City Hall: Episode 12

(written by samsooki, with 0timelost, cleown, and mead33)


Episode 12 – “Onward and Upward, the Return of City Hall Recaps, Episode 12.”

I have to begin this episode recap with an apology. I had every intention of trying to stay with the production schedule of about 1-2 recaps per week until completion, but a certain Mrs. Samsooki got herself all preggers and then out popped our first child, and that really put a kibosh on my plans to finish quickly.  So I have to apologize first to my wonderfully patient and talented team of editors – 0timelost, cleown, and mead33 for sticking with this project, as well as to javabeans, who never stopped supporting this effort.  Finally, I deeply and from my heart apologize to everyone who has waited so long for these recaps to resume. Hopefully, I am ready to begin anew and to finish this wonderful drama.  As many times as I have watched and re-watched this drama, I know that it that deserves my undivided attention and effort to do the best job I can do. 

Given the time that has gone by since our last recap, I think we should refresh our minds with all that has happened so far. Luckily, soompi’s own (and dramabeans frequent visitor) Alodia had very coincidentally created a beautifully done MV clip of parts of the first dozen episodes. With her permission, we get a treat for this recap. Enjoy! 

And now, we can begin Episode 12!

Mi Rae has just given her oath of office as Mayor of Inju City, and she gives her first speech.  Her words are good and warming to the heart, balancing folksy talk with a kind of stirring poetry that stirs the tear ducts in your eyes.


Mayor Shin Mi Rae (in her very first speech to Inju City): I may be someone who doesn’t know a lot about politics (“jung-chi“), but I will still strive to be a mayor who has a lot of “jung” for you.

In a way, this speech sort of represents the whole drama series in a single sentence. Mi Rae takes a concept (“jung”) that the people of Inju consider to be dirty, opaque, unreachable, unknowable and ultimately, unwinnable (i.e., politics), and she flips its meaning into something that the people of Inju City can actually believe in: her own heart. The Korean word for politics is “jung-chi,” and the root of the word is “jung” (Chinese character – 政), but the Korean word “jung” has plenty of other meanings: “jung” can also mean passion, affection, compassion, and love (Chinese character – 情), faithfulness (Chinese character – 貞), order (Chinese character – 整), vigor and vitality (Chinese character – 精), and justice (Chinese character – 正).  Each of those concepts starts with the word “jung,” and Mi Rae has just flipped the script – no longer will the Mayor’s office be politics as usual, but will be a place for justice, faithfulness, vitality, and compassion. How cool is this woman?

Jo Gook is bright with pride, and you can see it on his face plain as day.  He IS impressed.  Maybe he can learn something from this strange woman who has ascended to the highest seat in Inju City without the benefit of even a college education.  As Mi Rae and Jo Gook make eye contact, Mi Rae beams at Jo Gook.  But as Mi Rae turns away, Jo Gook’s warm mien turns from happy to concerned.


Outside, Mi Rae sincerely thanks Jo Gook, not for making her the Mayor, but for teaching her that she can be other people’s hopes, echoing Jo Gook’s lessons from the campaign.  Jo Gook smiles and acknowledges how perfectly awesome he is.  There are few who can pull it off without appearing cocky, but Jo Gook is the man and does it with panache.  They shake hands.  For the first time in their relationship, Jo Gook and Mi Rae are equals.


Unlike previous Mayors who might have strutted around as victors, Mi Rae celebrates her ascendancy to Inju City’s highest civil position by serving dduk (rice cakes) to everyone.  Jo Gook gets the first box of dduk, and then it is off to City Hall for Mi Rae.  She greets her new staff members with dduk rather than shaking hands.  Everything that Mi Rae does seems to be the opposite of what they are used to. It is a confusing time for the permanent staff of City Hall.  With the Directors tailing her to see what she will do next, Mi Rae starts her tour of City Hall, stopping at various offices. One stop leads her to meet the folks at the Union of Municipal Employees, and she delivers her best lines yet:

Mi Rae: I didn’t come here to expect your unconditional support. I want to reward those who perform their duties well, and I will punish those who do not. And in the same way, when I do something well, I expect you to support me with your strength, and likewise if I take unjust actions, I want you to know that you can feel free to criticize me.


