Open Thread #97



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So happy that it is Friday! Woot! :)


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Happy Friday, everyone! Wow, I'm the second poster on here...that, like, never happens! *lol*

Here's some randomness for a Friday: Last night I was eating Spagettio's while watching a drama...and it occurred to me....Spagettio's is like an American version of ramen! *lol* It's cheap, it's easy to make, and it provides a little bit of the "comfort food" that is sometimes needed.

Seems like I talk about food a lot...well, I have to say, I do like to eat!


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I haven't really watch any K drama lately.. I had watched Style and Swallow of the sun but quit soon after and i did not know if i want to re-watch it again... Know i don't what to watch.. i want to try my fair lady but i don't know..

Oh yeah... Its our fasting month already and tolerance is really needed this time of month.. Hope i will have it... kekekeke


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I want to wish all Muslim reader. Have a bless Ramadan.


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Not of fan of Yoon Eun Hye so I just can't get myself excited to want to watch My Fair Lady - sigh. Will stick with Hon, 9E2O re-watch & might watch Mixed Up Investigative Agency again. Counting the days for 'Iris'...


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@zei, you should try Hon/Soul.
its the only kdrama lately thats kept my interest and its not really scary, but it is intense and dark (psychologically speaking). lots of interesting twists to people's personalities.
for light stuff i'm watching tamra island which has some laugh out loud moments and some interesting (if rather uneven) acting. it doesn't take itself serious (so far) and thats kinda nice.
come to think of it, the way its laid out is very simular to the taiwanese idol drama formula.
anyone else finding taking care of the young lady kind of boring? yeah there's good eye candy, but that only takes you so far. i hope it gets better.


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@ Andromytta
mmmm.....spaghettiooo's. now i totally want that for lunch. XD


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Happy OT Friday guys! I'm sending this from my phone while I'm beautiful Denver CO! How addicted am I?? I can't wait to start My Fair Lady when I get home. Hope you all have a great weekend!


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yes!!! it's finally Friday!!! i thought it was Friday on Tuesday already.. so it's been a LONG week.

@ 2 Andromytta

i had spaghetti-O's for dinner last night too!! but my daughter put some ground beef and cheese in it to make a well rounded meal. LOL! i can't cook, really, last time i did i burnt my fingers. they're still trying to heal. so i make my daughter do it. that's why ppl have kids, to have someone do the things they want done but don't want to do it themselves. or maybe that's just me. LOL!!!

@ 6 nana

is Hon scary? like ghost like? w/ the eerie feeling? cuz then i'll skip it. i'm too chickensh*t for that kinda stuff.

@ 8 langdon813

hi unnie, still had to drop by OT, huh? LOL! have a great trip in Denver. say hi to my aunt (she's in Broomfield!) for me!

i'm still in a drama slump, can't get over how great Black and White was, i don't wanna watch something that will ruin that nostalgia.. as much as i wanna start City Hall and Story of a Man, i just can't... at least not yet.. idk y..


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Happy Friday!!!
I am new to K dramas. I like Jung II Woo since IIjimae and looking forward to a different side of him in My Fair Lady . I hope he has a significant part in this drama..


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I have a HUGE thank you to everyone who demanded I watch 9E2O last week. It's fantastic. I'm about halfway through, and I already know that I'm going to watch this again after I finish. All of the conversations are so meaningful, and even though HyunTae and NanHee are moving so slow, it makes sense. You see flashes of their love, and uuuuhhhhhhh. I'm happy to watch it.


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Thank goodness this week is ending. Just been feeling irritable the entire week, had received notice that I didn't get the job that I had wanted, and a horrible stomachache Hopefully, next week will be luckier! =D

The only bright spot was starting Tamna the Island. Hilarious!-especially Im Ju Hwan. I love his arrogance and how his eyes sort of slide away when he's losing an argument. And i'm in love with the little girl who plays the little sister. She's so precocious and ladylike- how did that happen with such parents and a klutz like Beo Jin for a sister?

Just curious- has anyone been following the taiwanese drama Easy Fortune Happy Life? I sort of put it on hiatus and am now wondering if it got better?


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I'm very amused with netizens. They can dig everything, can't they?
I read some of kpop blogs - they are in your blogroll - and everyday, without fail, I'm really amused with the kpoppers gossips...
I can't imagine how the netizens can find a really simple thing from a picture, or how they can blow up a simple matter sooo big.
for example : I've mentioned last week that I love 2NE1, and i read that netizens complained that Minzy was wearing fully erected Carebears leggings!
or, that 2PM's Chansung were littering on an episode of Wild Bunnies.
I wonder what the netizens' do daily? staring at their computers and check every single scenes or pictures of celebrities?

