Open Thread #122


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Happy Lunar New Year Everyone! May your lives be as sweet and tangy as the best pineapple tart!

@ K-drama world conquest

Last year I was in Myanmar (Burma), and I made a trip up-country to beautiful Inle Lake (paradise on earth, btw) where tribal people live on the lake on stilts and tend floating vegetable gardens. I caught a tribal floating market and there bought a couple of Shan shoulder bags, and what did the woman put my purchases into but a plastic bag with a big picture of Bae Yoon Joon on it!

Hey, this might be a good game. Where's the most unlikely place you have encountered K-drama world domination?

@ Pasta / Gong Hyo Jin

I love Gong Hyo Jin. I love her so much I may have to watch the weepie Thank You (which has the added attraction of my other newfound love, Jang Hyuk). Why do I love her so much?

There could be many reasons, but one is that she is that very rare creature in K-drama land -- the actress who does not overact. She tunes it just right. Just enough for us to know what she is thinking and feeling; and not one notch higher. She is so natural and unself-conscious, I can hardly believe she is aware that there is a camera in the vicinity. Like Jane Austen, her genius is in our perceiving that her art is effortless.


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@ serendipity

I loved Thank You! That was my first Jang Hyuk drama, which may have something to do with it. ;-)

I couldn't agree more about Gong Hyo-jin. My first GHJ drama was Sang-doo, Let's Go To School. I need to watch Snowman as well; I believe Belleza recommended that one to me but I haven't checked it out yet. Have you seen it?


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hi everyone it's my first time saying Happy friday (even though it's already saturday) and advance happy valentines day ...


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Hi everyone,


Here is some news from the korean entertainment programme.



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did I miss something? where did Samsooki go?
I see all the regular family posting here but no Samsooki


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@101 serendipity
Burma...you went to Burma and Inle Lake ??!! Everyone in my family(my parents are from there) have gone there numerous times except me. Hubby has absolutely no desires to go with me. I think the next time my Mom and sisters go, I will go with them ( without Hubby ). Do you like Burmese food, too? I can make some, but not as well as my Mom. You should see my Hubby ( then boyfriend)'s face the first time he saw us used our fingers to eat ...lol...btw, he uses them now to eat Burmese salad ( let dote).


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Just wanted to wish everyone a happy, healthy, prosperous Lunar Year!!!! And of course, a steady diet of interesting, entertaining, addicting K-dramas the whole year round :)

Advanced Happy Valentine's Day to all!!

Many thanks to JB also for everything in this site. Continued success, fun, celebrity news, and recaps galore for Dramabeans!!


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There's a TEAM PARK KYU alert...see "What's Up" in above dramabean's post


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@ cms lurver

samsooki is alive and well, I understand he's just slammed with work at the moment! He'll pop round as soon as he gets a chance, I'm sure! ;-)


Thanks!! Off to see!!


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I'm glad he's alive and well, I hadn't seen any posting from him for past couple of weeks and no one was mentioning him being missing so was wondering.


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I'm here, I'm here!


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@110, cms lurver -

Whaddya talking about, I posted plenty of comments last few days! lessee...

SBS’s OB-GYN features a parade of cameos - posted at 9:20am on Feb 11
Kim Jae-wook joins cast of Bad Guy - posted 4:49pm on Feb 10
Woman Who Still Wants To Marry: Episode 5 - posted at 4:40pm on Feb 10
Kim Ji-suk added to Personal Taste - posted at 6:41pm on Feb 9
Pasta: Episode 5 - posted at 11:24am on Feb 9
Chuno: Episode 7 - posted at 8:15am on Feb 9
Jung Il-woo’s theatrical debut - posted at 5:35pm on Feb 8
Han Hye-jin skates in Jejoongwon - posted at 9:40am on Feb 8
Hyun-woo’s pasta-themed photo shoot - posted at 7:57pm on Feb 7
Chuno: Episode 7 - posted at 10:17am on Feb 7

hehe, that's so odd.... i post like 10 comments in 2-3 days, and ppl STILL think I'm missing...lolz

... I do have a life outside of dramabeans! :D


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hehehe, Samsooki surfaces! Slammed with work but not so slammed that he's got an eye on open thread and dramabeans!