Director (honestly touched): We welcome your election to Mayor, and we sincerely give you our congratulations.

If only all meetings could go that well! Not surprisingly, Mi Rae’s first contact with her former boss, the head secretary, is a disaster as the wart-faced grease monkey treats Mayor Shin with open disdain.  (If you guys are wondering why Mi Rae just doesn’t fire him, it is because in Korea, it is rather difficult to lose a permanent employment position.  And it is even more difficult to lose a career civil service position that is attained through taking exams and working your way up the administrative ladder.

Mi Rae would basically have to accuse the Secretariat of doing terrible things (sorta ironically, the accusations would all be true), just like Joo Hwa did to Mi Rae and Boo Mi.  But since Mi Rae does not have the support of anyone in City Hall yet, Mi Rae’s job security is far less certain than the “lifers” who remain in place even as Mayors come and go.  For now, Mi Rae is stuck with everyone at City Hall.


While Mi Rae is acclimating herself to her environs, the Directors, the Secretariat, the Deputy Mayor and Joo Hwa are scheming to ensure that Mi Rae finds her term of office to be as unpleasant as possible.  They refuse a direct order to meet with Mi Rae, and laugh at her behind her back in the Deputy Mayor’s office.  It looks like these guys really haven’t gotten the message. Every single time they have attempted to look down on Mi Rae, they ended up getting burned. This time is no exception. Mi Rae crashes the party at the Deputy Mayor’s office, and drops the biggest bomb she has in her arsenal: she is not going to give a dime of funding to the pet project that the previous Mayor had been developing for more than two years – City Hall relocation project.


The reaction from everyone in the office is immediate – this is the project on which all of their political capital is based.  Mi Rae certainly has their attention now!

Meanwhile, Jo Gook has disruptive plans of his own.  Jo Gook informs the provincial Governor that Jo Gook does not plan to run for the National Assembly under their party, but plans to run as an independent.  Thereafter, Jo Gook meets up with a group of potential backers and gives the exact opposite speech that he gave to Mi Rae when Mi Rae fired him.


Jo Gook: What I hope to give to you, and what I hope to receive from you, is just one thing: the heart.

The potential backers: Heart??!

Jo Gook: Do you know the kind of person I despise the most? Those people who say that “politics requires power, money and brains, and what good can the heart do for a politician?” What can a sincere heart achieve? What kind of miracles can it create? Do you guys want to stand with me and find out? Don’t you guys want to become Inju City’s new blood, to become my men, to walk together with me down this exciting path? How about it, everyone??!! Raaaaaaaaaaawrrrr!!


50% crazy man Howard Dean, 50% William Wallace from Braveheart, Jo Gook seems to have dumped all his hard-nosed win-at-all-costs mentality and has become 100% thief of Mi Rae’s most basic principles.  Jo Gook is no fool, as he realizes that even if he doesn’t yet have the moral fortitude of Mi Rae, he can still take her entire political playbook. Jo Gook has taken to stealing every sincere comment that Mi Rae made during her campaign.  It is one thing if Jo Gook believes it sincerely, but at this point, I am not sure what he believes.

Back at City Hall, Mi Rae is at a loss for how to get things done, since nobody is willing to help her.  But slowly, she might be winning backers.  The secretary who tossed out all of Mi Rae’s things upside down onto the ground when Mi Rae was fired, comes to meet with Mi Rae and offers to secretly help her.  It is a small start, and even the longest, most difficult journey must begin with that first, tiny step.


Back and forth we go. On the other side of town, Jo Gook apparently is not content to just “borrow” Mi Rae’s words (*cough* thief!), Jo Gook stops by the Mexico and Chicken Restaurant to see if he can’t enlist the aid of Mi Rae’s loyal friends to be his campaign staff. Jo Gook offers money, but Mi Rae’s friends aren’t that interested.  Doesn’t he know what motivates Mi Rae and Mi Rae’s friends by now? Probing a bit, Jo Gook figures out that what Mi Rae’s friends want… is to know is the relationship between him and Mi Rae.  His targets now set, Jo Gook launches into his own fairy tale weaving.


