Yoon So-yi pinch-hits for Hero as new leading lady


MBC has tapped Yoon So-yi to be the last-minute replacement for Kim Min-jung in Hero after the latter was forced to drop out a week before the drama’s scheduled premiere. This has thrown the Hero production for a loop, since all previously shot scenes will have to be redone, and they have so little time remaining in which to throw everything together. (Kim Min-jung had filmed the first two episodes before she had to take a break to heal. Overall filming slowed while waiting for her recovery, but Lee Junki has filmed Episodes 3 and 4.)

With Yoon So-yi coming onboard so late, she quickly wrapped new Hero poster shoots on November 4 and began filming for the drama. According to her management, she is currently wrapping up a movie shoot, but as the filming is 90% complete, she is able to begin work on Hero right away.

Now the big question is whether MBC will delay the premiere, which is still scheduled for November 11. The production company finds itself in a difficult spot, trying to accommodate the station while playing catch-up for all the time they’ve lost. On set, the opinion is that forcing the drama to shoot on too unreasonable a timetable would just contribute to a weaker drama and lessen quality. According to the broadcast station, they are still aiming to keep the premiere date for next week, but they are also preparing backup programming in the case that does not work out.

As for the casting: I’m not excited about Yoon So-yi. At all. The thing is, I actually like her. Although I’ve found her flat in some instances, she was pretty good in Goodbye Solo — although that was a Noh Hee-kyung drama, and (almost?) nobody does dialogue as good as Noh does it. But Yoon has a quiet sort of presence, and I can’t see her being a good fit with Lee Junki’s dynamic, forceful screen presence.

Also — allow me to be shallow for a moment — Yoon is very tall and lanky, and while Lee Junki is no shorty, he’s not that much taller than her (Lee’s official height is 178 cm, while Yoon’s is 172 cm). Ironically (?), Yoon So-yi had also recently pulled out of a drama relatively late (though nowhere near as late as this instance) — she’d been scheduled to head Angel’s Temptation and dropped out citing personal reasons. (Lee So-yeon stepped in to replace her.)

Sorry to say, my interest in Hero is waning further, and I’m starting to feel really bad for it. If it pulls off even a reasonably coherent drama, I will give it tons of props for pulling it together in the face of impossible circumstances.

(Some scenes featuring Lee Junki:)

Via Star News, Herald Biz


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Interesting...I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. Hmm. I'll have to try the first episode when it comes out and decide after that.

I just hope they don't cut her hair like they did KMJ's.


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I feel so bad for Lee Jun-Ki. He deserves to be in a good drama.... :(


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The female lead role must be cursed or something. First Han Ji Min then Kim Min Jung and now Yoon So Yi. Hopefully third times a charm?


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I really disliked her character in Goodbye Solo, and I agree, she was more quiet. However, she was completely different in Auction House (appeared younger??), and did the whole cheery, spirited-girl thing.

We're all wishing that no hair is cut!!! Honestly, I can't even imagine YSY in short hair.

Poor KMJ, she had her hair cut for nothing, although this is probably the least of her worries right now.


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a cultural moment: in the US the new actress would step in at whatever point the original could no longer fulfill her duties. It happens all the time. No need to re-shoot! it's interesting that Korean audiences expect to look perfect from ep 1, even though they know what happened. No criticism, just an observation.


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Inside me screaming NOOOOOOO when reading your article...
I don't really dislike her, but for me her acting is not good, plain and flat somehow... Her role in Auction House was painful to watch... :( even I really like the storyline and the way of filming in that drama.

Before I thought the casts are very talented and attractive....This drama is on my must-watch list. ... When they said they would find other leading actress and Moon Chae Won could consider of the role. I was more than happy.... BUT Yoon So-yi... Plzzz.... No no no.... T.T I think I would pass HERO then... :(


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Yeah...gosh...can't they find a better one?

I will watch this because of LJK :)


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Ah, I really wanted Moon Chae Won to accept the offer :(


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oh no... i was looking forward to this drama because of lee jun ki and even though the female role was already changed once i don't mind kim min jung much... but yoon so yi.. .i pray that she will somehow magically change for this role.. -_-... i dont think lee junki is enough reason to watch this drama anymore.. ill hold out judgement til the first episode airs though.. you never know, we could be pleasantly surprised ^_^


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i can't help but wish that they would delay the premier..

1. at least to give it a fighting chance in putting out a good quality drama competing in the wed-thursday time slot..
(personally it doesn't hold much interest for me, even less than iris..)

2. and for a more selfish reason... that the viewers would watch YB instead... heh heh...


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honestly i love anything junki is in
he's such a great actor and i LOVED illjimae
he showed 2 sides to his character and it proves his flexibility
so i was looking forward to this drama
i do hope it gets delay so they will have enough time to make it a good drama
i hope it does really really well!!!


