Will It Snow For Christmas: Episodes 1-2

I have said many a time that I dislike melodrama — as a genre, as a plot device, as a storytelling crutch. Excessive melodrama is what makes makjang dramas popular, but it drives me batty because I hate when stories are emotionally manipulative just for the sake of being emotionally manipulative.

This, of course, excludes quality melodramas. And Will It Snow for Christmas? has all the makings of a true quality melodrama. It displays the hallmarks of the genre, but rather than throwing a barrage of horrible circumstances at its characters in a mess of tragedy porn, the story is rooted in well-crafted and well-thought-out characters.

I reserve the right to change my mind once the adult storylines get going in earnest, because I have often been enthralled with childhood flashbacks and then lose interest when the adults take over. So this drama isn’t yet a home run. But if the rest of the drama shows these characters in as strongly developed a light as in first two episodes, we’re in for a great ride. What a great return project for Go Soo.


Kim Sarang – “비 오는 날” (Rainy Day). I LOVE THIS SONG. [ Download ]

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CHA KANG-JIN (Go Soo, whose teenage role is played by a fabulously smoldering Kim Soo-hyun) is a new face in town. He arrives with his irresponsible mother and his dullard younger brother, having been forced to drop out of his last school for hitting someone. Kang-jin is a smart kid with a good heart, but his main vice is his temper — he restrains himself admirably, but when he’s pushed beyond his patience, his temper flares frighteningly. His normally stoic nature covers up a lot of pain, which has a few sources. For one, he feels the absence of a father keenly, and even though he’s never met the man, he’s an important person to Kang-jin. His father’s pendant is all that remains, and it’s a keepsake that Kang-jin puts a lot — perhaps too much — store in.

Furthermore, Kang-jin’s mother is an embarrassing flirt, who chose to return to her hometown where it’s clear she has some messy history. Setting up shop as a tea madam, she herself was the daughter of a bar madam, and had a romantic relationship in her youth with HAN JUN-SU, the father to HAN JI-WAN (Han Ye-seul, who is played as a teenager by charmingly plucky Nam Ji-hyun). The man is a doctor of Oriental medicine and is a respected family man.

Ji-wan is in her first year of high school and has a gift for embarrassing herself. She has recently been dumped by a fellow first-year boy and traded for a pretty second-year sunbae, YOON-JU; her ex tells her cruelly that he was only using her to get close to Yoon-ju. Kang-jin is a second-year student who attended four different schools in the past year and a half — but was the #1 student in all of them.


When Cha Kang-jin’s family arrives at the outskirts of town, his mother grimaces at a banner congratulating a local boy for winning a scholarship to Seoul National University. Mama Cha recognizes the name of the parents, hoists herself on her younger son’s shoulders, and cuts the banner in half.

Spotting this desecration is an outraged Ji-wan, who bicycles furiously toward them, only to wind up swerving into the ditch instead. She calls them “robbers” (a lack of imagination can’t produce a more accurate epithet) and threatens to report the vandalism. That’s her brother’s banner they’ve ruined! What have they got against him?

Kang-jin is a stony, silent type who shows no outward emotion, but we sense that he agrees with Ji-wan. He declines to join his family into town (so they head off without him) and offers to fix the banner. Her temper is still flaring, so she rejects his help and rashly shoves him into the ditch, although she regrets it immediately. However, the next time she comes by, she sees with happy surprise that the banner has been mended and rehung.

Being a tearoom madam isn’t quite taboo, but it’s lower-class and embarrassing, especially because of the sickeningly obsequious way Mama Cha acts toward her boss and customers. She flatters the men and accepts their backhanded comments with a tense smile. Kang-jin can’t stand to see her debase herself and hates that she broke her promise to set up a restaurant. But Mom contends that running a tearoom is already a concession — Kang-jin absolutely refused to let her run a bar even though it would bring in more money.

Her boss-landlord is, to put it simply, an asshole. To keep him placated, Madam Cha sweet-talks him, while Kang-jin keeps his temper in check for her sake.

Kang-jin reports to the main office at school, where the teacher sees his numerous transfers and assumes he’s a troublemaker with horrible grades. The teacher is astonished to discover that Kang-jin was at the top of his class, and is whip-smart. This earns him the admiration of Yoon-ju, the boyfriend-stealer.

Ji-wan’s also in the office for punishment; she threw a baseball at her ex’s head and missed, hitting a window instead. After struggling to hold her bladder, she dashes off to the bathroom — but she runs into a student and accidentally pees herself. In front of Kang-jin.

Kang-jin instantly becomes prime crush material at school — he’s new, he’s broody, he’s smart — and Yoon-ju stakes her claim. Even though she just started dating her boyfriend, next to the newcomer he’s no longer interesting. She’s very forward in admitting that she’s interested in Kang-jin, but he’s unimpressed and turns her down.

However, over the following days, he finds himself drawn to Yoon-ju. (As suggested in the comments, it’s possible that he’s purposely stealing her away just to stick it to her boyfriend, whose brother mistreats Kang-jin’s mother.) When she asks why he keeps looking at her, he answers frankly, “I’m not interested in you, but you keep appearing in front of me. I keep looking at you. It’s strange. If it bothers you, avoid me. I can’t avoid you, so you handle it.”

No surprise, then, that they end up dating. While other girls are heartbroken to have their new crush stolen away so quickly, Ji-wan is still smarting from her humiliation. Kang-jin has seen her at her most embarrassing, AND he has to date Yoon-ju, of all the people in the world! She comes up with a silly plan, but one she determines to carry out — she’ll steal Kang-jin away from Yoon-ju (take that, boy-stealer Yoon-ju!), and then when she’s won Kang-jin over, she’ll dump him (take that, haughty Kang-jin!).

Her best friend thinks she’s crazy, but she goes all out — she showers him with notes, leaves a carton of milk and an egg at his desk every morning, and basically insists that they’re meant for each other. It’s fairly embarrassing stuff, but because she doesn’t actually mean it, she tackles her goal with cheerful aplomb. Every time, Kang-jin coolly ignores her.