Jo Gook: Wowee…. When I first met her, she was the kind of woman who could clear my head in a split-second, she was! This kind of feeling, could this be love?

Mi Rae’s (gullible) friends: OMGOMGOMG!


Jo Gook: Yes, friends, this weird woman and I have fallen into the Sea of Love…!

Mi Rae’s friends: And if you could describe Mi Rae in a single word, what would that be?


Jo Gook: Let’s see, how shall I put it? Should I compare Shin Mi Rae to a doll…

Mi Rae (walking in unnoticed): What kind of doll? Shrek? King Kong, Alien??

Jo Gook: Ahh, of course, that would be King Kong… wahh??!


Haha! Mi Rae is not so quick to let Jo Gook off the hook, and plays with Jo Gook, asking for a designer handbag in front of multiple witnesses. Jo Gook takes a pint of bitter and downs it like a man on his last bender. Dude, it is only fair. Man up and get her the handbag!


Jo Gook gets Mi Rae to talk outside, and reneges on the handbag (booo!), but agrees to give Mi Rae lessons municipal politics. Before driving Mi Rae home for the night, Jo Gook takes her to the top of a mountain bluff that overlooks Inju City. The lessons on being a Mayor start this very night. Mi Rae is too tired to walk up the stairs, but Jo Gook offers his hand. It is more than a gesture to help her up the stairs, and Mi Rae recognizes the symbolism inherent in Jo Gook’s outstretched hand.


Mi Rae slowly and cautiously reaches out and holds Jo Gook’s hand. Jo Gook takes her to the top of the bluff.

Jo Gook: What do you see, out there in Inju City?

Mi Rae: Well, I guess my house is over there. And over there is the house where the person that I like lives.


Jo Gook is touched and a little surprised by Mi Rae’s forthrightness. But the lesson still comes first. He holds her, and asks her to envision the kind of city that she would like to build for her people.


With that guidance, Mi Rae begins to understand why Jo Gook has brought her to this place. Her mind expands and she begins to dream of the Inju City she wants to have.

Mi Rae: Over there, I would like to see a municipal hospital. Right now, if you get really sick, it is a 90 minute drive to get to a general hospital in the province capital. And over there, I’d like to see a college library whose lights do not go off during the night, so that the smart people of Inju won’t have to leave to get an education…

And Mi Rae isn’t done, as her mind’s eye draws out a coal plant to help keep Inju City warm in the winter, and a daycare center designed like Disneyland. The future buildings of Inju City glow and sparkle in the night, and both can begin to see a new world that would benefit the people of Inju City.


Mi Rae and Jo Gook revel in the dream of a better world, but Jo Gook sees more than just the future of Inju City in front of him. Jo Gook’s right arm hooks around Mi Rae and he draws her close to him, as they continue to look out over the bluff.


A magical moment. Mi Rae is frozen with fear at first, unable to decide what to do. The man she has fallen for, the man whose jacket she dances with at night when she is alone, this beautiful man has just wrapped his arm around her. Can he feel her heart pounding like a drum?


But Mi Rae makes up her mind to be brave – it is not like her to remain afraid of anything for long. And after an eternity in a moment, Mi Rae’s hand rises over and touches Jo Gook’s hands. Some people who are brave enough can live a lifetime in a moment, and in this moment, there is no one else in their world, no one else in history but them.


And in that moment, both realize the gravity but not the full consequences of love. There is nothing fair, nothing just, nothing simple about it. And neither of them is quite sure whether the admission to each other of this love will be worth it in the end. In a frozen scene like this, pages and pages can be written about their fears, their hopes, and the love that may never find its way to fruition. But really, all you need to do is look in their eyes. Wondeful acting.


I would have loved to have left off this episode like this, but recapping duty calls and so we must move on.

