My Fair Lady: Episode 3

Yeah, I thought Episode 3 was pretty rough. If not outright bad, then definitely clumsy and weirdly set up.

It had some cute points, but I’m hoping Episode 4 is a marked improvement. And now that we’re three episodes in, I think I have enough sense of the series to say that this is going to be another entry into the group of “fun but not amazing.” Oh well. Can’t win them all, so may as well sit back and enjoy what we get.


Yoon Eun-hye – “Dash Girl” from the My Fair Lady OST. [ Download ]

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Our main trio of Hae-na, Dong-chan, and Tae-yoon face off outside the restaurant, and Hae-na learns that Tae-yoon was the date her grandfather had set up for her, and bristles. She has no interest in going on arranged dates! But her pride takes a hit when Tae-yoon pleasantly responds that isn’t interested, either. At this dismissal, Dong-chan pretends to be outraged on Hae-na’s behalf, but truthfully he’s glad that a potential rival is out of the picture.

Tae-yoon’s rejection of the date is very polite and said with a smile. so it doesn’t anger Hae-na. On the contrary, she’s perturbed and even disappointed.

Despite feeling a stirring of interest in Tae-yoon, she’s not happy about her grandfather’s meddling, and threatens to move out if he keeps forcing her on arranged dates. Later, she loses herself in thought thinking of him. (Even if he isn’t like her first love Jun-su, perhaps in her mind she’s still conflating the two people.)

Tae-yoon grows angry to see a television report announcing that the Yoo Sang Group is undergoing mass restructuring and layoffs (since Yoo Sang is his family’s corporation). People are out in the street protesting the decision, and given the prominence of the company, the story makes a splash in the news.

Tae-yoon is also invited to a Kang San-related launching show for Su-ah’s fashion line. He’s not particularly interested in attending the function, but Su-ah has set her sights on him. She isn’t deterred to know that he was set up with Hae-na, because she figures that if he’s going on arranged dates in the first place, that must mean he’s open to meeting women in general. Like her.

Su-ah prepares for her launching show, happy to bask in the attention until Hae-na shows up and (literally) steals the spotlight. Hae-na’s presence makes a splash and Su-ah is not happy; the two cousins trade barbs, sniping about each other’s lack of fashion sense and taste, etc.

(Hae-na, predictably, wins the verbal bout, calling Su-ah’s look unfashionable. I find it a little unbelievable that Su-ah’s supposed to be less attractive and less desirable than Hae-na — she’s called stick-skinny and overly plastic — but I suppose the true difference is in the way they carry themselves. Hae-na may be horribly rude, but she’s confident, while Su-ah reeks of desperation and trying-too-hard-itis.)

We see the same inferiority complex reflected in Su-ah’s mother, Mi-ok — she has married well and is now rich, but when she spies Eui-joo’s mother Seung-ja, she scrambles to hide. (Seung-ja is here to provide floral decorations.) Apparently the two mothers knew each other from their university days, and trade snarky insults back and forth.

Tae-yoon arrives in the entry hall, and asks Eui-joo for directions to the event. Eui-joo guides him there, not realizing that this is the important lawyer that Su-ah has demanded that Eui-joo bring to her directly upon his arrival. She discovers his identity belatedly when Director Kang Chul-gu, Su-ah’s father, greets him enthusiastically. Tae-yoon has actually come for a courtesy business call, as he and Kang San Group have settled upon a resolution in the golf course matter.

Meanwhile, Hae-na stalls at the party, looking around and hoping Tae-yoon will arrive. As she waits, she runs into her obnoxious blind date from the first episode, who again tries to hit on her. She again finds him repulsive and trips him, which causes him to collide with the food table. He fumes, humiliated and covered in food.

Dong-chan, on the other hand, is eager to be gone. Under constant pressure to repay his debt within the allotted month, he needs to make Hae-na fall in love with him soon so she can pay off his debt, and any love rivals are therefore unwelcome. He wants to get her away before Tae-yoon can impress her some more.

