Jang Hyuk: “My family is my strength”

I feel like I’m just repeating myself with Chuno — it’s popular, the men are looking mighty fine — so no need to labor over the intro. Here’s an interview with lead actor Jang Hyuk:

The reaction is intense. Do you feel it firsthand?

“I began filming in August of last year. Since a fairly long time has passed, it has felt calm. I watched the first episode at home, and afterward I started getting calls from my friends, which made me feel that the reaction was good.”

It’s a unique sageuk. As an actor, what drew you to it the most?

“Slave hunter Lee Dae-gil is a three-dimensional character. He doesn’t have that boundary between good and evil, and he covers a wide domain. As a slave hunter he is rugged and free, but his past is mysterious since he came from an aristocratic family of high status. I also found him appealing as someone who focuses everthing to find one woman.”

It’s also said that Chuno‘s popularity has contributed to the popularity of six-pack abs.

“Lee Dae-gil catches slaves. I think he’s got to give off the feel of the streets. I pay attention to my body and on the set, I carry around dumbbells everywhere. I train at least two times a week, and the scar on my left eye is something I suggested to the director.”

It seems like costumes are hardly needed. How is it these days?

“Around Episode 8, we’ll change to autumn clothing. These days we’re shooting Episode 13, and we’re battling the intense cold. However, since I’ve been training myself with Julkwondo and the like, I haven’t caught a cold once.”

Is it because of Julkwondo that the action scenes are unique?

“You can say that the action is like massaging your opponent. It’s not punching and dodging, but more like slowly dominating your opponent one beat at a time. Rhythm and tempo are important. It’s similar to the rhythm of koong-jak-jak, koong-jak-jak.”

Do you choreograph the action yourself?

“The martial arts director choreographs the action scenes, but I assert my opinions for my parts. The director is pretty accepting of that.”

The dialogue is also interesting. But isn’t the word ‘unni’ a bit strange? [Unni is what the junior slave hunters call the elders.]

“I knew the general meaning. Of course, at first it didn’t roll off the tongue but as I continued, it became fun. I’ve rarely made NGs from the dialogue.”

What’s a memorable line?

“There’s a line from when the young aristocratic Dae-gil puts shoes on Un-nyun’s feet. ‘I’m going to live the rest of my life with you.’ Another one hasn’t aired yet, but I say, ‘Living is insane.’ It’s a line that seems to sum up Dae-gil, which I like.”

Do you have dangerous shoots?

“There was one time that I fell in the marsh while riding a horse at a full run. Another time, my back got stepped on with a horseshoe. Fortunately the marsh absorbed the shock so all I got was bruises. I was really lucky.”

Your second son, born at the end of last year, must be a real blessing.

“My eldest son Jae-heon is also my best blessing. When he was born, I even won several awards. I think the second, Seung-heon, will bring the same luck. My family is my strength.”

I heard that you gave up plans to enter the Chinese market because of Chuno.

“That’s right. There was a 20-episode fantasy drama I was looking at. It was planned to broadcast over CCTV, and the conditions were good, too. But I read the synopsis for Chuno and fell for it completely.”

It looks like Chuno will be the source of rediscovery for Jang Hyuk.

“That’s too much praise. Bur rather than going for a completely new image, I think it’s important to keep looking like myself with every project.”

Via IS Plus


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Jang Hyuk...What a fine specimen of the male specie!!!


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He also acted very well in Chuno. I think the role of Dagil is tailor-made for him.


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O M G... nycgrl & Alert... geezzzz...those specimens....O M G *fan self*

and that pic of JH with JNR... maybe I'm missing binnieboy too much, but the NNS4/Ireland period binnieboy looked so much like JH!

@32 Serendipity: lol WORD
'What woman in her right mind can resist the dangerous man with a heart of gold? A heart of gold which, furthermore, bleeds?'
and looking remotely the lvl of JH's hotness?!
and if he's straight, that made being a woman in every sense worth it and much more... ToM and all!