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@113 -

I read just about every comment that comes through on open thread, although i tend to stay away from recaps of dramas that i haven't seen yet. But when a new recapper showcases his or her stuff, I always read that as well.

remember though, I got a baby at home i gotta take care of, along with my wife, so there's always stuff to do around the house along with chatting with you all on dramabeans.



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@ langdon 813

Strangely, I haven't watched any of Gong Hyo Jin's work before Pasta. I started on Thank You and I get on with it surprisingly well, since I know now that with Lee Kyung Hee the point is not so much the plot (or logic) as the melancholy; a melancholy which is strangely heart-warming. Belleza Sensai has taught me well!

@ cingdoc

You have Burmese connections! Was your family part of the Chinese community in Burma? The Peranakans or Straits Chinese (my own heritage) were also in Burma. Not too surprisingly, I suppose, since Burma is not that far from Malaysia.

Yes, a friend of mine is posted there, so I took the opportunity to visit. I don't particularly remember the food, but that's probably because I hung out with my friend who lives in expat ghetto and we ate restaurant and hotel food. I probably didn't get enough of the real good home-cooked stuff.

Inle Lake is breathtakingly beautiful, I kid you not. I'm pretty well-travelled, but Inle Lake completely captured my heart -- the sun rises over one range of mountains and setting over another, reflected in the still water (Inle Lake is not deep), picturesque fisherman row their nets and baskets one-footedly, the floating vegetable patches, the gentle people, the interesting crafts, the evocative ancient stupas, the charmingly bizarre touristy spots (e.g., jumping cat monastery - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE2mcAtRolE - but when I was there, only sleeping cat, no jumping)

The rest of Myanmar is quite interesting too. But horribly under-developed (e.g., no credit cards, no non-Burmese mobile phones work, absolutely not) and pitiful for most people. I always felt aware that the charming and friendly people suffer under the Evil Overlords. I personally cope with this by avoiding state-owned hotels and restaurants as far as possible, tipping individuals generously, and giving to Typhoon Nargis and other relief funds. Nonetheless, there's an underlying sense of discomfort I think any visitor needs to be prepared for.

I have some gorgeous piccies. I don't want to post the link to my Picasa account here because I my Picasa account is in my real name. But if you e-mail me at [email protected] I'll send you the link - if you are interested! Though, your family has probably already plied you with tons of pretty pics...

Upshot -- Worth a visit! If you have family ties, definitely go!


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ALL of you who are iffy aout down with love , don't be JUST WATCH IT!!! It's good and I LOVE Jerry yan. By the way, anyone see that tik tok yoon eun hye commercial 2pm cass beer commercial? Woah, that was good


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Hee, I have a feeling @ samsooki has never seen an episode of Avatar The Last Airbender (AtLAB), hence his ability to remain quiet on a subject that has me spitting fire, and I equate to the disaster that would have been had Rick ended up picking Minmei in Robotech over Lisa. samsooki and I may take opposing positions in the Robotech OTP, but we're always ready to defend our position.

I watched Avater purely by kismet, see little Jihoonie is just a wee bairn right now, but my eldest is almost 5 years old, and Avatar aired 4 years ago, so like 3 years ago, I was forced to watched the Nickelodeon canon of shows (Dora, Diego, Backyardigans, and the worst offender, The Wonder Pets!), and voila, one time I turned it on for my 2 yr old and Avatar was on and I was saved! So intelligent, so thoughtfully produced. A rare treat of a show for any age. Just stop watching it after Season 2 and you'll be set for life, like @ Kender, the end is for you to decide. :-P

@ A.

O. M. G. I am totally impressed! You even thinking about writing a wuxia novel is really cool! I will be more than happy to read rough drafts if you like some feedback. Mookie and I have read too many wuxia novels between the two of us. Wuxia is an incredible genre, but only Jing Yong/Louis Cha is seminal, and even he sometimes has weak novels, weak plots in strong novels, and weak or inconsistent characters. Best of luck! I suggest a very strong outline to start, forget plot, sometimes LC fills in his plot as he goes, as long as it remains consistently true to a character's motivations, it will work. Do the character diagrams first and the plot usually flows from that.