One night at the tearoom, the boss is drunk and belligerent. Madam Cha tries to keep him happy, but his nasty temper is difficult to manage. The boss mentions how his little brother is heartbroken because Kang-jin stole his girlfriend, and uses that as an excuse to behave badly. He undoes Mom’s top and he starts to get aggressive, and finally Kang-jin can’t hold back anymore. He steps in angrily.

Kang-jin is pretty strong for his age, and he’s fueled by indignation and shame, so he’s well on his way to choking the life out of the boss. Mama Cha sees that things are about to get out of hand, so she pleads with her son to stop. Perhaps she’s afraid that he’ll get himself into trouble, but it’s got to feel like a betrayal to Kang-jin when his mother bites his own hand to get him to let go.

Ji-wan has come by to make another advance, and witnesses the scene. She can’t help feeling for him and looks at Kang-jin tearfully when he bursts out of the doors feeling frustrated and hurt.

Kang-jin controls his reaction and asks with his usual stoicism whether she really thinks they’re meant to be, as she insists. Suddenly, he swoops in and holds his face close to hers, as though for a kiss, and stops just inches from her face. Then, just as abruptly, he drops his hold and steps away. See? He felt nothing, so she’s wrong.

Kang-jin looks at her in distaste, saying, “We’re not made for each other. We’re nothing to each other, and will never be anything in the future. I’m telling you to butt out of my business and get lost!”

But this encounter has the opposite effect on Ji-wan; witnessing his vulnerability stirs her sympathies, and the almost-kiss pushes that one step further. Overwhelmed by an outpouring of emotion, she exclaims, “I can’t stand it!”

And so, Ji-wan acts. With brash fearlessness, she paints epithets on the boss’s car (“Son of a bitch!” etc).

When the boss sees the graffiti, he nearly has an aneurysm from the fury. Ji-wan pelts him with eggs and shit, cursing him for tormenting the lives of those weaker than him. Fuming, the boss beelines to the tearoom and accuses Madam Cha of putting that “little bitch” up to it. Everyone is genuinely bewildered, but Kang-jin hears him swearing about the girl and makes an educated guess.

Kang-jin runs into Ji-wan by the bridge — with a bruised face, probably hit by the boss — and asks, confused and upset, “Why did you do it?”

Ji-wan answers, “Because you couldn’t.” Everybody in town knows what a horrible man he is: “You know it too, but you can’t do anything.” Her immediate concern is for him, and worriedly tells him to pretend not to know her, so he won’t suffer for her actions. When the boss finds them, she urges Kang-jin to run off and insists that she acted entirely alone.

Kang-jin takes her advice and walks away coldly, leaving Ji-wan to deal with the man.

Only, the man strikes her in the face. Unfazed, Ji-wan screams at him, “Hit me again! Hit me again!” The man punches her again, sending her tumbling to the ground. And if there’s anything Kang-jin can’t stand to witness, it’s a man beating on a woman. He clenches his fist and turns back, and takes over the fight.

Like before, Kang-jin is stronger and has the man in a stranglehold. His grip is so frightening that Ji-wan grows scared that he’ll kill the man, and begs him to stop. Her actions have no effect, and the man flails. In the struggle, he grasps the necklace dangling from Kang-jin’s neck, and it goes flying into the water below.

The instant he sees the necklace drop into the water, Kang-jin stops fighting. The necklace is his most treasured item, and he stares in horror at the water. The man continues beating him, but he doesn’t care.

Mama Cha furiously asks her son why he did it. He was doing so well at holding back his temper. Why let go now? Why risk losing everything now?

He answers dully, “I lost it. I lost Father’s pendant.”

Mom can’t believe it — probably because (I’m assuming) she knows that his romanticized image of his father is a bunch of hooey, and that his real father doesn’t deserve that kind of respect. She retorts, “Is that stupid necklace the issue? Your life might be ruined, and you’re worried about that stupid necklace?!”

“I lost Father!” Kang-jin bursts out, “I lost him!”

That just makes her angrier. She says derisively that he’s studying so hard so he can grow up well and find his father, but he wouldn’t even know him if he ran into him on the street. “Give it up, you punk! What kind of father is that?!”

Overcome with emotion, Kang-jin screams furiously, sobbing.

Ji-wan is startled at the intensity of his reaction, in addition to feeling guilty for her part in this.

As a result, the boss kicks Madam Cha out and the family will have to move. Furthermore, Kang-jin’s fate is undecided, as he may face criminal charges.

Ji-wan’s father, Han Jun-su, comes by to tell Mama Cha that everything has been settled. He has used his weight to get Kang-jin’s charges dropped, and he’ll help take over the lease so that she doesn’t have to move.

She registers his kindness, and thinks this is because of his feelings for her. But her smile fades when he says that it’s because of Ji-wan — she had insisted that everything was her fault. Jun-su is a gentleman with a sad, resigned air; we can see why Madam Cha once loved him, but also why they didn’t work out. He says meaningfully that he has forgotten what happened to them (suggesting they had a child together), and that his current family is everything to him.

Ji-wan continues to feel awful for Kang-jin, particularly when she sees him jump off the bridge into the water — he’s searching for the lost necklace.

Now understanding what it means to him, Ji-wan dives for the pendant repeatedly over the following weeks. Her friend thinks she’s still acting on her revenge plan — that she has to win him over so she can dump him — but Ji-wan is determined to recover it for Kang-jin.

The two are also punished at school, and sent to a separate room together to write an essay on their wrongdoings. Gossip links the two together, and Yoon-ju feels threatened. Today, instead of throwing away Ji-wan’s milk and egg offering, he actually drinks it.

He arrives in the classroom to find Ji-wan asleep, and marks up her essay with corrections for words she has spelled wrong. She’s embarrassed again, but he offers to look over her paper before she hands it in.

