Open Thread #124


Gobotron – “Never Turn Around” [ Download ]

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Yes, yes, yes! Some OBGynner’s here!
I say it’s pure awesomeness! Instantly engaging and it keeps on getting better.

@5 Honest_ Will OMG! That cop cameo played by Sung Ji-ru was superb! For such a seemingly hapless character, the last scene was so moving.

My other fave was the father of the twins who appeared in episode 2, reminds me of an ahjusshi version of So Ji Sub, Wow! He blew me away in episode 2 and to see him return in episode 5? 6? Was brilliant news for me, but I actually had to stop the player during his emotional outburst this time, he’s far, far too intense an actor for me to handle.
I’ve never seen him in any other show though, need to find out his name and hope to see him in more projects, he’s terrificl!

Also, I’m an AhnKim shipper, Dr Ahn (Song Joong-ki) and Nurse Kim (Lee Young-Eun), they’re such a cute and funny addition. I love Nurse Kim to bits, she’s SUCH a sweetheart, and love her heart-on-sleeve-kind-of-dorkiness.
I never thought to see the day SJK plays a meanie, but he really is a bit sly in this series -- in a cocky, high-school bully kind of way -- nevertheless a goodie deep down (?) and he makes me laugh.
My heart jolted in a couple of scenes AhnKim shared, like in episode 5 and 8. And I’m glad them two are getting as much screen time as Dr Lee and Seo (and Dr Wang AND the father of her child!). Yay!

@21 shim yeon - yep, my heart really broke for Nurse Kim in this episode. I bawled at the part where all the ahjummas begin taking off their woolly scarves so they can keep the baby warm on transit to the hospital.


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@ kender (46)

k-otic is comprised of 2 thai, 1 korean, and 2 thai-japanese guys (their mamas are thai and their papas are japanese). hence, the j-raps and korean lyrics. additionally, hallyu is VERY VERY popular in thailand rite now.. kdramas & kpop alike.. it's EVERYWHERE!

have you seen Bangkok Dangerous?? the remake w/ Nic Cage? my future husband--Chakrit Yamnam-- plays "Kong" in the movie. :D


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Hola! Happy friday everyone!

Just got back from watching "It's Complicated" and gosh, don't you just want to live in a Nancy Meyers movie? Where everything's just so clean and fresh looking? Where there's always fresh flowers on the table and lovely music in the background? Oh btw, great movie! I'd watch it again and again. You can never go wrong with Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin (shout out to 30 rock fans!) and their son! The son in weeds omg he was just HOTNESS with his Kstyle-like cardigan look. WATCH IT! :)

Oh yeah! Hi it's me, gotanexamlater! Sorry for the name change but i've been getting so confused with all my usernames and bananas so i decided to stick to one (this is my twittername too!) haha! So here I am, diakosiocla! alive and kicking in kdramarama land!

Can i just share to the world that i've upgraded my Kdrama viewing! As i have now graduated from streaming pixelated videos to downloading them, at the same time downloading subs too!? I'm just so excited this is a major feat for me! I used to just download American Shows but now also Kdrama! So I'm just patiently waiting for english subtitles for Episode 14 of WUAS :) Take note! I'm not complaining and in fact i appreciate and i'm so thankful all the translators, subbers, segmenters, and all those involved in the kdrama process! So thank you!!!:)

It's really taking a lot of self-control not to watch it on viikii as a youtube video. The cuteness of Na-mi deserves to be seen in high quality and the wait is going to be so worth it!

Happy Friday to all and to those in the other side of the world happy Saturday!


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can't wait to visit korea this march!


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@29 thunderbolt

::Shoves hot tea with lemon and honey through the interwebz to thundie::

I'm going to warm up here and then settle in for some drama watching later.


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Now that olympic fever is coming to an end in Vancouver, I can finally get back to the kdrama world.

Anyone planning on watching the closing ceremonies and the finale of the figure skaters this weekend?


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42 redlipstick -
Hear hear!
I thinks it's pretty mild in Korean entertainment, I've noticed it more in Japanese dramas, like Hana Yori Dango season 2, when they're in New York and then Hana Kimi, the reason for Sano not being able to high jump is because he was slashed in the ankle by thugs in US, who happen to be Black men. That's just WRONG and peed me off. Yet Japanese are more cosmopolitan about race and cultures (or have been exposed to it more in their country) than Koreans, so you'd expect the Japanese to be more open-minded really.
But either way, I'm with you on this. Racism, even if it's a minor, inadvertent hint is plain wrong.