As for ZJZ's Wanderer that you powered through in 3 days, hee, I'm still on episode 5, I really need to watch it on big screen, it's driving me insane so that I'm going to wait until I can run off to buy it, maybe this weekend.

@ twin

You tweeted about HXM's naked butt and S&M, you naughty girl! You're not dangling a carrot, you're dangling nekkid HXM! Bad twin, I'm already gonna watch, no need to start the fantasizing now.

And lest folks think we're crazy that we're fangirling a bed scene involving one guy and 7 ladies, seriously, it works in the context of the drama and the characters and the sheer LOL value of how everyone got on that bed, and then the day after....."just carry the bed out of here" "but....how?" "are you dumb? just tear the walls off, man!" Hahahaha. And since the lead is a 100% anti-hero, monogomy is not a personality trait we care much about. Btw, @ twin, did the ZJZ version cut out the WXB goes to Russia trips and his hookup with the Princess Sofia?

Btw, there is the 90s YPP production that starred so many HK TVB and ATV stars it must have been a group vacay in Taiwan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2bdLEPhPkk

Funny, huh? It was not bad a drama, actually.


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@116 replipstick
yes saw the commercial. Semi-no longer worried about taecyeon screwing up a wonderful cast in Cinderella's sister. It was a wonderful cast and then he got added and I was like *wait what*. But he has some chops and in the minimum role that he will be in, he might just pull it off. case in point...
ALEX IN PASTA! (so cute)

but going back to the CF, mild spoiler -

Creeper YEH! loved it :)
i want her to now play a scary, psychotic stalker again. she was awesome
YEH in CF >>>>>> YEH in my fair lady
yes the 10 minute commercial over the entire drama


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@110 cms lurver
"I’m glad he’s alive and well, I hadn’t seen any posting from him for past couple of weeks and no one was mentioning him being missing so was wondering."...

lol ..it's not that We don't care about @The Samsooki ( he knows that we all love/worship him)...( I think someone's ego is inflating, he he ), but the fact that I see his Chuno recaps, so I know he's around. Besides, seriously, the dude is barely sleeping with a young babe, recapping and yeah, the day job , he he :) We "take roll" once a while( for example, @hjkomo and I will answer whenever Cal is mentioned; it's either TEAM PARK KYU or LMK for @langdon, and it's LoCH for @ockoala and @mookie ;)

As I mentioned, I would loooove to go to Burma, but every time that my family had gone, I was busy with something ( college, post grad, kids, etc). I still have quite a bit of family in Burma ( Rangoon and Mandalay), but my family usually stayed at Inle Lake Hotel ( for comfort ...besides, the hotel rate is dirt cheap ). Thanks for the e mai address. I will keep/treasure it for other stuff ( like when we do have a mini OT reunion ;) See, another OT connection.


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Ooh, did someone mention LMK??



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See...it works like a charm, lol ;) You're cracking me up @langdon. Btw, I'm FINALLY watching my kdrama since my loyal laptop is back...so if you guys are worried ( he he ), I'm with Hyun Soo and Jung In.


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@117 ockoala

"I equate to the disaster that would have been had Rick ended up picking Minmei in Robotech over Lisa."

EXCELLENT analogy! The entire Robotech series would have been ruined for me if Rick/Minmei was the endgame ship. It's not quite as bad with Avatar since I realized fairly early that Aang/Katara was going to be the endgame, for reasons that continue to elude me. And because the show ends when they are all still under 17 years old and so have plenty of time to fall in and out of love before they settle down.

I wouldn't dismiss all of Season 3. There were some excellent episodes that season. (And some really horrific ones too, but we'll leave that be.) Plus, if you end in Season 2, then you don't get to see Zuko's full storyline or MAJOR SPOILER!!! how Zuko jumps in front of lighting to save Katara.

Truthfully, I loved the fact that in the end Zuko and Katara were true partners. They fought along side each other and had each other's back. The writers may have given them other people to kiss at the end, but Zuko/Katara had the real relationship at the end.

Okay, I got to stop talking about Avatar in a K-drama blog, open thread or no open thread!