Later, Ji-wan sees Madam Cha struggling with a damaged high heel and offers to fix it for her. Unfortunately, Ji-wan only makes the problem worse, and has to offer her own shoes in exchange and stumbles away in the broken heels.

Kang-jin witnesses this and tells his mother to give the shoes back. She pouts, so he takes off his own shoes and gives them to her, then catches up to Ji-wan as she totters along. With hardly a word, Kang-jin returns her shoes, picks up the heels, and walks off calmly. Ji-wan is startled at first, then touched to see that he’s barefoot.

That night, her brother Ji-yong (Song Joong-ki, adorable as always) appears while she’s giddily regarding her shoes. He’s on break from university, and teases her about that happy smile; he guesses it has to do with a boy.

The two are clearly very close — so close that she used to tell Ji-yong everything. Therefore it’s a surprise that she doesn’t explain about the shoes, as though wanting to keep Kang-jin her own secret. But she shares one detail: “He went barefoot to give me these shoes.”

Yoon-ju is miffed that Kang-jin seems to have dumped her for Ji-wan. So when she catches wind of Ji-wan’s supposed revenge (her friend carelessly lets it slip), Yoon-ju summons Ji-wan during lunch hour, while Yoon-ju is working as a school D.J. Ji-wan arrives while a song is playing on the loudspeaker, taken off-guard when Yoon-ju asks point-blank — is the revenge story true? Did she really approach Kang-jin with the intent to steal him away, then dump him?

Ji-wan doesn’t know that Yoon-ju has turned off the music and is broadcasting their conversation to the whole school, and stutters weakly, “Well… At first…” Feeling ambushed, all she can do is protest, “But now… now…”

The entire student body listens rapt; Kang-jin heads to the broadcasting station. He shuts off the mikes and faces Ji-won: “I didn’t hear a thing. I’m only going to listen to what you tell me.”


It seems clear that Ji-wan was trying to protest that her feelings changed, so he asks her, “How do you feel now?” However, she’s so humiliated and shocked that she can’t answer. Kang-jin presses her to answer, but she rushes out crying.

And so, she misses her chance to confess. Life continues, school goes on, and Ji-wan continues diving for the necklace. One day, the emotion gets to her and she sobs to herself by the riverbank, as though answering his question belatedly:

Ji-wan: “But now… Now, my heart thumps even if I just hear your footsteps. When I open my books, I keep seeing your face so I can’t study. I forgot about revenge a long time ago… I wasn’t even thinking of it… I’d forgotten it all…”

Ji-yong sees his sister crying, and listens as she confides in him. He’s warm and comforting, and gently chides that she should have been honest and told Kang-jin how she felt. But she answers that she felt guilty about his father’s necklace — she can’t approach him until she has made up for him losing it.

Her brother agrees that yeah, the necklace does make things tricky. Well then, he’ll just have to help her — if he finds the necklace, she can tell Kang-jin how she feels. She protests that she has looked for two months, but he assures her that he’s a great diver. He urges her to find Kang-jin right away while he retrieves the necklace.

With a warm smile, he enters the water, and Ji-wan heads off… but when she looks back, something feels wrong. Fear dawns on her face as she wonders why he’s taking so long. Why isn’t he coming up?

Her instincts are right, because Ji-yong doesn’t come back up. He has drowned.

At the hospital, his mother collapses to hear the news, sobbing hysterically. Out of her mind with grief, she says one thing that a parent should never say — and especially when her other child is within earshot — “Take Ji-wan instead!”

So when Ji-wan goes to the river, wearing her mourning white, she’s not only feeling grief at losing her beloved brother but also guilt that she’s the wrong child. Compounding that is the knowledge that her brother dove because of her — and so, when she spots the pendant washed ashore, it delivers an especially strong blow. She breaks down and sobs.

Kang-jin comes upon her as she trudges home. He doesn’t know what to say and asks whether she’s eaten, and offers her milk and an egg. It’s a sweet, sad reversal, because today it’s Ji-wan’s turn to reject the offering. Kang-jin has done nothing wrong, but finding his pendant was a cruel blow for Ji-wan — what a poor exchange for her brother’s life. So she throws the egg to the ground and pours out the milk.

Ji-wan starts to walk away, and he blurts, “I like you. Like you like me, I like you too.” But Ji-wan stonily tells him that that’s not true.

Ji-wan: “I’ve never once liked you. I only pretended to like you to get revenge.”
Kang-jin: “Don’t lie.”
Ji-wan “It’s not a lie. I hate guys like you the most — mean, selfish, and rude! Your mother is a tearoom madam who flirts with men! My mother told me that people should play with their own kind. That I don’t belong around people like you. That I shouldn’t even associate with someone like you. I must have been momentarily crazy.”

The awfullest thing about this moment is, you can’t even hate her for breaking his heart. Just as you can’t blame him for exacerbating her grief, either.

And then, we’re eight years later.

A construction site has just had a bad accident — but for the quick action of one employee, a man would have lost his life. That employee (a grown-up Kang-jin) waves off the mention of his heroism and fixates his ire on someone else — the hungover director who has just pulled up in her chauffeured car. This is LEE WOO-JUNG (Sunwoo Sun), and she could care less about the details of the accident or actually running her company properly. As a chaebol, she’s only in her position because of daddy’s influence.

Kang-jin is the leader of the design and planning team of Bumseo Group, and he spits out scorn for Woo-jung’s carelessness. This was a 100% avoidable scenario, one that she had repeatedly been warned about. But she was always drunk or refused to listen to the reports, and today someone almost died.

Kang-jin’s speech pisses her off, and she is irritated to find out that he’s a respected and highly competent employee, one who was fiercely scouted to their company.

Kang-jin is handsome and successful, and things are just getting serious with his girlfriend, who prods him to meet her father so they can announce their plans to marry. Instead, Kang-jin takes her on a drive to meet somebody — and surprises her by pulling up to observe a loud tea madam talking up her male customers.

