Open Thread #122


fun. – “All the Pretty Girls” [ Download ]

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Thanks . . and everything I said actually did happen with this glorious, glorious slice of cheesecake.

And ending to the show? Anybody here seen Michael Landon's Highway to Heaven, when he's walking from a bunch of heavenly clouds in front of a hazy sunny horizon. I'm not kidding. Starman?? Mork?? Greatest American Hero?? No, Song Seung Heon becomes MICHAEL FRIGGING LANDON!! If they ever want to remake the Knight Rider, Song Seung Heon is your man!!

Even Johnny Weir would have said "okay, now that's just too much."


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You mean, East of Eden ends with, a stairway to heaven??!!! Wow. There must be a cosmic significance to white pianos on beaches I'm so not getting...


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@ belleza

I love your description of East of Eden :)! It is so true! Despite all of that I am one of those that watched the whole damn thing! And after watching this every week for 6, count them 6 months, that ending! I'm still bitter! :)


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If they ever want to remake the Knight Rider, Song Seung Heon is your man!!

I salute you, belleza!


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"East of Eden ends with, a stairway to heaven??!!!"

No no no . . HIGHWAY to Heaven. Starring Michael Landon. :D

Seriously, what you're about to see is pretty dang close to how East of Eden ended. Forget East of Eden -- he decided he should BECOME EDEN. :D



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'Ekin – I used to think that he’s cool ( Young and Dangerous era ) ..but after he had an affair with Gigi Leung and left Maggie Shaw ( I adore her until now ), I hate him.'

OMYGOSH THAT IS ME!! Gigi is actually a friend of a friend...but I undo my love for her as well after that because of my pure love for Maggie (I watched Gem solely for her and she's AMAZING!! now Gigi Lai... umm...) My sis in law's cousin is one of Maggie's best bud, and she once stayed at her place for her US vacay long ago, SIL's still gagaing on how nice and sweet and all the awesomes she is.

and Ray is my very first fangirling exp, I dunno y I'm just so attracted to him even in SH Bund.

EoE vs HK saga... what set them apart was the golden HK saga (circa 1990) has couple leads that can act .... nope not as halo'd robot ;) so when they r yelling their Bao Chou (I'm loling with your Bao Chou chronicles @ockoala), u do feel sthsth as fine a cheeze that was, not zoned out wondering y he's still TRYING all actorish when he's way past the need to and stop all that DONG!CHUL!ing

@momosan, thank you! ;) but *bigsob*, I'm in rural mountainous China... (actually I'm in the South King territory in LoCH!) gorgeous, but very SLOW internet as is and I'm paying per min. My only hope is those zillions of cable networks at hotel, but so far no luck with curling! it's ok, I've asked my friend to dvr it (huh he works at google, avid curling fan!) Figure skating is huge here, I just saw Johnny!!!! @twin, we got see thro at least! he's thrown in a pink tassle and pleather girdle! lolz I <333 him, all the winks and blown kisses r MINE. I wonder if he lurks here, he said he is learning Korean and what is better at that than watching kdrama?!


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@ belleza, mookie and serendipty

"Big-time revenge plot against essentially the JR of K-drama "

Oh yeah, EoE was all aboutz the Bao Chou, except the actors personalities and motivations changed constantly, and no one quite knew why they suddenly worked at a new job or had a new romantic interest. It was a disaster of epic-proportions in terms of acting, directing, Bao Chou-ing (really, each Bao Chou technique or plan devised by SSH was lame and a failure, he never did end up Bao Chou-ing), and sheer hilarity of watching actors ad-lib their own ridiculous plot twist.

Poor Shin Tae-hwan and the Mom must be headdesking themselves into a stupor.

Anyways, I hope k-dramas learn that really, to do a HK epic generational entanglement and fate type of drama, get that damn script done first! And pick some heavies like SJS (oh my god, would he kill that role) or Go Soo or Jang Hyuk, preferably all three as blood brothers with one being adopted bc the daddy's accidentally killed that kid's daddy in a model plane accident. Otherwise, stay the heck away from this genre and let HK do their thang.

StS was bearable bc it was a measly 16 episodes, EoE made me suffer through 56 episodes, with a plot that was less than 16 episodes worth of material, that's all I have to say. And I agree that HHJ was the best actress in the younger group, but only bc 3 of them couldn't act their way out of a paper bag, one had nothing to do except act like she was walking a dog, and the others, sigh, no further comment.

@ djes and twin

Ohh, what Ekin did to Maggie with Gigi was.....oooh, even my MOM got pissed. It was emotional terrorism. Sobs, poor Maggie. Then Edison came along with his "lost computer files" and everything else got forgotten and a few ladies got thrown out with the trash.