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happy friday OT to all!

@ #6 "uhmm is there filipinos here?is it true that last feb 5-7 4minute was here?and that they even perform on SM north??please answer my question….."

i'm filipino, but i live in toronto. my cousins mentioned that 4minute was indeed in the philippines then.. yes to a mall tour of SM north also.

so i finally caved in and started watching WUS, what i failed to check was how many episodes this drama has until i got to episode 14 and found that it will run to 20 eps. i guess i'll just have to wait for it week in and week out until it ends. BUT i am soooooooo loving the kang-ha and pa-rang interactions - adorable!


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@52 lb_tmi

Hah, no wonder I enjoy them so much. My friend randomly linked me to their newest MV, and I kind of fell in love. :3

And no, I haven't seen Bangkok Dangerous! I'll have to see if it's on our agenda for the evening.. So far the only ones I know we'll be watching are Wicker Man and Ghost Rider (both for the lols).


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I an so happy the week is over. Had to work ALL week. No breaks, no lunch, no nothing.
But overall it was a very fast week.
Hope everyones weekend ends up being great.
I have to say that when I first saw the stills for Cinderella's Sister the first thing that popped into my mind was "Love Me Not" with younger men. Doean't it just bleed of those scenes of the snowy hills in Love Me Not?
Put I cannot wait to see this drama. I really think that Moon Geun-young is a great actress. I wish there were places closer than San Francisco or Vegas to buy K-Dramas and movies, but that's what you get when you live in the mountains. Lots of snow people.
But anywho. Can't wait for this drama.
Go Party People, Do Something Worth a Laugh.


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@42 redlipstick - I'm Vietnamese and my parents are sadly the same as what you see in these dramas. I've tried to open up their minds, but they don't change. Sorry in advance for people like my parents that you may run into in the future. I don't call myself perfect, but I'd like to think I am a little more open minded than them. Hope you keep enjoying K-dramas!! I'm looking forward to the general improvement of Vietnamese cinema and television and can't wait for the day it will be higher quality. If things had gone differently in the past, I'd like to dream that South Viet Nam (where my family is from) could have been a South Korea. I can only imagine.


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@ Kender (59)

if watching Nicoloas Cage is solely for the lol factor.. then Bangkok Dangerous definitely needs to be on the list. i could not stop LOL-ing thru the whole thing!!! it's ridiculous! yet i had to watch it because of my future husband... and Pei's boobs. holay! that chicks got a set on her! (i <3 Chakrit so much, my work spouse bought me the DVD for my birthday last year, but can't bring myself to watch it again. maybe when i need another good LOL-ing session i wlil)

ghost rider? was that the one w/ the daredevil and burning motorcycle? HA!

@ niKai

YAY for you!!! have tons of fun in Korea!

@ the person formerly known as gotanexamlater :D

i'm so confused on how i'm supposed to read your new name. it just reminds me of ockoala... and i'm thrown off already.. my weak brain isn't registering the change. lol.

p.s. the edit button is back!!! YAY!!!


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@ 53 diakosiocla
I haven't gotten to see Its Complicated yet, but man. From the previews, I want to live in that movie. Coming home to a clean house with gorgeous flowers every night doesn't sound bad at all! But I also wouldn't mind having Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin fight over me either :)

@ 56 all4movies

I'm going to watch the closing ceremony, but I'm not sure if I'll watch the figure skating. I watched Kim Yu Na yesterday out of Korean allegiance, but figure skating is the one sport I'm not interested in XD I've got to rush home from work tonight so I can watch love of my life Apolo race!


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Something that I heard today at a conference & I shook my head in agreement to it.

~~It's not money that's the route to all evil; it's the LOVE of money.~~


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@ redlipstick

Not that I'm making excuses but Korea is one of the most homogeneous countries but slowing changing as citizenship is granted to foreigners in increasing numbers due to marriage or work. US is very PC (politically correct) compared to other countries that I think evolved as a way to deal with the multiculturalism that exists here. What lies beneath the PC veil probably isn't pretty if people let down their guard. Not having to deal with the same kind of multiculturalism as the US and even in Europe, the Korean view is left unchecked and largely informed by stereotypes seen from other media and very little from first hand interaction.