As Dong-chan ushers Hae-na out of the party, he looks around for some gangster types, whom he has hired as part of his plan to win Hae-na over. He imagines acting the hero when they threaten Hae-na, which will enable him to jump in and “rescue” her. Thus when a trio of thugs approach menacingly, Dong-chan prepares to put on his show.

Too bad these aren’t the guys he hired. Unbeknownst to him, Hae-na’s rebuffed date has not taken kindly to being sent crashing into the buffet table, and has hired some ruffians to teach Hae-na a lesson.

Dong-chan soon figures out that something isn’t right. He grabs Hae-na’s arm and the two run away, only to be cornered again. Dong-chan mutters to Hae-na that he’ll create a diversion by launching himself at the big guy, while she is to run to safety and call police. For a brief moment, Hae-na shows concern, not wanting to leave him to get beaten up. In the end, she does as instructed — but is stopped and restrained by a newcomer.

Thankfully, this is Tae-yoon, who sizes up the situation and jumps in to help. Wonder Twin powers activate!

The two successfully fight off the thugs, and when it’s over, Dong-chan has new, albeit grudging, respect for his unexpected assistant. He and Hae-na thank Tae-yoon for his help. Hae-na’s initial interest has by now grown even greater; she looks up at him hopefully rather than with the disdain usually offered to those around her.

Dong-chan clocks Hae-na’s admiration of Tae-yoon with dismay. This is not part of his plan, and complicates his goal considerably. Time to step things up.

First, he sets the stage with a romantic scene: a late-night serenade. What saves this attempt at romance from being unbearably cheesy is Dong-chan’s surreptitious glance as Hae-na approaches, letting us know that this show is for her benefit. He sits at the piano pretending to play for his own enjoyment while waiting for her to stumble across his display of sensitivity and skill.

He opens with a pop ballad: American pop song “Hello.” (And maybe this isn’t a funny moment, but I think anyone else who is recalling Lionel Richie’s blind-love music video is cracking up right about now.)

Yet Dong-chan doesn’t even get a chance to impress Hae-na, because instead of listening to the song, she makes a request. He can’t play the SNSD song she wants, nor does he know the Wonder Girls’ “Nobody.” Obviously he has a limited repertoire, and wasn’t counting on deviating from it.

Hae-na explains that she’s still awake because she’s having trouble sleeping. It’s because she’s full of thoughts of Tae-yoon, but she gives the excuse that her room is too warm because the air conditioning unit is broken. Eager to continue his seduction, Dong-chan offers to fix the unit — and even manages a calculated fall in order to land on top of her, as we so often seen in other kdrama situations.

She isn’t affected in the least, so he takes a moment to regroup in the bathroom. He imagines the smooth moves he will pull, practicing alone — which is how head butler Mr. Jang finds him. (That puts a quick end to Dong-chan’s plan for the night.)

Eager to see Tae-yoon again, Hae-na goes shopping for gifts to offer as a thank-you gift. She delivers the expensive clothing in person, disappointed to find that Tae-yoon is not currently at the office. His partner Su-ho decides to take advantage of the moment to get Hae-na to sign her name to a document — it’s an official statement of protest to Yoo San Group’s layoffs. Happy to oblige him, Hae-na signs.

(In issuing this statement, Tae-yoon is taking on Yoo Sang Group, which is essentially a public declaration that he is opposing his own family and siding with the common people instead.)

After waiting a while in anxious anticipation, Hae-na is thrilled to receive a call from Tae-yoon. She meets him at a restaurant, expecting thanks for the gift, and is therefore put out at his polite refusal. Tae-yoon relates a story about the first time he felt the difference between him and ordinary people, and says, “Money is a frightening thing, and shameful.” He points out she also lives a special life: “Have you never felt ashamed?”

Hae-na occupies the complete opposite end of the spectrum, because she frankly thinks he’s going too far in making a statement by rejecting his family’s status to live as he does now. He admits that it may be excessive to live like this, but he’s satisfied: “At least I know what it is I should be ashamed of.” He feels there are many ways one can express one’s feelings other than with money. This method — her expensive gift — is a method he chooses to decline.

