.

Attention Please = comedy, tomboy girl struggle to become flight attendant, Ueto Aya.

Boku Dake no Madonna = younger man falls in love with older woman, Hasegawa Kyoko , Takizawa Hideaki.

Mr Goodbye = romance kinda like “hotelier”, Ahn Jae Wook, Lee Bo Young.

Powerful Opponents = FBI kinda romantic drama, female agent struggles to make it to the top, Chae Rim, Lee Jin Wook.

Spotlight = romance, female reporter fights to become top news girl, Ji Jin Hee, Son Yeh Jin.

Stained Glass = Hard melodrama, two guys fall in love with same girl. Kim Ha Neul, Kim Sung-Soo (Kim Seong-Su), Lee Dong Gun.

Three Leaf Clover = poor female trouble maker tries to go legit, while dealing with two man for romance, Lee Hyo Ri, Kim Jung Hwa, Kim Kang Woo, Ryu Jin
Most of this dramas seem to be kinda in the Low Profile but I found them to be of a fair quality, specially "Stained Glass", and "Three Leaf Clover".
Peace out!!!!


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@9 CP

Any way I can reach you? I don't know if I can link you to the site here...there's a forum which you can turn to. It's pretty famous ever since another site went private. *wriggles eyebrows*

I still think KH from WUAS is the best looking one. Don’t you? :0)

Ah, no, sorry to disappoint you. I've watched up to ep 12 and while it's true he's getting sexier as the drama progresses, he's nowhere near as good-looking as in Flowers or Why did you come to our house, imho. What it lowers the hotness for me in WUAS is the shaven hairline. It's distracting as heck. My personal list of KJH hotness is this (and fyi, this is purely a shallow comment about his looks in the dramas, I'm not talking about his characters cos I really can't pick a favorite: I lurve them all. Also? I haven't watched Love marriage yet):
#1 Why did you come to our house?
#2 Flowers for my life

I like how he looked in WDYCTOH best cos he was...what's the opposite of clean-cut/sleek? Anyhow, he was hot. I mean, he looked like this http://i48.tinypic.com/dbdbr.jpg asdlkajsd /end of shameful fangirly comment

Aaaand I can go hide now. *embarrassed*

ETA: ooh I forgot to ask: how's Queen of housewives? I watched a couple of eps and I almost dozed off. Does it get better?


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@99 redlipstick -
OBGYN: I'd recommend it, if you have a tender spot for babies and children, yes.
It isn't as icky as the word OBGYN can sound, I'll admit even I was a little put off by it myself and then tried to see it as any other medical drama, but it surpassed any others I've seen, there's zero causticness about it (although the main character, Dr Seo has her moments).

It's not disgusting for the sake of being disgusting or disturbing, it kind of goes with the flow - no shock tactics, so it's manageable. Also, there's plenty of funny, light moments and the acting by regular cast and guest actors is SO winning!
This show has plenty of heart and tenderness. But as each guest character's story wraps up at the end of the episode it's extremely emotion-filled so have those tissues at hand.
Also, I love the soundtrack and background score of this drama.

I don't think this show's for everyone though, but certainly give it a try.

Re: Racism:

I feel silly in the way I mentioned J-Doramas before, like instantly lumping the blame elsewhere. What I should have gone on to say was racism exists everywhere.
Yet, I see Koreans get a lot of flak for being 'closed-minded about foreigners', it's a stigma that seems to have stuck.
As an Asian currently in the UK, I'll just add that although there are rules and regulations in place to curb racist attitudes it does not alter the mindset of ignorant people. Racism still exists even in a controlled environment, except it's concealed and expressed in other, sly ways.
Even so, I hate to generalise about entire nations and we should give people the benefit of the doubt as not everyone's the same.

Urgh! I just sent myself off to sleep with that preachy comment above.