Without a hint of shame, Kang-jin tells her that this is his mother. Contrary to the last time we saw him, he greets his mother warmly and openly, and introduces his girlfriend. She can barely manage a polite bow. It’s clear her love doesn’t extend to his family, and she leaves.

His brother says that Kang-jin shouldn’t have introduced her to their mother until he was safely married. Better yet, he should pretend to be an orphan, and even his mother promises to dress conservatively the next time. But it seems more likely that this was a test, and Kang-jin anticipated that his girlfriend would bail. He says without any bitterness, so what if his mother’s a tearoom madam?

I may well be reading too much into it, but I can’t help thinking that Kang-jin is measuring his girlfriends against Ji-wan, and they all fail his test. Ji-wan had said all those harsh things but we know she never held his background against him; in contrast, these pretty Seoul girls think they’re so nice but all leave when they find out about Kang-jin’s family. This is the third one to bolt, in fact.

The reason I say that is because it’s clear he still misses Ji-wan as he visits her parents’ house and remains in the shadows. We find out that she had run away from home, and now her father never locks his front gate, just in case she comes back.

Back to work. Kang-jin’s co-worker takes him to a nearby cafe for lunch, where the co-worker gossips about Woo-jung, whom Kang-jin angered. Woo-jung was actually fine before she was dumped by their colleague/superior, PARK TAE-JOON (Song Jong-ho). After that, she started drinking and acting out. Of course, Tae-joon (far left) overhears the gossip.

Tae-joon is also getting engaged this weekend to a woman who works at the cafe. However, most work people are afraid of going for fear that it will offend Woo-jung, who is the more senior of the two.

Kang-jin isn’t invited to the engagement party, but his co-worker falls ill at the last minute and begs him to show up on his behalf. He’s afraid that his absence will be interpreted as a deliberate statement, so Kang-jin agrees to the formality.

As it happens, the event is nearly empty and the fiancee sits off to the side, quietly waiting for her fiance to show up.

Finally, a half hour late, she receives a phone call. She answers, then gets up to address the attendees. Hiding her disappointment, she puts on a cheery face and thanks everyone for coming, apologizing for the inconvenience. And when she states her name — Han Ji-wan — Kang-jin snaps to alert and stares in shock.


I’ve seen a number of dramas where I found the childhood portions more compelling than the adult story, which is why I’m approaching with some caution. Tazza and Strike Love are two examples where the early episodes were great and built up a lot of goodwill for the adult characters. They’re also two dramas that I found more interesting with the kids than the adults. And then there’s East of Eden, where Kim Bum did such a fantastic job that when Song Seung-heon took over, I actually felt affronted that he’d gotten the character wrong. He totally missed the intensity and nuances of Kim Bum’s performance!, I thought.

All this is to say that Kim Soo-hyun and Nam Ji-hyun do such a solid job establishing their characters that the adults owe them one. I did cheat a little and watched Episode 3 but I won’t mention it here; I’ll just say that I think Go Soo is solid and has a lot of good stuff to work with. He also has wonderful eyes. (I love actors with wonderful eyes.) And I actually have a lot of hope for Han Ye-seul, which I hope is not just wishful thinking. Nam Ji-hyun gave her a cute, klutzy charm, which helps a lot in establishing adult Ji-wan’s mix of brightness and vulnerability.

As I mentioned, the characters are well-developed and well-acted. Take Madam Cha, for instance. She could be a one-sided character as a flighty mother, but she’s thoughtfully acted by Jo Min-soo (whom I remember most strongly from Sandglass). It’s a difficult role to play, but she gives her depth.

Case in point: seeing the Han family portrait fills her with anger over what she never had and hurt pride that she’s just as happy as Jun-su. She goes home and insists on her own family portrait, ordering her sons to smile, and the result is a pathetic facsimile of the life she’s trying to imitate.

Then there’s the matter of the Big Split between our leads. I knew Song Joong-ki was going to die (thanks, spoilermongering Korean media) but it doesn’t diminish the effect that it has on the story. I love the source of Kang-jin and Ji-wan’s conflict, because it’s not a simple misunderstanding. It’s not a black-and-white case of social differences or interfering parents or jealous exes.

These two kids have innocently, unintentionally been wronged and done wrong at the hands of the other. If not for Ji-wan’s crush, her brother wouldn’t have tried to find the necklace. If not for Kang-jin’s attachment to his necklace, Ji-wan wouldn’t have felt the need to retrieve it. If not for Ji-wan’s graffiti, Kang-jin wouldn’t have lost it. If not for Kang-jin’s mother and his temper and her boss, Ji-wan wouldn’t have felt compelled to vandalize the jerk’s car. If not for Ji-wan’s father, Kang-jin’s mother wouldn’t have borne a decade of bitterness. And so on, until the sins of the parents spill into their children’s generation.

The moment when Ji-wan rejects Kang-jin’s confession is one of those wonderfully awful moments. Like I said, you can’t blame Ji-wan because she has just found the necklace that her brother died over. And for what? For Kang-jin’s favor? A week ago she would have done anything for it, but now that her brother is dead, it must feel like an insult to finally win Kang-jin’s affection. It’s bad enough that she finds the necklace after her brother dies — as if to say that this was the trade. But worse yet, Kang-jin gives his affection freely without the necklace, making her brother’s “sacrifice” for nothing. It’s doubly cruel.

Kang-jin doesn’t deserve her tirade — particularly when she doesn’t even mean it — but she doesn’t deserve to lose her brother, either. Life’s not fair, right? I love this conflict. It’s heart-wrenching but it’s well-set-up, and it makes you really, really curious to know how they react when they meet as grownups.


Most of the comments that came out of this drama’s premiere weren’t just positive, but positively glowing. I’m still taking a hesitant approach; I remember being utterly enthralled with A Star’s Lover‘s first four episodes, but by the end I was so frustrated it drove me crazy. However, I will add my voice to the crowd and say that this could be a great drama.


