Open Thread #124


Gobotron – “Never Turn Around” [ Download ]

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Happy snowy weekend!


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i usually don't listen to the song of the day (because i'm not supposed to stream music or videos at work).. but i felt the need to today (cuz i've been naughty all week.. so i guess i don't care today). NICE SONG!!

i'm still w/o my pc and i'm having tremendous withdrawal symptoms in my lack of drama watching. :( i have come to realize, i really do not like American TV, besides the travel and cooking shows. thank goodness for PBS :D

not gonna say anything else about the matter except.. i'm totally bummed by the announcement from JYPE that Jaebeom is not coming back to 2PM or the kpop industry. it sucks.

on a happy note!! i'm finally going to see Bird Thongchai McIntyre in concert in NEW YORK in May!!! SO HAPPY!!!


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ei its friday....happy friday everyone..it's so sad here cause three weeks from now is our summer break...i'll miss my friends......but i'm happy cause i can stay up all night watching GOS(argghhg i'm still on ep 3!!)
and congratulations to ms. kim yuna too ,,even though i don't know her...
uhmm is there filipinos here?is it true that last feb 5-7 4minute was here?and that they even perform on SM north??please answer my question.....
i love yoo seung ho in every drama he did...
-still cant get over YAB!!!!(do someone know where to buy the pig rabbit doll here on the philippines or online?my 5 friends and i really wants it.
how i wish JGS will visit the philippines!!!


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Happy Friday!!! JB Rules!!!
I hope all the Beaners Have a wonderful Friday, congrats to skater Yuna,,, To all Chuno Fans, Dae-Gil has become my favorite K-Drama tragic hero, and UN is becoming the heroine that all we be waiting for.... Long Live CHUNO!!!!!!!...
I have been on an 80's Music trip this past week, do you guys remember, this bands?
Tears For Fears, OMD, Human League, The Monroes, Kaya GOgo, Simple minds, Stray Cats, The Alarm, those were the days!!! Peace out!!!!!!


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hey guys
and hello to the weekend
this week has been good until the news of jaebom firing/dismissal
thought they would be together with their next promotions
wished jype had made a better annoucement of jaebom
but if jaebom cant come back, im surprised that he is retained to be a solo artist or something, wouldn't jype want to hold onto their talent
anyway CHUNO is getting better, though subs are still taking awhile, cant watch on viikii since im in australia, so i look thru other sites
JEJOONGWON is getting really good, lots of themes about nobles and low bloods and how they are different but good acting by the actor who portray mr hwang, although i hate baek for his snide comments, his character doesn't grow or evolve, he just holds a grudge
OBGYN is starting to be a great show, lots of cameos and good story lines, fav cameo at the moment is the guy who is a police officer who has to make a decision on the fate of his 24 week child, great acting
GOD OF STUDY, well its getting good but only up to ep 6 atm so cant really comment,
PASTA, i know everyone loves it but I HATE IT, too slow, main stars always yelling, and always wanna eat when watching it, (IM TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT HERE and pasta dishes aren't helping)

ok everyone have a great weekend, enjoy it and hope next week will be a better one, GL and best wishes on JaeBom next move, decision wateva


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haha i'll be like that too if i couldnt watch korean dramas for days!.hehehe and oh i agree with you it really SUCKS!!!!


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Happy friday bunch! Drowning in crappy assignments, the next 3 months until graduation are going to be awful. Also my hair is unwashed. ><"

@ lb_tmi: I know JYP said Jaebum isn't coming back to 2PM, but I swear they didn't say anything about the kpop industry! Really?! I'm not really a hottest, I do like them, I was just about to get into them when the Jaebum debacle happened and it kinda soured it.

Stalking WITHS2 obsessively for Stars subs progress, don'tcha hate when you love a drama so much that you can't bear to watch it in LQ? WITHS2 manse!

In the meantime watching Yamato (I LOVE SUNAKO <3) and started s2 of airbender, plus a few english movies I've wanted to watch for a while. Taking it easy on the drama front so I can finish these cursed assignments.

Last sad declaration: alice in wonderland premiere in leicester square yesterday, I was a good girl and went to class instead - I missed Johnny Depp the love of my life, Alan Rickman, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter. F. M. L.