Watch OBGYN, even if it's only for the hot guys! ;)


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@ cingdoc & @ celestialorigin

oh nono, i only am in nyc for a few days visiting friends and eating yummy foods :) still live in the OC and will be back in a few days hehe. even though it's cold and slushy, i'm having a great time. i think i stopped doin the more touristy stuff a trip or so back and my trips here now revolve around what to eat and then what to do to kill time before the next meal haha.

@ nycgrl

yesssss the french onion soup dumpling was AMAZING. my favorite next to the mushroom risotto thingamajiggy hehe. the desserts looked delish too but i was wayyy too full after. .... then we ended up at sugar sweet sunshine and grabbed 3 different puddings and another 3 cupcakes. food overdose. today was cafe habana's mexican corn and then hill country for dinner. i believe tomorrow is di faro's pizza and then we'll see. this is my first time in brooklyn (staying with a friend this time) and so it's been interesting wandering around here. heading back to dc tomorrow for 2 days before going back to cali. i shall miss wearing my puffy jacket hehe.


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The bund is a classic. I know the song just from hearing the first 2 notes, but I'm sure most Asians do too.

One of my favorite songs from that era is the theme song for this show by Barbara Yung and Michael Miu called the Fearless Duo.
The song literally wrote the relationship in the show into the song. Not done at all these days. Here's a link to it

Did you watch the TVB shows in Cantonese with "subs" or did you watched it dubbed? Before when my reading level was non - existent, I use to watch Mandarin shows dubbed. Now that I can read a lot of it, I can't stand watching it dubbed anymore. Same with Korean shows, after I discovered fan subbing.


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Hey,well then, enjoy your East Coast trip...might have a mini OT Reunion ( c ya @tweet??)

glad that you are back safely. Yes, those jet lags, it didn't hit me til the 3rd day back for me. Took me abt 10 days til I was "back to normal"; then I returned to the working mother time zone- very little sleep, always on the go with tons to do :(
Take care


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Lately I've been telling myself to just wait until a drama is over to start watching it; it's not like I don't have 600GB of kdrama downloaded, of which approximately half is old stuff waiting to be watched, but it never happens. JB's and all the others who recap here just make the shows sound too appealing. Restraint has never been my strong suit...


A great website for kids birthday parties is http://www.boardmanweb.com/party/party_themes.htm It has dozens of different themes with corresponding activity, decoration, and even goodie bag ideas.
If all else fails, try a craft. http://www.dltk-kids.com/ is an excellent resource for crafts, from super easy coloring sheets to involved projects. My favorite no brainer craft is to print out coloring sheets and put out crayons, glue sticks, and a bunch of different things kids can glue to the paper (feathers, sequins, buttons, tissue paper, googly eyes). Kids can get surprisingly involved in this and everyone can be creative. Just have some wet wipes on hand for sticky fingers.

--End librarian rant--

Also would like to second Sere's request for info on when Queen of Housewives starts getting good. Watched the first two eps, kind of liked it, but never went back to it.

Another I can't get into is Smile, You. I've watched the first few eps and can see the appeal of the OTP. The families, though, are another story. Is the romantic storyline really good enough to justify investing so many hours? Would it still make sense just watching their scenes and fast forwarding through the rest?


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@29 cingdoc

Thank you! And I'm awake at 4am... was working till half an hour ago... Sigh... It'll be extremely hard getting up tomorrow morning for the farmer's market in town...

Earlier today, watched Kim Ep.9 of Bum's Woman still want's to marry(is this the name? every single time I try to remember , it escapes me). It's cute, cute and cute and I'm loving it. Thank you whoever it was talking about it first here.

@27 lovenyc52



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*sob sob* AC is over

But DWL is on now and that is just pure Ping-Guo love with more Xiao Xiao Bin cuteness.


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Decided to watch Evasive Inquiry Agency. I have no idea why, but it seems like a good idea. Well, that and it seems like a good way to avoid the pile of papers building up on my desk. 8-)


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BTW, weird question for ya'll - I was watching WUAS the other day and someone was wearing a Sechs Auf Funf shirt. Ok, I thought, that's random, but hey - they had TG wearing a Cowichan sweater so whatever. Then I noticed in a screen cap someone posted for the YB dc DVD that GMN is wearing a Sechs Auf Funf t shirt.