I doubt America would have become as PC if it weren't for large vocal groups protesting about their negative portrayals on TV/Ads/Movies since large vocal groups pretty much means PR headaches and potential loss of revenue to the production companies, stations, distributors etc. I do hope through globalization that the k-media writers, directors, producers will know its not ok to portray other races and cultures as we have been seeing so far especially if they want to sell Hallyu to western countries but sadly the driver for change tends to be money rather than any true conviction.

BTW I remember when I was a child seeing a detergent commercial whose tag line was "Ancient Chinese secret huh?" as well as many more negative Asian stereotypes growing up. Things are not as bad now but recently a teacher told my sister that maybe her son might be anti-social and likes to read by himself because Asians like to study!


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@62 lb_tmi

Out of curiosity, is there anything Nick Cage is in that you WOULDN'T watch for the lols? I mean, I respect him because he at least knows he's a ham, but I can't think of anything where I watched him and went "Wow, what a good actor. I really felt that character."

@ the changing composition of S. Korea

I'm actually doing my senior sem research on this right now, or rather, on how the composition of society is changing and the general population is slow to catch on.

Oddly enough, the countryside is actually quicker in growing more tolerant than the urban areas due to the large number of marriage immigrants and migrant workers--some 40% of all marriages in rural areas in the past few years have been with foreign brides (although a lot of those have been with ethnically Korean Chinese women). There have been estimations that by 2020, nearly half of all rural schoolchildren will be from multinational families.

Sure, there are an increasing number of foreigners in urban areas, especially Seoul, but the general idea is that they're temporary residents, like students or teachers, and not a permanent part of society.

And that's not even mentioning the North Korean defectors/refugees, who might as well be cultural aliens with how well they fit in. That's also a growing social problem, and one I find extremely interesting.


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@ ltahk

Thanks for the video - pretty informative, actually. I feel like that's how it is, but I mean, I'm willing to even dish out money to get tickets to the event. The problem is HOW I'm going to get them. Hm.. the part with the thirteen year old girl with her own magazine getting invitations to all of the shows... wow. It makes me want to start my own fashion blog - but the probability of my fashion blog being important enough for that is quite.. small...

Gah, I hate how elitist fashion week is at times. Like, seriously. I wonder if it's the same at the other big 4 fashion weeks: I'd imagine Paris is probably this way, but I feel like maybe at Milan or at London it's a bit more chill? UGH.

Concerning the Jaebeom situation... The first thing I questioned was why JYP even mentions the "other situation" that was apparently bad enough to terminate the contract. Like, if he really didn't want it to be known, he shouldn't have even mentioned it - all this is doing is generating buzz and sooner or later it will get out. I mean, I guess publicity stunt but that's really insensitive to Jaebeom's situation: if he were really considerate of Jaebeom, he wouldn't have even mentioned about it. But now I'm curious too as to what the "other thing" was.

I've relapsed back into a hardcore fashion obsession again: is this like seasonal like when the fashion weeks occur? Haha. But yeah, my new obsession is this Brazilian model named Francisco Lachowski (HANDS OFF. MINE, LOL). He is, actually, the incentive for me to get into menswear fashion: I used to stay away from that department because I found it generally boring, but I ended up watching a ton of runway videos for this kid and I sort of got sucked in. In fact, I didn't even know some people uploaded full shows on Youtube, which is really bad because this prolongs my procrastination. So I have spent most of this week watching fashion shows, but I did catch Wish Upon A Star. Oh, my, Parang is so adorable. And Kangha!!

I'm so unbelievably behind on all my Korean dramas. This is horrid. And all thanks to my Francisco Lachowski obsession...


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@ Red Lipstick: I remember in the first episode of Shining Inheritance when the stepsister said something like "black people are barbaric". Made me uncomfortable even though I'm white. It's not just Korea/Kdramas that seem super prejudiced against blacks. Much of Asia and India too has the same problem. Hopefully the Koreans at your school don't take any queues from their Kdrama buddies!

On another note, have any of you guys read The Tales of the Otori? I read them about a year back (so, soo good!) and I just heard they might make a movie. Having just finished Queen Seon Duk (Poor. Bidam.) and being under the impression that Kdrama has perfected the action/romance/political intrigue genre, I'm thinking how AWESOME would it be if that series became a Kdrama instead of a Hollywood movie? (I know it's supposed to take place in Japan, but who cares). Alas, it could never happen.

