Kwon Sang-woo for IRIS 2?

With Lee Byung-heon most likely leaving the IRIS franchise behind when the series ends later this month, how would you feel about Kwon Sang-woo stepping in as the next leading man? According to Kwon himself, he was offered that possibility.

On December 11, he appeared on the KBS morning show Yeo Yoo Man Man to say, “These days, I’m enjoying watching IRIS. Actually, the movie I’m filming now (Into the Gunfire) is being made by the same production company as IRIS, and I received an offer to be in IRIS 2.”

However, a rep from Kwon’s side made sure to clarify the situation in a phone interview with My Daily on the 11th: “Kwon Sang-woo is currently filming the movie Into the Gunfire, and IRIS hasn’t ended yet. Casting talks aren’t yet serious. When he met with the production company president, he was asked lightly, ‘What do you think of doing it?’ IRIS 2 doesn’t yet have a director or actors, and it’s not time for casting talks yet. He was only expressing that he likes the show. Kwon Sang-woo isn’t the type to decide on a project easily. Currently, he’s fielding a lot of offers within Korea and from abroad. Of course, if he ends up shooting IRIS 2 that would be great, but the script and role may change. He plans to focus on his acting activities beginning next year.”

(Talk about protesting too much, eh? In my overactive imagination, I am seeing two possible scenarios: Either they’re trying to keep Kwon’s schedule wide open for other possibilities and don’t want to commit, or he made a faux pas by mentioning IRIS, pissed of people at Taewon, and has to now backtrack. Note that I’m making all this up in my head, but it’s amusing to ponder.)

Despite all that backpedaling and the fact that it seems too early to seriously consider casting, I’d actually like to see Kwon Sang-woo playing a spy in IRIS 2. He’s had a rough couple of years, which is partly bad luck but also partly due to questionable choices. I think he’d be a great successor for Lee Byung-heon as a recognizable Hallyu star who would have as much to gain from the role as the drama would for having him. He’s still famous, but he hasn’t had a good role in years and his post-army career has been less successful than his buddies like Song Seung-heon and So Ji-sub, populated by one disappointment after another. (His recent projects: melodrama Bad Love, weepie flop More than Blue, and underwhelming trendy drama Cinderella Man.)

Via My Daily


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Kwong Song-woo? Not so much.

I would prefer Song Il Guk more because I have never watched KWS before and he's an unknown face to me.


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i havent seen IRIS yet, but he is a flexible actor, he can do it.


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"his post-army career has been less successful than his buddies like Song Seung-heon and So Ji-sub"

Didn't he serve before he got seriously into acting?

"Kwon Sang-woo isn’t the type to decide on a project easily"

LOL Pama much, KSW? :D

In theory, KSW is a good pick because he's still pretty strong on the Hallyu international market. In other words, foreign investors will foot the bill.

However, his domestic pull isn't there. Probably never was, honestly. Really, he's only had one real hit show. It's more like him chasing that rather than developing a truly fulfilling film career. Still would prefer that he take the Big Fish project.

Would rather Song Seung Heon or ESPECIALLY Rain take the role. But, yeah, I think KSW would be terrific in the role, even though I feel that's kinda besides the point. It's about star power.


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My first thought when I saw that headline?


I'm the type of person who likes a person from their work, not how pretty they are, so really, if he's doing something like a spy drama, his role better be well written and his acting better be spot on because his last two annoyed the hell out of me and I don't think I can take any more bad role choices from him.

That's just me though. : P


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OH god i love Kwon but the man CANT ACT in these types of dramas he can barley manage in melodramas.


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I think he'd be able to pull off the spy thingy in IRIS. I've seen him in Yasoo and Fate (both action movies) and I think he delivered a good job, albeit not as masterful or engaging as LBH.

But point aside, altho I liked KSW in the past.. I think he'd have to buckle up and choose better projects for me to re-appreciate him. For now, I'm just blerh...

UNLESS, IRIS 2 has a better script, with better writing... I'm not so intrigued by this.