While accompanying Su-ah to the mansion, Eui-joo crosses paths with Dong-chan, shocked to see him working there. He had told her he was the president’s secretary, so naturally she’s upset that he’d lied. He answers that he’d felt embarrassed to admit that the job was as Hae-na’s personal assistant.

Later that night, Dong-chan is performing errands in the wine cellar when he hears a sound. Turning the corner, he finds Hae-na crouched on the ground, struggling to open a bottle of wine (having already gone through a bottle or so).

Dong-chan sees that she’s feeling depressed, and he’s not feeling too great himself, with Eui-joo now rejecting his calls. At Hae-na’s invitation, he joins her in the drinking, and admits that he’s feeling down after lying to a close friend. He doesn’t get into the details, explaining that his problem is prompted by a lack of money, and that’s something Hae-na can’t understand.

That comment definitely strikes a chord, given Hae-na’s recent encounter with Tae-yoon. Tearing up, Hae-na tells him that contrary to popular belief, money isn’t a problem she can’t understand — after all, even today she was hurt over the issue of money. She asks bitterly, “Is it a crime for me to have money?”

Just then, they’re interrupted by a giggling couple — a maid and a manservant — who have entered the cellar for some wine and sexy times. This particular couple has been sneaking around the house for a while, shirking duties and sneaking bottles of wine. Dong-chan shushes Hae-na and leads her away quietly to avoid being seen while the servants carry on, none the wiser.

Drunk and giddy, Hae-na and Dong-chan run out onto the lawn, enjoying the night air and letting off some steam from their respective bad days. Eventually they end up sitting on a bench together, facing the lake that separates them from the mansion. Sleepily slurring, Hae-na grumbles over Tae-yoon dumping her. This time, when Dong-chan says she should forget Tae-yoon and not meet him again, she agrees — just before she falls asleep on Dong-chan’s shoulder.

Dong-chan takes Hae-na back to the house and puts her to bed, looking at her with a newfound expression; it suggests that he feels an unexpected twinge of emotion at witnessing her vulnerability.

That feeling continues in the morning, and is a bit unsettling for Dong-chan, who was not expecting this development. First, Hae-na surprises not only him but the entire staff by stepping in when Mr. Jang and Ms. Jung interrogate the staff about the missing wine. The guilty maid and manservant gulp nervously, but Hae-na announces that she had drunk the wine, thereby letting the culprits off the hook. (However, she does tell the sneaky couple sharply that they don’t make a good couple.)

Trouble strikes again when news of Hae-na’s involvement in the Yoo Sang protest hits the news. Her signature on the statement has become known, and as she is the heir to Kang San Group, her unthinking participation has taken on symbolic and political overtones. Grandpa Kang is deeply troubled, thinking Tae-yoon manipulated his way to them to use them for his own gain. Hae-na insists that she signed of her own will, and that Tae-yoon had no knowledge of it.

Tae-yoon is likewise unhappy to hear the latest hubbub, and accuses Su-ho angrily of taking advantage of the situation. Did he really expect someone like Hae-na to be fully aware of the implications of signing? He shouldn’t have manipulated her — and furthermore, now Tae-yoon has incurred a wrong against her.

But first, he has to deal with another angry complication: His brother storms into the office, furious for his public opposition of the family, and for bringing Hae-na, another public figure, into the issue. Hae-na, who has come to see Tae-yoon, pauses in the doorway at the mention of her own name. Tae-yoon’s brother slaps him, though Tae-yoon reacts coolly, saying it’s been ages since they’ve acted like a true family.

When the air grows increasingly heated, Hae-na steps forward and defends Tae-yoon — he didn’t know she had signed the document. She’d done that willingly, of her own accord.

Close to his boiling point, Tae-yoon storms out. Hae-na follows him down the hall, ignoring him when he tells her they’ll talk later, and criticizes him for perpetuating his family rift.

When she calls him foolish, he stops, pushes her against the wall, and struggles to tamp down his anger as he asks, “Do you like me?” After all, she follows him around, signed his statement, and is pestering him — what other reason might she have?

That may be the truth, but Hae-na’s not ready to admit it, so she tries to walk away with her pride intact. Tae-yoon holds her there, until suddenly, Tae-yoon is whirled around and punched.