And then about DBSK's matter - they even can compiled 120K++ signatures for petition? What the heck.

Reading those news makes me a little bit scared. What would happen on my future children's generation?


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Hey guys!

woot! still morning! haha, every friday comes around and it's usually midnight before I remember that OT is happening, and then I get here and there are 200 some posts to read and it's all over. But yes, I'm rather drama-dry as well. though, i've started re-watching Que Sera, Sera. It's not the happiest of dramas - and that's strange for me because I typically like the completely non-realistic cinderella-style happy romantic comedies (wow, lots of adj...). But it's an interesting watch, kinda the intense What Happened in Bali feel for me.

Also, I'm not sure who it was... mishane maybe? It's been a while, but you mentioned well-written spuffy fanfic? Is there any way to get it from you? My email is pv.sungmi[at]gmail[dot]com.

To those of you starting term soon, good luck!
happy friday, everyone!!


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Hooray!! Happy Friday all!

It has been a draining week and i'm so glad it's over with (well, almost). Monday - my adored Blackberry Curve of 2 years died on me. Just crashed outta nowhere, and as I was too dumb to have backed up data, i love everything I input from the last 2 years. Sigh - only had what was on my old-ass SIM card. Upside - got the new Blackberry Bold and am LOVING it. Only downside of this phone is that the battery life kinda sucks, but I think that's due to me running multiple programs on it haha.

@2 Andromytta - i haven't had spagetti-os in years. but i saw a commercial for hamburger helper the other night and oddly i really wanted that. yay sodium overload!

@8 langdon813 - have an awesome time in Denver!

@9 lb_tmi - yes no TW drama can beat B&W for sure. the only one that came close to being 'great' for me was Fated to Love You, but again, totally totally totally different style and the last few eps really dragged (tho the first 20 were great haha). Take your time with City Hall and SOAM. No need to rush into them - who knows when the next time a great one will grace us with their presence? I kind of wish I didn't rush so quickly thru City Hall. It was so good I just always had to watch the next ep right away. At the same time, I should have savored it like a fine wine instead. Cuz CH is really a journey that you have to take with the characters and looking back i wish i took more time with it. Now I have nothing to watch but 2PM (not that I'm complaining! haha)

@11 gallivanter - so glad you're enjoying 9E2O!! Yes I agree their relationship moves slow but that's what makes it so realistic, no? And you get to see how perfect they are for each other thru all the little things that happen. <3!

@12 asianromance - maybe i'll start watching Tamna the Island - the clips looked pretty cute and it sounds nice and fluffy. I as well, stopped watching Easy Fortune Happy Life. As much as I adore Chen Qiao En, the drama had no oomph for me. And the leading guy is hot yes, but...also kinda bland? Maybe if I had watched it pre-B&W and pre-CH I wouldn't think this but after 2 superb dramas back to back, it's hard to go back to mediocre.

phew! that's a long post.


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AAAAH 9E2O rocked for me as it seemed realistic how the friends fall with each other. I am sucker for good romance and conversations. It really sucked me in when I watched it! I was not much of a Su Ae fan but after that drama I LOVED her.

TGIF everyone.

Denver is nice. I was there for a convention last weekend and earlier this month in SF.

Behind on dramas, just finishing up QUEEN OF HOUSEWIVES with Kim Nam Joo which I really enjoyed. I really can see why the guy who is opposite of My Fair Lady with Yoon Eun Hye is good. He was excellent here more so than the male lead in QOH. I have not finished up CITY HALL and still a few episodes short. Queen Seon Dok does look amazing. I loved JUMONG too. Where can I find the time though?

Korean lessons are slow as speaking is still paltry but reading is slowly getting there and I have flashes of ---oh I get it. Listening is still trumping the speaking. At least lately I got Japanese and Mandarin practice meeting new people. Cantonese is not an issue with the folks. Sigh I wish Korean is getting better.

So many dramas to watch and so little free time.

Enjoy your weekends everyone!


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@ 13 djes

i'm totally hearing u on the kpop netizens.. nothing better to do w/ their time than to catch all these incidents and scrutinize about it!! could a few of them come over and clean my house since they have no lives?

i actually just posted replies to those posts! haha.. really, JYP had to make a statement about Chansung's littering? boy is 19.. u really think that he's thinking about what he's doing as he's running to try and get into a CLUB??

and Minzy's carebear.. is so effen funny!!! i LOVE it.. where do i get myself a pair of those leggings? LOL! she's 15. i'd be alarmed if she didn't wear something funny/stupid/entertaining like that erected carebear. that's what i'd expect a 15 yr old girl to wear. i'd be more upset if she were 55 and wearing a carebear w/ an erection.