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happy friday everyone! just glad it's the weekend, need some R&R!

gotta say, chuno really gets a lot of people fired up, especially about daegil.


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this week pass by so fast like this month. The 28 days of februar was really strange with th new year and the valentine day at the same time and the olympics games...i promise myself to salvage from drama this year but seems that s hard to do...


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I wonder if the Korean movie industry will make a bio-flick about Kim Yuna, they seem to have created movies about Olympic athletes such as the 2004 Handball Team, and the 1998 Ski Jump Team.


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Tons of snow on the East Coast. Probably will go sledding in the afternoon on my new sled if I can get hubby to leave work early.

Samsooki if you are reading this wear ski pants while plowing the snow and not jeans.


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So happy it Friday. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

@2 I love Bird Thongchai. Have fun at the concert.


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I was having a good week until the Jaebum fiasco, not to mention the way JYPE is dragging his name through the mud to make themselves look better. Its a sad situation, and it all started because the poor guy was homesick.

Anyway I hope Stars can lift my spirits, I can't wait for the ep, even tho the evil mother/annoying obsessed cow sub plot is less than welcome.


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Happy Friday everyone!

Had an extremely tough and demoralizing week at work, hoping it will be better next week...


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open threads! finally get to catch it after so many weeks missing it! XD

@lb_tmi, @xiahkixiri:
i know right! i was just celebrating about queen yuna's victorious awesomeness then i opened allkpop and found out that jay is out for good. i don't know what to think. i was so hopeful he would be back. and jype has to go and talk about something he did that he did and yet not telling us what happened and now crazy speculations like sex scandals and whatever else (forgetting instead bout possible leakage of confidential info to another rival company...idk. these things CAN happen, but i am also speculating :P) are rising up left right centre. makes me feel quite miffed bout the whole thing.

and to raise our hopes that he was coming back in april! no wonder the fans go berserk. lol.


i just finished watching WISFC (yes, i'm late like that) and I am left wanting bout the ending. Gah. Didn't give me enuff of a bang. Reminds me of Thank You where the ending was just as blah. Okay, so they got back together...but but but...what happens to her aids? why did he leave them again as if they didn't contact each other? why why why? now i remember thinking those thots when i saw the ending of WISFC. Why Ms Lee? Why? Why can't you make KangJin speak at the end? Or at least hug or kiss or what? SPEAK, KANGJIN! SPEAK!


But to tell you the truth, in terms of soundtrack score (instrumental parts) i think Thank You was better but of course WISFC had better songs. GUMMY! <3 <3 <3

Okay, I'm comparing. Shall stop.

Shall watch a short comedy like Hyang Dan Jeon to get rid of my melodrama emo-ness.

BTW, does anyone love ...ing here? I think it's one of the best melodrama movies written. Just so sad even if there's no dwelling on the sickness and that angst. And I just love Yi Sung Yol's "Wait", so so so beautiful! XD


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hey everyone!!
yeah that sucks for 2pm :( im still in a state of confusion...
on another note im actually excited about going back to uni next week 8-)


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@13... I think Jae is happy in Seattle being with his dance crew. There are rumors that even though Jae's contract is terminated... there is a clause that he can't be in the Korean entertainment industry for 5 years (the duration of his contract)


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To all those who live in New York:

Do any of you guys know how to get tickets to fashion week? I know fashion week is already over in NYC but, just as future reference, how do you get tickets? Or is it all purely out of invitation?

I have to go now!! I will be back later, haha.


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Happy friday folks!! Kdramas have been so good lately. I've been watching Stars, Still Marry Me, Pasta, Smile You and Obs & Gyn. So life is good for a kdrama addict. Each drama has different charms to it that makes me addicted. It is very difficult to say but Pasta is my favourite for now, but others are very strong contenders. Stars are so utterly adorable so we'll see. 2010 has been a good year for all kdrama lovers but with more dramas coming (Personal Taste and Cinderella's Sister - can't wait!!) it would be very difficult to decide which one would be my ultimate favourite by the end of the year. And now is only February! Keep it coming people!!

..and American Idol has started. I am missing my Kris boy more than ever. Not rooting for anyone at this stage, too early to decide. Maybe it's only me but this season is not as exciting as the last one, not sure why.