Dong-chan stands there, fuming, and growls, “Take your hands off her!”


Ugh, sorry, but Yoon Eun-hye really isn’t suited to the snooty half of her character. When she shows anything other than arrogance or disdain, I like her — e.g., crying, feeling vulnerable, showing emotion. Yet I cringe every time she opens her mouth to utter a “cutting” phrase, and it’s so uncomfortable. She is so obviously acting; the connection isn’t there, and it comes off like she’s merely reciting lines with a practiced pout.

It’s funny that the young Wang Seok-hyun, playing little Su-min, does the snobby aristocrat better than Yoon Eun-hye. He’s not a better actor (and I don’t expect that much at his age), but he feels more real as an upper-class jerk-in-the-making.

In this episode, we start seeing the signs of attachment developing between Hae-na and Dong-chan. It’s on both ends, but I tend to prefer when the guy likes the girl first (perhaps because the earlier kdrama trend always had the girl fall first), and Dong-chan’s feelings for Hae-na are developing at a quicker rate than Hae-na’s. I don’t quite sense a romantic vibe between them yet, but I like their comfortable interactions together. I’m hoping the next set of episodes takes us away from the Boys Before Flowers-like jokiness and more into the characters’ relationships. (The staff shenanigans, for instance, seem to me a woeful waste of time.)


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wow JB, you sure know how to get a heated argument going on - bash YEH and you get some angry fans and non fans hating on each other.

I personally found the whole drama a drag. The plot is the major flaw and then comes the actors' performance.

I see potential, and the ratings are helping the drama a whole lot in terms of fueling attention. I hope to see more of Hae-Na's story and her past relationship with that mysterious ex-boyfriend of hers.


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hi, Is this a new korean drama update?


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Hae na's mansion is also the house of Goo Jun Pyo!hahaha


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Su-min is so adorable I just want to pinch his cheeks.

I'm a huge fan of YEH but I have to say she is just too "down to earth" for this role. She's just not uppity and bitchy enough. Yet without YEH, I doubt this drama would get this much attention especially with such a boring script.


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@ chocolate
"If you say that the acting of the supporting cast is better, when all JIW did in this drama thusfar is acting cutesy and smiling uneccesarily like he is some sort of a retarded alien, or YSH’s constant annoying yelling/exagerrated acting, if you still call all that good acting… or better acting, then YOU seriously need to get your eyes checked."

Before you start whipping out the insults, reread my comment. I said supporting cast. Jung Il Woo and Yoon Sang Hyun are the second male lead and male lead, respectively. They do not count for supporting cast. I never even mentioned their names, so if you somehow thought I was referring to them, then YOU need to get your eyes checked.

For the count, Yoon Sang Hyun has completely underwelmed me after how likeable he was in Queen of Housewives. His overacting is abominable. I'm pretty apathetic towards Jung Il Woo's portrayal of Tae Yoon so far, partly because I haven't seen much of him yet.

"If you are going to criticize be constructive and be less biased about it so that it can be discussed like civilized adults."

And you're discussing like a civilized adult? Please. I have already expressed what is wrong with Yoon Eun Hye's portrayal thus far, and I don't see how I'm "biased." Where did that come from? I'm fan of NONE of the cast, although I think Moon Chae Won is criminally underused here, so I'm biased towards...? I have no interest whatsoever in discussing with you if you can't even reply without being rude.


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This drama feels very "disney" and I don't feel the chemistry between the three main characters. YEH is adorable and can pull off many over the top, tacky fashions. Even when she is acting bitchy, she's cute. Dong Chan is really really annoying. I don't like the actor or the character. Tae Yoon is too pretty. I wish they would give the male characters a more manly hair style. So far I don't like this drama.