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@ 6
I'm surprised they're planning to completely reshoot, too. Changing the script around slightly to accommodate KMJ's departure must be easier than completely reshooting everything, right? Say, having KMJ's character (LJK's first love) die, and have it as the starting point to why LJK became driven to bring down society elite, or something? It's more or less what they originally released as the synopsis, anyway. It shouldn't affect quality so much as long as they don't do a sloppy job editing the script. Trying to reshoot in such a hurry might affect the quality more than that, honestly.

I have no feelings whatsoever about Yoon So Yi, since I've only seen her in Several Questions Make Us Happy for maybe a total of 10 minutes' screentime. I agree that she probably won't be able to play the upbeat characters that both Han Ji Min and Kim Min Jung can, though. It'll be interesting to see what the relationship between the co-stars will look like on-screen. Poor Jun Ki, it's his third leading lady!


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too bad
sorry but bad decision
Kim Min Jung is such a great actress
but this girl is no-no for me


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Here's a thought... I would like to see the episode that had Kim Min Jung acted in. I mean wasn't there one footage photo of her standing in the rain?


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i will be waiting for this.... hopefully it will be a good drama....


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i think Hero's better off without leading lady...so we can all enjoy just Junki!!!


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oh man.. i was really hoping that moon chae won would've taken the part.. i think that she would've been great with lee junki.. we'll have to see now...


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Damn it, I really wanted Moon Chae-won to accept the offer. (I haven't watched Yoo So-yi in anything, so I personally can't judge her acting, but I love MCW.) It would've great to see MCW in a leading lady role. Hopefully, YSY will make the character her own by bringing something different in a way that works.


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i can't imagine her with lee jun ki~~ i really had lost alot of interest in this drama.. i hope they won't be rushing everything up making it into a big failure again~~
i will just giv them a 2 episode try then~~


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when i heard this news yesterday, i was like "who is she???".. i prefer moon chae won coz she's quite talented and looks great with leejunki, that was really my last hope about leading actress. About Yoon so Yi, i never watch her drama but what can we do? there's no time left and she agree to join drama although she knows it will be a tough work. I find myself feel thankful to her because i don't want drama get more trouble and i think she's not that bad... we really have no choice.

ljk better join another great drama but he stick with HERO. he must be really pressured... sigh


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I share your UNenthusiam. If someone recaps, I might read but at this point I don't think I'll be watching.


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MCW was never been in a lead role before. If MCW accepts the role, it might be too stressful for her and the crews in this rushing circumstance.

For YSY, I never knew her before too but as I searched her name in wiki she used to be in a lot of dramas. I hope she'll be a good actress even I don't find her attractive enough for LJK.


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aww, I would have prefered Moon Chae Won~
but, still going to watch for Junki! :D


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I've only seen YSY in "Arahan" and "Shadowless Sword" - so I don't know if she is a fit for this role (depending on whether they tweak her character).

Anyway, for their respective genders, YSY is more attractive than LJK.


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I will be waiting too for Lee Jun Ki's support. Love him ang his acting. ^_____^


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Argh, I literally groaned when I read that YSY's stepping in. I'm not a fan of YSY, you say she's got a quiet presence, but I just find her dull.But I'm still holding out hope for Ji Changwook, who by the way, should appear soon in pictures!! Where are you???


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I heart Lee Jun Ki.He's the only reason I like Korea.So,I will watch this drama no matter what.LJK is all that matters to me.


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I liked YSY in Auction House, but I wonder how her chemistry will be with LJK. I just read an article sbout Han Hyo Joo and thought she might be a better choice for the role. I will give the show a chance and see how they are together.


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I haven't seen any of YSY's dramas before so I can't comment on her acting, but from the picture, she does not look compatible with LJK at all.

belleza (hope you'll see this!), thanks for replying to my query about the backstory of MBC and TODAW in the other Hero thread.


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I give them cookie points for being able to get a new lead this quick.


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I actually like YSY in Auction House so I might give this a try since I know her acting more than the previous lead. And I can actually see some chemistry with Lee Junki because they're both good looking :D


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@ paula253 # 5

That's true but that only happens if the show has already aired.

I'm pretty sure if the show has never aired before they will re-shoot the scenes.

I remember seeing a pre-pilot version of Buffy and in it they had this other girl as the Willow. And that show was almost identical to the pilot that was aired.


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Those who support Moon Chae Won over Yoon So Yi: I'm sorry but Yoon So Yi is a much better actress than Moon Chae Won. And the decision is already made. So get over it.


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I don't know why so many of you don't like yoon so yi. I love her in Shadowless Sword. I think she's pretty and could act. I like those previous actresses too. We'll have to see how it goes with the first couple of episodes before being too judemental of yoon so yi.


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she's beautiful and a model.I hope Jun Ki will not fall for her,then I'll be jealous!kyaaaaah!!!!


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i can't help but think this is SO unfair to lee jun ki
like i can tell he put so much work into it, and now the drama with all it's uncertainties and changing leads probably won't call a lot of interest for it anymore...
and he's such a great actor, it's just really a shame.


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