Am I missing something? Why would a shirt that says Six to Five in German be popping up?


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@ 34 momosan : I noticed the Cowichan Indian sweater too, and I meant to go back and check whether it was one of the Bay's Olympic outfit issues, but I forgot.

The Sechs Auf Funf seems to have something to with Bi Rain--his clothing line, I think. Found this old link:


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@35 reluctantbutaddicted

Thanks! It was just so random to see - interesting to know that it is from Rain's clothing line.

TG's sweater is not one of the HB ones. If I had to guess, it's either an Alexander McQueen, or a knockoff Cowichan. Cowichans rarely use that much red, except maybe on a commission item. My favorites are actually the curling ones (no shock there!) but the moose and other patterns are nice. I actually have a nice book on the sweater designs and history, makes it easy to design your own. White Buffalo doesn't make the yarn anymore, so it's harder to find a substitute unless you spin your own. Bartlettyarn Bulky or Schoolhouse Press Sheepsdown comes close.

Sorry, TMI, I know. I notice all the knits and quilts no matter where they pop up. In fact, I have a file of screen caps of knits for design inspiration. 8-)


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@ momosan : Too bad it wasn't an Olympic sweater, despite the controversy over the design usage. I remember when I was in about Gr 8 one of my friends got mono and was in bed for 6 weeks, so she used that time to (teach herself to knit and) knit herself a Cowichan Indian sweater. I always thought, if I get mono I'll knit myself one too! But I never did, so I've never had one. Always loved them though. Sounds like you do a fair bit of knitting, eh?


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@ momosan

Keep the knitting trivia coming, its totally cool to learn something new. :-)

@ lovenyc52

I thought as well you were only going on vacay, and was worried for a sec that I let you leave before grabbing some coffee with you. Have fun, continue to share your degustations with us, and have a safe trip home.

@ yourewaytoonosey

You know, The Fearless Duo is the one few Barbara dramas I have NOT seen, and mookie mentioned it before as a drama that had off-the-charts chemistry btw MM-BY. After listing to the lovely theme song, I went ahead and bought it today! I think this would be the perfect fun, fast and interesting drama for me to watch between bouts of wanting to pull JY's lips off in WUAS and self-flagellating myself while watching Chuno.

My fave BY-MM drama is the New Legend of Chor Leu Heung, and regardless of how random BY's character is as stuffed into a novel adaptation that didn't have the character at all, still, she and MM were perfectly dashing and playful as a couple.

I watched all the TVB dramas from the 80s dubbed, and it was good dubbing and felt truly seamless to a young kid like me. However, for the longest time, I never knew what Tony Leung or Andy Lau's voice sounded like, until Andy's singing career took off in the early 90s, and Tony I still have a hard time reconciling his real voice in movies with my memory of his voice in DoMD or Dragon Sabre, since the dubbed guy was spectacular at line readings.

I ONLY watch k-dramas with subtitles, I refuse to watched dubbed, but my mom wants dubbed bc she can't bother with the subs. I LOVE the original voices, yum, imagine not hearing Lee Seo-kyun's voice or hearing GS purr or SJS's emotionally charged line readings, yeah, not bloody likely. :-P


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@37 reluctantbutaddicted

Yep, you could say I do a fair bit of knitting. Right now I'm in a tiny bit of a slump, but I have a bunch of projects I need to get going on. The k-dramas are actually a great source of inspiration this winter. I'm sorry that Seoul is having as wicked a winter as we are, but the live shooting means that I'm getting LOTS of neat ideas.

A real Cowichan will last you a lifetime, those things are tough and well designed. Too bad HBC didn't go with the real designs....although the one they have is nice. I do collect the Dale of Norway team sweater patterns. I haven't MADE one yet, but I do collect them. 8-)

@ockoala - at least if I knit while watching my dramas I can pretend I'm being useful. 8-) Right now it's the paperwork that's getting the attention instead.