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@117 ockoala -

Hee, I have a feeling @ samsooki has never seen an episode of Avatar The Last Airbender (AtLAB), hence his ability to remain quiet on a subject that has me spitting fire, and I equate to the disaster that would have been had Rick ended up picking Minmei in Robotech over Lisa. samsooki and I may take opposing positions in the Robotech OTP, but we’re always ready to defend our position.

You are correct! I've never seen AtLAB, but I certainly get the reference. Still, discretion is the better part of valor, and so I shall skirt the issue of robotech OTP. For now.



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o_O what....you haven't seen The Avatar series ( ok, Avatar, the Last Air Bender). WHEN you have the time, you should watch it. Like @ockoala, it was the kids who got me hooked to it.( we have the Scholastics book series and the DVD's) It's the only decent thing that I watched on Nick ( you will learn to either 1) watch Dora the Explorer or Wiggles with your child and /or 2) go and get ANOTHER tv and watch YOUR shows). From what I have read, you will probably like AtLAB, too...give it a try ;)


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@ Quaggy

No worries, I've not been in OT that long, but the kindred spirits here allow conversation on any topic to flow as long as the participants wish. And with the amount of folks chiming in on AtLAB, trust me, k-drama lovers appear to love it (for those of us who have seen it, for those who haven't, it's really the best cartoon series in the last 20 years, IMHO).

I never felt KatAang was even possible, let alone probable. You mentioned in your post that most of us are Zutarians, I think its 100% here (discounting @ asianromance's KatAang-er friend, since said friend hasn't popped up here to cast a vote).

If I can have a single KatAang-er provide a reasonable and well-thoughtout argument why their ship makes sense, much less reasons why I should squee about it (as oppose to barf in my mouth a little each time I think about it), I am more than happy to listen. @ samsooki's defense of Rick-Minmei was very stirring and quite well-argued, I didn't buy it at the end, but still, very persuasive nonetheless. At least after I heard it, I didn't haterade on Minmei as much anymore, felt sorry for her a bit perhaps.

The reason for Zutara has been enumerated ad nauseum already, but I haven't even heard a single KatAang rationale other than, well, he's the main character. Sigh, even JK Rowling knew that Harry-Hermoine was NOT A GOOD IDEA and steered clear of those disaster. Main character does not equate getting the main female lead, its all about following the natural trajectory of the story.

I contend that Aang and Katara broke up after 2 years of dating bc all Aang wanted to do was go gallivanting around the world with Sokka on Appa's back, and Katara ended up helping Zuko quell rebellions in the Fire Nation, and Mai was a total beyotch so Zuko dumped her and Zurata happened in the very end. The end.


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The 16 yo and I like YOUR ending for AtLAB better ;)


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@101 serendipity

Watch Thank You! It's good. Really. And not such a weeper as you'd think.

@samsooki.....plots way to get Avatar dvds to the samsookis - because lord knows I've given away enough sets to all my nieces and nephews - I'm an AtLAB pusher. Almost as bad as I am at pushing Led Zep and the Who.....

OTOH, I may have hooked a fish for Chuno. Tried for another one by sending him to jb's recap of episode one and got only the slightest nibble.


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Ooooh, I'm back watching Smile you( just finished epi 30)...it's sooo good. Hyun Soo and Jung In are so cute. ( I love Jung In's clueless bro, too...he's so different from CiTC)


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@momosan, @cingdoc -

I'll give it a try... right after I finish my k-dramas.... hehe. :D


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@129 Samsooki
I will take that as a legal binding verbal agreement...although, with all that's on your plate, will you be watching with a teenage Ji Hoonie o_O


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@ cingdoc

If you're thinking of a popular hotel in Yangon, I think you might mean Inya Lake Hotel? My mother stayed there once - seems to be *the* value hotel in Yangon.

Inle Lake is actually a short plane ride or a day's driving out of Yangon. But, as I raved, totally worth the trip out. Your relatives would know it and be able to bring you there, I'm sure. So beautiful! So peaceful! I recommend the flight - Burmese rural roads are the worst I've encountered in any developing country. I hope you make it one day. Such a charming country full of charming people -- just think how lovely the whole country could be if they weren't ruinously governed.