Mi Rae’s first official act is to get Boo Mi her job back. Boo Mi, working as a part-time waitress, feels the love from her best friend. Boo Mi is back, baby!!!


With her team of Jung Do as her chief of staff and Boo Mi as her chief assistant, Mayor Mi Rae holds her very first official meeting as Mayor and receives her first appointment of the day. It is the entire group of directors. Looks like they have some demands to be heard.


In unison, the directors open up their jackets and drop bombs on Mayor Mi Rae’s desk.


Each of the envelopes read, “Letter of Resignation.” With this single, devastating blow, the municipal government has just ground to a complete halt on the first day of Mi Rae’s first full week in office. It looks like the Directors and the Vice Mayor have fired the first shot of this war between Inju City’s Tammany Hall and Mi Rae!


Comments –

Before getting into the structural elements of this episode, I just wanted to add one more point about Mi Rae being a game-changer for Inju City. Her inauguration speech given after her oath was just brilliant, and not just because she was able to get in a few plays on words. Mi Rae may not have Jo Gook’s brilliant mind for strategy and tactics, but instinctively Mi Rae knows that in order to change people’s attitudes and mindset, she has to change people’s vocabulary. In order for people to believe that politics can be more than just a game for corrupt and power-hungry people, people have to change the way they define the term – not something inscrutable and opaque, but open, just, affectionate and fair. Politics is for the people, and Mi Rae, whether she knew it or not, with her speech, she put politics back within reach of the common people of Inju City.

OKAY! We are now gathering momentum towards the last act of the drama, and the setup pieces for the last act are finally being set into motion. While this is clearly a foundational episode, and so not much actually happens here, a lot of ground work has now been laid and important questions now need answers:

1. The battle lines are drawn between the corrupt political machine anchored by the Vice Mayor, Joo Hwa, and the Directors, and Mi Rae and her forces. Can Mi Rae really overcome the corrupt political machine with just Boo Mi and Jung Do having her back?

2. The love between Mi Rae and Jo Gook is now out in the open, at least between the two of them, but so many things have yet to be resolved, not the least of which is, what in the name of Inju City is Jo Gook going to do about his fiancé???

3. Jo Gook has decided to throw his considerable skill into the political arena at last, and he is about to run for the National Assembly seat. Gaining the National Assembly seat is the next logical step in his ambitions to sit in the Blue House (the Presidential palace), and he has been preparing for this advancement all of his adult life. Can he beat all comers in this upcoming political campaign, and what would happen if he were discovered to be engaged to be married to one woman, but secretly dating a certain Mayor???

4. Jo Gook has severed ties with his former teacher, his absentee father who once abandoned him and his mother, Big Brother, and so he must figure out how to capture lightning in a bottle, much the same way as Mi Rae did in her rise to power. Can Jo Gook do it without BB’s help? And what about his fiancé’s help??

5. Finally, what will Big Brother’s response be, to all of this? Why did he send Jo Gook to Inju City in the first place? It is like waiting for the other shoe (albeit an extremely heavy, steel-toed boot) to drop…

The scene to watch for in this Episode: Mi Rae and Jo Gook, together at last. (Yay!)


The scene alone is worth the price of admission.

Mi Rae’s emotions are so evident on her face – fear, longing, happiness, and uncertainty that she is doing the right thing by letting Jo Gook wrap his arms around her. Jo Gook cannot help himself, and his face reveals only sadness, as if he is watching a tragedy unfold from the inside out. Both actors are just brilliant here, and together with the music and the acting, it is a lifetime to be lived.

One of the things that makes City Hall such an great drama to be watched and enjoyed over and over again is the fact that the main characters are living, breathing adults, and so they are painfully aware that their actions and their decisions have real and serious consequences.

Jo Gook, he who is as smart as any, surely understands that he cannot hold onto his fiancé who holds the key to his future advancement in politics, and hold onto Mi Rae, who has stolen the key to his heart. And Mi Rae, who may not have the worldly intelligence of Jo Gook, but she knows enough to know that she has fallen for someone who has a fiance, for someone who can definitely break her heart, and for someone who might someday be an enemy to her own principles.