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I am so glad you are subbing this drama, I am totally falling for it. I usually like the children story better so when their story only lasted one episode I was upset at first but their adult counterparts are amazing. Later on the show makes use of looking at the show from different perspectives which is reminiscent of Soulmate, and I LOVE Soulmate. Plus the acting and writing is solid all around. I hope you continue to sub this drama.


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@butterball Thanks. I have been trying to watch this on Viikii but they have been having a lot of technical issues.

It's driving me nuts.


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I think eps 3 and 4 were ok. Not as good as the first two episodes but this drama is still worth watching (mainly because of Go Soo). I think this is his best drama yet and he brings a lot to the Kang-Jin character. I hope ep 5 won't disappoint. *crosses fingers* One more thing, I also think Ji-yong looks like Lee Jun Ki. Their name even sound similar. Isn't he the actor from Triple? He looks awfully familiar. It's sad they killed off his character. I had a feeling they were going to do that. Darn these melodramas! lol


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I never watch melodramas because I hate crying while watching.... until I watched Love Letter (Jo Hyun Jae and Su Ae). I know the story has so many flaws, but the acting by the 2 leads (esp. JHJ) was flawless. It is the only melodrama that has managed to snag my attention right from the get-go - it made me cry, made me mad as hell at the writer, made me smile, made me mad again, made me curse, made me mad again, made me confused, made me mad again, made me ask the heavens WHY, WHY, WHY????, and then made me mad again. Since then I have used Love Letter as a way to gauge other melodramas. If a drama can make me feel all the jumble of emotions that Love Letter did (flaws and all), then I will stay with it. If not, then its goodbye. So far, only one other melodrama has managed to make me feel that way - Miss Mermaid (Jang Seo Hee, Temptation of a Wife). As for WISFC, I have seen 3 episodes already. I agree that the young Kang Jin and Ji Hwan did a very, very good job. Go Soo is superb as the adult Kang Jin, the role fits him to a T. I am still a bit iffy about Han Ye Seul, I feel as if any moment she will do a Jo Anna and I will be mighty disappointed, but at least she doesn't irritate me here as she did in 9-Tailed Fox (altho I love her to pieces in Fantasy Couple). Kang Jin's mom is a wonderful, wonderful actress. If HYS is not careful, she will be eaten alive by this veteran actress. So far, after 3 episodes, WISFC has not yet made me feel the jumble of emotions that Love Letter made me go through, but I sense a quiet warmth that makes me want to watch the next episode, and the next, and the next.... Anyway, I am willing to give this drama a chance.

About the drama's title, am I the only one who thinks that the title sounds a bit awkward, even gramatically wrong? "Will it snow ON Christmas?" sounds better than "Will it snow FOR Christmas?"


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Thanks JB for the recaps of this drama.
I was waiting impatiently for your take on this. I will not talk about ep 3 and 4 here but I felt somewhat bewildered by the adults version and their motivations especially JW. I like it though but not buying it completely as yet.


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JB I have just fallen in love again! thank you for taking WINFC and do the recaps, I have watched all episodes so far and I must say that I am with you, so far the grown up characters have keep their childhood flare, let just hope that they do them justice in the long run, I do like this drama very much it has all the components so far, love, tragedy, betrayal, rediscovery, and hopefully redemption, thank you again for your hard work...:0


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Hey Javabeans, haven't really gotten a chance to thank you for having fantastic summaries of great dramas (esp. YAB). For some reason, I'll come here to read them even though I have watched the episodes...

Anyways, I really liked episode 1-2 of this drama and enjoyed the young versions of the characters. But I can't seem to get into their older selves especially Ji wan's character. I guess I'll have to get used to it.

Thanks again!


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Sorry, for the double post. I forgot to say, I cried when Ji Hwan's brother died - made me ask the heavens "WHY, WHY, WHY did he have to die?"


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i'm so glad you're watching this!!!

i'm so smitten with all the male actors *_* song joong ki OMG WHY SO HEARTBREAKING

and kim soohyun, and in the later episodes,GOSOO. YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABOUT HIS BEAUTIFUL, EXPRESSIVE EYES. OMG.


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thanks for the great recaps!! it has been a while since i watched melodrama myself and i've watched up to epi 4, and for it this could turn out to be something great!


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I cried like I've never cried before. Nam Ji-hyun is such a great actress! And, Song Joong-ki is hot stuff in this drama (the little we saw of him).

I really wasn't planning on watching this drama, but late last night I felt the need to watch something melodramatic and it was just there. I'm so glad I didn't skip over it. The episodes I watched were so heart wrenching. I can't wait to watch this week's episodes.


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I dislike melodramas in general, so I was very doubful of this drama when I heard that Lee Kyung Hee is writing it, and Choi Moon Suk is directing... coz combined, they created some of my least favorite k-dramas ever. But it did have Go Soo whom I like, and after watching the first 2 episodes, I found WISFC very engaging (to my great surprise XD).

The child actors did a fantastic job, especially Kim Soo Hyun (young Kang-jin). I thought he was damn hot during the police station scene where he was crying/screaming. Ok I know I sound like a pervert, but he conveys his characters' emotions so well, even when he was really placid on the outside. He's never had a leading role thus far, but watch out for this kid!! And I shouldn't really be calling him kid, coz he's almost 22.

Nam Ji Hyun was great in her role too, dorky but extremely likeable. And her relationship with Song Joong Ki was too cute, I wish SJK had more screen time.


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Okay. I had apprehensions with this drama but after reading your recap, I'm going to dl the first two episodes and see if I'll get hooked. It's weird but I'm in the mood for a melodrama.


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Whoah! Didn't think JB noona would recap this one. Nice surprise. I'm glad she's doing it. I'm guessing Go Soo's eyes did all the convincing.

This drama came at the right time for me. I'm in the mood for it. I wouldn't have minded if the pace had been slower, to set the mood and the general atmosphere of the drama. But it is chugging along nicely. I didn't need episode 2 to make sense of episode 1. Episode 1 alone is firm. It has set the pace. It has let the story neatly unfold.