And a catalogue of last night's men's short program outfits

1. Cross between Lil Abner and Lenny from Of Mice & Men
2. Skeletor
3. Johnny Weir - oh, and he wore a black skin tight thing with a corset and hot pink straps and a tassle.
4. Sir Guy of Gisborne (courtesy of langdon813)
5. A cowboy crossed with a sailor (and not in that way)

And lots and lots of toe pick and "I want to see your a** in the air."


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re: EoE
EoE was my introduction to Kim Bum.. and it was all YUMMY and good until SSH came on board. then i bailed. and i actually like SSH. he just did not bring enough after watching Kim Bum as the youngen.. Dennis Oh and SSH half nekkid body shots weren't even enough to keep me on board this one.. so sad.

@ celestialorigin
BB concert sounds FABULOUS!! so jealous. please share Daesung (MINE!) pictures if possible.

on the topic of BB, i LOVE GD's new hair in the lollipop 2 promo pix.

@ ockoala

that whole Edisen fiasco.. so crazy!! it's such a shame that the only time i saw Edisen on mainstream news was an interview about the scandal.. poo on CNN for giving that crotch a voice!!


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@ celestialorigin

omg i just went back to skim some posts and YOU SAW BB IN JAPAN?!?!?!!?? i am sooooo utterly jealous you have no idea. like NO IDEA... *sob* Was MY TABI as hot and growly in person as he is in videos??


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@ lb_tmi

I couldn't agree more, but fact is, the Edison scandal was, from what I recall, the second biggest entertainment related story ever to hit HK, second only to Leslie's suicide. CNN had to cover it when even my HK cousins called me from Toronto to scream about the story and poor Cecilia, poor Gillian, etc. etc. (it was also the scandal that made me realize that Nicky Tze was Patrick Tze's son, since Patrick was all I'm getting rid of my whorey daughter-in-law and acting like a asshat).

TW had a sex scandal a few years before that, involving an actual video instead and pictures, and my elderly relatives were all going gaga over it but pretending they never watched it. I just sigh because you need to have a sex tape first here in the US even to become a celebrity so it appears.


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@ ockoala

very sad. i really liked Edisen too.. i mean, REALLY liked him. he had so much potential.. and then.. i can't even stand to read any news about it. it's all so disgusting.. and i have absolutely NO tolerance for him.

poor Nic.. there's so much about their story in the scandal.. i feel so bad for him. :(

a sex TAPE scandal?? i don't follow TW news so i have no idea what or who was involved w/ that.. but as explosive as the pix were.. i bet the tape must have been HUGE!! but it was only one person rite? not like the 971635464 gazillion girls that Edisen had on his filthy pc.


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^ the sex tape scandal was on a politician lady of some sorts, not a household name UNTIL the tape.

I don't care for Edison before or after, I honestly dun see much talent/look other than maybe good at sales and a businessman?!


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@mookie - and the US goes down in flames to Norway in an extra end. Sigh.

I will now cook lunch while watching the women's curling match, then watch Chuno while pretending to work on paperwork. You have no idea how much restraint it's taking to not just plunk myself down and find out what's happened to poor Dae Gil. BTW, I now find myself going "poor Dae Gil" almost as much as I "poor Bidam"'ed. Which frankly does not bode well for the poor guy. I have a terrible feeling I know EXACTLY where this story is going.....


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@momosan, O GOSSHH!! so there's almost no chance US is advancing?!

I caught a bit of the W China vs GB game... the Chinese team is like teens and harry potter-ish..


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@264 mookie well, it's a round robin, so they'd really have to win every thing from now on. It's not looking good.

Canada is on later today.

Chuno - oh you've got me by the tear glands now!


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@ Belleza: "Even Johnny Weir would have said “okay, now that’s just too much.”"

Wow. That must be one hell of a cheesy/flashy ending.

@ ockoala:

"And a catalogue of last night’s men’s short program outfits
1. Cross between Lil Abner and Lenny from Of Mice & Men
2. Skeletor
3. Johnny Weir – oh, and he wore a black skin tight thing with a corset and hot pink straps and a tassle.
4. Sir Guy of Gisborne (courtesy of langdon813)
5. A cowboy crossed with a sailor (and not in that way)

And lots and lots of toe pick and “I want to see your a** in the air.”"

And the earlier PAIRS outfits were even WORSE, if you can imagine. What was that duo doing Love Story thinking about? He wore something vaguely preppy, okay, and she wore the usual hot pink spangled drum majorette leotard. ??? I thought for a moment they might have mixed the pairs up by accident and would soon realize they were skating with the wrong partner. But no. She just clearly was not going to skate if she didn't get to wear sparkly pink spandex riding right up her bum.