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huh...can't the man speak for himself??? maybe not....
The rep having to bring out all that extra stuff to make a point seems odd indeed...I don't know why, the more I hear about KSW, the more he seems dim-witted...as you said, are the reps trying to do some kind of damage control, did KSW just say that "lightly" or was he trying to tell/convince people he is still hot on the market (which then does raise questions about his career, is he doing as well as he should be?)...I hope he still has it in him...I liked him in Sad Love Story and Stairway to Heaven...Good luck KSW, IRIS 2 or not, I hope you're next project will prove your worth.


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Well, not that I was looking, but he does have the physical body to pull off IRIS 2...

Maybe that's all that is needed?


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It would be interesting to see KSW playing spy agent in IRIS2. I saw him play rough on screen - he can do it. Good luck KSW.


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I'm so NOT a fan of either Kwon Sang Woo or Lee Byon Heon. Both of them are totally and completely "bap mat upsuh" turnoffs in my humble opinion and I tend to run a mile away from anything they are in. It would follow that I am also NOT a fan of Iris.


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I'm a fan of him since "stairway to heaven"...even Bad Love is bad, I think it's because the story and Lee Yo Won inexpressive act...he still did a good job in that drama...Kwon Sang Woo!! Fighting!!! :)


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No kidding ! What experience Kwon Sang Woo have with action movies? Isn't he known as 'Mr. Tears' from the melodramas? Don't make my laugh please.


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Jo Hyun Jae will finished his mandatory army service on June 2010, what about him being a possibility to star in Iris 2?


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Kwon Sang Woo?

Nah, not interested. And please don't put him. I prefer So Ji Sub or any other person than KSW. *Shrugging


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God, please don't let this happen.


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"partly bad luck but also partly due to questionable choices"

ITA.. he was totally hot back the days, regardless his chocs abs or project selections, I really feel for him in Stairway to Heaven, still one of those great melodramas to cry to, I really laugh my head off in My Tutor Friend and I want to help him in Running Wild coz he was such a desperate cop...

But what happen after that?
And now this... hmm... interesting to see final casting...


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dont ruin IRIS!!!!!


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KSW definitely has to choose his next project carefully. He's in danger of being forgotten. He was really good in Stairway to Heaven (great chemistry with Choi Ji-woo). He was in the action movie Runnig Wild with Yoo Ji-tae and was quite good in it too. He needs to challenge himself more and stop doing melodramas.


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I love KSW.I would like to see him in IRIS! He needs a comeback! LOVE HIM


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As long as he doesn't replay LBH's role ( I don't think he's up for it), I'm okay with this. His last few projects were horrendous.

And no, I don't think Rain would be a great choice either. He has the star and name power but he can't act. Sorry as much the Full House fans may hate, he can't act. The thought of him succeeded LBH is ugh.

Anywho, yeah KSW...isn't he a melodrama actor? He's too pretty boy for IRIS. Now if So Ji Sup decides to join, that's another story.


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NOOO, KSW is Mr..Tears......I think maybe So Ji Sub should be offered the role...i think the ratings would go through the roof if he was to be the main lead in IRIS 2.........seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If so, I will watch it.... if i't ssome sissy guy...they'll kill it.....


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"Jo Hyun Jae will finished his mandatory army service on June 2010, what about him being a possibility to star in Iris 2?"

I would imagine it's too late. Don't see JHJ getting back into drama until probably spring 2011. It's just a lot of commitment. JHJ's not a bad choice BTW for a rival role though.

"Anywho, yeah KSW…isn’t he a melodrama actor?"

Ehhh . . . KSW is a melodrama actor when he does TV. When he does film, he pretty much does everything. I know most people don't see it, but when KSW tries, he's one of the most intense (even frighteningly so) presences among the Hallyu stars. I would have loved Kwon Sang Woo to have done something like Friend Our Legend.

"I think maybe So Ji Sub should be offered the role"

No worries -- So Ji Sup is getting an ELITE project next year. A war epic from the writers of Time of Dog and Wolf. (SJS+TODAW = *gasp* Belleza just had one!!) This is SJS's chance for Choi Min Soo-level glory.