All they can do is hold onto each other, to live the moment and to cherish the moment even as their fears are evident on their faces.

Scenes like these are the reason why City Hall rocks.

On To Episode 13! (I mean it this time!)


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CONGRATS MRS SAMSOOKI !!! well, i have watched city hall many times but i still look forward to all ur recaps because u give interesting insights... probably things that i have missed out:D thanks for resuming the recaps!!


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*major SQUEAL!* samsookiii~ you don't have to apologize, we were waiting patiently :)

what a lovely recap! i love how you described the hug scene, it was so sweet!


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First of all congrats for having your first born child, girl or boy? Christmas is just around the corner and I`m sure you will celebrate it with full of joy and happiness, because of your baby.

Thanks for the recap, we `ve waited patiently and now there`s another reason to love City Hall and going back to each scene that I love to remember!

City Hall fever never dies!


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Recapping means never having to say your sorry. If you do the fans a service you don't owe us an apology especially given your demanding job at work and home.

Thanks for doing the recaps.


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That whole scene with Gukie slowly putting his arms around Mirae was very touching that..I couldn't describe it...It had mixed feelings, when I should be happy that they've declared their admiration to each other or should i Say Love, but what is up with Gukie and Mirae's look that made me feel sad? Nicely acted, good setting, and love the CGI! So onto some bittersweet-funny scenes between GuMI couple!

@ockoala, never thought of that, on how you describe those CGI fireflies-you made me feel like I'm one of those fireflies! hehe yah know what I mean. I like that.

btw, I loved the scene with the "Neighbor Oppa" on how Gukie getting jealous. Come to think of it, when is the exact time that Gukie felt something for Mi-rae? I know, i know...here I go again...I've watched this drama so many times..i'm still not getting it..lol


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Come to think of it, when is the exact time that Gukie felt something for Mi-rae? I know, i know…here I go again…I’ve watched this drama so many times..i’m still not getting it..lol

mzpakipot , could it be - since the tango? Just my guess.


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Cha Seung Won may not be your ideal best looking lead man out there but once you see him act he's THE ideal best looking lead man out there. If I can keep him, I would lock him up in a tower hehe...

Love reading ur recaps and congrats on the new family member. Haengbokaseyo!


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@55 & 56
Hmm... That's a great question! I remember thinking the same thing wondering when Jo Guk fell in love. Thinking back the first time you see him looking at her differently is when he was watching her doing wall papering with... what's his name. Anyone else can think of a earlier time than that?

I don't think I remember when those two ever analyzed why they like each other. Here is another question, when did Mi Rae's feeling changed from a "teen girl crush" to the serious kind?

I am thinking come weekend I'll have to re-watch CH again...


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Thanks Samsooki and team for this long awaited wonderful recap! :-)

Btw, was waiting anxiously for CH Director’s cut to arrive by December but Innolife sent me an email to inform me (nice and professional of them) of the delay. Can also order YB from them at USD120. Its too expansive for me but am saving that money for my beloved TAMRA/Park Kyu.


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Congratulations Samsooki on ur new addition! Happy tht u and the team are back!

I totally agree with you and the others, tht both CSW and KSA rock this drama like no other actor/actress can. Awesome chemistry and skillful acting. ^_^

Look forward to ur next recap and I think I'm gonna go watch City Hall rerun again. :P


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What an awesome recap! It reminded me of why I loved CH so much. I didn't realise how wonderful Mi Rae's speech was. Thanks for the detailed explanation Samsooki.

Btw Congrats on becoming a dad! I have read about Ji Hoon in previous OT's but never got to give my congratulations. Congratulations! I hope Ji Hoon grows up to be like Jo Gook and becomes president in the future. That'll make you BB! I hope you don't resemble BB in any way, shape or form.


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Oh my, CH is loved :D And till now, I cant get over it! Keep watching it over and over again. :D


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How did you get pg all by yourself?


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Wink, wink, and OMG! My dream comes true - CH Ep 12 re-cap is on my screen.