@ lovenyc52

The French Onion soup dumplings are still thrilling my imagination. I must find these now!


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@ momosan: I know ! I've seen some great sweaters lately on screen, too! A new Korean fashion shop opened up close to my place, so I stormed in there recently demanding sleeveless hoodies such as I'd seen in What's Up, Fox, and the lovely owner (who had also seen WUF etc--we had a great love-in for Coffee Prince,too, but I didn't see myself wearing Go Eun Chan-style stuff) showed me all kinds of stuff they'd just brought in from Seoul, including all those half sweater/semi-poncho things you put over your coat. Not so useful over a real Canadian winter coat, though, as those are already bulky enough, but cute. I got a couple of sleeveless hoodie-esque sweaters. And she promised me some of those Go Min Nam wraparound shawl/tube top things would be coming in soon.

I once knit a square when I was in grade school for a group quilt project (those blankets made up of knitted-squares we used to call 'afghans'). It was not successful. Ditto sewing. Sigh. I keep thinking it would be great to knit myself things, but I have a feeling I would end up with 5-6 perpetually unfinished projects stuffed in bags all over the house.


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@ lovenyc52

" i believe tomorrow is di faro’s pizza and then we’ll see. this is my first time in brooklyn (staying with a friend this time) and so it’s been interesting wandering around here."

How was DiFara's? I've eaten there twice. Its good and Dom makes his pies lovingly but I find it a bit greasy. I waited 1.15 hr one time and 50 min another but its not unheard of to wait 2 hr.

Have a safe trip back home.

@ momosan
Here is a recipe that is suppose to be inspired by Stanton Social. I myself want to make a seafood version of soup dumplings without the pork. http://habeasbrulee.com/2006/03/23/french-onion-soup-dumplings/


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@ reluctantbutaddicted

AHA! Over in my knitting world, the little k drama section has been debating just what those GNM cowl/wimple/scarf things and half poncho things exactly measured. Because it's hard to tell!

I ended up making a scarf based on the one Jeremy was wearing in episode 14 ....it's here....http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4009/4348822893_ebc457d790_o.jpg
but that's orange. I think I got the pattern right and it's comfy as all get out as a scarf. I have natural yarn on order to make another for momochan who just couldn't see herself wearing orange. 8-)

I have several UFOs hanging around. I also have a lot of yarn and lots of projects going. 8-)

41 nycgrl - must try the dumplings.....soon. 8-)


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@ momosan: wah! such a great scarf! Love the orange. You really are skilled. (I also like the toque.)

Are you thinking of those knitted scarf-all around hoodie things? That can be pulled up over the head? Go Min Nam had a couple of those, I think, I can remember at least one cream coloured one. I liked those too. But primarily I was thinking of that tight tube poncho thing she wore in the bar when Yoo Hye Yi (can't remember how to spell her name) had her hairclip and HTK got it back. It went around her upper arms and chest like a tube top she forgot to put her arms through, and had fluffly feathers at the front (I didn't like the feathers so much, but I liked the concept).


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@43 reluctantbutaddicted
Yes, I meant the hoodie things - sort of very loose cowls. The ones we make here are usually smoke rings. GMNs were almost a capelet, but looser than the ones I've made, or worn with a different style..hard to tell. Very cool, and I know several knitters who would like to take gander at one just to see what the heck it really is.

I'm embarrassed to say that the toque is JanDi test knit version 1.2 8-) It's based on the one Jan Di was wearing in the early BOF episodes but done in a variegated yarn.. I have the pattern notes written for the toque and it's almost ready to be a pattern, it just needs the right yarn for the test knit and some buttons. Actually Ga Eul had better hats. I've got another one of hers ready for test knitting and one done. For poor girls they had really nice handknits!