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Amusing, indeed.

@ ripgal
"UNLESS, IRIS 2 has a better script, with better writing… I’m not so intrigued by this."



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Jang Geun Suk should be the lead in IRIS 2, people! Srsly. Hong Ki can be his best pal who double-crosses him. Shin Woo can be the ruthless killer. All three will love Park Shin. Angelina Jolie can be a special agent dog with a sixth sense.

I feel bad for KSW, honestly. I don't know much about him. I loved (him in) My Tutor Friend. I hated Stairway to Heaven and Bad Love [was never able to watch either without a lot -- A LOT -- of fast forwarding and eye rolling and shaking of head (and fists)]. That said, he seems to have a lot of haters. I don't know if he is a good actor or so...I can't tell, but if he wants to be in IRIS 2, I hope he gets the chance.

Also, mad props to him for at least dating and marrying a woman his own age (sorry, had to make that dig).


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err.. no thanks? lol after watching his dramas, I don't think he will look good being a spy, like Kim TaeHee. It's still weird seeing her holding the gun acting cool. Plus his acting is just ...nothing outstanding. I'd rather watch So Ji Sup, Song Il Gook or even Ji Jin Hee.
I'm in the minorities that do not find Kwon Sang Woo hot(AT ALL), before and after his marriage. and yes i do know he has abs. but even if he got casted for IRIS 2, lol I'll watch it anyway. I just love action dramas too much. Hope he chooses a good project. I cringed when i saw Bad Love on KBS World....


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Honestly, I can give or take Kwon Sang Woo: the dramas/movies I've seen him in have been pretty "meh" for me so far . . . and I haven't been following Iris that closely anyway. On the other hand, it would be nice to see him regain some of the popularity he's lost, since he seems so desperate to get it back.


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KSW needs to seriously reinvent himself in the entertainment word and fast. I did really like him in Stairway to Heaven and Tutor Friend was funny, but everything after that - hardly memorable. I don't even think of him as being a good actor.


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"Jang Geun Suk should be the lead in IRIS 2, people! Srsly. Hong Ki can be his best pal who double-crosses him. Shin Woo can be the ruthless killer. All three will love Park Shin. Angelina Jolie can be a special agent dog with a sixth sense."

Word. You're Beautiful (and a North Korean Spy!!!)


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I find the statement that Kwon Sang-woo doesn't pick a project easily kinda ironic....

Just look at his recent projects...erhmmm. o_O


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KSW should just concentrate on his baby and his business.


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o please..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! song seung hoon is much more better than him..SERIOUSLY NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

or siwon oppa from suju..hhahaha..or yunho from dongbangshinki???LOLLLL...
but please not KSW!!!!


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Oh yeah, I totally see JO HYUN JAE taking the lead for IRIS 2. He was so good in 9-tailed fox, I just know he'd do a very, very good job in a spy-action drama. Can't the producers wait for him to finish his MS before they start casting the lead character for IRIS 2???


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BAH!! humbug!


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Why don't you like Kang Sang Woo? I think we should give him a chance to do the role before we judge him...(hahaha. I'm like his godmother or something). Anyways, I'm an avid FAN of Iris, and in my opinion given the right story line and script KSW will definitely fit the spy role...


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simple: it's because acting-wise he's very weak compared to Song Seung Heon and So Ji Sub. He's forever stuck with the roles he had in his young days: My Tutor Friend role and Starways to Heaven role are the two type of roles I can imagine him play. Other than that, I don't think he has the capability to portray well any roles.


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after finish iris ep.18 lastnight. I filled disapointed with the plot. So boring i agree with javabeans comment in iris previos artical. But LBH KSW and KSY doing a good job. in korean right now KSW isn't poppular. He trying to be popular again. Very funny that he got male star icon award this year.


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Considering the stellar budget they will probably have for Season 2, if I was asked, I would put Song Seung-heon as the lead role, and So Ji-sub, Shin Hyun Joon (also from Cain & Abel) and, eventually, Kwon Sang-woo as supporting roles.

