Yoon Eun-hye sheds tears at acting criticism

Yoon Eun-hye was much-loved for her spunky portrayals of characters in dramas Goong and Coffee Prince, and has a solid track record of picking hit projects. So it’s no surprise that anticipation was sky-high for her comeback drama, KBS’s My Fair Lady — and while it’s performing decently with ratings around 14%-15%, it’s nowhere near the smash hit expected of her. Furthermore, her acting has been harshly criticized, as it seemed she’d regressed in her skills since her last role, which makes My Fair Lady a modest project tinged with disappointment.

She’s always been known for her friendly, easygoing personality, and I suspect that Yoon’s fiercely loyal following was amassed as much (or more) for her likable personality as it was for her acting. In the following interview, I find it easy to like her — although that doesn’t blind me to what (in my opinion) are glaring acting flaws in her latest role. I figure I can like Yoon Eun-hye and respect her while still finding her acting inadequate, but still, she has a charm that draws me (and, I’d guess, many others) into her character.

NOTE: Let’s keep this discussion civil, shall we? Yoon Eun-hye discussions often erupt into heated flame wars, and I hope we can avoid that here.

“It was really upsetting, I thought I’d go crazy”

Underneath her sharply drawn eyeliner, her eyes start to redden with tears. This is actress Yoon Eun-hye, who plays the immature chaebol and corporation heir Kang Hae-na in KBS 2TV’s Wednesday-Thursday drama My Fair Lady. She had transformed dramatically from the easy-going girl dressed as a boy (Coffee Prince) to a conceited, snobby “princess complex” character, but can this reaction be because of the public’s chilly response? After I asked her about the criticism she has received for her acting when I met her in a cafe on the 9th, the tears started flowing.

“If I didn’t have to film, I would have cried all day in my room… but I couldn’t do that. I thought of how upset my parents would feel to read all those articles slamming my acting, and I felt like going crazy. There were a lot of times when I endured through it and smiled as I filmed, only to end up with tears trickling out. Now, I’m afraid of making transformations. Each time, people grow familiar with the character, but if it takes a long time and hurts me every time, I don’t know what to do, and I feel afraid.”

However, “The longer I do this, there are more voices joining in to encourage and praise me. I took the viewers’ criticism in the beginning to mean that I shouldn’t be arrogant,” she says with a wide smile.

In the beginning part of the drama, the issue that was pointed out the most regarding her acting was her unnatural speech and accent. Yoon Eun-hye says, “Actually, there was criticism of my speech when I shot Coffee Prince too. I think it may have been more of a problem in this drama because Hae-na is someone who speaks bluntly, and people expect a certain image of a chaebol. But my teachers tell me that Hae-na’s character comes across as more personal when she talks in an unlikable way.”

Every episode, Kang Hae-na wears flashy clothing and makeup that would be difficult to pull off in real life. In order to reinvent herself into a polished, glamorous image out of her former plucky one, Yoon Eun-hye is treading a difficult path. She says, “I feel how difficult it is for a woman to work at being pretty. When I was doing Coffee Prince, I just washed my face and applied lotion and skin cream and I was ready to film. But compared to back then, now I have to get up two hours earlier to do my makeup.” The high-heeled shoes are another burden: “I wear high heels that are about 12 to 13 cm high, and after filming for a long time, my legs are swollen like an elephant’s.”

However, in her mind, Hae-na isn’t a feminine type of woman. “She always acts forceful, but she has such a pure heart that she makes a lot of mistakes. That’s why she can’t regulate her own feelings that well, and she can also seem like a dumb child. You can’t see her as perfectly feminine.”

As a result of her successful transformation to actor, there is one fact that is largely forgotten: that she started out as a pop singer in the idol group Baby VOX. Considering that she participated in recording a track, “I Love You,” last year with the hip-hop group Mighty Mouth, it seems she still has a lingering attachment to singing. She says, “I stood onstage for six years. Even now, my heart races when I see singers passionately performing. But the younger singers coming out these days receive a lot of training and have a lot of talent, so I wonder if I’d be able to live up to that. In any case, I’ve always felt disappointed that I was a singer back when I couldn’t sing that well and wasn’t very skilled.”

Following Coffee Prince, she took a two-year hiatus. At the time, she immersed herself in drawing and painting. Prior to her debut, she deliberated very seriously between whether she should be an entertainer or painter. She says, “I draw abstract paintings that show the state of my feelings as they are.” Only a completed painting merits full points. She adds, “When I have amassed a lot of paintings done under the same theme, I’d like to hold an art exhibit.”