So have a wonderful weekend everyone! Peacexx


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wow yay i can finally post on open thread on friday itself! i've only made it on sat for the last 4 weeks. been so busy the whole week but i still wish i were working tonight..


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What a great weekend!

I've been addicted to kdramas like Pasta and OBGYN and i'm not shy about it. Pasta was slow but sweet and theGong Hyo Jin's acting was really great, not that Lee Seon Gyun was bad, but she's just steals my attention. OBGYN is addictive with its strong storyline and good acting, BUT i cried so bad as i always had a soft point for babies and it wa sheart wrenching when the baby found in the washroom died and the nurse was asking whether the baby deserved to be treated as a garbage. Haiz..guess i still have to keep watching both dramas..

Once again, congratulations to Kim Yuna for winning gold in the winter olympics. It definitely brightens my weekend!


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I don't live in NYC, but the answer, I think, is that you need to know somebody.

For reference check out this video :)

I think the theme right now in my k-drama watching is cute kids. Currently watching Fantasy Couple (love the three stooges), Wish Upon a Star (love all the boys) and Chuno (for the crown prince). I'm easy, just throw in a kid and I'll watch!


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hello! Happy Friday everybody! A rainy-snowy one for the east coast people! ^_^

Just read everybody's comment...

Yeah, heard about Jaebum, oh well, he seems happier in US.

Yay for Kim Yu Na!!!

mmm...., What has everybody been watching lately?! what's new with kdrama?

Oh, other than WUAS, Obstetrics and Gyne is a good kdrama too ^_^ i didnt expect it to be interesting, but I have been loving it so far...

Personal Taste looks like it's going to be a good one... we will see...

(taiwan)Autumn's Concerto is almost done (i think), one more final ep...

Am liking (taiwan) Down with love too...



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Anybody got any predictions about the upcoming Baeksangs? Cause I'm really jonesing for GHJ to win either the Best Actress or the Daesang (can it be both?)


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@ Jay/JYPE

That was a terrible way to start yesterday morning. I was in denial all day. JYPE needs a better PR department pronto. I can't imagine a company running this ANY worse than they have. Ugh just ugh...

/end rant

@19 hula87
I too am in love Pasta! It's just so cute that I can't fight it. GHJ is so appropriately cast that I can't imagine anyone else playing that part. She's cute and put her in your pocket, without being helpless and all damsel in distress. I'm also LOVE Alex as the second lead. FABULOUS without being so fab that he makes me doubt the OTP. He has his lack of courage as the downfall, but that doesn't mean I love him any less.

Bonus: Clazziquai is back in the studio meaning more music soon. Jumping in excitement


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tomorrow's a special day, today im finally reunited with a loved one whom i havent seen for about a year, and i also received a very special present

and i hope you're as content as me >3<


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happy Friday everyone!
long weekend here, so I'm enjoying every moment with none other than Kdramas! :D

I'm going to catch up with Assorted Gems - have read the ending's spoilers but still want to see it myself. I'm gonna miss downloading Sat-Sun drama, and no, I'm not interested in A Man who called god.
February will end soon, it's kinda sad---time sure flies! but, I'm excited too since we'll have Kdramas' feast on March!!
I'm gonna abuse my laptop, external HD and modem.. :D :D

re : Jay of 2PM
It's sad that all of these problem ended like this. but I hope Jay will continue to pursue his dream, and this would be his biggest lesson to make him stronger and wiser in the future.
On the other note, it's unfair that fans trying to dismiss other members like that.
Just hope everything will be alright, and 2PM-2AM will continue their works.


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Happy OT Friday y'all! Everybody stay warm and dry if you're on the East Coast! No worries here, it's bright and sunny and cheery, so I think I'll brave Chuno 15 & 16 in just a little while. Wouldn't want to get too happy or anything. 8)

Have a great day!


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#5 honest_will

"anyway CHUNO is getting better, though subs are still taking awhile..."

I've been editing Chuno 13 subs the last two hours even though I'm fighting flu plus pain in my eyes that won't go away. Still have another 2-3 hrs of qc to do, and begging my eyes to hang in there so I can finish this.

To read your words, even if you don't mean to complain, honestly makes me want to cry... out of frustration.

Sorry... just needed to vent.