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i actually liked this episode. yoon sang hyun's charisma and the adorable little young master" is enough to distract me from yoon eun hye's poor acting. actually thing about this drama i think is that it hits me like more of a jdrama then a kdrama. so far, it's more comedy and wacky , mangalike plots and less emotional like a traditional kdrama. so it would apeal more to some than others according to taste. for me, that makes it ok, cute. but if it continues that way it probably won't end up on my favourites list. i thought the parking lot bit was entertaining and i totally saw the chemistry between them when they were playing out the garden (it's totally funny how i'll watch it online and people are like "i hate the butler" because they're biased towards Jung Il Woo lol.)


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I think YEH has to stop doing this kind of drama for a while and step up further by taking a challenge for staring in a serious drama. It's not doing any good for her acting development/improvement if she's keep doing this. Yes, with her popularity every drama she is starred will always have good rating (no doubt about it), but it won't help her acting skill much. Although some people/commenter said that she's not good in portraying a spoilt, bitchy character in this drama but I see some potential there. I think with a good PD and a better scriptwriting (like in CP) she will show them her real talent. And I doubt it will be showed in this drama, since there're too many exaccegerate & unnecesary scenes.


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I dropped this drama after episode 2. :l
I don't know if I'll go back to it.


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that's a great recap thnx javabeans -- i can't wait till dong chan & hae na shows their romantic side in this drama! i wld like for them to end up together. i quite agree with your assessment of eun yeh's acting in this series, and let's hope during the course of the next episodes that she'll feel more comfortable with her acting and role she's portraying in this drama. as usual i'm quite pleased with yoon sang's acting and role here and hope the ratings are good as we speak.
happy w/end everyone or hang bokhan haru bone saeyo!!


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was rather disappointed too.

i think hye-na's character is inconsistent and so made-up.
dong-chan's imagination was a big no-no; and i must agree to some degree that his voice and tone tend to be annoying. i don't fancy his character either, maybe his charm would come out later. and i don't find their interaction amazing either. flat.

maybe it supposes to be more comedy than romance, but i don't find it funny either. a lot of the scenes were unnatural for me. feels like they scramble everything together and hope it'd make a fine brunch. and i think they fail the cooking process...


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I agree with those who think YEH isn't doing a bad job. She might not be stellar, but I still believe that she is acting decently. WHY? Because she is acting more like a BRAT rather than a SNOB.

There are many ways to portray a snotty character and you dont ALWAYS have to represent them as an ice cold bitch (like Kim Hye Soo represents Park Ki Ja in Style, for example). Kang Hae Na is supposed to be spoiled, selfish, and bratty IN ADDITION to being a snob. Her cutting remarks dont have the same effect, partly because of YEH's acting, yes, but also because her character is portrayed as more of a childish brat rather than a frigid hieress.

Proof of this is how other people respond to her. The grandfather and all the staff in the house respond to Hae Na much the way you would to a stubborn child. They're obliging, careful, and eager to please... but they don't actually seem truly AFRAID of her. They're afraid of losing their jobs... but dont seem to really fear her.

YEH is acting a different character from what some people expected. I would liken her character to the one Lee Seung Gi played in Shining Inheritance... and because of that, I don't have very many complaints. Just my opinion.


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@ 57 "think is that it hits me like more of a jdrama then a kdrama. so far, it’s more comedy and wacky , mangalike plots and less emotional like a traditional kdrama. so it would apeal more to some than others according to taste"

That's weird ! I tend to like more Jdrama than Kdrama. I like Hana Kimi, Hana yori Dango, Tantei Gakuen q, Otomen (for instance) ect... and their comedy, mangalike plots ect... (which tend to do not too many unecessary scenes) but in the case of MFL something wrong. I think the makers wanted to do a "BOF 2" what is odd !


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whatever people say about the actor, actress, plot, qualitiy, etc..I dont care...No need to fight . everybody have their own judgement and choices.
Just watch them if you wan't to, no need to push everyone to believe your opinion. As myself I can't wait to see next episode..I was entertained by them..and thankfull to you,Sara, who write the recap...


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First of all, i'd like to thank javabeans for the recap ^^

Anyway, skimming through the other comments reminded me of the BBF craze where everyone freely stated there disagreements. The bashing & praising never ends. And that's what i find so entertaining after reading the enjoyable recaps. This site never fails in that aspect.