I'm surprised at the way I'm behaving towards this drama. I haven't been like this since City Hall, where I'm counting the days till the next episode arrives. I'm with Langdon813, in that, there better be no-one to bother me while I'm watching this. I sneak back once in a while to watch the parts that I liked. Most of them are in episodes 3 and 4 so I'll try to refrain from revealing too much except for the 2 songs sang over the phone. Belleza fell for the first one sang by Kang Jin to his mum. I don't know what genre the song falls under. Is it arirang? Slow trot? Or just plain ballad? I must say, although I liked both songs, the one sang by the mum to Kang Jin was so moving I shuddered like I was getting the chills. The words to the song applied to all the characters shown while the song was on, and it helped in getting the story move along. Lovely, quiet, little drama.


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Happy that you have decided to do the recaps of this drama Javabeans. Usually I avoid melodramas like the plague and stick with family dramas and trendy dramas. But after watching the first two episodes of this drama, I have somehow joined the bandwagon. I to have watched episodes 3 and 4 beforehand and you are so right when you say that Goo So eyes are very expressive. He fits the role of the brooding silent guy to the tee. :)


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ive been watching eng subs of this show on a certain site
ive been watching iris and it has caught my eye
i love melodramas especially korean ones
i like the child leads, especially ji wan and kang in, Kim Soo-hyun, they are strong in that there emotions are great, thoughtful and well acted out
ji wan, Nam Ji-hyun, shes going to be a great star one day, when ever that day is and she does a great deal of pre work for han ye seul, i was hoping to see more of her younger side cos i was so entroached her acting, even if she was teen
then theres ji wan younger character, who really made the role his, being the silent type, then aggressive when attacked, protective of mum and co, and finally admit he like her, he made his role his and i wish his role would maybe last a few more episode, his stare is so scary and wierd

now on to go soo and han ye seul
ive already watched the ep 3 and 4 eng subs of show but i wont go in to too much details
go soo, the first scene, i thought he was bitter, young employee who failed in life but theneveryone explains that he is the hot shot architect
he then cleans up his dirty clothes and transforms to a prince
his acting is based off his younger counterpart and i felt he did OKAY, i dont know about you but i felt alot of emotions from his younger counterpart but when he acted his silent, thinking inside not talking outside moment, his face didn't really show it or rather, it shows in ep 3 and 4, i felt akward, i hope someone can see what im talking about

han ye seul is really beautiful in her scenes especially in her weddign dress
people have asked me a question about when the girl is the most beautiful (in my sassy girl, cha tae hyuns character says when she is naked, to jeon j hyun)
my answer is when a girl walk down some stairs in a wedding dress and what han ye seul did really made her hot
now back to her character, she was that brat when she back then, she now speaks in a softer tone (puberty i guess) and most of her style when she was young is not really in her older self, maybe han ye seul interpret that she has grown up and that she is not the girl she was when she left home for seoul

what i want is go soo do more, when i mean do more, in his younger self, he just stands and thinks, in his older self, he still stands and does nothing, when watching it feels akwards, really really akward so i dont know what to do

han ye seul has really done well with her character and with those flashbacks (later on) it helps her character blend in more

anyway i thinked i talked too much but atleast when iris finished this week, there is another show i can watch which is a melodrama (last melodrama was accidental couple)


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ty ty ty! for this recap! I just finish watching episode 1 after reading your recap. This show is pretty engaging...its almost 3 am and I'm still sitting on my computer watching this =D. Im HOOKED!


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"i dont know about you but i felt alot of emotions from his younger counterpart but when he acted his silent, thinking inside not talking outside moment, his face didn’t really show it or rather, it shows in ep 3 and 4, i felt akward, i hope someone can see what im talking about"

See, I loved Goo Soo's quiet, focused performance here. There's flavors of jealousy, outrage, hurt, indecision, compassion, and deep, but cautious love all rolling in the stews. We works on a perpetual simmer. It's also a logical contrast with his childhood self; Kang Jin grew up, really grew up and was able to handle his mom and his career. But as each episode goes, we see that Kang Jin still carries the wounds, just as we all do as adults. Beneath thicker skin. Beneath sterner eyes.

"maybe han ye seul interpret that she has grown up and that she is not the girl she was when she left home for seoul "

Yeah, I really think Han Ye Seul has done a good job with the character so far. The young JiHwan wasn't the smartest person in the world, be it love or career. Han Ye Seul still plays off JiHwan's naivete, but with it an element of damaged self-esteem. The strain of struggling in career and still being a doormat for men gives us a sadder, somewhat more defeated version of the same person. She conveys that well. In fact, there's just a little bit of old-school Gong Hyo Jin (minus the misfit status) in how she plays this character.


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After great funny lovelly romance dramas like City Hall, Smile, Tamna and YAB iI said to my friends, its definetly time again for a good melodrama.

I tried to watch or better said to get hooked on such dramas but nothing catched my interest. There was always sth missing I could not explain.

Then I read about your articel here abaout WISFC...read Han Ye Seuls name, that caught my interest immediately because I loved her so much in Fantasy Couple.
Bu I have never heard (well I have still problems rememering some korean actors name, although I love them...well I cant even remember colleagues name here in our office building I am working for several years...so no wonder about it) about Go Soo.

So because of Han Ye Seul I started to watch this drama on viikii. And ollleyyyyy...I found my new meladrama I was looking for.

I agree with every line Javabean has recaped. I adored the young actors performance so much, I was really disappointed, that they just had 2 Episodes.
So much, that I had a littile problem to adapt to their elder characters the following 3rd Ep. But I get uses to them in Ep.4 :)

The cast is really great, except JIWANS father...He is still playing in SMILE at the moment, so every time I see him, I automatically have Smile in the background. For me, I find it a little bit disturbing. Nothing against the actor, I like him. But I think its a wrong casting.

Well, I hope, too...that this drama will not get worse. Mostly the first 4 parts are like an introducing to the storyline. Ep. 4 set the foundation what will may happen in the future witj Cha King and Jiwan (Great scene/replics in the elevator - cant tell any more :P ) .