By the way, I'm told that the people of Myanmar love their K-drama. When electricity fails in Yangon (as it frequently does), people are most upset about missing their favourite K-drama episode.


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With all of the AtLAB talk I decided to Netflix it so I can see what all the fuss is about (I definitely want to see the movie, I fell in love with Dev Patel in Skins). Not only do they have it, but you can watch it there online, which is convenient. Plus, each ep is a very manageable 23 minutes or so. I've seen the first 15 minutes of the first episode and am definitely intrigued enough to continue. I may only be able to manage one a day though; my drama plate is also full, full, full!


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Omo! I'm pretty surprised I'm not the only one to have noticed the likeness between Shinee's Onew and Song Joong-ki!

How can this video NOT put a giant smile on your face??
Love em' both!

I just wish Onew (and Jonghyun) goes back to his natural hair colour, he suits his natural raven shade locks!
Here's Replay for old time's sake: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1HAazRvDP4

Happy weekend, have a love-filled valentines (bleh!) and:


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@ cingdoc

my e-maili - Aw! You're so sweet!

If you're thinking of a popular hotel in Yangon, I think you might be thinking of Inya Lake Hotel. :-) My mum stayed there too, years ago when she visited Yangon. Does seems to be the decent hotel of choice.

I really hope you make it to Myanmar one day! Ask your relatives to take you to Inle Lake - a plane flight or day's drive from Yangon, worth the trip! One of my all-time favourite places in the world.


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there's saying that rain on CNY's night brings luck.....how about, flood?
it's raining nonstop since last night here in Jakarta, and some areas have already flooded.

I'm at the office, supervise some cleaning work of my big boss' office. I got cold and slight fever since last night, and haven't clean my own apartment.

but, anyway! Happy Chinese, or Lunar New Year and Happy Valentine's day tomorrow!! *send virtual hugs to Dramabeaners! "


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@134 djes
I'm sorry that you are not feeling well. I think the old superstitious way ( rain brings good luck) was meant to signify the "clean start" of the New Year. But, who can control Mother Nature...people "wanted" rain, but never specify how much, when or where...( said by someone who lives in a ( usually )draught So. Cal( although we might escape this predicament this year...what do you think @ockoala??). Hopefully, by the time you read this, you are ( or soon ) on your way home, with a nice (warm?? for Indonesia, cool?? ) bath, and have a good night sleep. Have a great weekend, whether you are celebrating Lunar New Year or Valentine Day...


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I have a question that I hope somebody will be able to answer. What defines a fusion sageuk? What are the characteristics of a period piece that will make one say "Ah, this is a fusion sageuk."

I'm new to Kdramas and I have yet to find a proper definition for this term. Thanks in advance for any help.


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Since @Samsooki is our HGD's expert, you might want to wait for his answer ( I believe he's in ZZZZZZland since it's like 330 am for him right now , he he). If you ask him nicely, he might define the term for you ;)


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Silly me... I should go to zzzz land myself, too ( esp if I don't want panda eyes for work tomorrow :(


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FEBRUARY 14, 2010




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Get well soon, djes!

at grandma's place, we've already devoured 2 whole daikon cakes. all the aunts r cooking up storms, I'm banished like I'm a kid. I havent had homemade dried oyster and 'hair' fungus stewed in oyster sauce for a long time. The name of the dish sounded like 'earn more, good fortune'...actually the name of every dish signifies good luck. Steamed fish = abundance... I think I've seen bits of 12 dishes now and still counting.... New Year's day tmr we'll have a stir fried style vegetarian dish seasoned w/ red fermented tofu (like miso)...which I really like, just dont know how to make it... will take vid and dotingly taking notes). We have to be vegetarian for the day, paying respects to ancestors.

I saw the opening ceremony and my heart aches seeing the video documenting the tragic accident of the Georgian luge olympian. RIP. ( a bit annoyed with the disrespect that the cable channel here is replaying the impact every single time)

Tonite it'll be majong and cards for us 'kids' and food galore and watching the CCTV year end show .. FAYE WONG!!