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@ 14 Rifae

Re: The Spuffy fic, that was me. I'll look for my favorites and e-mail them to you. Now. . .just to let you know. . .the ones that I consider my favorites are LOONGG. Like, almost novel length. I can send you my favorite short ones, but most of the ones that I enjoy are really long and could be their own separate novels.

But a good website to go to is [www.]allaboutspike[.com]. I think they have the largest selection of fic and a great way to search for them (by pairing, by rating, author, episode, length, etc). I'll give you the names of my favorite authors so you can search by that if you want (and these are all on the site):

cousinjean- she wrote the BEST spike/buffy fic. my favorite fic ever is The Butterfly Effect. That one is amazing. Another good one by her is Perfect World. Perfect World is on allaboutspike but The Butterfly Effect isn't. I can e-mail that one to you.

Valerie X
Annie Sewell-Jennings
Avalon (her Love Is Blind fic is amazing and considered to be one of the first Buffy/Spike fic out there)
Barb Cummings (Necessary Evils & A Raisin In The Sun are favorites of mine), Herself (OMG herself wrote this EPIC MASTERPIECE called The Bittersweets Series. It's dark, and goes really into character arcs and development. I adore it but it's seriously really really really really long. She's done multiple sequels), kantayra (she wrote a LOT of smut)
nautibitz (she also wrote A LOT of smut, but her smut is fun. kind of silly. like a Janet Evanovich kind)

These authors are all on that website. Go to this link:
Just delete the parentheses.

Sorry to all the readers who don't care about Buffy, lol. I'll email this to you also, if you want.


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thanks, mishane! that sounds great!! i've been low on reading material anyway... :-D


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I feel like a total geek spazzing out on Buffy/Spike.


That was what first introduced me to the wonderful world of the Internet, lol. And when I discovered these authors and these stories, that went so much deeper than what was on screen, I was in love.

I haven't watched Asian dramas in over a week. CRAZY. I just haven't been motivated to watch anything. So weird. I'll click on a drama and after five minutes be completely bored. I'm taking an Asian drama break and I'm going to concentrate on US shows for a while, until I get back in the mood.

I finished True Blood Season 1 last week and I'm going to watch the second season next.

Did anyone watch Dexter? That's my next show I'm going to watch.

Also, I bought the season 5 DVD's of Angel and want to watch that soon. I stopped watching Angel after the first season, I just didn't care for it, but I heard that in the 5th season, Spike is a main character and then there's an episode where Angel is a puppet? I have to watch that.

Any recommendations for English TV shows guys? I'll take them, new or old!


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Ah Friday! That means shopping tomorrow (:

Anyone watching Let's Go Watch Meteor Shower? Ya know, the Chinese version for Hana Yori Dango/Boys Over Flower? I know it's not a kdrama & my first time watching a cdrama but I like to be mulitcultural (; I'm on episode 14 out of 20something & is curious about other people's opinion


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@ Rifae

I'm going to find my The Butterfly Effect and e-mail that one to you. It's seriously really good. It could be it's own separate novel.

It's such a shame that cousinjean stopped writing for Buffy. I wasn't involved in fandom back then (I was only 12, I didn't even know what the word fandom meant!) but when I got older I read up on it. Apparently cousinjean became this big name in the Buffy fandom, everyone adored her writing so she asked to get paid for it. She said something like, "I'll update my fanfic if you guys could maybe donate a little money for it". Which, some people were willing to donate money because her fic was that good, but it also caused an uproar. People got upset (who should have to pay for fanfic) and she then deleted her websites and deleted her fic and left the Internet world. So strange. It took a while to find her fic, people came out and shared their copies of it.

What are the legalities of that? I know that was a big issue. You can't request someone to pay for your fanfic right? I mean, isn't fanfic work by fans? The content of fanfic is copyrighted, right? You're writing a story about characters that ARE NOT YOURS. That's why most of them have that disclaimer: I do not own these characters. They are the property of so-and-so. So if you charged money to write that, would that be some sort of illegal activity?