(---> I am looking forward for javabeans recaps about Ep.3-4 :) )

So I am looking forward now for tomorrows Ep.5

Not to forget to mention that I like the chemistry between Go Soo and Han Ye Seul. You want them be together again <3

And JB's words "This will be a minor Lee Kyung Hee drama. Nevertheless this is definitely a Lee Kyung Hee drama. Her love of men —[B] not idealized men, but conflicted, cranky, soulful, supple men hungering for love like water [/B]— is prescient here. " are describing Cha King perfectly.
JinWa is still the little great with the great but wounded heart and tormented soul.

They have to com together...But as it is described as a melodrama, I fear we will watch a sad-end :( while you were wishing them happiness to compensate all the years of sadness they went through.


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thanks soooo much..i was wondering if you'd pick this drama up^^ still waiting for the subbed version of ep 5(: but your recaps act as a refresher^^ thanks(:


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Harsh words smeared at school age unintentionally and their parents sins carrying on to the next generation, now as adults how they deal with it again when they finally meet - will their characters change for the better and be forgiven and yet to be unraveled.

Thanks JAVABEANS for an in depth of WISFC.

How about the ratings from the netizen? .


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...I'm so glad I chose to watch WISFC instead of "Hero'!!! I've had this longing or inkling for a beautiful melodrama wherein I could sink my teeth in...for months now.

Although I thoroughly love the recent romantic-comedies,Korean TV's been showing, of late....YAB,Smile,You & Assorted Gems, I've been itching for some mellow- tearjerker ...and YESSSS!!! WISFC, fits my melodrama requirements to a tee!!!...so far, so good!!! Go Soo & the rest, were ALL cast perfectly...I just hope, it continues w/ its fast pacing & great writing...to the very last episode!!!!


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I just realized that the actress playing the young counterpart of the heroine is the same as the young deok man in QSD!! No wonder she looked familiar in the screencaps JB put up!! =.="
I am looking forward to watching her as the main star of the show in the future...

Also, can I just say, even though I haven't watched the show, Kim Soo Hyun Oppa is drool-worth! Oppa, I am only 4 days older than you.. ^_^


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I never watched Go Soo's drama before, but I start to like him in this drama.... He's so cool ^^. and yes, he has a beautiful eyes :p. This drama is really great!!!!!!!!

I hope I could watch his other dramas......


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Thanks for the recaps JB and I'm glad that you liked the first 2 episodes as well. I am really enjoying this drama and hope it will continue as strong as it started.

I really like Go Soo's acting. I must admit he is a newbie to me but so far, and as you've pointed out, his eyes do all the acting. And when he smiles, although rare, it is priceless.

Kim Soo-hyun is amazing as the younger Kang-jin. I can't believe he is already 21! How do these young Korean actors look so young and charming??

I hope your recaps of this drama continue.


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Am I the only one that kinda wishes the segment when they were younger was a drama on its own?

Nonetheless, I am deeply surprised! I honestly didn't think this drama would be any good but...I was very wrong.

Thank you for recapping them javabeans!


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Cheers JB, been waiting for this =D

Can't wait for episode 5 this wed!!!!!!!!


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Thanks for the recaps drama beans as well as ur two cents worth! i do agree that the childhood scenes were fantastic! i do hope they were dragged longer into the episodes though :/, their chemistry was perfect!! lol, cant wait for the recap of episode 3!! thanksss so much


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I will be watching this drama till the end just so I can lay eyes on Go Soo. His quiet intensity and soulful eyes remind me of Tony Leung (the gold standard)
HYS 's quavering voice is bothering me a bit. I also find her wide eyed act a little too stilted. The second leading lady seems like fun when she's not drinking.


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I totally have to agree with you. I haven't watched many dramas with childhood introductions (except for East of Eden, which was good, but felt like it went on for way too long) but I really enjoyed the two young actors in the beginning of this drama. Kim So Hyun's performance of the troubled teen was just heartbreaking, and I really love his passion and anger and just the way he's portrayed the character, quietly and thoughtfully.

But I'm also hesitant about watching more, since after the childhood storyline ended and it became 'eight years later', I was a bit turned off. But I will try and attempt this drama...


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Watching this drama as well....something about it gives me the vibe of some of the older dramas (2006, 2007) that were "oh so good" back then. It kinda reminds me of "Stairway to Heaven" and those sorts, all those melodramas with long childhood beginnings and then they seperate and find each other when they're all grown up and pretty looking~lol
That's the feeling I get now~

Go Soo is SO hot.


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i guess many of us here are trying to recover from the YB syndrome...and WISFC is the best dose for it.
im also waiting for your recap...and thanks! im hoping for a good outcome for this drama, i hope i wont be disapppointed.
and now i think im into Go Soo, and i dont know, i really like Han Yeseul....

And thanks to JB, for sharing and keeping the Kdramas this year close to my heart......


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@butterball: thanks for telling me, I really should get back on track^^


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LOL I loved the first two episodes of this drama (even though I did feel it was a bit rushed, and I rather wish the children had more time to develop their feelings, not to mention I suppose I wish I had more Kim Soo-hyun screen time!) and I do feel the set up is potentially great, but as I haven't gotten around to watching Episode 3 or 4 yet, I can't come out and say definitively that it WILL be, especially since I tend to approach these sorts of melodramas with caution. I'm often more enthralled by the "growing up" episodes of such dramas than the "grown up" version.


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not really interested w/melodrama either, but I guess I'll give it a shot


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Thanks for taking the time to do a recap, jb. I'm watching this and liking it alot!

I do agree that the conflict separating KJ and JH is very heartwrenching. What began as a joke (Ji Wan wanting to get KJ to like her and then dump him) escalates into the tragic drowning of her brother. And the worst part is that she blames herself. By running away, I think it's her way of avoiding what's happened but now that they meet again as adults, she will finally have to face what's she's been trying to run away from for 8yrs.