Also I'm hearing a lot of rumors about Ziyi Zhang.. I'm so past the pt of care, just didnt know she's worth gossip rounds with the aunties... involved with some married rich dude, his wife 'was' her gf...and she's trying to woo into finance the movie snow flower and secret fan with their connections.. now things fell thro, that's y she's dropped fr the production and targeted by some shady figures, her billboards sprayed with ink...and she also pulled her strings into getting Tang Wei banned fr work behind the scene fearing Tang will threaten her 'international' status. Now it's rumored she will be banned fr any work for 3 years...grains of salt, grains of salt.


MUAHAHAHHA, me bad twin?!?! I'm the innocent one here! (Yes there's some HXM pink scene with a golden hair Russian girl...I swear our fellow DBers r thinking we're some super pervies into some porno....) who is the lost cause wanting to check out this drama BECAUSE of 7 hot pretty wives!? and interest in the logistics of 'how to move a bed with a guy and his 7 wives out a room' (yeah, right, logistics...lol) There r really tonnes of not safe for work/baby cousin's laptop pics of HXM in Royal Tramp.


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Lost in Translation? One of the problems about remaking something that has work quite well in one genre does not necessarily means that it will work when is redone on another format, even when you used the same medium something gets "Lost in Translation", I believe that most movies , dramas, music etc, tend to be best when one see's, reads or listen to the original. Lets take for instance all the super heroes that have been redone for the big screen, Batman, Superman, etc,etc. I doubt whether 90% of the people that saw those movies have ever really read a single printed comic of those super heroes, Boys Over Flowers, was a sort of one hit wonder, but it not resemble nothing at all to the original and it really sucked, the American version of " My Sassy Girl" was so bad that it should be illegal to allowed such crimes to take place, seems like the older I get my taste in art has become more focus, not everything that shines is gold, some of the movies, and dramas, music in general is quite bad, 300 hundred years from now people will still listen to Bach, Vivaldi, The Beatles, The Who, or watching Chaplin, Marylin Monroe, Alfred Hitchcock, the paintings of Salvador Dali, Brunelleschi, Michel Angelo, most of this
" Commercial art will be left to Oblivion" where it really belongs, average people truly have really Bad Taste,
Britney Spears is a true testament of that....


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aww thank you cingdoc and mookie.
I'm at home, finally! my taxi back home was so dirty!! I almost got bitten by red ant! yaiks!

just read on local news site,
a C-lister celebrity is in prison because of drug use, still teenager, admits that she is in relationship with her lawyer..even make it 'official' on her FB profile ( people commenting about how can she update her FB when she's in the prison. but then it's not a secret that the prisoner can hide their handphone inside ).
The problem is, the lawyer is married man. And the lawyer also admits he 'has good relationship and cares' for her.
When the reporters asked him, his wife already made statement via entertainment news that her husband had an affair, he just commented "ah, that's very common for woman to feel jealous"
I feel like to punch the lawyer... and the teenage celeb. She doesn't seem regret for what she had done - using drugs and steal someone's husband.

what the world would become, huh?!


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Hi, from Japan again.

I'm so looking forward to watch WUAS ep11 and 12. tonight. I still have some work to do but I'd better treat myself first and then work more later... But, first Bloody Monday 2 on TV!

And I'm sure everybody has read about Daesung's drama coming up on JB's other thread!!!!!!! OMG, I'm so excited to see him acting. I mean, he's so sweet and funny.

And Thank you cingdoc. yes! I'll be off to see Bing bang on Tuesday here!!!!!! It's definetly not a coincidence that they are having a concert my only day off here in Japan. I was meant to go there. And since I have no time to go shopping or anything, it's perfectly OK for me to pay $$ for the ticket.

I'm finding some of my students are little annoying right now. Like they show up for 930am class at 9am. I mean, I need a bit of prep. time alone before the class... Why do they have to be so punctual? and other things.... Sorry, I just had to bent a little.

Even all the way over here, the bad weather conditions of the East coast is being reported. Momosan, I hope you are doing OK.

Happy Chinese New Year!

