Hero struggles to gain ground

Now in its second week, MBC’s Hero is facing a tough road with very low ratings even as viewers are praising the drama.

The low numbers are somewhat understandable this week, since IRIS is going strong and You’re Beautiful went out on a high note with an 11.9%. Considering that it entered this three-way fray at the very end, it would have been surprising if Hero drew high numbers. Still, its 3.9% rating for Thursday’s broadcast has to hurt. (Its ratings have been on a downward trend, starting with a 5.4%, followed by a 4.9%, 4.4%, and then the 3.9%.)

Lee Junki has drawn positive criticism for his acting, but contrary to expectations, his name recognition has not had the desired effect. A source with the drama said, “Because the dramas on the other stations are strong, we had expected the early portion to face difficulty. We think that because the plot is entertaining and the acting is good, after You’re Beautiful ends, the viewer ratings will gradually rise.”

On the other hand, the viewers who are watching are responding very positively. Lee Junki’s romantic storyline with Yoon So-yi is starting to develop, as is the battle between top-tier newspaper Daese Ilbo versus Lee Junki’s team of underdogs at Yongdeok Ilbo.

Next week’s ratings should be the determining factor to whether Hero sinks or swims. Unfortunately, I don’t think things look good for the production. On the upside, I did feel a cautious optimism about its story after watching the first two episodes, and hear that things improve afterward.

Via Joy News


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What a shame about the ratings, and next week, it's up against the weepie, seen-this-many-times-already melodrama. Hopefully, the ajummas will split their viewership between the IRIS juggernaut and WISOC?...and those looking for something fun and different will come on over to Hero.

Hero definitely improves in its second week. If you're looking for something after YB, check it out.



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why am i seeing a double-post? @_@ is it just me?


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I see double post too.


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By any chance, does Hero resemble Evasive Inquiry Agency??? I really loved that drama! Or is it more like Spotlight in its plot/action?


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i was really sad that the rating declined each episode. Eventhough it's understanable that Hero released in bad timing but i thought it would get better rating than this... In contrast, the story is better and better each time. First 2 episodes are funny but ep 3-4, it's quite touching and little romantic. Many things behinds the story eventually revealed..

The production seems poor but acting is great. I'd like to see many junki facial expression. He show many ways of character's emotion especially the dramatic scenes. It's not too forced like he did in TBDAW but more realistic in Hero. And i looking forward to Romance between JDH and YSY, their relationship is sooooo lovely.


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I've suddenly decided that if Jung Soo-young is in it, it must be good. I've enjoyed and/or loved with every last breadth her last three dramas, she must be amazing at picking scripts. From Fantasy Couple to Queen of Housewives to City Hall!! I've been waiting for more eps to air before jumping on board, but this breaks my heart, knowing how hard the production team worked and how the drama is really really good but the ratings keeps dropping. Feels like a Tamra happening all over again.

hjkomo sis, I'm in - Team Underdog Fighting!


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No heart breaking family issues , no side stories, beside the leading romance

and no nastiest characters, ratings will go down, this is viewers choice in Korea.


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I too think it will stay about the same.... I love melodrama's.

MBC's mini drama's lately been down....I don't expect a change this year....


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poor junki.
i really think he is a fantastic actor!
i watched the first 3 episodes and i thought it was ok...
but i guess halfway through the 4th episode, i kind of got bored and so i stopped.
i'm also kind of excited to see go soo's new drama!
i feel like this is just a different genre and that not a lot of people are really used to this. i myself is a huge melodrama fan!
but this rating is horrible!
i hope the rating does go up

best of luck to junki oppa!


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starletbang, half way episode 4 is bit bored but half wat to the ending is good. u missed it. bit touching when junki flasback his parent death, junki crying when he talk alone wth soo yi, & funny scene at motel. you should watching until the end!!!!

for me, it's good drama. even start bit slow!!!! but after epi.3 & 4, it's more interesting!


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i think HERO good. No doublt Jun Ki's good acting here. i like his character. yes, HERO got poor rating but he not failed. just because viewer not watching, the rating drop.

mybe it's because episode 1 & 2. but HERO drama more interesting after Episode 3 & 4 esp. who's killed junki parent that night. yes they death by accident & junki saw it. but when that man inverstigate junki profile, that mean someobe killed his parent. i really love flasback scene.... missed junki crying. like me know, junki is have strong point for sadness scene. he did very well in episode 4.

i reall hope HERO changed tone to serious drama but still put comedy drama. but Epi. 5 preview look more interest....... LOOKING FORWARD!!!!


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sigh... i wish MBC wouldn't shorten episodes of HERO. I like the way it's improving. it's a drama that people praising but gain few viewers... hope HERO crew and cast don't lose hope. There'll have more viewers soon i pray.....

leejunki's acting is so great here.. i wish to watch it in English sub because it seems the conversations are funny and touching. i'll support hero til its ending ^^


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Didn't this replace Heading to the Ground's timeslot, which also got low ratings? Hmmm....


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I hope jun ki starred in iris.


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