Onto my opinions. Through Goong and Coffee Prince, i found YEH as an excellent actress. She was able to portray a girly princess-in-love and transform into a tomboy struggling for money. But i gotta admit that she wasn't able to pull-off a rich-bitch character. It was sorta awkward seeing her raise an eyebrow and recite her line. Maybe its because she built up her career playing lovable, friendly characters that i can't seem to see her in a new light. There's still time for improvement though, i hope >.< I think many are quite disappointed in her because of overly high expectations since her mega-hit in Coffe Prince..

more on the other actors/actresses later.. gonna go watch episode 4 now..


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hi, where can I watch this drama.


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hahaha I am so dying of laughter reading all the comments. People are really getting heated about this drama! In my opinion no matter what people think and say this drama is going to do well seeing from the high ratings so far.
YEH as KHN is struggling, YSH as SDC is overacting and loud, JIW is...I am not exactly sure what he is! lol
Even so, I watch this drama and I am having fun because of how funny it is. BOF was another drama that I enjoyed but the leads were aweful...except LMH as GJP.
Anyways, I am glad there is this drama on Wednesdays and Thursday for me to watch. It is very light and funny. With Queen Seon Duk, I have enough to think about!!!! lol


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@ Lemoncat :

I find your comments to be quite fair and constructive.


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There's so much heated comments here...anyway, thanks javabeans for recapping.

After I saw the first 2 episodes, I decided to watch this drama for what it is, light and fun. The acting and the plot is not the best but its decent so far. I'll continue to watch. Who knows, maybe it'll get better, maybe not.


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Dong-shan has not endeared me yet. He's too clownish.
Hae-na - tiresome
Tae-yoon - rocks
The rest of the support cast - good

Episode 4 has to make a transition or I'm out of this one.


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@ Lily

You may like Ikebukuro West Gate Park - you can get it with english subs from

I like jdrama's and I loved this one! Utahime is also first rate.

There is another one I watched a couple of years ago ... Tatta Hitotsu no Koi with Kamenashi Kazuya which I cried through the entire thing. That one is not so easy to find.


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i really don't see how DC is annoying or how Yoon Sang Hyun is overacting....Seo jung from Style...now that's annoying THAT'S overacting. i mean he does his job he acts the part quite well. this character isn't as likable as "Tea Bong", but that's not his fault... truthfully, most characters aren't. also i don't remember any instances where DC was over the top...he reacts to bad things that happens to him like he' supposed to. I think people just don't like the fact that he's older than the two other leading casts....


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Its strange but there 100 % more chemistry between Dong Chan and Tae Yoon than Dong Chan and Hae Na. Too bad this drama doesn't swing that way, it would be so much more intriguing than it is right now. Right now Tae Yoon is better suited for Hae Na because he influences her to be a better person and as equals. Dong Chan is just as bratty as she is and he seems more like the type that wants to be the big man in the relationship.


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Hi dramabeans - I love your blog. This is my first comment, I've been lurking so far.

I admit I was curious to see how YEH would do in this role when I heard about it, after her very different, down-to-earth characters in Goong and Coffee Prince, both of which portrayals I loved. But I'm disappointed to see her acting in this. In a way it's not her fault - I think she was seriously miscast. At least the way the script was written. Who knows, if it had been written and directed better she may nave been able to pull this character off. Her scenes in the first two episodes were kind of painful to watch. Only in this episode, when she showed a bit of humanity, did she seem a bit real.

The actor who plays Dong Chan is better - or he was in the first ep. Now he seems to yell all the time... kind of annoying and strange. Also, what is is with him grabbing her hand at the end of each episode? Actually what's with the hand-grabbing thing in kdramas in general? Is the girl supposed to enjoy being dragged around by the guy she eventually falls for? Lol, sorry, I digress.

Anyway. The premise is different and interesting, but like you said, it doesn't look like it's going to be a great drama.

You're doing a great job with the blog. :)


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problem is the major character flaw, overused plot, and weak scriptwriting. as a 'patented' biatch, Hae-Na is not acting true to form.