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Happy Friday everyone!
Im really excited about my fair lady but i have a feeling that it may not live up to my expectations, well two eps are up on viikii soi'll just have have to wait for it all to be subbed then i'll see how that goes.
started tamna last night and i loved it, though i've only seen the first ep but i loved what i saw. Style i started but i must say its mostly fluff, im still watching it though but just to find out what happens at the end cos really the acting leaves alot to be desired and the styling is not the best.
btw what happened to the man who cant get married recaps ?


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OMG, I have been so busy this week that I totally forgot today is Friday - TGIF (thank goodness its friday). Hope all have a great weekend - I am planning to sleep in tomorrow and catch up on My Fair Lady (what does everyone think on this new Kdrama).

See ya


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gah! I just posted but nothing showed up!! sigh. so i'm going to do a re-write and if it shows up as a double-post, sorry! here we go again.

Happy Friday!
Week started off crappy as my beloved Blackberry Curve of 2 years crashed and burned on me and as I was too stupid to back up my info, i lost all contacts collected within the last 2 years. Upside is I got the new Blackberry Bold and am already in love with it haha. Only thing is that the battery life sucks and is totally drained after a day of usage. However that's probably not helped by the fact that I run a buttload of programs off of it ha!

@2 Andromytta - mm spagetti-os. Haven't had that in more years than I can count. I saw a commercial for Hamburger Helper the other night and it made me crave that. I dono why since I haven't had that in years either. But yay for sodium overload!

@8 langdon813 - have fun in Denver! Don't worry, you're not alone - If I were out of town i'd still check DB's OT too. We're all addicts here.

@lb_tmi - B&W really was a great drama and it's hard to beat it. The only other TW drama I can think of that was 'great' was Fated to Love You, but again that's a totally totally totally different style and storyline and even dragged in the last few eps. First 20 were good tho ha. Take your time with CH and SOAM. I kind of regret rushing thru CH but each ep made me want to watch the ep and i love me some instant gratification. But it's truly like a fine wine that you must slowly savor. CH is all about the journey you take with the characters. And who knows when another great drama will come around and grace us with their presence? I guess all that's left is 2PM videos (not that I'm complaining! haha)

@11 gallivanter - so glad you're enjoying 9E2O! It's such a great show and yes hyungtae and nanhee's relationship is moving slowly, but that's what makes it so realistic, no? you get to see all the little things that make them so perfect for each other! and again, I WANT ME A HYUNGTAE!!

@12 asianromance - I may give Tamna the Island a try - the clips i've seen look cute and fluffy. I, as well, have given up on Easy Fortune Happy Life. As much as I love Chen Qiao En, the drama had no oomph for me. And yes the lead guy can be hot, but after 2 great dramas back to back (B&W and CH), as well as hot leading men back to back, it's hard to get into something only mediocre.

ok let's hope this one posts!!


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The only English-speaking shows I watch are House and The Office. I've seen every single episode of both series. I actually just started getting into them this summer and haven't touched a single Asian drama ever since.


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@19 mishane

I'm thinking about watching Buffy. I've seen everything else Joss has done, and it all just makes me cry lol. My best friend is on the third season, and about once a day I'll get a text on how happy or sad Buffy has made her.

I tried watching Dexter, but I couldn't get into it. A bunch of my friends think it's brilliant, but for me there's just nothing I can relate to. My friends say that's the point, but uh....I need to see something--anything--that I have in similarity to A character. Didn't happen with Dexter for me.


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@13 djes & @lb_tmi - netizens are NUTS. i read about the Minzy care bear pants and Chansung littering and i was like ARE YOU SERIOUS.... REALLY?!?! THIS IS WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR TIME? sigh. like, you have nothing better to do than stare at minzy's pants? and chansung littering - ya sure you shouldn't litter, but who hasn't littered?? kid has a camera around him almost 24/7, it was like 2am and he's running from noraebong to a club in the rain and he throws it to the side. give him a break. geez. whatever, even if he's a litterbug, i adore the kid ha!!

So i know this is old news, but did you guys read about someone that broke into Choi Jin Shil's gravestone and stole her ashes?? WTF?!?!? seriously, WTH is wrong with some people?! who does that? when i read that i got SO mad.. she can't even get peace now that she's gone. i hope they catch whoever committed this atrocity.


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i go back to school next week....ughhh that means my drama-watching is going to have to slow way down! i need to watch ep.2 of My Fair Lady tonight so i can look at javabeans recap and see what she thought of it lol. hope everyone has a great day today!! :D


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I started watching 9E2O, I like it, but then I also started watching Who Are You?, and I like it even better. So 9E2O is on the back burner for now, I'll definitely finish it though. The main guy looked familiar, and after googling him, I found out he was in Love Story in Harvard. I remember rooting for him on that drama at one point.