She says of herself, “I’m reaching that age where I mature as an actor and as a woman. I’d like to show my talents little by little, but the unfortunate thing is that a lot of people don’t want to give me time for failure. I’d like to learn more as I experience failure too. I wish people would not brand an actor as a failure through one mistake.”

Via Chosun


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I don't think her read hair is not that bad however it is attracted in some new sense. Why can't Asian people let go the old character of one actor? The characters YEH portrayed in the last three dramas were the best in their own ways. She's also doing the best in the MFL like she did in the past. So, why don't people just stop criticizing her. YEH is the best in acting and her personality is sweet and charming. So whatever people are saying about her, Her fans will love her still till the end. YEH is always doing the great. From these criticisms, her acting career will not drop there are always many fans who love her works


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WOW! She's got alot of following judging from the reactions in this blog. Hope this will translate to better rating.

Yah right let us just enjoy this show. It is not too late really there are still 8 more episodes? Calling director/ scriptwriters, give us some twists and better lines.

Just as a postcript, it is right that viewers actually enjoy shows where they can see themselves in the shoes of the female lead (this is why we watch drama isn't it- too escape in a different world that we can only dream about). And in this case, very few actually imagine themselves to be bitchy and arrogant but the perfectly genteel, behaved and filial person. Ergo, the instant reaction of some viewers.

Although much has been said about the male leads, I personally expects a male lead with stronger character and appeal which will make HY fall head over heals despite her money and lineage which will also make her drop the chraming lawyer. It is not YSH definitely. Sorry, he is not just the guy for this drama.


WE WILL BE WATCHING. . . . . . .


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i feel bad for her.... but i still love her...eun hye fighting....


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Thanks for your response. I realize that you have bias -- and I have no problem with that. Who doesn't have a bias? If you have a pulse, a brain, and passion, you will have bias. I appreciate that you allow others to comment on it, though.

Thanks for the info on YSH's demographic: I figured after watching (more like cringing through) Queen of Housewives this weekend that many of the detractors of YEH were probably ajhummas hoping for a recreation of YSH's smoldering and sexy role. Well, I can feel their shock because YSH in MFL is neither smoldering nor sexy. And I can see how YEH rather than beloved YSH would be the (imo misplaced) target.

Don't get me started on how women are treated in our cultures! Patriarchy is bad enough, but the women-on-women anger is worse, and frustrates the hell out of me. Also, I don't think our society is egalitarian or progressive. We just think we are all while being bombarded by messages that subtly oppress and marginalize us. But that's off topic...

Belleza, even though we disagree, I appreciate your spirit and time.

Women and YEH! Fighting!


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Can't help but compare this drama & YEH character of Kang Hae-na to Han Ye-seul in Fantasy Trouble. Both play a spoiled & stuck-up girl who's used to getting everything she wants and still treats her everyone else below her like trash.

Must admit, Han played this arrogant, snobbish & vain heiress to a tee. I hated Anna, but darn, Han Ye-seul is good in Fantasy Couple. As much as I love YHE, she could not play the arrogant Hae-na that well. Yes the story is blah, directing is not great and some other leads are also over act sometimes but all that can't be blamed for YEH's under portrayal of her character (only the snobbish/arrogant parts, she's okay for the rest of her character).

Don't you think My Fair Lady & Fantasy Couple has a similar plot? A rich, spoiled young lady (eventually turns good) has this love/hate relationship with a poor guy who is money driven for everything he does.

It's been a while since YEH's last acting chop plus this character might not meant to be for her. That said, it won't take away her better performance in CF & Vineyard Man

I will keep watching MFL, just because it's YEH's comeback. There'll always be critics (hash but don't thinks they're vicious), hope she'll stay strong.


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"Must admit, Han played this arrogant, snobbish & vain heiress to a tee. "

Hailing from Cerritos helps. Fierce -- that's how we do in SoCal yo!! :D

I could definitely see Han Ye Seul, Han Ji Hye or even Jung Ryeo Won in this part. But I'd love to see, say, a Han Ji Min try this role simply because it would be very anti-type.


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I think she needs to toughen up. As an actress people are not always going to like your performance and you just have to deal with it. I would like to ask if she feels that her portrayal of the character is convincing in all scenes and if she honestly thinks they are then fair enough, but if not, then expect it learn and grow as an actor.