Three cheers to new daddie Samsookie! I know what it's like as a new parent. I could still remember very well those zombie years.... and the sleep that I could never get back. We owe you big time on this feat, and I won't get in the KJH fight with you. And - same thanks and gratitude to dearie 0timelost, cleown, and mead33.

Had a long day, will now head for a shower and back for a good read of your wonderful re-cap!


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Thank you so much for the recap that I've been waiting. This drama is awesome.. CH is the best...


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Alodia thanks for the beautiful MV, it was wonderfully edited it flowed so smoothly with the song and it made me tear up I'm gonna watch it again...sniff... beautiful...

Welcome back Mr. Samsooki and congratulations to you and the MRS!!!


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yeah...which part show jo gook was so jealous...that's really funny...please...next episode please....don't get late..hahahahaha..thanx


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Team Samsookie

What an awesome re-cap! I can't help thinking that good old dilemma between word-for-word translation and literal translation when reading your re-cap. Yours is obviously the latter camp but so, so superlatively executed. The nuance of this episode is delicately captured in full here - great works!

Episode 12 is the watershed of this drama in that JG and MR have finally crossed that boundary - with eyes wide open! A major criticism of City Hall is about how JG-MR could start their relationship with JG having a fiance. I guess all is answered through your dissection of that frozen moment on the mountain about the love they can no longer deny and also "their fears, their hopes, and the love that may never find its way to fruition". And we too share their pain and heartache at that frozen moment.

Love your view on MR's inauguration speech. The "Jung' in her speech is the same "Jung" as Director Lee "Jung" Dao - ie Justice. MR spoke this from the bottom of her heart and JG's response - admiration and concern/fear all at once - is indicative of what to come.

What makes City Hall so fascinating is seeing how these two people tread into each other's terrain and then grow to become the other self. I guess no viewer when starting this drama would foresee the formidable JG steal MR's line and way of campaign. And we will see MR move to a different sphere for the Inju citizens. Look forward to reading the next re-cap!


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First, congratulations on the baby!

Second, thank you for the awesome recap. Between the last recap and this I've actually discovered the amazingness that is City Hall and am now madly in love with it. And your recaps do it justice - reading this one really made me smile and smile.


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Congratulations for the birth of your son! I am so happy CITY HALL recaps is back! I have been waiting ......THANK YOU! I know your recaps are worth waiting for.
I have already finished watching the drama but I need to read your recaps because even though the subs are great , your insights for the scenes helps me understand the underlying meaning of the words the characters delivered which makes me love this drama and the characters even more. Now I can go back and rewatch the episode, armed with your insights....love it!


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Wow! The return of City Hall recaps combined with the elusive (in my case, at least) City Hall banner. It is indeed Christmas!

First, thanks to Samsooki and the girls 0timelost, cleown, and mead33 for an early Christmas present. I can't believe it when I read from soompi that the recaps are back! Thanks again for the wonderful work. And I don't think there is a need for an apology.

Second, it's an honor to be a part of Dramabeans and City Hall recaps. Is that my name up there? Really? Woot~ :D

Third, Samsooki congratulations again on your new baby - Baby Samsooki! It must be difficult to finish this recap... So again, I'm back to my number 1 - Thanks again! *^^*

Gosh, I miss this badly and it's so much fun reading the recaps again... and reading the comments too.

I love this episode coz it's the turn around episode that would move the next episodes forward - and yes, how can one forget that "Booranhan Sarang Moment" on the hill?


@14 jtinma
I love how you call it [the killer combination of tenderness with a touch of “this is really going to hurt” ]

@16 lanlan
Can you please give it one more time. Just once more. You don't have to finish the first 2 episode if you really can't. Like how we always say it, fast forward the first 3 episodes and give it a try. Just once. 딱 한번 만!

@27 mina
i'm glad you watched this drama. I agree with what you said that this drama has a lot of heart invested on it. Hearts of the staff, hearts of the wonderful actors - and not to forget the many warn hearts of City Hallers worldwide!