Happy Friday everyone!


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I understand your frustration....let me tell u a little bit about the other side. When we first stepped foot in the US airport it was there that we encountered the first black person. And my mom's response to my father was 'keep the kids close' something might happen. Premature & ignorant YES YES, but the instinct of fear spoke louder.
The same thing with Asians, when I first saw them at school I was like "why are they here lol" shouldn't they be in Asia, and they were all Chinese to me I didn't differentiate between them for a long time until I became friends with someone from Vietnam. Although she clearly stated she was Vietnamese, I'd come back with the response of same difference your Chinese. I was 14 at the time when all the above occurred.
I'm glad that this great country I am part of right now and proud of, has taught me the value of Individuality and respect of the other person regardless of where they are from. Although my skin color fits with the majority, my accent and sometimes cultural believes set me apart. Being different is valued in the US and I like that, because in my early years of life I lived a life with everyone being just like me very very sheltered, didn't have an idea at all that others around the world lived differently, did things differently ect. The other half of my life I've spend in the US, where I have learned soooo much and thankful of all my friendships of people from everywhere I couldn't possibly imagine I would have ever had and probably never had if I lived in my birthplace.
The only thing I wish that the US had is the strong family values that I was raised with and everyone back home has. In my opinion its the only thing lacking, everything else we do it better lol :)
Next time you encounter racism, just laugh it off bc that person is much more ignorant and doesn't deserve your attention. Well at least that's what I do. Maybe racism to me doesn't come in the form of my skin color but it does come in the way I don't pronounce some words correctly lol....when life gives you lemon make lemonade :) Its all in how you perceive things.


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@ Red Lipstick: I remember in the first episode of Shining Inheritance when the stepsister said something like "black people are barbaric". Made me uncomfortable even though I'm white. It's not just Korea/Kdramas that seem super prejudiced against blacks. Much of Asia and India too has the same problem. Of course, I'm sure that things are slowly but steadily changin for the better.

On another note, have any of you guys read The Tales of the Otori? I read them about a year back (so, soo good!) and I just heard they might make a movie. Having just finished Queen Seon Duk (Poor. Bidam.) and being under the impression that Kdrama has perfected the action/romance/political intrigue genre, I'm thinking how AWESOME would it be if that series became a Kdrama instead of a Hollywood movie? (I know it's supposed to take place in Japan, but who cares). Alas, it could never happen.

Happy Friday everyone!


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I'm somewhat glad to see that I am not the only one disgusted with the 2PM/Jaybeom fiasco this week. I've been following the group fairly closely since last summer, but I will probably walk away forever after this week, disgusted by the lies and manipulations - or at the very least, mind-bogglingly inept PR - of the production company.

I found out that they have a history of smearing artists that they no longer want to work with, for whatever reason, in order to make sure that no one else works with them, either. It is a nasty business.


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@michelle, I got so many emails about that line in Shining Inheritance that I got really annoyed with whoever translated that line as "barbaric." The line is actually "Don't pick fights because black people are scary" (or "they scare me"). Not exactly an enlightened comment either, but it's definitely not the same thing as "barbaric."


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Happy Friday, glad we just have rain and not snow. I had a 2 week break from any drama watching at all because I got so irritated with the character of Hee Kyung in Mixed up Investigative Agency. Luckily, when I picked it up again, she completely changed my mind in episodes 8 & 9, and I powered through to the happy end. I loved the little ending clip in episode 15, where the boy Min chul follows the junk man (future antique grandpa) to the music of Kikujiru, a movie about a young boy and a possibly inappropriate role model who makes life interesting.

Are there any other aja-aja downloaders here? I haven't been able to divine the MU passwords for the past few weeks, so cannot pick up the proper versions to go with the WithS2 subs for Pasta and Wish Upon a Star. I am hoping that the wrong version, available from d-addicts, will work at least OK. Any clues (first few letters? spaces/no spaces?) would be much appreciated.

And for non-lol Nic Cage, I'd like to put in another plug for Valley Girl, his first or second movie, still 18 and with his original teeth. I was cheering for him all the way.