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@107 belleza, lol you crack me up

agree with Han Ye-seul, Han Ji-hye & Han Ji-min choices but Jung Ryeo-won seems too soft & delicate for this part :-)


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i think YEH has put in alot of effort in her new work. i like her spirit and personality as she is very charming in all ways. she must have her reasons for choosing this script so i will just believe in her.

i'm still eagerly awaiting for the episodes of my fair lady and very enthusiastic about how the story goes.

I also like her song, dashgirl, in the ost. it's very very nice!

eun hye ssi, dont get too upset! please continue to do your best!

him nae!


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^YEH picked this project because of the original script. We all know she is a genius at picking out her projects, however the original script writer has been replaced and the new script writer deviated/changed a lot from the original script. So sad because YEH could no longer backout and now she is getting all the blame for the sucky story.


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It's sad that she's almost feeling crazy about the criticism of her acting...it's actually not that bad...besides she's been in hiatus for 2 yrs...ppl shld probably be more understanding towards her. I love you Yoon eun so fighting...don't let it bother you so much and I did like her last paragraph as well! By the way, i love the colour of her hair...it's really nice on her! However, MFL is one drama i've been enjoying to watch and always looking f/ward to watching it ... I luv Yoon sang hyun too!


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I don't think she should be sad about criticisms coz for all you know they are not really her fans. I have observed it when I was watching her first episodes at Viikii.net. I fact, I commented about it...some of them are Moon Chae Woon fans. They would criticize YEH then praise MCW to the extent of wanting JIW to end up with her instead of YEH. It's good Viikii stopped posting the comments after that since its embedded on the video. The "real fans" just wanted to see her act after two years irregardless of what. For me, she's always a good actress...funny and brings a breath of fresh air...especially for us from overseas who had been watching the same faces on kdrama all these years...Come to think of it, the project was packaged as a romantic/comedy not heavy drama therefore it is expected to be light. Let's not compare her with LMH of BOF coz some like not really for his acting but because they had a crush on him as well as on the other actors in the film(most viewers are females). That's why next time they should be very careful in getting her castmates that would involve a love triangle...for me the guys should be about the same age as hers and both good-looking as fans usually romanticize them just like what happened with YEH and JJH in Goong. YEH should check out mysoju.com, MFL is already the no.1 kdrama leaving behind BOF, Style and Swallow the Sun, and its servers are crashing due to internet traffic while Viikii.net already reached almost 400,000 views as compared to less than 20,000 for other kdramas. From us overseas fans esp.from the Philippines, Fighting! Don't be sad, it will be traslated in different languages anyway when exported that whatever minor flaws will not be noticed...


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I think there is always a way to improve acting. No one should be at the top and thinks he/she is the best. Being an actor/actress has to be polite and likable. He/She can be a top star but I would not like the fact if that person is not likable and ill-mannered. I will still give her my support!


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fighting yoon eun hye be strong!


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she is a naturally sweet lady and she is struggling to show the role of being rude, snob and spoiled rich girl. she must separate her "true self" from the role she is playing. the director must say something about it and for sure he is noticing this.
with all this negative feedback, hope it will be a challenge for her.

lets give her the support and enjoy the KOREAN DRAMAS and her upcoming dramas.


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Thanks for the translation of the interview. It is certainly refreshing to see YEH back to trying new role in MFL after 2 yrs of break. An outstanding professional actress should have the courage and the passion to try on new roles even if they were to meet with some obstacles and difficulties along the way. Do remember that failure is the mother of all success. Without even trying and having failures sometimes how can an aspiring actor or actress achieves the maturity and experiences needed in their acting career? YEH should not feels sad or disappointed in getting such criticisms about her acting. But take them positively and moves on. Perhaps she should also try on some historical drama roles to experience the different skills set needed in acting. Let's wish her all the best in her acting careers and look forward to see more of her drama show ahead.....YEH fighting!!!


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when i first read the title i thought, is she really crying without accepting the criticism? but now i understand that she's crying cuz she doesnt want to hurt her parents. and she's right, the only way to learn is through experience. but after coffee prince, she didnt get any experience for 2 years since she was too busy selling random products for major corporations. anyway i hope she learned that My Fair Lady was a mistake and is just a platform to advertise those designer brands she wears.

also if she takes on more cfs and photo shoots than acting roles, how in the world does she expect us to recognize her as an actress. sure, many actors enjoy that extra income by selling their star but for the past 2 years she made that her priority even though she was offered many acting roles. its like she is doing fluffy romantic comedies just for the sake of landing all those cf deals in order to make easy money after the production is over.

i love her personality a lot and i prefer her as a variety star. if she really wants to be recognized as a true actress then she has to prove she can handle any role she undertakes or otherwise choose roles that suits her brand of acting.