@39 frac
If you'll watch BON's Episode 17, on Jo Guk's flashback thoughts of Mi Rae's inaugural speech, you'll notice that there is a slight change to the subs from Episode 12's "Even though I don't understand politics, I will be a friendly mayor" to Episode 17's "Not understanding politics, a mayor with a lot of heart" - w/c I think would be a better way to sub "Jungeun manheun shijangnim" - and that's thanks to Samsooki!

@53 jastinel
Indeed, the City Hall fever never dies!

@58 jtinma
another strength of the drama is not spoon feeding the audience that "Hey Guk fell in love with Mi Rae at this point, and Mi Rae fell in love with Guk at this point" - which explains the 369 pages of City Hall thread in Soompi, 100+ comments here in DB, almost 950 comments on koreandrama and 22,500 pages of DC inside.
My two cents... Guk started seeing Mi Rae differently on Ep3. May not really be "in love" but must have felt some thump thump on his heart during the tango. And it develops more and more as Mi Rae continue surprising him with her wonderful personality.
Your second question is very interesting though... for i haven't given that a thought all this time. Maybe coz we all know that Mi Rae has a crush on Jo Guk right from the start. Hmm.. probably the jacket scene on Ep6


Loving it whenever I see that someone just started watching / someone just finished watching it. love it when people still pick up this drama...
this is indeed Christmas! thanks again Samsooki - for the nth time - thanks!


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@71 Alodia -

BIG HUGS. Huge hugs! Thank you so much for letting me use your MV.


Wonderfully done, and I love the music. I think you really captured Kim Sunah's character really well!


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thanks for the recap Samsooki! glad to have you back. and congrats on the little one! =)


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축하합니다 to both parents for Baby Samsooki. Woot!

Kamsa for the insight on "jung" - we would surely have missed a meaningful thought out if it weren't for you.

Kumopta to the whole team (that includes you, dear Dia Shi *.^ ) for the whole recap. A real treat that felt as if this was my birthday present. ^^

And one last word borrowed from the elderly after hearing their Mayor sing (yes, in a few episodes to come) : "Encore!" Yep, we are soooooooooooo looking forward to your next recaps!!!

*waves at City Stalkers*


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Hi, City Hallers!

Samsookie & co, I would wait 10 hours, 10 days, ten months, most likely 10 years for the rest of the recaps. City Hall is a drama you never forget, there's always something new to learn, something to reflect on - so a recap is a new and thrilling gift, any time!

Like you said, recaps provide an opportunity to explain nuances or describe wordplay that by necessity is ironed out during translation. Thank you so much for your description of Jung - it just goes to prove that no matter how many times you watch the drama (and I am not telling how many that is for me...) there is still something new to learn. Thanks so much!

As for this question:
"Come to think of it, when is the exact time that Gukie felt something for Mi-rae?"

I tend to fall into the "you had me at Hello" school of thought, based on a second-long glance in the very first episode, when Jo Guk enters the village hall and finds Mi Rae, facing away from him, bent over to pick things off the floor. (See the soompi thread for a discussion of the "lizard brain" LOL) He tries to fight it valiantly, but he was lost from the get-go.

A shout-out to all my City Haller pals, you and City Hall have made this my best year for drama, ever.


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@75 skelly

LOL. I loved spotting for the "lizard brain". I think it happened a few times after the 1st episode as well. ;)


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“Come to think of it, when is the exact time that Gukie felt something for Mi-rae?”

I'm not sure of the answer....but check out 1:33 of Alodia's MV!

Softly and surreptitiously, he rubs her hand with his thumb! A split second later and you'll miss it! See? Guys do that when they like someone. I know cuz I do that with my wifie. hehe!

So, that's Eppie 4. So him feeling something for Mi Rae was early early! hehe. Or maybe he just wanted her to think that he liked her? I dunno, guys can be kind of cruel (and or stupid) when they try to think too hard or when they think too little.


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wah, i totally missed that!


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To Samsooki, Otimelost, Cleown and mead33,

Thanks for the recaps of Ep 12. Another pivotal episode in terms of the GuMi relationship.