PS Canada is KILLING at the curling. !


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@ reluctantbutaddicted

The StS ending is still tops the oh-I-can't-believe-what-I-am-watching of drama endings. EoE is merely top 5. WHIB I place even higher than EoE.

As for the pairs, I missed both short and long (busy with New Year and griping about the desert and watching Royal Tramp), but I saw a picture of a pair wearing exact matching shiny tight metallic blue skinsuits straight out of Blades of Glory. Wow! Their verve is to be commended.

@ twin

Hee, look what I found! It's such a cute, cute picture. In addition to going to China to stalk our loverboy, I'm also going to adopt lil' WXB, he is officially my #1 child actor! The WUAS kids win as a crew of 5, and Xiao-le in AC has got lots of potential but looks-wise isn't looking as hot when he hits 10-11. But this kid's got the entire package, can't wait for him to keep acting.



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@ ockoala : "a pair wearing exact matching shiny tight metallic blue skinsuits straight out of Blades of Glory. Wow! Their verve is to be commended. "

Holy dinah. i missed them--maybe CTV edited them out thinking it was a mis-inserted clip from Blades of G. Actually, i was doing several things at once myself, so might have just missed them, although generally speaking the wild outfits catch my attention.... And I have a morbid fascination for competitions where EVERYONE falls down.

Cdn women's hockey team up 12-0 over Sweden in the 2nd !!!!

I just realized most everything (involving Canada, at least) is available streamed on the CTV website. Maybe not so useful for mookie, though, if the internet is slow


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@ reluctantbutaddicted

Here you go, the spacesuits of doom: http://espn.go.com/espn/thelife/gallery/?id=4657312&image=7

Btw, looking forward to a showdown of epic proportions next week: Yuna v. Joannie v. Miki v. Mao


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@ ockoala : Thanks! Wow... They're even more out there than I'd imagined. I definitely missed those. Hilarious! Honestly, all the money that gets spent on elite athletes, and no one has a Good Taste Coach?

Meanwhile, tomorrow, I'm still rooting for Patrick Chan for gold!


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@ momosan

Chuno -- Yeah, I have a sinking feeling it's going to be a sticky end for our Poor Dae Gil. Shot beautifully in evening light, in slow motion...


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Thanks so much for the concert recap and 1.5 hr is much much too short but I envy you nonetheless. How is their Japanese pronunciation?


Thank You along with Resurrection are the two dramas I've bothered to rewatch so I know what you mean by not being able to purge it from your brain. There are kdramas that you hate, enjoy or go meh but often times forget pretty quickly and then there are those special few that lives in recesses of your brain FOREVER.

You can be sitting at a korean restaurant minding your own business absently looking at the octopus tentacles in the bookum you ordered and your brain will wander back to how hard Young Shin had to work to pull the octopus out of the mud only to have that ingrate girl ask if she can have them like it was nothing. First she dashes all your hopes of any reconciliation with your baby daddy and now she asks if she can take your octopus. Its like adding insult to injury. And does she think blue island is the sort of place to be dolled up and walking around with patent leather high heels? And now Young Shin has to pull her ass out of the mud like she isn't busy enough with her 20 other part time jobs? And as you scrunch your eyes and lift a piece of octopus to your lips and bite down savagely on the chopstick like its your enemy's finger, your husband/boyfriend/friend will ask, "what are you thinking about? You look a little crazy." and you'll say nonchalantly "oh nothing, just work stress" in case they think your crazy, which of course you are.

Besides "resurrection", "devil", "white tower" & "thank you" my top 5 would have to include "I'm Sorry I Love You" the same writer as "Thank You". I had no idea So Ji Sup could act until I saw him in this role and the cast was really solid but be prepared for some kdrama drama. After all the director was aiming to make everyone cry their eyes out and jump off the building in distress.


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@272 nycgrl

You are welcome. Their Japanese? Agreeable at most,you can tell they've put a bit of efforts. Well, really, since they are so cute and all the girls screaming like there's no tomorrow, nothing mattered, as long as they were there... And my goodness, G-D was soooo I don't know, you think he might possibly be a gay? he's gotten a powerful charisma in that beautifully slender body. Anyway, all I cared was they were so close to me at one point or other so that I could see the texture of their smoothly made up faces. Ahhhhhhh. Daesung's new song, anybody seen it on you tube. the cotton candy thing. I personally think that song is blah. He's way too talented to do such simple, sugar coated syrupy song. But who cares. He sure was so freaking adorable that he can be my cotton candy.