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@42 redlipstick
Oddly enough my niece, Momochan, was commenting on off the cuff racial remarks just yesterday. She was starting a family drama - I think Shining Inheritance - where someone makes a totally random racial remark. She literally stopped the video and went WHAT!?!? WHAT!!@ WTF was THAT about?!

OTOH, in the movie Take Off, there is a character who had been adopted to the US - his sister married a black man and there was a bit of a "oh ME!" going on in a brief scene where he's giving an interview and their picture is shown. He looks surprised and says more or less "whatever, they love each other."

So, like everything, it varies from weirdly off the cuff to somewhat purposeful.
Actually what cracks momochan up is the affected bad gansta rap in a few shows. Same with the affected valley girl. Just cracks her up every time because it usually comes out of left field and is REALLY badly done.

I think part of it is what US shows and news is seen abroad. Particularly our music videos and tv shows. I know someone from England who said that when he came to the US and visited NY he somehow expected to be dropped into the middle of CSI, but he found he felt safer there than on a game day in London.

BTW, my Japanese moniker is a long story - I was born and lived in Japan however I'm actually Italian/Irish/southern American mutt everything else.


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@ Kender

the only film i've watched that i've actually not LOL'ed of Nic Cage is "windtalkers". i don't know how true to life that "true story" was, but it was touching. i didn't LOL at all.


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Well, as a black person myself, I understand how it is to be afraid of blackies or darkies. They can be very scary. That was partly sarcastic, by the way. And partly not. Probably because of the environment I grew up in, I too, carry racist and prejudiced attitudes towards other African-Americans, whites, Latinos, Asians, you name it!

Watching the episode of WGM with the foreigner from Afghanistan, it was pretty eye opening seeing how nervous the petite couple were of foreigners in general. The same thing with an episode of foreigners on 1 night and 2 days. I was impressed by how the Koreans were willing to put their fears aside and really try to find common ground. They were actually more openhearted and warm then a lot of Americans would be.

Entirely different subject, just thinking how pissed I am at the Jay situation and in particular JYPE. Ugh, they took a bad situation and made it worse.

And glad for Yuna Kim. Totally deserves the gold. Whether Rochette was equally deserving of her bronze, that's another subject.


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Happy OT day everyone! this thread is moving so fast.

@Thunderbolt - poor thundie, feel better and don't stress too much over subbing :) WITHS2 subbers are rockstars!

@Kender - what makes you lol at Nick Cage? his movies or him? just curious 'coz i'm the same...well, mostly because regardless of what character he plays, he seems to always have that brooding facial expression. or maybe it's the eyes, i don't know. Wicker Man was a joke, I can't believe i sit through the entire film.

i was missing kimura all of a sudden so i rewatched Love Generation and Goodluck, maybe Hero or Pride will be next lol!


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@29 thunderbolt
Sacrificing your health to do those subs. You should definitely get some rest now. half a day or a day more of waiting isn't going to kill anyone. I hope those fans who use the Chuno subs know how to appreciate you.

@42 redlipstick
i'm also sad that there so much racism in korea and jsut in asia in general. It makes me feel really ashamed. Some of it comes from general ignorance than maliciousness, but you'd think that with more globalization happening in the world, that they'd learn and understand other races and cultures more. However, even in the more multicultural US, there is still quite a lot of stereotyping. Do you happen to know any korean dramas where the portrayal of
blacks and whites are more positive?

re: the Jay issue
I'm sad that he won't be back, but I'm angry at how some fans are unwilling to support 2PM just because Jay isn't in it anymore or as a retaliation against JYPE. and i'm annoyed at the 7-1=0 messages i see, b/c it's not mathematically correct!


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@77 pixie

Haha, what DOESN'T make me lol at Nic Cage? He's like Keanu Reeves, only more ridiculous and less beautiful. Neither can act, but I actually enjoy watching the former and not the latter. (Keanu Reeves is like Daniel Henney to me--a beautiful block of wood!)

I'm always amused at the roles Nic Cage chooses.. Very few of them are decent roles themselves, and his acting just makes them even weirder. One of the only movies I've ever actually liked him in was in Peggy Sue Got Married, because the movie itself was cheesy, so his acting fit in.

How did he even get famous? I just don't understand..