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@ thundie

Sorry to hear you're under the weather! Take your time and just get well, that's the most important thing after all!



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Has anyone seen the trailer for the cable drama Harvest Villa that's beginning in March.? It was supposed to air on MBC but it's now changed. I was really looking forward to it as a mystery/thriller drama, but the trailer seems much more hokey than I was expecting :(

Ah, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7yltb79Dt8


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*Hugs Thundie* Feel better! I say you stop for the day and rest so you don't get sicker.

Anyway, it's snowing here and I'm not entirely happy. I love the snow, but as I was walking to my second (and last) class of the day I was getting pelted by little pieces of ice aka sleet. Not my idea of a good friday. Not to mention, I still have to trek to CVS to buy a few things for this weekend. Blah.

I have to admit that none of the dramas out right now (well, I should say none of the dramas being subbed by fansubbers) are getting my attention. I tried watching Chuno but I couldn't get past the first episode. The only medical dramas I can watch are the ones from Japan (Code Blue!) because they are shorter. Pasta I got annoyed with after two episodes and stopped and I'm not a huge fan of older woman-younger man relationships so The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry is off my list as well.

The only one I do want to watch (Dandelion Family) isn't being subbed yet because of the whole licensing thing over at viikii. Though there are a ton of dramas coming out in March that I do want to see. Hopefully, they've been picked up by subbing groups. I should check that.

And finally: Congratulations to Kim Yuna for her spectacular performance at the Olympics. I was literally on the edge of my seat the entire time I was watching her. Whenever she would go to jump I would have my hands over my mouth while pleading "Don't fall, don't fall" the entire time. She definitely deserves the Gold, and I'm also happy that Joannie Rochette got the bronze; she deserved it and I don't say that just because she lost her mother only days before, I say that because she skated beautifully even though she had to be overcome by sadness the entire time.

Happy Friday Everyone!


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wow, this OT is moving pretty fast!

Happy Friday everyone!


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#29 thundie

*hugs* hope you feel better soon! and no rush with the subs, take your time. we can wait for the good stuff!


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Oh Happy Friday to all here!!

29 @ thunderbolt!

Give your eye a rest and sleep and don't forget your eye drop and medicine ! .


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@ 12 Penn

i've loved Bird since 1992.. it's finally another dream come true!! (first one came true in Nov/Dec 09 when i went to Thailand!) i was so happy just to hear his voice in the mall over the loudspeaker stereo system. i can't wait for May to come!!!

@ chajjye

i LOVE ..ING!!! Kim!Rae!Won! (MINE!) is awesome in that movie.. i love the photos.. the turtles.. everything!!! that movie sealed my love for K!R!W! and opened my eyes to Im Soo Jung. my 2nd favoritest kmovie..

@ madame president

did you hear that the ICOMYM maskots CN Blue are having a street concert?? to be on that street watching and listening to them would be total awesomeness. why am i on the wrong side of the world yet again??

@ Jae and the whole debacle..
can't say anything else about this. i'm still sorely disappointed in this whole situation. i just wish Jae happiness in all his future endeavors. best of luck, leadja!!!

for everyone enduring this snowicane.. please be safe!!!

*shouts to twin* that means you too!!! happy vacation!! come back safe so you can start your new job!


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@Thundie -
The subs are definitely not a long time. So take your time and feel better.

With that said...

I am COMPLETELY pissed at comment #41 in the yesterday's hot man Chuno thread (if you don't want to be spoiled, don't look). How can someone be such a inconsiderate numbskull to post such a spoiler so carelessly in a thread like that? If you read this confused person, buy a ticket on the clue bus.


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Happy Friday All!!
I am sooo over the cold weather. i just want to see the sun..
Hope everyone is safe and well. (@thunderbolt -get well..)

@15 chajjye
I agree with you about WISFC. I just wanted a real kiss or some kind of emotional connection after so much angst and longing. No climax after so much build up. I mean this in the literary context, of course.

Have a wonderful weekend!!


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Happy happy Friday!!