All her helpers bow down to her and shivers when they hear her presence, yet she allows Dong Chan whom she hates to yell at her. She can't fire him as per her grandpa's order but as a brat, she'll have her way just like when she ran over DC's truck. She's a person who doesn't care as long as she gets what she wants. I don't understand why Dong Chan who was hired as a butler became her PA and she allows him to tag along with her when she meets friends, attend parties or functions instead of him waiting outside in the car or at home. Even secret service detail of presidential kids don't stay beside their ward all the time. Besides, brats don't look at their hired help as 'man' or 'woman'. Bratty boss don't tolerate their help's condescending attitude, being told to and getting comfortable with them. Paid minions stay at a far distance from the boss.

I enjoy watching tho' Hae-Na's fashion parade but gets confused with her varying and inconsistent hair length. Acting wise? They're over the top and definitely all of them don't vie for any reputable award in this drama, in the worst category maybe :D


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so i just finished watching ep 3 and the two pennies i'm throwing into mix are:

YEH's varying hair length is far too intriguing! (how does she do it...O_O)


but not as cute as the Little Master- he is just the most awesome thing about the show so far haha!

I feel like Jung's character and Butler Seo (canny remember his actual name) is like serious vs fun times and I think it's interesting how you've got an actual poor person vs someone who could be scuberly rich but is now living it large/small as a plebe (reminds me of 'Common People' by Pulp) although cos it's Jung you've got the righteous thing going on too (but I digress!) What I mean to say is that it's an interesting dynamic although when I step back and think about it, it's still rich vs poor and it's a dichotomy that is almost employed in every kdrama O_o (oh the romanticisation of relationships fuelled by social class tensions....)

So, even though lots of people are hating it, I'm quite liking the frivolity of the show and am not taking seriously at all :) Having said that I've just handed in my masters thesis today so I've been looking forward to brain zappage for the last two months- this is perfect!


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@ Lily "I also think it’s not a problem of “two years without acting ” thing but YEH has never acted this kind of character (cold, bitch, rich, a bit domyoji-like). So she can’t act like that but only characters who look like her !

So what you're saying is that YEH's character in Coffee Prince is ressembling her image in real life? PLEASE! Go Eun Chan was nothing like the real Yoon Eun Hye, but she still managed to portray her character very well. I really don't understand how you can say that she could only act characters that looked like her...It makes absolutely no sense to me.

Personnaly, I think that YEH is doing a good (but not amazing) job, but let's wait and see if she'll improve in the next few episodes. I'm sure that she won't dissapoint us. YEH fighting! Anyways, thanks for the recap JB :)


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I feel like this is Boys Before Flowers #2, which I stopped watching after ep 6. I watched ep 3 and found myself doing other stuff while watching it, which I never do when watching dramas. I skipped ep 4 and only watched the last scene of ep 4 and the preview for ep 5, which made me think the story didn't progress much in ep 4, either. Yoon Sang-hyun and Jung Il-woo (regardless of how good of an actor they are) not being my type isn't helping, either, and YEH doesn't seem fit for this type of character. Of course the biggest problem is the script. Pretty disappointing because I was so looking forward to this.


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thanks for the recap!
@73 Jane. I also felt that there was more chemistry between TaeYoon and DongChan...but then maybe it is because i had read the recent Frozen Flower recap here


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I thought this episode was soo hilarious when they all got out and started fighting those gangster guys...

The two guys, Dong Chan and Tae Yoon are just so charming! I wish I had both those guys were fighting for me..Lawyer Tae Yoon is just so cute and so nice.. When He smiles.. i want to melt. ( Okay, I'll stop with the giddiness now)

I agree with you Dramabeans, the little man, Su Min plays a better aristocrat, He's always speaking french and even though he's a small guy, he hold his head high and don't let anyone try to walk over him.. Its cute how he's got a small liking to Haena, but she just brushes him like her lil baby cousin.

The episodes I think are getting more funny, I guess thats what makes this drama interesting to me, how everything is just too hilarious.

Thank you for posting!