Anyway, back to WAY?, when some of you guys commented on how Yoon Kye Sang is adorable, I honestly didn't see it... I was like 'eh?', but as I watch every episode, I have grown to love him, needless to say, I have changed my mind. He is indeed adorable! Oh, and let's not forget the other guy in this drama -- the gallery owner -- he is mighty fine too! And wait 'til you hear him sing...aaahhhh... :)


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Happy Happy Friday!

I just did THE most amazing thing in my life and went on a cleaning frenzy from midnite up till about 3.30am it feels so good to go to sleep knowing that the house is clean...Ahh Bliss! who would've thought that cleaning out the pantry & cupboards thinking that theres never any food, like whatevs I found Loads! and I'm freaking happy to know that coz its gonna cut down my grocery shopping down by OOdles...I found the funniest thing - pasta spirals from like 2003!!! OMG i couldn't believe it, they looked...well... Mutated! like they've turned into stone and spawned some cous-cous children lol I think I'll try sell it online..

Anywho I consider that my Spring Cleaning for the year since its getting warmer here and the nights aren't Frostbitingly Cold... Perchance those of you fellow Dramabeaners in the U.S and all hows the weather? I haven't been keeping tabs on Fox news lately..yurr!!

So i hope everyone has a pleasent weekend, I Know I won't, Damn Uni assignments, However there is a Silver Lining - 1more week till Mid-Semester Break! yay! and for me that entails - 13days of Drama Marathon-ing, and The Last Day in a panic frenzy over holiday assignments... Ahh life is such a funny thing eh?!


Virtual Hugs & Kisses to all!!!


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i totally agree with you, i just cant come around to watching My Fair Lady cause im not a fan of Yoon Eun Hye..my friends say its cute and that the lead actors are hot but even still i am not too sure i will end up watching that drama..oh well


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Here, here, I second (third) those comments about what a good thing it is that this week almost OVER. I hardly got a chance to watch anything, and when I had an hour here or there I tried the following:
- Watching Swallow the Sun. It's OK, but I'm just not getting into the leads. Except for a few scenes, events just seem to roll off them with little effect. Teflon characters. The locations are so grand and technicolor that they seem to be overwhelming the slight emotional twitches we get out of the actors. Las Vegas and subtlety just don't work together.
- Watching the jdorama Buzzer Beat. This is such a guilty pleasure, I really shouldn't like it because it's chock full of cliches and bishie eye candy (how many baths do these guys take???) but that's exactly why I like it. This is one I watch with the door closed so no one can see how superficial I am being, LOL.
- Watching City Hall NGs and other stuffness on youtube. I am waiting for Labor Day weekend for a City Hall re-watch fest, so I am watching additional materials and reading comments for right now. I have collected over 400 pages of commentaries, synopses, reviews, and analyses of City Hall; right now, I have no idea what I am going to do with it.

This weekend I am going to finish Return of Iljimae on Dramafever; what a pretty, pretty show. Sigh.


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@ mishane

i don't think someone can get paid for writing a fanfic.. unless they go thru all the legal stuff of getting rights to write about the characters.. but that's way beyond my scope of things.. it sucks that there was all that backlash on the author tho too, cuz it drove her to hiding... and now no one gets to read her work..

@ lovenyc52

i watched Fated to love you as it was airing.. and HATED waiting for subs.. it drove me crazy!!! i only did that with one other drama (thai lakorn Jai Rao) and i'll NEVER do that again. i'm not patient enough to wait.

i guess i will have to put 9E2O on my list for dramas to watch since all the ravings about it.. after i can get over the greatness that was Black and White.

oh, the other twdrama i've seen that i would really like to finish is Heaven's wedding dress... i was having a hecava time finding it subbed, but then when i found it, i didn't have the time to finish watching.. anyone see it? is it worth picking up again?


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90210 & Gossip Girl: Addictive & SO MUCH DRAMA! Sortof mature.
George Lopez: Kindof old but it's simply hilarious to watch!
Secret Life of American Teenager: Intense & deals with teen pregnancies. Somewhat mature.
Avatar: Watched it with my brothet & loveeeeed it! Funny & fun!
Friends: Again, sortof old but its hours of LOL moments! I became a huge fan of Jennfier Aniston afterwards. Mature contents included.
Degrassi: Fun & easy to watch :) Somewhat mature.
The Office: Too funny!