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I think she needs to choose the role that she's capable of and a role that suits her. I mean I love her in coffee prince and princess hour, both having a bubbly and light character, and through these kind of character she can show her talent. I guess the 'bitchy' role doesn't suit her that well.

I hope she doesn't stop here. I would like to see her in more dramas since she has a lot more to offer than this. I also think that experience is the best teacher and this experience is a teacher she needs to seriously listen to and consider.

Go YEH! I'll cheer for you!
Good luck!
Have more courage and faith...


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i never liked her. but its harsh what people are saying about her acting. its not easy to ACT ... its easy to pick faults out of other... i think everyone should look AT THEMSELVES FIRST...


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YEH breaks my heart! she ! =( I'm a hardcore fan of hers and I guess that may make me biased to her work. But~ it doesn't make me fail to see what kind of person she really is! She's a beautiful, sweet, courageous woman! Sure, the role in which she plays in MFL is one we are not use to...but she still has something to prove. Against all odds......against all the people encouraging her to feel down on herself! She strives on. She tries her best. Trying is half the effort. Persevering when you feel at your weakest point...I can only admire her. Really.........She's strong and continues on. Fighting YEH! So many people will always support you!


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Not saying YEH is a great thespian, but w/ the right project having a good storyline, dialogue, actors to work w/, as well as good direction by the director, YEH is capable of delivering a pretty good acting job (as evidenced by "Coffee Prince").

MFL is simply not a good project for YEH (or for the other actors as well), particularly since it's in the style of broad comedy, which often calls for the director to call for overacting or exaggerated expressions.

Case in point, I didn't think Gong Yoo was much of an actor based on his exaggerated portrayals in films like "My Tutor Friend", "Spygirl" and "Shes's on Duty."

But given a very good storyline, dialogue, fellow actors and director, Gong Yoo did a pretty amazing job in CP.

Ewan McGregor is regarded by most to be a very fine actor. But given horrible script(s) and direction in the Star Wars prequels, McGregor's usually fine acting came across as wooden and somewhat comical.


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“Yoon Eun Hye's problem acting as Kang Hae Na”. What's wrong?

It's not that she can't do this role, it is us. Putting haters aside and the given poor MFL production and directing, she's still one of the greatest Korean actress but people should learn how to give her a chance to show that she can be versatile.

Perhaps fans are still caught up wanting more of Yoon's sweetness showcasing her unexplainable charisma. She's the type of a persona where you can't pin point why you want to see more of her attractiveness. It is not easy. They are not ready. They are angry. Not ready and can't accept this new role she's trying to portray. This is too much for them to bear. People want her to be their friend, daughter, granddaughter, younger/older sister, lover, confidant, etc. not the obnoxious, arrogant brat angry at world forgettable character.

Hopefully it will happen soon for Yoon's sake.

Struggling as it is I'm beginning to appreciate this new role of hers because it is just an act as it doesn't change her personality in real life. I think I'm ready. Yoon herself seems to be ready evident on the last few episodes. Come on, let's embrace the new her as an actor.


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Don't worry Yoon Eun Hye! we love u still.and were waiting for the next episodes with much anticipation!!! Fighting!!!! Hope to see u with CP. You two look good together and i thought that u are really together with the CP.We're looking forward for ur next project with him...
LOVE U ! ! !


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if people think Yoon Eun Hye's bad at acting, they should see Lee Yo Won's acting.. wow.. soooo bad.. i couldn't stand watch queen seon deok anymore after the little deok man went away, but Go Hyun Jung's acting is fabulous.


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Yoon Eun Hye,

Nobody is born to be a movie star. You are doing a fine job.
Don't give up.

- FD


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yeh must start looking for a new vehicle that can highlight her acting skills where her beauty can still shine. The role must be meaty, showing range of emotions but sensible (palusible to happen in real life but an extraordinary experience) and there must be time to look for suitable castmates.

she needs to be paired with someone with strong personality and appeal otherwise, the guy will be overshadowed by her beauty and talent, so it cannot be just anybody. please. . .


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To me, the narrow-mindedness of TYPE-CASTING, is an ugly monster (whether inside the industry or outside as the viewing audience) that needs to be curtailed and even, squashed. As long as it's tolerated, it will exist. Yet, I applaud people who step-out-of-the-box when it comes to fulfilling their passion for acting. I admire those with integrity and courage, who will select a script that's out of their norm; willing to try to bring life to a character that in many ways does exist in reality, just maybe not their own. So, Miss YEH, it's okay to cry...let it out. Continue to strive to be the best at whatever you do. To me, you're an excellent actress. Also, the director really needs to step up the game. The director is in control of the character's delivery.