I will now have to go look at the party scene again. Actually in various scenes, they are wearing really nice wristwarmers, as well. 8-)

Pasta and WUAS aren't suffering from a lack of scarves and stuff either. I'm telling you, it's been screencap bonus time around here. 8-) Most of the knits are in a bulkier yarn than I like, but then most of these actors look good in them.


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@ momosan : oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I like those. Pal Gang has one, too, I think, right? The new K-fashion shop also had a thing that was like the top half of a poncho/sweater--buttons at the front, high neck, and sits over the shoulders on top of a coat, only reaches down just past chest level. I liked it a lot, but you don't top up a Canadian winter coat--and it would be too bulky to sit underneath.


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PS Momosan -- I THOUGHT I recognized that toque. You totally got it. Ga Eul generally had better fashion. Jan Di mostly just had amazing array of over-large hoodies.


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@ 32 crzycpl

Thank goodness, AC is over - watching the second half is a torture! By the ending, I just can't feel the love (or my love for) MC and QX anymore. It is a real shame that the producer/director reduce a potentially great drama to the sorry state it is.

Down with Love is my current favorite (along with Pasta and WUAS). I've now watched the whole drama twice and am still following each weekly release in Taiwan which has different editing from the China version. Never thought Jerry Yan and Ella can have this adorable chemistry. Whenever the two of them are on the screen, I can't move my eyes elsewhere. And it has what I consider the MOST tender and romantic scene I've ever seen in a TW drama. I am quite happy to say this is now my no. 2 favorite TW drama after ISWAK! Guilty pleasure at its most adorable :)


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I must agree with your comments on AC. The first half was great. The second half was tiring. But you just had to get to the end. It will be forever remembered as Xiao Xiao Bin's break out role.

I have never really watched any of Jerry Yan's dramas (maybe 2 episodes of Meteor Garden) so I don't know anything about him. Nor did I know that he sang. But in DWL, he is adorable and so is the song he sings! And he and Ella are soooo cute together. I watched the BTS footage on ViiKii and it looks like they're really comfortable with each other. I found it surprising to know that Jerry is a very private person but he seemed totally at ease with Ella. I think that's a product of Ella though. She seems to make everyone feel at ease, especially her male co-stars.

Oh, I secretly love ISWAK too. Although I despised Ariel's character, I have seen that TW drama at least 3 times, if not more.


I'm currently contemplating buying some kdrama box sets at the moment from YesAsia. I see that Happy Together is really cheap (US$20!). Has anyone watched this really old kdrama? Solid cast but it was sooo long ago so maybe before they all became great actors. Should I buy it? Comments welcome.


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@ ockoala

no worries! i will be back in a few days, so we'll definitely find some time for 85c and coffee :)

@ momosan

i totally need to find a recipe for those french onion soup dumplings too! it comes with 6 and we were in a group of 4, so the last 2 were sitting there... waiting to be eaten... and so we told one of my girlfriends to eat it since she was more limited to food choices that night due to lent and not eating meat on Fridays... which left one. and the guys "forced" it on me since i was the visitor and couldn't get it whenever i wanted. boo hoo me haha!

@ nycgrl

unfortunately we didn't make it to DiFara's due to lack of time. as much as we wanted to, we just didn't have time to potentially wait 2 hours for a pizza. i've heard how amazing the pizza is, but also how the owner (Dom, you say?) is about 90 years old and doesn't have a system of who ordered what and has a tendency to give your pizza away without you knowing about it. Next time though... next time i come I will definitely block off an entire afternoon to try it hehe.

Now I'm off to explore the monuments in DC. Luckily my friend only lives 2 stops away from The Mall so even someone as public transportation challenged as me will be able to find it on my own!


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Just got my box set of You're Beautiful Director's Cut. I can't stop laughing! It's so cute and I feel about 12 yrs old!!! Hilarious. Have already mentally promised the poster to a real live 12 year old whom I persuaded to watch it (and now I think her parents hate me...she's quite thoroughly addicted to K-drama in general and YB and the YB OST in particular).

Now to schedule the YB marathon weekend.


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