Oh yes, and most importantly, Han Ye-seul as the leading female ^^


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Oh please, not Kwon Sang Woo. Not Song Seung Heon either - he's got the emotional range of a toddler. Opppsss sorry, toddlers of the world, didn't mean to insult you!!! So Ji Sup, yes. Jo Hyun Jae, yes, yes, yes!!!!


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I think of the possible male leads floated here I'm most excited about So Ji Sup taking the lead. I would watch IRIS2 just for him. Currently IRIS would not be watchable without some of the very good to great acting from LBH, JJH, KSW and KSY. Its amazing how good acting can make up for bad writing e.g. Russell Crowe/Gladiator.

BTW does anyone else cringe when they play baek ji young's song and do the love story flashback. I find the love story angle to be one of the weakest parts of the drama and even during the early Akita days I felt how contrived it was--the love setup before the fall.


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the problem with him is that he keeps (mostly) taking a play-safe role... nothing significant with his previous role.. melo-melo-melo..
he doesn't really explore any challenging roles that can shed off the pretty look and show cast his acting skill..if he has any.. so far the only movie that i'm impress was my tutor friend... other than that..nay


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If he is cast in IRIS II I hope he gets to be a bad guy. That's the role I can imagine him doing. He is good at it. He was the only one I actually liked in "Destiny" and that movie had tons of korean male hotness in it.
As for IRIS II as a production, I hope they get better writers. I really do because IRIS I is a big disappointment. It had excellent actors (most of them), huge budget and more than enough time to prepare the production, yet it turned out to be something very boring and predictable. However, considering that it has such high ratings I doubt they'll change the formula.


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He must thank the heaven for STH. I mean without Shin Hyun Joon choose to be the second act. He will not gain the fame like now.


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Whichever way: I would LOVE to see him in IRIS 2. His acting dexterity's being wasted in all the weepies he's been doing. Stop typecasting him already, haha.

Although, in an ideal world, Ji-sub should've been lead! Eeek!
Or even SSH! But then, KSW is just as cool.

ps. I actually loved him in Bad Love and cried, awesome acting, awesome drama. (ducks for cover) :D


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My first thought, "nooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
My second thought, "OMG nooo"

Gah, I almost stopped reading the article, that's how surprised and shocked I was.

He might have the body and physicality, but er I'm not so sure he can pull something like IRIS off. Or maybe he can. Oh whatever. I watched his old stuff -not many things cos he's not among my fave actors- and I always thought his performances were all meh. Maybe it's just me.


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He is close friend with KSW.
I love T.O.P and huge fan of BIGBANG. Taewon Ent. doing concert for every YG artist . I don't like him to film movie with my T.O.P.
After he hade problem with media about his married. Everything looked bad.


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BTW is it me but do you find Jo Hyun Jae doesn't have a lot of screen presence. Also how popular is he overseas? The actor selected would need some overseas reach in order to justify that kind of expIosion budget.


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I want Song Seung Hun instead.


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OMG NO. lbh's acting skills made up at least a third of IRIS's attractiveness. SO JI SUB!


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Kwong Song-woo? Yeah, I can see it - although he's no Lee Byun Hun I think if it's written well, he'll be able to produce the right "acting". Seriously, I think what didn't work after his release from army duty is that he wanted to do something/anything - so not a lot of thought was put into the dramas he did. And if he did thought about it properly, Bad Love & Cinderella Man weren't written properly. Plus, I think he can command a much scene needed facial expressions when he wants/needs to.

I wish Kwong Song-woo gets a break soon and can use the talent that I know he has. And hey, if he can act in something with So Ji Sub - all the better! kekeke!


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Whoever lands the role has big shoes to fill. LBH did such a good job.

The Rain fan in me wants Rain but Song Seung-heon isn't a bad choice either.
And to " as long as" - I think Rain can act. Don't judge based on ALTK or Full House - that wasn't acting


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