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Hey does anyone know where to watch God of study eng sub or stars falling from sky (ep 7)


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Hey does anyone know where t owatch god of study eng sub and stars falling from sky on youtube so i can convert to mp4 format for youtube


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@ Kender

He's a COPPOLA.. of course he's gonna be famous, whether or not he's an actor.

but i do like him as an actor. sure, there were some roles that were questionable as to why he took 'em on.. but there were some really great roles too.

i also liked him in Face Off (along w/ the aforementioned Windtalkers).


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"How did he even get famous? I just don’t understand.."

Oh man is he an awful actor, but you can't beat blood connections, especially in Hollywood, especially when he comes from a film family like the Coppolas. Didn't he have some good performances early in his career? I think he's since taken the Matthew CcConaughey route, though, and stopped trying altogether.


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@75 lt_tm Windtalkers WAS based on a true story about the Navajo indians who used their language as a code. The movie was filmed in Hawaii in the same area that LOST is filmed.

This is great reading many thoughts on various topics and gives people chance to let out some steam and voice opinions!


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@racism in korea -

having being born in the US and having only spent a few summers in Korea, i don't know enough about it to speak intelligently on the subject. nevertheless, i think it is a little... I'm not sure what the word is exactly, but "wrong" comes to mind, to paint all of korea as being racist.

if, in a Korean drama, a Korean actor is portrayed as evil, robbing or stealing or blackmailing or whatever, then does that mean that the drama is trying to portray that all Koreans are evil? well, of course not, because the assumption that would be held by the viewers is that it's the individual that is evil, and not something bred into the ethnic group. so why wouldn't you give viewers the benefit of the doubt that they would see a non-Korean actor in the same fashion?

still, it is probably true that, in korea, there is a great deal of nationalistic pride and probably widely held belief in the supremacy of korean culture versus all other cultures, along with a certain amount of suspicion and negative feeling that koreans have toward many other ethnic groups and nations - particularly japan and china. And, given the long history of antagonism against non-asian countries (executing Dutch missionaries, for instance), it is not surprising if there is a perception of koreans as being insular and xenophobic. Korea was called the "hermit kingdom" (pejoratively) by western countries for a long time.

so, given the history, it would not be surprising if koreans were in fact held out to be racist.

Yet, what is the point about that? Wouldn't the EXACT same criticisms be applicable to every single country, even today? If so, then what is the "real" point in posting that "korea has a lot of racism" if not to also add, "which makes them no different than every other country in the world."?

If you (a general you) think that the United States is the paragon of how countries should work towards becoming, in terms of being a multi-cultural society, then I think maybe you should think again.

There may not be a more race-conscious society than the United States in the history of mankind, and everywhere and everything, race matters. Forced political correctness only adds fuel to the fire, and breeds resentment and anger rather than dialogue and understanding. And this isn't just anecdotal.

Sociologists have done a ton of testing on young children, at ages before they really consider ethnicity and race. In a couple of rather notable experiments, they made half the children in a certain group wear blue shirts, and half the students wear red shirts. And then they had them go about their daily routine.

Of course, the red shirts tended to hang out together, and the blue shirts did the same. And when the kids were asked to describe what they thought of the children wearing a different color shirt, the responses were negative! They (blue or red) couldn't be trusted, they don't like us, they don't play nice.

And then the sociologists tested other groups of children, but this time gave 90% of them red shirts, and only a few children wore blue shirts. In this case, where almost everyone was wearing the same color shirt, the children didn't care about shirt color, and just played with whomever they wanted. Blue and red did not matter. Color didn't matter anymore - individuals mattered.

What the sociologists found can also be seen in college campuses where there are decent percentages of ethnic groups. Then, you would see all the Koreans hanging out together, going to KSA events and Korean Christian Fellowship events. All the African-American students hanging out together at the African-American Student Union. The Jewish students at Hillel. Everyone apart.

That's not racism, that's sociological groupings that happen almost naturally. Racism comes in when people make blanket statements like, "ALL ________ ARE ______," which, a little ironically, can even creep into criticisms that ultimately seek to defeat racism.

I'm not saying that you won't find racist Koreans. Just like you'll find racist individuals in all ethnic groups. What I am wondering though, is what people wish for Korean culture, and why you want it to change to suit your interests and whether you think it reasonable to do so.


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"Do you happen to know any korean dramas where the portrayal of
blacks and whites are more positive?"

Two recent dramas, in fact, and curiously (perhaps may necessitate some analysis on later) are both sagueks. But both are, again, what may be termed fusion-sagueks these days.