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I definitely recommend City Hall. The chemistry is excellent between KSA and CSW. If you don't watch it for anything else, at least watch it for that. And it's funny too, KSA can definitely do comedy.


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@ langdon813- have fun in Denver, Unni. I'm gonna try and find me a copy of The Good, The Bad and The Weird this weekend.

@9 lb_tmi

I LOVED Black & White (I crowned it best breakthrough drama of 2009 - next to City Hall, best drama of my lifetime!). My sis had a whirlwind trip to Taiwan last week, and she scored me a B&W OST that is beyond awesome (it's beawesome), and a photo book (which I totally didn't request, but totally appreciate the extra B&W goodies).

Anyways, sis watches wayyyyy more t-dramas than me, and guess what, we all know the delectable Mark Chao (dude always dressed in black, our hot-headed cop) is a newbie and this is his first onscreen role. Well, I mentioned in previous OTs that the secondary male cast of B&W is a whos who of t-drama and even a few HK-drama vets thrown in. And I just found out that Mark is the son of the actor playing the Head of the Southern District Pricinct. When you watch B&W, check for the resemblance, it's there. BTW, I still heart Vic more in B&W, but I concede it's because he's got the juicier role. And another B&W tidbit, Mark only got the role after the original person cast couldn't schedule it in ------ Jerry Yan! Yup, it would have been a mini-Meteor Garden F2 reunion, but Jerry would have been terribly miscast in my opinion.

@ mishane

Buffy, sigh, love, so much love for all things Buffy. Thanks for the fanfic goodness, will definitely check it out. 10 years does not diminish one's love for Buffy.

@12 asianromance

I, like @lovenyc52, have completely given up on Easy Fortune, Happy Life. It is the worst story, chemistry (or lack thereof) between the leads, and general mindlessness that makes t-dramas sometimes so unwatchable, and it's a shame to have this air on TV after Black & White, or even after Fated to Love You (which was very enjoyable inspite of its flaws).

My own drama-watching has been very slow this week, just excited about My Fair Lady because of Yoon Sang-Hyun, I adored him in QoH and wanted so badly for him to have his happy ending. For those who say that he and YEH don't seem well-matched, my personal feelings is that YEH may have been the miscast person. But I really enjoyed her earlier dramas, and I hope whatever awkwardness is ironed out shortly so I have another fun rom-com to enjoy.

I also started New Heart (at the recommendation of Samsooki). So far, so good, 3 eps in. I esp. love the 2 lead doctors, I know one of them is Ji Sung, who is such a scamp in this show. Contrast with how miserable he seems in Swallow the Sun (check, everyone in STW looks and acts miserable and wishes they could be elsewhere), Ji Sung must only act in dramas where his character is not a walking wood carving! He's got that impishness that really needs to be channeled properly.

And lastly, still missing City Hall.


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Anyone else looking forward to Hero with Lee Jun Ki and Han Ji Min? Or Chuno? My drama schedule is starting to look so packed, but dang those uni assignments... When you have a half-hour long presentation for your Archaeology pre-honours thesis coming up, and then only 8 weeks to COMPLETE that actual thesis, and you're sitting around watching dramas... you know you're screwed :D

@ 11 gallivanter
Yay, another 9E2O convert! Glad to hear you're enjoying it.

@ 12 asianromance
I'm loving Tamna the Island, too. I had no idea I was going to enjoy it as much as I did, but I'm more than pleased to have yet another drama to catch every week. I love Park Kyu, and I'm totally rooting for him and Beo Jin, although I'm disappointed to see that it's heading for William/Beo Jin at the moment. Has anyone read the manga in Korean and knows what's going to happen?


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US Shows?

Lost: Non formulaic, awesome sci fi/mystery show, probably the best and most interesting show I've seen since XFiles finished.

House: Interesting medical drama with Sherlock homes type medical mysteries to be solved, incredibly formulaic and kind of stagnates through the latter series, the first series is fantastic.

Dexter: Brilliant, nothing comes close to the first two series, morbidly funny with Dexter being one of the best characters to be featured on any TV show. Not to long either.

One Tree Hill/ the OC: The best two teen shows there were personally, the first 3 seasons of OTH are awesome, addictive and just downright sexy. OC, don't bother after the first season but the first season is so much fun to watch.

Fawlty Towers: Kind of hard to find but old school british comedy with around 12 eps, each ep is absolutely hilarious, probably the funniest show ever made.