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I have no comment about all your comment. I watch this drama because after tired working and job problem the first thing I want to do is watch My Fair Lady. The reason is the drama funny and my tiresome will gone. I agree about DeCaf comment. After reading all your comment I feel disappointment not because of this drama, acting or whatever. Disappointment because what we looking for have not been found. A lot of drama have same pattern the difference is the PLOT. Sometimes the scene remind us another drama scene. We are so hunger to something different. I hope after My Fair Lady another drama IRIS will show us very different drama. The different one Drama. Monday and Tuesday nothing fun to watch. Wednesday and Thursday it is fun watch My Fair Lady. Saturday and Sunday it is absolutely hilarious watch The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House. All my tired will gone.


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i watch all the 4 ep.at viikii so far i m liking the drama my be coz i m addicted with romantic/comedy drama,it is so fun to watch,i like all the cast they are so fun i even try to repeat the seen when DC sing to heyna really yoon eun hye like a goddess in those pajama she wear..to long to wait for a week....but any way it's WORTH TO WAIT.......................


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absolutely agree. I watch it but do not feel like it is desirable, yet another BOF (which I think is famous but can't evoke unstoppable emotion like other K drama)
I also think, they are so rush in pairing up Hae na and Dong chan, feel like it is naturally.
I didn't dare to leave a comment like this anywhere before (I was really afraid of tons of intense reactions :D) but now I have to say it out: "I do not like it".
Hope My fair lady has something different from BOF.


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sorry, I type " I do not like it" that I mean " I do not like BOF".


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I have already watched IWGP but I will try to watch Utahime. Thanks for the info.


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@ 77
When you watch coffee prince the only thing which distinguish YEH of GEC is the tomboy side and maybe their stories. Otherwise you can see that personalitywise (bubbly, nice, daring, humble, sensible, warm, talk quickly ect...) GEC looks like too much YEH ! dare to say the contrary. And you find these characteristics in the others characters YEH acted (Goong, TVM). HN character is another level for YEH !


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This drama so far isn't exactly what you can call a good drama (in terms of its typical storyline), but it's very entertaining to watch.

And I think I'm rooting for the Jung Il Woo + Moon Chae Won couple instead, especially after their interaction at the shoe launching party. They have great chemistry just standing next to each other :]


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yoon eun hye as hye na role on this drama was so much complicated,she need to be a rich brat,lovable,cute,a sweet girl,a strong woman,, the PD really make hye na to much complicated.ITS REALLY A ONE OF KIND ROLE TO PORTRAIT,coz eun hye need to portrait and show all those emotion per episode,
and i salute her for choosing this project and doing such good job. fighting yoon eun hye ...watching this drama was so much fun, repeating all the 4 ep.make me want more....week it to long to wait......god bless to everyone...


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Still haven't been able to watch this series yet, but if so much of the acting and stuff is flawed, it would seem to suggest that there should be some blame laid on the director. Could this be? What else has this director done?


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a fun drama to watch love it i love romantic comedy plot....


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@90..100% agree with you..People please, this is ROMANTIC COMEDY ...I
think YEH doing well so far ....and love to watch it, even as old age I am.


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come and support our EH and Il Woo here
it's fan group not for sell


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I think we should just respect each others opinion.A lot of people don't like the series and a lot of people like it.


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Pls continue recapping this series! I love it! :D


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@ the song " Dash Girl"

Holy $#!3T!! YEH on autotune LOL who would've thought. SICK! She pulled it off. The katy perry/rihanna beats has gotten even koreans hooked. Nice to hear yeh singing something modern for a change and it fits her character.. an edgy fashionista/B!atch. Nice to see her being open to these kind of songs.


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This might sound weird but for some odd reason I think Jung Il woo and Yeh characters should have been played by eachother, I think YEh would suit more to the humanatarian lawyer and Jung ill woo would make a great snobby rich boy. Unfortuantely it would become too much like BOF perhaps....

And YEH's acting isn't great but the character she's been given is really poor, no originality whatsoever, I don't theink the writers gave much to YEH to make the character stand out.


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62 pinkshades

good point!


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do you where i can watch My Fair Lady eps 3 with Eng subtitle online for free? my cable is off, so i can't watch KBS World.


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