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I was never a fan of Jang Hyuk before, but this Daegil character is so appealing to me and makes me also fall in love with the actor himself, Jang Hyuk. I wasn't realized it before but now I have to admit that he is such a great actor. I'm so glad that he choose Chuno instead that Chinese drama. I think that he really picks the best project between those two options.
I saw him a couple times as a guest in FO. And he's such a serious and hard working man IRL. And a little bit timid sometime. ;)
And after I watched him acting in Chuno, I began to re-watch FO again, just for the sake seeing him as a man not an actor. And I'm now proud to say that I've become officially one of Jang Hyuk's fan.
Seriously I don't really care whether HW is not gonna end up with DG, that just gonna make me rejoice more, because I can keep Daegil for myself :P
Can't wait for the next Wed-Thu. I wanna see my Daegil more! <3


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thanks for translating this article! I'm not watching Chuno right now but I'm really excited for him. I've only watched him in the To My Mother mv, Successful Story of a Bright Girl, and Windstruck and I loved him in all three. I don't think he's as conventionally handsome as a lot of korean actors, but he's got this sort of charisma that makes me want to look at him!


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@ mookie
" maybe I’m missing binnieboy too much, but the NNS4/Ireland period binnieboy looked so much like JH!"

HyunBin looked the best in his NS4/Ireland days 2004. He had this freshness/innocence/shyness/boyishness that was very appealing.


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I was first interested in Chuno because there is Oh ji Ho in there, but when I saw yang huyk's face I was pretty sure this gotta be a good drama. Indeed, He is a good actor. I liked him in "Thank you" and I like him as an actor. But with Oh ji Ho, I dun might if the movie is good or not. Just have him in there...haha.....


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Love JH. 'Thank you' is my favourite.


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I'm in the process of watching slave hunter and for the reason with the good bodies of the main characters, I'm a slave to the show. One thing, I love general choi's body and height....va...va...va..voooooom!!!wow....dae gili is also good looking with great bodies but, he's just too thin..i wish he would put on may be 10 more pounds then, he's goona bring down lee beyoeon hun of iris....wow...hey, do that and you will be forever the utmost good looking man with the greatest six packl....oh by the way,,,,,what;'s wrong with the y ounger guy's slave i don't have his name now but, would it be so nice for him to develop a six pack too then, they will all be evenly gorgeous the three of them...with his womanizing ways in the show, he should have some muscles on instead of letting all those women he sleeps with eat up all his flesh...so, make that boy exeercise...give him barbells and exercise something becos you look so out of place between dae gili and general choi...wow...general choi is such a character to watch with his arrogant pose w henever this lovely lady comes around for his attention and he acts like she doesn't even exist and that really makes me roar with laughter everytime...she's such a good character to watch....keep up the good work I'm watching you guys all the way to the end......love you after iris.....faye


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Great actor... I can totally see the love... the pain... the hatred on his face... and when he cried for UN, wow... blew me away... Fighting scenes are great, cause his body is use to it... awesome!

<3 JH


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Love Him.
He is the BEST.
He is a real MAN.

I love you Jang Hyuk from ksa


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Jang Hyuk is one of the sexiest actors alive~! Anyway, he was so awesome in Chuno. His acting never fails to deliver. "Slave hunter Lee Dae-gil is a three-dimensional character. He doesn’t have that boundary between good and evil, and he covers a wide domain" Wow, couldn't agree more. Although I respect a loyal and faithful man, I was hoping he would move on in life and get together with Sul Hwa instead, because she was way better than what's her face (forgot her name). Nonetheless, I'm glad he chooses his characters wisely, sadly that's not the case for ALL Korean actors and actresses who usually play it safe by repeatedly playing the same roles or like those who take one ginormous leap and you're like 'WTF?'.

@Serendipity: Lawls. Even with all his broodiness, alcoholism, loud laughter and unpredictability, I'd still pick DG because with his imperfections also comes his perfections.

@nycgrl: The exhibits will never halt.

Exhibit D: http://i49.tinypic.com/2nscai8.jpg


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i love JH when i saw Thank You korean drama, its so touched my heart
and till now i allways proud of him
he has a great charisma, and have a cool face
i just wathcing FO epsd 26.27.29,66 and 67
and i really2 love him in FO
he very funny and cool guy,
he can be funny and cool sometimes
love u JH


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I love jang hyuk ....


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My favorite actor!!!


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