Supernatural: Its the new Buffy really. Sam and Dean, two guys fighting demons and hunting a demon that killed their mother. funny, sharp, and very well plotted. And I've heard from my sister the guys are incredibly hot>_>

Ugly Betty: This is kind of hard to recommend, the shows not very good (the first season was decent), its kind of stupid and the plot is incredibly draggy but its still funny, well made and well dressed?


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yay its finally friday!! ^^ i cant wait to watch 친구 and 인기가요 this weekend :DDD


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Thank you, thank you, thank you for recomending City Hall...my girlfriend and I managed to finished the whole drama in 3 days.........love it...beside the chemistry between the leads...the writting was so witty...made us laugh, made me cry...
According to everyone's opinion, my next drama will be 9E20 even I am not a baseball fan..I am watching Dream and have a hard time watching fighting scence so with all other good dramas that is violence or scary...I have to pass...so damn chicken but I can't help it.
I left Seattle few days ago for Whitefish Montana...beautiful time of the year...lots of thunders this morning but the sun is shinning and ahhhh.....fresh air. Have a great weekend everyone....


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My favorite US show might be How I Met Your Mother. It's a sitcom, and it's been compared to Friends, but IMO it's so much more clever. First off, the story is being told from the future. The main character is telling his children the story of how he met their mother--so everything is a flashback to our present time. Sounds confusing, but it's not. All of the little side stories they tell are so true, and hilarious. It's often something you've done, but never really thought of. Like how when you meet someone from your past (say a high school friend) you revert back to the person you were in when you met them. They call this "revertigo."


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@34 lb_tmi - i actually didn't pick up FTLY until it was halfway done airing so i only had to catch the last few RAW when i didn't want to wait for subs. My mandarin isn't that great but good enough to get the general gist of what was going on. I think later on i went back and re-watched subbed to see if i missed out on anything. I remember watching Heaven's Wedding Dress when it was airing on tv like 4 years ago haha. I don't know if it's the main girl I can't stand or what but I didn't really like it (except for Ming Dao - LOVED him). Then again I didn't watch the entire thing, just episodes here and there.

@37 ockoala - JERRY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE CAST AS YIN XIONG?! seriously? god that would have been horrible. thank God he turned it down ahah... not only did we get mark chao as one of the main leads, ... but WE GOT MARK CHAO AS ONE OF THE MAIN LEADS!! ha :) *drool* ya his dad plays one of the police chiefs. he's totally old school. I know on his dramawiki page there's very little listed, but he has a pretty big resume and is pretty respected.

@mishane - SPUFFY LOVE!! :o) god i adored that show.. it's still just so great - after so many years too!

Re: american TV - man i don't watch it anymore! i guess NCIS is the only one i watch on a regular basis. and Smallville. I stopped watching it after season 2 i think, but picked it up again last season (season 8) cuz of the Green Arrow played by the ridiculously hot Justin Hartley.


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@ ockoala..

Jerry Yan? really? OMG!! that would have been total FAIL!!! had he been able to do B&W. i trudged thru Meteor Garden because of Vic (my first F4 experience) and HATED Jerry in there. if there is anything that has him, i run FAR FAR AWAY!! something about him just irks me.. really bad. idk what it is.. he just does.

i did read on some of the comments at viikii that Mark was the chief's son.. but i thought the comments meant in the drama.. so i kept watching for that to come up in the plot.. so i finally figured it was in real life. DUH!

i LOVE how Vic has gotten better and better in his career!! from the first time i saw him on-screen in MG, til B&W.. he just gets better and better.. and damn he's getting even more gorgeous too!!

@ lovenyc52

stolen ashes of CJS is just crazy!!! i was so mad when i read that too!!! but they supposedly have someone their looking at as the suspect.. so i hope they catch him. my question is.. it was reported that one of her managers or family had gone to visit her after having a dream about her just a few days prior to the report of the theft, and there was no mention that that person saw any damage. yet now they are reporting that the ashes were stolen around the 2-4th of august, a week before the family/friend went to visit CSJ.. who would do something like that? i mean, just leave the lady alone. She had such a horrible last few months and she still can't rest in peace.. what is this world coming to?


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@ 20 mishane

So, fellow Spuffy-shipper, my recommendations for US shows, in no particular order:

Veronica Mars - most underrated show since Buffy, best bad boy-good girl chemistry since a certain Spike showed up on screen, witty Joss Whedon-level dialogue.

Lost - second CrimemasterGogo's description, but you must be prepared to watch ALL of it.

Battlestar Galactica - best show ever employing the use of science fiction elements. I would insert Firefly as well, but since it was cancelled, the incompleteness of what would have been possibly the crowning glory of Whedon's oeuvre makes me hesitate.