I'd better get on with my work again, sigh. 2-3 more hours to go... So nice to come and visit DB. it's like home away home. I've been home sick a bit these days. Tokyo, can be fun. especially the I area I'm working is Ginza area with all the fancy shops and big department stores, if you have time for shopping. All I'm doing is getting up around 630am, eat breakfast, leave hotel by 8am so that I can get to the class room by 830to get ready, 930-430pm class, get take out for dinner come back to hotel and catch up with e-mails, and other stuff like DB,get materials ready for next day's class till mid night. Go to sleep... man, I am home sick!!! I want to see big trees! I want to see distant hills and mountains!!!

Sorry, I went off. it must be the size of Japanese hotel rooms, they are tiny in general... This one is "long stay" type... somewhat inpersonal. OKOK, I really better get to work.

sorry for my rant.


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Octopus - hee hee.

I've just come back from running my dog, and as I jogged along I thought of Dr Min running round Blue Island, and considered the benefits of regular exercise... :-)

But you have to feel sorry for the Seoul girlfriend. She was just an ordinary woman, and hence doomed from the start. No match for our Young Shin.

I'm at the re-watching stage. It's really quite meticulously plotted (save for a few glaring liberties - like the disappearance of Young Shin's brother). At the same time, not bogged down with detail. There's enough to sweep one along, and first-time round I was duly swept. In the second watching I'm starting to notice little details, like how when grandpa realized Young Shin was in particular need of consolation he offered her his own construction of a double-layered choco-pie -- I now realise this is a reference back to Bom's admiration for double cheeseburgers.

It's also interesting to connect the dots and plot the journey more carefully, because we're not exactly spoon-fed how and why matters progressed, but they did. I mean, 14 episodes on, how is it that we see an unsophisticated, somewhat interfering, naive, slightly scatter-brained ahjumma lying in bed, and a rich arrogant smoulderingly sexy doctor humbly begging, BEGGING to be admitted into her family of demented grandfather and HIV-infected daughter, and we find this scenario entirely convincing and not one bit oh-gimme-a-break?! And we are begging along with Dr Min, please, Young Shin, please say yes! Have pity on him...

Take Dr Min's trip to Seoul to retrieve Bom. It was only on the second watching that I remembered that he had earlier complained he didn't do long drives because he slept in cars (a convincing detail - a lot of professionally sleep-deprived people like doctors conk out in moving vehicles), making his action more admirable and his exhaustion the next day more understandable. But EVEN more admirable was the fact that he never told Young Shin. Now, a lesser man would have told Young Shin. A lesser drama would have had Young Shin find out, so that she can go all wide-eyed over his nobility. And an ordinary drama would have at least pointed out the fact that he never told her. But no, here the story just quietly moves on. Because what is important here is not so much the plot and the pressing of our emotional buttons, as the internal journey of Dr Min.


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@273 celestialorigin -The energy at a BIGBANG concert must be something.:-D They always seem to put their heart and soul into all their performances .Lucky you!:-D

And well, if in the remote possibility that GD ever turns out to be gay,you'll probably hear a million girls' hearts cracking all over the world.;-)


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Sorry to hear that you are getting claustrophobia and home sick . I felt the same way when I was in HKG. Get up, go to the hospital , come home to sleep, repeat. Shopping, what shopping. If it makes you feel better, the warm sunny So Cal weather ( 70F) will be replaced by rain by Fri ( sorry, if you're coming back this weekend, though). Try to hang in there. Have a safe trip home.


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Mild speculative spoilers below:

It I were a betting woman, after this weeks Chuno eps, the ending can only be one of two ways:

___ signed his plot death warrant after what happened in ep 13, or else ___ & ___ are gonna be together in the only other way possible, argh.

It can go either way, depending on what the writer feels like, either ending would feel logical, organic and totally make me lose my marbles.


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@277 ockoala

First - some people just need killing.

Second...well, how to say this in a spoiler-free fashion??...I can see no other solution than an EotS one.

Oh yes, and AGGGHHHH!!

@mookie - extra ends AGAIN, and he choked AGAIN! All the skip had to do was clear the one red from the house and what did he do? He pushed it closer to the button, causing Denmark to win. It's a darned good thing I'm a baesball fan and used to such pain because otherwise I'd be throwing things at the TV. I yelled NO so loudly that the dogs thought they'd done something wrong.


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I'm not used to this NEW posting format o_O


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I like it!


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Ottoke, what happened? I took a nap and I feel like Rip Van Winkle?