Also, I have to laugh when I think about, how the audience views the actors character-role portrayals. I'll sum it up like this. Does the extent of YEH's portrayal leave such an impression on the viewers that it cannot be separated from reality? If not, something's not right with the viewer, and it has nothing to do with the actor. Just let the young woman act.


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I really think that all the actors are having a hard time with this drama. I really think the script is at fault. I mean yeah a great actor will make a good movie out of even a crappy script. But in this case they all are having difficulty with it.
I think she is doing pretty well with what she has been given. She is still young and people make mistakes. She shouldn't take it to heart. Just learn and move on to the next project.


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I didn't think her acting in Lady Castle was bad, on the contrary I thought it was quite good...I can't believe people would criticize her so harshly to make her cry. It surprises me how judgmental Asians are on TV dramas, in America things like this are unheard of.


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I agree with Lisa 42, Her best work was The vineyard man, but i enjoyed every drama she was in, not Goong though ( the story was badd)..
and Now in My Fair lady, i find this drama fun and exciting to watch,, and i even enjoy the raws before the subs come out, becoz there is so much emotions delivered which can be seen in their eyes..
i prefer blaming the script writers, coz at some points some scenes seem awkward or not fit, but still YEH and the leading actor are doing a great job.. i am convinced that without them this project would have failed 100%.. aand i want to add the Yoo Joo is a great actress too, i enjoy the scenes she's in, really great and entertaining actress.. I've been watching asian dramas, specially korean ones, for ages now, so i have an experience now in dramas..
People are saying that the story isn't convincing and the characters seem forced to get closer,.. i say, who wants a real story should look outside the window or chit chat with the neighbors,, sometimes Dramas are magic and fun to watch becoz they make the impossible seem real and the dreams becomes reality..The real reality we're living is boring, sad, and depressing and we don't need to see more of this in dramas too..

YEH fighting.. and Butler dong chan, ur a great actor too, just perfect.. ^__^


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Yoon Eun Hye fighting!
I think the reason is, mainly not her acting but the script which is so unlogical and sometimes so weird. I hope she will choose a better script next time


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it's the script really! it's strange and not that accurate to what should be really happen just like a unchronological order of scenes. very confusing. but i enjoy it :) SWEET!


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I don't think it was YEH's acting that made the drama performance under her other dramas. I think it was the overall aspects of the drama itself. The scenario, directing, settings, cinematography, and even the dialogs weren't as strong as Coffee Prince. C'mon, it was her that made us want to watch the drama. She made the drama worthy. Really, I love this girl.


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While I do think that her acting is far from good, I wouldn’t blame it all on her because most of the dramas she’s regularly cast in is bad in itself even if she’s not in it (Princess Hours, The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince and Lie to Me) It might be the directors’ and scriptwriters’ fault. Maybe she was expected to act badly to fit the role. To know her real acting capability, at least cast her in a decent drama.


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yeah i hope she'd choose a better script in future
YEH fighting! =D


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i enjoyed reading various comments on this article about YEH.. Honestly speaking i like YEH very much and i'll always wil... YEH be strong GIRL!!!


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people criticising YEH are stupid people really .. i really love YEH .. she so cute warm and charming :)


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I love watching movies and drama from different countries....
And I end up creating a blog about my opinion on every movie/drama I watch...
MFL is not bad and her acting is not bad too...
But the way I watch it...It's like I've seen it before...
The conclusion of the story is easy to guess...
The characters has nothing new to show...
I think some people criticize her skils because the character she played and the way she performed is the same as the other actors who played the same character as her....
Every people want something new and unexpected....
Like the previous drama i watch...Queen Seon Deok....there is a lot of surprising characters there...i love their differences and weakness...
Ko Hyung Jung is very brilliant...
That's why right now I find korean history more interesting....


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I think MFL is showcaseing a sexy YEH. And she is.


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While I do agree that her acting is far from good, I wouldn't blame it all on her because most of the dramas she's regularly cast in is bad in itself even if she's not in it (Princess Hours, The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince and Lie to Me) It might be the directors' and scriptwriters' fault. Maybe she was expected to act badly to fit the role. To know her real acting capability, at least cast her in a decent drama.


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