1. Tamra the Island - with a French actor protraying a British noble washed ashore on Jeju Island, the character doesn't milk his "foreign" differences (in fact, I'd argue that the drama pokes more fun at and highlights the vast cultural/class differences even more by showing the male lead Park Kyu as a fish out of water in Jeju). Pierre's portrayal of William gets better as the drama progresses, and his character is not so much different because he's a foreigner, as he's a sheltered and slightly idealistic guy (no matter what race).

2. The currently airing Jejoonwon - with a male lead of a Western doctor Dr. Allen played by Sean Richard. It's shaping up to be an exquisite drama from the few episodes I have seen, and Dr. Allen is a fabulous role, steady and upstanding.


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@86 ockoala,

I have to say it.. willllliaaaaaaaaam..*whimper*

That's all I have to add. :D


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Hi fellow OTer's

Happy Friday!


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@ 84 eiko

what i meant was i know the movie windtalkers is based on a true story.. i just didn't know how accurate the portrayal was to the actual events.. you know, hollywood-up a story and exaggerate situations to make the story "more" or give it a different spin. i tend to be skeptical about "based on a true story" stuff being real to life regarding the real story itself.

personally, i find the premise of navajo coders used during war very interesting.


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WOOT! The YB directors cut DVDs are starting to arrive at locations in Asia....
twiddles thumbs impatiently far far from Korea because momochan just read that on soompi and is now emo-ing at me all over the place. And I thought she was het up last night grilling me on when I thought it would come. I cannot make the mail move faster......


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@86 ockoala
i can't believe i forgot abt Tamra! William! Park Kyu!!!

mom's watching Queen of Housewives now and is laughing hysterically. maybe I should give it a go too.... it feels like so much time has passed since it aired because since then Yoon Sang Hyun has been in that My Fair Lady drama; Sun Woosun has been in WISFC; Oh Ji Ho's now in Chuno; and Choi Chul Ho has been a in gazillion things since then and now in TWWSWTM


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@ yourewaytoonosey

I was waiting for you. ;-) I had fun poking around YT, and found all the old music videos to LoCH 1982. I can't remember another TVB drama with this many amazing songs, I'm counting over 10 or more from the drama being split into three-parts.

Anyways, your MM love made my reminisce about how perfect he was as our bad to the bone Little Jin Prince. ;-)

The original YK-MNC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvsrZ7M9GtM

And to compare, check out original flavor HR-GJ (and when watched back-to-back, the contrast between the tenor of the two sets of relationships cannot be more different, one is wistful, longing, intense, the other sweet, playful, adoring): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE-9bsiM7RI

@ mookie-twin

Are you back yet? Remind me never to let you go on another internet-free trip ever again. Anyways, I fully have given up on Royal Tramp (or Duke 2008) up to the midway point. The unholy spectre of ZJZ has struck again, I tried so valiently to watch and enjoy it, but ZJZ butchered yet another LC novel. His execution is akin to a hack job, scenes cut off too soon or drag on too long, characters who have more novel time are given less screen time and vice-versa, leading to the story flowing unevenly, and if I didn't know what was happening, I'd be a confused blob right now.

HXM as WXB is not bad, he's not the WXB in the novel, but he's immense improvment over his version of YG, plus his good looks, makes me like him more than I should. But KX was probably given less than half of his required screentime, making KX a bit player rather than a co-male lead, just unforgivable in my book. Like the 7 GFs/wives, I can tell them apart, but I got the abridged bed scene, so nothing memorable there. I'm glad I watched it bc the kids scenes truly made this a memorable production, and that is that.

I'm back to watching Tony/Andy be the worlds best friends in DoMD 1984, and it's so vastly surperior its no comparison, loving every minute of it! Hubby made me explain the story to him bc he was so loving the kids version and he really was fascinated by the story. I told him I can't explain LC in a summary, you gotta watch to believe it.

@ samsooki

Three words for you: Bora Must Die. Thank you. :-P


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Just wanted to say :
Happy OT Friday, every one! Have a nice weekend, esp those of you who are in the Snowmaggandon, again! Try to stay safe and warm :)


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So I read about 1N2D (Which I never really watch) expressing their interest to have an episode in North Korea. I wonder how controlled that would be. I know some actress went and did photography shoots in the mountains which is pretty interesting to see.. I'm just curious if any other korean show has actively done "promotional" shooting there?