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Sorry for the sudden shift. Paged comments are something I've been meaning to do for a while, but was putting off because coding hurts my head. There's a whole technical discussion I can have about the blog theme/code/appearance!

Short story: apparently pages with super-duper numbers of comments (300+) are having difficulty loading, and implementing the paged comments allows them to load. Unfortunately, comments numbering is weirdly starting over with each page (so comment #280 reads as comment #80 on page 3), which is bothering me.


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Don't worry....this is a very minor change. We are ALWAYS grateful for ALL that you have done for us ;)


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O Awesom JB, ANYTHING you do is fine by me!


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JB, thanks for the new pages! Love it! No more the manic wrist flick of the iPhone finger.


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Oh my, this is new and pretty cool. I did wonder what on earth had happened... when I checked yesterday the comments were in the 200s or so, check today and there are only 85, I thought I'd gone to the wrong page.

But this is good. I often get lost scrolling down the long long lists (well, I just generally have scrolling down issues). THANKS!

@ celestialorigin:

"Sorry, I went off. it must be the size of Japanese hotel rooms, they are tiny in general"

I once stayed in a hotel room in Tokyo in which I could touch every single wall and surface from the bed. I always wanted to try one of those capsule rooms, but I'm afraid I would wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, forget where I am, and give myself a concussion on the ceiling.

Watching the mens' figure skating... there's a whole bunch of falling down going on. The Swedish guy skated clean and had interesting music--suited his pared back style. But he won't stay #1 for long. The overwrought emotional stuff doesn't really do it for me with the mens' (or the women's, or the pairs...). But the overly cutesy, whacked out concept stuff doesn't do it for me either (the Old McDonald Had a Farm thing, eg). I still miss Elvis Stojko.


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Well, y'all know where I stand on the Jang Hyuk / Dae Gil bandwagon (ON! ON!) The man has an animal attraction. As a tame lovelorn yangban he is unexceptional. As a feral swordsman he is magnetic. Magnetic!

I'm only up to episode 9 of Chuno, but it's no spoiling for me to see that DG is The Man, and if anyone is going to go out in a blaze of glory (or inglory), he is The Man for the job.

Actually, I think I would find it a bit lame if there were a "happy ending". What, TH rescues the Crown Prince and becomes a righteous prince regent, the land lies in peace and peach trees blossom? Seol Hwa is married off to some worthy (General Choi, mayhaps)? Wang Son checks into a sex addiction clinic and settles down with his therapist? DG rescues UN, marries her and settles down in obscurity to raise kids and grow vegetables, while his sword goes rusty and his fire is quenched having attained his Dream? I mean, how lame? Bring on the Tragedy, I say!!


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@86 reluctantbutaddicted

My room is just a tad above what you had... Well, not that bad... can walk around 2 sides of the bed. Not much more...

@75 Ana

The energy... it sure was. I was feeling my knees going soo weak and couldn't figure out why at first and then it hit me that I was feeling the heartbeats of nearly 10000 girls present over there. LOL. And, you are right, GD, He's so freaking hot, so charismatic.

@76 cingdoc

Thank you, you are always sooo sweet. Oh? no... I'm coming home on Tuesday. Rain? Yikes. my girlfriend just went back to Hong Kong. I wish I could have visited, could've been a nice change for me

today after the class, I did go power shopping in Ginza, after all it's Friday... I just didn't feel like get right back to my room here and start working on my notes for tomorrow's class. Off I went and bought 2 really nice lacquer bowls for miso soup. needed to do something different...

Anyway, last night after I was here, I couldn't stay up and had to take a nap, got up at 3am worked on my note for 2 hrs, went back to sleep and next thing I knew, it was 7am...

Jang Hyuk

Humm, I don't know... I must be a minority. He doesn't do a thing for me... Guess that's a good thing that we don't have to fight for same boys/guys. Yeah.

I'm waiting for yamatonadeshikoshichihenge... Gosh, haven't even started on my notes... and I'm feeling sleepy.... Good thing i haven't started Kim Bum's new series. Can't afford another addiction. Already having a withdrawal symptoms from no WUAS, Oouch!


I'm just so thankful for DB site, whatever you do is fantastic. This is place keeps me staying sane.


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@88/288 celestialorigin - Just as I thought.:-D*adds attending a BIGBANG concert to the "Things to do before I am a 100 " list *:-)

@JB- Thanks for the amount of effort you put in to make things easier for us readers.:-)Hope you sort out the numbering bug.The page split ups were much needed.Specially when the connection was real slow,I was never able to read the last bit of 300 plus comments.

And while you are at it,is there any possibility of doing something so that links in the comments can be opened as a new page without leaving dramabeans.(like the way soompi does).


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