Felicity - ever wondered what it would have been like to attend college in NYC in the late-90s? Look no further, it's all here, every perfectly captured college experience and memory. (though, I must confess, Felicity turned down my alma mater to attend the fictional University of New York, so I'm sorta peeved, but not really, cuz I also made my way to NY for school eventually).

@ lb_tmi and lovenyc52

Yes, we three must thank our lucky stars that Jerry Yan's schedule was too full to commit to B&W (seriously, that made my head spin - too many movies/dramas want Jerry?), so that Mark stepped in. Mark also says he needed to thank Vic for taking him under his wing and being so patient with him. Vic and Mark, please make another drama together, after the Blakc & White movie, of course.

Major spoiler coming on B&W:

Ha ha, if the police chief had been written as Mark's dad on screen as well as in real life, then Mark and/or Vic would have had, I dunno, how many "father" changes? 3, 4?


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@ mishane - British shows rock!!! I love: Skins - waaay better than Gossip Girl & 90210; Hustle, Hotel Babylon

I've also been watching Leverage because I love a good Robin Hood/con story and its entertaining. Christian Kane(aka Lindsey from Angel) is on there - yummy, but its all fluff. Dollhouse is typical Whedon - starts slow but there's an overarcing story, so wait for it to kick in.

Oooh, wasn't going to watch Caprica cuz BSG was so damn good, but now they gave me a reason - they just cast James Marsters!!!!! 3 story arc so far, but damn it, must watch Spike...BTW, loved him in Torchwood!

Can't really think what else I'm watching - in the kworld, I've just been watching variety shows. Does anyone have the old Xman series with subtitles? I can't find them anywhere, not even on soompi!


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@ b020
Are the links all down at Soompi? :O I remember they had all the episodes there, at least in LQ format. I only downloaded really random episodes in LQ (had a 20gb monthly bandwidth limit back then), so I don't have much I can offer you. I think the lovely ladies at Aja-aja have all (or most?) of the episodes up in HQ, though!

I've been catching random episodes of Family Outing on Youtube, and some of the episodes are so funny. I finally understand why so many people were obsessed over it a while ago. The Lee Jun Ki episode is the best one I've seen so far; that part where Jun Ki/Ye Jin/Chun Hee/Soo Ro danced in the bamboo forest was hilarious.


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@ 42 Gallivanter
I LOVE HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER! I agree it's like Friends but much more clever and has a lot more heart to it. And I can connect with it better from the hilarious bawdy jokes to those serious moments of reflection that you can totally relate to. It feels so much more real and substantial than your average sitcom. i love love love this show! i have the dvds in my dvd player most of the time.

@ 38 Lemoncat
I'm actually rooting for Beo JIn's 10 year sister and Park Kyu. sounds gross right? just imagine, 10 years from now...Beo Jin's little sister will be an awesome 20 year old and then it'd be okay! Park Kyu just needs to wait for her to grow up! I haven't read the manhwa but i'm pretty sure Beo Jin and William will get together because the summary only mentions them and i think Beo Jin wants to travel. She's sort of like a misfit on the island.


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@ 39 CrimemasterGogo

Thanks for the recs! I'm excited about Dexter, I've heard so many good things about it.

House. . .I do like it but I'm looking for non-formulatic shows right now.

Lost. I'm iffy on starting that. REALLY IFFY. It has so much fan love but. . .maybe I'll wait until the series is over before doing a marathon.

I like everything else you recc'd except for Supernatural and OTH/OC. The OC was good the first season and then it slipped into melodramatic territory. I hated OTH. I don't know why. And Supernatural. I heard so many good things about it, but I look for women in my dramas and there were no women. :(


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@ 45 ockoala

I ADORED Veronica Mars. Well, I had a love hate relationship with it. But mostly love. :)

I don't know why but I've never been a big sci-fi fan. Weird. Hmmm. . .

I loved Felicity when it first came out but then I got busy in high school and just didn't have the change to catch up. I heard the series finale was WHACK. She did some magic to go back into time? Does anyone know who she picked at the end?

To whoever recc'd How I Met Your Mother. . .I ADORE THAT SHOW. After Friends went off the air I wailed at not having any more funny shows/sitcoms to watch. HIMYM changed that. SO FUNNY.

To b020, I loved the first season of Skins but hadn't gotten the chance to watch the second season. Need to get on that.

Was 6 Feet Under any good? I heard it was but I don't want anything too creepy or strange. I still need to watch The Sopranos. Can't believe I've never seen an episode of that.


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