@ 39 frac
You took the words right out of my mouth!

5 months have passed since this drama ended and still garnering City Hallers! I'd thought my fever would have died down a little but no, reading the recaps gave me goosebumps all over...especially the hill-top bluff scene.

And since I know some Chinese, I have a lot of appreciation for your "Jung-Chi" exposition.

Last but not least, a belated Congrats to you and Mrs Samsooki on the birth of Baby Rain. He must be nearly 2 months old now. How time flies.

Samsooki, out of curiosity, I'm wondering if Mrs Samsooki reads your recaps or your drafts.

"waves" to all Hallers. What a ride!


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Belated congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Samsooki on the birth of your first child!

Thanks to samsooki and crew for CITY HALL!!! episode 12 recap!!!

In another post, samsooki, you mentioned you only understand about 80% of the dialogue in a kdrama. How is it you translate so well and can write these detailed and insightful recaps?


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Wave to all City Hallers

With all the heated talks over which is the best/favourite dramas for 2009 at another DB posts, I'm not motivated to put in my two cents there but rather come back to this CH re-cap to re-read what you guys have said. I know very well which is my best drama of all time and favorite drama for the year - it is City Hall! (I love YB too but at a totally different level.)


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@79 - omo (and frac),

The more I go back to the oppa scene, the more I wish I left it in.... dang. *shakes fist at myself*

Yeap, Mrs. Samsooki reads the drafts before release and offers suggestions and comments, which I then incorporate or not, depending on whether I agree. It's good to have a person who disagrees with me on k-dramas quite often, as I see points of view that I've not considered.

(like, she didn't like Snow Queen and can't figure out what I see in Sung Yuri, which, to me, is like, wuh, that's obvious... She likes Cha Seung Won a LOT, she likes his cockiness / confidence but to me, I would think that that would be a turn off.... and then we get into it, with me making some stupid comment like, 'it's just because you think he's good looking' and then she makes a face and says 'that's a dumbass thing to say, how come they let you into college...' etc. Sometimes, I want to watch my k-dramas in another room.)

@80, birdscout -

Well, I'm a bit on the obsessive side (can you tell, lol) when I really like something. When I don't know something, I take the time it takes for me to figure it out. That's how I do translations and subbing. If something is worth doing, it's worth doing properly and with the abilities I have at hand. And with subbing, as with recapping, there is a TON of research that goes on. I have multiple eng-kor and kor-eng dictionaries on hand on my desk, along with resources on the internet.

I've heard some subbers call it "dictionary hell" (lol) but I call it "getting better at Korean." I have quite a bit of knowledge in my brain, but usually that's not enough to figure it out completely, but it is enough to point me in the right direction to get me the answers I need to recap and translate.

For me - enjoyment of k-dramas extends to recapping and translating, and really, they are all part of the same thing. Figuring out what it is that makes me like them so much.



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You rock, samsooki.

That's all.


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@82 Samsooki,

We all appreciate your passion and enthusiasm for CITY HALL, and the ton of research you do is evident in the high quality of your recaps!



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welcome back. super congratulations to you and mrs. samsooki. and no need for apologies. we are the one who should be thanking you with all of our hearts for sharing your time with us to write the beautiful recap when we know you must be absolutely busy with your bundle of joy. please send our love and appreciation to mrs. samsooki and baby samsooki for sharing daddy with the rest of the cityhallers.

you are so right about their acting. kim sun ah and cha seung won are perfect. their eyes were so expressive. just that scene alone, without speaking, conveyed more emotions than any number of words can.

more importantly, thank you for your insight on smr's inaugural speech. iam non-korean so i didnt really understand the significance of the speech. i thought it was just some mayoral speech but your explanation on the original korean words used shed new light on the speech. thank you for sharing this with us.

again, thanks so much. it was well worth the wait.


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I have a question has the reason why jo-gook has a son ever been explained?


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I haven't seen this episode yet. Still on 11, but I had to jump ahead and I cannot WAIT for it.

Is it normal to tear up over a screencap?


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i love you kimsunah sarangh


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