OK - first off: JYP
I don't know that much about kpop & its industry, but, I do know business & PR. And I know consumers don't like sudden & confusing changes of a well-liked product. They need to be swayed and gently wooed(case in point MS starts markeing upgrade notices 6-8 months in advance and has 1-2 year transition period). This was on PR mess! Shipping Jae off without press conference or fan meeting and muzzling him, taking days for official notices, not allowing other members to answer questions because there's no stance yet, does not encourage confidence or credibility. Furthermore, all this does is damage the 2PM brand. In the long run, do I think 2PM will recover and go on with further sucess? Yes and no - I think there will be continued success of individuals and mediocre success as a group.

Second: March 1 is almost here which means I officially start my countown for my trip to Korea! I will be in Korea for the month of Sept!!! Yay!!! Still looking for cheaper airfare - anyone got suggestions? Right now, Kayak is reporting prices of $1084 on UAL, which is the cheapest. I know, I know, prices should drop nearer to my departure date.

Third: Wish on a Star - this was a show that didn't inspire instant appeal, but it has captured my complete and total attention. I'm so enjoying the ride! Finished Bloody Monday(jdrama) and loved it - reminded me of the first 24!!! Currently watching 2nd season and wish there were subs for 2nd season of Hancho - another jdrama.

Fourth: Chuno - waiting for the half way mark before I start it, but the recaps are awesome!!! Iris was a drama I was anticipating so much and then to be as let down as I was, makes me cautious about jumping into another highly anticipated drama.


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Happy Friday everyone! Like everyone, I'm over the rain. California isn't supposed to rain so much. I'm preparing for my God-Daughter's B-day party. Any good ideas on rainy day games? I have a couple in mind but am not completely sure that I have enough to entertain a bunch of 5 year olds for hours at a time.

I bow to elementary school teachers who do this day in and day out.


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Happy Friday to all. It is raining so hard here and will be having another cold cold weekend. I wish spring will be here soon. Tired of the cold already...lol

So much cleaning to do this weekend...inlaws coming to visit...but just looking forward toWed/Thurs next week for my Chuno dose..:) Take care everyone...


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Hey, happy OT Friday everyone!!! THIS IS LONG BUT READ POR FAVOR!!!
I am a black woman (from america) who loves her some KDRAMAS!!! Luckily I live close to UC berkeley, which is like the mecca load of asians (it's 42% asian! and the movie theaters show some korean movies, like they showed thirst) so I can find korean stuff in libraries etc. But, I get so mad with the HEAVY dose of racism I see in korean culture. If you ever see a black man in a kdrama he'll be stealing or holding a gun (that lee hyori video, or one fine day) and you'll hear the racist comments from people like seungri and that girl from snsd and even though I'm sure there are like 3 black people in Korea they can be so racist(and nationalistic! anyone notice how much they say THE COUNTRY in a Kdrama, seriously what is up with that?They might as well say Dulce e decorum est pro patria mori and get it over with!) . not to mention, lots of times they paint white people as these like, really racist people like in Seducing Mr perfect when he calls daniel henney a yellow monkey, and then in love story at harvard the professor says something racist to kim rae won. Does anyone else get frustrated? Where are you guys from and what are you?


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happy Friday EvryBoday! (lol just watching Simpsons and you know that mad-scientist Doctor dude, no not Dr Hubert the other European-y guy, yeah he's hilarious not to mention Un-Ethical in his practice..Simpsons = Classic)
Anywho so much has been happening! so much to do so little time... I'm on a drama hiatus coz I need every last cent I can make before Uni starts back up, textbooks are a killer! Independence blows...
Kim, Asada & Rochette Awesome performances! 10/10!!
speaking of 10/10, the whole Jaebeom Controversy, it's a grey area and hard to judge from the publics point of view, maybe he'll return as a SoloArtist one things certain Korea won't be short on Idols anytime soon!
So basically almost all of you in the Northern Hemisphere are finishing and about to finish school/uni/college... hmmmph I start uni back up on Monday after finishing (exams incl) in November..lol life on opposites sides of the world


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@29 thunderbolt

What are you saying? Take your time and get well. The subs are being released very quickly so if ppl complain, let them.

@37 melica
OMG I just checked that thread...skimmed it and I read "Chuno 16", but I wasn't fast enough to avoid it. God, I hope I really didn't read what I think I read.