Since I'm not interested in too many shows right now I've been looking up movies to watch. I'm desperately waiting for Jeon Woo Chi, but the other day I watched the Japanese movie Fish Story. It's got it's moments and it's not too crazy. If anyone has any good recommendations let me know.


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29 thunderbolt
sorry thunderbolt, wasn't taking the piss at you, been wanting to watch chuno online but softsubs on viikii cant be seen in AUS
and hardsubs at other sites are 6 eps behind
im sorry you have a cold
and im no means attacking all subbers,
i understand your venting
just that im a big fan of the show and cant wait for whats going to happen next


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@79 Kender - lol! keanu reeves is one of my guilty pleasures. i admit the guy can't act but i really enjoy his movies. and mind you, i even watched one of his band's concert when they were in town many years ago. the place was full of swarming teenage fans with moms in tow. hahaha! omg! 'till this day i still can't figure out why i did it, but it was an experience.

back on nick cage, it puzzles me too how he has so many movies and it's not like they're even blockbuster...a few maybe.

@JB - he won an acting award for Leaving Las Vegas. deserving? 'don't know but i think his role as a suicidial alcoholic was perfect for him since he already has that always conflicted look. now that i think about it, he had the same expression in City of Angels less the alcohol.


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Happy Friday!!!
Boy, there are so many things I want to share today. But I want to leave work now so I don't get stuck in the traffic. If I am not out tonight, I sure will check in again. 0)
For now, have a GREAT weekend!!!


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Dear javabeans, do you know something about Hong Sister's new drama?
I read it's called My girlfriend is a nine-tailed fox and stars Lee Seug-Ki and Sandara Park ... but can't find other information. T_T

Happy weekend! ♥


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Hey, is ob gyn any good. I wanted to start that but the whole fact that they're OBGYNs is throwing me off.

About the racism thing, yen you don't hav to apologize for your parents! (Although i'm happy that you're more open minded. I had a whole buch a friends like you in High school and we'd sit there and talk about asian dramas lol)

To samsooki, the sudies you cite are interesting but I'm not saying America is what other countries should strive to be like in terms of race relations. I'm not at all comparing, just voicing my opinion. What I AM saying though is that, yeah, you have the evil korean guy in a movie and I can assume he's just an evil individual because well, the good guy who will catch him will be korean, and all the other people are korean and therfore koreans are being represented as more than just one dimensional evil people. That's not the case for black people in asian / kdramas. I would prefer there were no black people in Kdramas at all (because frankly, there are few black people in Korea) and if you're NEVER going to give a different view of black people, why have them in there at all? My teacher once said that when you create a story (like a drama, a novel etc) you are creating a little universe. Therefore, if, in that universe, you only have say, one white person & that white person goes around shooting people, it is true that in the universe that you've created, all the white people are murderers. I'm not saying that you can't EVER have bad black people, ypu just kinda' should balance it out. Or else, you get people saying things like "everytime a black person goes to China town something bad happens" as an acquaintance of mine once told me as I was going to Chinatown.(that was... awkward, cuz I had to let her know...)

Frankly, I'm not comparing Kdramas to american TV bc you know what, I live in a city that has lots of asians, lots of latinos, black people and white people. things like that don't happen in Korea. American TV isn't even close to perfect with the way they depict race but they are amittedly much better than asian dramas. I remeber waching that jiro wang drama with the blind girl (what was that again?) they were describing some african village so they painted the asian girls face dark, had her dress up in some like, feathers ad the whole scene ended with her village about to eat sum1. when the guy is finished describing the scene, jiro wang says WHAT? An african girl was a princess? and the guy is like, yeah are you racist, you don't think african people can be princesses? and I was like that whole thing offended me on so many levels, and THAT was what i was thinkin' bout when writing this. I wanted to see if I was the only onw who gets offended with the way black people are protrayed (and I do hate the way they always make americans seem racist, whatever) i don't know if I'm rubbing any1 the wrong way, it's just that it's really a shame that people are so narrow minded.

Long message, now for something lighthearted, has anyone been keeping up with Smile, You. I kinda left off when the Grandpa's illness became a huge chunk of the story cuz I never warmed up to him after he kicked Geum Ja in the face. (she's mean, but that was so wrong lol!)


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woah, that was long lol


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