I think GS and HYS make a cute couple. I've seen GS in Green Rose with LDH and in Marry a Millionaire but this is the first drama that I really, really like him. And sorry for this tiny spoiler, but I LOVEDDDD the hug in the street in the midst of the traffic in ep. 4!

Waiting eagerly for the next recap, jb!^^


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I wasn't going to add my comments, but I've been doing it so here goes!

Great acting by the young characters....really got my attention to keep track of this drama. HOWEVER.....as I wait for episode 4....I'm hoping this doesn't get stressed out with DON'T YOU REMEMBER ME and scenes that go back and forth to mother and ex-husband....and then to ex-fiancee and bitchy girlfriend. Have a feeling it's gonna be the usual kdrama story....like how Loving You A Thousand Times is being pulled like taffy.

Darn after our JGS and PSH fix....it's really, really rough getting back on track with "normal" , everyday stuff.

Oh well....reading a book gets boring so I'll endure and have some fun!


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love this drama!! <3333333 thanks for recapping. hope it holds your interest so you can continue. i think it's a great replacement for YAB.


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I am in love with this drama utterly (but then I love melodrama - even badly-made it gets my attention and this is superbly made). I have yet to see a Lee Kyung Hee drama that I didn't love and I am so glad Go Soo is back! (Green Rose is one of my all-time favorites).


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Beautifully executed. I cried too when Song Joong-ki died even though I saw it coming. The two teenagers were great. I'm going to miss them now that their characters have grown. After two years in the military, Go Soo sure has lost a lot of weight. He looks awesome. Thank you JB for the recap.


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Wow! Who would have thought that this would start out interesting? Thank you for your recap! :)


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am not a fan of melodrama but when I started to watch ep 1 and 2 (out of curiosity..and there's the word xmas..love anything that is christmas..haha), I found it interesting and likable! Love the teen actors! Very good acting!


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At Last! I was hoping so much you'd recap Will It Snow For Christmas. Thank you. I was so captivated by this drama after watching eps 1& 2 with English subs. I watched eps 3 & 4 without English subs. I'm now hooked. I love Go Soo. Han Ye sul too. I'm looking forward for next episode recap.


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I'm relieved you like this drama because i do enjoy your recaps. I LOVE the first four episodes of this drama but i see why you're so hesitant. i mean, how can such a depressing story carry for 16 episodes? the problem with melodramas is that the audience can only take so much heartbreak before the characters start to sound whiny. and i feel the same way you do about a star's lover.

but, then again, this is lee kyung hee. she manages to infuse her story with humanity and little moments that hit viewers deeply on an emotional level, some bittersweet and others awful. for example, the shoe scene was adorable when kang jin walks away barefooted. and the confrontation in the announcement room when he says he will only listen to ji wan was wonderfully executed (I replayed that scene because the actor is just awesome).
when ji wan's mother was crying and saying it should have been ji wan in the hospital, i understood her pain but was horrified that ji wan overheard. plus, there are more such scenes in the following episodes 3 and 4 that really got to me (there is a particularly lovely scene when kang jin is serenading his mother when she feels particularly rejected by her old love).

i was pretty apathetic towards go soo before but this drama could turn me into a fan. i can see how kang jin's role could have been filled by so ji sub but go soo is doing great. han ye seul has also been doing pretty well as ji wan so far. yay, tomorrow is a new episode!


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WAOOOO this thread is moving real fast. I hope the rating pick up as well this week, personally i don't care, i will watch it till the end even if i am the only person watching it. But i really want WISFC to do really well and Go Soo have his overwhelmingly great come back.


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thanks for the recaps coz i seem to base my wanting to watch a kdrama based on ur suggestions. it's probably coz life's gettin hectic n i don't hve time to waste on a drama not worth watchin. i fell into watchin "you're beautiful" & "smile, you" coz of ur recaps that now i'm so excited watchin them. too bad "you're beautiful" already ended or as u said,gud thing it did so we can all get on w/ life.hehehe - just kiddin!


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I am currently addicted to this drama. I never even knew about Go Soo before this drama, and I gotta agree with you. He has WONDERFUL eyes.

I was ecstatic when I found out that dramabeans.com is recapping this series! Now I can share my newfound love for Go Soo and Kim Soo-hyun.

Kudos to you.

: )


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I don't normally watch melodramas (too much frustrating, heart-wrenching pain) but if javabeans recaps it, I must read it. After reading the recap of episodes 1 & 2, I HAD to watch it, and now I think I am hooked!

How could they kill off the adorable Song Joong-ki! Whaaah!
Did anyone else notice the actor playing the slimey younger president/landlord is the same actor who plays the slimey manager in the mayor's office in "City Hall"?
This is the first time I've seen Go Soo act, and he has won me over already!

Am I being too optimistic, being a melodrama newbie, to hope for a happy ending? Or is it a k-melodrama precept that the ending must be full of heartache and sorrow?


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I have not felt this way about a drama for a long time
Perhaps it is because of Go Soo that I am won over.
I agree that the child actors did an excellent job. Especiall Ji Wan. He's on my radar now :)


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Thanks for the recap! I've been following this show since You're Beautiful wrapped up and it seems very promising ^^ I hope it keeps up the good quality all the way, we'll have to see~

Anyway, I've been meaning to ask this: how does Kang Jin KNOW at the end of episode 2 that it's the Han Ji-Wan he knew back in high school? I mean, her name is not that uncommon is it? They haven't seen each other in 8 years and none of them recognized each other on pure sight... well, this IS drama so I should probably not overanalyze this but still ^^;;;;

I've seen Go Soo in Green Rose, but I think he's a lot more compelling in this show. Also, I'm definitely NO fan of Han Ye Seul and prior to the show starting I'd been skeptical with her as the female lead but I've really changed my mind now. I think she's doing a fabulous job here and I hope she'll keep it up, there's definitely hope there!

And yeah, can't wait for tomorrow!


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