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*rant* For the record, the Chuno subs are being done in RECORD TIME...thanks largely and first of all to Mister X, and then next to the rest of the team working on them. I don't remember subs coming faster in another major drama... I think the majority of us understand the enormous amount of (unpaid) labor that goes into creating subs. And Chuno subs are a LOT more challenging than subs for the typical mediocre Kdrama. So my hat is off to everyone working on them. We've just seen Eps 15 and 16 broadcast and the subs for Ep 13 are nearly done! Amazing. */rant*


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Happy Friday! A few things:

1) Congrats to Kim Yuna! I didn't watch her program, but I heard it was lovely, and that she really earned that gold.

2) Like many of you, I'm also distressed by the announcement that Jay won't be returning to 2PM. That doesn't mean I'll stop supporting 2PM, but I still don't think it's quite the same without leadja. :(

3) I'm listening to a Thai boyband called K-Otic right now, and I keep getting thrown off by the random Korean lyrics/raps. Does anyone know anything about this group? Do they have a Korean member or something, or does their lyricist just like Korean? (There's a Japanese rap in another song, too, so it's not just Korean.)

4) I've been waiting for this Friday for over a week. Two of my friends randomly decided to plan a "celebration" of Nicholas Cage, and they've gone all out--basically, it's an excuse to dress up fancy (I'm going to be wearing a dress, people), drink wine, eat hors d'oeuvres, and mock his acting mercilessly. (One of the films we'll be watching is The Wicker Man--"How'd it get burned? How'd it get burned??") It's going to be glorious, kids.

5) Is anyone else watching Fine Windy Day/A Fine Day When the Wind Blows/바람 불어 좋은 날? I picked it up on a whim, and it's actually quite cute. I'm enjoying the short episodes.. I've been watching one every day after class, which gives me something to look forward to every day (unlike WUAS, where I'm in agony every week ㅠ_ㅠ). I still don't know if I'll make it all the way to the end, but it's cute so far.. Kim So-eun is darling, and I love the kid who plays Jin Yi-han's son.


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@Kls5: Try a scavenger hunt. Limit it to one or two rooms, hide a few things in plain sight and hide a few behind or under furniture. Take pictures of those items and use those pictures as a guide for them so they know what they're supposed to be finding (you can also write what the objects are next to the picture). You can also make a fort with chairs, tables, and blankets and they can "camp" out in there playing with toys. Play-doh is also a good idea.


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@ Jaebum scandal -
...sad news indead :(....but am I the only one that's now insanely curious about his "worse(r) scandal" that apparently got him kicked off for good in Dec? [note: I read @seoulbeats that when he first left in Sept, he was scheduled to return in March, but apparently then confessed to something in Dec that got him kicked off for good] Sometimes I really wonder what goes on with these idols...what goes on behind the scenes when all the cameras are turned off of them..

@snowicane -
For our friends up north...I completely feel your pain as I *still* have snow melting in my yard from the great Snowpocalypse of 2010. My only advice is to shovel and shovel often...because if you wait until it's all over...getting your snow over the other the now, walls of snow...it's a backsprain waiting to happen

Btw,...now you guys have got me curious about this OBGYN drama...can anyone tell me what it's about?


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@ 29 thunderbolt
You're my hero! Thanks for all your efforts, I'm really loving Chuno and I wouldn't be able to watch it if it wasn't for people like you. Take care of your health first and don't stress yourself over the subs.


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Happy Aloha Friday everyone! The sun is shining in Hawaii and it's beautiful!

My TV died this week but thank goodness for my computer and I can watch my favorite dramas on line! I LOVE Pasta, OBGYN, Down With Love and of course the all time favorite WISH UPON A STAR!

There are some new ones to look forward to and I have high hopes for Lee Min Ho in his next drama! Someone made a remark on another post about Jang Guen Suk in that role.....I don't think so. Jang may be a good actor in dramatic roles....but not in Personal Taste. I enjoyed You're Beautiful.....but looking at the cast and compared to the other dramas I'm watching, YB cast looks very YOUNG. It's going to be interesting to see what JGS will choose for his next project....he's competitive with Lee Min Ho....they are the same age.

Someone made a comment about american shows and I must agree that the only shows I might watch would be Travel Channel and food network. I am not into their type of soaps. They dwell too much on infidelity and sex.

Be safe out there and enjoy each day....it's up to you to make it a good one!


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