My girlfriend from Hong Kong gave me the thingy you hang above your door ways for good luck with Doraemon on them(2 of them). Come to think of it, it's the first Chinese new year I'm not spending in Sydney's Chinatown in many years. Oh well, Japan's OK


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btw, thanks to ockoala ( i think? :P ) I tried to find HK drama "Born Rich", and I succeeded. Going to watch it, soon!
( I love Ray Lui and Jaimie Chik too! )


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happy chinese new year..
@143celestiaolrigin = where do you watch WUAS?
i really dont know where to watch i've tried many sites but theres no eng subs..


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Hummm, Where are you? I know in certain countries, it's harder to watch on certain site. For my quick fix with quick subs, this is the one. Right now, I'm in Japan and it seems like it takes forever to load pages even though their internet is so much faster. I'm just so thankful for I can watch it here without waiting to go home to the States.



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@116 redlipstick and 118 hpn88

that Cass Beer CF was awesome w/ 2PM and YEH. i just wish that club fight scene would been like a throw down-take shirts off-fist in the face kinda fight. that would been ultimate awesome. imagine Junsu w/ his bare broad shoulders and arms, Taec and khun w/ their abs, just punching those other guys.. WIN WIN WIN!!!

YEH was a creeper.. but T-ara's Boram WON super creepy stalker fan. she was SOO SCARY looking!!! the way she smacked that other girl around. DANG!

i'm SUPER excited for Taec in Cinderella's sister now.. cuz HE CAN ACT. i know, it was only 12 mins.. but he is able to emote.. frustration, interest in the girl, surprise, and of course, badass. khun on the other hand.. i will prolly peek at his drama, but not expecting anything good from his acting. i don't think he'll be able to hold the drama even if he winks in every scene!! (and i'm not even a khun hater! i adore the boy!)


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Happy Lunar Year, everyone!

I've been thinking if I'm the only one watching Down with Love. It's therefore great to see quite a lot of DWL talk here. The chemistry between Jerry Yan and Ella is surprisingly pretty good (at least way better than Ella with Wu Jun)! I like the storyline which is kind of opposite to the upcoming SYJ and LMH drama, Personal Taste. Jerry is definitely improving and quite charming here. Like everyone one said, the girl playing Ella's elder sister is really eyecatching.

Also, so much Gong Hyo Jin love here. I always like her unique way of acting. It is understated yet simmering shining. Pasta doesn't have much a strong story but it is so very watchable that I grin from ear to ear most of the time. The last few episodes are simply devine watching if you are a romantic. Let's hope the 4- episode extension would not ruin it.

@ mookie - All my saliva comes up with all your CNY foodie talk. I missed the red-miso like vegetarian dish so much, or to be more precise, I missed the one cooked by mom. The dish never tasted the same since she passed away.... Funny you mentioned the dried oyster and hairy fungus dish. Last night, we organised a CNY dinner with our qweilo friends and specifically asked the restaurant staff to replace it with something else, thinking our friends won't be able to appreciate it. In the end, I sort of regretted the decision because it is not something you can order and eat it any day!

Let's hope the Year of Tiger will bring good fortune to all of us!


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@1critic -

I have a question that I hope somebody will be able to answer. What defines a fusion sageuk? What are the characteristics of a period piece that will make one say “Ah, this is a fusion sageuk.”

Honestly, despite the props from cingdoc, I'm not an expert in very much at all.

Still, the answer your question, a "fusion" sageuk is a drama that mixes both period elements and modern elements together. That's it. Sometimes, like in Hong Gil Dong, you can see it in the interaction between the main characters and how they think (along with obvious anachronisms like the techno / trance club dancing that you see in some of the episodes, hehe!), and sometimes, like in Hyang Dan, you can see it in dialogue itself where you have obvious lines that are funny when paired with period speech.

Sometimes, like in Conspiracy of the Court, the modern elements really come from directorial choices that give a much slicker feel, with time skips and non-linear progression, along with a post-modern infection (yeah, like a virus) of ideas that would never go in a true period piece.

And finally, in a drama like the currently airing Chuno, you really have a new-ish kind of fusion, this time with extremely fast paced Matrix style / wuxia HK kung fu films kind of action that connects with a much younger audience than traditionally or normally would be attracted to period pieces.


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